The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, February 06, 1903, Page 12, Image 12

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    I/I /
\Vlmt 1i DpIlRtitfnl CrrntiirtIHil
AVItli It After Rlm-h Ailrlcr.
How she acquired It It dooa mil really
matter -possibly by teaehliiR Hchool , I '
pnlntliiR lire PPICPIIB or washing. Anyway -
way when Hho fount ! hei-self In POSHCH.
ftlon of the Hum she net ( ilioul lo HPO
what Hhc could do with It.
Certain amiable friends told her It
would bo very nlco to buy some new
I\ dresses , hats , gloves , shoes and micli.
Hut Hho hnd a full nnHorlimnl and
didn't require anything of the Horl. An
mint told her to Invent It In a certain
telegraph stock that would bring In
peed Intercut.
"Hut 1 want my hundred dollara all
to myself , jou Itmiw. "
"Poor , foollHh dear , U will all bo
yours , Just the name. You can UNO the
Interest Just the mime. I know where *
you can draw- why , 0 iier cent. "
"Wli-at ? That IH only $ < ! a yenr !
Six dollars IH awfully small hy the
nldu of this. I'm going to count It
ngalu. Maybe some of It In gono. "
The very thoiiRht of such a thliiR inndo
the little ereatmo chatter , ( for the
tenth time that day hho sat down and
counted the tallHinanlu roll of hlllM-
four twenties , ono leu and two liven.
It was all rlRht , nnd her pulse ro-
mime < l Its normal beat. Hilthlenly Hho
gave a llttlo shriek of delight and
Jumped up and cried :
"I know Jimt what I Hluill dot I'll
got It bunted. I think thut'H what they
"Ohlld , what are you talking about ? "
"TalkliiR about llnancp , auntie. I'm
flohiR to maku thlH HtliiRy llttlo roll Into
11 blR onp. It doesn't show off nl nil. "
"You nro ciueer , dear. "
"I'm RoliiR to Ret It all In five dollnr
blllfl. 1 think the pictured on tin ; liven
nro ever so much prettier. " Life ecmod
more rosy after the delightful crrnturo
possessed twenty nice , crisp ( Ivors. She
counted and recounted them when an
other fancy came.
"I'm tired looklnp nt these common
bills. They don't Jingle nnd rliiR. I'm
going to Ret live nice , clean , now ( wen-
ty dollar Roldplcccs. " No sooner wan
It Bald than done. The table rang for
two days an she tossed the brlRhi yel
low pieces about Ilko jack HtoncH. HVPII
then she wasn't quite hnppy. The llt
tlo pile of twenty dollar yellow hoys
looked HO small. Then she scouted
about and Rot together UK ) silver del
lars. Bho polished every ono dally and
played with them. Next alio got UM )
fifty cent pieces. Uut life was still an
nchliiR void. She at last owned $100
in twenty-live cent coins. Surely she
must bo wit lulled now. Uut , no ; she
broke Into one of the quartern , felt dls-
oouraRcd after that and was quite un
like her old self until she found one
U llttlo nickel left , the very hint coin of
the hundred dollars that had caused
her so much trouble. Philadelphia
Hunk ? * .
There e.xlsfs among many persons a
belief that snakes are creatures of
more or let-s defective orRiuil/.utlon.
Deprived of legs and reduced to effect
their movements by sinuous whulliiRs
of their elongated bodies and tails , they
have an appearance of helplessness
which may by Itself excite compassion.
to. Yet no mistake of the kind could well
bo greater. The principles of evolu
tion sulllco to make It evident thnt the
structure of serpents must bo tolerably
good or else they could never have sur
vived nature's many destructive
agencies , . Uut , In fact , their structure
Is n marvel of admirable contrivances
and accurate adjustments , so that wo
must ulllrm them to bo as perfectly
adapted to their requirements and . .j-
cullar modes of life as any other uul-
mala. Quarterly Uovlow.
"Well , " said the man who hnd como
in from the remote wilds , ' 'I suppose
you've took your In congress
ng'ln. "
"No. You remember , I had the mis
fortune to bo defeated , "
"You don't ayI And nfter mo trav-
elln' forty mile to vote for you ! The
folks out our way will shore be sur
prised. So you ain't goln' to sit In con
gress no more ? "
"Pnj afraid not. "
"Well , well ! Things are certainly go-
In' queer these days. I rook on they'll
be niovln' the Washington monument
next. " Washington Stun
A Tlioutrlitlri * Staler.
Mrs. Gctthcro Such Impudence !
Here's Sister Matilda proposing to
come here with both her children and
make us n long visit.
