TUB NOIUfOLK NEWS : FRIDAY FKB11UA11Y IN , IH08 11AIV m Old Railr- mala Reported as Flght- ig Honduras and Salvador. C. .TROOPS MASSED ON FRONTIER. Dispatch to London Paper Says Strife Has Began United States Will Have Warship on Scene Blockade i of Amapala Declared. London , Feb. 10. The Dally Mail publishes a dispatch from Guatemala declaring that war has been pro claimed between Guatemala on one aide and Salvador and Honduras on the other. According to Panama advices Guate mala and Salvador were on the point of war the beginning of this month. The Salvadorean and Guatemalan nrmlcs , led by their respective presi dents , were on the frontier , accom panied by revolutionary refugees , Troops were constantly leaving the capital of Salvador for the Guate malan frontier. Nicaragua was ac tively helping General Regalado , pres ident of Salvador. The Central American situation Is further complicated by the Interven tion of Guatemala on one side and Nicaragua and Salvador on the other 1n the election of the president of Honduras. Guatemala Is In favor of the president-elect , Manuel Bonllla , while Nicaragua and Salvador Insist that the retiring president of Hon duras , General Sierra , shall continue In the presidency. The latter has re fused to give up the presidential post and Senor Bonllla has declared a civil war. President Bonllla has taken his stand on Amapala Island and raised a force to maintain his claim to the presidency. A dispatch from the United States consul to Tegucigalpa announced that the Honduran govern ment had declared a blockade of Amapala. FIGHT NEAR MANILA CITY. Insurgents /.III Two Members of Con stabulary Force. Manila , Feb. 10. A force of 100 con- etabulary , under Inspector Kelthly , yesterday defeated a body of 200 in VI surgents near Marlqulna , a small town seven miles from Manila city , after a severe engagement. In which Inspect or Harris and one man of the consta bulary were killed and two other men of the constabulary wounded. The nemy left fifteen dead and three .wounded. Inspector Harris * homo was at Atlanta , Go. The body of insurgents formed the main force of the Irrcconcillable gen cral , San Miguel. The constabulary were divided Into three detachments which were scouting In the Marlqulna valley. The detachment commanded by Inspector Harris came upon the enemy , who were In a strongly In trenched position. Inspector Harris ifell at the first -volley , being hit five itlmes. The detachment of constabul ary , although outnumbered , hold its position until Inspector Kelthly , with the main force , arrived , when the en emy were put to rout. Their head quarters were captured and burnet and the constabulary seized the rec ords of General San Miguel , who claims that ho succeeded to the com mand of the Insurrectionary forces > when the other generals surrendered He has only a handful of men under oim , and his operations have been of no consequence. The wounded Amer icans are all severely Injured. Troops Marching on Rio Chlco. Caracas , Feb. 10. A force of 200 men , under command of Minister ol War Ferrar , left Caracas yesterday .afternoon in the direction Of the sea port of Hulgerote , fifty-five miles east of Caracas. The object of the expe dition Is to attack a body of 1,500 revolutionists under General Monagas who are reported to bo too feeble to .attack the government but strong enough to devastate the district around Rio Chlco , sixty miles south east of Caracas , and dally enter and pillage the town. Even ardent revo lutionists seem to recognize that Pres ident Castro Is master of the situation The governmental troops captured the town of Gualtro at noon and are now marching on Rio Chlco. More Trouble at Barcelona. Barcelona , Feb. 10. The threatening attitude of bands of anarchists who are attempting to provoke n general strike has compelled the authorities "to occupy the strategic points In this city by 'bodies of gendarmes and troorts. Conflicts have already oc curred , In which two persons were wounded. Sheriff's Slayer Captured. Eugene , Ore. , Feb. 10. Elliott Lyons , who killed Sheriff Withers last week , was captured by a posse at Ores- well yesterday. He was brought to Eugene and placed In jail. Armed guards have been placed about the Jail