The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, February 20, 1903, Page 2, Image 2

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Committee Not Yet Ready to
Report ,
A Few Appropriation Dllla Hnvo Deon
Introduced but They Must All Keep
In the Background Until the Revenue -
nuo Measure Is Dtnposod or.
Lincoln , Fob. 18 , ( Special correspond
ence ) . AH was expected n week HKO ,
the roTcnno committed wan not roivly to
report this wok , nntl was rondlly
granted more tlmo. The main features
ot the bill hart boon agreed upon by the
members , but the actual work of the
compilation had yet to bo clone. On
thU a committee of fllx lawyers has put
In n solid week , and a report of the
finished product IB expected in a clay or
two. In the mean tlmo it in notlcoablo
thnt. faith in the ultimata passive of n
revenue bill has grown among the mom-
born of the legislature , as well ns among
outsiders. This shown n ooiiHldorublo
confidence in the members of the rev-
onno committee ,
The program an outlined by ono of
the members of the rovcnno committee
la to report the bill and have n hirgo
nnmbor of extra copies nt onon printed ,
0 that the people outside of the capital
mny hoop puce with the deliberations
on the now bill. It la especially desired
thnt the county clerks , treasurers and
commissioners have ooplcH , IXH tboy are
facing the tax problem every clay , and
BoggCRtlona from them will bo of IIH-
sistnnco in the discussion of the bill.
On account of the pending revenue
bill , the events of the past week hnvo
not boon of great IntoroBt , Appropria-
tloiiH for Ptuto institutions have boon re
ported and difiouRHod in some CIISOB , but
it is conceded that most of thorn must
wait nntll the ono important matter is
disposed of. There hnvo been discussions
in both ends of the housu regarding the
prevailing methods of letting bridge
contracts in counties nnd bills to on-
conrngo honest contracts nnd shut out
combination bidding have got fairly
well started in both ends of the legisla
There 1ms boon much discussion of
the elevator bills now bnforo the leg
islature , and according to program they
will bo considered by the counties this
week , The 0110 in the honso is by Ilixtn-
soy of Gngo , and the ono in the Bonato
IB by Brady of Boono. They call for
practically the siuno thing , which is ,
that any person bo allowed to bnllcl an
olovntor adjoining the railroad right of
way nt station , nnd compel the com
pany to run n side track up to the olo-
T U > F. T'l9 ' Pglt ron ! 9f t P question
comes In part from local dissatisfaction
in some parts of the stnto bouunHO of
dlscrlnluation or unequal facilities and
partly from the efforts of an organiz
ation worked np by n Kansas elevator
man ,
Some bills of Interest rooontly Intro-
dncod in the house are j No. 107 , pro
viding that saloon notices bo published
in a paper of "general circulation ; "
No. 201 .compelling cities nnd vlllngo
clerks to report four times a year the
complete rocorcl of bonded indebtedness
to the state auditor ; No. 208 , providing
for appointment of matron whore fe
males or minors under 18 or confined in
jails ; No. 211 , providing for ohattla
mortcnuo on oltsnriuK : No. 210. per
mitting independent telephones to outer
cities ; No. 281 , appropriating § 75,000
for an exhibit nt St. Louis ; No. 287 , for
an examining board for the inspection
of steam boilers nud licensing of
engineers ; No. 255 , making chicken
stcnllng ft felony ; No. 055 , npproprlnt
ing $85,000 for n building for the Stnto
Historical society ; No. 08 , appropriat
ing $1,000 to fit up a G. A. R. Museum
and pay for publication of reports for
department commander.
Interesting senate bills recently
printed : No. 128 , preventing justices of
peace from acting t\s nttorney in cases
brought before themselves ; No. 120 ,
providing for the priority of lions for
the feeding and care ot live stock ; No.
131 , repealing * the wolf bounty law ;
No 1JJO , amending the registration ,
primary nucl general election laws ; No.
140 providing for condemnation of lo
cation on rlifht of way for the erection
of grain elovntors ; No. 153 , joint reso
lution calling for direct election of U.
S senators ; No. 154 , providing for n
commission toroviso the statutes ; No.
171 , for the reduction in the width of
public roads In certain cases.
.J. M. Medbury is Exploiting Rehabili
tation of an Old Line.
