TIIENORPOJUIC NEWS : FRIDAY , MARCE 27,190 : ! , Commissioners and Assessors Confer. AGREE ON ASSESSMENT RATES. Property to bo Listed at Ono > FIfUi Its Actual Gnsh Vnluo Report of Over seer of Poor Fnrm Other County Uuslnoas Transacted. MndlBon , Nob. , Mixroh 17 , 1003. The MMOMorti of Madison county mot with iho county cotmnicBlonorfl pnrmmnt to call. Assessors organized by olootlng John Crook ohnlrnmn unil 0. T. llloh > ardson noorotnry. The following motloiifl were umdo and nurlcd : Tlmt ronl estate bo ossoBHod nt ono-flfth or its aotiml value laud to bo vnluod front $5.00 up. Tlmt personal property bo assessed nt ono-dfth of its aotual value that fnriu and driving liomw bo vnlnod nt $5,00 to 1135.00 ; thivt millions nnil jnoks bo viihuitl nt $100.00 to $500.00 ; thixt npood horses bo valued nt $25.00 to $ , ' 100.00 ; thnt Block cnttlo ( nil iiKOsbo vnluodnt $10.00 to $115.00 ; thnt fnt oiittlo bo vnlnod nt $35.00 to $50.00 ; that thoroughbred cnttlo bo Tnluod nt $35.00 to $80.00 ; thnt mules bo valued thn fliimo ns homos ; thnt Hlioop bo vnlmnl at $3.00 to $5.00 ; that hogs bo asssossod at one-fifth market value oil the first day of April ; thnt grain hold for Hpooulation bo assessed ni one-fifth market value on the llrst dny of April ; thnt all personal property , Including bicycles , automobiles , etc. , bo assessed nt one-fifth notunl vnlao ; thnt telephone lines bo iiBflossod nt $1)5.00 ) per uiilo , double olruult , and $5.00 for oaoh ad ditional circuit. Moved and Bocondod thnt the assessors moot with the county commiRsionorn us nn equalization board on the 13th day of June. Moved and Hcoondod that the county olorlc furnish oaoh assessor with n typo written copy of these proceedings. Oarriud , A motion to adjourn prevailed. JOHN Onooic , O. T. llioitAunsoN , Oha.lrumn. Secretary. Board of county commissioners mot punuiivnt to adjournmeut. All mom- bent present. Minutes of last meeting were toad , nnd on motion , npproved. < \Vni. Lowe , uouuty nurvoyor , was present and umdo n verbal report concerning - corning the copying of the Hold notes of Madison county. The report was , on motion , accented. On motion the following bills were allowed : P. F. Zimmerman , copying flold uotos , oto. , $100.555. W. II. Lowe , comparing and corti- lying to Held notes , oto. , $31U5. City of Madison , olootrio light , $15.31. Bill of Dr. R. R. Kennedy , $131.80 , for treating Tilllo Bolofski , was rejected bocnuso it was not n proper charge against the county. O. W. Oruiu , superintendent , salary for February , $100.00. Orowoll Lumber nud Grain Oo. , Jnniber , $143.15. John Hulff , printing , $0.75. Gns Knul , salary for February nnd court bailiff , $00.00. Dra. Salter and Boar , medical services ( Hngblad ) , $350 00. Martin Kane , fees Stnto vs. Thomp- non , $7.30. Martin Kane , looking after smallpox cases , $38 00. Ohr. tSohavland , witness fooa State vs. \Vebor , * 80 80. Ohr. Sohavlnnd , witness foes Stnto vs. Polonsko , $1WJ.CO. Ohr. Sohnvlaud , witness fees State vs. Witiu , Weber , Polonsko , postage , etc. , fS3.81. Peter Kuott , printing , $13.50 , applied on tux $10.30. balance $3.30. R. L. Osborn , hauling blade grader , $3.00 , applied on tax. P. D. Wright , printing , 439.50. P. D. Wright , printing , $5.00. Dr. Frank Salter , medical services In mallpox oases , $04.50. Mike Richardson , bridge work , $10.00 , applied on tax $3.00 , balance $13.00. Krumm & Warren , lumber $105,70. Dr. S. A. Campbell , modlunl services $7.00 , nppliod on tax. J. J. Olomotits , sheriff , boarding Mills and Weber , jailor's foes , summoning jury , etc. . $330 05. F. E. Martin * printing $15.00 , nppliod on tax $7.35 , balance $7.75. O F. Eiseloy , State vs. Beaty nud Thompson , $7.10. Oa motion board adjourned to 7:30 p. iii. Board met pursuant to adjournment. On motion the following bills were allowed : O. H. Hoyt , caring for Hngblnd $33. Jack Koanigstoin , defending Weber , $50.00. M. D. Tyler , defending Mills , $50.00. W. N. Lund , State vs. Weber $3.15 , applied on tax $1.50 , balance 05 cents. Ole Olson , biidgo work $7.60 , applied on tax $0 40 , balance $1.30. School district No. 15 , rent for elec tion purposes and cleaning school house * 4.00. Hume , Robertson , Wycoff Co. , re pairs on jail $1.00. Frank Martin , arresting Polenskl $3 , applied on tax $1,51 , balance 40 cents. O A. Hodman , merchandise $7,85 , applied on tax. Win. Bates , county judge , State vs. Brady , express , etc. , $30.70. G. Harris , 39 meals for jurors , $9.76. Geo. Zimmerman , building ice break ers , $75 00. Asa K. Leonard , medicines , $16.75 , applied on tax. Frank Brady , witness fees , $3.00. L. B. Baker , lumber , $3.88 , applied on tax. Ohns. Fenske , one wolf scalp , $3.00. J B. Fichter , one wolf scalp , $3.00 , J G. Damon , six wolf scalps , $13,00. H. Appel , one wolf scalp , $3.00. J. W. Davis , two wolf scalps , $4.00 , applied on tax. J. F. Lindsay , guarding bridges0.00. W. B. Belkuap , boarding Hille , $4.00. L. Bruce , guarding bridges , $9.00. H. Rickenberg , bridge work , $3.75. Omaha Printing Oo. , stationery , etc. , $780. On motion the report of Thomas J. Taylor superintendent of poor form , I , -44 * . - wnn received and approved , the tame boingnn follows : Hnttlo Orotik , Nob. , Muroh 14 , 1003. To the honorable board of county com- mlHBionernMadUonNub , : Guntlumon Knoloftod you will llnd the blllH which have boon Incurred from December 1 , 11(03 ( , to March II , IIK ) ! ) . H. Miller , $1(1,115. ( Mmifl & Unman , $ ! l 05. J , H. Martin , $3 30 L , 1) ) , Baker , $ 1(1.0J. ( MorrlH & Oo. , 40 cents , 0 , K. Hanson , $5.00. JoHOph Hevora , (13 cents , Boyer & Osborn , $ < 1 05. Winter & Sohnltz , $ ,76 , Hall AMIuho , $5,35. , Zimmerman & Lambert , f-l.CO , A , II. Gnrdnls , $8.40. Guo , Halght , fUlUO. GhaH. Flotoa. $1.35. Frank Iluztoh , $1.03. W. J. btnvoly , $0.25. T. J. Taylor , $1311,75. Total , $ : i.48. ( ) ! ) Thirty dollars' worth of hny has boon sold during the quarter. Bills to the amount of $33.70 have boon paid out of the funds in the bank. The bills for December , amounting to $03.45 , were reckoned in the 10-montlm' report , but were not allowed , hence the total oxpotiHO for the year beginning March 1 , 1003 , and ending March 3 , 1UOJ ; , is $1,811.48. Total income , $1- 80U.43. Tlui following porBons are now on the farm : Jake liosomau , Anton Tyrol and Mr. Ohadn. The following bills were paid out of the funds In the bank : K. J. Brink , chickens , $3.00. Will Hall , whitewashing , $3,50. Orood Phipps , hog , $15.00. Elootrlo Heat Regulator Oo. , $3.30. Respectfully submitted , T. J. Taylor , Superintendent. On motion board adjourned to 8 o'clock a. ui. Board mot at 8 o'clock n. m , On motion T. J. Taylor was requested to make a report for the entire year , commencing March 1,1003 , and ending February 38,1003. On motion the following bills were allowed : Ohas. FloroB , merchandise , $1.35 , np plied on 10C3 tax. Frank Rnzlolc , merchandise , $1.83 , applied on 1003 tax. Boyer & Osborn , merchandise , $0.05. nppliod on 1003 tnx. Winter & Suhultz , $9,75 , nppliod on 1893 tnx. Joseph Severn , 03 cents , applied on 1903 tax , Howard Mllor Lumber Oo. , $4J.G5ap- ( piled on 11)03 tax. L. B. Baker , lumber , $40.05 , applied on 1003 tax. W. J. Stnvoly , merchandise , $ (1.35 ( , applied on 11)03 ) tax. Morris & > Oo. , drugs , 40 cents , applied on 11)03 ) tax. J. R. Martin , merchandise , $3.30 , np piled on 1903 personal tnx. 0. E. Hanson , blnokauilthing , $5.00 , applied on tnx $4.10 , balance 90 couts. Mans & Hainan , merchandise , $3 95. A. H. Gardols , Hour and food , $8.40 , applied on tax $3.00 , balance $5 40. Hall & Moiuko , merchandise , $5.35. Zimmerman & Lambert , repairs