THE NORFOLK NEWS : FRIDAY , FEBRUARY 13 , 1903. W , N. ITUBB. Publlnhor , DAILY. Kitftbllllimt , 1SH7 , Krenr < 1 j iept Bnmlnjr , Ilr rnrrlar l > r > vt k , li nti , UT mall > r r , W.OO. WKKHI.Y Ni\VH.OUHNAI , , The Nwititnollili ( l , IHfrt. The Journnl , AiUblUliixl 101 ? Kt try Frldny. I IT mall par jronr , $1.60. feUr l nt the Poitoniea At Norfolk , Neb , , ni oond elan mutter , TtUnhonnit Rilltorlal Uojnarlmont , No. Q | HailuMi Ollloi and Job Hoomi. No , B2S. \Votnon nro ndvlnod not to wonr diamonds onrrlugfl in Chicago vrhoro thug * bite olT the loboR of the oars to obtain the vnlnnblo stones. The proas bureau of the Nebraska real estate dealers association la doing active avork , They nro not , aa ROHIO iumgiuo , engaged In booming the real estuto of the commonwealth. The land la doing nil that in nocowmry in that ( It- root loa itself , and the press bureau in merely letting interested people of the unfit know what the soil la accomplish ing. It has boon producing crop stalls- tloa during several years that may well bo calculated to cause the oyoH of eastern agriculturists to open wide with nitonlHlmicnt regarding the opportun- itira proBonted by Nebraska soil. There la a bill before the logialaturo providing for an appropriation to oroot in Lincoln a lire-proof building to bo used a n museum and library by the Nobrnnka State Hiatorical society for the safe preservation and oxhlbition of Its historical documents , books , relics , etc. The bill contemplates the expen diture of 135,000 , not otherwise appro priated , for this purpose , This ia an inntitntlon of much advantage to Ne braska in recording historical data and gome nHsistnuoo from the tttuto would bo n deserving recognition of itR value. It is the opinion of many that if it canto to n ohoioo between providing fern n state exhibition at the St. Louis fair nud nn appropriation for the erection of this building the legislators would show Bjwlflu discretion in favoring the appro priation for the historical society , Tills ia Bomothing of permanent importance to the Htato nud ns a matter of adver tising would accomplish far more in the long run than n similar iuvohtmout in the exposition at St , Louis. Congressman Sulzor , democrat , of Now York , thinks that President llooso- volt is sincerely desirous of having an affective anti-trust inoiwuro passed nt this posslou of congress , but charges that his party ( lees not support him in hia undertaking. The congressman might bo justified in his contention if the president's party was composed wholly of some of the eastern loaders , bat they are not the party nud if there was an opportunity for the rank and file to register their sentiments it would bo fouud that they nro in line with the president , and not only republicans , tout the members or. other parties HB vroll would register their npproval of the pi esldout's course. The only liuo ou which there could bo a dlvisiou is that while umuy people \TOuld favor a law directed agniust capital in all its forms , others believe only in curbing those forms of capital that attempt monopo lization and trust methods to the injury of labor and trade and the elevation of prices. The people will bo fouud in support of the president and if the congressmen and eouators do not sup port his policy there are likely to bo radical changes of people who ore Bout to represent the various states in the national legislature. From Force to Equity. "It does move though , " murmured Gallileo us ho rose from hia aged knees. Yes , the world'moves in more ways ' limit'one. . For instance : Primordial man collected his bills by means of a club , but it was a long cry from the bludgeon to the justice of the ponce. But , strange to say , nations hava continued the nso of the stone num'H instrument force. England and Germany ore not alone in trying to collect bills rendered at the cannon's mouth. The United Slates has done the same thing and came near employing a like method a short time uuo in dunning Tutkoy. And so did Prune i. A threat , and starting a war ship to Smyrna , was'suffloiont. But England and Germany go a step further. It is to bo decided by The Hague in ternational tribunal , ouco for all , whether a nation which is first to bom bard and bully a weak government shall be entitled to a preference in set tlement over nations that content them- BI Ivea with diplomacy