10 THE NORFOLK NEWS : FRIDAY , JANUARY 30 , 1903 , lk JSleuus W. N. UU8IC , PubUnhor. DAILY. IRitabllilied , IK1 , XT * day ticepl BnwUy. Hrcarrler per Mk , 15enU. Hy tn\\ \ \ per year , p .OQ. WKKKt-T NKW8-JOWINAI , . Th NtWi , MtDiUh l , 1MI , Tlie Journal , etnl > llilie < ) 1871 r ry Friday , lljr mU per yerM.M. BnUT l at Ui PottoDlet at Norfolk , Nib. , BI id slant matler. TJpbonMI IMItorlnl nenarUnent , No. U | BiulDMi Ottlo * anil Job Room * , No , S3 , A crazy Michigan iniui nto n f 100 roll of bills mid wvld Utoy were Rood , Ho ccrtixlnly was craity. The Kansas eonato 1ms dooidod to permit the women of tlmt Btnto look after the babies , fry the baoou and split the kindling for n whllo yet and have voted down n propoaitlon to give thorn the rights of sulTrngo. The inou of thnt Hoimto are ovldoutly conceited enough to believe thnt they can attend to the politics of the state. Norfolk's prospects for the comlnt. year nro very fluttering , but onro should bo exercised thnt they nro not allowed to generate n boom. The city had one boom from the effects of which it IB Just recovering nnd there nro few who suffered from that boom who will bo favorable to nuy farther experience of the tmmo nature. The olty IB certain to develop , but the development should bo natural nud steady. President Roosevelt in said to hnvo his onr to the ground nnd A choice lot of sentinels in the wntoh tower and if Germany attempts anything in the way of territorial aggression in Venezuela , Emperor William's men will certainly got into trouble. The Monroe dootrlno may not forbid the shooting of nrbi tratlou into the little South American republic , but it will bo in ovidouco if Germany evinces land grabbing tendon * ; oks.aud they had beat not monkey with the buzz saw. The excellent demand for farm lands in this section of the state has boon Tory llattorlng for n year or inoro nnd there is no Indication of abatement , : in fact the ronl estate men nro antici ; pating n greater demand during the 3r BOOBOU just opening than they hnvo had for years. The way it has com menced to open up this winter fully justifies such anticipations. A lively movement in town lots and other oity property is certain to follow nud some largo nud interesting deals are certain to be experienced. There nro a largo number of children in Norfolk , mainly boys , who are nog- looting school , nud their parents nro evi dently not urging them to improve their opportunities. Some of them nro be yond the reach of truant law , but there is n moral law which should nrgo both children nnd parents to take advantage of the schools to secure nt least n smat tering of the rudiments of education , Many boys , scarcely nblo to rend or write , nro permitted to roam the streets and grow up in ignorance , or if they gain knowledge it will bo of such n character that it will bo harmful rather than beueflcinl to them in nfter Hfo The schools are free. Sometimes the duties are onerous , but the parents will have much to answer for if they do not arge uttondnnco but permit their sons and daughters to grow up in ignorance. i - The officers in Now York are likewise making a teat of a few cases to learn whether or not milliners and deportment stores can bo permitted to soil the wings and bodies of birds without being an swerable to the state laws made to pro Tout the destruction of song and in pootivorons birds. No doubt millions of beautiful songsteis nnd insect destroy ing birds are slaughtered each year to decorate the hats worn by women. Like the liquor trafilio this evil should bo attacked at the root , which is desire sire for display and flnory on the par' ' of the women. While the women are engaged in regulating the men'e appetite tite for red liquor , might it not be al lowable for the men to protest agalns fchelr taste for feathers and bird oar casaes , a taste that results in so much cruelty , nnd destruction of the boantifn and valuable little feathered creatures .If Norfolk business men and citizen decide that the oity can afford to under take the entertainment of the stnt firemen's tournament there will bo n. question but that the city will be lively An entertainment lasting a few days o a week that will attract the pleasure seeking pnblio to the oity is one thlni that has been locking to fill out th prospects for the season and a firemen' tournament would unquestionably b just the thing. With the building of i $100,000 pnblio building , the prospect of reconstructing the hospital for the insane , the installation of a free delivery of mall system in the city , the prospoo that several now rural mail routes vril bo established , a firemen's tourniunou to entertain , a number of contemplate , pnblio nnd private improvements in th business and residence portion of tin. city , the installation of another tele phoue system and other matters roqulr ing a large number of workers , there is no reason at all to doubt that Norfol > vill be the liveliest town in the stat for its "Izo. It just noodfl the flromon'n tournament to complete the program nnd thn people will undoubtedly see thnt nnch u