The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, February 13, 1903, Page 7, Image 7

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Old Railroad Project is Re
Two Systems Will Hereafter bo Con
ducted as Ono Plan is to First
Lease and then Purchase the
Road ,
[ From Wednesday's Dully ]
The Sioux City Journal of yesterday
contains n revival of the rnuior tlmt the
Ynukton & Norfolk inilway may bo
ooustructod. The plan mentioned
would probably not bo fnvornblo to Norfolk -
folk as , if it is contemplated to intiko
the line n feeder for the Great Northern
through Ynukton. the line might not be
extended beyond Osmond. The Journal
report Bays :
"Tho tail of the old Yauktou , Norfolk
and Southwestern railroad hns begun to
wiggle again , this being the first wign of
life that has appeared in many moons.
"This rend originally was promoted
by , T. Trumbull Pierce , nti Englishman ,
Who after cutting A swath at Yauktou ,
ab-conded with the bonds of the com
pany. The plan of the company was to
build a line from Yuuktou to Osmond ,
Neb , on the P.ioifio Short line , and
thence through Norfolk to the Bnuth-
west. With the exception of the bridge
across the Missouri river at Yanktou ,
the bridges and the grading as far as
Osmond Jmvo been completed for many
years. These now are owned by S C.
Graham , of Norwalk , O. Mr Graham
is seeking'to interest the Grpat Northern
railway in the old enterprise , and he
believes tlmt should the Great Northern
extend the Pacific Short line westward
from G Noill that ho will be successful.
"A liu" from Yankton to Osmond
would -divert Deuver-Dulnth business
away -from the Slonx City gateway and
would bo of largo commercial advantage
t o Yankton. ' '
Northwestern Takes Elkhorn.
The stockholders of the Chicago and
Northwestern railway company at a
special mooting in Chicago yesterday ,
voted to increase the capital stock to
$100000,000. ; The directors are author-
ized'to issue common stock from time to
time , in such amounts as they may
determine and for any purpose allowed
by law. They decided to loaHO tht
franchises and property of the Fremont
Elkhorn and Missouri Valley , and later
purchase the road outright. Hereafter
the road will be operated as an integral
part of the Northwestern system.
Mrs. A. B. Harvey of Omaha is visit
ing her sister , Mrs. C. M. Janeo.
' Miss Bender has taken rooms at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Hayes.
R. R Romig stopped in the city torlaj
on his way to Noligh from Omchn.
Mrs. Fred Madsen left last night for
a -visit with relatives in Ainsworth.
The "West Side whist club will meo
with Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Rainbolt to
morrow evening.
Mr. and Mra. Geo. B. Christoph are
the proud parents of a sevon-pount
daughter , who came to their homo las
Eev. J. B. Long of Hot Springs , S. D.
is expected here to take charge of the
services at the Second Congregationa
church the two coming Sundays.
Messrs. Geo. H. Spear aid J. O. John
sou left this morning for Stanton ,
Pilger and Wisner in the interest of the
Walker Whiteside attraction Monday
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jngheimor are
in from Sigoumey , Iowa , and
are guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs
Etlerbrook. This is their first visit to
Norfolk in seven years.
Max Asmus , who has a position as
traveling representative for tl-e D. JT
O'Briea , candy of Omaha , with head
quarters in that city , was in Norfolk
yesterday visiting relatives and friends.
Mr. and Mrs. George Davenport came
over last night from Sioux City. Mr
Davenport returned on the noon train
today , but Mrs Davenport will visit
with Mrs. fl. B. Maylard until Sunday
Miss Oriole Adams and Mr. Floyd
Froeland were united in marriage at the
homo of the .bride's parents , Mr. and
Mra. S. T. Adams , on south Fourtl
street , by Rov. . J. F. Poucher of the M
12. church.
