The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, March 13, 1903, Page 4, Image 4

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It la now GoiiRroBMimu McCarthy ,
-with no iffl or ands to qualify.
The owner of a Nebraska fnnn Is well
lieolod and destined to become wealthy.
.Moral : Got ono.
The luvontor of paper car wheels Is
deiMllmt ho 1ms loft behind footprints
on the Bnnd of tlniu , niul his Invoutlon
etlll ondurca.
Apoatlo Smoot IB now United Stntos
mnntorfrom Utah. Ho probably will
not Attempt to PUBS n law making n
multiplicity of wives legal.
It Is reported that the utrllco coiumlB *
Blon wllllntorforo with Ilaor and his
trust and recommend a ton percent increase -
crease In the wages of minors.
China Is becoming civilized , beyond a
ronsonabli'ldoubt. Ajplot lias boon dla-
covered to kill the emperor. This Is
strictly the modern European manner
of doallug with high ollloiala.
People llvo to o rlpo old ngo In No-
Irniska , nnd enjoy llfo all the tlnio.
People of states loss favored climatic-
nlly nnd otherwise are cordially Invited
to filvo Nebraska a hearing. Stand up
for Nebraska and buy n farm.
March has boon behaving very do
ooutly thus far , but there are uono who
are willing to say that It will continue
to do that which is fair and just In the
way of weather. The equinox takes
place during the mouth ,
Again is the story of Pope Loo's ser
ions illuoes contradicted. It would
BOOIU that the reporters who forward
such intelligence would KOOU become
discouraged in their oiTorts to create the
Impression that the aged pontiff is
foobloaud sickly.
Goo I But won't some ] cf these Ver-
anent old topers have n glorious time
after GO years of prohibition. It is a
Biifo bet , however , that many of them
have not gouo CO yoara or 50 hours
without their drink while the state was
supposed to bo dry.
Gottlieb Nlogouflnd has confessed his
murder of his divorced wife and aged
father in Pierce county and announced
Ms belief in the forgiveness of his sin ,
There is llttlo now to bo douo except for
"Warden Boomer to pull the string that
springs the trap. Fremont Tribune.
These chilly south winds coming oil
the snow fields of Texas and Kaunas are
almost the limit. Nebraska people fool
like protesting against their delightful
temperature being lowered so distress
ingly through no fault of their own , but
Because Kansas and Texas permit their
winter to got away from them and como
this way.
A Fremont man was recently fined
$50 for leaving his horse tied out on the
street all of ouo cold night. Ho was
lot oil ohoup enough , but if a few more
heartless wretches of that sort were
given similar treatment it might instill
humanitarian instincts in spots appar
ently long since deserted by any such
desirable attributes.
Away down south In Texas they are
wading two foot of snow and ono town
lias experienced the luxury of being shut
oat from the rest of the world for six
days by a snow blockade. "When the
weather clerk will go to that limit in a
state almost abutting the equator , what
in to bo expected of him when it comes
to states under the shadow of the aurora
Nebraska has been standing up for
.herself for years. In the early days ,
when the country was in the possession
of the Indians and coyotes , Nebraska
was known as the Blackwater state.
The dictionary says that the reason of
this name is owing to the color of the
.Nebraska streams , due to the rich , black
fioll through which they pass.
Attorney General Knox has been
given two assistants to aid him in en
forcing tha anti-trust and other laws
recently passed by congress. "William
.A. Day of the District of Columbia and
Milton D. Purdy of Minnesota are the
appointees. Each are well informed
lawyers and have a record as prosecu
tors , so that their appointment may well
bo calculated to causa the cold chills to
pass up and down the spines of the trust
It really should not require a very
long time for the senate to do some
thing with the Panama canal matter.
It is necessary that the United States
and the world should have the benefit
of a waterway that will prevent the
long and useless trip "round the Horn , "
and the United States is the country
that should construct and control such
waterway. It is now up to the senate
to settle this and other treaties
promptly , and leave for home.
