12 THE NORFOLK NEWS : FRIDAY , FEHRUAUV 13 , 1903 FATE AND MRS. MAGUIRE Dy M. LOUISE CUMMINS Oo ) > vrf0M , IPOS , by ( he , S. S. AfrOlttrr I O O OO"O - OOO - - OO OO < < Mm. Mngulro looked up from her knitting u second tlmo to moot the ssui'o pnlr of brown eyes. Again n nenso of fiunlllnrlty In their gnto went over her. "Anil , Hiiro , tlicro'd bo nothing lUningo In that , " she Holllmitilzctl , "after mo beltut attendant In tltln watting room for the past llfteen .vciirfl. " Nevertlieh'Hs hop mind wont buck gropingly trying to plnco the girl alt- tint ; opposite. Hlio gave a quick Blanco nnd reached what ha Bought with Hitch suddenness Unit she fairly start- Ml , ' "TIs the very wiui the very wan , " Him muttered. "But , Lord love nu all , wlmt him changed her HO inuuh ? " Presently Hlu > roHo , Holding her knlt- tl K I" her left bund , and miido n llttlo tour of the 'room , picking up paper hero , Htrnlnhtonlng n cluilr there , np- pnrontly latent only upon her luwlneHa. Hut Hhe piUiHed near the woman who had attracted her attention. " 'TlB ttrcsbmo work waiting for trains , ma'am , " she batumlcd. "It Is , Indeed ! " At BlRht of such woo In her eyco , which Hho liail ouco RCOII tilled with such blessedness of joy thnt , as HUG wild , "they were llko twin lights on an al tar , " Mrs. MiiRitlro'B heart ached. "Though thore'H them that don't mind It , " uho went on. "Look thcro now , " with a sidelong nod to where In Uio outer waiting room a young couple wore seated oblivious of tlmonnd place . "They makes mo think of a pair that eat In that very spot let 1110 HCC , It must bo nil of four yearn HBO , " Hho continued remlulBcently. "They bad missed their train nnd had to wait nix mortal bourn for the western express. Well , If you'll believe me , I don't think they knew 'twas an many minutes. " Mrs. MaKitlro saw the bunds of the .woman come slowly together suddenly ! in her lap , "Did sou ever see them again ? ' she nekcd slowly. "Not her. " The dark eyes cnme round In a linen , "And him ? " "Well , as sure as yon live" Mrs. Mu- frulro had pontod herself nnd WIIB knit ting complacently " 'twas only Inat iwcclc. Ilo come In nnd just sit In thnt very spot. I took no notice to him at first , but ho looked so broke up I had to. It seemed all wiong to sea him sit ting without her. " The woman nt her sldo sprang up. "It Is suffocating lu herol" sun pant ed. ed.Then Then she sank back Into the clmlr. "You recognised mo , " she said wcnrl- iy. "And If 1 did , n-lnnlvo"-Mrs. Mil- gulro laid a soothing palm on her knee , the eoft crooning of her mother tongue "WAIT , sinl" BUB I'ANTKD "ron TUB I.OVE Of HEAVEN , DON'T QO I" coming back to her "I meant no harm by what J said. Sure , when 1 looked 1 Across the room you made mo think of n bit of n pilmrose yoil'd see In a horeen at homo wilting because the bush that sheltered It was toru nway. " "AmJ I thought" her slender body seemed to contract with the agony of recollection "God help mi * , what I thought "was not the truth. " "God help us all when we begins to doubt the wan that's dearer to us than ourlieart's blood. k < , " 'Xls well to be sure , " she wont on slowly "sure before you upuke the word that can't be onspoken. " "If some one had Bald that to mo thenl" Her breathing seemed to tear the delicate throat. "But I would not Jlstcn to him. and now now It Is too late ! " " 'TlB never that , " Mra. Magulre said , with conviction. "It Is. He said If I left him It would be final. " If Mrs. Magulre'H lingers < lew , her thoughts went at such bewildering pace/that shp' started when her com- pairfou rose. She took and patted be tween her own the hand held out to her , looking beyond with unseeing eyes. "She'll come back , " she thought , with the assurance of one who knew. "And b.e. Mother of Godl Isn't It the pity of the world to see them parted ? And for nothing at all , most