The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, February 27, 1903, Page 3, Image 3

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The Only Liniment That Has Held The farmers' Faith For Two Generations ,
; '
Most Violent Eruption That Has
Occurred in Years.
polima Spouts Forth Flames and
? r
Large Sized Rocks , Followed by
Showers of Ashes Severe Earth
quake Shock at Tuxpam.
Mexico City , Feb. 25. At 5:15 : yes-
tcrday afternoon the most violent
eruption of Collma volcano which has
occurred In years took place.
At 2:2G : p. m. there was a severe
earthquake shock at Tuxpam and a
heavy pall of smoke hangs over the
entire vicinity. Both dutiful Qusman
and Tuxpam are near the volcano.
There was also a violent erup
tion of Collma last Saturday.
This volcano has been In eruption fre
quently during recent years. The
eruption of Saturday afternoon was
violent and startling and much alarm
was felt by these In the vicinity. At
first it was believed that the top of
the mountain had been blown off.
-Stones of great size wore ejected and
flames shot high Into the sky. When
the first alarm was over , there began
to fall showers of ashes and finely pul
verized rock. This alarmed the Inhab
itants of the district , who feared being
burled under the debris. There are
many Americans In the vicinity.
Earnings of Lackawanna Road Show
Heavy Falling Off.
New York , Feb. 25. The stockhold
ers of the Delaware , Lackawanna and
"Western railroad held their annual
Meeting yesterday. All the directors
and ofllcers were re-elected. The an
nual report shows a decrease In earn
ings of $2,137,742 , or 21.CO per cent ,
duo to losses from the coal miners'
strike last summer ,
x The report contains the following :
"Tho reckless , Irresponsible element
throughout the anthracite region Inau
gurated a reign of lawlessness and
terror , accompanied with murder , as-
tiault and outrage on Individuals , In to
tal disregard of rights of persons and
property , without parallel In this
country. Had one-half of the authen
ticated cases of crime and outrage
committed against persons and prop
erty during this strike in Pennsylvania
teen perpetrated on citizens of these
United States residing in a foreign
country and likewise engaged In law
ful , peacefu'l pursuits , and the govern
ment of such country had not taken
immediate steps to stop the same
and make prompt , full and satisfactory
reparation for the Injuries done aiid
the wrongs suffered , can anyone pos
Bibly doubt that the entire army and
navy of the United'States would have
been called Into active service , if nee-
essary , to protect these citizens and
enforce such reparation even though
war should result. "
Francisco Making Great Prepara
tions for Grand Army Event.
San Francisco , Feb. 25. General
Thomas . commander-In-
II. Stewart , - -
chief of the Grand Army of the Re
public , membrrs of the national coun
cil of administration , who are accom
panying him on his tour , and the local
committee in ch-i b of preparations
for the coming national encampment ,
have directed the holding of the en
campment during the week of Aug. 17.
Tickets will bo put on sale by the
railroads Aug. 1 nnd they will be good
for stop-overs both coming and going.
The time limit will probably bo CO days.
The eKecutive committee will he
empowered to Invite President Reese
Yelt to attend the encampment.
Dines the Ex-Governors.
Lincoln , Feb. 25. The governor's
annual dinner was given last night at
the executive mansion , with Governor
and Mrs. Mickey as host and hostess.
The ex-governors were all Invited ,
but only Crounso , Boyd , Holcomb and
Poynter were present. A letter was
read from Governor Furnas stating
that ho was too ill to attend. Gov
ernor Garbor was also 111. Dawes Is
la Now York , Nance in Chicago and
Savage in Seattle.
Two Children Suffocated.
Bralnerd , Minn. , Feb. 25. Fira
about midnight destroyed the homo of
August Schultz of this city , and two
of his children were suffocated. One
vas about eight months and the other
about two years old. The parents
left the two children in the care of an
older daughter and went to a ball.
Amnesty for All Rebels.