bid li not permitted to go begging. WANT STANDARD FOR 8ILVER. China and Mexico Seek Co-operation of United States. Washington , Jan. 30. President lloosovoll yesterday sent the following mosnnco to congress : " 1 transmit herewith n report from the Bocrotary of Btato , with accompanying notes from the Mexican ambassador and the Chlnesu charge ) d'affaires , In which they seek the co-oporatlon of the United States In such measures as will tend to roHtoro and maintain a flxcd relationship between the moneys of the gold standard countries and the silver using countries. I recommend that the oxooutlvo bo given sufficient power to loud the impport of the Unit ed States , In such manner and to ouch degree as ho may doom expedient to the purposca of the two govern ments. " The mcBunRO wau referred to the committee on finance. In his communication , Secretary Hay snyR ! "It is not udkcd that the United States modify Its monetary Bystomn nnd It Is distinctly dlnavowod thnt any movement Is contemplated for the restoration of International bimetal lism. The opinion In expressed , how ever , by the representatives of both governments that continuation be tween the United States and European powers having dependencies In the Orient nnd such countries where silver money Is Ih uno , may result In the adoption of n monetary system which will prevent the great fluctua * tlonR In exchange which now occur In trade with the silver unlng countries. " Minority Report on Anti-Trust Bill. Washington , Jnn. 30. A minority re port was submitted to the house by ho Democratic members of the house udlclary committee on the anti-trust jlll , recently reported by the commit- oo. The views of the minority are inbmlttod at considerable length , rhoy propone an amendment which will mnko the bill applicable In Us op- jratlons to existing corporations , as ivell as to those organized In the fut- ire , and will deny all corporations delating the Sherman anti-trust law ho uno of the malls , telegraph and olophono systems , as well as the oth- facilities of Interstate commerce specified In the bill reported. Another imondmont proposed to make watered stock grounds for declaring a corpora tion bankrupt WOOD TALKS TO KANSANS. Funston and Other Distinguished Men at Topeka Banquet. Topeka , Kau. , Jan. 30. The fcaturo of the banquet of the Kansas Day club hero last night , celebrating the forty- second anniversary of the admission of Kansas Into the Union , was the ad- drcBB by General Leonard Wood. Ills Bubjcct was "Reciprocity , " nnd the ad dress consisted of an exposition of the needs of Cuba and the duty of the United States toward the Island. Gen eral Wood urged roclpro y because Cuba has bcon promised such treat ment nt the hands of this country , and also because help given to the Island now , at the Inception of tta EOT- ornmont , would go a long way toward removing the possibility of all future complications. General Frederick Funston , com mander of the Department of the Col orado , was present. General Funston refused to make an address , but thanked the members of the club for their greeting and expressed pleasure at being again In Kansas. The toastmaster was William Allen White of Emporia , president of the club. Three hundred leading Repub licans had places at the banquet tables. A reception by the governor and state officers was given General Wood and Gcnornl Funston was ontortalnod at dinner at the residence of J. W , Gleod. He Bald that ho would not be surprised If ho wore ordered back to the Philippines before long. Ho baa recovered from all his wounds , ho says , and cnn well endure active serv ice for a while. LEVI ANKENY IS ELECTED. Formally Declared Senator From the State of Washington. Olympla , Wash. , Jan. 30. On the thirteenth joint ballot yesterday Levl Ankony of Walla Walla was elected to succeed George Turner ( Dom. ) In the United States senate. Twenty- three of the Republicans who did not Join the general caucus acquiesced in the result and cast their votes for Mr. Ankeny , Thirteen , however , declined to accept the caucus choice. They were all railroad commission men. Nearly every one of the Republicans who refused to vote for Ankeny "ex plained his vote , " and bitterness was shown by several members of the King county delegation ngnlnst the ones who broke the Ankeny caucus agreement. Fire in a Soap Factory , Now York , Jan. 30. Fire In the four-fitory factory of the Stanley Soap company , 650 West Thirtieth street , burned out three floors. The lumber yard of Robert Wyck , In the rear , was damaged , . Victor Relche , night en gineer of the factory , rushed Into the building to got some money and clothes. He was uuffocatod. Total loei , $60,000. at the Altar , Tesa-fihe's traveling under an a * Eumed name now. JCBB-YOU don't say ! What Is It ? Teas Her husband's. She was mar tied yesterday. Exchange. House Begins Consideration of Postofficc Measure. WOULD WEED OUT OFFICERS. benator MoLaurln Urges Adoption of the Rawllna Resolution Senate Committee Makes Many Changes In the Army Bill. Washington , Jan. 30. The house passed the Indian