to hold the mob In chccV . - M ft - Passes Eight-Hour Bill. Denver , Feb. 10. The state sonata yesterday passed the Moore eight- hour bill , limiting employment in smelters and mines to eight hours a day , In accordance with the constitu tional amendment adopted by the people ple at the last fall election. Pacific Squadron Ready to Sail. Ban Francisco , Feb. 10. Rear Admi ral Glass has received his orders and the Pacific squadron will got away to day. As has boon stated , the squad ron goes to Amapala , Honduras , whore a Central Amorloan revolution is now threatening. RACE WAR NOW THREATENED , Brewing Between Whites and Blacks at Fayette. Fayctto , Mo. , Fob. 10.--A race war ias been started hero as thu result of the public whipping of three negroes on the court house stops Friday night. A committee of the Law and Order caguo took three negroes from their homes and whipped them publicly for alleged misconduct. Two of them were women. Slnco then the ncgrocn and white people have been at swords' points and It Is said twenty-five no- jro families have been frightened Into leaving this vicinity. The recent killIng - Ing of Harry O'Donnell , a reputable citizen , was charged to negroes and did much to stir up enmity. did much to stir up enmity. The whites have openly threatened to bat tle with negroes and drive them from Fayotto and vicinity. The one negro mnn who won whipped trade- desperate resistance. It took several men to carry him to the whipping post. He cursed lils cap tors as the lash was applied , which resulted In the whip being wielded only the more vigorously. When the ordeal was ended the negro was no wcalc from the loss of blood that ho was put to bed Instead of being driven from town. The women , who were not whipped severely , were taken to the outskirts and told to go. There Is much excitement here and n clash Is feared. DYNAMITE CONCEALS A CRIME. House Is Blown Up After Occupants Have Been Murdered and Robbed. Johnstown , Pa. , Feb. 10. A dastard ly attempt to hldo robbery and murder resulted In the wrecking by dynamite of an Italian boarding house at Portage - ago , early yesterday. Tony Grlllo and his wife arc dead and Ralph Tellllldo and George Destnvo were seriously Injured. The scene of the affair was a boarding house occupied by Qrlllo , his wife , three daughters and about twenty.flve boarders. When the ex plosion occurred the inmates were hurled in all directions , but the riiost of them escaped serious Injury. The bodies of Grlllo and his wife were found burled beneath the ruins of the building , which was demolished. Grille had about $1,000 in the house , but none of the money has yet been found , and the theory Is that it was stolen by someone who killed the couple and then exploded the dyna mite to cover the crime. Blow May Prove Fatal. Leavenworth , Kan. , Feb. 10. Late yesterday afternoon Benton Blanton , a private of company C. Sixth infan try , stationed at Fort Leavenworth who Is a prisoner In the guard house while under the Influence of liquor which had been In some manner smug gled to him , refused to obey a trivial command of First Sergeant Knox company M , and than slapped Knox The sergeant raised his gun and dealt the prisoner a stunning blow on the left side of the head , knocking him unconscious. Blanton has not re gained consciousness and no hopes are expressed for his recovery. Woman Uses a Pistol. Monongahela , Pa. , Feb. 10. During the night an unknown man forced his way into the telegraph office at Wals ton station and assailed Mrs. Wilson the operator. Mrs. Wilson shot the man , and this so enraged him that he beat her almost into insensibility anc then tried to burn her to death by forcing her head Into a stove. The arrival of a freight train , however frightened him and he fled , leaving his victim unconscious. Her condition is critical. Roosevelt to Visit Colorado. Denver , Feb. 10. John W. Springer , president of the National Live Stock association , announced yesterday that he had advlcen from Washington to the effect that President Roosevelt will visit Colorado some time in March for a hunting excursion in the northwestern part of the state. Mad Dog Bites Live Stock. Superior , Neb. , Feb. 10. Charles H. Malsbury of Cadams lias been