6 THJB NORFOLK NEWS ; mUDAY , FEBRUARY 20 , 1903. SATURDAY SIFTINQS , O. E. Powell tn In the city from Omaha. ,1 , D Sparks was n Norfolk visitor yesterday from Stnuton , A , K , llomoiulcr in down from Plain- vUi\r today on buHlnoHH. S. D. Forney of Grolghton Is lu Norfolk - folk on business todny. Miss Esther Mason U homo from hoi ; Bohool work nt Tildon to visit ever Hun- dny. dny.Ohns. Ohns. Inuoh of ttmillo Mills in In the city on business nnd to moot old tlmo friends , Pctor Rubondnhl of Mndlrton wns transacting buslnuss In Norfolk ychtor- day. day.Mr. Mr. nuil MM. Artliur P. PilRor of Mndlson nro visiting with Norfolk rol- ntivos nud frlmidH. Will Smith nnd sister , Miss Llralo , of Grcon Gurdon , iiro visiting t the. Pllger homo on conth Fifth street. Will Woyo nnd sister , MHH ! nro guests of MUscs Otclln niul Uortlm Pllpor. They nro from Portngo , Win. r Mr. nnd Mrs. N. A. Hntnbolt outer- Ulnad thu whist olub Inst night , nil pnrtlolpants enjoyed the ovuulng to ItH fullest oxtont. The seventh grndo llbrnry of the pnbllo school now oouHlsts of moro thnu HO volnnicH thnt nro now rondy for the URO of the pupils. Miss Vloln Koru ontortnlnod num ber of her young friends InHt evening nt n Vnloutluo party nt the homo of her parents on south Fifth Btroot. The Womnn's olub will moot in the parlora of the Oougrogntlount ohutoh Moudny nftoruoon. There IB Important buslucfis nnd n good attendance of mom- bora IB desired. Jnoob JaMcalok , grand wnstor workman - man of the A. 0. U. W. , wns in the city ever night , onrouto to his homo in South Oinnhn from nn official visit to Hnrtlugtou. Mra. W. II. Johnson ontortnlnod n company of Indy friends this afternoon nt a vnlcutino party. The hours wore oujoynbly passed nt the tilonsuros provided - vided for the ontortnlnmont of the guests. Mrs. T. J Morrow is expected homo tomorrow evening from n visit of four months with her daughter nt Sodro Woolloy , Wash. Enrouto homo Hho vis ited her sou .Too , nt Hooky Ford , Col. Miss Lizzie Kiminormnu of Battle Crook is u gncst nt the homo of Mrs Pilgor on south Fifth street. She came to Norfolk with her sister , Miss Minnie Zimmerman , who loft today for St. Lonl , Mo , where she will take n po sition nnd study to become n trained iiureo. The ice harvest has progressed very satisfactorily during the past few days , thnt have been cold ouough for nil prac tical purposes , nnd the majority of the ice houses nnd boor vaults 1mvo boon filled. The oight-wooks-old baby boy of Mr. nud Sirs. II. W. Suooka passed nwny last evening nftor n lingering illness of four weeks with complications of whooping cough , measles nud pnon- mouin. The campaign of the boot sugar fac tory nt Rooky Ford , Col. , cloned lout week. During the time the factory wna in operation it worked up 10' > , ! ! 07 tons of boots nnd mnnufuoturod 211,521)- ) 700 pounds of sugar. Harry Brown has so far improved from his recent illness that ho in nblo to reoliue in nn invalid's chair about hnlf the dny. Ho has n fnir nppotlto nnd if he but continues to irnprovo will bo nblo to bo out in n short time. The little son of Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Lough wns much worse yesterday nnd suffered from couvulsious , but hia con dition showed n romnrkablo improve ment this morning nud it is hoped that it may bo of n permanent character. A company of the neighbors and friends of Judge nnd Mrs. Powers con cluded to talc ) supper with them last evening without awaiting an invitation nud proceeded to the Powers homo fully prepared to servo the meal thotusolvos , The surprise proved eujoynblo to both hosts nud guests. The Catholics of Madison nro to hold n fair and bazaar in connection with the dedication of their now church building on Tuesday nnd Wednesday of next week. The dedication ceremonies will take place Tuesday morning. The Union Pacific has made an eiccuraiou rate of ouo and n third furo for the round trip from towns between Colum bus and Norfolk. Late reports from L. Sasalons. who submitted to nn operation ia a hospital at Omaha recently for the removal of a tumor from his head , are that ho stood the operation well nud felt very cheer ful after the ordeal had boon passed. It ia considered that the critical time will be during the next day or two , and if ho experiences no ill effects then , he ia likely to recover