John Kraut * wont to Madison yester
day after a livery tnain that had heei
roughly handled .by a driver who wa
returning from a trip to Humphrey , and
had been imbing too frequently , to the
fatigue nutl discomfort of the team
When the county seat was reached they
were iu a lather of sweat and the tean
was taken frouilthe man and cared for
while ho wna placed in the city bastile
TUB NEWS perhaps left a wrong im-
prefcsiou with its readers regarding the
overcoming of Mrs. Henry iu the bathroom -
room at the Millikou homo the other
day. It is now explained that the city
gas was not escaping but that the fault
lay with the combustion by the heater
of the oxygen in the air , producing car
bon dioxide , a BUtrocatlug gas , that may
easily bo generated in a close room cou-
which would pro-
talng a heater , and
dnco a fatntnoBS on the part of the per-
inn iuhftllug It , cr Iu time would cause
death. The arrangement for carrying
off tin- foul air and Hiipplylng fresh air
wai not perfect , therefore the accident.
Police Judge Hayes had a prisoner up
his morning for being disorderly be
cause of an overdose of intoxicants , and
t is said that the personal leoturo ho
lollvorod would entitle him to a per-
uanont position with any temperance
organization as a state or national
speaker. The prisoner would perhaps
mvo preferred to lay out a good round
fine and may not ba expected to bo
ulcoii up for the Bamo offouao iu the
mmodlato future.
A company of between BO and 00
guests responded to the Woodmen of
ho World invitations and enjoyed the
social session hold last night iu K. P.
mil. An excellent address on Wood
craft was given by Rev. J. II. Sohloh ,
general lecturer of the order , and was
'ollowod by a talk from State Deputy
Walsh who was on his way from Al-
lauco to his homo iu Omaha. The pro
gram was inter porsod with singing ,
following the program oholco refresh
ments were soivcd aud the meeting then
partook of a social nature until time to
jo homo. During the evening 10 ap
plicants for a lodge of the Woodmen
Dirclo , the ladies auxiliary to the order ,
wore obtained.
Q. C. Warren of Tildon Made High
est Possible Score.
[ From Tlinrmlny'B Daily. ]
Tildou , Feb. 11. Special to THK
JNEWS : in a practice ganio nt tuo
Stnbbs bowling alloys iu this city yes
terday G. O. Warren , a popular lumber
aud coal dealer of this , city won the
distinction of having Ixiwlod a perfect
game at ton-pins , scoring 300 points.
The owner of the alloys , A. E. Stubbs ,
was a close second and secured the
splendid score of 257. Both received
the hearty congratulations of the bowl
ing enthusiasts of this city.
In order to secure the talented actor ,
Mr. Paul Gilinoro , in "Tho Tyranny ol
Tears" for Norfolk the management
has been compelled to get a guaranteed
seat sale of at least 200 , as an advauce
sale , which gives the patrons who sign
this guaranteed list the advantage of
obtaining their choice of seats a half
day in advance of the regular seat Bale.
Miss Grace E. Spear has volunteered
to take up this work aud is meeting
with every indication of largo and bat-
isfactory icsults. This will be the great
society event of the season at the Audi
torium , if successful in getting the re
quired number of seats guaranteed.
Manager Spear has had numerous
inquiries from outside towns regarding
the Whitesido-engagement , which iudi
cates a large attendance next Monday
The value of Expert Treatment.
Everyone who is afilicted with n
chronic disease experiences great dif
ficulty in having their case intelligently
treated by the average physician. These
diseases can only be cured by a special
ist who understands them thoroughly
Dr. J. Newton Hathaway of Sioux City
Iowa , is acknowledged the most ekillfu
aud successful specialist in the Unitec
States. Write him for his expert opiu
ion of yonr case , for which ho makes no
Subalterns In Royal Guards Flogged
Without Mercy for Slight Offenses.
London , Feb. 11. Rear Admlra
Dasil Cochrane , In a letter published
by the Times , makes astounding rev
elations regarding the "barbarous
system" prevailing among the guards
regiments for the punishment of BUD
alterns who are found guilty of social
or military offenses. According to
Rear Admiral Cochrane , the colonel ol
one battalion has been In the habit
of handing over offenders to the senior
subalterns , the latter summons a
court-martial , at which the attendance
anco of all the subalterns is exacted
and the sentence is almost Invariably
flogging. This is administered on the
bare back , after 1he removal of al
the clothing , and from six to forty
blows are given with such severity
that the lower number is sufficient to
draw blood. All the officers present
even the most Intimate friends of the
victim , are compelled to administer
their share of blows.
To Round Up Hostlles.
