rill I II PHE NORFOLK NEWS : FRIDAY , MARCH 0 , 1H03 A complete couwo pj Instruction In preparation for Letter Carrier Kxaml- wntIon , sent by mull complete , iK > .00. JUost successful system In the U. S , THE SUCCESS SYSTEM , SPRINGFIELD , MASS. MILLARD GREEN , DRBY and TRMSFER LINE Piano Moving n Specialty. Phone fi8. Calls Promptly Annwnro't , JU. N. , T. IIOAQLAND , Oatcopntlilc Physician Dlsflnien Iwth nonta nntl ohroulo i Ltrontotl without ute of ilniffior lailto. i riiotio No. V M , Olllon.'iU ranlilmioa , 100 NorthllOtli Htroot , Norfolk Nebraska gKSBIONS iV : BULL , Umlbrtakorflinnd Embalmorn , Htiiloni Iltk. , Norfolk ATD. Norfolk , Nebraska | ) U. BERTHA AIILMAN I Ml PHYSICIAN r f Thono 107. forJLadloB and Children rii jimy bo leased by private parties at any time for reasonable prices , Ladles welcome > como nt any tluio. { J T N/E. WILKINSON & SON. L. L. REMBE. , i PLUMBER. i Steam and Hot Water Heating. I First doorlSoutlijOf News Offlco. . . .TI-IE. . . Norfolk'Mini ' and Loan < < mssui "ASSOCIATION [ will build you a on easy payments. Ooiuo and BOO us. C. M. DURIAND , Secretary Dart Miller Graduate of American School of Oatoo ptvMiy , under founder of tbo science Residence and oftlco , 307 Madison Ave Hours irom U a.iu to 4 p. ui. "When Your Will Is Ready Your Feet Are Light. " The business men of this town can attract out-of-town trade as readily as the big establish ments of the cities attract it It is simply a matter of advertising This paper goes Into the homes not only of those who live In the thickly settled community but it Is a welcome guest in almost every farm house for miles around It reaches the homes In all near-by villages and some that are far removed. It will draw trade from wherever It circulates if its advertising columns are intelligently used. Have you tried Itf Drop In and talk it over anyway. VYTYYVTTYVTTYYTTYYTTTTYT * Republican Lenders Discuss Senate Work. CUBA GIVEN SECOND PLACE. reciprocity Must De Settled This Month Senators Will Try to Get Treaties Ratified as Speedily as Possible To Keep Quorum Present. Washington , March 0. The Ilopuh- Jlcan Honatoi'.i will intilto a united effort - fort lo Hocuro action on the Panama jnnnl treaty and the Cuban reciprocity ; roaty an nponillly as possible. A tncotltiK of the Republican Btoorlnf ? committee of the noimto wan hold after adjournment yesterday ami thin course wan decided on. The Bltuatlon was discussed al some length , and the conclusion reached that business might ho greatly facilitated by hoop ing as many senators an possible In the city ami In their seats and the In dividual members of the steering com mittee agreed to devote tholr ener gies to this end. No ono In the com- julltoo had any definite Information as to the time that may ho consumed In debating the treaties , but It was stated an a rumor that Senator Mor gan had said that as there were a number of new members of the senate lie would feel it Incumbent on himself o go over the ground quite complete- Jy and oven lo review much thai ho had already said. The evident pur pose of the Republicans In to avoid If possible calls on account of the ah- nonce of a quorum and to hoop the Bonato running as Bteadlly as possible. They are agreed as to the desirability of completing the session at an early day. The Cuban troaly , under Iho extension - tension provided for In the acroomont between this country and Cuba , ex pires at the end of this month. The Panama treaty , however , will bo the first of the two to bo taken up. Burdlck Murder Still a Mystery. Buffalo , March G. Ono week ago Edwin Ij. nurdlck , a wealthy member of aristocratic social organizations In Buffalo's exclusive Elmwood district , was murdered In a peculiarly mysteri ous manner and the authorities have ( is yet been unahle lo tnko their In- Tostlgatlons heyond Iho realm of sus picion. Superintendent Bull of the police stated last evening that , though suspicion might point In a certain