Mr. O. Hut you spent half hiht sea
son nt her home In the country , and
you had four children und a mum * .
Mrs. G.A different thing altogether.
She has no servants , but she knows
perfectly well that we have several
nnd that every one of them will get
mad and leave If the family Is In
creased. New York Weekly.
"But , " objected the visitor , "quite a
number of your pupils have broken
down and Income Imbeciles. "
"True. " replied the eminent educa
tor , "but we confidently expect better
things In the future. The bacillus of
overstudy having now been Identified
and a serum for Its destruction de
vised , we look for no further trouble of
the kind you mention. " Life.
Chumili > n
Nnggsby I noticed- that Kctherhed
used vinegar Instead of maple drip on
his cakes ut l > rcnkfnst nnd didn't feet1 in
to notice the difference at all.
Wnggsby I wonder who the poor girl
cnn be. Bit It ( more American.
Whether or not a man succeeds In
life sometimes depends on whether ho
ppurs himself or spore * himself. Pitts-
burg Dispatch.
I'riiporiuliii Vor Nlcrplr incn > ,
A phyfllclnn declared that ho ( Indn
peppermint water an ellh'lenl remedy
for nlccplesnncsfl. Thin In n very nlm-
plo cure , and It will not bring forth
from the orgiuiH of professional opln-
Ion any declaration of unsafeneHH. It
H mldcd that n mixture of nplrltH of
chloroform and peppermint water glv-
n In hot water to the victim of insom
nia will proditpo Hleep , but porlmpd In
Ihu cane of the admixture of chloro
form wnter may claim n decided ulmro
n rollovlng the ( rouble. It In nt leant
> iif < y ( o try peppermint water , and the
theory of UH action IH believed to bo
founded on HH effect In withdrawing
blood from the brain by attracting n
fuller How to the stomach.
"What's the trouble , my boy ? " queried
the minister of a young member of bin
flock. "You look Had. "
"And I feel wid , " replied the young
man. " 1 asked Mlfm Sllvcrton to be my
wife , nnd ulio declined the honor. "
"Thnt'H too bad , " said the parson ,
Hut It's In accord with the Scriptures ,
which aayH , 'Ye naked nnd received not
[ ( ccnuna ye asked amlnH. ' "
'Well , what would you ndvlno me to
do ? " queried the youth.
'Next jtlmc nsk a widow , " replied the
good man , with n suspicious twinkle in
lilfl eye. Chicago News.
Thin la a perfectly splendid liver
medicine : Take n dcap breath nnd then
expel the air from the lunga in llttlo
puffs , like a donkey engine. Push out
all the air you possibly can , drawing
the abdomen In und up as far as It will
go. The doing of this exercise will
probably ntrlko you as being no per
fectly funny or allly that you will wind
up with some of the real thing , which
Is , of course , better than the Imitation.
MnxwflU'N TullHUiau. , . - . . .
A Vi \ Mix.
Cholly I would have bought a box
of candy this evening , Oladys , only
you'ro training for n basketball game ,
you know , nnd
Indignant Maiden I'm not doing any
thing of the sort !
Cholly ( turning pale ) Then I've got
liy girls tulxedl Chicago Tribune.
The first Ice cream over sold as a reg
ular article of commerce wan shipped
t > y n Iloslon merchant named Tudor in
1805 , He scut a load to Martinique ,
Noli mix mill Voice * That T/rm / clrra
llrnr In Ilic Kiryptlnii City.
Take a chair outside a buuy cafe
near tlio market place ami tram center
nnd wntcli Htruct life. There arc no
hungry men , no starving , pinched child
fnct > 8. no linger worn mothers , for this
Is a Innd of plenty , and the people's
Wants nro ftnv and simple. Thus sun-
shlno nnd laughter npniy n welcome
fragnuico over the novelty ami ro-
iniinco of the gny clty'H btrei'tn. Here
a street melodist twanging a monster
one Mrlnged "Koini'thlng" and accom
panied by a nose ringed girl who taps
deftly ou n species of tambourine ,
while bystanders ejaculate ' * Allnh , ul-
lah ! " the Arabic word for applause.
If not quVo lu accord with your preju
dices concerning music , well , maalalsh
( never mind ) , It Is not nearly RO din-
tractliiR us n street corner at homo , and
they will KO away If you tell them to.
The baboon , the donkey and boy are
In evidence , with u score of performing
tricks that are very original and cer
tainly funny , and you console yourself
with the hope of n minimum of cruelty
lu the training.
