TUB NWtfOLK NBWSs PRIM * ' lKRKUAHY2rt Losses of Cattle and Sheep Will Be Heavy. ZERO WEATHER IN MANY 8TATE9 Wintry Slants Slay Live Stock V/eak- ! cncd by Prolonged Snowstorms. Lives Lost and Property Destroyed | In the South. ChoycnneVyo. . , Feb. 17. Report B from nearly every section In Wyoming nro to the effect thnt the weather throughout the state IB Intensely cold. Stock on the ranges , especially thnt which started the winter In poor con dltion , Is suffering severely anil heavy losses tire predicted. The open conn try Is covered with snow to an un- tiRtml depth , and cattle and sheep arc slowly famishing , being too weak to paw the snow from the ground. In the southern half of the state ns a whole thin has been one of the hardest winters on-stock In the history cf the stock Industry. One severe storm ! ' follow vl another nnd stock of all Vlurfi IH now in poor condition. In some 'oonlltlos ' there IP an nbun- danen of h"v nnd the losses will amount to t "ic'lcnllv nothing , but In other flpotlnns. whore hav Is scnrco nnd Hie flopVq nn-i horrid dencnd the on < Mi r ° ' "o. which Is cnvpwi * nnw. the Incsopq will ho considerable units' * a wnrm spell of weather comeo soon. soon.PTI PTI nnd IOWP l nincm' ' ! - t11 | pvnr Vo r oof fjn' * T nkc n ' 1 'n ' "vi-n * Te'olin. 'Moilnp.n , Tvljorp Mio fptnnorpfitrp fo * throe q 1'n < ? ' * > n nhnnrmnllv low ro- ten llnerropq ho'flW JTmvv qtooV lo" " " " It ) tl'o P'OT" ' nr1 row pltnn ° t forofono con- * clit' ! f n. ni ! " " tpinnprnttirr10 nr pv- fpr ) mi to continue for n week or two nt least. VERY COLD IN KANSAS. Low Temperature Has Made Coal Famine More Serious. Topekn , Feb. 17. The severe cold Breather of the past few days has made the coal famine much more serious. The efforts put forth by the legislature turo have not resulted in any relief and some of the western counties have not coal enough to last twenty-four hours. In a few cases the supply Is even less , and there is great suffering among the poorer classes. It is as Berted that the practice of the rail roads in confiscating coal consigned to shippers Is responsible In a large measure for the prevailing distress. The Oklahoma live stock sanitary toard announced there had been Rreat suffering by cattle on account of the Intense cold weather and sleet. No weather during the present winter has been half so severe. The cattle were unused to It and it is feared many have died. In Klldare nnd other towns a coal famine exists and the people have suffered.tTho author ities fear some deaths have resulted. Bad Weather In the South. Louisville , Feb. 17. Rain , snow and elect , combined in many places wltb high winds , are the prevailing con ditions throughout the south. Rail road traffic is delayed , while in a num ber of. cities the street railway ser vice is almost at a standstill. Re ports from Tennessee , Arkansas , Mis sissippi , north Texas , Alabama , Georgia and all parts of Kentucky tell of damage done by the blizzard , of swollen streams and suffering on the part of man and beast , of traffic of all kinds delayed , and in some In stances loss of life is reported. In Louisville the snowfall has been over four Inches. In Memphis the snow and sleet storm was ono of the worst V- In years. At Fort Worth and Dallas , Tex. , the snowfall was the heaviest in years and a general blizzard pre vails throughout the southwest. Turkey Warns Bulgaria. Sofia , Bulgaria , Fob. 17. In her re cent note to Bulgaria , Turkey declines to accept the Bulgarian government's declaration as to the non-existence of revolutionary hands in Macedonia and warns Bulgaria that explicit Instruc tions have been sent to the Turkish authorities to prevent the disturbance. This note Is regarded as being intend ed to Justify Turkey's military activ ity. It was rumored that In the event of Turkey falling to execute the demanded - manded reforms In Macedonia , Russia and Austria will convoke a European congress to deal with the situation. Peary to Try Again. New Haven , Conn. , Fob. 17. Lieu tenant R. E. Peary , U. S. N. , was a guest at the annual banquet of the New Haven Business Men's associa tion last night. During the course of his speech Lieutenant Peary said ho hoped to make another attempt to reach the North polo , provided he se cured a proper ship and equipment. Llvea Lost In Georgia. Atlanta , Ga. , Feb. 17. A special from Royston , Ga. , states that n furious windstorm passed over the town of Bowman , In Elbort county , yesterday afternoon , demolishing sev eral houses and killing and Injuring a number of people. The wires are down beyond Royston and