THE NORFOLK NEWS-JOURNAL y p AET TWO , NORFOLK , NEBRASKA , KRIDAY , REKRUARY ,18 , J.003 , PAGES 0 TO 12 Court Room Crowded With People to Hear Arguments. SUGGESTS A SLIDING SCALE. Coal Baron Makeo Offer to Contract 'Miners Defends Combinations of Capital as Necessary and Says ' Union Is Giant Monopoly. Philadelphia , Fob. 13. Doforo an an- fllencohat ' filled orery part of the rpacoMlii the United States circuit courtroom George F. Baer of the 'Rcadlfig company made his closing ; ar- tutnbnt for the coal operators before the itrlko commission yesterday and Clarence S. Darrow , chief counsel for ' th'SFmlners , also began the summing lip for the men. The two sessions /wore extremely Interesting and the ipVlnclpal speakers hold the attention Of the auditors throughout their re- I Sparks. The greatest Interest was inanlfcsted In Mr. Baor's appearance Before the commission to plead the Sikso of the mine owners. Ho declared Hint the miners' union Is a giant mo- 'tiopoly and defended combinations of c'djiltal as necessary , maintaining that corporal Ions are really distributors of ( the country's wealth. Mr BlSfor concluded his address by making a proposition to pay the con tract miners on' a gliding wage scale , their wages to fall dr rise wlth ( ' the , market price of coal at Now York-but 'that in no case shall the wages fall tolow the present basis. The spokes man for the coal companies took up | two hours and twenty minutes in do- 'llverlng his address , and when ho sat , vdown ho was congratulated by hun dreds of persons. Mr. Darrow spoke "nt the afternoon session for two hours and a'half and will take up all of today - day In closing the miners' case. The crowd that heard him was equally as largo as that which listened to Mr. Baer , nnd he , too , was surrounded by 1 an admiring throng when he temporar ily suspended his speech at adjourn ment time. His remarks were directed principally at the wage statements presented to the committee , which ho cays could not bo relied upon. I TILLMAN ASKS FOR BAIL. Slayer of Gonzales Tells Story of Editor's Death In Affidavit. Newberry , S. C. , Feb. 13. Qwlng to the failure of the dofendingattora s of former Lieutenant Governor James H. Tlllman , charged with the murder ' of N. C. Gonzales , to serve the prose cution with copies of the affidavits to be presented at yesterday's hearing for , an application to bail , Chief Justice Pope ordered the application post poned until Fob. 10. In "his affidavit , , Tlllmau claimed that he had been abused and maligned by the editor of the State. He heard rumors that Mr. Gonzales had threatened him and had been advised to be on his guard. Ho was Informed that Mr. Gonzales Inquired for him at the state house , Baying he would make him show the , white feather. That on the day of -the shooting he happened to be mov- - tng some of his effects , Including two pistols , from the state house to his rooms. . He saw Mr. Gonzales com ing , glaring at him , saw him run his hand deep In his overcoat pocket and turn toward him , and believing his "life in danger , he hurrldely said : "I received your message , " and flred. WHITE HOUSE TOO COSTLY. Vott for Executive Mansion Leads to Strictures In House. Washington , Feb 13. The house made slow progress with the sundry civil bill yesterday , covering only twenty-seven pages and leaving forty pages still to be disposed of. The de lays were occasioned by a rather pro tracted discussion of the Item in the 1)111 for the maintenance of the white lioiisc , and considerable debate upon . the item appropriating $3,000,000 for . the relief of distress In the Philip pines. Galncs ( Dem. . Tenn. ) and Fitz gerald ( Dora. , N. Y. ) criticised the greatly Increased cost of maintaining 1 the white house. An amendment to cut In half the appropriation for the relief of distress In the Philippines was defeated , but the language of the paragraph was modified to require an nual reports of the expedlture of the money. Trainmen at Topeka. Topeka , Kan. , Feb. 13. The national officers of the trainmen and conductors arrived here yesterday and numerous conference regarding the Santa Fe wage situation have been held. Today 'the trainmen will confer with Third yico President Kcndrlck and other Banta Fo officialn. It Is said the men Insist on receiving a 20 per cent In crease. President Rlpley a few days