The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, February 13, 1903, Page 3, Image 3

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    Till ! ) NORFOLK NEWS : FRIDAY , FEBRUARY 13 , 1003.
r Take oif
-JO your
Old Railroa *
C. 8" .TROOPS ig emala M/ ' at to an Old Friend I
Dlepa * ' , ' , .
* ' ;
. . .
Its Year of Jubilee has come.
Sixty gears of faithful service to Man and Beast entitles it teA
and the grateful respect of the millions yllo have found freedom from pain through its curative powers.
Your sires and grand sires used Mexican Mustang Liniment because it healed their hurts and cured the
"ills .of their domestic animals.
What Mexican Mustang Liniment did for mankind and brute kind 60 years ago it does to-day. Jl lias
always cured and always will cure any and everything that a good , honest liniment can cure.
L ,
It Soaks Right Down Through The Muscles.
it goes quickly to the very core of the cause and stops the most deep-set , excruciating pains almost instantly.
flexican Mustang Liniment has stood the test of years.
People have unbounded faith in it all these years because it never disappoints.
The One Certain Cure for Hurts and Aches.
No liniment can cure unless it penetrates the fevered and swollen muscles right down to the roots of the
trouble. Mexican Mustang Liniment penetrates more thoroughly than anything that was ever created in a
chemical laboratory. The deepest , most stubborn and most intense pain can be reached and routed by the
use of this good old time-tried liniment.
Cures the Hurts of Anything1 That Walks.
If your horse has a stiff joint , a harness sore , a cut or bruise Mexican Mustang Liniment will cure it.
If your cow has a hurt or a caked udder it will cure it and restore her to health and usefulness.
If your poultry has roup , frozen combs , rheumatism , leg weakness or any disease of the flesh or bones
Hexican Mustang Liniment will cure them if anything on earth can cure and save them. What it has done
in thousands upon thousands of instances justifies these claims.
If your Weak Point is a Weak Back
rub Hexican flustang Liniment over the sore spot after a hard day's work and your back will soon feel rested
and free from pain. It is just what is needed when one is afflicted with lame back or lumbago or any other
deep-seated muscular misery. Rubbing works the liniment away in through the tired and sore muscles and
gets right down to where the pain begins. Just as soon as flexican Mustang Liniment permeates the affected
parts the lameness disappears and the pain departs.
Inflammation is the Root of all Pain.
Wherever there's a painful hurt , sore or sprain , there is inflammation. Mexican Hustang Liniment
quickl ) ' cools and cures the inflamed parts where the real cause of pain is imbedded. The penetrating , sooth
ing and healing powers of this liniment are really wonderful.
THREE SIZES 25 cts. , 50 cts. and $1.00. SOLD EVERYWHERE.
Bowen Disposes of First Docu
ment in Venezuelan Case.
Still Unable to
Italy and Germany
Satisfactory to
Frame Proposals
v , Castro's Envoy , but Are Expected
, to Do So Soon.
Washington , Feb. 11. Great Brit
formally accepted
ain's protocol has been
cepted by Mr. Bowen for Venezuela.
Jhe Gorman and Italian conventions
arc still undergoing revision , but as
surances are given that they eventual-
In all es-
lv will bo made to conform
Bonttal respecta to that of the British
ambassador. Owing to the Illness ot
the British ambassador. Mr. Bo wen
yesterday and
called at the
personally Blgnlfled to these ambassadors -
dors his approval of the agreement.
his formal note of
Ho then presented
acceptance , nnd it nas ueen ciiuieu 10
the London foreign office. It appears
that the Insertion In the German pro
tocol of the provision for advance payment -
ment of the original $360,000 demand-
cd of President Castro In the German
ultimatum was the result of a misun
derstanding on the part of the Ger
man foreign office on certain steps In
the negotiations here. Through the
activity of the Gorman minister. Stern-
burg , this point Is being cleared up.
' instructions
The Italian ambassador's
tions are such that he can make little
headway until ho knows what Is con
tained In the German protocol.
Mr. Bowen has done everything pos-
Bible to conclude these negotiations
with dispatch. In order that the block
ade might he raised , and he last night
expressed his belief that ho was re
ceiving in this .effort the sincere support -
port of all the negotiators. If a seri
ous hitch shall occur at the eleventh
hour Mr. Bowen Is confident that It
will ho through no fault of anyone of
the representatives of the allies hero.
Should the protocols of Germany and
Italy when presented to him contain
provisions not In line with the British -
ish protocol the negotiations must bo
prolonged until n satisfactory arrange-
man ! can lin readied.
Accused of Obtaining Money by DrawIng -
Ing Worthless Drafts on Bank.
Ida Grove. la. , Feb. 11. An Indict ,
ment was returned against O F. Pow
ers of Oklahoma City. Okla. , formerly
Immigration agent of the Atchlson.