Rapid City , S. D. , Feb. 19. It is an-
nonucert that J. M. Medbury , who has
for some mouths been agitating the
matter of building n railroad from
Pierre to the Black Hills , has finally
entered into n contract for his company ,
nud is required by the terms to have
the road completed within two yenrs.
Mr Medbury visited Rapid City last
fall and met in conference with the
stockholders of the old Rapid City nnd
Mi-'Hour i River railroad to negotiate for
the latHT's right of way , on which some
grading was done several years ngo.
While the people of the Black Hills
are greatly interested in the proposed
roarl , they tire skeptical at this time ,
fetuiugitmay have eomo connection
with the capital flght.
Killed by Fall From Bridge.
Plattsmouth , Feb. 10. William
"Webb , employed on the Burlington
bridge at this plnce.was probably fatally
injured us a result of failing nearly sixty
feet yesterday afternoon. His skull
was crushed , both legs were broken and
he was otherwise injured. Slight hopes
ro entertained for his recovery , Webb
is 38 years of age. '
Affray nt Hynnnls Follows Trouble In
School Room.
HyatinK Fob. 10 , In a fight in the
school nt 10 o'clock Monday morning
between Prof , Hill , recently of Winner -
nor , Nob. , principal of the schools
hero , and three big boys , Prof. Hill
shot 0110 of them , ' Henry Doom , and
seriously wounded him ,
Young Boom \VIIH hit in the log nnd
is under n doctor's earn. The wound is
grave , but not cotiftldorod clangorous.
Sheriff Morgan hns Hill under arrest.
The shooting was the culmination of
bad fooling thnt had existed between
Prof. Hill nnd three of the larger
pupils for some time. Last Friday
11111 wan ohafttlslng Frank Yeast , whnn
Henry Boom and his brother interfered
and ordered him to stop. The insub
ordination was measurably ( moiled
without violence , but the pupils and
principal wore by no menus reconciled.
This morning Prof. Hill ordered
Henry Bocun from the room , Ho re
fused to go and Hill undertook to ex
pel him by force , A ilorco light ensued -
sued , Young Boom nnd his compan
ions Hot savagely upon Hill nnd foiled
him to the lloor. One of the boys had n
club with which they were beating Hill
when lie drew n revolver nnd fired ,
His assailants then retreated to an
other part of the room , and nil the
pupils were huddled together in n cor
ner , dreading what might happen next ,
nnd the cursing of the three boys ceased.
Presently some pupils hurried from the
room and the building , nnd presently
their example wns followed by nil the
In n short time the news of the
trouble hud attrnotocl n orowd of clti-
ZOIIH to the school , nnd the sheriff took
the teacher in custody.
The boys hnvo not boon arrested.
Twenty-Eight Hundred Filed In the
Nebraska-Dakota Country.
Hot Springs , S. D. Fob. 10. The re.
cent excitement that has boon aroused
along the Nebraska line south of hero
has resulted in nbout 1)50 ) quarter BOO-
tlous of laud being filed upon for placer
oil mining claims. Each claim com
prises only twenty acres , which moans
that 2,800 claims in the aggregate have
boon taken.
A contract has boon lot to sink the
present nhnft on the Snginnw mine near
Oustoi , COO feet , the work to bo begun
at onco.
The miners in the Ida Florence in the
drift from the 200-foot level out through
a strata in the ludgo of very rich rook
last Friday. The rich strata of chim
ney is a foot thick nud will nssny nbout
$ nOOn ton of rock. Mr. Slsk snyu thnt it
uppenrs to iucrenso in size nnd riohno s
us they proneed.
WIHo ) doing assessment work on n
claim south of the Golden Slipper
workmen cut Into n ledge 10 Inches
thick that Is very rich. The ropi.rt is
that It is all specimen rock nnd the free
gold can be soon in the entire 10 inches.
An extraordinary rich strike is re
ported as having been made the fore
mrt of the week on the LeRoy mine ,
near Ouster. It is n telluride oro.
At the Golden Mortar mine the shaft
is down about 7C foot , nud n drift is beIng -
Ing run to crocs-cut the ere body. The
formation is hornblende mingled with
quartz carrying native copper , free gold
and bismuth tollnrldo. The showing is
Hawk Wright has purchased the
ill n ! Ill tinrtri nf r.lin Olil Hill frnm T > T
Wheeler nud hns put men nt work sink
ing the old shaft deeper and otherwise
developing the property.