Cape Town , Fob. 25. Speaking last
flight at u farewell banquet , at which
the American and several foreign con
suls were present , Colonial Secretary
Chamborlaln Indicated that before
long all the rebels would bo amnestied.
Indlanola Postofficc Case Stirred Up
In the Senate.
WnHhlnRton , Fob , 25. Thn Indlnnnla
( Miss. ) postoirico case occupied tjie
mnjor portion of the tlmo of the BCU-
ate yoiitcrrtiy. Tlllman Rpoko for
thrco hours In continuation of his re
marks begun Monday on the rare ques
tion and was followed bv Cnrmnek
( Tcnn. ) . During the rooming hour
novoral hills nnd resolutions wore
piissod nnd consideration was given
the bill to fuitber provide for the safe
keeping of publle money on deposit
In national banks. The agricultural
appropriation bill was also considered
and the committee amendments were
agreed to , e\copt the statehood rider ,
which was passed over. The senate
adjourned to meet today at 11 o'clock.
which , until otherwise ordered , will
bo the hour for convening heieaftor.
Change Their Constitution.
Washington , Feb. 25. The consid
eration of proposed amendments to
the constitution took up the tlmo of
last night's session of the National
Society of the Daughters of the Amer
ican Revolution. Only one of these
received favorable action , that pro
posed by Gcrtrudo B. Darwin , the
treasurer general , wl Ich provided that
the incumbent of that position shall
hold office until her successor has se
cured bondsmen who have dlily been
accepted by the national board of man
agement. The other officers are to
hold office until their successors are
House Passes Philippine Bill.
Washington , Feb. 25. The house
yesterday passed the Philippine cur
rency bill , accepting the senate bill
so far as It relates to the Islands.
The committee amendment striking
out the International monetary con
ference was agreed to , The contested
election case of Wagoner vs. Butler
was under consideration for a tlmo
and the Democrats began a filibuster.
which they threatened to continue If
the case bo presented. The case was
withdrawn with an agreement that It
Is not to come up until Thursday.
Married Women's League.
Washington , Feb. 25. The National
Legislative League , whose object Is
the Improvement of the condition of
the social nnd legal condition of mar
ried women. Is holding Its annual ses
sion here. All the old officers of the
league were re-elected , with the ex
ception of Mrs. Bates , the correspond
ing secretary general. Mrs. Caroline
J. Taylor of Bridgeport , Conn. , was
chosen as her successor. Mrs. Lllllo
Devereaux Blake Is the president of
the league.
National Bowling Tourney.
Indianapolis , Feb. 25. The O'Learys
of Chicago wrested the high score for
five men from the TIshlmlngos of
Indianapolis yesterday afternoon In
the national bowling tournament ,
when they rolled a total of 2,819 pins
for three games , and also established
ft high tournament record. The Carl
JTichters , another team from Chicago ,
also passed the TIshlmlngos , the rec
ord holders of Monday night , making
2,789 pins in three games.
Czar to Name Arbitrators.
Washington , Feb. 25. Mr. Bowen ,
the Venezuelan plenipotentiary , has
proposed to the allies that the czar
of Russia be asked to name the three
arbitrators who as The Hague tribunal
shall decide the question of prefer
ential treatment. The suggestion
has benn approved by the state de
Hanged for an Old Crime.
Stroudaburg , Pa. , Feb. 25. Charles
Grether was hanged here yesterday
for the murder of Constable Strunk
In September. 1901. Strunk had gone
to Grethor's homo to arrest him foi
robberv. when the latter shot the offl
cer dead.
Tram Robber on Trial.
Butte , Mont. , Feb. 25. George. Cole ,
the alleged train robber , faced 'eight
different counts in as many bills of
Information filed against him yester
day. There Is one count of robbery ,
In which the man with the gun Is ac
cused of taking seventy-three cents
from the person of W. M. Bell. Most
of the other charges are for assault
In the first degree orf the persons of
George Ott and other members of the
train crew , who , It Is charged , were
shot at hy Cole.