After half a century as a prohibition
state , Vermont has decided in favor of
high license , the voters giving the high
lioeusa proposition a substantial ma
jority. For the first time in 60 years
saloons will bo opened hi the larger
cities and liquor will be sold openly. It
.is hard blow to prohibition sentiment
hat nutate which has so thoroughly
riod prohibition should nuo in It noth-
ng doidrablo and turn it down after
laving boon "dry" during the lifetime
f the avorngo person , The prohibition'
flt will have considerable to do in ex
plaining away the action of Vermont
on that qnontton ,
The domooratn are entitled to nil the
inner of obstructing the leglBlattou that
was duo to dike place at the latter end
of the session. If this is the port of
rrcord they dcsiro to go before the
people with they have scoured it , nnd
ho people are to nay whether they do-
slro an inoronno in the power of ob
structionists , or whether n congress nblo
nnd willing to do something IB the need.
There is nonio tlmo before the people
will bo able tn act , but the tlmo is
surely coming ,
An investigation of that hartley
cigar box" wan commenced today by
a hotiHo committee and it IH to bo hoped
by the people having an interest in the
that funds taken the investigation may
result in restoring all or a part of the
f undo the vaults from which they were
taken. This money doim not belong to
Bartloy or any of his friends nnd any
movement calculated to muicthm in
whola or in part any title to the funds
on the part of any man or men should
bo frowned upon.
The total wolght of the coin iu the
United StatoB treasury vanlts'ls about
5,000 tons. A recent Htatornont shown
that there were above $1,010,000,000 in
silver and gold coin and bonds and
bank notes contained in thopo vaults ,
The domoiiBtous of the vault made to
contain the silver tire : 80 foot long , 51
foot wide and 13 foot high. The people
are proud of these exhibits , The
wealth is under the control of the
government , and the government Is the
The newspapers of the state are very
generally expressing opinions for or
against the jury verdict in the Lllllo
ciiso. The opinion scorns to prevail
that , while the jury may have had
occasion to render the verdict , the
woman should bo given another clmnco.
It la qnito apparent that the newspaper
boys dlsliko to BOO a sentence to the
penitentiary for llfo threatening a Ne
braska woman. If suspicion and ovi-
donee had pointed as strongly toward
the guilt of n man it would have boon
It is now alleged that the order to do
away with the sale of liquor in the
capital building at Washington was
merely n joke , and that the men run-
niug the restaurants are waiting orders
to cease the sale of liquor nnd will con
tinue to sell it until they are forbidden ,
an order which they do not expect.
Lawyers are of the opinion that the
action of congress will need to
bo tested before the bars can bo
forced to close. If this was a joke it is
up to congress to make it real , nt the
earliest opportunity.
Mr. Bryan denounces as "absurd"
the report that ho would lead n bolt
from the domocratio national conven
tion providing it was captured by the
gold democrats. It certainly Is absurd
when his stlgmatisms of other bolters
are taken into consideration. Ho fur
ther assorts that none but his kind of
democrats will ever be successful iu
controlling the national conventions of
his party. In view of the fact that Mr.
Bryan has so confidently predicted
victory for his party during two preced
ing campaigns it is possible they may bo
mistaken in assuming that his faction
will control the coming national con
Gottlieb Noigoufind has confessed to
the murder of his wife nnd father-in-
law a formality entirely4 unnecessary
to satisfy the people of this section of
the state who know of the incidents of
the nriuie , that ho was guilty and ex
presses the hope that ho may bo forgiven -
given by the Great Judge. If such
brutal crimes as ho committed may be
forgiven and men of his stamp reap all
the joys of heaven there are a lot of
people now on earth somewhat particu
lar of their associations , who might find
it no inducement to try for a reward
that would afford them such companion
ship during eternity. It is impossible ;
however , to forecast the verdict of the
Great Judge.
All the indications are that theio will
bo something happening among the
railroads of the state the coming sea
son. The air is full of railroad rumors
and some of them are very likely to get
beyond the paper stage. There is n
large opportunity for the development
of railroad properties in Nebraska be
fore the state is fully equipped to care
for its growing freight and passenger
business. Thou those railroads that
have not been receiving a share of Ne
braska business are aware of its im
portance and are planning to enter into
competition with the roads that have
been having it about their own way. , '
The Venezuelans claim that / they
have discovered dynamite bomba > ( n the
coal left aboard their vessel * ' ' by the
Germans who have had them in charge
since the peaceful blockade began.