likely ! " It was strange after that , on daya whmt a Might flguro In dark blue oat In the ladles' waiting1 room , how many as- ciisort Mrs. Magulro found for oxcur- Hlonn lo different pnrtN of the ntatlon , wllh wlmt rngeriH'H nho act out on Iht'Ho oxpeilltloiiH , and with dejection written In every line of her comely face when flhc returned. " 'Tls watching for him nho IB her- nelf , " Him thought , meeting the wistful Interrogation of the dark eyes. And Mover did maiden look for the coming of her lover an did Mrs. Mngulro for HID tall llguro which had Imprinted It- Rplf on her memory. It wan a matter of gonnlno Impor tance , however , which called her away ono day Junl an her vlHltor entered. "I'll bo back In a nilnnto. 'TlB the superintendent himself wantH me , " she explained , muoolhlng down n snowy apron In a little IniHllo of excitement. Ilulf an hour later In returning she priHsod by the long line of tracks. A crowd surrounding a woman whoso daik head wan covered with a cotton handkerchief attracted her attention , and she drew near. "What's Iho trouble , Mlko ? " she asked a uniformed follow countryman. "Thlm diigos. " Mlko Jerked a thumb over ono shoulder. "Wan of thlm lost his mother , and nothln'd do the young dlvll but to nkrcwgo through the gates and try to crotia the tracks Just BB No. BT was pullln' In. If 'twasn't for that glntleman there , thero'd bo ono foreign er less to grow up In the counUiry. " Mrs. Magulro turned to look at the tall 11 fiure. Ono glance wao mifllcient. A moment later she was hanging to bis arm with all the pressure of her 175 pounds. "Wftlt , slrl" she panted. "For the love of heaven , don't go ! " He looked down , amazed. "Oh , I'm not mad , don't you think 1L" And Indeed the gray cyca raised to his were wonderfully sauo behind their steel rimmed glasses. "Hho'B In there , " Mn . Magulro whis pered. "She ! Who ? " "Herself the llttlo girl yon married four yeai-B ago. Oh , didn't I see you ? Sure , 'twaa little else I did that blessed day but look at the picture you made. The curse of the Almighty on whoever came between you , for sure you must have the kind , bravo heart to do what yon JUHt done. " The man puled as ho had not done when looking death In the face. "Go ! " Mrs. Magulro gave him a push toward the waiting room door. "She's In there , I tell you , altlng her heart out for a sight of you. And , " griispliig him again , "don't you say a word , but Just take her along home. " As his broad back disappeared Mrs. Mngulro laid hold of a newspaper stand for support. A few minutes later when , with flushed cheeks , she passed , humming a bur of "Hllcen Aroon" above a lump which threatened to choke her , they were sitting where they had snt four years before. "Dear , " ho said huskily , his bend bent over hers , "thnt wo should meet hero It was fate. " "And Mngglo Magulre , " added thnt worthy woman as she entered her own domain. Runlittril ilifi Prtuco Coiuort. Commenting on the Blights thnt were put on Queen Victoria's consort , Prince Albert , Sidney Whitman says : "The prince consort brought to England Ulcns of his princely prerogative from Ger. tunny which did not accord with those to which the English aristocracy were accustomed and nil the less so siuco many .English noblemen thought them selves every bit as good as a German prince. Ono morning Prlnco Albert Joined the meet of the roynl buck- hounds. AH were awaiting the arrival of the maatef of the hunt In order to start the hounds. The prince consort ordered the hunt to begin , and this was nt once done. Shortly afterward the master arrived anil , hearing twhnt had occurred , ordered the hounds to be call ed off and , turning hla back upon the party , galloped off without further ado. Prince Albert rode back to Windsor and complained to the queen , who shared his Indignation. She sent for Lord Paluierston , who