The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, March 20, 1903, Page 9, Image 9

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Supreme Court Gives Dccisior
on Beef Combine.
iviust Settle In Thirty Days Pal
$5,000 Costs Besides All Loadlnf
Firms In the Deal Violated Anti
Trust Laws.
Jefferson Oity , Mo. , March 20. Spoo
ial to The News : The supreme court o
this state today rendered its opinion ii
the beef trust cose , and it will go ban
with the packing plants who have booi
foperating iu the commonwealth.
' The packing plants of Armour , Swift
Oudahy , Hamilton , Hummoud nnd tin
Sohwnzohild & Salzborgor oompauioi
were fined $5,000 each aud made to pa ]
the costs of $5,000 , for being in an illegu
beef combine. For some time the :
have been operating against the nutl
trnst laws of Missouri , and their case
after n hard fight , was taken to thi
supreme court.
Notice has boon given the compauio
that niiloss they settle within 80 dayi
time , they will bo ousted from the state
'First Fatal End to Follow Bloodies :
Surgery For Hip.
Philadelphia , Muroh , 20. Special t <
The News : The first death to resul
* from a Lorenz operation iu 'bloodlesi
surgery , the marvellous treatment foi
dislocation of the hip , occurred hen
today. The case was one of a little gir
8 years of ago. She died injconvnlsious
Missouri Salons Seek Passes.
Jefferson City , Mo. , March 20. Th <
house and senate a 'opted a resolutior
submitting an amendment to the con
stltutlon requiring all Missouri rail
roads to grant free transportation
over their lines In Missouri to state
officials and legislators during theli
official terms. The penalty attached
for noncompllance Is the forfeiture
of the charter. The amendment will
be submitted to popular vote In 1904
l3y unanimous vote the house author
"Ized the arrest of I. N. Page and N
'C. HIckox , two witnesses before the
House bribery investigation commit
Ceo , who refused to tell where thej
Obtained $500 and $1,000 bills.
Dynamite Explosion Kills Three.
Bluefleld , W. Va. , March 20. Thro
men were kllluti-ond'-sevoral serlousl
injured by the explosion of dynamite
A large force of men were nt worl
laying pipe on Main street. The mei
were at dinner , some sitting on a bo :
which contained dynamite , when it es
ploded with terrific force , killing E
G. Davidson , Dave Steele and Join
Harris. J. F. Craddock , a travellni
man , nnd two messenger boys wer
seriously Injured. Steele managed ti
"walk to the hospital , aided by tw <
men , although both eyes were blowi
out nnd his nose and ears were ton
away. He died soon after reachlni
the hospital.
Nova Scotia Mine Burning.
Sydney , N. S. , March 20 * . As the re
suit of an explosion followed by fire li
Dominion No. 1 colliery at Glace Bay
four men are missing , seventy-elgh
horses wese suffocated by fire-dam ]
nnd property estimated at $1,000,001
was destroyed. The. fan shaft In tlu
mine broke nnd a large number o
men left the mine , while others wh (
did not antlclpto any danger , re
malned at work. A great quantity o
bad gases soon accumulated and whei
a shot was fired , an explosion occurrci
and In an IrvUant that part of the mine
burst Into flames. The fire Is stll
West Virginia Miners Indicted.
Charleston , W. Va. , March 20. The
United States grand jury adjournoc
after being in session ten days ant
finding over 250 Indictments agalnsl
miners and those who participated Ir
the alleged hold up of Deputy Marsha !
Dan Cunningham at Atkinsvllle , and
In th < Stanaford battle between mln
ers and deputy marshals. The names
of the Indicted men have been giver
to the United States marshal and war
rants have been Issued for their nr
rest. The Indictments charge resist
ance of federal authority In some In
stances and conspiracy In others.
Soldiers Return to Their Homes.
Colorado Springs , Colo. , March 20.