obligee ! to kill a steer and hogs to the value of $250 , bitten by a road dog. Mais bury himself had a narrow escape from being bitten , the dog grabbing his coat TELEGRAMS TERSELY TOLD. There were four deaths from the plague at Mazatlan Monday. There are forty-four patients in the lazar etto. Several shocks of earthquake , ac companied by subterranean noises were experienced at San Luis de Querro , Mex. , Monday. A disastrous fire broke out in the town of Krutz , Gallcla , Monday and wiped out 370 homes and many public buildings. Five hundred families are destitute. William Hooper Young , on trial at New York for the murder of Mrs Anna Pulitzer , pleaded guilty to mur der In the second degree and was .sen tenced to llfo imprisonment. Dr. Herman Mynter died at his homo In Buffalo Monday. Dr. Mynter was one of the surgeons who attended President McKlnley after he was shot at the Pan-American exposition. An injunction order issued by Judge Tuley a year ago , restraining the Chicago cage Telephone company from' charg ing more than the franchise rate for the use of telephones , was affirmed by the appellate court Monday. The River Clydo burst its banks above Glasgow Monday and Inundated the industrial district of Ruthgleln. Elsewhere In Scotland traffic on the I railroads has been stopped , bridges i swept aw 7 and homes have col- I lapsed , Germany and Italy Will Have to Modify Demands. WANT LARGE SUM IN ADVANCE. Protocols Are 80 Worded as to Re- pulre Preferential Treatment at Once Dowen Refuses to Sign Until Some Changes Are Made , Washington , Fob. 10. Although Mr. Jowuu and the other negotiators are closely guarding the provisions of the several protocols , It In understood that thu demands which are known to exist In thu German and Italian agree ments , as they are ut present drafted , which Mr. Dowou cannot agree to , conceded an increased payment by Venezuela prior to the handing down of The Hague's decision regarding the allies' contention for preferential con sldcration In thu settlement of their claims. It Is reported that tlcrmnny asks that nhe derive , In addition to the $27,600 cash that Mr. Bowen ban agreed to pay , a certain percentage of the customs receipts until the re mainder of the $40,000 demanded In the original ultimatum addressed by Scrmany to President Cautro last nu tumn Is paid. Italy , It IB believed , Is Insisting on a similar demand , though the amount asked for In her ultimatum was more than $ ! iOO,000. Both Ger many and Italy suggest that this money bo paid In monthly Install ments out of the customs duties , but even under this arrangements It would require eight months for the payment of the entire num. It Is the principle , however , to which Mr. Bowen BO strenuously objects and which ho has Informed the Ger man and Italian envoys ho cannot sub' scribe to. Until their protocols are re lieved of these objectionable demands , Mr. Bowen says , they must remain un signed. He contends that Germany and Italy are Insisting on preferential treatment , a question which thej agree In their protocols shall go to The Hague. It Is the firm opinion of both the Italian ambassador and the Gcrmai minister that the Insertion In theli protocols of these demands Is the re suit of a serious misunderstanding 01 the part of their foreign offices o certain phases of the negotiations , which were supposed to bo settled They are using every effort to have this misunderstanding cleared up and have Informed Mr. Bowen that they hope to submit their conventions to him In a few days. Mr. Bowen has made It plain to the allies that ho will consider any plain request they may advance , but will not yield to the extent of signing the present German and Italian protocols. CARMACK RENEWS CHARGES. Talks of Treatment of Filipinos by Army in Islands. Washington , Feb. 10. In the senate yesterday Carmack spoke on the Raw- lliis resolution , calling on the secre tary of war for reports from certain courts-martial. He charged that mur ders in the Philippines had become so common that they would not bear investigation and that this answer was entirely satisfactory to "our noble , generous and humane secretary of war. " Ho also criticised the president tor never having heard of the Captain Brownell