rapidly and perma nently. His many Norfolk frieuds will hope that bis recovery will exceed the most sanguine expectations in extent and rapidity. MONDAY MENTION. Levi Eddy has purchased the two Klseley cottages thnt were recently moved from north Second Btroot nuc vitl move them to lots nt the Junction vhoro they will bo fitted tip f ° r dwol- Ings. 11 J. Cnulfiold loft thin morning for n justness trip to Chicago. Mrs. OlmrloH Dodge spout Sunday with relatives nnd friends nt Madison. J. W. Edwards mndo n Miort visit to Durnloa yesterday , returning this mum- Ing. Ing.Mr. Mr. nnd Mrs. F. A , Alexander of 3oh < rldgo nro visiting with Mr , nnd Mrs. 11. J. Cnulflold. J F. Jnnnl of Hnrtlngton nnd E. H. Gnruoy of Winsldo were visitors in the oity for n short tlmo this morning. II. E Ullssmnnn arrived in the olty this morning from Doono , lown to mnk ; nshoit vl lt with old-time Norfolk friends. S 11. MoFiirlnnd is visiting with hlH father nt Lynch , but writes If his con dition continuoa favorable ho will bo homo lu n dny or two. ChriH Madson is homo visiting his mother. Ho IH now travelling for the Mason Plumhor Shoo company of Chicago. His territory Is In Minnesota. Latest reports from the bedside of L SoHslonB nro thnt ho Is recovering nicely from the operation for the re- movnl of n gathering of pus from his head , which wns undertaken nt nn Omaha hospital. Ho took hta first nourishment Saturday and was foellnj ? very well nt thnt timo. Chief of Police Kane quarantined the house of Mr. Brnnsoh , living n mile north of the city on First street , for smallpox. This ia the first tlmo ho has boon compelled to quarantine so far out for thnt disease. It ia understood that the city quarantine ofiloor has jurisdic tion in nrndlus of six miles. Mrs. Bella Gnrllngor loft yesterday for Excelsior Springs , Mo. , where she goes to rosldo in the future. ! Mlas Gnr llngor will remain in Norfolk for the time being nnd has tnkon rooms nt the homo of Mr. nnd Mrs. J. 0. Stitt in The Heights. Mr. nnd Mrs. O. W. Kunzmauu will occupy the house on Koonlgstoln nvouno thua vacated. Charles W. Moakon , advance ropro- sontntlvo of the Paul Gllmoro Co. , which will nppoar in the city on February 28 in "Tho Tyrnnny of Tonra , " la in the oity todny. Mr. Monkiii bears the dis tinction of being the only Mormon theatrical ngout in the world. Ho was nt ouo time private secretary to Brigham - ham Young. The funeral of the infant child of Mr. nnd Mrs. II. W. Snooks was hold from the family homo on north Ninth street yesterday nftoruoon nt 2JO : ! , the ser vices being conducted by Rov. F. 1 * . Wigton of the Presbyterian church nud interment being in Prospect Hill ceme tery. Mr. nud Mrs. Snooks nro com- tarative strangers in Norfolk but in heir t rouble have found mnny kind rionds nnd neighbors. The wonthor Inst night wns the coldest of the season , the government hormomotor registered nt 18 degrees , ho other low records being in December vhou it registered 17 below. Koro vonthor ruled nil day yostordny vlth n stiff northornly wind provnillng , nnd there were few to venture out except these who had urgent business. The wonthor is moderating to some extent today with prospects that it . .will )0 still warmer. Miss Kato Stafford , teacher of the seventh grade , entertained her pupils nt a vnloutiuo pnrty Saturday evening. The guests were permitted to try their skill at piercing a heart with a dnggor , nt which Margnrot Anderson proved most ndopt nud .TonnloBouning received the consolation favor. Comic valen tines were afterward passed and each guest drew one nnd road the words it contained. Refreshments wore served nud the entire evening proved most en- ioyablo to the girls nud boys. Miss Helen Maylnrd wns hostess at a Valentino party for her llttlo friends Saturday evening , about 25 boys nnd girls participating. Appropriate to the occasion the guests were permitted to try their hand nt writing poetry. Carl Austin's production was determined the best nnd Mary Odlorno was second best nt wooing the muso. Afterward the children tried their fortune at shooting n heart , Ruth Mount winning the first favor and Luoilo Tracy second. Nice refreshments were terved and the even ing wns ouo of thorough entertainment. Mesdauies J. K. Boas , T. E. Odlorno and E. A. Bullock were at home to another company of lady friouda Satur