THE NORFOLK NEWS : FRIDAY , MARCH 27 , 11)03. ) A , 11. D1C ALL , Mrtnuger. J , 0. JOHNSON , llcMilout Malinger. TWO "NIGHTS , 07 0 < > 0 MARCH L ( Q& ZO LE FEBVRE-CARPENTER CO , AND THE FAMOUS FERGUSON BROS , In the Bountiful Oomoily in Four Act ? , Daby Hazel as the Princess , A Clover Company of 15 People , Prices , 25o , 36n and 50o. iKiiof ] lllhitH t r < layiNI tlil. Tim Poonl " > Sforn Imh dn- olilml to t ell Ffiuoy Qnv and Drr Goods nt tha Lowest. Prhit'H. ami will di llvor ttg nnv part of thn olty fron of ohnrtro W Imvo bnr- gains in nnr store every Yours Trulv , Much From Little. It's often occasion for remark how fur Bou Ton Hoar will go when it oomos baking tiino. It absorbs BO much water that it will make twice ito weight in bread good brorul at that , because made from good ( lour , the bout the mills grind ont the Ban Ton biaud. SagafGity Cereal jffills. Good for $5.00 ON ANY ENGINEERING COURSE If presented before March JM , 1903 Present the nlx > vo Coupon at my olllco niul got tills reduction , French , German and Spanish Taught by Mail V/ilh / the Aid of a Phonograph. Have you n Cntutoft t C. FULLER , Representathfc , Norfolk , Nebraska. International Correspondence Schools , SCRMTON , PERSONAL. R. A. Tawuey was in the city last night from Pierce. Mr and Mrs. W. N. HUBO wont to Sioux Oity this noon to see Mrs. Patrick Campbell in "Tho Joy of Living/ ' tonight. Mr. and Mrs. Bullock of Harlau , In. , are in the city for an extended visit at the home of their BOU.E. A. Bullock on South Twelfth street. Dr. R. A. Mittlestadt , dentist , Bishop block. Telephone 00. Celery at Euro's. Wanted. We have several customers looking for houses and lots , ranging in price from $700 to $1,500. Anyone having ench properties for sale are requested to come in and list same with us. GARDNER & SEIUUI. THE NEWS keeps its job department up-to-date with the latest faces of typo and doea its work in approved etyle. Norfolk's Appropriation Bill Pnsccs House This Morning. NEW BUILDING IS ASSURED , Vote Lnrfto Enough to Put Dill Under Emergency Clnuso Wont to Sonnlo Today For First RoodlngFlnal Action Soon. Statn Iloiiflo , Lincoln , March 27. Win. Robertson , or Lulknrt and Huso : At-ylnm bill passed house this morning lovonty-llvo to eleven , N. M. NKLSOM , T. V. MliMINdlCll. At 13 :1(5 : ( today the nbovo mosflago was wired ont of Lincoln. It tolls Itu own Btoiy to the people of Norfolk , and it is a story good to hour. The Norfolk any- .UDI IH now practically assured and will Jllculy ho acted upon finally In the senate - ate during the early part of next week. The bill was taken to the Honato today .nil passed its first reading. It will .lltoly pass a Booohd reading tomorrow and go then to final action Bouiotlmo next week. Aa passed the bill comon under the omorgunoy oliiiiHo , which makes the money available as soon UH the gover nor signs the bill. Tlin amount appropriated by the bill Is $100,000. It's passage in the Ronato in pretty sure and in all probability Norfolk will hnvo a now asylum started in a way nt least , within a week. N. M. Nelson is the representative Trom Pierce and Cedar counties and introduced the bill. T. F. Momiugor is tbo representative from Madison county and has engineered the bill .hroughout. Other Norfolk people have received messages regarding the passage of the bill. J. N. Buudlok was notlflod by II. II. Forrar , of Grand Island , ropreHcntatlvo from Hull county. Mr. Farrar is with the American Beet Sugar company. Oysters at Karo's. ORATORICAL JBONTEST TONIGHT , High School Speakers Will Try For Honors. In the oratorical contest to bo held this evening at the high nohonl , there will bo three classes of doolamation oratorical , dramatio and hninorons. In the first , Florence O'Connor will give "Arab Mohammed. " In