was prime min ister , nnd insisted thnt ho should tinme-i dlately call on the master of the buck- houiulB to resign. The prime minister replied thnt If this Was her majesty's pleasure he saw no alternative but to place his own resignation , ns well as that of all his colleagues , in her hands. The queen , therefore , for the time be ing at least , had to condone the slight put upon her husband. " Mnlur Runiiliiir "Afnok. " "Amok" It a religious fanaticism , a madness under which a man mnkes up his mind to kill any one he can until ho himself Is killed. Brought on by drinker or religion , or from whatever cause , the process Is the same. The madman /.clzcs his creese and rushes headlong down the street , cutting nt every ono he meets. To any one who has seen a crccbc or a parang further detail Is un necessary. A man running amok Is as a uog with hydrophobia , but the panic caused by the former Is by far the worse. Like the mad dog , the madman Is fol lowed by a noisy rabble , who sooner or Inter run Into their man and exter minate him. When this vengeful rab ble la made up of bloodthirsty Malays and Chinamen , Its wild rage and fury are beyond control , beyond description. The clamor and blood curdling yells of the pursuing crowd nnd the ever nearIng - Ing shout of "Ornn amok ! Oran amok ! " are incidents which can never bo for gotten by any one who has seen or beard them , The bravest quails when sud denly turning the corner of a atrect his cars are greeted with the cry of "Oran amokl" und a few yards off he sees a Malay running straight at him , brand- in his hand the bloody creese which ho has already slaughtered all In his way. MANY CATTLE ARE PEniaWNO. Stockmen From South Dakota Ranges Drlng In Gloomy Reporto. IJononteo ) , S. IX , Fob. in. Stockmen from the range country report that oattlo are perilling by humlicils. A Trlpp county man lost ever 300 8toor . The deep snow lioglnfl about fifty inllea west of here nml the range for 100 mlloB went of that point IB covered with BIIOW two foot ( loop , making It linpoHBiblo for stock to sccnro food. Cheyenne , Wjo. , Fob. 13. The storm that hot In 8iwor.il days ago ban assumed Iho proportions of a blizzard throughout southern and western Wyoming , nnd Btockmon who are rang ing hordfl and nockn In rogtona where there IB little food are now greatly alarmed. In the western portloim of the nlnto BIIOW has fallen to a great depth , but from Evanaton cast to the Nebraska line the nnowfalt 1ms grad ually diminished. High wlmlu have accompanied the storm and the snow baa been piled up In the cuts , delaying tratllo. The weather has been bitter cold , and the Indians are fnarlng colder - or weather. In the Red Desert coun try , between IlawlliiB and Evanston , which Is Urn most favored of all the winter ranges In the state , sheep arc dying , the grans being covered and the supply of sago brtinh short. Cattle are In poor condition , owing to the long BorloB of severe storms , and In sec tions where there IB no hay to feed the lonsca will be largo. WOMAN ACCUSED OF MURDER. Charged With Killing Husband and Attempting to Burn Remains. Newton , la. , Feb. 13. Mrs. Frank Lavollcur was arrested hero yester day , charged with the murder of her husband. It Is set forth In the Indict ment that she killed her husband with an ox and placed the remains in a barn , which she snbsoquontly set flro to. The alleged crlmo occurred last Biimmor. Mrs. Lavelleur , who had twice previously been married , quar reled frequently with her husband. It was explained after hlB charred remains wore found that ho had been overtaken by the flames while at tempting to recover a buggy. A post mortem disclosed that his head had been crushed , the wound Indicating : that he had been struck with an ax. CHILDREN BURNED TO DEATH. Little Ones Locked In House While Mother Vlcito With Neighbors. Lincoln , Feb. 