direction , It was not strong enough to base an arrest on. ' "When wo have gathered evidence strong enough to maho an arrest wo will act , " ho said , "and when wo maho this arrest wo will have the evidence to convict. " President Stays by Crum. Washington , March C. Tlia pros ! dent will send to the senate the noml- , nation of W. D. Crum , colored , to bo collector of the port of Charleston , S. C. This will ho the second nomina tion of Crum'tho senate at the session just closed having failed to confirm Uluw The Ilttilc mid UN CoutiMitn. There are no less than ,1r > ( > ( VlSO let ters lu tbo lllble , 77 , 07 words , 31,108 verses and 1,181) chapters. The number of verses In the Bible commencing with A are lll.GUS ; B , 2,207 ; C , ISa ; D , 17 ; B , 107 ! ; V , 1,707 ; G , 209 ; II , l.UU ; I , 1,440 ; J , 158 ; 1C , 05 ; L , 411 ; M , 437 ; N , 001 ; O , BO1. ! ; P , 140 ; Q , 4 ; U , 1U7 ; S , 1,088 ; T , C,2St5 ; U , 83 ; V , 37 ; W , 1,300 ; X , none ; Y , H5U ; 55 , 17. To read the Bible through In a year means reading three chapters every | weekday nnd live chapters each Sun' day. day.All All the loiters of the alphabet are contained In the twenty-first verse of the seventh chapter of Kzra. The Bible was not divided Into chap ters , as It Is now , until the thirteenth coututy. Early Hebrew Bibles were marked Into sections and verses by lucnna of accents , which served as marks to be observed In the eastern manner of reading. The work of di viding the Bible Into chapters has been attributed by some to Stephen Lang- ton. The division Into verses was made by a printer of the name , of Robert Stephens In 1548 and was adopted throughout all editions. The Aim-rlcnit "It used to be considered a witticism to ask a man whether he spoke United States , " said an English university man at the Lawyers' club the other day , "but there Is In fact an American lan guage , distinctive from the king's Eng lish not only In Idioms and In the use of particular words , but In the clipping of words to save time and breath. Oa this side of the Atlantic oue scarcely ever hears ' 1 have' and 'you are. ' You hurrying Americans say 'I've' and you're. ' You shorten up 'cannot' Into 'can't , ' and your purest speakers use 'don't' nnd 'won't , ' and It Is almost a universal habit among Americans to clip the 'g' off words ending In 'Ing. ' Even your professors of English fall to sound the 'e * in 'righteous' and 'cour teous' nnd shorten 'knowledge * Into knoledgc. ' 1 might reclto scores of words that are practically shortened by a syllable In usage , aud as usage makes language you Americans are gradually constructing a speech that Is quite distinct from that form of English which Oxford and Cambridge are preserving with such care. " New York Times. Falcon Lore. No one can prelend to any acquaint ance with English literature or even with tbo English language without be ing aware how deep an Impress has been left upon them by the art and practice of falconry. Such words as " " " " " " " " "haggard "eyrie , "mows , "cadccr. to "Inro , " to "stoop , " to "reclaim , " alt belonged originally to thn falconer's jargon and were thence adopted Into common parlance. A whole host of well worn quota tions , Including the long misunderstood HHiigo In Ilamh'l about Iho "hand Haw" ( heron shaw ) , can only be prop erly explained by reference to the fal coner's craft , and several of the most picturesque metaphors imed by our best poetH derive their virtue from the hawking field , London Saturday lie- vlow , A HOG'S MOUTH , Tlip War II Kiiiittlr * < ! ir > Aitlnuil to Rat Illokorr Nutn. "Pcoplo often wonder Itow It IH tlmt hog can not nil Urn kernel out of a ilckory nut , or any other kind of nut 'or tlmt mutter , without swallowing my of the shell , " mild u mini from the oimtry , "but OH a matter of fact thcro H nothing mysterious about Iho proc- CHH. Mind yon , hop * don't swallow any Df tlit'Ho harder substances. They get rid