The soldiers who have been dolnj
guard duty at the reduction mills li
Colorado City since March 2. in con
noquenco of the mill workers' strike
broke camp under orders from Govern
or Peabody and returned to theli
homes in this city and Denver. Sher
1ft Gilbert posted ten deputies at tlu
Standard mill , where the strike ii
fitlll in progress.
Fireman and Brakeman Killed.
Ogden , Utah. , March 20. Twc
freight trains on the Union Pacific
met in a headend collision neat
Wasatch , Utah , resulting In the killIng -
Ing of Fireman Huston and Broke ,
man Getchel and the complete block
ing of traffic for several hours.
Blizzard In North Dakota.
Grand Forks , N. D. , March 20. The
worst blizzard that has occurred thlt
winter has prevailed here for ovei
twenty-four hours and Is still raging ,
heavy snow has drifted badly.
Lunatic Is Finally Slain After Shoot *
Ing Four Men.
Lebanon , Ky. , March 20. When
Deputy Sheriff Williams and his posse
tried to arrest an Insane man at Rllcy
station , near hero , the man , armed
with thrco pistols , with which ho had
boon terrorizing the neighborhood ,
began to flro. The deputy sheriff was
phot through the body , sustaining n
serious wound ; Gabriel Floyd was
shot In the back , Samuel Payne
through the ami nnd Samuel Dovera
received a scalp wound. After Will-
lams had fallen ho raised and fired a
bullet through his antagonist's head ,
killing him Instantly. Nothing was
found on the dead man's person to
Identify him , hut ho had $42 and a
gold watch. The recovery of Will-
lams nnd Floyd.IB doubtful.
Swentzel and Leonard Sentenced.
Chicago , March 20. The finding of
the court-mnrtlal which tried Ser
geants Henry C. Swcntzol nnd William
Leonard , sons of prominent citizens of
Now York city , who were accused of
Bteallng and'selling government arms ,
was announced nt Fort Sheridan. Ser
geant Swontzel is dishonorably dis
charged from the army and sentenced
to vtwo years' Imprisonment at hard
labor , and Sergeant Leonard Is dis
honorably discharged and sentenced
to three years' Imprisonment.
Large Estate of P. J. Gleason Causes
Now York , Maroh 20. Special to The
News : Sensational developments nro
promised at the surrogate's hearing be
gun at Jau nica , L. 1. , today on the ap
plication of letters of administration
upon the estate of the late Patrick J.
Gloason , widely known during his life
time as the mayor of Long Island Oity.
When Gleason died it was generally
supposed that nothing remained of his
wealth , whjoh n few years before had
been considerable. The present appli
cation for letters of administration is
made by Dr. Jitch , who was Gloasou's
physician for many years , nnd who as
serts positively that the letter left a
fortune and a will. No will has been
filed and its whereabouts nro unknown.
Stocks , bonds and other securities nro
supposed to make up the volume of
Qloason's supposed cancealod wealth.
He placed implicit confidence iu his
lawyer , T. P. Burke , and it is said that
the present tangle is duo largely to the
sudden death of the latter. The situ
ation is further complicated by the dis
appearance of Miss Jessie Gleasou , the
ex-mayor's daughter and only heir , and
who it is alleged is in the hands of un
scrupulous portions who are endeavoring
to defraud her out of a fortudo said to
amount to $100,000.
Insane Farmhand Runs Amuck.
Bear Lake , Mich. , March 20. Joseph
Bradley , a farmhand , supposed to bo
unsound mentally , ran amuck with a
gun and killed Mrs. F. E. Bowermnn ,
dangerously wounded her daughter
nnd attempted to kill her son. He
then turned the weapon upon himself
and committed suicide. The shooting
occurred on the Bowormnn farm , near
here. Bradley , who was employed as
hired man , was recently discharged
by Mrs. Bowerman , who was a widow.
Monitor Florida Makes Speed Trial.
Bridgeport , Conn. , March 20. The
coast defense monitor Florida finally
succeeded In making an official speed
trial and the result Is highly satisfac
tory. The government contract called
for a speed of only 11 knots , but
during the trial the highest speed at
tained was 13 knots nnd the lowest
Animals Burn In a Barn.