further particu lars cannot bo obtained. Twelve Below In Illinois. Blooralngton , 111. , Feb. 17. The temperature in central Illinois dropped to twelve below zero. All trains are delayed. Snow drifts near Barnes and Elliott hold Illinois Central and Lake Erie and Western trains several hours. TRAIN KILL8 YOUNG WOMAN. Engine Strikes Sleigh Containing n Party of Ten People. Salt Lake , Feb. 17. A largo double alclgh , containing a party of ten young people , was struck by a Rio Grnndo Western passenger train at the Inter section of Eighth south and Fifth west streets , The sled was hurled through the nir for n hundred foot and demolished , Ono of the party wao Instantly killed nnd none escaped In juries , inoro or less serious , Miss Qualles wns sitting on the driver's scat nnd the pilot of the en gine struck the sleigh precisely whore she was sitting , killing her In stantly. Yalms , the driver , was Internally In- iurcd nnd lies In n critical condition nt the hospital. The other members of the party were sitting In the roar portion of the sleigh. To keep out the cold they had covered their heads with blankets and had no Intimation of approaching danger. The train was stopped at once and the Injured picked up and taken to the depot , a mlle nwny , where medical assistance was quickly summoned. Later the In jured were taken to the varloun hos pitals. PRISONERS IN AN ICE BOX. Seven Men Held Up at Point of Re volvers In Chicago Saloon. Chicago , Fob. 17. Seven men were hold up , robbed and marched at the point of revolvers Into the ice box In a South State street saloon yesterday and kept prisoners for half an hour , while their captors deliberately sam pled liquors. There were six custom ers and the barkeeper In the saloon when three young men entered , com pelled them to line up and submit to being senrchcd. When attention was nttractcd to them by their firing revolvers the highwaymen were emerging from n sa loon opposite nnd a chase ensued , re sulting In the capture of two of the men. BROOKS RELEASED FROM JAIL. Principal of a Chicago School Becomes Involved In Contempt Proceedings. Chicago , Feb. 17. Charles J. Brooks , principal of the Shields school , was released from custody by Judge Brentano on the ground that Judge Crelghton of Springfield did not have jurisdiction In the case. Brooks has been in Sangamon coun ty jail on an order of contempt Issued by Judge Creighton. The effort to se cure his freedom Is an Incident grow ing out of the fight between Brooks and his parents for the custody of Florence Brooks , the daughter of the principal. . Second Train Robber Confesses. Butte , Mont. , Feb. 17. George How ard , the second train robber under ar rest , made a confession yesterday , corroborating the story told by his partner , Cole , that they were alone concerned In the holdup of the Bur lington train last Friday. Cole Is pleading for leniency for Howard , saying that the latter is not only sick , but Insane. It develops that all the money the robbers secured was $7.50 and Cole says the failure of the en terprise was duo to the Insanity of Howard. Cole will go into court to day and plead guilty. Howard says he will nlso plead guilty , but will com mit suicide at the first opportunity. Fined for Passing Mexican Dollars. Rochester , N. Y. , Feb. 17. In spite of the opinion expressed by secret Service Agent Gammon that no con viction could result In prosecution for passing Mexican money , Helen Zaco Robinson yesterday was fined J50 by a police Justice. Her husband paid the fine In American money. The couple were arrested after flooding Rochester with Mexican dollars , worth 37 % cents each. They said they had made $5,000 in the last few months and were working cast from San Fran cisco. They have a scrap book filled with newspaper stories of arrests In other cities on the same charge , but they have never been fined before. Colorado Miners Out. Denver , Feb. 17. A special from Idaho Springs says the miners em ployed at the Little Mattie mine and the Big Four tunnel were called out yesterday. These , with the 175 from the Sun nnd Moon mine , who went out for higher wages two weeks ago , roako nearly 400 men on strike. The union officers declare that the Shatter mine employes will bo called out today and that before Saturday 1,000 men In Clear Creek county will be out. Gondolas Stick In the Mud. Venice , Feb. 17. An extraordinary happening has been amazing Ve netians for the last two days. When the tide ebbed the water flowed sea ward with such speed and volume that all canals of the city , Including the Grand canal , were drained almost