of them , and then It IH Jimt IIH easy 'or them to get rid of ( he Hhell of a nut IH It IH for a man or a squirrel. You night think because a hog crushes ho mil Into small fragments that ho ivoiild necessarily Hwallow a good por- lon of the hull. Hut he doesn't do any nuoli thing. "It Is a conceded fact among men , vlio know anything about the subject hat the borne IB the most perfectly con- Htrueted animal In the world , consider- ng the purposes for which the horse Is mod and Its method and habltfl In life , tut I want to put In a good word for ho hog when It comes to the thing of cracking and eating nulH without get- Ing any of the harder substances into the Rtonmch. The horse has very fine eeth. Tliv back teeth particularly arc finely constructed with n. view of ena bling the to crush Its food well loforo paHstng It Into the stomach. Those heavy grinders , heavily set In the horse's Jaw , are looked upon as marvels. So they arc. "But what's the matter with the teeth of the hog ? \Vlmt'B the matter with that marvelous process by which they separate the kernel of the nut from the hull ? It has occurred to mo that this Is no small achievement , and nature IB at least entitled to some sort of tribute for her skill In making this result possible. In the first place the hog'a tongue Is more sensitive than would bo supposed , < and It can easily letect the harder from the softer sub stances. Ily some sort of process the hog Is able to work the bits of a hicko ry nut hull over to the Bides pf Its mouth , the tongue being used for the purpose , and hero they arc thrown out at the corners. Probably you/ have no ticed that the corners of a bog's mouth are somewhat different from the corners - ners of the mouths of other animals. The lines of the mouth do not end so pointedly , and hcnco It Is a much easier thing for the hog to work the harder substances which ho does not care to swallow out through these little open ings. " New Orleans Times-Democrat A FEW WHYS. Why do many employers say their clerks are a stupid lot and unworthy of their consideration ? Why do'many clerks look with envy on their employers and rage over every correction or sharp word ? Why do ninny persons behave moro courteously and kindly to outsiders than they do to the ones they really love the best of all ? Why do many men laugh at women's lack of business ability and yet sneer and rather look down on the woman who shows she has some ? Why do many children resent any thing their parents say and look on them as bores and long to be grown up fo as to escape from them ? Why do many rich folk look on their poor relatives as being always on the lookout for favors and BO prevent the poor relatives from Klvlng them little presents or being natural with them ? Why do many husbands work hard for their wives and family , but never think how the wlfo would appreciate an Invitation to the theater , a little din ner at a restaurant , a box of candy or some flowers brought home unasked ? Chicago lleconl-IIerald. Not At-qimlntcil With Him. "Do you know Mr. Fresco , Mr. Al bert Fresco ? " inquired Mrs. Nurltch. "No. " said her husband. "Why ? " "I've got nn Invite to Mrs. Blugore's garden party , and she says they're goIng - Ing to dluo Al Fresco. " Philadelphia Press. Mercenary. Sue So yon are going to marry Choi ly Sportboy. On what grounds do yoi base your belief that ho really loves you ? Nan On what grounds ? On his rea estate , of course. Baltimore Herald. Grief Is the agony of an Instant. The indulgence of grief Is the blunder of a life. Disraeli. mi Awful Fnte. Mr. H. Haggins of Melbourne , Fla. writes , "My doctor told mo I had con sumption nnd nothing could bo done fo me. I was given up to die. The ode of n free trial bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption , induced m to try it. Results wore startling. I am now on the road to recovery nnd ow all to Dr. King's Now Discovery. I aurely saved my life. " This great cure