Th fiot folklewis It will tnlto a big calamity of nomw nortto prevent Norfolk from growing nnd prospering this year. ill The little word "mlHsent" undoubtedly delinquencies of edly covorn a multUudo cies In the postoftlco department. In vlow of what has boon done during the early part of the season the ground hog might reasonably afford to cut olT a week or two of his penalty. Why couldn't nome Ingenious yankee Hot oven with the coal trust by tapping the heat at the editor of the earth and piping it to the surface for heating pur- pOHOH ? The allies have decided that they will have nothing further to do with Minister - tor Bowen and limlrit that President , ' arbitrate their difforonoon or they will take the matter before the Hague court. Kdltor J. W. Iluntsbergor of the Ponder Republic , who has been nerving litn town IIH poRtmastor since April , dlod very suddenly at hto homo in Tender on Sunday from erysipelas of the face. The Ltllio mnrdor trial will soon again bo filling space in the state papers. JAra. Ltllio 1ms boon arraigned before the district court nt David City , pleaded not guilty and her trial has boon hot for next Tuesday. A Baltimore woman requested the police to force her husband to take a bath , but they were not successful. The thing to do with snoh a mau is to organize a mob and dip him in a kettle of warm tar , then ho would not need a bath for a short while. Illinois is making it so interesting for monopolies that the Diamond Match company threatens to leave the state. The thing to do is for other states to afford it no bettor inducomfints. When no state has advantages for the trusts they will cease to exist. Microbes in paper 'currency have de stroyed nn eye for a Now York cashier , nud people who nro afraid of microbes nro advised to leave the filthy stuff alone. Any who are anxious to es cape a like fate may leave their money nt this cilice , nnd it will bo disposed of. If you don't clean off your walks the mayor proposes to see that it is done for yon , nnd you may not fool inclined to endorse the bill that will bo charged up OKaiust your property so yon might an veil do the shoveling act yourself or engage your own assistance. A Gorman paper considers that this is the last chance that may bo offered to show America that Europe is ou the earth. If they undertake the task there might bo such n thing AS disappointment in results aud America may continue to entertain the notion that Europe is not worth considering. The number of republican judges in Nebraska has boon increased by ono. Homer M. Sullivan , fnsioulst , judge of the 12th district , has resigned to accept A good legal connection , nnd Governor Mickey has appointed Charles Gutter- sou , a Broken Bow republican , to the position made vacaut. There is no report to indlcato that the people of Missouri are preparing a rousing reception to Cole Yonuger who lias been in exile in Minnesota for so many years. They undoubtedly appro clnto the fact that Younger did things when ho was younger that do not en title him to a monster demonstration on the part of the people. The independent telephone company nt Fremont should have no criticism to make of the support they are receiving from the city government which has kindly undertaken to compel their competitor - petitor , the Nebraska company , from either extending or repairing its linos. From n distance it looks like a beautiful ciuch for the independents. , As has been its recent good fortune , Nebraska escaped the worst of the bliz zard. With Chicago Isolated , no schools hold in Sioux City , snow slides in Colorado rado , a torrifio gale in Iowa , trains seri ously blockaded on eastern aud western roads , and other serious situations in many parts of the country , Nebraska people are nblo to congratulate them- wives that they experienced n minimum ) f the tronblo. 1 If Uncle Sam should undertake to irovont all troubles and disagreements xistlng between and over the small outh American republics ho would bo ) busy that ho would bo able to devote at little attention to his own'affairs. is somewhat gratifying to the people 'realizo that the Monroe doctrine does > t contemplate mixing in with every tie spat in South America. R.U exchange suggests that four or 'e corda of wood nnd n sawbuck hid perhaps bo as effective n cure could be found for what ails the itocratio Mr. Rockefeller's stomach , ( fit would not cobt him a million 'ier. Certainly there nro few who , e , pat this combination to conscieu- | s and energetic me who nre afflicted ! ho coal oil magnate claims to be. It J wouldn't cost him much to give him n trial. Whllo the revenue committee in wrestling witli Unit bill , the balance of tliti lelslutorfl | ; are keeping their oars to the ground and ascertaining the desires of their conntttnonts regarding pending legislation of various kinds nnd quali ties. If they are successful in finding what the pqoplo doslro nud then giving it to them the week's vacation will bo productive of good results. Blxby of the State Journal ( loon not think that the board of pardons of Min nesota indicted n very onerous condi tion when it stipulated that Cole Younger wan not to return to that state , Blxby formerly lived in Minnesota nnd has a dcop-Boatod conviction or prejudice that a wcfrso condition would have boon to oompcll the pardoned bandit to re main in the Htatn bounded by the aurora * boroalls on thn north. Mr. Bryan in to build a park for the nso of the common people , ot which ho in ono. Most of the common people , how ever , have not acquired enough ropub > licau prosperity up to the present time to