alone. In other words , is the quickest brute t > bo th preferred creditor ? A strange question for this ago ! A peace tribunal is to decide whether or not the fellow who growt impatient nt the slow processes of the court and lues a club on his debtor shall have preference over the man who waits the dPdWou of equity 1 What buiiucfis had England and Germany to blockade and bombard Venezuela when the international court was provided ? It is easy to predict the outcome , To say noi hing of the preponderance pf the reprebintatives of the peaceful imtlonn who nro orcdltoro of Veno/.iioln , n peace tribunal like The Hague IH not likely to show preference for a war pro ceeding , Vo , the world moved From force to Kjnlty 1 Omahn Newn , DOOM LETS. Moms of Interest to Real Estate Sellers and Buyers , Bulletin 8 , Issued by Proes linroau , Nebraska Heal Estate Dealers' nsfiooU atlon ; Mr. llobt. Campbell of Hall county purchased in October IDOi ) , IfiOO lambs on the South Omaha market. Ho Hhippcd them to his farm near Grand Island and put them ou alfalfa hay and corn. Ho marketed them nt South Omaha January 00 , 1001) ) , just eighty dayu after purchasing. After deduct ing all expenses for feed and care , counting in hay and corn nt market price , had fonnd ho had umdo exactly 11.00 per head not. Pretty good returns on the investment niul'ls another proof of the great value of alfalfa and corn as n fattening food. Hastings has organized n Commercial club. An effort is being mndo to Hconro the location there of cereal mill ? , a brewery and other industrial con cerns. During the month of January IfiO cars of hay were shipped from North Platte , most of it going west. The movement for the good roads which is being carried forward by the national government creates uo en thusiasm In Nebrnnka. Why ? Be cause our roads nro almost perfect and the need of improvoinomt is not seri ously felt. A Nebraska man Col Richardson of Omaha is at the head of the movement but ho has as yet devoted uo time to Nebraska. Why should ho when wo have thousands of miles of ns perfect roadway as can bo found in the world ? Good roads menu bigger loads and greater profit in the marketing of produce or in getting supplies. It is hard to convince some eastern people that our roads are always good. Spring months in eastern states BOO bottomless roads , but not so in Nebraska. No arti ficial road has yet boon devised that will compare with what nature has given Nebraska. AN EXTRACT FROM HER LETTER. A Country of Sunshine and Roses the Whole Year Through. "If yon could only bo hero this winter morning and see for yourself , you would'no longer doubt mo. Roses are blooming in our front yard , ami nil nature is as fur advanced in this lovely American sumuiorlaud as it will bo in your cold eastern homo by June. "Wo made the trip from Omaha to California via the Union PaciQo to avoid the detour routes. "As less time is consumed on the Union Pacific in reaching your desti nation , there are fewer incidental ex penses en routo. "If you want to roach California without suffering any of the inconven iences of winter travel , bo sure your ticket roads over the Union Pacific. It is the only line running through trains from Omaua ( competing roads have just one car , going over four or five different lines once a day , only ) . The Uulou Pacific runs three through trains oyory day to the Pacific coast from the Missouri river. Wo rode ou that great California train , 'The Overland Limi ted,1 which surpasses nny train travers ing the American continent. " Pamphlets and maps describing the wonders of California , and full information mation about the most comfortable and direct route to the Pacific coast , can be obtained by calling ou or addressing J. B. Elsoffer , ngeut Union Paoifio rail road , nt Norfolk Nob. Mr. Walker Whiteside's revival of "Richard III" which will bo seen at the Auditorium Monday night , will bo one of the most notable events of the season. The company comprises CO people who will participate'iu the pro duction. The scenery is now and elaborate and the costumes were made from original designs by Miller of London. Special incidental music was composed expressly for this production. As the play has not been presented throughout this country with any at tempt at elaborate surroundings or strong east for ninny years , Mr. White- side should