day afternoon nt the homo of Mrs. Bullock , about 40 Indies responding to the invitations. A pretty valentine feature wns a contest nt archery with n lioart placed on the wall for a target. Mrs. Arthur Pilger proved the most skillful with Cupid's weapons , while Mrj. Elsie Desmond was the next in cleverness. Both were presented with pretty favors. At 0 o'clock the guests were seated at small tables nud served n dainty two-course supper. A company of nbont 30 Inds and lassies met with Miss Mildred Beach nt the homo of her parents , Mr. and Mrs. J. L Beach of South Norfolk Saturday evening , and participated in a valentine party that was replete with seasonable pleasures. The llttlo folk exchanged valentines , took part in various amuse ments prepared for their pleasure and when it came to refreshments they found two cakes prepared , one for the girls and one for the boys , with n ring concealed in each. George Onso was fortunate in getting the ring from the boys' cake while Inez Violo wns the lucky recipient of the piece of the maid ens' cake containing the ring. Mrs. Martin Young died at her homo in South Norfolk Saturday afternoon and her funeral will be hold from the houBO tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock , Rov. Mr. Pfelffer of the Johannes Lutheran church conducting the ser- vlons. Mra. Young gave birth to n child about three weeks ngo nnd hnn elnco boon very Hick , her lllnoim finally resulting In pneumonia , which caunod her tlcnth. She was about 40 years of ngo nnd is the third wlfo Mr. Young linn burled , She leaves , besides her hus band nnd Infant childtwo Htop children , ono n boy of in nnd the other n girl of 8 yonrs. The bereaved husband is n nmohinist nt the Elkhorn ongtno honso. The Wnllcor Whltcsldo compnny , which Is to present Richard HI nt the Auditorium tonight , arrived this morn ing on the M. &O , train from Mitchell , S. D. , in n special sleeping cnr and with n special bnggugo cnr for thn Kconory nnd bnggngo of the compnny. The Kllcliorn had n hnggago oar on the track nnd the bnggago will 1m transfeirod tq thnt after the performance tonight. The next date of the company ia nt Lincoln. The sent Halo opened this morning lively and Inside of nn hour 200 of the best F.eatH were sold. Nor folk Is the first place where the best seats for this attraction have sold for less than $ l.fiO. The price hero WUH placed at $1 , nnd it Is hoped by the mnnngcuiont thnt the people will appreciate the opportunity thus pre sented of Boeing n first class attraction nt n moderate prico. HUndnirs Sale. Having sold niyt farm and iu'endliiR to retire from farming , I will sell nt publio auction at my homo 5 miles northwest of Stnnton , nnd 7 miles cast nnd 1 inllo south of Norfolk , on Tucsdny , February 2-1 , l)0fl ! ) , nil my personal property , such ns stock , farming imple ments , oto. Eleven horses : Of which seven nro. young heavy horses. 2 mules. Hogs : 100 head of young healthy hogs , eomo good brood sows amongst them. Ouo hundred and twenty cattle :1 : Hereford - ford bull , 55 head of cowa nnd heifers amongst them n lot of good mlloh cows , 20 head of 2 vonr-old steers boon on food three mouths , 10 head of yearling steers , 34 head of calves. Fnrm machinery , etc. : 2 self binders , 1 corn binder , 1 corn planter , 1 eleven- foot seeder , 2 dlso pulverizers , 2 sixteen- foot lover iron harrows , 1 mower , I fan ning mill , 1 hay rnko , 1 riding plow , 3 cultivators , 1 hay stacker , 1 swoop , 1 feed grinder , 1 iron roller , 1 threshing machine , 1 12-horso power , 1 gasoline engine , 8 largo round water tanks , 10 food bunks , 1 top buggy , 5 lumber wagons , 3 sets of harness , 3 stirring plows , 1 pair of bob sleds. All our household goods , including 1 now Garland range , 1 Homo Comfort range , 3 heating stoves , 8 bedroom sets , 1 writing desk , 1 parlor suit , 1 sowing machine , 8 cupboards , and a lot of chairs , tables , bed clothes and. other articles too numerous to mention. Everything goes. Free lunch nt noon. Sale will com mence at 10 o'clock sharp. Terms of sale : On sums of $10 nud ever 12 months' time will bo given on approved notes with 8 per cent interest. Sums loss than $10 , cash.G. . G. H. LINDALL. J. R. STUOKUK , Auctioneer. R. P. McGumE , Assistnnt. Repair work neatly , promptly nnd thoroughly executed nt Pnul Nordwig's