'Manila , Feb. 11. The government IB
preparing to thoroughly round-up the
disorderly elements In Bulacan and
Rlzal provinces , where the constabul
ary , Jn accordance with orders re
celved from the war department , will
be reinforced by several companlca
of native scouts. The rumors from the
disaffected provinces are believed to
exaggerate the number-of hostlles , of
whom It is Bald there are 2,000 in the
fold. More trustworthy reports say
there are not over BOO natives under
arms and that the bulk of these scattered
terod after Sunday's fight. It Is be
llvered that the chief difficulty wll
be In cornering them. There Is llttlo
doubt that the Uostlles will bo speed
ily suppressed.
Constable Is In Charge.
St. Louis , Fob. 11. The office fix
turcs and all vislblo assets of the John
J. Ilyan Turf Investment company
were attached by a constable of Jus
tlco Kleiber's court. The atjachmen
IH the result of a suit brought by Miss
Mablo Quinn for $200 , which , she al
leges , she gave to the Ryan company
for Investment and which the com
pany refused to return on demand
Ryan's offices were crowded oil
Jnc with Investors ,
Men Who Will Serve at Spring
Term of Court.
Official Bonds Approved by Com
missioners Proceeding of This
Week's Mooting Adjourn Until
March 17.
[ From Thursday' * ! Dally. ]
Madison , Nob. , Fob. 11 , 11)011. ) Board
of county commissioners mot pursuant
o adjournment. All members present.
Minutes of Inot meeting were road
and on motion approved.
On motion R , Collins was appointed
road overseer of district No. 11 , High-
and township.
On motion the following official bonds
wore approved : ,
R.V. . Linn , road overseer district No.
Frank Horda , road overseer district
No. 22.
Jacob [ Ktmpp , road overseer district
No. 20.
J. 0. Osboru , assessor Schoolcraftpre
A. F. ReovoH , road overseer district
No. 18.
Ou motion the following bills were
allowed :
James Barnes , I wolf nonlp , $2.00.
Rues Printing Co. , printing , $12 75.
J A. Wright , livery , $2 00.
Oliittendon & Suydor , blacksmithing ,
. ! .
Bill ofV. . II. Stocker of f .ir was
laid over for investigation.
John Friday , hardware , 45 cents.
Bill of Jacob Mauror for f5.20 was re
J. F. Reeves , bridge work , $20.00 , tax
$ 15.18 , balance f 182.
W. N. HiiKf , printing , W7.15.
W. N. Huso , printing , $00.00.
Prince & Johnson , merchandise , $2 %
Martin Kane , fees instate case$11 00.
Norfolk Au'/oigor printing , $8.70.
Bill of O.irl Dommel of $1.00 for road
work was rejected.
Bill of John Muuror for $7 50 for road
work was rejected.
O. A. Viokors , printing , $ ! J CO.
C. W. Crnm , salary for January ,
Israel Miller , road work , $3 10.
H. Brummund , surveyors' records
$18 00 , tax $5 1)0 ) , balance , $12.10.
W. B. Bolkuap , boarding ITagblad
J. 0. Phipps , bridge work , $3 00 , ap
plied on tax.
T. L. Dnfphy , "bridge work , $12.00
tax $11 Si , balance 10 cents.
A. F. Reeves , bridge work , $10.50.
J. J. Clements , boarding \prisonern
etc. , $100 15.
Clans Young , soldiers' relief Jcommis
sion , $100.00.
A. F. Reeves , balance duo as road
overseer district 2fo. 18 , $80.00.
On motion the following transfers
were made :
$20.97 from railroad bond fund to
road district No. .84.
$18 48 from railroad bond fund to
road district No. 1.
$13.49 from railroad bond fund to
road district No. 8.
$ ! ] 59 from railroad bond fund to rood
district No. 0.
$8.59 from railroad bond fnnd to road
distiict No. 10.
$10.01 from railroad bond fund to rcac
district No. 18.
$10 02 from railroad bond fund to road
district No. 28.
$17 31 from railroad bond fnnd to road
district No. 33.
$17.31 from railroad bond fund to
road district No. 25.
$17.31 from railroad bond fnnd to
road district No. 82.
$2.94 from railroad bond fund to roac
district No. 17.
$2.05 from railroad ibond fund to road
district No. 24.
36 cents from railroad bond fund to
road district No. 20.
liu cents from railroad bond fnnd to
road district No. 81.