Topeka nnd Santa Fe railroad , upon
the charge of obtaining money under
false pretenses. It Is alleged that
Mr. Powers represented to the real
estate agents of Iowa that he had
been selected ns the agent of the
Creek and Semlnole Indians of the In
dian territory to dispose of their lands
after the allotment made by the Dawes
commission. It Is claimed that he be
gan a correspondence with real estate
men throughout Iowa and then fol
lowed this up with a visit to explain
his scheme and that In nearly every
case ho secured an endorsement upon
drafts , nil drawn upon the First Na
tional bank of Hiitchlnson. Kan.
Bounty on Idaho Beet Sugar.
Boise. Ida. . Feb. 11. Speaker Hunt
yesterday Introduced a bill providing
a bounty of 1 cent a pound on beet
sugar manufactured In Idaho during
1903 and 100-i.
Religious Education In Schools.
Chicago. Feb. 11. Aroused by a be
lief that religious education Is falling
to keep pace with secular education ,
GOO delegates from all parts of the
United States and embracing a diver
sity of religious beliefs have gath
ered In Chicago to formulate a j.lan
for religions education In the public
schools by the elimination of sectarian
Ideas and the teaching of only those
fundamental doctrines accepted by all
Klttson Estate Is Finally Settled.
St. Paul. Feb. 11 The estate of Nor
man Klttson. valued t over $3,000.-
000. has just been closed In the pro-
hate r-ourt in this city , nearly fifteen
years after that well known capitalist
died on a train between Chicago and
St. Paul. Tlir estate was divided
equally among the eleven children.
To Abolish Capital Punishment.
Jefferson City. Mo. , Feb. 11. Capital
punishment for murder may ho abel
ished In Missouri. A committee of
the house yesterday decided to recom
mend a hill making the penalty for
murder In the first degree a peniten
tiary offense , at the discretion of the
NnrlirrnVlii / dimtii Hnllwii ] ' rnrnt l.unil
K.trHnln ,
Tlio Chicago , Ht. 1'itul , Mlnii ( > npollft
Onmhii railway him for milo In North *
om WlwHiiiHln , itt low ) > rlH ( ) ( ) and onsv
UirmH of imymimt , iilmut 1150,000 uoniH
of oliotco farm lumlrf ,
Kurly buyorH will Huourn the iidvan
KO of louatloiiH on the iimny bountiful
nt ronniR and liilcoH , whloh ubnunil with
( | HI ! utnl fitrnlnh n iiuvor tmdliiK und
inoHt oxoollinit water mipply , hoth for
family nmi anil for Htouk.
Lund IH immorally \voll Hnihorml , thn
neil fort il < i iiml cmiy of oiilllvutlon nnd
this IH rapidly ( lovolopinn Into DUO of
tin ) Kroahwt Hhoop unit ciittlo raining
tlio nortliwtmt.
, Mllwiiukoo , Ht. Paul , Minn *
oupollH , Oitluth , Huporlor , AHliliind mill
ether towim on "Tho NorthwoHtorn
furnish n < iod nmrlcotHfor Btook
u i id farm produco.
For f urthor imrHotilurn addronn :
Uito. W. lliei.i , ,
Land ComnilHRlnnor , IIudHon Win. , or
O. II MAOlUit ,
ABHt. Oon'lPiiNS. An't,8t. Pnul , Minn.
WANTICD. Fnltliful pornon to travel
for well ohtubllHlicd IIOUHO In iv few
ooniitli'H , culling on retail iiiorohniitHand
iiKOiitH. Ijoonl torritory. Hulixry f UKM
n year mid ( ixponm-n , pay ublo.f 111.70 u
wjjok In nnnh and oxpoiiHOH advanced
I'OHltlon iHirmuntmt. HUHIIOHH | HUUCOHH-
fnl and niHhiiiK. Btnndiml HOUHO , Hill
Doarhorn tit. ,
Stops tlio Cough nnd Works ofT the
Laxative Brome Qtilnino Tablets euro
ucold in ono day. No euro , no pay
Prloo % r > cunts.
Through Cars Columbus to Chicago
Via Union Pacific nnd Chicago ,
Milwaukee & St. Pnul Lino.
By vlrtuo of the now tariff uRroonumt
hotwoon the Union Paoillo railway and
thoGliloiiKO , Milwnukoo & St. Paul rail
way , tlioro hiiH boon oHtabliHhod n now
throiiKli-car route hotwoon tlio Pnollii'
coaHt nnd OhioaKO via thuno roHpootlvo
This Horvlco of through pnluw
Hloopors , touriHt HloopcrH , and free ro
ollniiig-ohulr oars was inauKurivtoo
Sunday , . .Ian.1 , nnrt In fnturu all trnliiH
oust and woHt between OhimiKo nnd tin
count via the U. P. anil 0 M. & St. P
railwuyH will bo operated in conjunc
and puHHongorH will no longer 1)3
required to eliango cars or wait at any
point on routo. Tlireo daily trains ouch
The Omaha-Chicago Hhort line of the
Chicago , Milwaukon & Kt. Paul rail
way , IH the HliortoHt railroad line between -
twoon the two cities. The roadbed IH
excellent and ror moHt of the diHtunco
the line is doable traoked. Tlio block
Hystom of fiafoty-signalH ia unod. This
line has long boon noted for Hpood ,
safety , and comfort. The equipment of
the now line fully sustalnH the high rep-
ntation of both roads.