ago said this would not bo granted. Good Roads Conference. Detroit , Feb. 13. An international conference on the eubjact of gooc roads was opened in this city at the Wayna hotel this morning , when Pros ! dent H. 8. Earle of the American Road Makers and Mayor William C. May bury , both of Detroit , welcomed 300 workers In the good roads movement -Delegates are here from Iowa , NCTT Mexico , Texas , Pennsylvania , Massa ekusetts , New York and Ohio. Iowa Lutherans Elect Officers. Burlington , la. , Feb. 13. The thirty fifth annual Iowa conference , of the Evangelical Lutheran synod yesterday lected thcso officers : President , ROT. A. Norrbaum. Swedensburs ; vice pros- dent , Rev. Joseph A. Anderson , Boone ; Bccretary , Rev : B. Maddln. : treasurer , Mr. C. O. Nel- on of Olds. MOUNTED MEN ROB A TRAIN. Burlington Express Held Up Soon After Midnight Near Butto. Butto. Mont. , Feb. 13. Sheriff Qiilnn s firmly convinced that the five rob bers of the Burlington flyer No. li , which was hold up six miles outside of ho city limits yesterday morning , reached Butte and are now , in hiding n the city. From evidence , Qutun Bays ho has , ho declares ho Will land ho robbers before several days have passed. Fireman Jomlrow sold that the train was stopped by bits of burning' paper and that within thirty-five mlmltcs the robbers had finished their work * and were on their way to Dutte. Hovas orcod to uncouple the engine. * mail ind express cars from the remainder of the train and carry dynamite to bo robbers whllo one of the bandits flrcd a bullet between tils legs to hurry hlni. The trainmen of the passenger train after the robbers had left with the on line and cars , hastened back toward 3utte and met an Incoming frcjght rain , the engine of which was' ' un coupled and run to Butte and "tho alarm given. A sheriff nnd posse and orco of police have loft for the 'scone on a special train. ' > Every officer in the city has been called to South''Butte ' and all approaches preaches to'1'thb''city are carefully ; uardod. The sheriff is scouring the country and a light Is believed to be mminent. The robbers fired two charges of dynamite , blowing the safe to pieces and wrecking the express car. The safe , according to the rail way people , contained nothing of value. The train was a double-header and .he engines with the mall and express cars were run about 600 feet ahead of the rest of the train. In a few min utes after the train was stopped there were two explosions of dynamite , which wrecked the express car. Thereof roof was blown off , but no one was In- lured. Various estimates are made an to ; he booty secured by the robbers. It s Intimated In some quarters that the loss will run into the thousands despite - spite the assertion of the railroad people ple that not more than $500 was taken. William Cullagh , placed under arrest on suspicion of being one of the rob bers , Is still held by the police. ESCAPING GAS KILLS FIVE. Ten Others Overcome in Northwestern Plant at Blue Island. Chicago , Feb. 13. Five men met death and ten were overcome last night by the fumes of gas escaping 'rom the purifying box in the plant of ; he Northwestern Gas , Light and Coke company at Blue Island. The men , under the direction of Su perintendent Russell , had been en- jagod In changing the purifying box. According to the statements of men at the plant , when the men finished the work of changing the substance In the box they did not close the covers of the box. When the gaa was turned Into the box for the purifying process It escaped in volumes and the men were overcome where they stood. The dead : Martin C. Russell , super intendent ; George C. Arnold , fireman ; John Long , J. Larson , Albert Katolph , laborers. Except William Black , the Injured men arc said not to be In danger of death. WOULD POISON UTAH TEACHERS Conspiracy of Reform School Glrle Unearthed at Ogden. Ogden , Utah , Feb. 13. As a result of the general Investigation brought about by the recent attempt of cer tain Inmates of the state reform school here to burn the buildings , the officials have unearthed a con spiracy , among some of the girl in mates to poison the teachers and oth ers in authority at the school. It is known that at least two girls are con cerned and that poison enough to kill a thousand people was found In their possession. The girls , It Is