harness shop. RHEUMATISM CURED AT LAST Good News to All who Suffer With Rheumatism Free. To nil who suffer with rheumntism ] will glndly send free the wonderful story of how rny mother was cured nf tor yonra of suffering , together with the most elnbornto treatise on rheuma tism ever published. No matter what your form of 'rheu mntism is , whether nouto , chronic , innsculnr , inflnmmntory , deformnnt , sciatic , neuralgia , gout , lumbago , oto no matter how many so-called "sure cures" yea have tried I want you to write to me and let mo tell yon how mother was cured. I am neither n doctor nor a professor simply n plnin rnnn of business but I have n cure for rheumntism , and I want to tell everyone who buffers with rheumatism all about it. I wish to bo clearly understood , and trust that nl who are suffering with this terrible disease , however , nppnrently beyond the reach of cure , will write to me this day and I will send you by return mni this work of mine. I appeal especially to the "chronically ill" who are wearied and discouraged with "doctoring" nnc to these who have boon cast nsido ns "incurable. " All yon have thought nbont rheumatism mny bo wrong. Le mo tell you our experience. Surely , i you have a suffering friend , it will pay you to investigate my offer , anyway , nud prove for yourself those clnims I mnko. Send me your nddrcss todny a postal card will do and I will mail you this wonderful story. If you have any friends suffering with rheumatism no matter where located , send mo their address , and I will mall thorn a copy. My address is Victor .Rainbolt , Bloomfield - field , Ind. The best physic. "Once tried nnd yon will always use Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver tablets , " says William A. Glrard , Pease , Vt. Those tablets are the most prompt , most pleasant nnd most rollnblo cathartic in use. For sale by Kiesan Drug Co. Keep Up n IlrlHlt Attack upon thnt bad cold , nnd do not wait fcr it to "wear itself out. " Perry Davis' Painkiller is n powerful ally. UBO it internally , with wnrrn , sweetened water. Rub it well into the inflamed throat and sore chest , nnd when the foe has taken flight yon will understand why time and spasmodic competition make no difference in the popularity of the one Painkiller Perry Davis. ' David Whltla Died Suddenly This Morning. OLD RESIDENT OF THE COUNTY Whllo nt Work In , the Yard Ho Was Strlckon With Heart Failure nnd Ex pired In n Few Minutes Funeral Not Yet Announced. ( Kroni'Tucmlny'H Dally ] David Whitln , ouo of the best known non in Madison county , died of heart 'allure nt his homo two and n hnlf nllus onst of Battle Crock , about 10 o'clock this morning. Ho had boon Buffering with heart rouble moro or less during the fall and winter , but when ho arose this morning lie seemed to bo fooling unusually well. About I ) o'clock ho wont out to the ynrd to help load n pig , which it wns planned to tnko to n neighbor's to im butchered. Assisting him were Mr. Lintcoum and his son. While they were nt work , Mr. Whltla suddenly Toll and falntiy said , "I am sick I" These were his last words. Ho wns carried into the house nud in n very short tlmo afterward breathed his last. Mr. Whitln was about fill years old , nnd hnd lived in thia country , 32 or 83 yonrs. Ho wns born in north Ireland , and when five years old his parents im migrated to America , settling in Ohio. Later they moved to Iowa , where David frrow to manhood and was married. In the early ' 70s ho cnmo to thia county and took ns n homestead the place near Battle Crook where ho has since lived. Ho loaves a wife , three sons and two daughters. Two of the sons , Will and Webb , are married , the first living in Anokn nud the latter in Battle Crook. A sister lives in Illinois. Ho was ono of the prosperous farmers in the county , having made a neat competency from the soil , nud ho had one of the most comfortable homes in this section of the state. Besides the farm where ho lived ho owned several other valuable pieces of land in the vicinity. Ho had taken nn nctive part in publio affairs , however always de clining to bo a candidate for office of any kind. Ho served four years ns chairman of the republican county cen tral committee , and wns always a zealous worker for the party with which ho affiliated. Mr. Whitla was both a Mason and nn Odd Fellow , holding his membership in both orders in the Norfolk lodges. A message from Battle Creek at 3 o'clock this afternoon stated that arrangements for the funeral had not yet been an nounced , and will not be until the ar rival of the eldest son , Wm. Whitla , from Anoka , this evening. TUESDAY TOPICS. O. S. Bridge went to Lincoln on busi ness today noon. Mrs. J. W. Ashburii of Tildou wns n city visitor yesterday. Mrs. Sophie Stollo of Portlnnd , Oregon gen , visited Norfolk friends yosterdny. Sheriff J. J. Clements of Madison wns ever to see Whitesido in Richard III. III.Rov. Rov. J. 0. S. Woills went to Omaha on the noon train , expecting to return Friday. The Wednesday club will meet to morrow afternoon with Mrs. W. H. H. Hagey. Editor Engeno Austin of the Pierce Leader was down to visit his mother and BOO Richard III. Miss Ella Mason of Pierce took the morning train for Omaha to hear On- brilowitch this evening. Mrs. S. G. Dean is rapidly recovering from her recent illness of typhoid fever and her friends hope to soon see her out again. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Becker and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bolster of Wisuer were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Degner yesterday. Mrs. Cora A. IJeels , accompanied by several of her pupils , will listen to the celebrated Russian pianist , Gabrilo- witch , at Omaha this evening. There was no school in the Lincoln building yesterday because of the fact that some of the pipes connected with the heating plant had frozen nnd the building could not bo warmed. Al Bigelow , formerly of this city , writes from his home near LOB Angeles , Gal. , that ho is enjoying life and is fairly prosperous lu hia coast home. Ho has purchased a small tract of land for a fruit orchard. A one-armed man , whose feet wore naturally inclined to tangle , made an exhibition of n jrig he had acquired on the streets today. It wns probably the results of charity extended by some tender-hearted citizen. H. Jt Hudson , one of the pioneer resi dents of Columbus , and a past gram master of the Nebraska Odd Fellows died at his home yesterday and the funeral will be held tomorrow. Gram lodge officers and past grand officer from Norfolk expect to attend. Although last night was generally considered much warmer than the nigh before , the mercury registered nt th snme point 18 degrees below zero The mnximum wns higher during yes terday than the day before , the mercury managing to crawl up to 2 above zero Gus Uecker was picked up off th sidewalk yesterday afternoon and ap ponred before Police Judge Hayes where he was assessed the usual fine and costs for disorderly conduct. H happened to have enough money lei with which to liquidate the assessmon and was permitted to depart when h had contriduted his mite to the sohoo fund. fund.Mrs. Mrs. John Fetter has received from tor aunt , Mm. L. KasonbardeuofOnrop- ell , Oul. , n box of assorted California ried fruits that mndo a moftt agreeable lid-winter gift. From the fact that ilr. nnd Mrs. Fetter desire to move to lat fitato BOino time in the not distant ituro it might well bo intimated that 10 box nlao contained germs of the California "fovor. " The following jurors have been drawn > y the clerk of the district court nnd ho sheriff to servo nt the spring term f court , nud will bo summoned to ap- ear Tuesday , March 8 , at or before 11 'clock In the morning : W. L. Blckloy , Inns Dnhlston , Guy Douol , Al Dover , A , 0. Fuller , Win. Ilasso , Win. Hoover , 'oh n J. Hughes , Herman Kohl , Charles Colzow , Wm. Loary , Goo. W. Loscy , Vm. Lowe , John M alone , Alex Mcln- tosh , S. S , Nelson , Henry Nouwork , J. 0. Phippa , G. D. Smith , August Stof- on , Willis Stlrk , Charles Wells , Frank Vhlto , George Zimmerman , Sherman Noilson , n pupil of the high chool whoso homo is south of the Junction , experienced discomforts from lie zero touipornturo while coming to ohool yestordny morning. Probably not realizing the extent of the cold , ho neglected to bundle up sufficiently and vhon the school house wns reached his ears were badly frozen. The condition of his ears were noticed when ho cached the school honso nud snow wna applied to draw out the frost , but in a hort time thereafter his oars were mdly swollen nnd ho will probably xporlonco considerable difficulty with hem for some tlmo. Mrs. S. R. MoFarlaud received a mos- ago' today from her husband at Lynch announcing that his father , Elder kloFarlaud , formerly of Stanton , had lassed away this morning , at his homo n Lynch. The body will bo taken to 3tanton for interment tomorrow morn- ug , and will bo accompanied by his ous , S. R. MoFarlaud of this oity , and Albert McFnrlnud of Lynch. Other members of the family will join the uiioral party and proceed to Stanton. 