St. Louis , March 20. Fifteen horses ,
twenty-four mules and one cow per
ished in a flro which destroyed a barn
which belonged to John Boning. The
heat prevented rescue , and their agon
izing cries could be heard for blocks.
Quarantine Is Raised.
San Francisco , March 20. A tele
gram from the Mexican secretary of
the interior received In this city
states that the quarantine against Sai
Francisco , declared last Dccembei
has been raised.
Struck By Fast Train Between New
York and New Haven.
Phlllipsdale , R. I. , March 20. Spec
ial to Tbo Naws : Throe/ women were
struck here today by n New York nnd
New Haven train , going at full speed.
All of them were instantly killed.
Further Hearing of "Wabash Case.
SL Louis , March 20. Two argu
ments in behalf of the Wabash road
were concluded in the Injunction suit ,
and the first statement In behalf of
the men by F. N. Judson of St Louis
was unfinished when the court * ad
journed for the day. No restriction
has been placed by Judge Adams upon
the duration of arguments and the at
torneys will bo given ample time for
exhaustive discussion.
Oil Steamer Ablaze.
Bordeaux , France , March 20. Ths
Dutch bark Amlcltla , from New York ,
Jan. 23 , with petroleum , is on flro at
La Roquo. Several lives are reported
to have been lost on board the vessel ,
which had 700 barrels of oil on board.
The vessel will probably bo a total
Passenger hip Struck by a
Plymouth Struck by City of Trenton
In Long Island Sound Plymouth
Had GOO Persons Aboard Both
Vessels Made Port.
Now London , Conn. , Maroh 20.
Special to The Nuwti 1 Thu passengur
Hteiimer , Plymouth , with fiOO portions
aboard , was struck by thu freight
steamer , Oity of Taunton , iu Long In
laud Hound this morning. A grout
jagged holu was knocked iu the sldu of
thu Plymouth through which the HUH
water poured into thu hold of the vosntil ,
catching many who were below deckn
in thu flood and drowning thorn an nitn
iu a trap. \
Thu kuown dead number six , nnd it
is suspected that several moro\ \ worn
cixught and drowned whoso identity IIMH
not been learned.
Among these drowned were four
negroes who were members of the o'ow.
Wntuhuuiu McCarthy of Plymouth
had his head cut off by the force of thu
collision aud was otherwise terribly
mangled. Many others were seriously
injured. After the accident both ves
sels were successful iu making port ,
although the Plymouth had takou on HU
much water it waa feared that Bhu
would founder nt any Instant. The
bow of the freight steamer was badly
The passengers aboard the Plymouth
were stricken by panic but the olllcors of
thu vessel succeeded iu allaying their
The shook as the vessels struck was
It was ono of the most serious ncci-
duuts that have happened iu theao
waters in recent years.
Rush Down Incline , Carrying Death to
Johnstown , Pa. , March 2b. Th
breaking ot a coupling , lollowcd bj
the runaway of a string of loaded coui
cars in the Sunshine mlno at outii
Fork , caused the death oC thro ? men
the fatal injury of one and more 01
less serious injuries to nine others
The dead : Anthony Border , Josepli
S. Strank and Frank McClain. J
Colbaugh was fatally injured. ( .
When the twenty-live cars left the
center of the mine fifteen or more men
climbed aboard. All went well until
the train reached a "dip" about IOC
yards from the mouth of the mine
The train climbed three-fourths of the
steep grade in safety , but when a
short distance from the level tin
hitching between the second and third
cars broke. Instantly the mine slope
was filled with shouts of the men as
all of the cars , with the exception ol
the first two/i commenced to back down
the grade. Slowly at first , but with
greatly Increasing speed .tho cara
sped downwards , giving the met
scarcely an opportunity to Jump and
save themselves. When about 20C
yards from where the hitching broke
the foremost car loft the track and
the remainder of the train piled ui
back of It.