13. With their frantic mother only a few yards away rush ing to their assistance , the son and Infant daughter of Mrs. James Lyons wore burned to death yesterday after noon In n flro which completely de stroyed the house and Ita contents. The chaired remains of the two were found lying sldo by side , the elder of the two clasping the baby In his arms. The children had been locked In the hoiiso by Mrs. Lyons , who had left homo for a short call at the house of a neighbor. Statehood Dill Plans. Washington , Fob. 13. The friends of the statehood bill reached a definite decision to have the omnibus state hood bill reported as n rider to the poHtomco appropriation bill. It Is ex pected that this notion will bo taken today. It Is the purpose to make a fight In the senate to have the state hood bill tacked onto one of the ap propriation bills , passage of which Is absolutely necessary to the running of the government. Begin Work on Taylor Park Line. Denver , Feb. 13. A special from Gunnlson , Colo. , announces the begin ning of work on the projected Taylor Park railroad. The road Is to be 115 miles In length and will open the min ing districts around Taylor park. Archibald A. Stewart of Chicago , pres ident of the company , says trains will bo running Into Tin Cup by next fall. CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET. Cattle Are Slow but Steady Receipts of Hogs More Moderate. ChlenRo , ivii. 12. Caltlc-npcnlpts , 8.000 : stow , ntpadjr ; pwvl to prime otecrii. $4.SXft JT50 ; poor lo mrdliini , f.lOOft-1.25 ; Mockers nnd fecdorH. Ji2r.fl-4.50 : bow , $ l.-tO'iT4.-IO : helforn , $ ' . ' .00 ( CO ; dinners. $ M < Kj2.r > 0 ; ImllM. . < K > < jW.23 ; eulve * . 13MW800 : TPXHD , . 000 ; tomorrow. 20000 ; left r pr , 0,000 ; mlxpd anil tiutrherp. $0fiO.Jt7.00 ; Rood to oholce hoavv , $0.KXI7.12i4 ! : ronch hpnv.v , ffUWiia ftt ; llRbr , $6l ! , * iflCO ; hulk of mile's , $ o,6.vie so. shrpp-npceiptn. 10,000shepp anil | umli < f Mcarty : eood to cliolcoirrthrrs. . $ < .7fi fiV5 ! : f lr to chotce mixed , $3 50ft 4,75 ; wpHtorn Hlicop , ? 4.7Mtr .2Ti ; > mthe l nil > , J < . .rOW5lO ; western lambs , $ < .75 J 6,40. Kansas City Live Stock. Knn ag Cltj. Fob , 12. Cattlp Rrpclptu , SWX ) ; steadr to lOe higher : choice beef iteers. $4.30/n.VJ5 : fulr to coort , J2.8TJf4.rr. ( ; Modem and feeders , $2.KWi < 4.25i western fed Kteern. S2.2.Vfi.VJ3 : Teian and Indian * toer . I3.3.VJH flO : Toms eowit. J2. < XVft2.00r native c ws , Sl.MKUn.SO ; nutlve htlfers , gUOQJKK ; canncrn. JI.OOJOO ; bulls , $2.25 6J.1.2n ; calve * , $2.MKW 00 , nog - ecelpt , 8,000 ; sUMulr to He lower ; top , JBIW ; bulk of nalea , $0.70 .WI > 0 : heavy , $ fl.7.VaOO.V mixed pricker * . JO 2H Jfl.85 : Hrht. $0.40 < Jl 6.75 ; yorUers. * C.7 < Xgo.75 ; pigs. WJ.VJWMO. Sheep-Ilrxelpts. ; active , nte dy ; na tive Ininln. $4.00fl ( < U5 : western lamb * 380C < irtOO : fed ewes. $ .1 OOiTMO ; nntlva wethers. $ t.nO < U4.Kl : western Wether * . JSOO fl-4.tK ) ; Hlorkors and feeders , $2.riO&1.r 0. South Omaha Live Stock. South Omaha , Feb. 12. Cattle Receipt * . 2.SOO : active , stronger ; native steern. $300 C5.00 ; cows and helfeis , J2.75 < a3.75 ; can- nera , $1.75 < R2.00 ; itockert and feedern , * 3.000t > .N ) : calvc , 13.3oI ( ! < J.25 ; built , stSK . etc. , $2.00 < < i3.7S. Ilogi-n celpts. 10.000 ; Blow ; heavy. JG.75fl083 ; ulxrd. $ G.70 < S . " 3 : light. JU.riO-fln.70 - ; pint , JS.73 < a8K > ; balk of iales. J0.7O30.75. Slmp-npcflpti , 5.KX ) ; teady ; yearling ! , I4.7&S5.50 ; wethers , J4.BOaa.23 : eWM. J3.7SaBO ; common and stocken , $1,7MH.25 ; Iambi , J4.7agfl.2S. St. Joseph LIvB Stock. St. Joseph , Ken. 12.-Cattlc Recelpti , 2 , . 