A fruit seller , basket on head , with
luscious grapes nnd llgs , saunters by ,
slicing In a quaint minor : "O grapes ,
0 sweet grapes , that are larger than
doves' eggs and sweeter tunn new
cream ! O angels' food , delicious figs ,
bursting with honey , restorers of
health ! " There Is a drink seller , bent
under the weight of the odd shaped Jar
blmiR over his shoulder , a lump of Ice
projecting from Us mouth , conjuring
custom In n similar strain ashe struts
up and down , making the air resound
with the rhythmical clap clap of two
brazen bnuccrs * " 0 refreshment of the
weary ! O quencher of parched lips !
0 blessing of heaven ! "
Another street cry which may be
heard In the main street of Ablmssleh ,
a Mihurb , contains the following entic
ing announcement : "Tomorrow , O peo- .
pie , I am goitiK to kill a camel ! The
doctor says , It Is young and healthy.
Oh , Its tlesh will be tender as the quail
and Juicy as lamb. Its price Is but I
plasters (7 ( cents ) a pound. Do you love
the sweet llesh of the camel V Then
come early and be satisfied. " Not the
least picturesque figures In the streets
are the city police , In their neat white
drill and red tarbouches In summer and
blue serge In winter.
From a twenty-year-old mulberry
tree UIS pounds of leaves have been
picked In a year.
String beans may be obtained during
the entire summer by planting once a
month for successive supplies.
Some trees are much more unfavor
able to the growth of plants beneath
them than are others. The worst are
the yew and the ash.
Whenever water Is given to pot
plants enough should be used thor
oughly to wet the soil around the roots
Mere sprinkling of the surface docs lit
tle good.
The next time you have a bouquet of
flowers to keep add n very little cam
phor to the water In the vase and BCC
how much longer Its freshness will be
Ono of the most satisfactory plants
for house culture Is the yellow oxalls
It wjll blossom freely If given sun nnd
water , and Its brouze brown foliage
scU off Us pretty yellow bloom rarely.
Arc Trnrclrrn , Noninil * , Aulo-
ornU , Mn of 1/Hnurr ,
The black etonmhont roustabout of
lie MlnslHstppI IH an much part nnd
n reel of the river a IB tlio water and
ulto MM necessary. There IH an Im-
that the roustabout IH a much
I dined Individual , an Inclination to
IMKH him along with the Nliivcllhe
HH hand. This Is wholly wrong. The
otistnhout IH traveler , nomad , auto-
rat , man of lelmirc. He In little seen
n the upper river , but In Ht. 1/ouls ,
leniphln and Orleaim ( hern arc enough
f him to man live times as many
loatH aH touch at tlione ports. Vet
; jwer liver packets have trouble In
hipping full crews of the blacks. They
re compelled to Hhlp for each trip sep-
rately , hecaunc It does not please llio
ouster to take more than one trip In n
nontli. The. balance of the tltuo ho
iliiyn gentleman of iillluence. On the
lomphlH levee I listened to a group of
he brawny fellows as they lolled with-
n the shade of a freight pile. Not one
vas Ihero who had not visited at some
line every point In the Mississippi vnl-
ey at which the steamboat calls. They
vere equally at home In PlttHburg or
) rleans , Little Hock or Chattanooga.
In summer the rountern arc fairly
vllllng to work , though they exercise
Inc discrimination In the matter of
> oats , but In the fall , when steamers
re plentiful and labor scarce , they
u'come exceeding coy. They do not
gather around the hiring mate then.
Ic mm to eotuc to them. They regard
oldly the average monthly wage , $40.
They ask for ? ( K ) and even for $00 , and
hey get It. If they hold n grudge
gainst the mate of a boat , they dc-
nand hit ) discharge and get that too.
Hut the moment , summer or winter ,
hat the roustabout steps upon a fiteam-
r'a forecastle his bourn of ease arc
lone. He works day and night , a sort
if work no white man could stand for
von twelve hours. He sleeps at odd
minutes between landings sprawled on
leek or cotton bale. Ho wears shirt
isually trousers and shoes and flnds
hem burdcuHoniP. He lays aside his
lowers of sight and reasoning , retains
only ears and musclcH and becomes n
> owerful machine , answering to the
slightest Inclination of a mate's will.
Willis Gibson In Scrlbner's.
Tf you kill frogs , your cows will "go
dry. "
Tickling a baby will cause the child
o Htutter.
To throw hair combings out of the
vlndow Is bad luck.
To thank n person for combing your
mlr will bring bad luck.
No person who touches a dead hotly
vlll be haunted by Its spirit.
Cut n dog's "dew claws" and It will
tot die from poisonous snake bite.
To kill a ghost It must bo shot wlh |
bullet made of a silver quarter dollar.