'ho deceased wns an early resident of Stnuton nnd was well known through out this part of the country. Those at Bonosteol who are interested u the opening of the Rosebud Indian eservatiou by this congress have re ceived advices from Washington that ho bill is likely to be attached to the udian appropriation bill and passed. This has occasioned much satisfaction on the part of these who had become discuraged over the prospect nnd the now terminus of the Elkhoru is already counting on a boom and n rush for the udiim lauds that will thus bo thrown opoafor settlement. This section of Nebraska is almost equally interested vith Bouesteol in the opening of this reservation , because it will mean that ittentiou of laud seekers will be at- ; racted to this country as it has not 30011 before in many years. The committee of the fire departmen appointed to solicit subscriptions towarc the eutortaiumont of the state tourna ment finds that there is considerable un certainty among the people of the city as to just what the tournament contem plates in the way of attractions and as ; o what the money subscribed will be used for. The committee has asked THE NEWS to make a statement of these facts and it will endeavor to do BO in tomorrow's issue , meanwhile those who may be asked to contribute mny rest assured thnt the memborsof the depart ment contemplate a careful expenditure of the money coming into their hands and expect to provide nn entertainment ; hat will draw people from the limits of ; ho state and thoroughly entertain them. Albert Wilde has rented the building next door to his place of business and will resume the manufacturing and sollintr of cigars just as soon as ho can receive the necessary stock from thn east , it having been ordered immed- ately after the fire. He will not disturb anything in the burned shop until after the loss has been ad- usted by the insurance company , but is convinced that he cannot afford to re main idle during the time that may be necessary to affect such adjustment , tlr. Wilde reports that some goods not laving the government stamp affixed A'ero taken from his shop on the night of the fire , and intimates that there is a possibility of trouble in store , for those who took them , as , until the proper stamps were affixed they are in the charge of the government , and n ohargo more serious than mere petit larceny might be brought against the person or persons who took the goods. Heavy team harness , built to last nnc at reasonable prices , at Paul Nordwig's Harness shop. Northrrn Wisconsin Itntlwiiy Fiirm I.nni For Sola. The Chicago , St. Paul , Minneapolis & Omaha railway has for sale in North ern Wisconsin , at low prices and easy terms of payment , about 350,000 acres of choice farm lands. * Early buyers will secure the advantage tago of locations on the many beautiful streams and lakes , which abound with flsh and furnish a never ending and most excellent water supply , both for family use and for stock. Lund is generally well timbered , the soil fertile and easy of cultivation and this is rapidly developing into ouo of the greatest sheep and cattle raising regions in the northwest. Chicago , Milwaukee , St. Paul , Minn eapolis , Duluth , Superior , Ashland and other towns on-"The Northwestern Lino" furnish good markets for stock and farm produce. For farther particulars address : GEO. W. BELL , Land Commissioner , Hudson Wis. , or G. H. MAORAR , Asst. Gen'IPass. Ag't.St. Paul , Minn. Dizzy ? . Then your liver isn't acting well. You suffer from bilious f ness , constipation. Ayer's Pills act directly on the liver. For 60 years they have been the Standard Family Pill. Small doses cure. W ant your immntnrlie nr buuril a beautiful browner rich Muck ? Thuliums BUCKINGHAM'S ' DYE Ws BOCTI Of D uMi ( tl OH P HIIL A Co , N IHU NH To dmicy of tli Tlmen. The tendency of medical science is toward preventive