THENORPOLK : NEWS : FRIDAY , MARGE 20 , Republican Primaries Last Night , CITY CONVENTION TONIGHT , Nominations to bo Mntlo for Mayor and Other Officers Interest In the Outcomo-Hnrd to Toll Who Will bo Named. IKrom Thursday's Dully. ] The republican primaries for the city election wuro hold In the varloun wards of Norfolk lost night , for the purpose of .nominating oonuollmon ami electing delegates to the convoutlon whloh will bo holtl nt the city hnll tonight at B o'clock. The doiuoorntB will hold tholr 0011- Tontion nt the city hnll tomorrow night nt 8 o'clock. Juat who the limit nninod for nmyor tonight nmy bo , IB n himl propoBltlou. Tliuro hivH boon n great deal of interest In the city toilny over the nomination. First Ward Caucus. The Unit wnrd caucus wns hold nt the city hnll. W. II. Wldnmnn wan olootod olmirmnn nnd Al JohiiBon Boorotnry. Dr. O. W.VHklu8nu wns uotnlnntod for the city council. The following were uiunuil HH dolcgntoB to the city oonvnntion to-night : W. II. Wldiunnn , Al Johnson , Chris Engor , 15. Sohoroggo nnd Julius Altsohnlor. Second Wnrd Caucus. The second wnrd cnuous wns cnllod to onlor In the oflloo of J , W. Rnusom , Bishop block. J. W. Hansom wns elected ohnlrnmn nnd 3. II. MoFnrlnnd eoorotnry. II. A. Pauownllc wns uoin- inntod ns n cnudidnto for the city conn * ell nnd delegates to the olty convention tonight were nninod an follows : II. A. I'asowalk , II. G. Brnggomnn , L , M. Gnylord , Dr. II. O. MIIUBOH , Rov. J. 1 < \ Fouohor , 0. W. BnwBoh , S. II. Mo Far- land , S. P. Dunn , E. N. Vnil nud J. W. Itnuoom. 8. H. MoFnrlnnd wns elected wnrd comtnittoonmu nnd given power , to- B6thor with Ilov. J. P. Jt'ouchor nud II. A. Piisownlk , to flll vnonnolcB. Third Wnrd Caucus. The third wnrd CIVUOUB wna hold nt the city hnll. 0. 0. Gow wns olootod chnirmnn nud M. 0. Ilnzon soorotnry. A. H. Ktosnn wns noinlnntod for couu- ollmnn. The following were olootod ns dologntos to the city convention to night : H. H. Reynolds , M. D. Tyler , H. T. Holdoii , W. R. Hoffnmn , W. II. Johnson , S. L. Gnrduor , W. M. Rniu- bolt , W. II. Buchol/ . S. McOlnry , P. H. Snltor , J. 8. Morrow , Mlko Enders , W. P. Soiffort , David Bnum , S. P. Shnrpless , M. 0. Hnzou , 0. 0. Gow and Goo.-W. Reoknrd. Fourth Ward Caucus. The fourth wnrd cnuous mot nt the South Norfolk ougiuo house. W. H. jLiviugBtono wns umdo ahnlnnnu nud W. H. Rlsh Boorotnry. The following delegates were olootod to the olty conTention - Tontion tonight : W. II. Livingstone , A. H. Vio'o nnd W. H. Rlsh. The nomi nation of n couuoilumu wna deferred until tonieht. MISS ROOSEVELT IN CUBA , Thousands of Dollars Spent to Enter tain Her by Citizens. San Juan , March 10. Special to The Hews : Miss Roosevelt has arrived lioro and is the gnest of the family of Governor Hunt. A grand reception had boon prepared for her and thousands of dollars will bo spent by the people of the island to afford her entertainment. Among the features planned for her on- teitaiument are several inland trips. $20,000 , GOLD BAR STOLEN , Taken From Express Car on Wabash Train In Michigan. Detroit , March 10. Special to The KTows : A gold bar worth if 20,000 con signed to Buffalo was stolen from the express car of the Wnbash train. The shipment was uudor the supervision of the Pacific Express company and it is expected that a handsome reward will bo offered for the detection of the thief. NO Change In Yard Fees. Kansas Cltr , March 19. The Kan sas City Stock Yards company , through whose yards the Kansas-Mis souri state line runs , has taken steps to comply with the now law passed by the Kansas legislature , reducing feed and yardage charges. Speculators have been notified that their pens will be situated on the Kansas sldo of the line. The commission men who have sale pens on the Kansas side will receive their consignments in pens on Missouri soil , and there will lie no change in the collection of the ynrd fees. Land Is Sold Too Often. Clarion , la. , March 19. Bert Me- Alpine , charged with using the United StntesS mall for fraudulent purposes , was taken to jail In Sioux City. He was held to the federal grand Jury at n hearing here. McAlplne is charged with being Implicated in a Tennessee land swindle which has been operated on a wholesale plan. Out of a single tract of 10,000 acres over 250,000 acres have been sold , of which It Is claimed McAlpine sold 38,000 acres. "Witnesses from several states wen. In attendance at the hearing. Small Towns Want Better Rates. St. Paul , March 19. In response tc a call Issued by L. A. Rosing of Can non Falls , representatives of about forty smaller cities and towns through out the state met here to form an or ganizatlon of municipalities for the pnrpono ot unttodly clonmndlnK trolRlit rntcfl oqaully fnvornblo to those grant cd the big cltlon , Navlantlon on Lake Opens , Chicago , Mnrch 10. The navigation Bonnon on Lnko Michigan hnB boon opened by the ntoainorn Blnux City nnd Allco Stafford. The former mndc Itn first trip to St. Jnnoph , the latter leaving for Ornnd Hnvon. AH tha ntoatnshlp compnnloB nro making prop nrntlonn for n largo tnmlnoflfl during the BUinmor. Dividend for the Creditor * . Den MolncB , March ID. The Iowa patronn of the Elgin Cronmory com pany , which went Into bankruptcy Inst Augnat , will receive 40 per cent divi dends on their claims. Thin IB th effect of n doclBlon rendered by Judge McPhornon of the fedornl court , before i > r\m Mm hntikriintcv rnno wan tried. ARGUMENTS IN WADA8H CASE. Colonel Dlodgett Makes Opening Ad dress for the Railroad. St. Loulfl , Mnrch 19. AflldavltB were finished nnd arguments commenced - moncod In the Walmnh Injunction Riilt. Colonel Wolln II. Illodgott , the lead ing counsel for the railroad , was the first to nddrcBH the court. In opening his argument , Colonel niodgott de clared : "Our contention In Unit the employes of the WnlinBh nro not dlfl- satisfied , that no alleged grievances originated with them , but with the de fendants In this cnso. " Colonel Illodgott then rend numer ous extracts from the record , which , ho nsBortod , showed that the two Inbor organizations , working together , de manded recognition nnd threatened trouble In cnso It was denied thorn. Among the nflldnvlts submitted by the rnllroad were these of John W. Schrador , who said that ho was n member of the Brotherhood of Rail way Trainman , nnd declared that ho had hoard Grand Master Morrlssoy threaten in brfng about n general tie- up of all the Gould lines unless their organization was recognized officially by the Wnbndh road. Robert J. Rob inson nnd 0. W. Smith gave fllmllnr testimony concerning Mr. Morrlsscy , Grand Master Hnnnnhnn of the fire men nnd Vlco Grand Mnstor Leo of the trainmen. In robnttnl , Messrs. Morrlssoy , Han- nnhan nnd Leo offered affidavits of energetic denial. They declared the affidavits charging thorn with uttering threats to tie up the road or Injure Its business false In every particular. PRESIDENT DONILLA 18 WINNING His Forces Succeeding Everywhere Against These of Sierra. Panama , March 19. According to advices received hero from Honduras , the forces of General Donllln , the prcsldent-olcct of Honduras , who is fighting against General Slorrn , the retiring president , who refused to hnnd over the post to Bonllln , liavo captured the town of Santa Barbara , whtlo his generals , Miguel and Da- villa , with 1,200 men , and Generals Carlos and Alvnrndo , with 2,000 men , nro now threatening Tegucigalpa , the cnpltnl of Honduras. General Sierra IB evidently In a desperate situation , as he has sent his wlfo into Nicaragua by land after she had made several In effectual attempts to break through General Bonllla's lines and reach the coast. Generals Vlllllen and Vallores , who were supporting General Sierra , have been tried by court-martial and shot by the latter's order because they did not fulfill his instigations and