SpecialJEIection Hold to Declare for
Bond Issue.
Fairfax , S. D , Feb. , 10. Great in
terest is being taken in the special elect
ion which will be held on Tuesday of
next week for the purpose of voting
upon the question of issuing- bonds in
the sum of § 6,000 for the construction
of a county court houso.
Some of the partisans of Boucsteo
nre opposing the proposed erection of n
conrt honso. The people of thnt place
hope at wnno future time to capture the
county sent from Fairfax , nud for the
reason do not wish to see a court house
erected here , for when such a building
is erected the light to take the conuty
seat from this place would bo hopeless
With the present campaign for the
issuance of bonds taking this shape , no
safe prediction can ho made as to
whether or not the bonds will carry
although the residents and friends o
Frirfax are hopeful of being able to
secure n majority.
Invitations are Out for the Annua
Lincoln , Fob. 10 The governor's nn
unal dinner will bo given February 2
nt the executive mnnsinn. Goveruo
Mickey decided on the dnto nud hns son
invitations to the following ox-gover
nors : John M. Thayer , William A
Poyntor , Silas A. Holconib nnd Ezra P
Savage , Lincoln ; Lorenzo Grouuso and
James E Boyd , Omaha ; Robert W
Furnan , Browuvillo ; Silna Garber , Rec
Oloud ; Albinus Nimoe.GhlcaKO ; Oharle
II Deitrioh nnd James W. Dawes
Rich Deposit of Lead.
Beatrice , Fob , 10. Quite n little ex
citement wns caused in Bnmstown
Monday by the discovery of what seem
to be n rich deposit or lead in a ston
quarry west of that town. Samples of
of the ere have been sent to experts for
examination , nud if the article proves
to be valuable n company will be formed
for the development of the find. Not n
few of that neighborhood are of the
opinion that lend and iron can be fonnd
In that vicinity In paying quantities.
Character and Extent of Trees
on the Islands.
'ho Chief of the Bureau of Forestry
Hnc Returned From the Philippines ,
Filled With the Possibilities of That
Portion of Uncle Sam's Domain ,
Washington , Fob. 10. Mr. Glf-
orcl Plnoliot , chief of the bureau of
orostry , hns returned from the Philip-
lines , where hn wan Bout Inst August by
Secretary Wilson , at the request of the
oorotary of war , to report on the forest
tolioy of the Islands.
A personal examination of the Philip-
) tno forests nucl n study of market con-
litions hnvo convinced Mr. Plnohot of
ho vnluo of timber nud of the very
grent opportunities on the island for
[ ovorumont forestry. "Both for for
estry nnd for foresters , " ho says , "tho
Philippines offer the finest field I ki ow
of. The forestry bureau of the islands ,
under Oapt. Goo. P. Ahorn , has obargo
of the development of valuable forests
composed of trees the names of which
nro mostly unfamiliar to Americans and
of whoso habits wo know comparatively
nothing. An unlimited field for profitable -
able study Is offered the young foresters
now entering the Philippine service.
? ho objection thnt the Islands am dan
gerously nuhealthy is n mistaken one.
, ' believe that a man who takes cure of
ilmsolf mny work with entire safety in
ho Philippines.
On n gunboat placed at his disposal by
Governor Taf t , Mr. Pinohot , in com-
mny witli 0iptaiu Ahorn , made n trip
of 8,000 milufl among the islands. The
ailing was clone at night , when possi-
) lo ; landings were made in the day and
ho forests of all the larger islands nud
of many of the smaller ones were ex
"Probably more than half the area of
ho Islands is in forest , " says Mr. Pin-
"Tho best timber I saw was In Min-
lauao , on the road built by the army
rom the const toLiuno , where the fight
ing with the Mores hns boon going on.
There the host trees are 150 to 175 feet
high , with clear lengths of 00 to 100
'oot nud dinmotors of 8 to 0 feet. The
forest is dense nui interwoven with
creepers , nud prepress through it is
often impossible without cutting n way.
[ 'ho ' Islands contain largo areas without
forest , us along the railroad from Ma-
ilia to Dagnpau. Nearly the whole
slnud of Oobu nnd pnrts of Punay nro
vlthout forests. Oil the other hand ,
Mindanao ana Parugna are nearly all in
"Tho pine of the Bouguot provldenc e
s about the only tree which an A m
can in the Philippines will recognize.