afford to build n park in proximity to their homes. A private park is an aris tocratic luxury , especially if stocked with game aud the free silver champion may have game aud gnmo keepers bo fore ho has ascertained that ho is di vorced from the common crowd. The out nud out populist newspaper is about as rare in Nebraska nn were the voters of that party during the recent election. There was n time when al most every town and city supported ouo or more papers of populist tendency , but they hnvo disappeared nud thono that are loft nro almost nshninod. of their politics. Some of them have turned democratic , others have espoused the socialist cnuHo nud not n few have fallen in with public soutlmout and are now republican. Nebraska irrigntionists have won n distinct victory before the supreme court of the state. The 'decision con templates that no ouo has an exclusive right to the water of any stream. A mill company that has built n dam and Is using the water for power has no more right to control the exclusive How than has the man who has built irrigation ditches aud is using the water to moisten an arid soil. Each may share alike and if the water is drained off to the oxcout that the mill property is damaged the mill company may collect for such injury , but not before fore it is possible to toll just how much the damage is. The government will co-oporato with the state in maintaining nu experimen tal farm in the western nnd nrid portion of the state , if the legislature will make nn appropriation for the pur chase of n slto. If the experiments to bo conducted will result in adding value and population to the western part of the state the legislature can well afford to make the investment , nnd that is the intention of the promoters of the prop osition. If Nebraska does not take this step some other state equally interested in the development of arid regions un doubtedly will aud Nebraska will lesotho the prestige that would acouro from the establishment of snoh a farm. It is to bo hoped that the state's finances will permit an appropriation .for the experi mental farm. John Wanamukor , the millionaire Philadelphia merchant , is certainly qualified to speak regarding the advan tages of advertising , as It waa through advertising ho attained his success. The use of printers' ink ) > as been n profitable investment to him nnd to thousands of others who have adopted his methods. A recent quotation from him follows : "A newspaper whose columns overflow with advertisements of business men has more influence in attracting attention to build up n town than any other agency that can be em ployed. People go whore there is bnsi ness. Capital aud labor go whore there is an enterprising community. No power nn earth is so t-trong to build np a town BO well as a paper well patronized izod , and Us power should bo nppreo luted. The man who overlooks his town paper injures himself by injuring his town and his townsmen. " An exchange has reduced to figures what it means for women to wear birds and feathers on their hats in conforma tion with the dictates of fashion. It will bo well to remember that the birds killed in Florida during the wiutor are the ones that would have come north In the spring. The number has been di minishing year by year , aud this traffic in bird carcasses has been responsible in n larger degree , even than the tendency of the small boy to slaughter them , just for fun. The exchange says : "It is estimated that 5fOO,000 birds are an nually required in America alone to fill fashion's demand. In ono winter in Florida ouo party killed 130,000 birdp. Forty thousand torus were destroyed at Capo Cod in ouo single season. Prof. E. E. Fish of Buffalo , referring to birds , says : 'It is estimated that they save to the farmers nuuunlly in the United States over 1100,000,000. ' " Perhaps the first conviction of men for forming a trust comes from Dela ware , Ohio , where seven coal dealers of that city pleaded guilty to a violation of the state's anti-trust law and were fined THE NORFOLK NEWS : FRIDAY , FEBRUARY 13 , 1M)3 ) $100 onoh and cools. The defendants cotnpOHod the Delaware Goal Dealers' association , recently disbanded. If a town lilco Delaware can haul itH coal dealers before the court and line them for combining to raise or maintain prices there ix every probability that other towns of Ohio and other iitatoH having anti-trust IIVWH on their statute books could do likewise. It is probable Unit the milt started against the Dela ware coal dealers will bo duplicated a few tunes , not only in reference to coal doalorH but to merchants in other .linos of trudo who nook through an agree * inont to monopoli/.o the market. Arbor day is not far distant that the pcoplo of Nobraoka can afford to defer the making up of their minds to give it a huarty and general observance. It should not bo lofc to the school children to do the celebrating , either. Every property owner with room for one trco or a fori'flt should carry out the spirit of the holiday by planting. Nebraska needs trees and needs them for more pnrpoHus than one. Forest , nut and fruit trees should bo planted liberally and in time the fuel question will not bother , fruit will bo plentiful and there will bo less liability to the drouths that have aflliotod the state in the past. Plant trees on Arbor day and every other day in the Benson for trco plant ing , and if good nurseries are patro- ni'/.ud and good trees nro planted the people of the state will in the not dis tant future have reason to thank the present generation as people who Imvo recognized and filled a need of