on pump , $5.35. Goo. Haight , corn , $9.1.80. T. J. Taylor , salary , $133.75. E. Pribboruow , blacksniithiug , $5.40 , applied on tax. W. 0. Elloy , bailiff , $18.00 , applied on tax. tax.W. . B. Balkuap , boarding Hagbald , $31.38. Superintendent Ornm filed a state ment showing all the moneys received in payment of subscription to the School News and the names of the persons pay ing the same. Total amount received $38 20. The statement also shows that the cost to the county for printing the News has boon loss than estimated , nnd thnt the saving to the county for print- lug nud postage will amount to upwards of $90.00 per year. On motion the valuation on the north west quarter of lot 4 , block 5 , Pasowalk'g addition , was changed to $30.00 , and the southwest quarter of lot 4 , block 5 , Pasewalk's addition , was changed tc $100.00. The following road overseers' report ! were audited and approved : Mike Richardson , all bills paid and duo him , $80.00. Herman Gall , all bills paid and. bal ance on hand , $35.07. On motion Win. Dahnko was ap pointed road overseer for district No. 4. On motion J. F. Reeves was ap pointed road overseer for district No. 19. On motion Geo. Lewis was appointed road overseer for district No. 83. On motion the following bonds were approved : R. Collins , road district No. 11. Wm. Dahnke , road district No. 4. J. F. Reeves , road diatriot No , 19. On motion board adjourned to March 30,1903 , at 1 o'clock p. m. EMIL WINTEU. County Olerk. CLEVELAND COMING. Ex-President's Trip Causes a Stir in Nebraska Cities. Lincoln , March 30. Special to The News : The report that Ex-President Cleveland is to visit Omaha , Lincoln , and perhaps other towns in Nebraska when ho comes west to attend the dedi cation of the Louisiana Purchase expo sition at St. Louis , has created a stir among the democrats of this city. The anti-Bryan democrats are pleased with the prospect of a visit from the ox- loader and those admiring Mr. Bryan are inclined to look on it with disfavor , as they consider it a part of the plan to overthrow Bryan in his homo state. ROBBERS KILL AGENT. Desperados at Cerrellos , New Mexico , Shoot and Plunder. Corrllos , N. M. , March 35. Special to The News : Robbers entered the depot of the Atchlsou& Santa Fo at this plaoo during last night , shot the agent and robbed the depot. It is presumed that the agent offered resistance and the thieves disposed of him by shooting. Armed posses are on the trail of the robbers and murderers. Bridge Men on Thirteenth Street Left Across River. ROAD GOES OUT BEFORETHEM. Approach on the North Washed Out and Loaves Them On the Other Side Fixing Ono End When Other Breaks , [ From Thurnilny'H Dally. ] On the south side of thd Thirteenth street bridge and at n moment when they were busy repairing the approach to it , a gang of bridge builders is said to have boon suddenly out off from Nor folk about noon today and in order to got homo tonight will bo forced to go Homo eight miles out of thtdr way be fore they can cross the Elkhoru. Their direct path homo was severed by the washout of the north approach to the bridgo. This morning the men nndor Super intendent Burnett , of the Canton , Ohio , bridge company , whosolicadfiuartors are In Norfolk , began work on the south approach to the bridge nud expected to have the public traveling across by night , iho men who are thus discon nected from Norfolk will have to go to the Kost bridge , four miles west , in order to got on this side. All night long men were kept at work on the bridge nt Flaunigan's ford , try ing to keep It from going out. The danger lay In the fact that the bridge from Battle Greek had floated down and was on the point of colliding with the Flunuigan bridgo. The piling and moat of the material was saved. Commissioner Schmidt came over to day and in company with ComuiiBsioner Winter