dry. , The foundations of palaces and houses were exposed and gondolas nnd steamers stuck In the mud , where they remained until the next tide. Flood Threatens Plttsburg. Pittsburg , Feb. 17. Plttsburg is threatened with another flood. Gov ernment Forecaster Rldgway predicts a stage of twenty-two feet , which would cause considerable damage In the low-lying portions of Plttsburg nnd Allegheny. The Plttsburg nnd Western railroad tracks In Allegheny are submerged. Younger at His Old Home. Lees Summit , Mo. , Fob. 17. Cole Younger , the pardoned bandit , arrived at his old homo hero last night after an absence of a quarter of a century. Ho hnd slipped out. of St. Paul unno ticed two days earlier than expected and , en route south , had succeeded In covering up his Identity. Scores Colombian Minister on Breach of Diplomacy. ITV HOUSE PASSES COUPLING DILL. Enacts Law to Secure Greater Oafety of Railway Employes Fowler Bur- rency Measure Given Preference. Senate Passes Indian pill , Washington , Fob. 17. There was no debate on the statehood bill In the Bonnto yesterday. The Indian appro priation bill and the Philippine cur rency bill both were passed. Vest , white the Indian hill was up , called at tention < o a point of order which had been madu against one of Its provis ions on the ground that It wan new Tim nntint ( > lin mild , had passed the Philippine government bill ns a rider to the army appropriation bill and yet ruled other provisions out. All rulei , he said , wore violated when ix majority was In favor of any meas ure. Morgan spoke on a iiuesllon of privilege regarding a dispatch which recently appeared In the public press purporting to be signed by the Colom bian minister to Mexico , Honor Rafael Reyes , In which Senor Reyes took ox- cent Ion to an alleged statement by Morgan In the senate that the Colom bian president had sold out and abdi cated for $1,000,000. Morgan declared thnt there was a betrayal of the sen ate In th > mattnr of what transpires at evoouMvo salons and that Senor Rcvos had violated a principle of di plomacy w > ' n bo obtained Informa tion "I'rroiHiiously from persons false to their trust. The hoifn dlspoood of a number of bills yesterday under suspension of the rules , defeating two. The most Important measure nassed wan the sonn * " 'ilU to amend the rnljronil snfo- ty nnpllnnco law. A spnrlnl order was ndonto-1 whlfh practically- will innko the Fowler currency Mil n continuing ordpr for * T > n rnninn ! < lf r of the fu sion not hrnvovor to Info'-forp wl'h confer nee fair's ' ipnronrlntlon bills nd other privileged matters. Wllhclmlna May Name Umpire. Washington , Feb. 17. Queen Wll- holmlna of the Netherlands may be requested by the Washington govern ment to name the umpire who shall pass on the claim of the United States against Venezuela In the event that the persons named by the United States and Venezuela cannot agree. The selection of Queen Wllhelmlnn was suggested by Mr. Bowen , and it Is probable that the protocols soon to bo signed by Mr. Hay and Mr. Bowcn will provide that the queen shall name the umpire In the event of dis agreement. This is intended as a compliment to the sovereign of the cquntry at whose capital The Hague tribunal sits. Great Britain , Germany and Italy In their protocols provide that the king of Spain shall name the umpire. To Report Anti-Trust Bill. Washington , Feb. 17. The senate committee on judiciary yesterday con cluded consideration of the Llttlefleld anti-trust bill and decided to report it to the senate with a number of very important amendments. The most important changes were made In connection with sections C and 7 of the house bill , for which the senate committee will recommend complete substitutes. Section G , as the bill passed the house , prohibited persons engaged in violating the provisions of the law from using any of the instrumental ities of Interstate commerce. This purpose is retained In the substitute of the senate committee , but the scope of the publication Is enlarged. Teacher Saves Pupils From Fire. Springfield , 111. , Feb. 17. Miss Mary Martin , teacher in the Caldwell school at Thayer , 111. , by her bravery and presence of mind , yesterday , In a flro which destroyed the school , saved the lives of fifty of her little pulpls. With egress by the stairway cut off by the flames , Miss Martin dropped her pu plls from a second story window to the ground. After the last of the chil dren had been rescued the plucky In Btructor swung herself over the win dow ledge and dropped to safety. Al though several of the children were painfully hurt , none