said , got hold of a quantity of bichloride of mercury tablets recently purchased by the school .authorities for disin fecting purposes. The conspirators , it is alleged , planned to put this poi son In the coffee at breakfast. Kansas Coal Investigation. Topeka , Kan. , Feb. 13. General Su perintendent Hiram S. Cable of the Rock Island was examined by the legislative coal famine commission yesterday on the subject of conflsca tion of coal in transit by the road He recalled instances of confiscation of coal , but stated that orders hat been issued that no state coal should be confiscated except where the only alternative was the stoppage of trains Mr. Cable said he believed a law pro hibiting the confiscation of coal would be perfectly Just. Fatal Effort at Triple Somersault. New York , Feb. 13. Henry P. Meyn , the champion tumbler of the Central Turnvercin club , died at the Presbyterian hospital yesterday. A few days ago Mcyn started to master the triple somersault , the most difficult of all tumbling tricks. He made several oral Ineffectual attempts and was warned by his friends that his efforts might have a fatal ending. Finally he made a last desperate turn and landed on his head , breaking hlsjieck. Suspend Payment at the End of Third Day's Run. GRAND JURY BEGINS PRODINQ. Drops All Other Criminal Business to Investigate Alleged Fraudulent Operations of St. Loula Betting Con cerns Crowds at the Offices. St. Loula. Fob. 13. At the end of the third day's run on the co-opwallvo turf invoHtmont companies by Invest ors demanding the return of their de posits the rcHult stands : 12. J. Arnold & Co , all payments Bimpondoi ) ; John J. Ryan & Co. , all payments mispoml- tnl ; International Investment com * pany , nil payments suspended ; Christy Syndicate Investment company , all laymonts susnondod ; United Turf In vestment company , office closod. The grand Jury began an Inveatlga- Ion ol' Investment company methods of transacting business. Crbwds of non and women , eager to regain tholr iivcBtments , surged Into the offices of ho various Investment companies and nil were doomed to disappoint- iH'nt , excepting the International' In vestment company Investors. About 2 o'clock this company suspended pay ments and demanded the stipulated thirty days' notice of withdrawal. The investors In the firm of E. J. Arnold & Co. generally state they have ; lvcn up all hope of recovering any- lilng. This was the first concern to suspend business. The February grand Jury dropped all other business in order to take up the nvestlRation of the turf Investment companies. Mr. Ryan was summoned to appear jefore that body and a similar sub poena was Issued for the appearance of Mr. Arnold , but the latter is report ed to be in Hot Springs. WAIVES DEMAND FOR CASH. Germany Willing to Receive Payment In Installments. , Washington , Feb. 13. At the urgent suggestion of Baron von Steraburg , the German government has agreed to waive its demand for a cash payment of $340,000 and has accepted the prop osition of Its minister that it receive this money from Venezuela in five monthly Installments , the first Install ment to be paid two weeks after the signing of the protocol. * The probability is that the protocols for the raising of the blockade which iias been maintained by England , Ger many and Italy for more than a month will be signed by Minister Bowen and the representatives of the allied gov ernments hero today. Every Indica tion points to that end. Minister Bowen - en has had a busy day conferring with the English and Italian ambassadors and the German minister re garding various features of the pro tocols , with the result that they are practically In final shape. The pro tocols will provide for the raising of the blockade at once , for a cash pay ment of 5,500 to each of the three allied governments and the payment to Germany of $340,000 In five Installments - ments , less the 5,500 paid In cash. The protocols will also provide for the reference of the question of prefer ential treatment to The Hague , al though It is understood this feature will also be worded as to leave a loop hole In the event It Is desired' ' to settle the question without such reference. For the payment of claims of the al lies , Mr. Bowen has arranged for the immediate setting aside of 30 per cent of the receipts of Puerto Cabello nnd