wont to Tildon , being joined by , OommiBsionor Finuigau nt Battle Croak. Together the commissioners will inspect the bridge situation in the west end of the county and will bo prepared - pared to net with knowledge of con ditions when the board meets on Mon day with the expectation of calling n bond election. SENATOR DIETRICH HOME , Was in Omaha This Morning , Enroute to Grand Island. Omaha , March 20. Special to ThJ5 News : Senator Dietrich has arrived In Omaha , on his wav home from Wash ington to Grand Island. The senator will begin at ouco with the preparations for President Roosevelt's stop in Grand Island. Senator Dietrich and Senator Millard have charge of the arrange ments of the president on this part of his route. Senator Dietrich was looking well after the hard session of congress , but stated that ho was glad to got back to Nebraska. THREE DROWNED IN CANOE , Two to be Married Within a Week. Had Been to Prayer Meeting. Ctxruthorsville , Mo. , March 20. Spec- iiil to The News : A tragical culmina tion to whnt wns , n moment before , n realistic romance , took plaoo in this city last night at about 9 o'clock. Three young people , who had just come away from prayer meeting in one * of the local churches , were drowned in the Mississippi river by the overturning of the canoe in which they were paddling. Two of the persons were to have been married within n week. FLOOD SITUATION BETTER. Crisis Has Been Passed Along Lower Mississippi. Now Orleans , March 20. Special to The News : The flood crisis has been passed and the waters of the Mississippi are gradually receding into the channel. The first indication of a fall of the high water was hailed with great de light by those who have been spending sleepless nights and laborious days since the river first threatened the country. PROMINENT 10WAN BURNED , Stevens Residence at Albia Destroyed and Isaac Speed Killed. Albia , Iow , March 26. Special to The News : The Stevens residence in this city was burned at an early hour this morning. The fire wrought de struction so rapidly thut Isaac Speed , a prominent citizen , wasjbaruod to death before ho could inako his escape , and six other inmates of the house wore in jured by jumping from the upper win dows. Strike Breakers on Strike. Plttsburg , March 25. More trouble broke out in the structural iron work ers' strike on the Wabash bridge. The sixteen nonunion workmen Imported hero by the American Bridge company went on a llttlo strike of their own and refused to BO to work when the whistle blew. The cause of this strike is the discharge of one of the crowd by the foreman. James McGulre. Trial Trip Is a Failure. Cincinnati , March 25. The trial of the Emerson launch that was built for Commodore Edwards of the Royal Yacht club in Canada , was a failure hero , owing to the breaking of one of the propellers. It was directed then to take the launch to Toledo for a test to make a rnilo a mlnuto at some future date. Woman Uses a Gun. Hazelton , Pa. , March 25. During a quarrel at McAdoo , resulting from a lawsuit , Mrs. Joseph Tames shot and fatally wounded Mrs. Rafael Farm- tena. The wounded woman Is dying at the Minor's hospital hero and Mrs. Tames is In the Pottsvllle jail. 8LAY9 HIO MOTHER-IN-LAW. In on Effort to Shield Her Daughter She Loses Her Life. Cincinnati , March 25. Louis Kohl nhot and killed his mother-in-law , Mrs , Kate Stacktolo , and dangerously wounded liljfc brothoMn-lnw , Harold Btncktolo , at Uio Stacktolo homo In West Second street. Kohl htis boon separated from his wlfo , Qporglc , and ehc had boon living at the homo ol her mother. Kohl came to the house and asked to sco his wlfo. She rc- ftiRcd to BOO him , whereupon he rushed into the room with a revolver in his hand and fired at hor. Mrs. Btacktolo jumped between Kohl and his wlfo when ho fired , the bullet en tering the brain of the older