Soldiers' relief commissioner * , "me
withiboard and rendered their repor
showing amount expended by t'jem
during the year was $308 00.
On .motion said report was accepted
On motion John Crouk waa appointed
member of soldiers' relief commission
for one year , and Glaus Young for thre
On motion board adjourned to 7:8 : (
o'clock p. ui.
Board met.ut 7:00p. m. and proceedoc
to select sixty names from which peti
jurors shall be drawn for the Marcl
term of district court. The following
were chosen :
Norfolk : W. H. Widaman , Obod
Raasch , Aug. Brummund , W. F. Ahl
mann , A. M. Tanner , G. D. Smith , II
0. Lnlow , George Schwonk , Aug
Schultz , J. S. Morrow , J. S. McClary
O. A. Fuller , F. D. Krant/ , Win
Raasch , W. H Livingston , L. Uockor
Win. Low , Wm. Haaso.
Warnervillo : Israel Miller , W. II
Battle Creek : George W. Losoy
George Zimmerman , Willis Stirk , Aug
Valley : Charles Fensko , Wm. Low
Highland : Henry Neuwork , J. 0
Deer Creek : John J. Hughes , Wm
Ihirni'M ! Win. Lrrnry , Hnnry Hohl-
on , Guy . 'mini ' , John MroHslor ,
Urovo : Fred Houston , Leonard
frown *
Kmoriok : Alex Molntonh , Wm ,
Schmltt ,
Hohoolemft ! John Casey , R. L ,
Oaboru ,
Falrviow : Henry Sumlornmu , Charlon
Shell Crook : Ohm Kulzow , Fred
'Ike , S. S. Nelson , Huim Dixhlston ,
'rank O'Shcn ,
KnlamtiKOo ; Henry Wmluklnd , Her-
nan Kohl ,
Green Garden : Frank White , J. D.
MndlHon : Ohas. Wells , Gcorgo Krolt-
nun , J. K. DougliiRH , J. 0. Reeves.
Union : John Malouo , Al. Dover , W.
, . Blokloy.
On motion board adjourned to H
o'clock a. m. Fob. 11 , 11)0 ) ! ) .
Bonrd met pursuant to adjournment :
On motion the following bills were
illowod :
OUB Kaul , salary for January $10.00.
S. J. Finnegan , commissioner salary ,
* 118I)5. )
Chris. Schmltt , commishloiier Hilary ,
$ 18.50.
H. W. Winter , commissioner salary ,
f82 1)0. )
On motion board adjourned to meet
with the assesors March 17 , 11KI ) ! , nt 1
o'clock p. m.
County Clerk.
Imprlionment for Life for Man Who
Attempted to Kill King Leopold.
liriiHHclu , Feb. 11. Gonaro Ilublno ,
the Italian anarchist , who linn been
ou trial hure fllneu Feb. (5. ( charged
with attempting to tiBtmflslnnte King
Leopold , Nov. in , by firing tlireo sliotH
nt the king , while bo wnw returning
from thn cathedral nftor attending aTe
To Douin mass In memory of the late
Queen Henrietta , was found guilty
yofiterday and was Henteneed to Im-
prlHonmcnl for llfo nt penal servitude.
Counsel for the defense appealed to
the Jury to art In a manner similar to
that of the Jury which tried Slplo ,
who attempted to nHsnsHlnato the tlion
prince of WnlcB , now King Kdwnrd , nt
nniBHolR , In April. 1990 , and. "Union-
Ing only to the voice of tholr official
duty , arnult the nccuncd. "
Ask Cape Dutch to Contribute.
GralmniHlown , South Africa , Feb. 11.
In replying to deputations and UH a
gnest nt a banquet given lioro , Colonial
nial Secretary Chamberlain made
speeches yesterday which are eoiiHld-
cred ns clearly foreshadowing tin In
vitation to the Capo Colony Dutch to
mnko contribution to nld the Imperial
government to carry out Its South
African proposals. Ho reminded the
Dutch that It was the hope of tholr
support tlmt Induced the Doers to un
dertake their struggle In defiance of
Great Drltain , which left untold mis-
cry behind. The colonial secretary
appealed to them to accept the result
as final as the Boers had already done.
McKlnley Memorial Fund Souvenirs.