the dramatio , Helene Thamro" will bo rendered by Iloxlo Stnrgoon and In the humorous Olydo Bullock will give "Patrick Flyun and The Antoinobilo ; " Nellie Haudloy , ' Her Cuban Tea ; " Cordelia Lnikart "Sandy MaoDonald's Signal" and Samuel uol Erskino "Deacon Aimer's Dream.1 The high school orchestra , consisting of Misses Masters , Coryoll , Shaw and Kynor ; and MOSBIS. Sisson , Gow and Kruklno will give a selection ; Miss Frances Davenport will sing and Miss Knthorino Shaw closes the program with a piano solo. Fresh lettuce at Buokondorf's green house. Commencement Programs. TUB Nuws has samples of commence ment programs from throe of the load ing manufacturers In the United States , which it will bn pleased to show to any one interested. The designs to select 'roni are handsomer than wo have over boon able to show before. Call and BOO hem before placing your order. BATTLE CREEK. Fred Hooker shipped a carload of cattle Monday. Owen O'Neill has gene up west to his ranoh. Otto Tixpport of Norfolk was tran sacting business hero Monday. A. Evans of Norfolk was hero Wed nesday soliciting for the Norfolk Press. Joe Daniel , deputy county olnrk , spout Saturday and Sunday with Battle Creek relatives , Tuesday Joseph Osborn shipped two carloads of hogs and Fred Holmstoin one carload of cattle. John Risk , jr. , came over from Newport - port the first of the week to visit his parents and friends. Charles Rico was here from Norfolk Monday on business connected with his wholesale liquor house. August S to { Ten and sou returned Fri day from Sioux Oity , whore Mrs. Stoffou is in the Lutheran hospital. Miss Evangollno Coylo of Norfolk who Is teaching school in Battle Creek , visited her parents in Norfolk Satur day. day.Fred Fred Breohlor , who has been at the Moss & Broohlor ranch near Inman for a mouth , was hero Monday and re turned Tuesday. J Mouroo Smith , Madison's efficient cigar maker , was in town Monday. Mr. Smith makes a good line and has a good trade in Battle Creek. T. Hannon had a sale Monday , T. D. Proece , who was to cry the sale , was sick with the mumps and engaged Ben Davis of Madison to take bis place , 0. II. Young of Madison was iu Battle Creek a few days disposing of some of our best liqnors and supplying the town with an over abundance of bass singing and noise in general. F. E. Martin hag purchased a two horse power gasoline engine of onr rustling implement dealer , 0. A. Probst , to run bis job press. One horse pulls for the democratic party and the other for the republican party. A citizens' caucus was held hero at the opera homo for the purpose of nominating two candidates for the board of trustees. Joseph Severn and rww9vwwwwwwwww * w * ' * -w-rv-'WiV'--v'Twv-r-v' VTrv-wv-vvwvvr * * * * * vvvv-T-w-v-wwwwvvv-viTV'rvvTr'v - -v'- -T-r'r-r-T----- Spring Opening ! i March 28 and 30 , Pattern and Street Hats WANTED Girls man. Who Spcnk Apprentice Ger J. < a E. DURLAND We always carry a line of Muslin Underwear , Handkerchiefs and Embroidery Silks. 0. A. Probst wore nominated and as there is no other ticket in the field , will probably bo olcoted. GOLD FEET TODAY. The Beastly Weather is the Cause of It All. Cold foot are tripping the sidewalks of Norfolk today. The heavy fall of snow that padded the earth with a two- inch clonk is the cause of it all. Under neath the layer of snow is n shell of ice which lots people slide indiscriminately from place to place aud lauds them , not infrequently , upon their backs. Along the walks In the business part of the city , the man with the shovel has been making paths for passers-by all day. Trains have boon delayed to a slight extent by the snow and the ground has boon put in a wet way. To morrow will bo fair and slightly warmer. HIGH SCHOOL NOTES. The Boulors have taken