Those who had been fortunate
enough to jump from the runaway
cars quickly ran to the outside and
Jtold of the accident. Help was quick
ly rushed to the men burled beneath
the immense pile of wreckage , which
filled the six-foot heading for a dls
tance of twenty yards. The first man
found was Strank , who was horribly
mutilated. Border and McCIaln were
the next taken out , the former dead
but McClain lived In agony for about
two hours.
Bolt Strikes Grand Army Hall anc
Scatters Veterans.
Milwaukee , March 20. At Delton ,
while John Murray , William Truman.
Moses Crane , G. E. Adams and Mathew
how Hitter , old soldiers , were play
ing a game of cards In the G. A. R
hall , the structure was struck bj
lightning and badly wrecked. The ol ,
cloth on the card table was torn to
shreds and the men knocked to tha
floor. Some of their clothes wore ton
from them and Adams' shoe was torn
from his foot. Mathew Hitter was
thrown several feet and sustained t
gash on the head , and Is in a critical
condition. The rest of the veterans , al
though badly stunned , will recover
Gustav Klebesatel , president of the
Shawano County Agricultural society ,
was killed by lightning while feeding
stock In his barn.
Lightning worked much havoc and
resulted In fatal injury to Dan Hoh
a farmer , and the loss of much live
stock throughout Outagamlo county ,
About twenty buildings were struck
and the damage will amount to severa.
thousand dollars !
Black Hills' Blanket of White.
Deadwood , S. D. , March 20. It has
been snowing for three days and a
foot of snow lies on the level throughout -
out the Black Hills. A strong wind
is blowing the snow into Immense
drifts and railroad blockades are an
ticipated. At Bcllo Fourche , the cen
ter of the cattle district , the storm IB
furious , but with stock In good condl-
telon It is thought the loss will bo light.
Ingot Worth $23,500 Tnken From Ex
press Office at Detroit ,
Doltolt , March 20. No arrests have
boon made yet In connection with the
mysterious disappearance from the
Union depot olllco of the Paclllc and
Dominion Express company of a bar
of gold In transit fiom Hull Lake to
the cant , which Is valued at fS.I.CiOO.
The whereabouts of the proclaim In
got Is an much of u mystery an when
the police began work on the case.
The missing Ingot WIIH ouo of four ,
weighing about eighty pounds each ,
that were In transit from the west
to the Philadelphia mint.
The four bars arrived from the weal
on Wnl.wsh train No.1 anil were taken
Into the depot office and 'placed In the
Bal'e. Shortly before the eaHthound
train was duo to leave the Ingots were
removed from the ntrong box to a
truck to bo wheeled out to the ex
press car. T'io ' train wnn an hour and
n half late however , and It In under
stood by the pollro that the gold wan
not put Into the nafo again pending
the time for the train to leave , hut lay
on the trunk In the ofllco , which In on
a level with the street. Captain Mc
Donnell nayn that ho han found at
leant nine persons who wore In the of
fice nt different times while the gold
lay on the truck exposed to view nnd
that novoral of thorn handled it and
commented on Its value.
When the train wan finally ready , It
wan found that there were only three
Ingots on the truck. A frantic search
wan made , but no trace of the fourth
bar was four l.
Ex-United States Marshal Gives up to
Dee Moines Officers.
'Dos Moines , Maroh 20. Special to
The News : Ex-United States Marshal
W. A. Richards who has indicted for
the highway robbery of Mr nnd Mrs.
Sullivan of Hamilton , lown , nnd has
been a fugitive from justice during the
past two months , has surrendered to the
olllcorn hero nnd is now in custody.
Insurance Dues Are Paid Just Three
Days Too Late.
St. Louis , March 20. In the United
States circuit court of appeals an opin
ion was han ted down by Judge Tlmycr
In the case of the Supreme Council ,
Hoyal Arcanum against Anna J. Tay
lor , which Is remanded with Instruc
tions that the plaintiff Is not entitled
to recover. The decision will be of In
terest to fraternal organizations and
members who are Insured against
death In these organizations ,
Anna J. Taylor Is the widow of
George F. Taylor , a member of the
Royal Arcanum , Arapahoe lodge , of
Denver. Ho was Insured for $3,000
In 1891 , and died In November , 1900.