case after having announced his intention of probing conditions in the Philippines. Keane spoke on the statehood bill , when he yielded to de bate over the question of the interfer ence of the Mormon church in politics. Elklns also spoke at length in defense of New Mexico's claims to statehood. The house spent practically the en tire day on two District of Columbia bills , one to authorize the government to advance $6,000,000 to the District , and the other the conference report on "the Union station bill. The former was defeated and the latter sent back to conference after a motion to recede from the amendment of the house to cut down the appropriation for the Pennsylvania and the Baltimore rail roads' demands from $1.500,000 to $1- 000,000 had been voted down. The approval of the house of the action of Hepburn in presenting the conference report on the department of commerce bill at the memorial session Sunday resulted In postponement of action on the report for a day. Charter for Missouri Road. Jefferson City , Mo. , Feb. 10. Secre tary of State Cook yesterday Issued a charter to the Central Missouri Elec tric company , with a capital of $4,000- 000. The road Is to extend from Brookfield to Glasgow and thence to St. Louis , a distance of 194 miles. Col onel W. H. Chase of New York Is the principal financier of the road. The road Is to be completed In time for the World's fair. Strike at St. Louis Fair. St. Louis , Feb. 10. Dissatisfied because of the alleged employment of nonunion laborers In driving bolts , 130 union carpenters engaged In the con struction of the educational and man ufacturers' building at the Louisiana Purchase exposition grounds etruck yesterday and walked out. It Is ex pected the trouble may extend to the other bulldng : gangs. Revenue Bill Not Ready. Lincoln , Feb. 10. The Joint revenue committee , for the completion of whose work a week's adjournment was taken at the committee's special re quest , reported yesterday that It had ' "llfrt to complete a revenue bill and would bo unable to submit one to tha legislature for a few days. CAUGHT BY THE GRIP. RELEASED BY PE-RU-NA. Congressman Geo. H. White's Case. A Noted Sculptress Cured. The world of medicine recognizes Grip as epl- d o m ! c ca tarrh , - Medical Talk , rYTTYYTTYTTITTTTXZIITItttrT . OUIPPE Is opldomlo catarrh. It LA. spares no class or nationally. The cultured and the Ignorant , the arlHtoornt and the pauper , the manHcs and the classes are alike subject to la grlppo. None are exempt all are llablo. Have you the grlpT Or , rather , has the grip got you ? drip Is well named. The original French term , la grippe , has boon shortened by the butty Ameri can to road " grip. " Without intending to do BO a now word lias been coined that exactly describe the case. AH If omo hideous giant with awful QUIP had CHANCE FOR HOMESTEADERS. About 400,000 Acres In Nebraska Thought to Be Open. Omaha , Fob. 10. Within 140 miles of Omaha there are nearly 400,000 acres of fertile , arable homestead land that is open for settlement at any time and has been far years. This discovery has Just come to the knowl edge of JotL fraudB , general passen ger agent of the Burlington and Mis souri railroad , who Is taking prelim inary ttcps toward a settlement boom. The land is in Loup , Qarfleld and Wheeler counties. This information of almost half of three entire counties being open for ettlement came to Mr. Francis acci dentally a short time ago. He at once communicated with D. Cjgm Weaver , register of the land office at O'Neill , Neb. , on the matter. Mr. Deavcr veri fied the tale. Then Mr. Frar liogan work on his project to have i.ie laufl taken up. NINE COAL DEALERS FINED. Chicago Jury Mulcts Fuel Men In $500 Each for Restraining Trade. Chicago , Feb. 10. Nine ofllcers and directors of the Retail Coal Dealers' association of Illinois and Wisconsin , lately indicted by the special grand Jury , which was called to investigate the fuel shortage and prices , were yesterday - terday fined $300 on a verdict of a Jury In Judge Horton's court , which found them guilty of conspiring to do an Illegal act in restraint of trade. The formal verdict was returned only to pave the way for a now trial. The rase will prob blv b tried Monday. This