thus brought about his defeat at Acoltuno , several days ago. WRIGHT PAPERS ON THE WAY. Extradition Documents for English Promoter Are Coming on Celtic. Now York , March 19. The extrndl- Ion papers in the case of Whitaker Wright , director of the London and Globe Finance corporation , who IB un der arrest In Now York , were mailed on the Btoamor Celtic , which sailed rom Liverpool. The hearing in the case was ad- ourned by United States Commis sioner Alexander until March 30. John Flower , chairman of the share holders' committee , which Instigated Wright's prosecution , Informed a rep resentative of the Associated Press that by the advice of his lawyers ho declined to reply to Wright's cable message to G. S. Barnes , the official liquidator of the corporation , saying that Wright's enemies seek to create prejudice against him by circulating untruths , taking the ground that It would bo highly Improper for him to say anything which might prejudice the result of the trlnl. Alton Trainmen Accept Schedule. Bloomlngton , 111. , March 19. Train men of the Chicago and Alton rail road have formally accepted the sched ule of working regulations submitted by the company after weeks of nego tiation. The section In regard to wages Is left blank , both sides agree ing to abide the outcome of the Wa < bash controversy. This Is the firsl schedule ever adopted by the Alton company and Its employes. The brakemen and switchmen are not sat Isfled with nil the sections of the schedule , but the conductors voted te accept , and rather than prolong the controversy , the other men ncqnl esced. To Hunt for Blue Bear. New York , March 19. To seek It Alaskan wilds the blue or glaciai bear , an animal so rare that so far ai Is known only ono has been killed nm none captured , two English sportsmen Captain Charles Eustace Radcllffe , i retired officer of the Life Guards , anc Richard Fitzgerald Glynn of the Firs Royal dragoons , having been commls elonod by the British museum to ge a specimen of this animal , have at rived hero on their way to Alaska. Passengers Caught Between Washouts Near Memphis. TOWN OF MARION 18 CUT OFF. Eight White Famlllen and Two Hun dred Negroes Remain In Second Stories of Buildings River Situa tion Is Somewhat Relieved. Memphis , Tcnn , , Mnrch 19. The flood sltuutlon shows n number of now and scrlouB development nud there IB scarcely a rny of hope for Improved conditions except In the fact that tributaries of the Mississippi to the north of Mcmphlfl nro reported to bo falling. Ono of the most serious developments - volopmonts of the last twenty-four hours Is the washing out of all lines of railroad entering the city from the west nnd the complete tying up ot rnllroad tranic through the Memphis gateway to that section. There hnvo boon no trnins cither Into or out of this city over the Memphis brldgo nnd there Is every Indication that traffic cannot bo resumed until the flood has subsided to a considerable degree. So suddenly did the rise come In the section of Arkansas across the river from Memphis after the St. Fran cis levee broke at Trico'B Landing that two passenger trains were caught between washed out points , and nro now surrounded by water on blind trncks In the overflow territory about three miles west of Bridge Junction , Ark. Aboard each of the trains were about seventy-five passengers nnd the crew nnd over 100 of these persona rcmnln on the trnlns. However , they are not considered to bo In any danger nnd these who hnvo returned from the surrounded trnlns report thnt the other pnssongors nro being well cnred for by the company. The Cotton Belt train had proceeded but n few miles when It encountered n section of flood ed trnck. In attempting to cross the rails sprend nnd the engine was par tially derailed , preventing the train moving In either direction. While In this condition the 'Frisco's fast Kan sas City train approached from Mem phis nnd with Its assistance the