the country to their benefit and that of their children. While John D. Rockefeller has been busy notifying senators thai an anti-trust bill must not bo passed by that body , President Roosevelt has more than intimated that if such a bill is not passed congress must moot in oxtraoadl- nary session and deal with the question. The people would much rather that the president's advice shonld bo observed by the upper house thau that the oil magnate shonld dictate the policy to bo pursued. The people will nudortako to BOO that if the present congress is not to bo gnidod by the president's policy on this question others will bo elected who will have more regard for the president and the pooplo. Rockefeller , Morgan and others Imvo had things their own way so long that they have acquired largo power and control vast resources. They may bnmp the people pretty se verely for interfering with their plans , but , with the president , there are a largo number of people who desire that the question should bo settled now , though the magnates may disrupt the business of the country for the time boiug. The revenue committee of the legis lature is devoting especial attention to producing a law that will result in the collection of taxes. It is proposed that the tax shirker and tax dodger shall contribute his share toward the support ot the state and they do not propose that ho shall be permitted to allow such taxes to drag along indefinitely. If the committee will pass a law that is reasonably effective there should be general satisfaction. Everyone should bo willing to pay a just proportion of the government's oxponses.aud would do HO cheerfully if assured that every other property owner was doing a fair share What grinds Is for one man to be corn- pulled to pay a tax knowing that a neighbor or acquaintance is getting oil without supporting his just share of the burden. OHO who has soon another shirking has sought protection by at tempting the same method until the people of the state wore rapidly becom ing unanimous in a desiie to evade a fair taxation. If it is possible to oven matters up and keep thorn equal it will bo a blessing , and the property owner who does not wish to pay taxes should have but the one recourse and that is to dispose of his property. The national and inter-national good roads convention will bo hold in St. Louis , Mo. , April 20 to May 1. This is a subject that interests Nebraska much less than a good many other subjects , as this state is naturally blessed with fairly good roads the year round , but there is no question that there might be improvement even here , and the state shonld unquestionably be rep resented ixt this convention. If there is nothing more to be learned than the best and most modern way of using the amounts annually appropriated for the care of roads in the various districts cf county and state such information would bo well worth acquiring. Every year there are largo sums expended and much work done ou the public roads of Nebraska and yet many of them are no whit improved over what nature first did for them. The natural dirt is an nually piled up in the center of the road in some localities and allowed to wear buck to its natural level to bo again heaped up during some ensuing year. This auwcrs for the time being but is in no wise permanent. Modern ideas with a view of permanency should be employed - ployed , and this convention should bo able to disseminate valuable information along these linos. Nebraska roads are naturally good , and passable at any time of year , but it shonld bo less ex pensive to give thorn permanence than in a country whern they are muddy and miry half the rear and too rough for travel the balance ot the time. I It is evident that any telegrams di rected to President Roosevelt by trust tun gnat on would be a waste of yellow paper and telegraph toll. Chicago courts have likewise demon strated that coal dealers who enter a combine are liable to a flno and Imvo asHusbod a fine of $100 each against a bunch of nine living in 111 uois and Bcousln. Orovcr Glovoland has gene fishing again and there is no ouo to protest. Relieved of his official duties , ho is an independent American citizen and may do as ho pleases if his wife dosn't object. It is said that if the air surrounding the glebe should bo sufficiently con- doused it would make a sea of liquid air 1)5 ) foot deep covering the entire world. When this accomplished wo will all move out. Bixby says , "It in spoiled 'Jean Val- jean' and we'll hot a small cake of ice you don't know how to pronounce it. " And we'll hot a bucket of snow that as many will trip up when it comes to the correct pronunciation of . "M. do Pour- ocanguao. " A number of Nebraska papers con tinue to label their editorial "thinks" . In some of thorn it is decidedly con venient to readers who desire to distin guish the real from the spurious ; * on the part of others it is a wholly unnecessary precaution. Iowa democratic editors are qnito un animously for Parker as the domocratio candidate candidate for president next year. The Iowa opinion will probably not out much ice and many of thorn concede that they are not in a position to dictate. When Mr. Rockefeller wired the senators that no trust bill must be passed ho pnronthically remarked that his counsel would see them. It is now rumored that ho told an untruth ; that the said counsel saw nobody. The senators had no time for him. The work of strengthening the army and navy is considered significant of war in some quarters. If not it is cer tainly an argument for peace. Europe is not nearly as likely to