of the Injuries will result seriously. Grand Jury Indicts Turf Men. St. Louis , Fob. 17. Indictments charging fraud and conspiracy to de fraud were returned by the grand jury yesterday for O. W. Depplqr , manager of the John J. Ryan Turf Investment company. Deppler Is at present In Cincinnati , but ho was notified , by counsel for the company to return to St. Louis and surrender himself and that bond had been arranged for him. Ryan was released on bond. Fall to Reach Agreement. Topeka , ' Kan. , Feb. 17. Another con ference between the conductors and trainmen and the officials of the Santa Fo was held yesterday , but no compro mise was reached. The trainmen and officials spent Saturday In trying to como to an agreement , but none was reached. Thrid Vice President J. W. Kendrick and the other officials are still hero and will stay until the final settlement Is made. Entire Train Is Derailed. Plttsbure , Kan. , Feb. 17. 'Frisco lo cal passenger train No. 157 , north bound , was wrecked at the Glrard and Joplln junction cast of Plttsburg lain last night , fho entire train was de railed and five passengers were In jured , none , It Is believed , fatally. MITCHELL. Miners' Leader Addresses Big Meet ing at Chlonuo Auditorium , Chi io , Fob. 17 , Hlx thousand people ctowdod the Auditorium last nlldit nt the ilomoustnitlon of the local labor unlonn In honor of John Mitch ell , president of the United Mlno Workers of America. The nnmtosl enthusiasm was slims u when Mr. Mitchell npponrod on the platform , nnd his npi'och later In ttui evening wa reci'lvi'd with cheers. Mr. Mitchell did not H"nU | nt Ki'dU length , but bin speech was Interrupted nt every few words by the npplmiso of bin audience , Ho declared that ho was not one of thoHo who holli'vod In the trade union ns the ultlninto or that Us formation wan the final rcHiilt to bo obtained , The worklngmon of the world arc , ho declared , passing through a period of evolution and while everybody know thnt conditions wore changing , nobody could foiotnll what the final result would ho. He was not one of tbimo , ho said , who made war upon capital , or denounced It. He bi'llovod that there wiw never a time In the past nor would ( hero be In the future when the dlffoii'tic < m between the laborer nnd the capitalist could not bo pott led If they como squarely together and loll the truth to each other. He mioko strongly lu favor of the possibilities of tratio union , snvliu : thnt lin believed It one of tin' irroiitost powers for good In the world todnv nnd predicting hollar tblnrs fn * It In the fulii'1" . Tie warned his hearer * that no , trlko v-io over won 1 v breaking tbn IMWH. fore o rfTunn ( hat 1'inh coniliiH ( it DHCP nllenntcd the good will of the people. FOREIGN CROP CONDITIONS. Rutsla Reports Serious Deficiency In Winter Grain Shorta-je In Italy. Vvnsninguni , Feb. 17. The olllHul reports on foreign crop condition1 ! , re ceived Irom the foreign statistical agent of the department of ngilculturo nt London , under date of Feb. 1 , shows uuHeasonably mild weather In most paitH of ISutopo during the great er part of January. Official Russian re ports In December report that a scrl HUB deficiency In winter grain In high ly probable In most of European Rus sia , crops being almost entirely de stroyed in sixteen provinces and poor In others. The Hungarian autumn sown crops are generally poor and the area loss extensive. In Rounmntn and Bulgaria the crop outlook is fa vornble. The Spanish wheat ciop of 1002 is estimated at 12.1-l30,0no bush els. or nearly 0,000,000 In OXCOHS o the previous year , while Italy's when ciop Is 25.000,000 short of 11)01. ) In the third week of January the weather In France took a change for the worse so far as the crops were concernei In Great Britain and Germany reports on the growing crops were favorable Murder In First Degree. Cairo , Mich. , Feb. 17. John Brom Isb , who shot and killed Lcroy Lcstc several weeks ago , after Lester hat served an attachment on some ma chinery on Bromish's farm , has been found guilty of murder in the first de gree nnd sentenced to prison for life. Bromlsh shot Lester as the latter was driving away after Bromlsh had refused to surrender the machinery. Four Fatalities In Storm. Greenwood , S. C. , Feb. 17. A se vere windstorm prevailed yesterday in this portion of South Carolina. At Honeapath six men took refuge In W. A. Shirley's brick store , which was demolished. Earlo McGee and Thomas Austin were killed and two men named Donald and Stone were fatally Injured. Five dwelling houses were blown down. Men and women rnn In the streets