woman , killing her almost Instantly. Young Btacktolo rushed to hln mother's IXB- fllflUinco and was shot In the breast , receiving a dangerous wound. SHOT DY STRIKE BREAKER. Union Pacific Striker Fatally Wounded In Street Fight at Omaha. Omaha , March 2G. John Q. McCann , ono of the Union Pacific strikers , was Bhot In the loft breast and probably fatally wounded by Fred Hoot , a otrlko breaker , during a fight at the corner of Ninth street and Capitol avenue , at noon. It is stated by by standers who saw the affray that after Root was knocked down McCann was standing over him , kicking htm when the shot was flrod. McCann says that ho was shot whtlo ho was standing In the crowd surrounding the strike breakers , but denied that ho was as saulting Root at the tlmo the shoot ing happened. Textile Workers to Strike. Lowell , Mass. , March 25. The atato board of conciliation and arbitration had several conferences here , both with Secretary Southworth of the Lowell Manufacturers' association and representatives of the unlono , but without definite results. Meetings wore held by four unions affiliated with the textile council. The report from all was as follows : "Wo have voted to force the Issue and have in structed our delegates to the council to do everything in their power to do the same in the council mooting to morrow. " By this it Is understood that unless the wage advance Is given the strike order will go into effect Monday morning. Bold Robbery at Chicago. Chicago , March 25. Thieves drove oft with a wagon loaded with flfty- Boven cases of merchandise , valued at $5,000 , from In front of the Chicago , Burlington and Qulncy freight depot. The driver went inside with his freight receipts , leaving the wagon standing In the yard. Ho was gone about fifteen minutes , and when he returned the wagon was gone and none of the other employee of the freight house could tell him who had driven It away , or In which direction It had gone. Mitchell Talks at Huntlngton. Huntlngton , W. Va. , March 25. Coal operators , miners , laborlngmen , pro fessional men , bankers and business men , to the number of more than 2- 000 , crowded about the front of a local hotel hero to listen to an open air ad dress of John Mitchell , president of the United Mine Workers , on the sub ject of the strike. His remarks were directed almost entirely to the situa tion in West vijclnla at this time. Steel Trust to Duy Dlfj Plant PHtslmrg , March 23. The Gazette says : The chief cause of the visit of Charles M. Schwab , president of the United States Steel corporation , to Plttsburg Is In furtherance of the ne gotiations for the acquisition of the mills , furnaces and coal and ore lands of the Jones & Langhlln Stool com pany. It Is reported that Mr. Schwab pany. , Takes Overdose of Chloroform. Cedar Rapids , la. , Marcli 24. R. M Parsons , aged fifty-five , ono of the best known physicians In central Iowa , Is dead at Traer as the rosull of an overdose of chloroform taken to Induce sleep. France to Aid China. Shanghai , March 24. It Is now atafc ed that the governor of Kwangsl ha asked for the assistance of Frencl troops from Indo-Chlna to crush the rebellion in that province. Constipation Does your head ache ? Pain back of your eyes ? Bad taste in your mouth ? It's your liver I Ayer's Pills are liver pills. They cure consti pation , headache , dyspepsia. 