LaOuayra. The first receipts set aside will be those for the month of March , The funds will be retained In the cus tody of Venezuelan and will be paid out according to arrangements hereafter - after made. Amending Littlefleld BUI. Washington , Feb. 13. The senate committee on Judiciary continued Its consideration of the trust question. The committee was especially con cerned in an effort to so amend the Littlefleld bill as not to make it bur densome to small corporations. It practically is the unanimous opinion of the committee that the bill should bo enacted into law , but there is much difference as to the phraseology to be employed. There also Is practical unanimity as to the desirability of making the proposed law apply to cor porations which are capable of becom ing oppressive In their operation and of relieving these which are bene ficlent In their operations and are not extensive enough to require close su pervlslon. The committee Is finding difficulty in defining a line of do- markatlon. Arizona Excited Over Gold Strike. Tucson , Ariz. , Feb. 13. News from Douglas states that great excitement prevails over a fabulous gold strike reported In the Torres mountains , for ty miles from the terminus of the Nacoharl railroad. More than a score of expeditions have left Doug las since Monday for the scene of the strike. Satrplns of ore brought to Douslas yc ° tenlay nanny from 2,000 to 3,000 oiinrf-H pold. Almost the entire dlnlrlft In whl n the find was made Is open to locn'lon. Fr.vor Privets Liuel Amendment. lto'vu. IP. . . ! > : . IS.-Vl'he ern lovs vnioL'pslw Grocery n. at Us rawitinj veaterd.av olatlve to th pure food hill now pond- tig In con groan , dcrlnrrd In favor of nn ntnomlniunt allowing unicorn to > ut on tlin mnrknt Roods under prlvnln nbelu. The desires of the tiHHoclntlon vnro wired to the Iowa iloloiutluu ; hi congress. WAR CLOUD IN FAR EAST. Other Nations to Tnke Hand In Turk ish Corder Troubles. London , Fob. 13. A Hpucliil from tome Hayn : Italy \van fully coiiHiilloil n the eon IT o of the lnmsdorff-iolu < howHkl confuronrcH on Macedonia nil promlHod to mtpport the proposed ctlon. The Roliemo for reforms In- Union a domain ! for the UBHOinlilliiK of n International congresH to adjunt ho dctnllH. Thin will bo nupportod by a demonstration of European waruhlpn off Snlonlcn , where they will remain whllo the congrcHH Is In nonslon , Onlorn have boon given to the Ann- rlnn Lloydn nt Trieste to bo prepared at nhort notice to furnlHh Hiifficlont rnnnportfl to convoy a largo army to ) alm tla. Leaves of almenco have icon cancelled , the reserves have boon vnrnod and the railroads notified to ) o ready to donl with largo bodlon of men and supplies. LADRONE8 ATTACK A TOWN. Repulsed by the Constabulary After a Fight Lasting Several Hours. Manila , Fob. 13. A hundred la- Ironon attacked the town of Nnnjan , Hland of Mlndora , yesterday. The constabulary repulsed them after a twittering fight , which lasted Hovoral lours , during which ono ludronu wun killed and ono wounded , Twenty women and children living n the town were Injured. ItiBpector Crowkott , with a largo force of mounted constabulary , has swept hroiijji northern Rlzal nnd southern Bulncnn , where ItidronoH Irnvo boon operating , but failed to find a trace of them. Critical Situation In Central America. Panama , Fob. 1.1. According to Into Rdvlces the whole of Central Amorlca may bo Involved In war , an the poll I- cul condltloiiR are most critical. The civil war In Honduras continued and limtomala Is aiding the ndhorentB of Honllla , the elected president of Hon. duras , who Is unable to assume office owing to the opposition of General Blorra , the president of the republic , whoso term has expired. Nicaragua nnd Salvador nro understood to bo cooperating - operating against Guatemala and to be furnishing the enemies of the Guatemalan government with arms and ammunition. About ,3.OQ.Q5alya : dorean troops are ropdrted near the frontier of Guatemala. Coaling Station In Cuba. Havana , Feb. 13. Minister Squlors spent yesterday at the palace going over the naval coaling station bill with President Palnm and Secretary Zaldo. No hitches occurred on either side. According to the Platt amend ment this agreement will bo between the president of Cuba nnd the presl dent of the United States. President Palnm suggests that It bo signed