Although nearly 700 species have boon
described nud classified , doubtless many
? hilllpino trees still remain unknown.
Very ninny of the timbers are flue cabi
net woods ; nearly all nro heavy , and
nnny sink in water. At present their
use is limited entirely by their ability to
withstand the attacks of the teredo and
the white nnt.
"Lumbering is a problem on the
si mi < ls. The death of nearly nil the
caribou has in some places reduced the
industry to the employment of baud
labor entirely , which is scarce and un
satisfactory. What lumbering is now
? oing on is of the most primitive sort.
I have soon heavy logs hnulod with
tackles by hand. A cousidonable part
of the timber used on the islands is im
ported from the United States. "
Mr. Piuohot journeyed to the Philippines -
pines by way of Russia , whore ho fonnd
an bfllciout nnd highly developed system
of government forestry. He visited the
forest schools of St. Petersburg nud
Moscow , mot the forest ofHoinls nud
made trips with them into the woods.
Ho also observed the plnnting on the
Of the Russian forests Mr. Pinohot
says : "They are very good , ns a whole ,
though not to bo compared with those
of our own Pivoiflo coast. Across Russia
and Siberia , from Moscow to the borders
of Manchuria , one is never out of sight
of r vtr "
Mr. Pinchot will make n complete re
port on his observations in the Philip-
Killed by an Insane Man.
McCook , Feb. 10. Robert G. Mitchell
who lived on a faim about ten miles
sonthwest of this city , was instnntly
killed by his brother-in-law , Ed , Liu-
coin , Sunday morning. Lincoln was
stbject to fits , from which ho had been
suffering severely all last week. This
deranged him nnd the murder wns the
probable outcome.
Lincoln had previously threatened to
do the net. Mitchell's skull wns crushed
like nu egg shell by n piece of n wngon
Mitchell wns formerly a Burlington
engineer , running out of McCook. Lin
coln is now in the hnndsof the sheriff of
Hitchcock county , nt Onlbertson.
Relieved by Powers' Assurances , Still
Makes Ready to Mass Million Men.
Constnntlnople , Feb. 1C. In official
circles it is asserted that the porte
hns received from the powers nssur-
ances regnrdlng Bulgaria's pacific In
tentions and that It has been greatly
relieved thereby. The military coun
cil has completed the plans for the
mobilization of the Second and Third
army corps , and has decided thnt In
the event of it becoming necessary
to take the field in Macedonia Marshal
Edham Pnshn , the generalissimo In
the Qraeco-Tiirklsh war , will have the
supreme command of a million of men
who would be available there.
Fugitive Mlnncnpollo Official Arrested
at Hancock , N , H.
Unncoclc , N. II. , Fob. 10. Broken in
spirit , n physical wreck , nnd changed
probably beyond recognition , Dr. Al
bert Alon/o Amen , formerly mayor of
Minneapolis , nnd who IB wanted In
thnt city on nn indictment for at
tempted bribery , wns dlBcovered yes
terday In the homo of n local minister
nnd placed tinder nrrent by Sheriff
Donno of Mnnchoster. So pltlnbla wna
bin condition that ho was not locked
tip , but left In charge of n deputy to
jiwalt ) ho arrival of ofllcorfl from Mln-
After bin nrrcst Ames communicated
with former United States District At
torney Charlcn J. Hnmblott of Nashua
nnd obtained his services for n flfht
which ho says ho will make against
Dr. Ames has been hero for several
weeks , although his presence was not
known outside of the homo of Rev. C.
II. Chnnln , who received and sheltered
him. Mrs , Chapln is n sister of the
wonmn who accompanied Dr. Ames
and who is supposed to bo his wife.
The knowledge of thin relationship
probablv led to his detection.
Sheriff , Donne received a communi
cation from Chief of Police Qrogor of
Minneapolis , asking him to go to Han
cock nnd see if Ames bad sought ref
uge at the homo of his sister-in-law.
The sheriff came hero nnd after an In
vestigation placed Ames under arrest
yesterday afternoon.
Dr. Ames Is wanted to answer to nn
indictment for attempted bribery nnd
for defaulting his $10.000 ball , given
nt the time of his indictment.
Steal Switch Lock , Thus Sending En
gineer and Fireman to Deatn.