009 ; natlvei. J3rx > 30.23 ; Taiann and we tern - ern . J3.2T414.73 ; cow * and heifers , J2.00ft 4.23 ; veals , r..W O.W ; bulls and stags , J2.riO84.25 ; yearling * and calves , J2.503 4.25 ; utookors and feeders , J3.00314.35. Hog * -Receipt * . flCT.O ; light and light mlxBd. JrttX > anW ) ; medium nud heavy , J8.72V4Q 7 00plc . J .73Q < I&0 ; balk of tales , $6.00 tfO.90. FRUITS AND FLOWERS , Do not let rubbish of any kind Ho un derneath the trees. It hnrborB vermin. A yard or lawn always looks barren without some ornamental trcca and shrubs. AB an apple or pear orchard will last n lifetime , particular euro must bo tak en In the selection of varieties. If currants nnd gooseberries arc prun ed In tree form , they will bear larger and liner frtilt. Prune every year. To 1mvc a Kood garden Uio land nuist bo kept rich by liberal usu of manure. During tbo winter Is the best tlmo to apply It. Nearly all house planto will bo bene fited by havltiK the blossoms that ap pear Immediately after planting In pota pruned off. Let the plant get well es tablished bcfoie flowering. The rose lu a hearty feeder and will therefore bear annual manuring , but only well rotted and thoroughly fined manure should be used , taking care to work It well Into the soil early In the winter. I'cnple AVho Cnnnot Mnke fc'trci. The Papuans of the Malay coast of Now Guinea are still lu the most prim itive state. They nro wholly unac quainted with metals and make their weapons of stone , bones and wood. They do not know how to start a fire , though fire Is used among them , When a Uusaluu asked them how they made a Ore , they regarded It as very amus ing and answered that when a person's flro went out he got some of a neigh bor , and If all the Ores In the village should go out they would get It from the next village. Their fathers and grandfathers had told them that they remembered a time or had heard from their ancestors that there was a time when Uro was not known and every thing was eaten raw. Winter coughs are apt to result in consumption if nngleoted. They can be soon broken np by using Foley's Honey and Tar. Sold by A. H. Klosau. A woman shonld bo as young as pos sible. Tbo fewdr years she carries In the oycs of others , the greater her power to charm and win the battles of life. Rocky Mountain Ton keeps one young and beautiful. The Eiosan Drag Oo. lt > > tter tl' n Qolil. .11. i--.I. . , " " - ' "I was t"ro"ubliod-'for several years with ohrouio indigestion and nervous debility , " writes If , J. Green , of Lan caster , N. II. "No remedy helped me until I began using Electric Bitters , which did mo more good than all the mediqiued I ever nsod. They have also kept my wife in excellent health for years. She says Electrio Bitters are just splendid for female troubles ; that they are a grand touio and invigorator for weak , rnu down women. No other incdioino can take its place in our faintly. " Try them. Only OOo. Satis faction guaranteed by A. H. Kiesau. Foloy's Honey and Tar ia best foi' croup nud 'whoop1 ' c e-mph , contains no opiates , and cures quickly. Ooioful mothers keep it in ! ho . .onse. Sold by A. II. Kiosau. Gliciimstiinco , One was pale and sallow and the other fresh and rosy. "Whence the dif ference ? She who is blushing with health ubes Dr. King's Now Life Pills to maintain it. By goutly arousing the lazy organ ? they compel good digestion and head off constipation. Try them. Only 25o , at A. H. Kiesau druggist. Mothefs can safely giveFoloy's Honey nud Tar to their children for ccnghs nud colds , for it contains no opiates or other poisons. Sold by A. H. KieBim. Nnsnl Cjitnrrh quickly yicldu lo treat- rndnt by Uly'e Cream Italm , which ia ngrco- ably aromntfc. It is received through the nostrils , cleanses And heals the whole sur face } ever which it diffuses itself. Ururgists sell the 50o. si/o j Trial fii.-.e by man , 10 conts. Te.st it nnd you nro ? Buro lo continue the treatment. AnnouJicenicnfv To nccomniodato thobeslio pro pnrtinl to the XiSo of atomizers in applying liquids Into the imEnl jiaq < .ngas for ealarrhcl troii- llat the proprietors prepare Cream lialm in liquid form , which will bo known as Ely'ai Wqtihl Cicnni Hhlra. 