To dream of a live snake means ene
mies at large ; of a dead snake enemies
lead or powerless.
To dream of unbroken eggs signifies
rouble to come ; If the eggs are broken ,
he trouble Is pat > t.
If you boast of your good health ,
lound wood Immediately with your list
ir you will become sick.
To cut a baby's finger nails will de
form It. If the child Is n month old , It
will cause It to have fits.
To allow a child to look Into a mirror
before It Is a month old will cause It to
Hive trouble In teething.
A child will have n nature and dispo
sition similar to those of the person who
Irst takes It out of doors.
To hear n screech owl Is bad luck.
To prevent hearing Its cry turn the
lockets liibidu out and set the shoe
soles upward.
A Struggle With KiiRllnh.
American tourists abroad 6ften com
ment upon the literal translation Into
Sngllbh of notices In foreign languages.
The well meant efforts of landlords and
others lo convey In the language of the
visitor the meaning of the native often
produce laughable results.
A Washington citizen found this no
tice posted In his room In nn Alpine
lotcl :
"Misters , the venerable voyagers are
earnestly requested not to take clothes
of the bed to BOO the sun rise for the
color changes. " Washington Star.
Our Pi i pr Money.
The man who Is ever ready to bet on
anything said suddenly to u group of
members of the club , "I'll bet a case of
catchup to a bottle of curry powder
that there Isn't a man In the party that
can name the denominations of United
States paper money. " All lost , and all
were abashed when he mentioned $1 ,
? 2 , ? 5 , $10 , $ ' _ > 0 , $50 , $100 , $500 , $1,000 ,
§ .r > ,000 and $10,000. Most men are un
accustomed to handling notes above
$100 , anil few ever saw one of $10,000.
New York Tret * .
Food Alter * Animal * .
It Is surprising how circumstances al
ter animals. The savages of the Amazon
zen region feed the common green par-
lot for generations with the fat of cer
tain llbhes , thus causing U to become
beautifully variegated with red nnd
yellow feathers. In like manner the
natives of the Malay archipelago , by
a process of feeding , change the talka
tlve lory Into the gorgeous king lory.
The MnnnRer Hrnllic * It.
"There Is something elevating in mu
sic , " bald the artist.
"Yes , " answered the manager. "Mu
sic certainly has the effect of stimu
lating lofty Ideals as to salary. " Wash
ington Star.
It was to combat and expose quacks
end fools that laughter was invented.
Brrolllnir the Cn ncce fBl Itnnk * .
A great many men have been left be
hind bccaimo of their llRtlessncsa , their
easy going ways. They were too Blow.
Opportunities would not wait for them.
They would have taken advantage of
them , would have succeeded , If the
chance had not hurried by so fast. If
the opportunities had tarried awhile ,
had given them a chance to look them
over and consult their friends or If
they had only como back , thcso gentle
people would now be on the heights In
stead of looking wistfully up from the
foot of the mountain. Hut , alas , oppor
tunities never return , nnd he who Is
not ready ( o seize them as they lilt
onward will have only regrets for his
Slnmeio Ileportlnir.
Sininoso reporters arc not quite BO
deft as our own specimens , says the
London Globe , but they have a flno Im
pressionistic touch which charms the
Jaded fancy. Hero Is nn account of n
murder from that happy land :
'Shooting outragol Oh , fearful ago
ny ! Khoon Tong , one of Phya Song's
staff , was on n mission to Lampoon ,
nnd on his return Instantly shot dead
by some miscreants , scoundrels. Oh ,
untimely death ! Oh , fearful ! All friends
expressed their mornc. The cowardice
dog is still ut large. Six soldiers and
ulx policemen were at once dispatched. "
' ' 1 u Columbine.
There arc some good reasons adduced
by those who favor the claims of the
columbine as n national flower. The
colors of the wild varieties are red ,
white and blue. The flower Is purely
American , quite widespread , hardy ,
graceful , beautiful. The petals are
perfect "liberty caps ; " reversed they
are "horns of plenty. " Columbine
comes from the Latin columba , a dove ;
the peaceful derivation of the word
accords well with our national policy ;
the name also recalls Columbus , the
grrat navigator and discoverer. The
flower also lends Itself well to a con
ventional architectural decoration.
Bina and Ilia Copyright.
Once n month It wan the custom of a
clergyman In n neighboring town to
catechise the Sunday school. Among
the questions asked was , "Who was
Esau ? " Several responded , but none of
the answers was satisfactory , nnd , as
the pastor was about to tell them , one
little follow bald , "I think I can tell you
what he did. "
"Well , " snld the pastor , "tell me
\vhnt Efcuu did. "
"Esau was the fellow who sold his
copyright for a mess of potash. " Phil
adelphia Ledger.