Canton , O , Feb. 11. One hundred
thousand souvenirs for distribution
to contributors to the McKlnley memo
rial fund have been received from
New York and will b sent out to post
masters. TLo souvenir contalnB en-
gravlngB of the McKlnloy home In
Canton , of the while house In Wash
ington , n picture of the dead presi
dent and a reproduction of the God
dess of Liberty. McKlnley's last
words , "God's will , -not ours , be done , "
also are embodied In the souvenir.
Rockefeller Pleads Debts.
New York , Fob. 11. John D. Rocke
feller , Jr. , IB supposed to bo about the
richest young man In America , but ho
owes $400,000 and has only $30,000
worth of personal property , according
to the statement filed with the depart
ment of taxes. Mr. Rockefeller was
aBsessed at $500,000. He said he was
willing to pay taxes on nn assessment
of $50.000 and the commissioners ac
cepted his figures.
Kansas Suffragists Active.
Topeka , Kan. , Feb. 11. Leading
members of the Kansas Equal Suffrage
association are hero working for the
passage of \vomnn suffrage bill by
the legislature. There Is a good
chance for the bill to be passed when
It comes up for consideration today ,
as a majority of the members In both
houses arc Bald to have pledged them
selves to vote for It.
Stanley Accepts After All.
Topeka. Kan. , Feb. 11. Ex-Governor
W. E. Stanley yesterday decided to
take the place on the Dawcs Indian
commission that was tendered him
Aiondny. Mr. Stanley said ho was
not familiar enough with the work ,
but repeated urglngs caused him to
give his assent. The Washington au
thorities have been wired to this ef
Crew Refused to Work Pumps.
London. Feb. 11. The Drltish steamer -
er Westhall , from New Orleans , ar
rived yesterday with the crew of the
American schooner Anna L. Mulford ,
Charleston. Jan. 5 , for New York.
The captain of the Anna L. Mulford
reports that the negro crew refused
to work the pumps and allo.ved the
echooner , which was leaking badly , to
Students Are to Go Free.
DCS Moines , Feb. 11 , After thor
oughly investigating for a second
time the recent student riot at Iowa
college at Iowa City , the grand Jury of
Johnson county has decided that there
Is Insufficient evidence on which to
base an indictment against the so
phomores under suspicion and the
c& e baa thus been finally disposed of.
Spend Night With Waves
Washing Over Steamer. ,
TUQ Finally Rescues Pnnoenueri and
Crew of Madlana After Much
Trouble With Henvy Seas and Suc
ceeds In Bavlnu liven Uauunyc.
Hamilton , llormuda , Fob. 11.-Tho
Quebec BtcnitiBlilii company H ttteamor
Mtullana , Cnpinlu Frium , wlilch Bulled
from Now York hint Saturday with a
parly of oxeurnluiiiutB for a tmuulal
cruliio around thu Cnnlbunn iBlnndii ,
wont itHhuru on the roof off thin liiluiul
ut 3 a. m. The IIIUIHUIIKOIU had n thrill
ing experience. Tim nhlii Iu a total
IOHH , but all on board WITO rescued
and brought Rtifoly to land after n
jiurlloim trip In llfo boatti from the
wreck to a tug standing a mile off.
The nmllti and the piiHumiKurH' bug-
fago nlHo were uaved.
All the piiHucngoru were In their
bunltH wtiun thu Mndlnnn Htrnck thn
rocliB , but the nhock of the Impact
awnkoned them nnd ( boy rutibod on
dock , the majority of them without
attempting to dremi. Comildernblo
alarm , all hough not n panic , prevnlled
among Iho piiBBimjt'rH ; ' when they
found that the vemiel wan hard on the
rockB , but the officum went among
them and calmed them , although n
number did not venture below ngnln to
week their clothing.
A part of the crew did not tilmru the
coolnoBH of the olllc'cm , but the latter
noon nsHtored order among the trouble-
Homo seamen.
SlgnalB of dlHtrcHfl were iicnt up aim
the paHBCtiKorH panned nn nnxlonn lime
during the Inter part of the night.