is guaranteed for all throat aud lung diseases by A. II , Kiesau , Druggist Price 50o and $1.00. Trial bottles free M jsterloun Clrcuinstance , One vros pale nnd sallow and th other fresh and rosy. Whence the dil ferenco ? She who is blushing wit health uses Dr. King's New Life Pills t maintain it. By gently arousing th lazy organs they compel good digestio nnd head oil'constipation. . Try them Only 25o , at A. II , Kiesau druggist. Dowager Empress Preparing : for Carnival of Murder. OUTBREAK IMMINENT IN CHINA. Report That the Present Emperor Will Be Slain First and Then All AHeno In Peking Made Away With. Viceroys Instructed to Aid Boxers. Victoria , March 0. According to atl- Ices received from Poking , an out- rcak and with It a carnival of mur- or exceeding the Boxer outbreak Is oganled by many as Imminent , Cor espondents of the Chtncso papers at okliiK ara sending columns telling or ho duplicity of the empress dowager nd of the threatened outbreak. The vforth China Dally News , ono of the iost Informed journals of the cast , as received advices that the empress owagor and Yung Lu , the gratyl chan- cllor , are known to bo atdfng the novomont of Tung Fu Ilslang In Cannn and that while the empress owagcr Is pretending to Initiate re- orms , she Is secretly sending In- tructlons to viceroys and governors irohlbltlng the Inauguration of for- Ign methods In tholr jurisdiction , 'ho empress In also Bald to bo sending lotlflcatlons to some viceroys that Tung Fu Hslang Is to bo aided In marching his army to Poking , to es- ort Pu Chun. On tholr arrival , twang Hsu , the present emperor , IB o be niA o away with. The roprc- ontatlves of foreign powers and all orelgners In tbo capital arc to meet he same fate without distinction. THE MARKETS Closing Prices of Produce in Chicago Today. Chicago , March 0. Special to The ews : Following are the closing prices u Chicago market today : Wheat Cosh , 70 ; July , 72 5 Sop- ember , 70 . Corn Gash , 45 % ; May , 472ji ; July , 5 ; September 44J . 'Oats Gash , 84 ; Mar , 34 % ; July , 2 ; September , 2 Yesterday's Quotations. Chicago , March C. Henry realizing In whrnt caused n break of over lV4e In tlmt market toilnj- and the clotie wns weak , with Mny UJ7'lc ( ? lower. Mny corn wns oft & ? ( % c nnd oats were down % flc. i'rovlslotiR closed with the Mny products from 'J c higher to lOc lower. Closing prices : Wheat Mny , 7. > } ic : July , 72c. Corn-Mny c ; July , 44e. OatR-MHy , IHV4c : July , 31-y4c. Pork May , $ IS.20 ; July , $17.70. Lard Muy , $10.00 ; July. ? ! ) .87H. Kins-May. $0.77V4 : July , $0..r)7W. Chlcngo Cnnh Prices No. 2 rod whcnt , 75r70u : N'o. 3 red whcnt , 71ff,7."c ; NO. 3 Bnrlnjc wheat. 71Q70c : No. 2 hard whcnt. 71iri"'tc ; No. 'I hnrd wheat , COR72c ; No. 2 cnsh corn , 44'/4c ' ; No. 3 cash corn , 40 (5 ( 41ic ; No. 2 yellow corn , 414c ! ; No. 3 yt-1- ow corn , 42@l2iie ; No. 2 cnsh onts , 34 < v No. 2 white onts ' , SGfQUTe ; No. 2 white oats , | Chicago1 Live Stock. * Chlcnco , Mnroli 5. Cattle Receipts , 0- 500 , Including 230 Tvxntm : Flow , stonily ; good to prime steers , $3.15(85.73 ( ; poor to medium , $3.r > Ofii.X { ) ; Mockers nml feed- ors. $2.753.00j cows nnil heifers , $1.50Tr 1.7.1 ; cnnncrn. $ l..r > 04i3.X ) : bulls , $2.00 ® 4.2. . : cnlvi-s , $3.50:30.85 : ; Texas fed steers , $4.00 < ? ? 4.l5. IIogi-Recelpts. today , 22- 000 ; tomorrow , 20,000 ; loft over , 5,000 ; opened 10JJ15C higher , closed SWloc lower ; Mixed nnd butchers. $7.0097.45 ; peed fO cbolco lienvy , $7.45W7.f0 ! : rough heavy , $7.10 < JJ7.40 ; light. ? fi.70fi7.10 ; bulk of siiles , S7.10Q7.35. Sheep-Receipts. 10.000 ; sternly ; good to choice wethers , $5.00115.03 ; fnlr to choice mixed , $ J.OOfi4.75 ; western sheep , f4.75J5.fiO ; nntlve Innilis , $4.50(30,00 ( ; west ern larubs , $1.7.JI7.10. ( Kansas City Live Stock. Kansas City , March 5. Cuttle-Receipts , 0,000 ; steady to 13c blRher ; export nnd dressed beef steers , $1. < J02'3.40 ; fair to ( ? ood. $ H.2.VT4.r,0 { ; stockers nnd feeders , f : .2.