1'rico including tha spraying tube ii 75 ccnls. Druggists or by mail. 'J'hu liquid form embodies the med icinal piopcrtics of the solid i-reparation. James Don't figure on marrying a model wife nule s yon are a mind reader and know for certain that she takes Rooky Mountain Tea. 35 centB. The Kiesau Drag Oo. Alarm. Worse than an alarm of fire at night is the brassy cough of crocp , \ \ hich sounds like the children's death knoll nud it means death unless something is done quickly. Foley's Honey nnd Tar never fails to give instant relief and qutckly cures the worst forms of croup. Mrs. P. L. Oordier of Mannington , Ky , writes : "My three-year-old girl had a severe case of croup ; the doctor said she could not live. I got a bo t tin of Foloy's Honey and Tar ; the first doBO gave quick relinf nnd saved her life. " Refuse substitutes. Sold by A. H. Kiesau. The Clillilrnn'ii Krlet.l. There is no use trying to persuade American mothers thnt a substitute ex ists for Perry Davis' Painkiller. They know how to relieve the troubles of childhood , from sprained arms nnd logs , to stomachache. Other preparations may do good , painkiller is certain to. A big difference , and one that has been recognized for sixty years. There is but one painkiller , Perry Davis" . The most reliable preparation for kiduoy troubles on the market in Foloy's Kidney Cure. Sold by A. H. Kiesau. Worve Than A niovr from a hard fist is the buffet of cold wind upon a pair of improperly pro tected lungs. A few minutes exposure to cold may bo the beginning of con sumption. Lese neither time nor cour age. Fortify yourself against pulmon ary troubles , including consumption , with Allen's Lung Balsam. A few doses will loosen the cough nud enable yon to get rid of the phlegm that pro duces it. Ouro soon follows. Makes homely women beautiful , good looking women handsome. Greatest boantiUor in the world , Such IB Ilocky Mountain Tea. 1)5 ) cents. Never fulls , The Kiusau Drug Oo. Foloy's Houoy nud Tar cures the oouKhoauBod by an attack of lagrippo. It heula the lungs. Bold by A. II. Ktesuu. A TlioiUHiul UollMti Thrimn Awny. Mr. W. W. B.ikor . , of Pluinvlow , Neb , writes : "My wife bad lung trouble for over llftonn years. Wo tried a number of dcotois nud ppont over a thousand dollars without any ro- llof. She was very low nnd I lost all hope , Whou a friend suggested trying Foloy's Houoy and Tar , which I did j and thanks bo to this grout remedy it saved her life. She id stronger nnd en joys bettor health than she hni over known in ton years. Wo shall never bo without Foloy's Honey and Tar and would ask those iifllictod to try it. Sold by A. H. Kiosan. A AVenlc Stomach muses a weak body and invites disease. Kodol Dyspepsia Oaro cures and strengthens the stoniaob , and warda off and overcomes disease. J. B. Taylor , a prominent merobnnt of Ohricsmnn , Tex , Bays : "I oould not oat because of a. weak stomach , I lost nil strength and run down in weight. All that money can do was done , but all hope of re covery vanished. Hearing of some wonderful cures offoted by UBO of Ko del , I concluded to try it. The first bottle benefited me , and after taking four bottles I am fully restored to my usual strength , weight and health. " Klesan Drug Oo. Avrful fnte. Mr. H. HaggliiB of Melbourne , Fin. , writes , "My doctor told mo I bad con sumption nud nothing oould bo done for mo. I was given np to die. The offer of a free trial bottle of Dr , King's New Discovery for consumption , induced mete to try it. Renults were startling. I am now on the road to recovery and ewe all to Dr. King's Now DUcovory. It surely saved iny life. " This great cure is guaranteed for all throat and luug diseases by A. H. Kiosan , Druggist. Price COo and $1.00. Trial bottles free. Kidney