All or None.
Busy Merchant Well , sir , what do
you want ?
Timid Youth Y-your daughter's baud.
lUisy Merchant Can't give It to you ,
sir. KIther take her entire or leave her.
We arc not doing nn Installment busi
ness. Chicago News.
Wlmt Itnti Like.
Miss Bostonwirk Did you go to the
Wagner concert'/
, Mr. Pokcr-1 did.
Miss . What was It like ?
Mr. P. Like I'.iu\Miing set to music.
Towi ) nnd Country.
A Chicago mau has produced the the
ory that Venus do Mlle never wore
corsets because she had no arms and
couldn't possibly have hooked them to-
Features of the Day's Trading and
Closing Quotations.
Chicago , Kcb. 5. There was only a mod
erate btiMlni'ss on the board of trade to
day and wheat ruled nervous , with a weak-
r , tendency , May cloHlng 74c lower. May
corn closed a xuude lower and May onts
were off V&c. May provisions closed "easier ,
belns from TlVtflOc lower. Closing prlcm :
.Wbcat Mny. 7Sc ; July , 74e.
Corn-Kelt. . 4HWc ; May , 44 > Jc ; July , 43 %
Oats-Mny , Silc ; July , .TJtfc.
Pork-Mnj $ J.7" ( ! > ; July , $16.30.
LnrdMnv > . ! 10 July , $9. : > iMi. !
Kills MIJ. ? ! > 1JIJuly ; , $0.00.
Chlmpi CiiHli l't UPH No. 2 red wheat ,
"iffi'Te. Xii a ri'il wheat , OfKfn.'ie ; No. 3
prliiS theat. . 7KiiMe ) ; No. 2 hard wheat ,
7if7 ! ( ! ( > c ; No , 3 Imrd wheat , COJ72c ; No. 2
mull corn , 4iV6 ; < f44c ; No. .1 cash corn , 41 %
( fil2o ; No. 2 yellow corn , 43Vifft4cj No. n
yellow corn , 4flc : No. 2 cash oatH , 33Vic :
No. 2 white oatn , 3.30c. No. 3 white oats ,
Chicago Live Stock.
\-Cuttle-Hecelpts , G.r.00 ;
steady to KtioiiR. coed to primp steers.
$4.GXi(0.1R ( ; poor to medium , $3.004.50 ;
stackers nnd feeders , $2.0 ! < ft4.r > 0 ; cowi ,
$2.2T { l4.r > 0 ; heifers. $2.i3 ! < jl4.75 ; eanners ,
1.40Ti2.GO : bulls , 2.'rQ4.40 ; calves. $350
G7.2S ; Texan fed steers , $3.MX34.3.HORS
Receipts , today , 24,000 ; tomorrow. . ' 10- ,
000 ! U'ft o\er. 0,100 ; strong ; mixed nnd
butcheM , IG.fiOflT.O.I ; roiiKh henvy , $ n.a"f (
0.85 ; llfht. $0.40O.OT ; bulk of Miles. $0 l
< J.80. Sheep-npcelpts. 14,000 ; sheep steady
to strong , jfood to eholee wethers. H.WXJf
B.25 ; fair to choice mixed , ? 3.COp4.riO ( ; western -
ern sheep , $4.00 < J.VJr > ; nntlvo Umlis , ? 4.M ) ®
0.33 ; western lambs , $4.7 ffl30 }
Kansas City Live Stock.
Kani-ns City , Feb. fi.-Cuttle Ilecelpti. 7-
000 ; Htoady ; cholee bet-f Hteern , , $4.00 ® , ' CO :
fair to Rood , $2.iWJM.mutoekers and feed
ere , $2. < _ > . - > < fi4.4i ; ; we tein fed iiteers , $2.7.T
(35.00 ( ; Texas and Vidlan teers. $ 'J.WC4.00 ;
natlrc eowR. $1 r .K5T4.00 ; native helferr
J'.4Mi4 ( 10 : canneiH , ? 1.KdJJ'.00. hullH. $2.35
( CI.'J.'i : CMhen , $2.2.Viin.r > 0. HoBK-Uecelpt .
7,000 ; .VrflOc hlcher. active , top , J7.00 ; bulk
of sales , f(1.8VfT700 ( : heavy. $ < 1.00 < 87.00 ;
mixed paekerH , Jll.72iXjrtt7.00 ; | lBht , $ O.CO < a
0.87V4 : yorkers , ? (1.8Kffl.87V4 ( ( ( ; pltts , JOOOi ? }
O.lfi. Sheen Hccelptd , : i..VK ) : steady :
Inmbn. W.R.riiff0.25 : fed ewe , $ ; { OOJjr , 00 ;
wethers , $3 OCVJT4.HO , stockers and feeders.