(5t3. ( ( 0 ; western fed steers. J2.83S3.00 ; Texas and Indian steers , $3.23 4.43 ; native cows. J2.00 J14.W ) : native heifers , $3.00 < cl 4.70 ; bulls , f2.lW4.00 ; calves , $3.0037.00. * Hogs-Uecelpts , (1,000 ( ; 510c hlcher ; pigs lOc hlcher : top. $7.40 ; bulk of sales , $7.13 517.30 ; heavy , $7.20@7.40 ; mixed packers , $7.05417.33 ; light , $ n.7.r > ( > ; pigs. $0.15f ( ? 0.70. Sheep Receipts. 1,500 ; steady closed weak ; lambs. $4.30 0.00 ; fed ewes , $3.00R ! n.OO ; western wethers , $3.COg3.75 ( ; stock era and feeders , $2.50 < 33.SO , South Omaha Live Stock. South Oiunhn , March 5. Cnttle Receipts , 4,000 ; steady , cows C10c lower ; native steers , $3.75 3.25 ; cows nnd heifers , $2.00 fll.OO ; canners , $1.75(22.80 ( ; stockers nnd fcederi , $2.75JM.C5 ; calves , $3.2KgO.U.'i ; bulls , stags , etc. . $2.401J3.80. HOBS Re ceipts , 0,000 ; r nOc higher ; heavy , $7.15 7.80 ; . mixed. $7.10Q7.15 : llglit , $7.007,15 ( ; plus , $0.25in.OO } ; bulk of sales. $7..V37.1S. ( ) Sheep Receipts , 8,000 ; steady ; ycarlliiRS , $5.40 tn.tX ) ; wethers. $3.00fri.05 ; ewes. $4.00iI5.00 ( ; common nnd stockers , $2.0051 4.40 ; lambs , $5.50@7.00. St. Joseph Live Stock. St. Joseph , March 5. Cattle-Receipts , 1 , 203 ; natives , $3.853.40 ; Texans and west cms , $3.3.V < J4.iOi ( cows nnd heifers , $2.25i 4.oo ; stockers and feeders , $3.25g4.0 ( ( ! Hogs-Receipts. 4.0G8 ; Ilcht and light mixed , $7.07\'y < ? 7.2.'i ; medium nnd heavy $7.2 < X37.40 ; bulk $7.15Q7.35. Nearly forfeits HI * Life. A runaway almost ending fatally , started a horrible ulcer on the leg of J B. Orner , Franklin Grove , 111. For four years il defied all doctors and al ! remedies. But Bucklou's Arnica Salve bad no trouble to cure him. Equally good for burns , bruises , skin eruptions and piles. 25o at A. H. Kiosau drug store. A Weak Stoiniich onuses n weak body and Invites disease Kodol Dyspepsia Ouro cures nnc strengthens the stomach , and wards off and overcomes disease. J. B. Taylor , a prominent merchant of Ohriosmau Tex. , says : "I could not eat because o a weak stomach , I lost all strength am run down in weight. All that money can do was done , but all hope of re 'covory vanished. Hearing of some wonderful euros offi cted by use of Ko dot , I concluded to try it , The firs bottle benefited mo , and after' taking four bottles I am fully restored to my usual strength , weight nnd health. Kiesau Drug Co. Kidney complaint kills moro people ban any other disease. Tills is duo to ho dlBoano being HO insidious that it gels \ good hold on the system before it is eoognized. Foloy's Kidney Onro will irovont the development of fatal din- aso if taken in time , Sold by A. II , tlosau. A Night AUilii. Worse than an alarm of fire nt night B the brassy cough of croup , whtoh ounds like the children's death knoll nd It moans death unions something is ,0110 , quickly. Foloy's Honey and Tar lover falls to glvo instant relief and lulokly euros the worst forms of croup. Mrs. P. It. Cordior of Mauningtou , Ky. , vritea : "My three-year-old girl had a ovoro coflo of croup ; the doctor Raid ho could not live. I got n bottle of Floy's Honey and Tar ; the first dose ave quick rnllnf and saved her life. " lofuso substitutes. Sold by A. II. Ciesau. Foley's llouoy aud Tar is best for ronp and ! whooping cough , contains no plates , and euros quickly. Oaioful nothors keep it in the house. Sold by II. Klosau. JOAOJ A U ptlU 1 OM noj uipj ( [ ttiuoaf ) sXJi | 11L\V uojjumnitinuj p\jtiwil [ otj | p tiipBHiutf anj ' 'ooujjns a3u puu pojuji-uj u JOAO [ ss'jt epxiojds ii Stitzooua * osuno jo oinijii } > n spop 'njud inoti5AV [ soana ttii ( t oqj , sjuao or Joj q \\IIA. \ \ ozjs psui vnntiHoaid pui U3H otj ) { pee [ Jo qunt ) > 3 Oino UJAI pttu 'pataoj v tpus Bf tuUfl [ [ raua o H4 13 ; 'Bpioq jjnns pnu sa oura 'BOUIHJ 'Bjuopjqut 8ti { Xjp iu ( ptOAy "njaujoo jo tuao ; Xatiujpao otu u