was the first verdict In the < -oal cases. Trainmen at St. Louis. St. Louis , Feb. 10. Many of the members of the wage Increase com mittees of trainmen and conductors departed from the city last night. The final negotiations with the WabasK , St. Louis Southwestern. Missouri Pa cific and St. Louis and San Francisco railroads will be conducted by Messrs. Morrlssoy and Garrotson , who are still hero. The conference with the Wabash - bash officials has been postponed until Friday , to permit of the presence of President Ramsey. To Build Suburban Lines. Atchlson , Kan. , Fob. 10. It Is stated authoritatively that the Henry syndi cate of Denver Intends , In case It buys the Atchlson street railway plant , to construct an electric line to St. Jo seph and Lcnvenworth , and also to Bean Lake , Mo. It also Is proposed to builda , number of shorter suburban lines. Negotiations for the solo of the plant are pending. Jeweler Is Found Dead. Sioux Falls , S. D. , Feb. 10. A local Jeweler named Anton Klelser was XIXXXXXXXXXXXXXZIXIXXXXXXXJ clutched UH in KH fatal climp. Men women , children , wholu towiiH and cltlcH are caught In the baneful grip of a ter- rlblo mounter. JV-rn-nn for drip. Mrs. Thcophllo Hchmltt , wlfo of the Kx-Suorotary of the German CnnmiluU ) wrltcH thu following letter from ! M1' WubaHh nvonuu , Chicago , 111. : "I fliiffort'd thlH winter with a Rover attack of In grippe. After UHlng thro bottles of Peruna 1 found the grip hat disappeared. " Mrs. T. HehmlH- found dead yesterday In apartments at the rear of his place of business under circumstances which Indicate that he committed suicide by drinking a quantity of poison. Ho was evi dently Insane. Ho has a brother llv- IllU at dram * T-incMnn > " Wabash After Chester Road. Carbondale , 111. , Feb. 10. Negotia tions are pending for the purchase by the Wabash of the Chester and West ern railroad , which runs from Cheater to Mount Vernon. The line , with an extension to either Altamont or Efilngham , would give the Goulds con nections at Thebes , the outlet to the southwest and to Chicago. At alta- mont the Wabash system IB met , while at Thebes the St. Louis Valley , the Iron Mountain and the Cotton Belt systems are Joined. Stanley Will Not Accept the Place. Medicine Lodge , Kan. , Feb. 10. Ex- Governor W. B. Stanley has declined the appointment as member of the Dawes commission to succeed the late Senator Dawes. Mr. Stanley said : "I declined to accept a place on the commission for the reason that I am not familiar with tbo duties of the commission , nor do I know the tenure of the office. I have gone back to my law practice and will accept no minor position that will take me away from It- Car Demolishes a Depot. Washington , la. , Feb. 10. Freight train No. 95 , westbound , n the south western branch of the Rock Island , owing to the spreading of the rails , Jumped the track at Buffalo , thirty miles east of here , at noon. A car loaded with rails struck the station and totally demolished the building. The family of Agent S. H. Croft lived over the depot and their five-year-old daughter was killed. Mr. and Mrs. Croft are seriously Injured and the latter may die. Wheeler Goes Free. Chicago , Feb. 10. Luke Wheeler , convicted of conspiracy to "fix" the Masonic temple Uxes , was yesterday allowed to go free by Judge Chetlaln. Ho was placed under $5,000 bonds and was warned to so conduct himself that ho should not again fall within the Jurisdiction of the court. Wheel er's original punishment was placed at Imprlfionment for two years and a fine of $3,500. Kendrtck Confers With Trainmen. Topeka , Feb. 10. Vice President Kendrick of the Santa Fe Is hero In conference with the trainmen of the road In regard to an Increase In wages. Twenty per cent Is demanded by the men , but It Is thought n compromise will bo effected on a basis of 15 per cent. Mm. Colcnlo Covoll writes from 210 N. vemio , Aurora , 111.1 "Only IhoMo who Imvo nufforetl with a grlppo and boon cured can npproclalo tow Hnilofiil T fool that such a Hplundld UMllelno n Pcrunn ban boon placed at lie door of every mirroring ponton.- * Irfl. ( J. Covoll. Nnlml HoulptrnM Cur fid of flrlp. MrH. Mi O. Cooper , of the Itnyal Aca/1- my of ArtH , ofunion ( , England , nov/ cHldlng lit Washington , 1) . 