attack a fully prepared nation as it would bo ono that 1ms made no preparations to enter a conflict. Lynch has an active commercial club that has undertaken to see to it that all roads leading to that town are in good and passable condition. It is a com- uioudable undertaking for a commer cial club. If a town desires the busi ness of the farmers it must make it pos sible for thorn to drive in without in convenience or danger. John D. Rockefeller lias just liberally endowed a chair in Mr. Harper's uni versity for the purpose of discovering some specific for tuberculosis. The public also needs a remedy for high- priced , explosive coal oil and Mr. Car negie might do a good turn by hanging up a prize for that. Fremont Tribune. Will Manpiu thinks that if the trusts maintain their present rate of develop ment it will not bo long until John D. Rockefeller's offer of a million dollars for a now stomach will look extravagant and Billy , as the common people will have a job lot of stomachs for which they will have no use that they would gladly give away. Perhaps the oil maguatemight find a bargainoven now , if ho shonld go to Finland. The president , himself , is said to have given out the information about those Standard oil telegrams. Ho evidently intends that the public shall be kept in formed regarding the efforts of the trust magnates to influence the action of the servants of the pub'lio. The senators may finally be made to realize that their action shonld bo governed by their con science and the desires of the people rather than by the multi-millionaires. A Russian youth has engraved on a grain of wheat the words and muslo of the Russian national hymn. The czar was pleased with his work and pre sented him with a fine gold watch. It was a wonderful grain of wheat but not more wouderfnl than1 the great- great-great-grandfather , and then some , of last year's wheat crop , which has kept many millions of people supplied with bread and cakes. That was a wonderful grain , and no mistake , and its work was noblo. There can be something accomplished in the way of settling vexing problems , even by a municipality , when the proper steps are taken. Chicago went in to adjust the coal situation to the needs of the poor people. When the work was undertaken 50 cents a bushel was paid for the fuel. Now _ .tho poor people of that city get two aud one- half bushels of coal for CO cents. It makes people almost wish they lived in Chicago and were "poor. " Congress should either act on that quostiou of the admission of the now states to the miiou or pass it up. There are questions of far greater moment to the general public before the body awaiting solution aud the representa tives of the people have no large amount of time to fritter away in debate on a local matter. The people expect this congress to accomplish something of importance and there will bo disappoint ment if it fails to produce results. A wife who contemplates getting rid of her husband might learn details by familiarizing herself with the modus oporaudl employed by the Montecollo , N. Y. , woman who shot her husband , chopped him in pieces , burned the pieces in the cook steve and ground the charred bones up for the ohickous. If they can acquire her method and put it in practice there is no reasonable room for doubt but that they will bo able to rid themselves of their husband's com pany. If they have a 14-old-daughter who can bo interested in the work they may bo able to secure her assistance. The New York woman did. It was suppobod that when the county scat of Knox county was re moved from Nlobrara to Center the troubles of the county along that line wore about over , but now Blooniflold bobs up with a county scat boo buzzing in her bonnet and in order to attain her desires she pioposes that the county shall bo chopped in two , Bloomfibld to bo the county seat of the now , county. It is lllcoly that if all the towns in the county wanting county seats are ac- will bo divided up into rather small pieces , with just enough for a door ywrd to eaoh county seat town. John D. Rockefeller , jr. , is evidently fully competent to step into hia father's shoes. Ho is perhaps the wealthiest young man in America at the present time and the tax commissioners of New York thought ho should bo able to stand an assessment on $500,000 , 'but he ap peared before them with a statement that his debts amounted to about $500- 000 and his personal property was worth above the debts about $80,000)but ) ; he would not object to paying on $40,000. The young man being a Sunday school teacher , and supposed to bo trained in the way of truth and honesty , the com missioners accepted his figures. The date for the spring municipal election is rapidly approaching and the prospects are that it may bo one of the most lively city campaigns known in a number of years. The candidates who may bo put np have not yet been dis cussed to any great extent , but with the various questions that are up for a so lution and the variant interests that arei concerned , it is not difficult to believe that when the campaign opens it will beef of a lively character and that partisan politics may cut but little figure. The time is not far distant when it will be necessary to hold caucuses and conven tions and name the candidates who will head the several tickets. The scientists who have been assail ing dried fruits as microbe breeding grounds are now after the carpets with which many of the houses of the coun try are supplied. It is stated that dur ing a test in a carpeted room in a tene ment house 75 germs settled in a 3-inch saucer