Payment of the Insurance certificate
was contested on the ground that ho
had not paid the monthly assessment
of October , 1900 , duo on the Innt day
of that month , and was therefore sus
pended according to the bylaws. The
collector failed to pay Taylor's assess
ment for October , as ho had been In
the habit of doing when overdue and
when It was tendered three days later ,
Just before Taylor's death , It was re
fused on the ground that under the
bylaws Taylor was under suspension.
Northern Securities Arguments Go on
at St. Louis.
St. Louis , March 20. Almost the en
tire day's session of the United States
circuit court of the district of Minnesota
seta , before which the case of the
United States government against the
Northern Securities company Is being
tried , was occupied by former State
Supreme Judge Gcorgo B. Young In
defense of the merger Interests.
Judge Young was followed by M , D ,
Grover of St. Paul , also counsel for
the defense.
J. H. Hlland , traffic manager of the
Milwaukee road , has boon chosen third
vice president of the company , vice
A. C. Bird , resigned.
Dr. Ames , former mayor of MInno-
applls , pleaded not guilty to all seven
Indictments against him , charging
bribery , conspiracy and extortion , in
the 'district court. Ball was fixed at
A flro In the big shoe factory of M.
C. Griffin , nt East Pepporill , Mass. ,
destroyed the factory and a score of
buildings , Including stores nnd dwell
ing houses , entailing a loss estimated
at $300,000.
Two meetings of citizens were hold
In Faneull hall , Boston , Thursday , "to
protest against the suppression of
truth about the Philippines nnd pray
ing for further official inquiry into
conditions there. "
The first Cuban consulate general
In Franco was opened at Marseilles
Thursday. The Cuban flag was hoist
ed amid n burst of loud applause.
Senor Patrlclono , the now consul ,
made a patriotic address.
William Crazier , editor of the Ma-
rilla American , who was convicted on
the charge of libelling General Davis ,
commander of the American troops ,
was sentenced to two months' Impris
onment and to pay a fine of $1,000.
Work has begun on the construction
of two half-mile tunnels on the now
White river extension of the Mis
souri Pacific railway at a point where
the line crosses the Missouri In Tanoy
county. Three thousand men are em
ployed In the work.
Much Amended Measure Adopt
ed by the Senate.
Amendment Is Adopted Making Thirty
Per Cent Reduction on All Importa
tlonn of Corn and Flour from Uult
ed States Into Cuba.
Washington , March 20.After rail
fylng the Cuban reciprocity treaty tlu
Honato adjourned alno dlo. Prnetlcullj
the entire jluy wan npent behind
closed doom In execntlru session
Mont of the tlmo WIIH devoted to con
Hlderatlou of the Cuban treaty. Suv
oral npucchcii were made In opposition
to the treaty and ono In favor of It
nnd then promptly at the agreed hour
3 o'clock , the voting began. The mo
tlon to ratify wan adopted by a ballot
of fit ) to 1(5 ( , somewhat more than n
three-fonrtliH vote. Only a two-thlrdt
vote wan necessary to itecnro n ratlll
cation. Senator Foster made a nol
npuuch In opposition to the treaty
In the main bin npeech wan an appeal
for the protection of the American
sugar producing Industry. Ho spoke
especially for the cnne sugar Intcrestr
of Louisiana , but said that while thr
sugar Interest wan of paramount lin
parlance In his own ntate , on account
of the cane produced there , the beet
sugar Interest had grown to nuch pro
portions that many other portions ol
the Union also were coming to have
a very pronounced Interest In the
making of sugar. Ho drew a graphic
picture of present conditions In Louhv
iium and said that If the treaty should
bo ratified the romilt wan liable to be
very disastrous to many of bin canntlt
uonts. lie appealed to nonatorn from
north and south allko to refrain from
Inflicting thin hardship on bin people
Other speeches In opposition to the
treaty were made by Senators Ilorry
and Cnrmnck , while Senator Simmon ?