This has every nppoaranp of being a
fable. The German Nation is too
powerful to be compelled to resort to
any Mich method in a warfare with the
Htlo republic of Vone/.nola , no a nation ,
There might have been an individual
Gorman to stoop to that trick but even
thlfl IB doubted , The Venezuelans
ihould bo careful to no tone their
charges that they may bo believed by the
people of the world if they desire fly in-
imthy in their trouble.
Nebraska democrats are assorting it
eng and loud that they propose to stay
by Bryan and the priuoiploH enunciated
n the KaiiBiiH City platform until the
gulf of Mexico freezes over. They want
no reorganization iu their's and will
'allow their idol though they are the
only OHPB in the procession. Their
oyalty is admirable , and whether
they win ont at the coming national
convention or not it IB to bo hoped that
they will stay by their decision , Mr ,
Bryan may not bo able to dictate the
coming democratic nomination , nnd if
ho does his candidate stands a Binall
ohanco of election , but ho will bo grati
fied at the support of his party in Ne
braska even though the voters of the
state failed to endorse him last time and
may not support his candidate.
The Rouato committee on public lands
has recommended the passage of the
QuarolB bill repealing the timber and
stona act , the desert land act and the
commutation clause of the homestead
act , It has boon found that instead of
being of benefit to aotnal settlers ,
these acts have boon employed by certain
tain land grabbers for the accumulation
of largo slices of the publio domain
which should bo open to settlors. Sou
ator Gibson of Montana says that if our
present system of land acts are con
tinned for five years the entire publio
domain , suitable for settlement , will bo
oxaustod. During the first 90 days of
the present fiscal year 0,100,000 acres of
government land were filed upon and
should the present ratio bo maintained ,
between 25,000,000 and 00,000,000 acres
will bo taken during the present year.
The notion of the senate committee gives
hopes that the repealing act will bo
passed early next winter , The present
laws favor the nconmmulntion of
largo lauded estates by wealthy men
and corporations and the increasing
population of the country is being
robbed of a rich heritage. The law
should have boon repealed years ago ,
but the best that can now bo done is to
give it early and prompt attention next
Democrats are already assuming that
the past congresses subject to condemnation -
nation because of the largo appropri
ations made by it. This is not neces
sarily the case. Appropriations may
have boon reduced somewhat by the
oxorolso of the strictest economy , or
there may have been appropriations
that could have boon eliminated entirely
without detriment to the country and
the people , but it will bo recognized by
ttio thinking man that wo inhabit a
growing country and are in a progres
sive ago. Appropriations that were
made twenty , ton , or evou five years
ago , would , in the uatnro of things , not
be sufficient to provide for the operation
and development of the country at the
present time. New dnties nnd now op
portunities are unfolding that require
appiopriations. Now governmental en
terprises are being nndortaken that are
calculated to benefit the country and its
people , and these cannot bo prosecuted
without funds. The objectors are
shrewd enough not to specify wherein
the appropriations might have boon re
duced they merely throw up their
hands and point to the grand total , hop
ing that the people will accept that as
incriminating evidence without requir
ing the details , A new feature that re
quires a largo appropriation is the rural
mail delivery of the postofllca depart
ment , yet the democrats would like the
honor of having originated this source
of oxpenso. Another large expense
is the appropriation for n new
isthmian canal , which evoryouo
will concede is an absolute no
oosslty to the development of the
trade of the country and the
growth of its interests. Another Inrgo
oxpeuEO is the increase in the effective
ness of the navy to keep it at the high
standard of those of other nations.