0. , IHOMO of ho groutent living WMtlptorHiindpalnlorH f thn world. HhouuyH : " 1 take pleasure In recommending Po- una for catarrh and la grlppo. I have iifforcd for montliH , mid nflcr Ilio HBO of > iio bottln of Poruna I am ontlroly woll. " MrH. M. P. Cooper. 1) . lj. Wallace , a chartnr niombor ol ho International llarhor'H Union , wrltort rom ir > WoHtorn avoiuto , MlnnoiipollH , illnu. : " 1'ollowlng a Hovore attack of In grlppo mwmcd to bo unvoted badly all ovor. "Ono of > ny ( MiHlomnrH who wart grually lolpcd by Poruna advlHud mo to try it , tnd I procured a bottle the fwmo day. "fow my head IM eloar , my norvon are tcady , I enjoy food and nmt woll. Po runn haH liL'dii worth n dollar adoHo to no.n.'L. ' . Wallace. IJouti'iiunt Clurlco Hunt , of Iho Halt jnko Oily Itarrauks of the Halvatloii Army , wrltcw from Ogden , Utah : " Two montliH ago 1 WHH HiiITurlng wltli o Hovuro a cold that I could hardly Hpualc. "Our raptaln udvlncd Ino to try Po * riinii and procured n bottle for me , and ruly It worked wonders. Within two vookH 1 wan 'entirely well. " ( Jlarlca lunt. C < > iiKrnnainnn AVlilln's I.rllor. Tnrbom , N. C. Gentlemen : I nm more than satis * fled with I'crnna and find It to bo an excellent remedy tor the # rand ca tarrh. I have used It In my family and they all Join me In recommending It as an excellent remedy.Ucorge II. White , Member of Congress. MrH. T. W. CollliiH , Treasurer Inde pendent Order of ( lood Tumplars , ol Hvorott , Wash. , writes : "After having a povcro attack of In grlppo T continued In n feeble condition oven uftor the dootorH called mo cured. My blood Hcotncil poisoned. Peruua cured mo. " Mrs. T. W. Collins. If you do not derive prompt and satlff factory romiltn from the UHO of Porunn , wrlUjntonco to Dr. Ilartinan , giving n full ( statement of your case and ho will bo pleaned to glvo you his valuable ad vice gratlH. Acldn-BH Dr. Hartman , President of The llartuiau Sanitarium , Columbus , O , PROTEST AGAINST SMOOT. Utah People Object to His Being Seated as Senator. Washington , Feb. 10. Senator Bur' rows , chairman of the committee on privileges and elections , has received , a protest against the seating of Hon. Reed Smoot an a senator from Utah on the ground that he Is an apostle of the Mormon church and that as such he should not represent the people of Utah In the senate. The document IB very voluminous and quotes liberally from sermonsr speeches and other Mormon utterances showing the pow er of the priesthood of the Mormon church over all matters spiritual' ' and' temporal. Senator Frye , as president pro tern of the senate , received a copy of the protest. It was decided : by Senators Burrows and Fryo not to present the protest to the senate until Mr. Smoot'ft credentials are presented , when both will be referred to the com mittee on privileges and elections. Union Veterans Split. Springfield. O. , Feb. 10. Fifty delegates - gates to the national convention of the Union Veterans' union are In the city , representing all parts of the United States. At the meeting today they will attempt to reorcanlze the union along the lines which were Intended when It was established twenty years ago. This meeting : Is the result of a. split In the national convention held In Washington last September , when R. G. Dryenforth was elected com mander over General R B. Hutchln- Bon of Rochester , N. Y. Hutchlnson and hip adherents withdrew from the convention. They claim the delegates here represent two-thirds of the entire - tire organization. They propose to eliminate from membership all veter ans who did not seen six mon'hs' ser vice and onp engagement. Hutchlnson will bo elected commanden Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. This preparation contains all of tha dlgcstants and digests all kinds ol food. It gives Instant relief and never falls to cure. It allows you to eat all the food you want. The most sensitive stomachs can take it. By its use many thousands of dyspeptics have been cured after everything else fulled. la unequalled for the stomach. Child * ren with weak stomachs thrive on It. Cni * 9 all stomach troubles Prepared only by E. O. DEWITT & 0o. . Chicago "too 11. botth contains ! ! W times the We. elM >