in five minutes and that after sweeping there were 2,600 of these germs in the saucer. The important question is , where will these investi gations leave off ? If there are germs in carpets there'nre germs in clothes , and if in dried fruit they are like wise in other eatables , and if the people wish to get rid of them all they cannot cat or , wear clothes , and it may even bo dangerous to breathe. If the senate acts on the Littlefield anti-trust bill with the same energy and oneness of purpose as did the house the pcoplo will not fail to understand that Mr. Rockefeller's message to members of that body were of no weight or effect. Democrats are already beginning to assort that the bill is ono that has been approved by the trust magnates , but that remains to bo proven , and it would hardly have received the unanimous support of the house if the members of that body had considered that its condi tions were to be nulified after being tested by the courts. In any event the people will take it as an evidence of good faith if the senators will give the bill a cordial support. It is reported from Lincoln that the revenue * revision committee will require another week in which to prepare such a bill as they desire to present to the consideration of the legislature. Some people are impatient aud desire that the legislature shall soon bo showing results , but if the committee requires another week in which to prepare a desirable rovonno law it shonld bo granted. It is a work of no small moment and if the committee is not given plenty of tim the questions coming before them will bo discussed before the entire legisla ture , beyond a doubt , and much more time will bo consumed. If the commit tee can prepare a bill that will bo ac ceptable to their colleagues they should be granted sufficient time in which to do the work. Since the Northwestern stockholders have decided to lease the franchises and property of the Elkhorn , and later pur chase the roadoutright it is still an in teresting quostiou as to what the out come and the results will be. Patrons of the line need have no cause for worry because of the closer relations of the two roads for the Northwestern is one UNION. endent Operators. ! . Counsel forte to arraign , arguments- The matter % > commis. Sftrntors ot tremendous impord th * nttcn- farmer. Wrong loss. Right feeding i The up-to-date farmer knows what to feed his cows to get the most milk , his pigs to get the most pork , his hens to get the most eggs. Science. But how about the children ? Are they fed according to science , a bone food if bones are soft and undeveloped , a flesh and muscle food if they are thin and weak and a blood food if there is anemia ? Scott's Emulsion is a mixed food ; the Cod Liver Oil in it makes flesh , blood and muscle * the Lime and Soda make bone ind brain. It is the standard scientific food for delicate hildren. Send for free sample. Be sure that this picture in the form of a label is on the wrapper of every bottle of Emulsion you buy. Scott &Bowne CHEMISTS , 409 Pearl St. , N. Y. C0r and $11 all druggists. one of the most enterprising , progressive systems centering in Chicago , is after the business of a fertile section of the west and will meet competition and all demands in a manner that is character istic of the road , but there may in time bo a considerable change in the manage ment and methods now employed by the Elkhorn. It is hoped that it may- mean expansion ; rather than retrench ment , an extension of the Gasper line to the coast and of the Black Hills and Bonesteel branches into desirable terri tory that will add to the importance of the system and to the benefit of the- patrons of the line. That there is an object in a closer affiliation of the two- systems is beyond qnefation , as the- Northwestern never makes false moves. Iowa Coal Conference. Des Molnes , Feb. 0. The probabili ties are the Joint conference of coal operators and miners to fix the scale for mining in the state for the yeai commencing April 1 , will be called next week to meet in Dos Molnea March 6. The expectation is that an. increase of 10 cents will be made. Rockefeller Refuses to Talk. New York , Feb. 9. An effort wav made to see John D. Rockefeller re garding the telegrams sent by him to various senators , opposing any anti trust legislation , but at bis home ha sent out word by a servant that ha. "begged to be excused. " Stanley Succeeds Dawes. Medicine Lodge , Kan. , Feb. a. Ex- Governor W. B. Stanley yesterday ac cepted the position as a member ot the Dawes commission , offered him by- President Roosevelt. He fills the va cancy caused by the death of Mr Dawes , after whom the commission , was namejl. The llcnl Truth. | "Didn't she marry n 'has been ? ' " "No. She thought he was n 'will be , " but he turned out nn 'Isn't' " Life. I . A little change in the hand is worth ) more than n great change In the weath-1 cr. Philadelphia Rpronl Ijad Coughs 111 had a bad cough for six weeks and could find no relief until I tried Ayer's Cherry Pecto ral. Only one-fourth of the bottle cured me. " L. Hawn , Newington , Ont. Neglected colds always lead to something serious. They run into chronic bronchitis , pneumonia , asthma , or consumption. Don't wait , but take Ayer's Cherry Pectoral just as soon asyourcough begins. A few doses will cure you then. Thrte ilm : Me. , SOe. , JI. All dn > nlid. th iU T ! " < loctor"T . > Ulce It. i iiii if . { ' * 5yi > . " ' telli y ° u " ° * in take It. then don't . Uke It. lie * nowi . L e It with him. We re willing ? J. C. AYKH CO. , Lowell , Hut. . * * * i ir i.t < - ' ' > oka