Largo appropriations have been required
by reason of the new island possessions
of the country , but these will decrease
as the islands are developed and become
capable of supporting themselves and
looking after their own expenses. No
one would bo in favor of eliminating
this expense by dropping the work
undertaken at the present time. Even
the pronounced anti-expansionists
would desire that the islands should bo
well and generously treated while they
remain dependencies of the United
States , Some of the publio building
appropriations might have been cut off ,
but the eiuoatious are which would be
the items to eliminate. Nebraska will
insist that the appropriations of that
ckdractor coming to this state are ex
tremely desirable , if not absolutely nee
ossary. Lincoln , Grand Island nnd
York are deserving of what they will
receive. Other states will bo as loyal
to their own interests. Therefore these
of the opposition party who object to
the larpo appropriations should bo held
down to specifications as to wherein
they might be reduced. The more as
sertion that they are too large is not
The senators may have purposed to
embarrass that Idea of electing the
nidinberfi of the upper house by popular
vote when they voted to do away with
the capital bar. Tlioro would bo no in-
lucomonts for some men to servo their
Uatos with the bar abolished ,
The Nnrthfork has boon asserting its
position ati ono of the strenuous streams
of the country In a thorough manner ,
and the MlcfllBslppl , Ohio and other
crocks will please take notice that they
are a long ways from exclnsivonoHS
when it comes to doing things in the
way of March rises ,
At last reports Mr. Bryan was con
ferring with Mayor Johnson nt Clove-
and , Ohio. It is not stated whether
his Intention is to secure the aid of Mr ,
iTohiiHon'B circus scheme for the coming
domocratio national convention or for
the campaign that is to follow. Perhaps
ho would have the mayor's plan worked
on both dates.
The Sioux City police are intent on
making that place n dry trowu , and
propose that the drug stores shall
bo as dry as the saloouH. In n great
many instances it 1ms bcon the custom
to close the saloons and permit the drug
Htorcfl to have Jtlio custom on Sundays
nnd other occasions but in Sioux City
it is proposed that the town shall bo dry
beyond question.
Omaha is being stirred up by n colored
orod evangelist , 0 years of ago , who has
been doing evangelistic work during
the past five years. The meetings are
being conducted at an African Motho
dint church , but many white people are
interested. Perhaps this slip of n min
ister may succeed in doing that at which
grown men have failed , nnd make of
Omaha a good town.
The lute touch of spring has caused
the Omiiha News to bid the coal man
adieu. It was a little hasty , and may
yet be willing nnd anxious to receive
several calls from the gentlemen in
question. People who have largo ox-
poriouco with Nebraska springs never
feel safe iu giving the coal iiinn the
shake until about the first of Juno , or ,
at the earliest , the middle of May.
People who will permit the babies to
have shotguns , dynamite bombs , strych
nine and mutches as playthings must
occasionally expect serious consequences ,
as the combination is n certain breeder
of disaster. The soven-years-old Illi
nois boy who blow the head off his
infant cousin with a shot gun recently ,
was another case in point. The story
is complete and fully rounded out by the
statement that the parents were away
from homo when the accident occurred.
All the Nebraska streams are on the
Hood order and inclined to take up more
territory than they are legitimately en
titled to. They nro currying away some
of that water that may be required for
the crops later in the season , and inci
dentally are taking a portion of Ne
braska's rich soil down to the gulf of
Mexico where it may never be in de
mand , or depositing it onrouto on the
lands that have been robbed of their
fertility by the production of crops for
An American commercial enterpise
has received from a British possession
an order for $800 worth of British flags ,
and $4,000 worth of American flags.
This IB something that shonld cause the
lion's tail more and greater discomfort.
When it comes to buying the English
emblem from American manufacturers
it is bad enough , but when tha order for
American flags from a British possession
exceeds that given for the British , it is
enough to cause tko lion deep and abid
ing distress.
The Washington legislature has made
gambling a penitentiary offense. It is a
movement in the right direction. The
towns and cities of the northern Pacific
coast have practiced the debasing evil tea
a greater extent , recently , than the
towns in any other portion of the conn-
trv. Tin homers and others .will now
probably deem it expedient to remove to
some other portions of the world or , bet
ter yet , engage in some legitimate busi
ness. Nebraska might do worse than
follow the example set by Washington ,
The state superintendent of publio in
struction of Illinois has offered a
premium of $10 to the graded or country
school "teacher of that state who will
furnish the best Arbor day program by
next year. Premiums will also be
given to the five schools in each county
showing the most marked school yard
improvements this year , also the ten
schools in the state showing the most
improvement in this particular will be
presented with n largo fiag , each. It
will thus be seen that while Arbor day
originated in Nebraska and is perhaps
of more importance here than in any
state in the union owing to the fact that
it is a treeless state , other states are
deeply interested and propose to profit
by the intention of the holiday by on
conraging its observance and thus add
to their tree area and promote the
beauty of premises and the landscape
generally. There shonld bo a larger
number of trees planted in Nebraska
this spring than over before and greater
attention should be given to beautifying
the country by improving the condition
of yards nnd plots of publio and private
Violence Break Out Anew in
Waterbury Strike.