complaint kills more people than any other disease. This is due to the disease bolng so insidious that it gets a good hold on the system before it is recognized. Foley's Kidney Cure will prevent the development of latnl die- ease if taken in time. Sold by A. H. Kiesau. Ono Minute Cough Oure gives relief in one minute , because it lulls the mi crobe which tickles the mucous mem brane , causiug the cough , and at the same time clears the phlegm , draws out the inflammation and heals nnd soothes the nlTeote'd parts. Ono Minute Cough Cure strengthens the luugs , wards oil pneumonia nnd is a harmless and never failiug cure in all curable cases of ccnghs. colds nnd croup. One Minute Cough Onre is pleasant to take , harm less nud good alike for young and old. A. H Kiesnn. Nearly forfeits Hit ) Life. A runaway almost ending fatally , started a horrible ulcer on the leg of J. B , Orner , Franklin Grove , 111. For four vears it defied nil doctors nud nil remedies. But Bucklon's Arnica Salve had no trouble to cure him. Equally good for burns , bruises , skin eruptions nnd piles. 20c at A. H. Kiesau drug storo. ThoKUsy Pill. DeWitt'H Little Early'Risers do tiot gripe nor weaken the system. They cure billiousness , jaundice , constipation and inactive livers , by arousing the secretions crotions , moving the bowels gently , ye effectively , nnd giving snob tone nud strength to the glands of the stomach liver nud bowels thnt the cause of the trouble is removed entirely. These famous little pills exert a decided tonio effect upon tbo organs involved , nud if their use is continued for n few days there will bo no return of the trouble The Kiosan Oo. DeVFltt's Witch Hn/el Salve. The only positive cure for blind , blood iug , itohiug nnd protsuding piles , cuts burua , bruise ? , eezoma nnd nil abrasions of the skin. Do Witt's istho only Witch Huzel Sulve that is mndo from the pure unadulterated witch hnzel all otlifr are counterfeits. DoWitt's Witol Ha/el Salve ia made to cure counter feits are made to sell. A. H. Kiesau. Bz. FOOLED TaketSi CJiniir.t ; , arlginat ROCKY WIOUNTAIN'TF. . n ify by Madison Msdi ci.\e Co. . .MadiKun , WIs. I K'o-'vi > ' 'U well. Our trad rn.rl : ctit on encll Pnce , is cents. Nu * .r III tiuK. ! Accept no 5tib tl tcztr Ask MJUT of Cardul Is certainly 'worn out' women's best friend and I am pleased to give ray experience with it. A few months ago I caught a severe cold , hav ing been out in inclement weather , which settled all over me , particularly in the abdomea. I was in almost constant pain. I consulted a physician and took his medicine for a month and without any relief. I then decided I would try your medicine and it was a lucky day for me when I did so. I noticed a change in a few days and felt encouraged to continue taking Wine of Cardul , and my patience was rewarded , for in two weeks my pains had left me and I felt like a new woman. " A MILD CASE Of Contagious Blood Poison never cxfo. * ted. It is always bad , though sometimes M no external symptoms of the disease appear - > pear for a long time. Because the disease Is slow In devel oping docs not Indicate that the case is a infld otic , for the poisonous virus at work in the blood and system may be spending- its force upon some internal vital organ while you are looking for ex ternal signs. Contagious Blood Poison docs not effect all alike. In most cases the first little sore is quickly followed by painful swellings in the groins , a red eruption upon the body , sores or ulcera in the mouth and throat , unsightly copper colored blotches , loss of hair and eye brows and other symptoms of this miser able disease. When the poison is thus fighting its way to the surface , exposing the disease in all its hideousness , we call it a bad case ; but Contagious Blood Poi son , whether working internally or exter nally , is a dangerous , treacherous