Cot ton Belt engine wns pulled back on the track. In the meantime n serious washout had occurred between the trains and Memphis and retreat to this city was completely cut off. All night the passengers were compelled to romnln In the coaches , while the water rose on every side , and In the morning there was not a particle of land In sight within a mile of their ppsitlon. The trains nro on the track of the Iron Mountain , near Altmar , Ark. By tnklng risks several handcars suc ceeded In reaching the water-bound trains and about fifty passengers were brought to this city over submerged and shaky tracks. The remainder re fused to attempt the return and are housed In the coaches , being fed by the railroad companies. Attached to the 'Frisco train Is n dining car nnd adequate supplies were sent to them on the handcars. Some persons were rescued from Marlon , Ark. , by means of skiffs nnd the situation there Is somewhat re lieved. Eight white families nnd fully 200 negroes remain thcro In the second end stories of buildings. Rains Swell River. LaOroflso , March 10. Special to The News : The recent heavy rains in this locality have caused the Mississippi river to make a rise of throe foot during the past few hours , nnd with the surplus of water already on the lower river it Is feared that this rlso will occn- lon large damage. Miners Win a Victory. Cripple Crook , Colo. , March 19. The Western Federation of Miners has thus fnr won a signal victory In the battle which It Is waging In sup port of the striking mlllmen at Colorado rado City. With very few exceptions the mines approached by the executive committee hnvo agreed not to ship ore to the mills of the United States Re duction and Refining company. Man ager De Lavergne of the Elktcn mine agreed for the present not to ship to the mills. Fatal Collapse of Roof. Cincinnati. March 19. By the collapse - lapse 01 tne root in uane s planing mill aae man was killed , ono fatally , two seriously and over n dozen slight ly hurt. The dead : William Sellers. The Injured : Harvey Walters , fatally , skull fractured ; Clark Gilbert , leg broken and seriously cut ; James Gar- ainnr aknll fractured and legs crushed Liberal Elected to a Seat. London , March 19. The conserva tives suffered a crushing defeat In tha division of Sussex , where a bye-elec tion was held for a successor to A. L , Brookfleld , conservative , who has been appointed British consul at Monte video. The result was the return ol C. F. Hutchlnson , liberal , by a major ity of B34 over Edward Boyle , con iflrvntlvn. _ Worst "Blizzard of Winter. Cheyenne , Wyo. , March 19. Thfl Btockmen consider the worst blizzard of the winter Is raging In this section , The air Is full of wet snow and a high wind Is drifting It badly. The weath er Is cold and stockmen say that un less the storm subsides soon the losses amone stock will ho nnormong. Another Earthquake In Montana. White Sulphur Spilngs , Mont. , Marcli 19. Another severe earthqnake oc curred here. The shock was acconv panled by loud discharges. A number ot people at first thought the sound was from the blasts of the mines adJoining - Joining White Sulphur Springs. SPARKS FROM THE WIRE8. Major A. Ocorgo Courtney , ono of the crack shots of the country , IB dead nt Syrncuflo , N , Y. , ngod Blxty-threo. Gencrnl Schuylcr Hamilton , n clans mntc of Genernl Grnnt nt West Point nnd a distinguished veteran of the civil war , died Wednesday nt his homo In Now York , In his eighty-third yonr. King Edward has sent Colonel Cody ( Buffalo Bill ) a handsome scarf pin with the royal cipher In diamonds surmounted by the crown , as n sou venir of his visit to the wild west show. Nelson Morris & Co. , the packers , will soon begin the construction of a $1,000,000 plant at Riverside , near the Kansas City Block yards. It will have a capacity of 1,000 beef cnttlo dally , with other live stock in proportion , will employ 1,000 persons nnd proba bly