Doctor Accidentally Killed.
Carbondale , 111. , Feb. 25. Dr. Whit-
taker , a physician of Arkansas , who
was visiting at Else , was accidentally
shot and killed as ho was preparing
to leave for his home. A revolver
dropped fr < e i a holster belt which ho
was buckling around his waist , and
on striking the floor , was discharged.
The hall passed through his heart.
senate confirmations.
Washington , Feb. 23. Confirmations
by the senate : William R. Day of
Ohio , as associate justice of the supreme
premo court of the United States ;
John K. Richards of Ohio , circuit
Juilgo for the Sixth Judicial circuit ;
Henry A..Hoyt of Pennsylvania , solic
itor general.
Rebels Defeat Imperial Troops
Sent Against Them.
Attack on City of Canton Contem
plated Importation of Arms Into
Flowery Klntjdom Said to Have
Reached Alarming Stage.
Victoria , n. C. , Feb. 25. The revolu
tionary movement lu south China IH
growing more RorioiiR , ncconllUR to
advices received hy the steamer ICagu
Muni. The KwnngBl rebels hnvo do
fcated the battalions sent to tlio Uran
front lor and ( Moused Into the prov
luce. I lore they were joined In ptllug-
Ing the frontier towns by numbers of
Kaluo Hills.
Advices from Hong Kong toll of a
contemplated attack on Canton. Seri
ous developments of a revolutionary
character have occurred lately. The
Hong Kong government , acting on In-
formatlon received from the Chinese
government , arrested eight Chinese
In a raid on the rebel junta In HOUR
Kong , the leaders escaping , with 150
others who were In the place. The
police found papers which showed
that an attack on Canton was being
planned. Uniforms , arms and banners
were also found. The plans Included
the murder of two of the chief man
darins of Canton. Several Intluentlal
Chinese at Hong Kong were connected
with the movement.
Advices were received from Chengu !
that the rebels of Sheldhuan , led by
Boxers , have succeeded In making
their way to Yunnan.
Situation In China Is Serious.
Washington , Fob. 2G. Representa
tions have been made to the state de
partment by the Russian ambassador ,
Count Casslnl , regarding the Increas
ing seriousness of the situation In
China , In the hope that the United
States will co operate with the other
powers to stop the Illegal Importation
of arms , which has reached an alarm
ing stage of activity. Similar repre
sentations have been made through
the Russian representatives to Bel-
glum , Germany and Great Britain. The
Chinese officials claim they are power
less to stop the practice and the Rus
sian government , In the Interest of
peace , has called the matter to th6 at
tention of the powers. The Belgians
are the chief offenders In this Illegal
practice , though It said many arms
are entering China from the United
States , Germany and Great Britain.
Reports received at the state depart
ment also Indicate that mischief Is
being wrought by the Importation of
arms Into China.
Government is Sustained by Big Ma
jority War Secretary Under Fire.
London , Feb. 25. The house of
commons yesterday rejected by 2C1
votes to 145 Mr. Beckett's amendment
to the address In reply to the king's
speech , the terms of which were tanta
mount to a censure on the war secre
tary , Mr. Brodrlck.
Henry White , secretary of the UnlU
ed States embassy , and several per
sons listened to the army debate.
The division revealed fewer defections
In the unionist ranks than had been
expected , only about a dozen unionists
Toting against the government , while
the nationalists abstained , walking
out In a body when the division was
In the course of the debate , HIP lib
eral leader , Mr. Asquith , expressed
the general feeling when he remarked
that the debate was of greater signifi
cance than the division on It , and
would ho remembered long after the
six army corps had vanished Into thin
air. The criticism followed mainly
the lines of the previous speeches.
New Orleans Carnival Closes.
New Orleans , Feb. 25. The carnival
closed last night In a blaze of glory.