seeking shelter from the wind nnd rain. Several persona are reported missing. .Trains Are Delayed. Topekn , Kan. , Feb. 17. The railroads - roads have not yet recovered from the result of the storm , Nearly nil trains yesterday were very late. The Rock Island trains were snowbound near Bucklln for several hours and were rescued by means of snow plows. Near Arkansas City , some Santa Fo trains wore stnlled. It is thought that all the roads will get clear tonight. Deck Laborers Strike. Bremen. Feb. 17. About 1 SOO dock laborers employed bv one of the con tractors of the North Oormnn Lloyd company struck yestcrdnv. owlnc to the dismissal of a comrade. Thus far , bow-vo" ho ot'ifr contractor * have bc ° n "M * ' " nt the londln ? of the Prt-5ljcrl Stn > u by Crum. Waph'"ion , Pob. 17. President Roogf o.pressed to those senators who ra'led on him yesterday the hope that the senate would confirm the nom ination of D. H. Crum , to be collector of the port of Charleston. S. C. The president has no Intention of with drawing the nomination and desires that the senate take definite action on 1L Garfleld Is to Be Named. Washington , Feb. 17. James A. Gar fleld of Ohio will bo appointed by the president to bo commissioner of cor porations In the now department of commerce. The appointment will probably go to the senate today. Mr. Garfleld Is now a member of the civil icrvice commission. Alleged Train Robber Arrested. Anaconda , Mont. , Feb. 16. The po lice of this city have arrested Napoleon leon Savoy , who has been Identified by Express Messenger Otis as the man who , last October , hold up the Northern Pacific north-const limited at Bearmouth , this state , and shot and killed Engineer O'Neill , who made a fight against the robber. HAPPY AND HEALTHY. A Beautiful Canadian Girl Saved From Catarrh of the Lungs by MISS FLORENCE KlINAH. _ Mltw JMoronco K. Kcimh , 401 Mnrln street , OUnwn , Out. , wrltotu A few months ago I caught a severe cold , which settled on my lungs and remained there so persistently that I became alarmed. I took medicine without benefit , until nty digestive organs became upset , and my head and back began to ache severely and frequently. I was advised to try Pcruna , and although I had little faith I felt so sick that I was ready to try anything. It brought mo blessed relief at once , and I felt that I had the right medicine at last. Within three weeks 1 was completely restored and have enjoyed perfect health since. " / now have the greatest faith in Pcruna. " P. E. KEN AH. should bowuroof contract-1 WOMEN ing cnturrh. The cold wind and rain , nliuth nnd mud [ -winter nro oHpo- clivlly conducive to cntarrhnl derange ments. Few women uHcnpo. Upon the first symptoms of catching cold. Portum should bo taken. It forti fies the system nti l 8t colds uncl ca tarrh. The following letlor gives ono young vroman'H experience with 1'oninn : MlnfllloHoCJorblng IHU popular Fwloty woman of Crown Point , Intl. , and she writes the following : "Recently I took a longdrlvoln the country , and bolng too thinly clml 1 caught a bail cold which iiottlciloit my lungs , nnd which I could not nc m to tihako off. I luid liciird u grout deal of i'urtma for colds and catarrh ami I J CHAPLAIN MARTIN IG CUT. Venders Resignation to the Governor , but Succeaccr Is Not Yet Appointed. Lincoln. Fob. 17. Dr. George W. Martin has resigned as chaplain of the penitentiary. The icslgnatlon was handed to the governor yester day. Ills HUCCOSSOJ has not yet boon appointed. A. D. Iliiomcr. appointed some time \ ago by Governor Mickey as warden of the penitentiary , took charge yester day. Sunday was spf-nt by Mr. Boomer In inspecting the prison. Saturday he met with the board of public lands nnd buildings and discussed matters pertaining to the penitentiary. One of the unpleasant features devolving upon Mr. Boomer will bo the carrying out of the death sentence Imposed upon Gottlieb Nelgenflnd , who mur dered his wife and mother-ln-lnw and attempted to exterminate his en tire family. The prisoner Is to bo hanged Friday , March 13. Mr. Roomer will make no changes In his staff for several days. BRAVES DEATH TO SAVE TRAIN. Farmer Strips Coat In Zero Weather to Warn Engineer of Danger. Cairo , 111. , Fob. 17. S. S. Glasscock , a farmer , faced a blizzard In his shirt sleeves for moro than an hour yester day to save 100 passengers on the Cleveland , Cincinnati , Chicago and St. Louis railroad. Glasscock was frozen BO badly that he had to be carried Into the cars nfter he flagged the train near Hnrrlsburg. Glasscock , while walking along the track , discov ered a broken rail