( N. C. ) spoke In support of It. Sen
ntor Berry based his opposition to the
agreement an the amendment offered
by the committed on foreign Delations
providing against any further roduc
tlon by treaty of the duty on sugai
while the treaty remains In forco. Senator
ator Cnrmack opposed the treaty on
general principles , declaring that II
was contrary to our theory of govern
mont. Senator Simmons wan the onlj
Democrat who made n speech In ad
vocacy of the ratlflcntjon of the treaty
On the conclusion of Mr. Simmons
speech voting began. The committee
on foreign rolntlonB announced the
acceptance of two amendments In ad
dltlon to those already recommended
by the committee. The first of these
was the amendment Increasing the
rate of reduction on flour , cornmcal
nnd corn Imported Into Cuba from
the United States. As offered. It pro
vldcd for a reduction of 40 per cent ,
but the committee modified the amendment
mont so as to provided for a rcdua
tlon of 30 per cent.
The other amendment adopted bj
the committee was suggested by Sen
ator Bacon , and fixed a uniform reduc
tlon of 30 per cent on American cotton
goods Imported Into Cuba. The onlj
aye and no vote talccn on the committee
too amendments was on the amend'
ment adopted some time ago by the
committee at the Instance of the beet
sugar Republican nenntors , providing
against further treaty reduction of thr
duty on sugar Imported Into the Unit
ed States for the next flvo years , 01
while the treaty remains In force. A
division was called for on this amendment
mont and It was sustained by a major
Jty of 23 votes , the vote being 44 foi
the amendment nnd 22 against It , the
negative votes being cast by Demo
crats. The other committee amend
ments and the amendment making the
approval of the entire congress neces
sary to render the treaty effective
then were adopted.
After the committee amendments
had bc en accepted the Democrats offered
fored a number of amendments , but
they w'ero all voted down by n strict
party voto. The vote then was taker
on the motion to ratify , which wo ?
made by Senator Cullom , and the mo
tlon prevailed 50 to 1C.
Palma Is Pleased.
Havana , March 20. President' Pal
ma was shown by the representative
of the Associated Press n dispatch glv
Ing the news of the ratification by the
United States senate of the Cuban
'reciprocity treaty. He expressed his
gratification at this action and added
that the number of votes In favor ol
It was not rreator than he had antlcl
pated. Ho said that while the news
of an earlier special session of the
house would be welcome , the reported
Intention of President Roosevelt to
call a special session In the autumn
would allow the treaty the desired op.
portunlty for discussion nnd action ,
President Wants No Bodyguard.
Cheyenne. Wyo. , March 20. Senator
Warren wired the committee nt Lar-
nmle that President Roosevelt desired
to make the horseback ride over Sher
man mountain practically alono. Son >
ntor Warren , Otto Crnmra of Lnramle
nnd perhaps two others will acconv
pany the president , but ho wants no
bodyguard of either troops or cowboys ,
Ferguson Signs Cattle Quarantine Bill ,
Guthrle , Okla , March 20. Just be
fore midnight Governor Ferguson
nlgnf-il tno can in quarantine bill ,
pasuftd by the recent leglnla'uro. It
would have died at midnight If not
signed. It places a quarantine wall
around Oklahoma with the exception
of the Onnp" Indian reservation ami
the Klowa Indian pasture reserve.
National Convention Names Committee
tee to Map Out Work.
New Orleans , March 20. The Na
tional Woman Suffrage niinoolatlou be
gan ItH annual convention with Mm.
Carrlo Chapman Call pronldlng. Tim
headqiiartern of the association worn
changed from New York to Warren ,
O. , where Mm. Harriett Taylor Upton ,
the national treasurer , will direct the
work , with Mr . Elizabeth Manser nn
olllco nccretary. This will ennhln
Mm. Call , the prenldont , and Mlsn
Gordon , the nocrotary , to retain their
offices for a year without the cnron of
routine. A committee , consisting of
Mm. Ida P. Iloyor of Pennsylvania.