reap golden harvest and add immoasureably to his reputation as an artist and careful producer of classic plays. Four Personally Conducted Excur sions From Omaha To California With Choice Of Routes. These excursions leave Omaha every Wednesday , Thursday , Friday and Sat urday nt 4:25 : p. m. , in Pullman Tourist Sleeping Cars. The cars are nccom- pauied nil the way by conductors skilled in the service i.f excursion pai The Union Pacific is the only line from Omaha running four excursions to Cali fornia every week. These excursions can be joined nt nuy point enrouto. For fnll information call on or address J. R. ELSEFFEII. AansT THE NEWS keeps its job department up-to-data with the latest faces of type and does its work in approved style. It is Launched at Democratic Barbecue in Ohio. ORYAN STANDS DY PLATFORM. Decllnea to Withdraw From Position Taken In Two Preoldentlal Cam paigns Scoren Alleged Deaertera From Democratic Party. Columbus , O. , Feb. 13. A presiden tial boom in behalf of William H. Hearst and a bitter attack on alleged deserters from the Democratic party by William J. Drjrnn were the dominat ing notes at the barbecue given last night by the Jcfrerflon-Jackson-Llncoln league , organized a year ago by former Congressman John J. Lcntz nnd others. Twelve hundred men and women were present. The ovation tendered Mr. Bryan was the most enthusiastic of the evening. Ho assorted that if there Is any one man in the country who has suf fered on account of lack of Democrat ic harmony , ho Is that man , and charged that It was the opposition of alleged Demociats within the ranks of hia party that brought him to de feat in 1890 and 1900. Ho said that ho know all the men who had gene astray in those years and that since that tlmo they had suffered Bovere heart burning. "If It Is such n serious affair to change party allegiance , " Mr. Bryan said , "I hope thcso men will stay out of the Democratic party. There can bo no harmony between Demo crats who carry knives for each other and hate each othor. There is a bet tor chnnco to mak.e Democrats out of Republicans than out of Palmer and Buckner men , I still believe in the platform adopted at Chicago In 189G , and nt Kansas City In 1900. I liavp no thought of surrendering my con victions. Our principles wore true then , they arc true now. I would not chnngo thorn If I could. Neither would I surrender my principles to win any victory , however great. " Mr. Bryan said he did not propose to take his Democracy from any Dem ocratic leader who received his trainIng - Ing from Wall street. AROUND THE BANQUET BOARD. Young Republicans of Missouri Sit at Spread In Kansas City. Kansas City , Feb. 13. The annual banquet of the Association of Young Republicans of Missouri was given last night at the Midland hotel , over 600 plates being laid. Prominent men fr'anr'nll portions of the state , includ ing thirty-five legislators from Jeffer son City , were present. Louis P. Alee of St. Louis acted as toastmnster. Among those who responded to toasts were John N. Baldwin of Council Bluffs , Ia. , who spoke on the "Tariff and the Trusts ; " Arthur W. Brewster of St. Joseph , Mo. , who spoke to " 1904 , " and Boyd Dudley of Gallatln , Mo. , whoso topic was "In State and Nation. " Herbert S. Hadley of Kansas City was elected president for the en suing year. Pay Tribute to Lincoln. Now York , Feb. 13. Members of the Chicago society of New York last evening gathered In Delmonlco's , where they celebrated the memory of Abraham Lincoln. The great war pres ident was eulogized by men who had personally known him. Addresses were delivered by ex-Secretary of the Treasury Gcorgo S. Boutwo l of Mas sachusetts. A. J. Conant , who painted the Lincoln portrait which hangs In the capital at Washington ; Lafayette Young of DCS Molnes , William E. Cur tis , Miss Ida M. Tarbell , author of a "Life of Lincoln , " and Henry D. Esta- brook , formerly of Nebraska. Exercises at Lincoln's Tomb. Springfield , 111. , Feb. 13. Lincoln's birthday was observed in this city , In which ho achieved his greatness , by exercises at his tomb at the national Lincoln monument , under the auspices of Stephenson Wo mans' Relief crops , No. 17. The principal address was made by Colonel James S. Felter. Ho said that the keynote of Lincoln's character was devotion to principle and that his greatness was duo to his ability to see farther than his contem poraries. Tax Levy for New Capitol. Jefferson City , Mo. , Fob. 13 ; Repre sentative Duncan of Buchanan coun ty yesterday Introduced an amend ment to the constitution authorizing A tax levy of 7 cents to create a fund for the erection of a now capital build ing. The tax Is to bo for four years and It Is estimated that , a fund of ? 