Washington , Feb. 16. Further In
vestigation of the Southern railway
wreck , which occurred nt Ravens-
worth , Vn. . yesterday , when the New
York and Florida pxpress dashed into
an open switch , confirms the opinion
that the catastrophe was of malicious
origin. An Investigation showed that
the lock of the switch had been broken
nnd taken entirely away. Superintend
ent Jones is Inclined to the belief
thnt some enemy of the road desired
to wreck the train nnd thnt no rob
bery was intended. Both Engineer
John Purvis and Walter Wlgginton ,
the fireman , died at their posts. The
former's body was found under the
engine , burned nnd terribly mangled.
Two postal clerks , Victor P. Ham
mer and N. W. Borden , living in this
city , were injured in the wreck quite
severely ,
Smashes Saloon Windows.
Topeka , Kan. , Feb. 1C. Plate glass
window fronts of four of the finest
Kansas avenue saloons and two drug
stores -were smashed In bits at nn
enrly hour Saturday morning with an
nx in the hands of Miss Blanch Boise ,
a disciple of Mrs. Nation. The smash
ing was done from the sidewalk. The
damage will amount to hundreds of
dollars. She gives ns her excuse for
her hatred of saloons that liquor
ruined a favorite brother. She wns
"arrested nnd placed in Jail.
Fatally Shot by Husband.
Oil City. Pa. , Feb. 1C. Mrs. Beulah
Zllllfro , aged eighteen years , was shot
and fatally wounded while entering
the back door of her father's home at
Brady's Bend , last night. Her hus
band , Hnrvey Zllllfro , aged twenty. Is
missing. About two weeks nco Zllllfro
was driven from home by his wi'Vs
father because the latter claimed ho
had ill-treated his wife.
Fulton Partly Inundated.
Fulton , Ky. , Feb. 1C. Owing to the
heavy rains in the past thirty-six
hours the western and southern portions
tions of Fulton are threatened with
inundation. Harris fork is already
over Its banks and the negro quarters
of the town are. flooded. The river Is
Btill rising nnd it Is still raining.
Much damage Is threatened.
Coaling Station Agreements.
Havnna , Feb. 1C. Minister Squiers
has received a message from Washing
ton and it is believed the naval coal
ing station agreements will be signed
within a few hours.
President Roosevelt received n great
number of valentines from all parts
of the country.
Archduchess Elizabeth , mother of
the former queen regent of Spain ,
died at Vienna.
Sentiment in Paris is strongly In fa
vor of Mme. Theresa Humbert In the
suit against her by Banker Cattanl , as
she nppenrs to have shown she was a
victim of usury.
Poultney Bigolo.w , in a lecture at
New York , told his hearers that in
war between the United States nnd
Germany "the Americans would get
licked out of their boots. "
The steamer Germanic passed
through the most severe storm in the
experience of the captain , who saya
the vessel was threatened by furious
gales nearly all the way across.
W. G. Caldwell of West Virginia
was seriously Injured and may lese an
eye ns a result of an encounter with
three men , said to bo Dan R. Hanna ,
son of the senator ; W. A. Clark , Jr.
and John Winder.
Repeated reports of outrages in the
Balkans is raising much" indignation
in Paris and mass meetings of protests
nro nrranged for this week. The evidence
denco shows the Macedonians deliber
ately provoke attackc.
The Elkins bill providing punish
mcnt for the granting of rebates by
railways passed the senate without
debate and Is certain to bo signed
by President Roosevelt , as he has ap
proved each step of Its progress as it
ba been made.
11 IP
Lieutenant General of American
Ar.ny PC-urns Home.
Distinguished Tourist Graciously Re
ceived at Court of St. James Par
ty Makcn a Five Months' Trip
Around the World.
New York , Feb. 1C. Lieutenant
General Nelson A. Miles , commanding
the United States army , his wlfo and
party arrived here yesterday on the
Lucnnla. General Miles , who has been
nbrond five months , has In that time
[ jcen nround the world.
To his Interviewers , General Miles
Enid : "I hnvo been nbroad for five
months. On the 1st of October we
Balled on the transport Thomas. Wo
stopped at Honolulu , the Sandwich isl
ands , nnd then sailed for Guam. We
touched at the island , then continued
to the Philippines. We spent a month
Jiere. I examined the mllltnry sltun-
tion nnd visited the principal stations
and forts and inspected the troops.