South Omaha Live Stock.
South Omahn , Keb o.-Cattle flecelptu ,
3,500 ; lOc lower ; native steers , J3.2Sri.2n ( { ;
cows and heifers , $2.00 14.00 ; eanners , $1.7J
( { 2.70 ; Mockers and feeders , $3.00(34.IX ( ) ;
calves , $3.2. ? 0.2r ; bulls , stags , etc. , $2.40
t3.00. Hogs-neeelpts , 4.MX ) : r.c higher ;
heavy. $0 S.Viifl.n.'i ; mixed. $080ffl0.8.1 ; light ,
$0.00fiO.R.pigs. ( ; . $5.7&6.riO ; bulk of sales ,
IO.W10 PO. Sheep-Itecelpts. 3f)00 ; steady ;
yearlings , $4.75fir..40 ; wethers , $4.2.Vfiri.OO
ewes. $3.7r > < ? ? 4.riO ; common and stockcrs ,
$ t.W > iT4.23 ; lambs , $4,75 < SCOO
St. Joseph Live Stock.
8t , Joseph , Teh. fi.-Cnttle Receipts , 1 ,
627 ; natht'N , $3.8T > < ari.M ) ; Texans and west
cms , $3. : (4.7r > : cows and heifers , $2-003
4.23 ; M'iil , $2..riO'IcOr > 0 ; bulls and stag *
$1J.WKf4 25. Hog * Hi-o lntK. 4,222 ; Ugh
iiid llclit mixed , $ ( J.S3fl005.
A Thousnnil Dollars Thrown Awny.
Mr. W. W. Baker , of Platnylow ,
fob. , wrltcH : "My wife had lung
roublo for over ilftoon years. Wo
rlod a number of doctors and spent
vcr a thousand dollars without any re-1
tf. She was very low nud I lost all
ope , whou a friend suggested trying
" "oloy's Honey and Tar , which I did ;
tid tlmnkH bo to this great remedy it
iivod her life. She is stronger nnd en-
oya bettor health than she has over
uown In ton yours.Yo shall never bo
vithont Foloy's Honey nud Tar nnd
vonld nsk those alllictod to try it. Sold
y A. II. Kiosau.
"What's the mutter old man ? Been
oeiug ou wheat ? " "No , not that , for-
ot to take Reeky Mountain Tea last
ight. Wife wild I'd bo sick today. "
5 cents. A. H. Klosaa.
A Night Alurm.
Worse than nn alarm of fire nt night
s the brassy cough of cronp , which
ouuds like the children's death knell
nd it uioniis donth nuless souiothiug is
ono quickly. Foloy's Honey und Tnr
over falls to give instant relief and
ulokly euros the worst forms of croup.
Irs. P. L. Oordior of Manning ton , Ky. ,
writes : "My three-year-old girl had a
ovoro case of croup ; the doctor said
tie conld not livo. I got n bottln of
'ole 's Honey nnd Tar ; tlio flrst dose
nvo qniok rolinf and saved her life. "
tofnso snbstitntes. Sold by A. H.
Baby sloops and grows while mamma
ests if Rooky Mountain Tea is given ,
t's the greatest baby mcdioino over
fforod loving mothers. 85 cents. A.
I. Kiosau.
Mothers can safely give Foley's
loney and Tar to their children for
cnghs and colds , for it contains no
plates or other poisons. Bold by A. H.
[ iesau.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Escaped an Awful Fate.
Mr. H. Hoggins of Melbourne , Fla , ,
writes , "My doctor told mo I had con-
nmption and nothing conld be done for
mo. I was given np to die. The offer
f a free trial bottle of Dr. King's New
Discovery for consumption , induced mo
o try it. Results were startling. lam
now on the road to recovery and ewe
11 to Dr. King's Now Discovery. It
nrely saved my life. " This great onre
s guaranteed for all throat nnd lung
iseascs by A. H , Kiesan , Druggist ,
'rice COo and $1.00. Trial bottles freo.
Expedience Convinces.
Prove its-valuo by investing 10 cents In
rial RJ7o of Ely's Cream Balm. Druggists
upply it nnd \ \ o mail it. Full size CO cents.
jLY BUGS. , CO Warren St. , Now York.
Clifton , Arizona , Jan. 20,1899.