In point of attendance of strangers ,
It has been the most successful ever
hold , whllo the pageants were on u
scale for great artistic splendor. The
culminating society event of the sea
son was the ball of Comus , at the
French opera house. Miss Alice Roose-
relt was present and was again the
object of special attention. Admiral
and Mrs. Schley and General Joseph
Wheeler and his daughters were
among the guests.
Insurance Company Is Solvent.
Topeka , Feb. 25. The trustees ap
pointed by Judge Hook of the federal
court on Feb. 5 , to ascertain the finan
cial condition of the Kansas Mutual
Life Insurance company , presented
their preliminary report , which shows
the company to bo solvent. The com
pany is one of the biggest Insurance
organizations in the state and at the
time that receivers wore appointed It
was reported that It was financially
Indiana Youth Klllo Father and
Shootn Mother and Slater ,
rrankfoil. Itid. , Kcb. nr.Karl
vVooilH. the Bovenleou-youi'old won of
a pioinlm-nt ftirmer Ilvlux HI'\O'U miles
\\est of thin city , yoatfrdiiy aflnrnoon
hilled bin father , Klml and piolmhly
filially womutud bin mother and sin
ter and then committed suicide. The
motive for ( ho bny'n deed in not
known. After the shooting Ihn young
man went to the homo of i < neighbor
mid ( laid lobhiM'S had entered the
Woodn' homo and killed his Hit her ,
mother and sister and that ho escaped
after a running battle with the den-
pciadops. Ho was apparently greatly
excited and mild ho was organizing a
posse to purMue bin father's Hluycrn.
The hey continued on his way toward
this city and , stopping at the next
house , told the same story. After In
was questioned concerning the shoot
ing , ho became confused and resented
the InqulsltlvcneRH of the farmer to
whom ho had told the story. Young
Woods aiild ho had no time for further
words , IIH ho had to run down the rob-
bora , and ho started toward the liarn
yard at tJio farmer's homo. After
the boy disappeared behind a barn , a
shot was heard and when the farmer
hastened to the barn he found the
youthful murderer dying with a bullet
through his breast.
Trial of Indiana Coal Operators In
Chicago May Be Difficult Matter.
Chicago. Fob. 25. The trial of the
Indiana coal operators began before
Judge Chotlaln yesterday. Much diffi
culty Is anticipated In securing a
Jury. There being eight Individual
and nlno corporate defendants , 250
peremptory challenges are allowed
the attorneys , In addition to the chal
lenges for cause.
The Individual defendants are Wal
ter S. Bogle , J. J. Hughes , J. Smith
Talley , .Topeph Mai tin , Edward
Shlrkle , II. R. Actoll and John Shlrklo.
The corporations to he tried arc : The
Bruletts Creek Coal company , Oak
II111 Coal and Mining company , Coal
Bluff Mining company , Novlns Coal
company , Indiana Fuel company , Me-
Clellan Sons & Co. , the Crescent Coal
and Mining company.
State's Attorney Deneon will take ac-
tlvo charge of the prosecution when
the jury has been secured.
Hotel Thief Confesses.
New York , Feb. 25. The police an
nounced yesterday that they had se
cured a confession from Louis Messier ,
the eighteen-year-old bell boy , who
was arrested Monday charged with
robbing hotels. The confession , they
say , shows that Messier and Cullen ,
I another bell boy , who was arrested
with Messier , had planned to rob ho
tels all over the country. Maps and
diagrams of the Interior of the hotels ,
the names of prominent guests who
made a habit of stopping In them and
a synopsis , written in'shorthand under
the name of each hotel , were found on
both the prisoners. It Is said that
Mossier and Cullen secured $10.000 In
property from hotels and clubs In New
_ _ _ _
Germany Glvee No Instructions to Collect -
lect Money at Once.