25c. All Want your moustache or beard a beautiful brown or rich black ? Then u o BUCKINGHAM'S DYEM&r. 0 CT . OF DmiMIITI. OK R. P. H IL * CO. , N MU , N.H. Between St. Loots and Kansas City and OKLAHOMA CITY , WICHITA , DEFM1SON , SHERMAN , DALLAS , FORT WORTH And principal points la Texas and the Sonth- West. This train Is now throughout and la mndo np of the finest equipment , provided with electric lights and all other modern traveling conveniences. It runs via our now completed Red River Division. Every appliance known to modern cat building and railroading baa boon employed In the mako-up of this service , Including Cafe Observation Cars , under the management of Prod. Harvey. Fall Information as to rates and all details ot n trip via this now route will bo cheerfully furnished , upon application , by any repre sentative of the FRISCO SYSTEM MOTHER OBAY'S ' SWEET PUWDEflS ft remedy llio urui ! morcccniicii JIUHH.I " j * ; . ' , , for I'll Wren. Tliry arc linrmlwi as milk , 1'1 ' - . - - - - , , ? A certain cureforfom MS nkrt nn < l never fill jhi , IwwUchc , teeth nc nnd i omjcli ( lleor- coiMtlimllnn worms. At Ml ilniRgl"'tS8c. " Ifon I nl cpr n roiuove drcciitniiyitilxlltnle. SmnplyentPHKE. Address AllcaS. Olinstcd , Le Hey , N. . She Has Cured Thousands. Given up to Dio. DR. CALDWELL. OF CHICAGO Practicing Aleopathy , Home opathy , Electric and Gen eral Medicine. Will , by roqnott , vl lt profeeslonnlly NORFOLK , NEBRASKA , PAOrFKT HOTEL , THURSDAY , APRIL 0 , ONE DAY ONLY 4 returning every four weeks. Consult her while. > the opportunity IB at hand , DR. CALDWELL limits her prnct'co to the. special treatment of discuses of the eye , ear , , HOBO , ihrtxit. lunits , female diseases , diseases of" children and nil chronic , nervous nnd surgical dleonsps of n curable nature Early consump tion , bronchitis , bronrhlal catarrh , rhromo catarrh , headache , conetipntloL , stomach and' bowel troubles , rheumatism , neurnlgin , sch alien , Bright's dlsenso.kidnoy diseasesdlfOftBos of the liver and blnddor , dizziness , nervousness , indlKoetlnn , obesity , interrupted t utritlon , Blow growth in children , nnd all wasting dis union in adults , deformities clnb-feot curva ture of the puo ! , diseases of the brain , paraly sis , heart disease , dropsy , swelling of the limbs , stricture , open sores , pain in the bonoo , granular - . lar enlargements and all long-standing diseases - \ eases properly treated. * Itloucl and Skin Dlsensca. Pimples , b'otclioe , eruptions , liver spots , fall ing of the Imir , bad complexion , eczema , throat ulcers , boi'o rains , bladder tioubles , weak back , burning urino. pa sing urine too often. The effects of constitutional sickness or tlia taking of too much Injurious medicine receives searching treatment , prompt relief and a euro for lifo. Diseases of women , irregular menstruation , falling of the womb , bearing down pains , female ' "itplacomotitB , lack of sexual tone. I.oncnrrhen. sterility or barrenness , consult Dr. Caldwell and she will rhow them the conne ct their trouble and the way to become cured , Cnncern , Goiter , Flstuln , Files and enlarged glands treated with the snbcu- tnnoous injection niotbod. absolutely without pain and without the loss of a drop of blood , isonoof her own discoveries and is really tbo > most scientific method of this advanced ago Dr. Caldwell has practiced her profession in some of the largest hospitals throughout the > country. She 1ms no superior in the treating nnd diagnosing diseases , deformities , etc. Sbo- hns lately opened an oillco in Omaha , Nebraska , whore she will spend a portion of each week troatit g her many patients. No incurablo- cases accepted for treatment. Consultation , examination and advlco , ono dollar to those In terested. DB. OKA CAI.DWEI.I , & Co .11. Omaha , Neb , Chicago , I New Overland Service Three through trains to Chicago every day from points on the Union Pacific Railroad via the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway. This is the route of The Overland Limited , the electric-lighted train , and two other fast trains to Chicago. Dining cars for all meals. Standard sleepers and free reclining-chair cars on all trains. Daily tourist car service. ! " * * It is worth your while to write for folder. F. A. NASH , Genera ! Western Agent , 1504 Farnam Street , OMAHA.