uieabures. The best thought of the world is being piven to the subject. It is easier and Imiiirto prevent than to cure. It has biuu tully : lemonstrateil that pneumonia , ouo of the most dangerous diseases that medi cal men have to contend with , can bo prevented by the use of Ohnmhi'ilniu'fl Cough Remedy. Pneumonia always results from a cold or from an attack from influenza ( grip ) , and it hns been observed thnt this remedy counteracts any t'lidoucy of these diseases toward pneumonia. This has been fully proven in many thousands of cases in which this remedy has been used during the great prevalence of colds and grip in recent years , and can bo relied upon with implicit confidence. Pneumonia often results from a slight cold when no danger is apprehended until it is sud denly discovered that there is fever nnd difficulty in breathing and pains in the chest , then it ia announced that the patient has pneumonia. Bo on the safe side and take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy as soon as the congh i con tracted. It nlwnys cures. For sale by the Kiesnu Drug Co. Io Not Ho Afraid to look the facts squarely in the face. That congh , racking and persistent , ac companied by tightness in the chest and spitting of sticky mucus , is a sign of consumption. Common sense dictates the use of Allen's Lung Balsam , an honest remedy , since it contains no opium ; an efficient remedy , since it heals the irritated , inflamed throat and lungs , and so prevents a deep-seated cold from running iuto incurable forms of consumption. The scratch of a pin may cause the loss of a limb or oven death when blood poisoning results from the injury. All danger of this may be avoided , however , by prompthy applying Chamberlain's Pain Balm. It is an antiseptic and quick healing liniment for cuts , bruises nnd A burns. For sale by Kiesan Drug Co. The value of Expert Treatment. Everyone who is nfllicted with n chronic disease experiences great dif ficulty in having their case intelligently treated by the average physician. These diseases can only be cured by a special ist who understands them thoroughly. Dr. J. Newton Hathaway of Sioux Oity , Iowa , is acknowledged , the most skillful and successful specialist in the United States. Write him for his expert opin ion of yonr case , for which ho makes no charge. WiittJO Tliiiu a Itloxr from a hard fist is the buffet of cold wind upon a pair of improperly pro tected lungs. A few minutes exposure to cold may bo the beginning of con sumption. Lose neither time nor cour age. Fortify yourself against pulmon ary troubles , including consumption , with Allen's Lung Bnlfam. A few doses will loosen the cough and enable yon to got rid of the phlegm that pro- duoos it. Cure soon follows. A Mother's Kecoimncndntlon. I have used Chamberlain's Congh Remedy for a number of years and have no hesitancy in saying that it is the best remedy for coughs , colds and croup I have ever used in niy family. I have \ K not words to express my confidence in this remedy. Mrs. J. A Moore , North Star , Mich. For sale by the Kiesan Drue Co. THE FAST TRAINS. One Whole Day Saved Between Chicago cage and San Francisco. The average reader does not stop to think what the saviug'of a whole day between Chicago and San Francisco means totho busy , bustling people of America ; but it means both time and money , and it is proper to ask who is there who would not do his best to win out on both propositions. The follow ing , however , needs no comment : Via Omnlm , the Union Pacific is 204 miles shorter to Salt Lake Oity ; 278 miles shorter to San Francisco ; 378 miles shorter to Los Angeles ; ! ! 58 miles shorter to Portland ; 12 hours quicker to Salt Lake Oity ; 10 houra quicker to San Francisco ; 10 hours quicker to Loa Angeles ; 1C hours quicker to Port- laud than any other line. Pamphlets and maps giving fall information F < e formation about the n.ost comfortable and direct route to the Pacific coast can be obtained by calling on or addressing. J. B. EI.SEFFEH , Agent. If Doesn'f Scan Folks to be told the truth about Lion Coffee scare-crpw coffees are those that hide under a glazing of factory eggs , glue and auch stuf. Lion Coffpo Is pnnj , wliolesome , unglazed , rlcEln flaTor nnd uniform in strength. The alr-tlebt , sealed packauo ininrei cUenlinoss , fre h ne and uniformity.