ijojqti'ojBnouoa oaotnaujuSuisnua 'osod uiooop puu ottujqtnsta oroj \ ojoijpu TIOUJA aiioiOJ3oa otj } du AVtp otj ! tjwujuo A ip uo suojtu a j i" Nora don't forget niy Kooky Monn- aiu Tea tonight , felt rocky for n week , ) owols nnd liver all out of whack. Tom says it cured and made a now man f him. The Kiesan Drug Co. You've seen hand-painted women. You've seen others with nature's roses n their cheeks. Which looks the best ? locky Mountain Tea brings real , last- ug beauty. Never washes off. 85 onts. The Kiesau Drug Oo. Ono Mmuto Oongh Cure gives relief n ono minute , because It kills the mi- robe which tickles the mucous mom. rano , causing the cough , and at the amp time clears the phlegm , draws out he inflammation aud heals nnd soothes ho affected parts. One Minute Cough Cure strengthens the lungs , wards off pneumonia and is a harmless and never ailing cure in all curable cases of oughs , colds and croup. One Minute ) ough Cure is pleasant to take , harm. ess and good alike for young and old. V. H. Kiesau : Foloy's Honey and Tar cures the ough caused by an attack of la grippe. It heals the lungs. Sold by A. H. Kiosan The Easy Pill. DeWitt'e Little Early Risers do not gripe nor weaken the system. They cure billionsnoss , jaundice , constipation and inactive livers , by arousing the se cretions , moving the bowels gently , yet iffectively , nnd giving such tone and -trongth to the glands of the stomach , iver and bowels that the cause of the rouble Is removed entirely. These amous little pills exert a decided tonic iffect upon the organs involved , and f their use is continued fora , kfo\v days here will be no return of the trouble. The Kiesau Co. " " , 7' A Thousand Dollars Thrown Away. Mr. W. W. Baker , of Plainview , Nob. , writes : "My wife had lung rouble for over fifteen years. We ried a number of doctors and spent over a thousand dollars without any re- ief. She wns very low nnd I lost all lope , when a friend suggested trying Foloy's Honey and Tar , which I did ; md thanks be to this great remedy it avod her life. She is stronger and en- oys better health than she has ever known in ton years. We shall never bo vithout Foloy's Honey nnd Tar and vould ask those nfllicted to try it. Sold by A. H. Kiesau. DoWltt's Witch Ilazel Salve. The only positive cure for blind , bleed- ug , itching aud protsuding piles , cuts , burns , bruises , eczema and all abrasions of the skin. DeWitt's istho only Witch Hazel Salve that is made from the pure unadulterated witch hazel all others are counterfeits. DeWitt's Witch rlazel Salve is made to cure counter felts are made to sell. A. H. Kiesan. The most reliable preparation for tiduey troubles on the market is Foley's Kidney Cure. Sold by A. H. Kiesau. lletter than Gold. ' "I was troubled for several years with chronic indigestion nnd nervous debility , " writes F. J. Green , of Lan caster , N. H. "No remedy helped ine until I began using Electrio Bitters , which did me more good than all the medicines I over used. They have also kept my wife in excellent health for years. She says Eleotrio Bitters are just splendid for female troubles ; thai they are a grand tonic nnd invlgorator for weak , run down women. No other medicine can take its place in our family. " Try them. Only 50o. Satis faction guaranteed by A. H. Kiesau. In all the world no medicine like Rocky Mountain Tea , the system puri fier and vitnlizer ; it builds your health from the ground up. Try it. 85 cents. The Kiesan Drug Co. Winter coughs are apt to result in consumption if neglected. They can bo soon broken up by using Foley's Honey and Tar. Sold by A. H. Kiesan. Mothers can safely give Foley _ Honey and Tar to their children for ccughs and colds , for it contains no opiates or other poisons. Sold by A. H Kiesau. Nortl-Wern Line F. E. & M. V. R. R , is the best to and from tbo great SUGAR BEET FIELDS . oi North Nebraska. Cancerous A t first have noth ing about them to indicate their true