There were no serious hostilities at
that time. The 20,000 troops there
were In fine condition. "
Continuing , the General said the
party went from Japan to Port An
: lnir and thence to Peking. "I re
mained there a short time. We have
thorp n smnll detachment of troops
the legation guard nt the capital.
Everything there is quiet. 'We , were
accorded an audience by the emperor
and the dowager empress. They re
ceived us with a great deal of courtesy
and attention. Wo saw the troops of
the Chinese army nnd the troops of
the nllled forces which nre still there. "
Genernl Miles' pnrty went through
northern China to Siberia , passing
: hrough Manchuria enroute , and on
: o Moscow and St. Petersburg.
"I paid a very pleasant visit to King
Edward when wo reached England and
was most graciously received. "
Regarding the story that Mrs. Miles
was overlooked in the invitation
which the general received from
Kint ; Edward , General Miles said :
"Mrs. Miles was not Invited to Windsor
ser through nn over-sight. It was not
< nown thnt she was with me , or the
nvltatlon would have been extended
: o her also. "
Blizzard Causes Heavy Loss to Stock
men in Western States.
Salt Lake , Feb. 16. The heavy fall
of snow during the past week and a
continuance of zero weather through
out this section has cost the stock
nnd sheep men of northern Utah ,
southern Wyoming nnd Idaho thou
sands of dollars In the loss of stock.
If the weather does not moderate
soon the losses will be enormous , ac
cording to men conversant with exist
ing conditions. This morning the mer
cury hugged the zero mark and the
predictions are for continued cold.
Where it is possible sheep and stock
men are hauling feed to their starving
herds , but in most cases this cannot
be done. Word was received in this
city that cattle men in the Shoshone
district of Idaho , being unable to feed
their isolated herds , and in order to
prevent a total loss , have been com
pelled to shoot the stock , the car
casses being stripped of the hide.
Worst Storm of the Winter.
Guthrle , Okla. , Feb. 1C. The worst
storm of the winter struck Oklahoma
about midnight and has been raging
with terrific fierceness ever since.
Sleet and rain was followed by a
driving snowstorm , a cold norther ac
companying. On account of their
good condition , no damage to cattle
or wheat is expected. The rain was
preceded by a dense fog , the only
one known to present residents of the
Rain , Sleet and Snow at St. Louts.
St. Louis , Feb. 1C. Rain , sleet , snow
nnd decidedly colder weather have
followed in rnpid succession during
the past twenty-four hours nnd the
temperature dropped to near the eero
point. While no great damage result
ed , railroad and street car traffic was
somewhat Impeded and telegraph and
telephone lines were prostrated , but
not enough to interrupt business seri
Work of Dynamiters.
Warsaw , Ind. , Feb. 1C. Dynamiters
attempted to destroy the toll line ca-
blep of the Commercial Telephone
company here yesterday. The men se
lected n nable box at the top of a
pole where the cables center and lead
In to the exchange office. The top of
the pole was blown off and several
windows hi buildings nearby were
shattered. The wreckers escaped.
Passengsr Trains Stuck In Snow.
Arkansas City , Kan. , Feb. 16. A
passenger train on the Kansas and
Southwestern is stuck in the snow be
tween South Haven and aCldwell nnd
the Santa Fe passenger train on the
II , and S. division is In n drift nbout
n mile from Nardln and the engine
dead. The thermometer is about flvo
degrees nbovo zero. A high wind
drifted the snow badly.
Norther Raging In Texas.
Dallas , Tex. , Feb. 1C. A blizzard is
reported from Amorlllo and Hereford ,
Tex. , and Indian territory and Okla
homa. At Amorlllo the snow Is the
heaviest in four years and fears are
entertained that much stock will be
lost. A norther , accompanied by rains ,
has been blowing throughout the
geater part of Texas tor the past
twenty-four houri.
Free to You
If you arc not voll and want to know the
trutli about your
trouble , tend fur my
froc booklet * and self
examination blanks.
No. 1 , NorvniiH Debili
ty ( Sexual \\ciikneBS ) ,
No. 2 , Viulcocele , No.
3. Stricture. No. 4 , Kill-
niwiinrt HlntldirOom-
jilalnH , No. f > , Disease
of Women , No. fl , The *
Polsnn Klin ( lilnoil * .