The Mndlnnn llutcil heavily nftor u
time nnd when morning broke , Iny
brondfllde to the wind. The piumm-
Kern were huddled toRotlier on the
hurricane deck nnd tinBOH breaking
over the steamer drenched thcii to the
AH Boon an the IIOWB of thn wreck
became known bore government nnd
other IIIRH proceeded to the Kcr-no to
cndonvor to render nHulntnuri' . A
heavy Ben. however , wan running and
they diirod not approach too clonoly
to the roof on which the Mndlnnn wnn
pounding. For Homo I line no commit
nlcnllon with Mio Mndlnnn wn poHBl-
blo. The lug OlndlHfcn Blood nboiil n
mlle off nwnltltig nn opportunity to nn-
RlBt , but It WIIH not until 11 o'clock
thin morning that It bocnrno ponHlbln
to effect n roBcuo. The crow of the
Mndlnnn launched n bant , but It could
not live In the nen then running nnd
wan dnnliod to plocon aKiilnnt the
Btenmor'H Bldo. A nocond nnd moro
BiiccoHBfnl attempt wnn rnndo a little
Inter nnd some of tlio pnBBongcrB wore
lowered Into It , nnd nftor much oxor
tlon It Hiiccoodod In reaching the Olnd
Isfcn. The Mndlnnn's other llfo bontn
wore then Immchod In BiicceiBlon an <
the remainder of the pnBRongorB tint
the cnptnln nnd crew gained the etil
vngo tug In Bnfety.
Will Operate Road Under Lease a
Present and Later Purchase It.
Chicago , Feb. 11. Stockholders o
the Chicago nnd Northwestern railway
held a special meeting-yesterday am
voted to Increase the capita ) stock o
the company to $100.000,000. The ill
rectors were authorized to issue com
mon stock from time to time In sue )
amounts no they may determine am
for any purpose followed by law
whether authorized at this meeting
or previously.
It was further determined to lease
the railroad franchises nnd property
of the Fremont , Elkhorn nnd MIsBour
Vnlley road and later to purchase It
franchises and property of all kinds
The latter road will hereafter bo op
erated as nn Integral part of the
Northwestern system.
Sleighing Party Injured.
Lendvllle , Colo. , Feb. 11. A sic
loaded with six young people ran Int
a Colorado and Southern switch en
glno last night , injuring three per
sons seriously. They arc : Charle
Holden and Alfred C. Cully , back
broken , will probably die ; William
Tappln , hip broken. The others of th
party were severely bruised. Th
Bled was racing down a steep hill an
had almost reached the railroad cross
Ing when the switch engine rounded
curve. It was too late to stop the Bloc
and It plunged Into the drive wheel
of the locomotive.
Shoots Sweetheart and Self.
Plttsburg. Feb. 11. Maggie Hall ,
domestic , wns found dead In the rca
of her employer's house , on Atwooc
Btreet , last night and her escort , Nlcl
olns Glazner , a motorman , was foum
lying by her In an unconscious cond
tlon. The woman had n bullet woum
through the right eye. while the man
had two wounds in the bond. It I
supposed Glnzner , In a fit of Insanlt
from the effects of typhoid fever , she
his sweetheart nnd then tried to kll
himself. He will recover.
Coal Dealers Blame Railroads.
Topeka , Kan. , Feb. 11. The leglsla
tivo coal Investigation committee tried
yesterday to find Just where the rail
roads can be blamed for any part In
the coal famine. Kansas dealers tes
tified that to a great extent the coal
supply In this state was cut short by
poor management by the railroads In
regard to their freight cars. Scarcity
of cars nnd motive power has been
responsible for the shortage almost as
much as the strike in Pennsylvania ,
the dealers said.
Good Health >
is pure food.
Lion Coffee
i/t all coffee no f'l.r/.inrr of
CRIJS or glue to conceal de
fect and cheapen its quality.
Fresh nnd uniform , rich
in flavor , because always in
scaled paclcaccs never in
Ino Whole Day Saved Between Chicago
cage nnd San Frnnclsco.