here simultaneously by both parties , and it Is expected Mr. Squlers will bo authorized to sign by President Reese velt. The agreement permits the es tabllshmcnt of a naval station at Gmuitnnamo and a coaling station at Bahla Honda. Death of Dr. Curry. Charlotte , N. C. , Feb. 13. Dr. J. L. M. Curry , one of the most prominent educators In the south , died in Asho- vllle , N. C. , last night of Brlght'a dls ease. Dr. Curry had been critically ill for the last two weeks. During former President Cleveland's first administra tion Dr. Curry was minister to Spain. Ho was also general agent of the Peabody - body fund and chairman of the educa tional commlttcce of the John Slatci fund. Dr. Curry was a veteran of the Mexican war and wan a lieutenant colonel In the Confederate army. 4 Committee Against Crum. Washington , Feb. ,13. The sonata committee on commerce agreed to re port adversely the nomination of W D. Crum to bo collector at the port ol Charleston , S. C. The vote on con flrmatlon was C to 8. All the Demo crats voted against confirmation and were reinforced by Jones ( Nov. ) ant Perkins ( Cal. ) . SPARKS FROM THE WIRES. The Missouri house Thursday killed Representative Raines * whipping post bill by Indefinitely postponing It. Macedonian agitators arc apparent ly trying to involve Bulgaria , Sorvla and Russia in war with Turkey. Rev. Martin Leucko of Springfield 111. , has been elected president of Con cordla Lutheran college , Fort Wayne Ind. John Firth shot and killed Witten Height and Frank Williams and wounded two persons at Eckman , W. Va. , Thursday. A new world's record bowline wcorc of 1,141 was made at Chicago Thurs day by the Gunthers , a five man team , in a regular scheduled scries in the Illinois Bowling leacue. James Anderson , a Muskegan ( Mich. ) pioneer , is digging in a de serted factory for $308,000 treasure believed buried there by Ole Larson , a mlsor , who died In 1902. President Roosevelt , In a preface to "Tho Woman Who Tolls , " written by Miss Marie and Mrs. John Van Vorst , declares men or women whu avoid marriage and dislike having children ure criminals. W. It , IIUOIIOI// , I'mililnnt , ALISX , IIKAlt , Yloo l'r < ml < luiit. 1C. W./.ut NORFOLK NATIONAL BANK The Oldest Established Dank In Northeast Nebraska , Capital , $100,000.00 Surplus , $20,000.00 Does a General Banking Business. Huyn and SullH Kxolwngo. Interest Paid on Titno Doponltn. DnvftH nnd Alonoy Ordorn Bold on nnj Point in Kuropo A General Stonmnhlp nnd Korean PIWSUKO HtiNhiOHH Trnnmiotod. \ . BI3AH , F. P. HANLON , P. J. HALI5 , W. II , HUOHOLH. \VM. Him , N. A. RAINliOLT , 8. 8. COTTON , Get What You Ask for at 0 UHLE'S ' GROCERY. r 1 \ \ ALL ORDERS are filled promptly and with caro. Our goods are FIRS'-U-OLASS in every particular Wo know prociaoly what is wanted by our custom- : era. We aim to Give you the Best Value for Your Money. South Hide Main St. , between ad nnd Ud. Telephone 41. o i o i C. W. W.AL ! Swootwator Book Spring. Scranton Hard Coal , , . 'PHONE 01. QR. N. J. HOAGLAND , Ostcopntlilc Pliyslclnn. both ncnto and clirnnlo anrcoanfall ) trantod without UBO of ( lra B or knifu , i'liouo No , K St. Olllootat roelilonca , 109 NorthllOlh Btroat , Norfolk - - Nebraska gBSHIONS & BELL , Undertaken ) nnd Eiiilwlinerft , Boaalona Illk. , Norfolk Ava. Norfolk , Nebraska QR. BERTHA AHLMAN , PHYSICIAN Phone 107. for Ladies and Children MILLARD GREEN , DRRY and TRflNSPER LINE Piano Moving a Specialty. Phone f > 8. Galls Promptly Answered. H-H-H-H-H-H-H'i I H' ' ! I I M-I- Are Not : : Hunters : : That : ' ' Blow - ' ' the - Horn. " : : All are not successful busi ness men who advertise , but few men are successful who cjo not advertise. No business properly conducted and well advertised will fail. A poor advertisement in a poor medium will accomplish nothing. A good advertisement in a proper me dium will accomplish wonders. This paper is the right me dium. dium.Any Any business man can pre pare the right advertisement if he will simply state facts. o o r L. L. REVISE. Steam and Hot Water Heating. First door ] ! South'of News Office. M. E.iSPAULDINC , UEALKH IN FLOUR , - FEED , TELEPHONE : : NO. 33 "P H" Hi Nortli-fatern Line F. E. & M. V. R. R. is the best to and from the great SUGAR BEET FIELDS oflNorthlNcbraska. C.R.SEILER , Livery . .and Sale Stable Braajch Avenue 'DUnt'C ' ' and Third St. rHUht