The limited trains are heated by
fltoam and lighted by electricity. Kach
berth in Bloopingcars IH equipped with
oloctrio roadinglainpg which may bo
urned off or on at any tinio during the
night. If you don't cnro to Bleep
road 1
PasHongors via thiH now route will
have tlio added advantage of the Union
passenger motion , Canal and Adams
street , Chicago , in the heart of the city.
Good conncctionH are made with trains
for the cant and south.
Train No. ! leaves Columbus daily at
; 00 a. m. nnd arrives Chicago at 9CC :
p. in. Thifljtrnin carries through free
reolining-chuir cars and through palace
sleeping cars.
Train No. 0 loaves Columbus daily nt
2 : B5 p. m. and arrives Chicago at 8 : .1C
a. m. This train carries through free
reclining ohair cars and through palace
Bleeping cars.
Train No. 2 leaves Columbus daily at
0:27 : p. m. and arrives Chicago at ! ) :25 :
a. in. This train carries through palace
sleeping cars and coaches from Omaha.
For full information in regard to
sleeping car reservations , through
tickets , trains , and rates , apply to any
Union Pacific agent , or write
F. A. NASH ,
General Western Agent ,
H. W. HOWKLL , 1504 Fnrnam St. ,
Trnv. Frt. &POSB. Agt. Omaha.
Thin slfftiiUuro In on every box of tlio gonulnf
Laxative Bronio-Quinine Tnbiou
Lho rotuuilv 'lint rurrN 11 cold In ono day
AnrnnniiHiilIni ? nukotrli mid rinncrli > llnn ni y
niilc'Uly uiciirlnln our opinion fruo whitthcr nn
hmintlmi In iirnlinlilr J"1'.11"1' ' ' ' - . . / " ' " ' " " "I 1
lliiuBBlrlrllyniuililnMlliil. HANDBOOK < > < > rntMiU
xmit , fron. OMi'nt iiumirr lor ni > ciiriiir niilriilii.
I'litnrilH lukun lliroimli Munn \ < < > , rcculva
iprrful nutlet , wit limit ohnruu. In tin )
Scientific Jiitterican.
A Imiiilnnmnly Illimtrnlixl wwlily. l.nrcont clr
dilution of unjr dcloiilllln Immml. TiTiim. M n
jrimri fnur inotitho , II. Bolil lijrull nuwiKli'iiIum.
MUNN &Co,301Droadwa''New York
llruncli Utllcu. 105 V WiuihliiKtun , I ) . U.
Between St. Loots and Kansas Olty and
And principal points in Texas and the South
west. Thin train In now throughout and la
made np of the flnost equipment , provided
with oluctrlo lights and all other modem
traveling conveniences. It runs via our now
Red River Division.
Every appliance known to modern cat
building and railroading has boon employed
In the make-up of this service , Including
Cafe Observation Cars. ,
under the management ot Frod. Harvoy.
Full Information as to rates and all details ol
a trip via this now route will bo cheerfully
furnished , upon application , by any roprw-
aontatlvct ot the
That we are constantly growing in the art of
making Fine Photos , and our products will al
ways be found to embrace the
and Newest Styles in Cards and Finish. We also
carry a fine line of Moldings suitable for all
kinds of framing.
Oi t thin out , mid tuko it to the Klonnu
drug H'OIO mid KOI n Iroo Rumple of
Oliiiml ) rliiln'H H'oinnoh ntid Liver
TllllldtH , tllll htHt pllVfclo. TllUV ol'llll
mid riiKuluto tliu Ixiweilfl. Hogular H/O | ,
25 OlllltN ) Hr ) 1)0. ) " . ,
On November filh , and llltli , mill
) ooomhor llrdnnd I7tli , tlio MlHHOiiri
'noifin Railway will Hell tickets to cor *
nlii iiolntH In IhoRonth , HnuthuiiHt , nnd
Southwi'Ht , ut thojruto of niio faro for
lin round ( rip , pliiH ja 00. Final ro-
, urn limit Ul diiyfl fiom duto of milo.
Fimt Tlino and Superior Through Sor-
lloollning Olinir ( JarH ( HcntH free )
'iillinaii Hull'ot Sleeping OitiH.
For further Information or land pnm-
) hluH ( , nddroHHV. . O. HA11NKH
T. 1' . A.Omuha , Neb
( I. I' . A T. A. A. ( I , I1. AT A
, St. lioniH , Mo. KaiiHiiH Olty , Mo.
Arc u Positive Cure for Indigestion ,
Constipation , Fcavcrs , Foul nnd weak
Stomachs. A noted doctor of Chicago
stated that he believed n 50c. box of
Slocum's Worm Cake would give
more relief than f50 worth of ordinnrv
doctor's fees. Price SOcts. by mail
only- R. v. SLOCUM
725 W. North Avcnuo , Chicago , III.