Mrn. Laura Gregg of Nebraska anil
Minn Gall Laughlln of Now York , to
consider a nnllonnl plan of work , wn i
appointed Mm. Call read her itnnmil
report. Simon U. Anthony nnd Rov.
Anna Shaw were the other npenkorn.
The recent hopeful campaign In New
Hampshire wan overshadowed by the
fact Hint Arizona has Just granted
equal nuffragp.
Vice President Was Arrested for
Philadelphia , March UO. Special to
The News : George IJ White , vice presi
dent of the PoniiBylvnnla Dank of Ilyn-
dam , lifiH boon arrested hero for stealing ;
$20,000 , cash from that bank. Ho WIIH
trying to esoapu and caught here by de
tectives today.
Legislative Committee Sayn He Knew
of Embezzlement.
Honolulu , March 20. The houn
committee on public expenditures re
ported the discovery of another cm-
be/.7.1omunt In the board of public
woiks , the amount aggregating ? 2,300.
The report of the commit too chargou
CharlcH WIIcox with having received
at leant a portion of the money.
The report alno nays that the fact
that there was a nhortago In the funds
of the board of public works was
known to Governor Dale , Superintend-
cut Cooper and to Attorney General
Dole , and charges the above named
ofllelnlH with having neglected taking
any action In the .ma'tor Th0 report
also nayn that Attorney General Dele
has apparently attempted to cover up
the matter.
Wyoming Cattle and Sheep Pcrlnh In
Large Numbers.
Cheyenne , Wyo. , March 20. Tha
blizzard has passed , but the temper
ature ban dropped below zero and na
a result live stack will suffer severe
ly. A prominent Ulntah stockman
says that the winter has been the se
verest since 1890. He estimates that
throughout southern and central Wy
oming stockmen who fed lost from 4
to n per cent nnd these who did not
feed lost from 15 to 30 per cent of
their herds. State Veterinarian Sea-
bury returned from Pine Muffs nnd
confirms reports of heavy loss to live
stock In that ncctlon. Cattle and
sheep were terribly weakened by preceding -
coding storms and perished
Golden Smelter Shuts Down.
Golden , Colo. , March 20. The
Bmelter hero operated by the Clear
Crook Mining and Reduction company
has been shut down , and Arthur Car-
pcntor , superintendent of the plant ,
announced that the suspension will ba
permanent. Ho said this action had
been taken In consequence the
trouble with the labor unlons\ As n
result of the shut down of the Smelter
several of the largo mines around
Empire and In Clear Creek county
have been forced to suspend work.
Railroads to Test Elklns Law.
Chicago , March 20. The Western
Passenger association meeting adJourned -
Journod after having been unable to
reach an agreement regarding the El
kins law. Ono of the railroads , it is
said , will institute a test case for the
solo purpose of obtaining a decision
of the law. The increase in the mint-
mum excess baggage charge from 15
to 25 cents was cancelled. A rate
of one fare , plus $2 , for the round trip
was granted for the St. Louis World's
fair dedication services.
Strike Situation at Cripple Creek.
Cripple Creek , Colo. , March 20. Little
tlo change has taken place in tha
strike situation. The men on the BlacU
Sampler , controlled by the United
States Reduction and Refining com
pany , left work and the Isabella mlna
has completely shut down. A meetIng -
Ing of mlno managers has been called
for this evening. It is generally believed -
lieved that the trouble will either b&
ended or a big strike precipitated by
the meeting of the mlno managers. .
Schwab Holds a Conference.
New York , March 20.- President
Schwab and several legal representa
tives of the United States Steel cor-
poratlon held a conference here. It Is
reported that the forthcoming annual
report of the corporation will embody
a comprehensive statement of the op
erations for the past year and will
deal especially wltk production.