Berlin , Feb. 2. . . The German for
eign otllco attaches no Importance to
the request made to Mr. Bowen by
Herr BaltazzI , the former German
charge d'affaires at Caracas , for the
immediate payment of the ? 27GOO.
forming the first installment of the sum
to bo paid to Germany by Venezuela ,
but which Is not due until March 15.
Foreign Secretary von Rlchthoff
sent no such Instructions to Minister
von Sternburg , and It Is assumed that
there has been a misunderstanding In
the matter. The foreign office does
not doubt that Venezuela will strictly
carry out the terms of the protocol.
Entire Worko of the American Com
pany at Plttsburg Destroyed.
PIttsburg. Fob. 23. The entire
works of the Schultz plant of the
American Bridge corporation , a part
of the United States Steel corporation ,
at McKecs Rocks , near here , were to
tally destroyed by fire , entailing a lobs
of $200,000. The plant was composed
of four buildings , the largest known
as the fitting and riveting department ,
being 250 feet long.
The flro started In' the pattern de
partment , and It origin Is unknown.
About 300 men are thrown out of em
ployment by the firo. The loss la fully
covered by Insurance.
Denver Fat Stock Show.
Denver , Feb. 25. About 10,000 pee
ple. including the governor of Colora
do , the state legislature and members
of commercial bodies , attended the
first annual exhibition of the Denver
fat stock show at the slock yards
here. There wer about 1,500 cattlr
on exhibition and the championship
was awarded to a aleor owned by D. R
G. Brown of Aspen , who owns a vaiuh
near Denver. Thlt steer was fed on
sugar boots and alfalfa.
It is the pioneer of liniments ,
U lias stood the teat of time.
The more people use it the more faith
they have in it.
It is jtisins good to relieve your pains
to-day as it was to relieve the aches
and pains of your grandfathers over
sixty years ago ,
Democrats Decide Not to Sup
port Compromise Scheme.
Omnibus Bill Withdrawn no Rider to
Pootottlce and Agricultural Bllln ,
but Measure May , However , Still
Be Discussed In Senate.
Washington , Feb. 2i > . The Demo-
cnillc Hunntoilul t'uucuH has rejected
the two-Hlale piopotilllon for the nrt-
mlHHlon of new stales offered hy Iho
Itopuhlli'iuiH. Hpoeehcs wnro made In
the caucus by Senatoin Clay , Hacon ,
Teller , UnbolH , Sliuonii , Font orM. \ . ) ,
Bate , Morgan. I'ollus and others. All
the speakers took punitive grounds
agaliiHt the compiomlHo proportion
nnd several of thorn spoke emphatic
ally against the pioposlllon to put the
ntnlclmnd bill on any of Iho appro
priation bills as a lider. At the same
tlmo they favored placing the future
course of the parly with loforonco to
the Htatehond bill IIH such , and also
as a rider , In the hands of the Demo
cratic mombeiB of the committee on
The order of business In the nennto
for Iho lenmlnder of ( he session has
been Quito definitely decided on.
Appropriation lillht will ho given the
right of way nnd the Panama canal
treaty will bn considered whllo the
appropriation bills are In conference.
There will ho nn effort made to got
through other bills , Including Senator
Aldrlrh's bond deposit bill. Notice of
the withdrawal of the statehood rider
from the appropriation hill will ho
given today.
Four personally conducted exourHioim
to California every wc ( k , with cholco of
routcB. ThuKo excursions Icavo Onmlm
vliv Union Pacific every WodueHday ,
Tlmrbdiiy , Friday and Saturday at ' 1:25 :
p. m. and can bo joined at any point
enrouto. Full information chum-fully
furnished on application to J. 15. ISlhuf-
fer , agent.