3- 600,000 will bo created. Denounce Use of Straight Jacket. Sacramento , Cal. , Feb. 13. The legislative committees which have been examining the Folsom prison will , It is stated , file a sensational re port. The report will denounce in the severest terms , It Is said , ho nso of the straight Jacket , from which convicts have been permanently crip pled. To Check ' Spread of Anarchy. Madison , WIs. , Feb. 13. A bill was Introduced in the senate to make the teaching of the doctrines of criminal anarchy a felony and punishable by Imprisonment for not more than ten years or a fine of not more than $5,000 or both. Poisons Self and Child. Janosvllle , Ia. . Fob. 13. While tern- pornrlly Insane Mrs. Charles Edgerton administered carbolic acid to her three-vear-olrt son and took a dose herself. Neither can recover. Downro of Ointments for Catarrh That Contain Mercury n mercury will surely destroy the NOURO of smell nnd completely derange the whole system when entering it through mucous surfaces. Such ar ticles Hhnnld nuvor bo used except on proscriptions from reputable physlciaiiH , as the damage they will do is ten fold to the good you can possibly derive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure , man * ufaoturcd by F. J. Ohonoy & Co. , Toledo , 0 , contains no mercury , and U taken Internally , noting directly upoti the blood nud mucous Nurfnct-s of the Rystom , In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure bo mire you got the gonulno. It is tnkmi Internally nnd umdo in Toledo , Ohio , by F. J. Cltnuy & Co. Testimonials menials free. Sold by druggists , price 75 cents per bottlo. Hall's Family Pills are the best. To bare n Cold In One liny. Take Laxative Bromn Quinine Tab- lota , overybox , ! 25 cents. Slguor Anrolio Cocola has boon spec ially engaged by Guns. II. Yale to illus trate and direct several now ballots that will be made special features in the twenty-first annual tour of the "Ever ' " . will include lasting Devil's Auction" They clude among others an European novelty and also n royal sextette of lady dancers direct from the Albaiubrn Theatre , London , England. Paul Giluiore , who has hitherto ap peared in romautio dramas in which the cut , thrust and parry of swords was n distinctive and dominant feature , will appear here soon in Haddon Chambers' brightly amusing comedy , "Tho Ty ranny of Tears , " which depends upon brisk incisive dialogue nnd some amus ingly complicated situations , inter preted by clover players , for its success. AUDITORIUM A. D , BEALL , Owner. QEO. II. SPEAR , Resident Manager. MONDAY. . . . .FEBRUARY Special Engagement ! i I Assisted by Miss Lelia Wolstan , Presenting a Grand Scenic Revival o : Shakespeare's Historical Play , RICHARD III 60-PEOPLE ON STAGE-60 A CAR LOAD OF SCENERY. Prices , 35c , 50c , 75o and $1.00. Boxes , $1.50. THE W. 0. HALL BARBER SHOP 330 NORFOLK AVENUE. Having purchased the W. O. Hal barber shop , I am here to stay and wl endeavor to treat people so that I wil merit their patronage. We will do first class work and run a clean , up to dat shop. Among the inducements thu brought mo to Norfolk wa a letter from Mr. Hall , under date of Deo. 21 , whic-l says in part : "This shop in worth more than I ask you for it , I want to quit the business. I wouldn't sell at all if I was going to rttay in the bneiuoFS. " With this assurance that I was buying and paying for the good will of the business as well ns the fixtures , any fair minded man will agree that I am en titled to his trade if I can pleuse them C. J. REED. Tu HE. . . Biniii and LOUD ASSOCIATION will build you u oo easy payments. Oome and see us. C. U. DUELAND , Secretary Q. A. LUIKAUT , PBCSIDKNT. W. II , JOHNHON , UHAti. B , II HI DO K , VIOB PBHIDBKT. LEO 1'ASKWALK , ABS'T IASIIIKIK. The Citizens National Bank. Capital , $50,000. Surplus , (10,000. Hay unit nll exchange on this country nnd all ports of Knrope , FoYm Loaui. OirectiritUni , ABUOS , W II. JOHNSON , , CHAD. 8 , HBJDOK. F. tjWANK. li , A. LUIRABT , T , F