Policeman la Killed , Motorman
Wounded and Conductor Pounded.
Nonunion Street Railway Men Raid ,
ed by Eight Armed Assailants.
Waterbury , Conn. , March 9. Vlo-
lenco In Its worst form has' broken
out anew In Waterbury as a result of
the high fooling in connection with
the strike o ( the motormen and con
ductors of the Connecticut Hallway and
Lighting company. This tlmo It is
murder , and Policeman Paul Mendel
sohn Is the victim. John W. Cham
bers , a nonunion motornmu , Is shot
and his conductor , George Webcrn-
( loner , was pounded almost Into in-
The scene of the crime was at For
est park , the terminus of the Nortli
Main street lino. The spot is Isolated
and when the car reached the end of
the line the crow made preparations
for the return trip. Immediately after
the conductor turned the trolley and
the motorman reversed his lovers ,
eight masked men sprang from the
bushes by the roadside , entered the
car and discharged their revolvers ,
every man being armed. Officer Men
delsohn fell at the first report and , as
a later examination showed , the first
Bhot was fatal , having penetrated his
heart. The motorman was also hit
and leaped from his car with a cry of
pain. Some of the men followed him ,
while the remainder turned their at-
tentlon to the conductor. He was
thrown to the floor of the car and
pounded and kicked until ho was al
most unconscious. The men then left
him and joined their companions out-
The conductor regained his feet with
difficulty and went to the side of the
wounded officer , but ho saw that the
officer was dead. Weberndorfcr , hard
ly able to stand , went to the controller
nnd started the car back toward the
city with the dead officer. On the
way ho mot another car , the crow or
which relieved the Injured man and
hurried to the city for assistance.
The body of the dead officer was
carried Into police headquarters and
Woborndorfor was also taken there.
An alarm was sent around the city
by the police and in a few moments
the entire detective department , ac
companied by thirteen policemen ,
went to the scene of the murder.
Shortly after midnight the searchIng -
Ing party came upon Motorman Cham
bers. His head was covered with
blood , but It was found that he had not
been struck with a bullet , but had
boon pounded upon the head with the
butt end of a revolver. The young
man told a startling story of his ex
periences. He said that as soon as
ho leaped from the car four men fol
lowed him , firing their revolvers. Ho
ran at top speed for the swamps near
by nnd when he discovered that his
pursuers gained on him he laid down.
The murderers rushed by , bnt did not
go near the highway. They soon gave ,
up the search , whereupon young
Chambers hurried from his hiding
place and started for the city to give
the alarm. He fell In with a police
man , who conducted him to the car
barns , -where Chambers had his In
juries attended to.
Police Firm In Belief That a Woman
Committed the Crime.
Buffalo , March 9. The most Im
portant development in the Burdlck
mystery was the discovery of evidence
to corroborate the story of Policeman
Myer of meeting a lone woman on
Ashland avenue about 1 o'clock on the
night of the murder. It is not much
but the police feel encouraged. The
police will not divulge the name of the
person who has como forward with the
additional evidence. They are doing
less talking about the case. The fact
that they are still working on the
"lone woman" clew Indicates that they
have not abandoned the theory that
the woman had a hand In the crime
Superintendent Bull stands firm In the
belief. "I still believe as I did , that
a woman committed the crime , " he
The Burdlck case was referred to
from the pulpits of some of the
churches of the city Sunday.
Many Injured While Watching Fire
Montreal , March 9. It Is fearec
that four of the persons crushed In
the collapse of the Allan line shod
will die. It Is estimated that fully
BOO people were on top of the bulldlni
watching the steamer Montreal burn
nt midnight , when the structure col
lapsed. Only ono was killed. Fifty
coven persons were treated at the hos
pltals and a largo number wore at
tended by their own physicians.