disease. S. S. S. is the only remedy that cures Contagious Blood Poison thoroughly a d permanently. It is on antidote for the deadly virus that produces the awful eruptions , sores and ulcers , and destroys he bones. Mercury and Potash dry up he skin eruptions , but in so doing drive he poison further into the system , where t slumbers for a time , but comes back again with redoubled fury. S. S. S. is a vegetable remedy that has ) een used successfully for years In treat- Ingthisvilediscaseand cures it in all stages and forma. If you have the slightest symptom ; an occasional sore month , or mascuiar and bone jains , y our blood is tainted and the disease s liable to break out again at any time. A course of S. S. S. will remove every race of poison and at the oame time juild up your general health. Write for our Free Home Treatment xx > k. No charge for medical advice. „ The Swift Specific Co. , Atlanta , Ga. $ RSasal It. all ita stages thcro Miuuld bo cloaullncas. Ely's Crocm Bftlm clcnnw , sontbc3 nnd heals 110 ( lifea-eil membrane , t cures cat irrh and drives jway c cold in Iho bud juickljr. Creiiiu Halm Is placed Into the nostrils , spread * < > vcr the ir.cm'jrnno and la absorbed. Relief IB 1m- mcdlitcnndn jure follows. It Is not ( frying doei lot product ! rnrazlng. I.ar e Size , 0 cnr.lt at Drug- PUU or liy nuill ; Trial Slzs , 10 cents by mall. ELY BKOTIIEKS. 68 Warren Street. New York. & RESTORES ViTALIH proilarEitltorJoiorisj7.'l.ii ! J-i 39 days. It sell powerfully nniJqclcUGuroa vlienn.UolhsruZalt YoucpntcnvrlHttBa'.u thoii1 n t taanbood.tnclold men \\lll raco\cr their > ct\Av\l vixjr by nelna KCVXYO. It , juU'lyfac\e.ur' naffl.Lott VitUltf , ImpctcD.T H olfocta o calf-aba o or cjc > room ! IndUitotloa. which unflto ORO tor rt u ly. V wlr si fir m vrl&ge. It nDtonVciu-cnbytUiUnpntSpftcvt rf dlfcu > obut isaijiea nerve tonto ead Isio < l l ) tliler , brlna- other , it ca to cwrisil Ifrs " Vet. By > Mll. 61.00 TjOTxwcivja. or six irx-vjOCO. iVJtli poi tlvo trilifun Rm\rjnfr.o tc < varu GV the money. Jionk Trdnavliclrio. fiOYAL HEB1CWB CO. , For sale in Norfolk , Kobraskn , b Geo. B. Obrtstoph. drnjgisi. 1 arc the most fatal of all eases. KIDNEY CURE Giarant89d ) R or money refundedConta remedies recognized by t aent physicians as the oest Kidney and Bladder troub PRICE 60c. tuid $1.00. SOLD BY A. H. KIESAU. MRS. HELENA BLAV , 3 Young Milwaukee Society Woman. r KN thousand cured The woman who has Ent women have written ered from female weakness to tell how Wino of should do anything within Cardui bestows the reason to secure health. blessing of health on every Wino of Cardui is thomedi- woman who takes it , rich cine that appeals to reasona and poor alike. Mrs. ble women women who Helena Blau , No. 123 Sev hold operations and cutting enth Street , Milwaukee , in horror women whoknow Wis. , is one of the young that Nature is the best phy women whom Wino or Car sician. Wine of Cardui dui has rescued froma _ life Utlena fltau. gives women back their - of suffering. She writes : ealth by giving Nature a chance to build up the wasted and dis eased tissue. Wino of Cardui regulates the menstrual flow and Nature , when relieved of the drains or of the poisons in the system , makes the functional organs strong and healthy again. Any woman who is silently suffering untold pains because she is too sensitive to undergo a physician's examination and treatment can find no excuse for not securing relief when Wine of-Car- dui is offered to her. There is no pub licity to deter her. She can take Wino of Cardni in the privacy of her home , with as much assurance of a final cure as though a dozen doctors recommended it. Many physicians do recommend Wine of Cardui to their patients. Why not got a $1.00 bottle of Wine of Cardui from your druggist today ? A million suffering women WINE of CARDVI have found relief in Wino of Cardui.