MKIIM1HOBB. L' SESSIONS , J FIVE EXCURSIONS PROn OMAHA EVERY WEEK WITH CHOICE OF ROUTES VIA Those excursions UNION leave O in n h a Woduos- every - day , Thursday , Friday and Sat- - PACIFIC for Onlifornia nrday nt 4:20 : pin , and every Tnos- dnynt Pullman 11:80 : p.m. for Oregon , in Tourist Sleeping Oars , The cars nro uo compauied nil 1 the way by con- duotors skilled in the Borvicoof ox- onrsiou parties. This is the onlyjino from Omaha running five excursions every week. Excursions can bo joined at nny point en route. flilt'icntlf.r ' Cal.lfotnla and Oreuon | ? , are good via Halt Lake City ami Danvor withoat extra olurgo. Railroad and Business Directory. II 60 B i < -M o o CQ * * mr Z < u JC JCH n R , R. TIMETABLE. Fremont , Elkborn & Mo. Valley BAST. DEPART. * Omahn Posaonger. . . . 6:03am Chicago Express 12JOpm EAST. ABItlVE. Chicago Express 7SOp m Oranlui Passenger 12:40pra : WEST. DKPABT. Black Hills riipress 7:50ptu : Vordlgro Passenger 12:40p : m Vonligro Accommodation S:30nm : WK8T. ' ABUIVE. niack Hills Express 12:20 p m Vorillgro Passenger 6:03 am Vordigro Acoommodntton 7:10pm : The Chicago and Black Hills Express arrivea and departs from Junction depot. The Omaha and Verdigre trains arrivn and depart from city depot. II. C. MATBAU , Agent. Union Pacific. SOUTH. DEPART. Columbus Accommodation 300 p m Omaha , Denver and Pacific Const 110 a m NORTH. ABBIVE- 'Columbus Accommodation 11:45 a m Omalm , Denver and Pacific const 9:00pm : Connects at Norfolk with F. , E & M. V. going wont and north , and with the C. St. P. M , & O. for points north and east. J. B. KLSEFFEB , Agent. Chicago , St. Paul , Minneapolis & Omaha. BAST. DEPABT. SIoui City and Omaha Passenger. . . . 6:30am : Sioux CityPasaenger l.-OOpm WEST , ABBIVE. Slonx City Passenger 10 : M ) a in Blocx City and Omaha Passenger 7:25 p m Connects at Noifolk with F. , E. & M. V. going west and north , and with the O , P. for points south. J. B. KLBEPFEE , Agent. Daily except Sunday. . .FOR. . \ FINE COMMERCIAL PRINTING . - s . .TRY THE. . Daily News Job Department iwBowlii may be leased by private parties at any time for reasonable prices. Ladles wel come at any time. N.E. WILKINSON & SON. CALIFORNIA with its lovely seaside resorts , orange groves , beautiful gar dens and quaint old mission towns id visited every year by thousiuds of tourists who travel over the Union Pacific , because it is the best and quickest - est route and the ONLY LINE rnnningTunouaii TUAINS f rom OstAHA to CALIFORNIA. It is also the onlyliue running four personally conducted excursions to California from Missouri River every week. Those Excursions can bo joined at any point en route . . . Full information cheerfully fur nished ou application to J. B. ELSEPFEB , Agent. J.B.HERMANN . . , Contractor and Builder . 117 Fourth Street. -'A - M. E. SPAULDINd , Flour and Feed 411 Norfolk Avonno. Cheapeit and Best. Norfolk Avenue Horseshoe'A d. . W.EDWARDS Alit. WOBK GUABANTEED , . Cor Braaech ave and 4th St. The Norfolk Horseshoe NOW BEADY1 The Many Adventurealof FOXY GRANDPA Including all the merry pictures con tained in the two volumes , entitled "Adventures of Foxy Grandpa" and "Further Adventures of Foxy Grandpa - " pa- paMr. Mr. Schultzo ( said to mo ono day at lunch : "What do yon think ( if a series of comic drawings dealing n grand father and hia two grandsons ? " ' Letthoer < indfntl'orbe ' the clever ono of the trio. In most of the ether cases the young folk have boou smarter than the old people upon whom theyplaiod thnlr jokes. Let's reverse it , " , The next morning he came to my of- flco with sketches for half a dozen , i series , and with the uamo"Foxy Qrand- w pa" in his head. Tbo BUCCOSI of the ยง orles in the Now York Herald was instantaneous , for who ha not heard of "Foxy Grandpa" and "BunnyT" The jolly old gentleman , dear to grown people ns well as children , might almost bo culled the Mr. Pickwick of comic pictures.EDWARD EDWARD MARSHALL. : To Grandfathers Who Are And To 'I hoio Who Are To He , I Merrily Dedicate This Hook. "BUNNY. " S nt ppstseo paid on receipt of ONE DOLLAU in currency or postal order ; no checks received , * L. E , HAMERSLEY CO. 49 Wall Street , New York. Hart Miller OSTEOPflTplG PlYSICIflN. | Graduate of American School ofOsteo * paiiy , under founder of | the 'science. . Residence and office , 807 Madison Ave. Hours irorn 9 a.m to 4 p. m.