will bo ready for occupancy by next fall. Tragedy Due to Jealousy. Newcastle , Pa. , March 19. John Gcnklnger , a well known man of this city , died In the Shonango Valley hos pital hero from the wound received n few minutes before at the hands of George Morklo , proprietor of a hotel at Darlington. The shooting occurred nt the apartments of Mrs. Eva Rum- bergcr , In the Gonklnger block , on Apple alley , and Is supposed to have been the result of Jealousy. Five Hurt In Collision. St. Louis , Mnrch 19. FIve passen gers on an East St. Louis and Ventco trolley cnr were Injured In a collision wun n train 01 iini cars on 1110 go , Pcorla and St. Louis railroad , near the stock yards. The Injured : Miss May Abernathy , Mrs. Halley , Ja cob Nolts , Henry Kehlor and Ralph Valentino. None of the fifteen pas sengers on the trolley car had time to escape before the crash. License Law In New Hampshire. Concord , N. H. , March 19. By a vote of 214 to 107 the house of reprc- sontntlves put Itself on record ns In favor of n license law In preference to the existing prohibitory system , which hns been In force since 1848. The majority reported n license law , while the minority recommended that It was Inexpedient to legislate. The bill reported by the majority was given Its first reading. Body Found In River. St. Louis , March 19. The body of Herman J. Horstdanlel of West phalia , Mo. , was found In the river at the foot of Flllmoro street , In a badly decomposed condition. Horstdanlel came to St. Louis six weeks ago to attend a business college. Ho dls appeared several days later. Monej was found In his pockets and the po- llco are trying to discover how he met his death. * Pope Leo's Condition. Rome , March 19. The condition o the pope has undergone no change during the past few days. He Is stil a little- hearse and Dr. Lapponl has recommended him to suspend his audi ences , merely to save strength. His holiness , however , received Cardinal To Be Bishop of Los Angeles. Washington , March 19. Information of the appointment of Bishop Conaty , formerly rector of the Catholic uni versity In this city , as bishop of Los Angeles , Is confirmed by private ad vices received hero from Rome. Burdlck Inquest Postponed. Buffalo , Mnrch 19. Police Justice Murphy announced thnt owing to the llncsB of District Attorney Coatsworth ho Inquest Into the murder of Edwin L. Burdlck would bo postponed until next Monday. It Is stated that the district attorney will place In ovldenco a letter alleged to have been written : o Mrs. Burdlck by Arthur R. Ponnoll some months ago. In the letter the following ocrurB : "I feel that I must kill Ed Burdlck. " Furniture Van Is Wrecked. PlttBburg , March 19. A Fort Wayne freight crashed Into n furniture van of a transfer company at the Sandusky street crossing , Allegheny , wrecking the van nnd killing two men. Two oth ers were seriously Injured. The names of the killed were John Me- Knight and Albert Carncllus. BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &c. Anrono goncllng n Bkoteli nnd description may qulcklr ascertain our opinion free whether an Invention Is protmblr pntpntnmo. Commumcix- tlcmsitrlctlr coiitlclontlnl. HANDBOOK on Patents ont froo. Oldest nponcy lor accuriiiRjmtcntii. I'ntontR taken ihrouuu Munn & Co. rccolro tpnlal notice , without charge , In the Scientific A handsomely Illnstrnt woekljr. I-nraost circulation lation of any sclonti journal. Terms. S3 n year : four months , | U Bold by all i MUNN &Co.30IBroadNew York Uranch Office. 