FItzslmmons and O'Brien Matched
PHtsburg. March 9. Both Fltzslm
mons and "Philadelphia Jack" O'Brien
met In this city and drew up article
of agreement for a fight to take plac
In Juno or July at some point on th
Pacific coast. The articles call for
Bide bet of $5,000 from each man
The contest vr111 take place before th
club offering the beat purse.
Flro at Wllllamsport.
Willlamsport , Pa. , March 9. Fir
tutted the old "Oilman's opera nous
building , burning out Michael Levls
clothing house , George Lander's gen
eral store , the Armory and a half doz
en other occupants. The total loss I
estimated at $76,000.
When you can't cat break
fast , take Scott's Emulsion.
When you can't eat bread
and butter , take Scott's
Emulsion. When you have
been living on a milk diet and
want something a little more
nourishing , take .Scott's
To get fat you must eat
fat. Scott's Emulsion is a.
great fattener , a great
strength giver.
Those who have lost flesh
want to increase all body
tissues , not only fat. Scott's
Emulsion increases them all ,
bone , flesh , blood and.
nerve. 1
For invalids , for convalescents - * ? "
valescents , for consumptives ,
for weak children , for all
who need flesh , Scott's
Emulsion is a rich and com
fortable food , and a natural
tonic. . ,
Scott's Emulsion for bone ,
iesh , blood and nerve.
We will send you1
a free sample.
Be sure that this picture
In the form of a label Is on
the wrapper of every bottle
of Emulsion you buy.
scon & BOWNE ,
409 Pearl St. , N.Y. A
50c. and $11 all druggists.
Total Nearly Two Millions.
Pierre , S. D. , March 9. The closing :
hours of the eighth legislative ses
sion were without exciting Incident.
The bill providing for a deficiency
levy by the state board was recalled |
and the amount Increased from $1,000- . ' \
000 to $2,000,000. This was necessi
tated by the Increase In appropriations
over estimates. The best flgnres ob
tainable as to total appropriations
show that the general bill as finally
adopted carries $1,888,969 , and the
special amount $668,319.
Jailer Merrill's Slayer Captured.
Olympla , Wash. , March 9. Chrla
Benson , the murderer of Jailer Mer
rill , was captured by Sheriff P. Mills
and a posse a few miles from the city.
He was In hiding In a deserted mill.
He offered no resistance to being
handcuffed and was brought to Olym-
pla and lodged In Jail. For the past
week Benson had put In most of his
time in the brush. He declares that a
general Jail break had been planned
and that he did not Intend to kill Jail
er Merrill.
Boilermakers May Strike.
New York , March 9. It waa announced - <
nounced by F. G. McKay , buslneaa
agent of the Boilermakers' union that
demands will be made upon the own
ers of all the ship yards in the vicin
ity of New York for a general In
crease in wages and shorter houra
and If the demands are not granted ,
there will be a strike of all trades
connected with ship building.
Rlvermen Greatly Alarmed.
Bvansvllle , Ind. , March 10. Th
river is rising here slowly. Logs are
coming out of the rivers above hero.
All side streams of the Ohio river In.
this section are raging torrents.
Rlvermen are greatly alarmed and
fear the flood of 1884 will be repeated. .
Ettep to Be Postmaster.
Washington , March 10. The nresl-
dent sent to the senate the following :
nominations for postmasters In Ne
braska : Frederick J. Etter , South
Omaha ; C. K. Olson , Newman Grove ;
Clarence E. Stlne , Superior.
"One of my daughters had a
terrible case or asthma. We tried
almost everything , but without re
lief. We then tried Ayer's Cherry
Pectoral , and three and one-half
bottles cured her. " Emma Jane
Entsminger , Langsvllle. O.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
certainly curesmany cases
of asthma.
And it cures bronchitis ,
hoarseness weak
, lungs ,
whooping-cough , croup ,
winter coughs , night
coughs , and hard colds.
Three iltci i ZSc. , SOc. , } l.
Coninlt jour doctor. If lie I T ttko It. til
then do ai ho i yi. If bo telli von cot
tv , take It. tben 'don't take It. He knowi.
L aie It with him. We are willing.
J. O. AYKIt CO. , I-owell , Mail.