nature. They look like ordinary sores and arc usually treated as such , some simple salve , washer or powder being used in the hope of dry- lug them up nnd stopping the discharge ; but while the place may-temporarily scab over , it again inflames and festers , be coming as bad or worse than ever. After awhile the deadly poison begins to eat into the surrounding flesh aud the sore spreads with frightful rapidily. Then Ihe sharp shooting pains , which distinguish the cancerous from the common ulcer , are felt , and the unfortunate patient ia brought face to face with the most dread ed of all maladies , a cancerous ulcer. Whenever on ulcer of any kind is slow in healing it should be closely watched , particularly if there Is an inherited pre- ilspositiou to cancer. Often times a ma lignant , stubborn ulcer starts from a boil , wart , mole , bruise , blister or pimple , for when the blood is tainted ami the germs and seeds of cancer are implanted in the system , you cannot tell when nor where the deadly poison Is going to break out S. S. S. cures these cancerous ulcers and chronic sores , by driving out of the system nil the morbid and unhealthy matter that keeps the ulcer irrilatcd and discharging. It purifies and strengthens the blood , enabling it to throw ' off the germs and poisons , thus check ing the further for mation of cancer sss cells , and when all impurities have been removed from the blood and system the ulcer heals natu rally and permanently. All ulcers , even the smallest , should be looked upon with suspicion and treated promptly before they become cancerous. S. S. S. Is a purely vegetable remedy , a perfect blood purifier , aud an invigorating conic. Write for our free book on Cancer. The Swift Specific Co. , Atlanta , Ga. C.R.SEILER . . , Livery -and Sale S e Braasch Avenue ' and Third St. 'PHONE 44 ASK CATARRH Druggist for 10 CENT TRIAL SIZE- e , , , " " 2 * ' fv { Ely's ' Creani Balm Gives Relief at onco. It clcan'ca , eoothcs and I hcnla thedlaoii ud memI I brnno. ItcureaCatiirrh | and drives awny a Cold Intlio llcad quickly. It' ' Is absorbed. Heals and Protects the Membrane. Restores the Senses of Taito and Smell. Full siza 60c. ; Trial . < Uo H'c. ' ; at Druggists or by mall. El.v HnnrurnS 6 Worron Strcat. New York. OON'T - i-UOLED ! Take the genuine , original .ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEA Made only by Madison Medi cine Co. , Madison , Wl5. It keeps you well. Our trade mark cut on ench package. Price , 35 cents. Ncv.-r so4 ! In bull ; . Accept no jubstl' NOW BEADY ] The Many Adventureslof FOXY GRANDPA Including nil tliemorry pictures contained - tained in the two volumes , entitled "Adventures of Foxy Grandpa" and Further Adventures of Foxy Grand pa. " Mr. Gchultze [ said to mo ono day at lunch : "What do yon think of a series of comic drawings dealing with a grand father and hit two grandsons ? " "Let the grandfather bo the clover ono of the trio. In most of the other casee the yontig folk have boon emartor than the old people upon whom they played their jokes. Lot's reverse it. " The next morning he came to my of * flco with sketches for half a dozen series , and with the name "Foxy Grand pa" in his head. The succona of the series in the New York Herald was Instantaneous , for who has not heard of "Foxy Grandpa" and "Bunny ! " The jolly old gentleman , dear to grown people as well as children , might almost ho called the Mr , Pickwick of comic pictures. pictures.EDWARD EDWARD MARSHALL. To Grandfathers Who Are And To Tlioeo Who Are To He. I Merrily Dedicate This Uook. "BUNNY. " Sent postage paid on receipt of ONE DOLLAIt in currency or postal order ; no checki received. L. B. HAMERSLEY CO. 49 Wall Street , New York. KIDNEY DISEASE are the most fatal of all eases. CHI CV'O KIDNEY CURE rUlCI $ Guaranteil Rw MT money refunded. Conta remedies recognized by a aent physicians as the Best Kidney and Bladder troub PRICE 50c. and $1.00. SOLD BY A. H.IKIESAUT