I'olson ) . No. 7 , Oa-
torrh. Tlie-d book- *
B lion Id l > o In the bands
of every person allllct-
ed. as lr Hatlmwiiy ,
the nutbor. Is reco -
. . .Inlzed as the lest nc
, thnrlty nnd expert In'
' tha United States on
\ nn HATifAWAY. these disputes. Write-
or send for the book you want to-day , and It
will tic sent you free , scaled. Address J. New
ton Hathaway , M I )
C4 Commercial block , Frnrth a.
Nebraska Sts. , Sioux City , Iowa.
This signature la on every box of cbo gonuln *
Laxative Brome Quinine Tablets \
the remedy Ahat cnrcH n cold In ono day
Anyone sending a sketch and description mar
quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an
Invention Is probably pntentablo. Communion.
tlonsntrlctlyconfidential. HANDBOOK on 1'atcnta
aent free. Oldest opener Tor securing patontn.
Patents taken through Munn & Co. recetrc
rpecial notice , without chareo , in the
Scientific fltnericatt ,
A handsomely tllnitrated weekly. Largest clr-
dilation of any eclcntlHo Journal. Terms , (3 a
your : four months , ft. Bold by nil newsdealers.
MUNN &Co.36 > B a New York
Branch Office. (525 ( F BU. Washington , D. C. /
She Has Cured Thousands ,
Given up to Die.
Practicing Aleopathy , [ Ilome-
Dopathy , Electric and Gen
eral Medicine.
Will , by roqnoft , vleit professionally
returning every four \veoVs. Consult her whU
the opportunity IB at band.
"UK. CALDWELL limits her pmct'co to tLe
epeolal treatment of diseases of the eye , oar ,
nose , ibroat. lungs , female diseases , diseases of'
children and all chronic , nervona and surgical
diseases of a curable nature Early consump
tion , bronchitis , bronchial catarrh , ihrouio
catarrh , headache , conrtipatioi , stomach and
bowel troubles , rheumatism neuralgia , sci
atica , Briaht's dlsense.kldnoy diseasesdltoasei
of the liver and blndder , dizziness , nenousness ,
indlg.e ti"n , obesity , intnrrnpted n rition ,
slow growth in cbildro' . and all wasting dis-
oaees in adults , dofo'mitio clnb-feet curva
ture of the 'iilno , dlioases of the brain , paraly-
BS , beartdiseaio , dropsy , swelling of the limbs ,
strl'tnro , "pen sores , pain in the bones , granu
lar enlargements and all long-standing die--
eases properly treated ,
Illood aucl Skin Diseases.
Pimples , b'otches , eruptions , liver spots , fallIng -
Ing nf the hair , bad complexion , eczema , throat
ulcers , to e jaius , Madder t.oubleuoak
back , burning urine , pa sing urine too often ,
Th effects of constitutional slcknots or the
taking of too much Injurious medicine receives
raoirh'ng treatment , prorrpt relief aud a cure
for life.
Diseases of women , irregular menstruation ,
falllug of the nmb , bearing dowu pains
forra'o ' " ( ( placements , Ixck of sexual tone
I eno rrliea. sterility or bnrrennets , consults
Di" Caldwell anil she will thow them the cause
of their trouble and the way to become cnred ,
Cnncnrx , Ooltor , Fistuln , Piled
an 1 enlarged g amis treated with the Bubcn-
taneous inject on method , absolutely without
painaml without thn JOESf a dro , , of blood ,
is ono of her own discoveries and is really tha
most scientific method of this advanced
Dr. Caldwell has practiced her profesilon in
some of the largest hospitals throughout the
country. She has no suporinr ii the treating
and diagnosing dieoaBos. deformities , etc. She
has lately opened nn ofllco in Omaha Nebraska ,
v here site will spend a portion of each week
treatlrg her many pati "ts. Nn Incurable ,
cases accepted for treatment. Consultation ,
examination and advice , ono dollar tn those in.
torested. DK. OKA CAI.DUT.I.L & Co .11.
Omaha , Neb. Chicago , I
Wabash Railroad. .
Mobile and return $28.35'
Now Orleans iind return 29.CO
Hnvnnn , Cuba , nnd return 03.85
The above special rates nnd many
others with long limits nnd stop overs
on sale February 17 , to 23 Inclusive.
All information at Wabash city office ,
1001 Farnam street , or address ,
General agent passenger- department ;
Om-\ha , Nebr.