Whoa you fool blue and that every
thing goes wrong , tnko a doho of
Olmmberlnin'H Stomach and Liver
tablotH. They will ck-aiiho and invigor
ate yonr stomach , regulate your bowels ,
give you a relish lor your food and
imilcu you feel that in this old world is a
good place to livo. For tmlu by Kicsau
Drug Oo.
have been grown by thousands of sat
Jisficd customers for over fifty years.I
f'llicy are ns gooj as can bo procured nny-
whcrc In tlic world At the prices li-icil in
our oilalo-ue ; we deliver goods lu you FREE
of express or mall charges.
Vicll'e Garden
( Si. Floral Guide '
Valuable to everyone who plants seeds ,
\ihel1icr it's only a flower bed or an X
immense farm. It is not .1 mere cata
logue , but a work oi refcrcn'-c , full of
profitable information. A book of over
joe illustrated pages. Free , If you
mention this paper. Write for it.
Farmer's Ilandbooli
A Naliiab'c reference book tells all about
the culture and care of crops , preparation of
land , fertilizing , spraying , etc. Sent FREE IT
Rochester , Now Yorlt
\V\yiicii. I'umiim ' pribou to HUM I
for well cMal'liHlii'd ' IIOIINO in a ft w
cuimUm , rnlliiiK "H I'ifull ninrcliiiiitHiiiiit
npHitH. liOnil Nuiiinry. Kiilnr.v &IVM (
iiycnrimd cxpi'iiNCH , pjijnblo $11) ) 70 a
week in mull mid n.xpetipi'H iidvimrtd
Portion pcruumenl. I'uhlnoKH miercm
lul and riiNlilntr. Sliuulind HoiiHe , ! ; il
Donilioin.S' . ( llnenyn
Slopa the Cou li and Works off the
Laxative liromo ( jiuinine Tabloid cm0
a cold in nun day. No cuie , no p y
I'rieo ! ! 5 rontH
Between Bl. Loulu anil Knnans City anil
SiBO-lftSAPJ ,
And principal point * In Texas unit tliofJouth
wimt. Thin train IH now throughout mid H
mnilo up < > f Hi" llnuHt I'qnliHiHiiit , provldrd
with nloctrlo llRlitH nnd till otlior modern
truvollng convoulonooH. It rUna vli : our now
Red River ( Division.
llvory nnpllnnon Icnown to mixlorn i-nt
llilliiK linn railroading IIIIM boon i > miiloyutl
lu the nmku-up of this Horvlcu , I
Cafie Cars ,
under the maniiBomunt of Frod. Harvey.
Cull Information UH to niton and all ditlall'i ol
n trip via thin now ronto will bo chuurfully
fiirnmhiMl , upon application , by any rupro-
tiuntutlvo or tlio
On Kovembor fith , nnd 19tb , and
Documbnr ! irdand 17th , tlio Missouri
Pacific Railway will sell tickets to cer
tain points in thu South , Southeast , and
Southwest , at the ] rate of one fare for
the round trip , plus"$2 [ 00. Final re
turn limit 21 days from date of tulo.
Fast Time and Superior Through Scr-
vlco. Reclining Chair Oars ( sn.u\t \ > tree ) .
Pnllnmu Butl'et Sleeping Cats.
For further information or bud pam
phlets , nddrehs , * W. O. EAHNES
T. P. A.O : al' , 2S > b
Q. I1. , t T. A. A. O. 1' . & i A
St. Louis , Mo. KansHp C'm Mo
That wo Jive constantly growing in the art of
making Fine Photos , and our products will al
ways bo found to embrace the
and Newest Styles in Cards and Finish. Wo also
carry a fine line of Moldings suitable for all
kinds of framing.
I. 3VE.
Arc n Positive Cure for Indigestion ,
Constipation , leavers , Foul nud weak
Stomachs. A noted doctor of Chicago
stated that he believed n 50c , box cf
Slocuni's Worm Cake would g-vp
more relief tluru $30 worth of ordinary
doctor's fees. I'rlco SOcts. by mall
ony- | R. v. SLOCUM
725 W. North Avcnuo , Chicago , III.