Messrs. ELY Enos. : Plcaso send moaCO
ont bottle of Cream Balm. I find your
einocly the quickest and most permanent
nire for catarrh nnd cold in the head.
) 1:1,1 , M. POTTEB , Gon.Mgr.Ariz.GoldM.Co.
Messrs. KI.T Bnos. : I have been afilicted
with catarrh for twenty years. It made me
so weak I thought I Lad consumption. I
; ot ono bottle of Ely's Crcarn Balm anil in
hreo days the discharge stopped. It is the
) est medicine I have used for calarrh.
Winter coughs are apt to result in
consumption if neglected. They can be
eon broken up by using Foley's Honey
and Tar. Sold by A. H. Kiesau.
Kidney complaint kills more people
ban any other disease. This is duo to
ho disease boiug so insidious that it gets
a good hold ou the system before it is
ecognized. Foloy's Kidney Cure will
prevent the development of fatal dis-
nse if taken in time. Sold by A. H.
Hotter tlmu liold.
'I was troubled for several years
vith chronic indigestion and nervous
debility , " writes F. J. Green , of Lan
caster , N. H. "No remedy helped me
intil I began using Electric Bitters ,
which , did me more good than all the
medicines I ever used. They have also
tept my wife in excellent health for
rears. She says Electrio Bitters are
nst splendid for female troubles ; that
hey are a grand tonic and invigorator
'or weak , run down women. No other
medicine can take its place in our
"amily. " Try them. Only COo. Satis-
'action ' guaranteed by A. H. Kiesaa.
The most reliable preparation for
-dduey troubles on the market is Foloy's
Kidney Onre. Sold by A. H. Kiesan.
Nearly Forfeit * Ilia Life.
A runaway almost ending fatally ,
started a horrible ulcer on the leg of J.
B. Orner , Franklin Grove , 111. For
'our years it defied all doctors and all
remedies. But Bncklen's Arnica Salve
lad no trouble to cure him. Equally
_ oed for burns , bruises , skin eruptions
and piles. S5c at A. H. Kiesan drug
Mysterious Circumstance ,
One was pale and sallow and the
other fresh and rosy. Whence the dif
ference ? She who is blushing with
lealth uses Dr. King's New Life Fills to
uaiutaiu it. By goutly arousing the
azy organs they compel good digestion
and head off constipation. Try them.
Only 25c , nt A. H. Kiesau druggist.
A Weak Stoinucli
auscs a weak body and invites disease.
Kodol Dyspepsia Onre cures and
strengthens the stouiaob , and wards off
and overcomes disease. J. B. Taylor , a
prominent merchant of Ohriesman ,
Tex. , says : "I could not eat because of
a weak stomach , I lost all strength and
run down in weight. All that money
can do was done , but all hope of re
covery vanished. Hearing of some
wonderful cures offt cted by use ot Ko
del , I concluded to try it. The flrst
bottle benefited me , and after taking
four bottles I am fully restored to my
usual strength , weight and health. "
Kiesau Drug Co.
Foley's Honey and Tar is best for
croup and whooping cough , contains no
opiates , and cures quickly. Caiefnl
mothers keep it in the house. Sold by
A. II. Kiosau.
TheKiuiy Pill.
DeWitt's Little Early Risers do not
gripe nor weaken the system. They
euro billiousness , jaundice , constipation
and inactive livers , by arousing the se
cretions , moving the bowels gently , yet
effectively , nnd giving snob tone nnd
strength to the glands of the stomach ,
liver and bowel ? that the cause of the
trouble is removed entirely. These
famous little pills exert a decided tonlo
effect upon the organs involved , and
if their use is continued for a few days
there will bo no return of the trouble.
The Kiosau Oo.
Often begins \vltli a cold in the head ,
but it never stops there. The tendency it
always from bad to worse. The simple
cold becomes n protracted , stubborn one ,
while the discharge from the nose grows
I more profuse and offensive. The inflam
j mation extends to the throat and bron
i chial tubes , causing hoarseness , n tickling
' sensation nnd nn aggravating cough.
The foul matter that is continually drop
ping back into the throat finds its way
into the stomach , resulting in a distres
sing form of dyspepsia , nausea , and loss
of appetite and
catarrhal poisons
are absorbed into TQ ,
the blood , and all _ _ . . „ . . . . _ _ . . .
the membranes CONSUMPTION.
of the body be
come infected , and what was supposed t
be purely a local disease has become con
stitutional , deep seated and chronic.
Sprays , washes , powders , salves and
other external remedies give only tem
porary relief , nnd the disappointed and
disgusted patient finally gives up in
despair nnd declares catarrh incurable.