026 V St. Washlnnton. D. U. WO RACKS 0EXAS A NEW FAST TRAIN Between St. Lenis and Kansas City and OKLAHOMA CITY , WICHITA , DENISON , SHERMAN , DALLAS , FORT WORTH And principal points In Texas and the South west. This train Is now throughout and is made np of the finest equipment , provided with oloctrio JIghts and all other modoix traveling conveniences. It runs via our now completed Red River Division. Every appliance known to modern cat building and railroading has boon employed In the make-up of this service , including Cafe Observation Cars , under the management of Fred. Harvoy. Full information as to rates and all details ol a trip via this now route will bo cheerfully tarnished , upon application , by any repre sentative of the Many School Children are Sickly- Mother Ornjr'a Sweet I'owden , for Children , uicd by .Mother Urajr , a ntirio in 1'hlldrcn'B Heine , Nc\r York , Ilre.ik iii Colds In U huuri , cute Fcvtrlth- JICM , Headache , Btoniaih Trouble * . ' 1 trilling UIs- > I ordoin , move and regulate the Iloweln , and Drdroy U'nrniK. .Mrs. Kmlly Mnrnnn , Merldcn , Ct. < tayi : "ItU the bcit medicine In the world for children when foverlsti and complaining. " Hold lijr all ( IniR- L'liU or liy mall. ! Sc. Sample rent FKKE. Address Allen S. Olmetcd , I.cllojr , N. Y. She Has Cured Thousands Given np to Die. DR. CALDWELL OF CHICAGO Practicing Alcopathy , Home opathy , Electric and Gen eral Medicine. Will , by roqnott , vltlt professionally NORFOLK , NEBRASKA , PAOIFIO , HOTEL , THURSDAY , APRIL 0 , ONE DAY ONLY returning every four wooVs. Consult her the opportunitj IB at hand , DR. CALDWELL limits her prnct'co to tLo special treatment of diseases of the eye , ear. . nose , ihroat. lungs , fomnlo dlsocsos , diseases of' children nnd nil chronic , nervous and snrglcal diseases of a curable nature Knrly consump tion , bronchitis , bronchial catarrh , chronic catarrh , hondacho , constipntloL , stomach and bowel troubles , rheumatism , neuralgia , sci atica , Brlaht's dlseiieokidney diseasesdiseases of the liver and lilnddor , dizziness , nervousness * indlgoftton , obesity , interrupted r ntrition , A slow growth In childror , and all wasting dis eases in adults , doformltio clnb-feot , curva ture of the spine , diseases of the brain , paraly sis , heart diseato , dropsy , sv < ollinir of the limbs , stricture , npou sores , pain in the bones , granu lar enlargements and all long-standing dis eases properly treated , Itlood nud Skin Diseased. Pimples , blotches , eruptions , liver spots , fall ing of the hair , bad complexion , eczema , throat ulcers , booe pains , bladder tionbles , weak back , burning nrino. paising urine too often. The oilocts of constitutional sickness or the taking of too much injurious medicine receives searching treatment , prompt relief and a cure for life. Diseases of women , irregular menstruation , falling of the womb , bearing dowu pains , female riiiplacements , lack of sexual tone. Lencorrhea. sterility or barrenness , consult Dr. Cqldwell and she will show them the canne of their trouble and the way to become cured , Cancers , Goiter , Fistula , riles and enlarged glands treated with the subcu taneous injocVon method , absolutely without pain and without the loss of a drop of blood , Is ono of her own discoveries and is really the most scientific method ot this advanced ago Dr. Caldwell has practiced her profession in some of the largest hospitals throughout the country. She hns no superior ID the treating and diagnosing diseases , deformities , etc , She has lately opened an olllco in Omaha , Nebraska , where she will spend a portion of each week treatlrg her many patients. No incurable cases accepted for treatment. Consultation , examination and advice , one dollar to those in terested , Dn. OKA CALDWF.LL & Co.,11 , Omaha , Neb. Chicago , I Hew Overland Service V Three through trains to Chicago every day from i points on the Union Pacific Railroad via the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway. This is the route of The Overland Limited , , . - the electric-lighted train , and two other fast trains toChicago. . Dining cars for all meals. " ; Standard sleepers and free reclining-chair cars on all trains. Daily tourist car service. It is worth your while to write for folder. F. A. NASH , General Western Agent , 1504 Farnam Street , OMAHA.