up olvics. It is about time to organize n ball team. Not all of the teachers are going to Columbus. Chris Ruiuiors of Pierce visited the school Monday. The orchestra will furnish music for the contest tonight. Examinations this week will explain the far-away looks aud the huuiors pre valent. It is hoped that a good delegation will turn out to help Norfolk add an other to the already large number of medals. Moro interest is being taken in the loutost this year than ever before and ivhat the result will bo is hard to pro- Hot. The class fooling is { not running very strong as only the seniors aud the reshmou are represented and , as the oniors have throe contestants , they seem to think they have the whole - coming their way , but the fresh men are just as confident with their one and say they are going to be on the gronud with all their uoiso to help per suade the judges that they have the best all round representative. One-Way Rates. Every day from February 1C to April 30 , 1003 , the Union Pacific will sell one way colonist tickets at the following rates from Missouri river : $20.00 to Ogdeu nnd Salt Lake Oity. $20.00 to Butte , Anaconda audHolona. , $33.CO to Spokane and Wauatchee , Washington. $35 00 to Everett , Fairhavon aud Now Whatooin , viaHuntingtonaud Spokane. $25.00 to Portland , Tacoma and Se attle. $25.00 Ashland , Roscbnrg , Engouo , Albany and Salem , via Portland. $25.00 to Sttn Francisco , Los Angeles and many other California points. Forfnll information call on or address J. P. . ELSEFFEH , Agent. The Pulillo Spirited Father. "Sir , " said the proud mother to the popular author , "my son , who is now fourteen years old , admires you great ly , lie also Is an author. Ho has written n number of stories , nnd I would have so liked to have you read nnd criticise them. " "Ahl" said the popular author , breathing hard. "Hut bin father put all of them into tbo stove. " "I should like to innko the acquaint nnce of such a man , " said the author with enthusiasm. "Ho has the spirit of a Roman father. " Indianapolis News. DreanlnK It Up. A Jasper county farmer paid a high tribute to the literary talents of a Carthage thago real estate agent the other day. ' Ho deckled to sell his place and got a real estate agent to write a notice. When the agent read the notice to him , ho said , "Read that again. " After the second reading he said : "I believe I'll not sell. I've been looking for a place of that kind all my life and didn't know I had It until you described It to me. " St Louis Post-Dispatch. AD Anatomical Tale. Dinwit Say , our backbones are like serial stories , aren't they ? Thlnwlt Prove it ? Dlnwlt Continued in our necks. Harvard Lampoon. Professor Lawrence Bruner Interviewed Last Night , JUST HOME FROM ARGENTINA. Interesting ; Tales In Regard to Bugs' ' and Insects Bring Up Stories of Arabian Knights University Work Is World Wide. Professor Lawrence Brnner , Neb raska's distinguished naturalist , was in the city yesterday , and although the weather was disagreeable ho wont ont into the country aud inspected the nnr- series. In his own department the pro fessor is justly regarded as one of the world's most famous specialists iu entomology. At his hotel , whore ho was engaged in correcting a stack of proofs of a work on the lice that iufoot birds for the professor always takes work along with him ho received a number of his admirers and entertained thom.iu his Inimitable oharmiug man ner by discussing his work and relating interesting stories of his sojourn in Argentina where ho was employed by that republic to devise a means of limiting the ravages of the giant locust , i Who would imagine that the lowly I and despised bugs could bq made the subject of an evening's discussion as ont rtalulng and fascinating as any other