The only way to get rid of catarrh per
manently it to treat it through the blood. \
The system must be toned up and all im
purities removed from the blood , and this
S. S. S. docs promptly nnd thoroughly. It
expels from the circulation everything of
an irritating , poisonous character , allow
ing the inflamed ineni-
branes to heal when
the mucous discharges
cease , nnd the damage
done to the halth u
soon repaired. S.S.8.
keeps the blood in such a liealthy , vigor
ous condition that cold , damp weather
or sudden changes in the temperature nro
not so apt to bring on catarrhal troubles.
S. 8. S. is a vegetable medicine unequaled
03 a blood purifier , and the best of all
tonics just the remedy needed to thot >
oughly and effectually cure catarrh.
The Swift Specific Co. , Atlanta , Ga.
Pimples , faded complexion , chapped
skin , red , rough hands , eczema , tetter ,
bad blood , cured in a short time , \vitk
Rooky Mountain Tea , the great com
plexion restorer. A. H. Kieunn.
One Minute Cough Oure gives relief
in ono minute , 'because it kills the mi
crobe which tickles the inncons mem
brane , causing the cough , nnd at tha
same time clears the phlegm , draws ont
the inflammation and heals and soothes
the affected parts. One Minute Cough
Cure strengthens the lungs , wards off
pneumonia and is n harmless and never
failing cure in all curable cases of
coughs , colds and croup. Ono Minute
Cough Cure is pleasant to take , harm
less and good alike for young nnd old.
A. H. Kiewm.
DeWllt'ij Witch Hnrel Salve.
The only positive cure for blind , bleed
ing , itching nnd protsuding piles , cuts ,
bums , bruises , eczema and nil abrasions
of the skin. DoWitt's isthe only \Vitoh
Hazel Salve that is made from the pure
unadulterated witch hnzel all others
are counterfeits. DeWitt's "Witch
Hazel Salve , is made to cure counter
feits nro made to sell. A. H. Eiesau.
Foley's Honey nnd Tar oures the
onRh caused by an attack of la grippe. It
heals the lungs. Sold by A. H. Kiesau.
Ely's Cream Balm
Knsy ana jileasnnt to
nsc. CuntniuB no In-
furious drug.
It Is ( julcltly absorbed.
( JUca Helief nt once. _
It Opens ami Cleanses "J T . , , , _ IT
the Nasal Passages. PHI P ) lf\J \ H FAD
Alha Inflammation. UUUL * 'I lifcrtl *
Heals and I'rntccta tlio .Membrane. Rcatorea Ilia
Senses of TaMe and Smell. Largo Spec * , 60 cents at
Urii"Ists ! or l > y mall ; Trial Size , 10 cent * by mall.
F.I.Y UliOTnEUS. 60 Warren Street. Kcw York ,
TVKi L'lo ftc.iulne , original
Muds only by Madison Medi
cine Co. , ftladlson. WIs. It
kfi PA you well. Our trod *
marK cut on each package.
Price , 35 centJ. Nevnr * o4 !
in hulk. Accept no jub tl-
tute Ail ; vour druKEtst.
r Evivo
Made a
Well Man
. of Me.
produces the above rtunUc in 30 < lny . It act !
powerfully and quickly. ( Jure' , v'tn all oUor * fall
Youna men will regain their lest tsziiboodand old
men vlll rcc.cnor their youtUt.1 vigor by ueinj
IlIiVtTO. It iulckly and uurolyre torea J rrou -
neEo. Lo .t Vitality , Inipoteccy. Nthtlv ; Eniissioni.
Lostl'ower.Fnillug Ucmory , V/kntlcn filceaeeo.aad
all effects of eoU-abuEe or erooMiiud indiscretion
which unataonofor Btii'lr.ti'iEluryu or marriage. II
Dot only cnrcs by fUrtinc nt ( bo ot dlsctwo , bnt
Is o great ncrvo tonlo and blood builder , brlna
iDff back the pink Rlnvr to pak > chocks and t
itoring the flro of ynnth. It wirdB olT Jceonitj
and Coniumptlon. Insist on having JTCUVIVO , cc
other. It can l > e carrlod in vent pocket. By malt
81.00 per package oreli ? crK5.oo , withapoft-
tlvo written imarantod to core or refund
the money. Book n nil nrt vUairto. Address
For sale in Norfolk , Nebraska , b
Qeo. B. Ohrtstopb , drngglst.
are the most fatal of all
Guaranteed Rn
or money refunded. Contt
remedies recognized bv
nent physicians as the best
Kidney and Bladder troub
PRICH 50c. aod $1.00.