The average rtiadtir doim not Htop to
link whiiMho Having of n whole day
mtwflun Ohloagn and Han FriinoiHoo
ICIIIIH lo the busy , biiHtliiiK people of
Anuirion ; but it mniitiH both time nnd
lotuiy , nnd it IB proper to link who IB
lioro who would not do his boct to win
ut on both propositions Tim follow-
UK , however , nooilH no comment : Via
Omaha , the Union I'liclllo IB liOi mllrn
hortnr to Halt Luke City ; aH mlloH
hortor to Snu FrnnolHCo ; U7N miles
hcrlor m LOB AngolcH ; li.r > H miloB
bortor to Portland ; IU lionrn quicker to
lull Lake City j III hours quicker to
inn FriuiolHuo ; 1(1 ( hourB quicker to
< osAnK < ) l < m ; Ml hours quicker to I'ort-
and than any ether lino.
I'nmphlots and iniipH givinx full in-
ormatiou about the muni cnmfortnbli )
ind direct route to the I'nclflo ooiiHt can
ID obtained by calling on or iiildroHHiiiK
Tin : NICWH keopB HH jolt department
ip-to-duto with the latest , faces of typo
vnd ( loon UH work in approved Hlyle.
Summons for Publication.
In tin * dlHtricI court of MndihOii
county , Nobruhlw.
N. A. Hiiiniioli , plainIn" ! , VB. Lot 1
of block 5 ; lolH T , 'M nnd W of block 7 ,
lotH 8 , ! ) , lOm.d IC of block ! ) ; nnd lot It
) f block 10 ; all in UivoiHidri Park ml
dition to Norfolk , county of Mmlison ,
Btnto of Nc hniHlm. O. S. Vri-i'lnnil
( IlrHt , name unknown ) ; Minnie S.
Drake , F. 1' ] . Abbott ( fli'Ht iiiuno
unknown ) ; S. N Wnuors ( first iiuino
unknown ) ; 11 W. Suloy ( lin-t nnmo
unkrown ) ; .1. (1. Shuohoy ( IlrHt mime
unknown ) ; 1 Kulokopt-ky ( ! lrnt name-
unknown ) ; David Patterson , and
William W Cnmpball , defendants.
You , the Raid dufondnnts in the ubovo
entitled OHUHO , will take notice that ou
the Uld ! day of January , lOO.'t , N. A
Ilninbolt , plaint ill' in mild cauHn , filed n
petition in equity in the district court
of MndiBou county , Nobnutku , tiKniiiBt
yon said defnnduntp , the object and
prayer of which are to forncloso tax lions
and tux certificates which he hnldn upon
the following described real OHtnto , to-
wit :
Lot I , block li ; lots 7 , 120 nnd 2f ! ,
block ? ; lotflS , ! ) , 10 and 1(5 ( , Mock 9 ,
and lot . ' ) , block 10 nil in Riverside
Park addition to Norfolk , county of
Mndisou , ntato of Nebraska.
Yon are required to answer said pe
tition on or before Monday , the 2nd day
of March , 100 ! ) .
Dated this 2Jd ! day of January , 1908.
How to Prevent Croup.
It will bo good news to the mothers
of Bmall ohildron to learn that croup'
can bo prevented. The first sign of
croup is hoarseness. A day or two before -
fore the attack the child becomes hoarse
This ia BOOH followed by a peculiar
rough oongh. Give Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy freely as soon as the
child becomes hoarse or oven after thorough
rough cough appears , nnd it will dis-
pell all symptoms of croup. In this
way all danger and anxiety may bo
avoided. This remedy IB used by many
thousands of mothers and hns never
been known to fail. It is , in fact , the
only rnmedy that can always bo de
pended upon and that is ploasnnt and
Bafo to take. For sale by A. II. Kiesau.
IIAS. A. McKIM , M. D. 0.
Veterinary Surgeon and Dentist.
Graduate Chicago Veterinary College.
Assistant State Veterinarian.
Office : Branson's Livery , South Third
Street. 'Phono 185.
A first rate well improved farm of 240
acres , 190 acres cultivated , CO acres pas
ture , all smooth land and first rate soil.
HOUKO has six rooms besides pantry and
closets ; baru 2x-10 ; granary 12x28 ; ice
house and other outbuildings , all in
good repair ; C miles from Oakdale , 7
from Tildeu ; good roads to town. Rent
ed for IIXW for ffXW.OO cash , rent to go
to purchaser. Price , f-15.00 per acre ,
one-half down and balance in three
years r.t G per cent interest.
I have other farms for sale in tracts
from 80 to ( (40 ( acres.
Write or call on mo at Onkdnlo , Ne-