at a point where the embankment was forty feet high. He know that a southbound passenger train was about due and ran up the track to flag the train. He used his red-lined canvas coat ns n flag and to make sure that his signal would bo seen by the engineer he hold the coat aloft on a stick , leaving himself un protected In the blinding storm nnd rero temperature for moro than an hour , as the train was late. The pas sengers mndo some handsome pres ents and each shook his hand. Venezuelan Blue Book. London , Feb. 17. A feeling of relief that the Venezuelan business is set tled before parliament reopens In clines the press not to bo captious in their examination of the blue book. The comment of the newspapers con cerns rather the reticences than the revelations in the official dispatches. The conciliatory attitude maintained i throughout by the United States government - ' ernment Is cordially recognized , and the British government Is taken to task in some quarters for having de layed taking Washington Into Its con-j ' fldenco until Nov. 11 , when Great Brit- , aln and Germany had agreed already , 1 In July to coerce Venezuela. It lai nlso remarked that there Is no Indlca-j tlon of any attempt having been made I by Great Britain to obtain from Gor- mnnv an assurance that the Monroe doctrine \vnnM t > r The man \vno tcachoa women to smoke always marries one who won't let him do it uluiself . New York Times. taught n bottle to try. I am plonscd that I did , for It brought npcctly relief. It only took about two IxittlcH , and I considered thin money well spent. "You Invvo n firm frlcntl in mo , and I not only ntlvlfio itn uno to my f rlondii , but Imvo purchased Hovurnl bottles to glyo to thoHo without the inciins to buy , and have noticed without exception thnt it ban brought about a spuedy euro whore- over it ImH been UHcd. " Mlsa Itoso Ourblng. If you do not dorlvo prompt and Ratio- factory roHultH from the use of Porunn , write at once to Dr. Ilnrtmnn , giving a full statement of yourcnoo and ho will boploiiHctl togivo you lil vuluablo ad- vloo gratis. AddrcHH Jr. Hnrtmnn , President of The llurtnmu Sanitarium , ColumbusO. Urlbc-Urlbe Is Not Dead. Panama , Fob. 1C , The announce ment finni Kingston , Jamaica , Fob. 8 , that General Urlbo-Urlbo had commit ted suloldo Is untrue. It was Colonel Robi'ilo Urlbo of Horrorra's army who tool ; hia own life. AuctrLm Troops Mobilized. London , Fob. 1(5. ( The correspond , fnt of the Dally Mall at Vienna saya thnt In spl'o of denials , ho loarna that AuHtrli has moblll/cd two army corps and has concentrated an extra , 10.000 men on the Balkan border. Military men. adds the correspondent , believe that nn armed Intervention la inevitable. Field Marshal Rheln- lander will command the forco. TELEGRAMS TERSELY TOLD. Postmaster General Payne Is con fined to his room by an attack of grip. President Roosevelt has extended for six months from March 12 , 1903 , the life of the Spanish treaty claims commission. The Rock Island Monday let the contract for grading 112 miles of pro posed now track from Tucumcarl , I. T. , to a point Intersecting the Choc- tnw division. Charles R. Davenport , who Invented the first railroad coach which becama serviceable , is dead at the homo ot his son in East Wnterton , Mass. Ha YMS ninety years of age. It is reported from Fez , Morocco , thnt the sultan's troops hnve suffered a repulse with great slaughter at the hands of the Kabylo tribe , which Is friendly to the nretender , Bu Hamara. The eighty-third birthday of Susan B. Anthony , Feb. 15 , was celebrated at her home in Rochester. Mlsa Anthony was assisted by Dr. Anna Howard Shaw , who received visitors all day. The appellate court at Kansas City Monday upheld Mrs. Samuel Kraus. divorced wife of a wealthy cattleman , who was accused by him of foisting off n foundling as his child to obtain additional alimony. Oliver Nichols , a lumberman , shot and killed Mrs. Ira Shaffer near Edle , Pa. , Monday and then placing the muz zle of the shotgun to his face , b'ow his head off. It is thought the deed was prompted through Jealousy. Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. 'This preparation contains all of the digestants and digests all kinds ol food. It gives Instant relief and never falls to cure. It allows you to eat all the food you want. The most sensitive stomachs can talco It. By Its use many thousands of dyspeptics have been cured after every thlnp else fallen : , la unequalled for the stomach. Child * ten with wealc stomachs thrive on it. Cures all stomach troubles propated only by fi. 0. Iy\\m & Co-v ' W