in the entire realms of natnre ? And yet that is how Mr. Brnuor talks on his favorite topic until the listener tuiuks of the Arabian Kuights , fairy stories aud novels ho has read. And withal , all this has an exceedingly proo- ical side , for the life , histories , diseases , osistauco to heat and cold , environ- uionf , methods of limitation , etc. , of the chinch bug , Hjssiau fly , Weevil , locust , Codling moth , curculio and dozens of other bugs , worms , flies , parasites and fungi that cause inestimable damage to crops , trees , stock and fruit Imvo all been studied out with endless patience by Mr. Brnuor and set down in plain print in bulletins that have boon dis tributed free all over the state among agriculturalists and horticulturists. When it is considered that the nomen clature of the subject alone contains 00,000 names of forms that have been studied and classified names that the ordinary reader or student never sees in print the magnitude of the subject can be imagined. Mr. Bruner is a Gaming county boy , scholarly and en gaging with the happy boyish face of the enthusiast , and his department in the Uulversicy of Nebraska is famous all over the civilized wcrld. Pickerel. Kitro. WANTED Manager for new branch of our business here in Norfolk. Write promptlv , with references , The Morris Wholesale Honso , Cincinnati , Ohio. For Sale. $1,000 buys eight-room house on Second street. $1,200 buys seven-room house on Seventh street , $1,000 buys six-room house and two lots on Tenth street. $1,500 buys six-room house and two lots on Ninth street. $050 buys good house at the Junction. $3,000 buys flue homo on Fourth stropt. $1,600 buys a good SO acres five miles from Norfolk. GAHDNEU & Infants' Wear. Onr large line for spring in slips , robes , skirts , wrappers knit uud flannel jackets , bibs , bootees , shoes , flannel shawls , vests , bauds , bonnets , caps , in silk or mull ; cloaks , long or short , in Bedford cord , cashmere , taffeta and moire silk. Children's short dresses for six months , one , two and three years , in white ; price fifty cents to $9.50. White and colored Russian blouse , kilts and dresses , one , two , three and four years. Price , thirty-nine cents to $5.00. Infants' cloaks ; prices from $1.25 to $17.00. MRS. J. BENSON , * South Sixteenth street , Omaha , Neb. Sonventr sale Saturday , March 28 You are invited. BEELEU Bnos. . .IN. . WE HAVE THEM STOCK * GRAND P R. I X PARJS I9OO Call and I See them - Hl H " H"HH H-l H"I"I"I"I"I"I"I"I"I- W. H BUOHOLZ. President. Norfolk . ALEX. BEAR , Vice President. E. W. ZUTZ , Cashier. National Bank The Oldest Established Bank in Northeast Nebraska. | Capital , $100,000.00 , Surplus , $20,000.00 , ' Does a General Buys and Sells Exchange. Interest Paid . Time Deposits. Drafts nnd Money ! Banking Business Orders Soldon any Point in Europe. " A General Steamship and Foreign Passage Business Transacted. DIRECTORS A. BEAR , F. P. HA.NLON , F. J. HALE , W. H. BUOHOLZ , WM. ZUTZ , N. A. RAINBOLT , S. S. COTTON. -I-H-r-I"rfrI"I-I"H-I"H"M Get What You Ask for at. HLE'S ' A. JL. * * Mmm * \ ALL ORDERS are Filled Promptly aud with Care. Onr goods are FIRST-CLASS in every particular. We know pre cisely what is wanted by onr customers. We Aim to Give You the Best Value for Your Money , South Side rialn St. , between 2d and 3d. Telephone No. 41. $ o o C. W. BRAASCH , COAL ! Sweetwater Rook Spring. S or ant on Hard Coal , 'PHONE 01. O o r Q. A. LTJIKAUT , PBESIDENT. \y. n. JOHNSON CHAS. S. BIUDQE , V.CK PBE8IDENT. MCT'pASSSffi The Citizens National Bank. CAPITAL , 850,000. SURPLUS , $10,000. Buy and Sell Exchange on thU Country nnd all Parts of Europo. Farm Loans DIRECTORSi CAUL ASHUS , W.H. JOHNSON , CnAs. 8. DBIDOE , F. MCQIVEBM - " " O.A.LU.KAUT , T. F. ME HINOE ; , " ' 1