appropriation bill and began consideration of the pool- office bill. Ilurton ( Rep. , O. ) contin ued hlfl criticism of the extravagant Items of the Indian bill to the end , but Uls three days' attack on the bill was not productive of many reductions. Patterson ( Dem. , Tonn. ) took advan tage of the latitude allowed In general debate on the postoffico bill to make a cot speech for an hour and a half on the question. Reid ( Dom. , Ark. ) spoke on good roads. The confereen of the department of commerce bill wore named Just RB the houfle adjourned. In the senate McLaurln ( Miss. ) urged the adoption of the Rawllns resolution , calling on the secretary of war for the evidence In certain courtu- martlal cases In the Philippines on the ground that the officers of the army , In a number of Instances , had brutally treated Filipino men nnd women and he wanted them weeded out of the army. Just before the sen ate adjourned Foraker ( O. ) took occa sion to say that the proposition of Sen ator Quay to tack the statehood bill on on appropriation bill was not ex traordinary. Legislation had been placed on appropriation bills before by the Bonate. gjuxit. JTSVJ jSuVT"- * " * " * Old Wnihlngion Cuotqm. Arwirillnir in nnclnnt nnd established usage , United States senators send out small envelopes containing their cards nt the beginning of every session , nnd the dainty little missives nre distrib uted through the senate postolllce. This custom dates back beyond the memory of any living senator , nnd oven beyond the bounds of official record. National Magazine. Unit Touched'the Limit. Short I figured up the other day that I owed my friends nearly $3,000. Long What are you going to do about It ? Short That's what puzzles me. 1 can't think of nuy one else wh6 will lend mo money. Chicago News. Salted Them Hotter. First Youth Tlmt was n great trag edy , wasn't U ? Did you take your par ents to see It ? Second Youth Oh , no ; they nro too old for thnt sort of thing. They went to n farce comedy. Life. There Is a German proverb which says thnt Tnke It Easy nud Live Long nro brothers. Not Hcndy. An editor , replying to certain rumors us to his financial condition , says : "Tho statement thnt we are nbout to f n 11 la * t lMir nf frtitiwlnllnnVn linvon't money enough for thnt not yetP- Atlanta Constitution. State of Ohio , Oity of Toledo , Lucas county. ss : Frank J. Oheney makes oath thnt ho is senior portlier of th" firm of F. J. Ohouey & Co. , doing busi ness in the oity of Toledo , county and state aforesaid , and that said firm will day the sum of $100 for each and every case of oatarrah thnt cannot bo cured by the use of Hall's Oatarrah onro. FRANK ! CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence , this Cth day of December , A. D-1830. A. W. GLBASON. [ BRAL ! Notary Pnblio. Hall's Oatarrah euro is taken inter nally , and acts directly on the blood and mucus surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials , free. P. J. CHENEY & Co , Totedo , Ohio. Sold by nil druggists , 75 cents. Hall's Family pills are the best. To Cure a Cold In One Day. Take Laxative Brome Quinine Tab lets. This signature on every box , 25 cents. AN EXTRACT FROM HER LETTER. A Country of Sunshine and Roses the Whole Year Through. "If yon could only be here this winter morning and. see for yourself , you would no longer doubt mo. Roses are blooming in onr front yard , nud all nature is as far advanced in this lovely American snmmerland as it will bo in your cold eastern homo by Juno. "We made the trip from Omaha to California via the Union Pacific to avoid the detour routes. "As less time is consumed on the Union Pacific in reaching your desti nation , there are fewer incidental ex- pouees en route. "If you want to reach California without suffering any of the inconven iences of winter travel , bo sure your ticket reads over thq Union Pacific. It is the only line running through trains from Omaua ( competing roods have just ono car , going over four or five different lines once a day , only ) . The Uuion Pacific runs three through trains oyery day to the Pacific coast from the Missouri river. Wo rode on that great California train , 'Tho Overland Limi ted , ' which surpasses any train travers ing the American continent. " Pamphlets and maps describing the Wonders of California , nnd full information mation about the most comfortable and llreot route to the Pacific coast , can bo obtained by calling on or addressing J. B , Klsolfor , agent Union Pacific rai ! road , nt Norfolk Nob. Estlmato of Expenses. Following Is the estimate of expenses H made by the county commissioners of Madison county for the year 1008 : County institute $ 125 00 County road 10,00000 County printing 1,000 00 County attorney salary 050 00 Care of paupers , 8,000 00 Fuel , postage and expenses. . . 1,500 00 Books , stationery and supplies 1,800 00 Election expenses a,500 00 Assessors' pay nnd mileage . . . U,000 00 Soldiers' relief fund 1,000 00 Poor form expenses ' 1,500 00 Oounty superintendent salary 1,400 00 County bridge lund 15,000 00 County clerk's salary na olork of board 000 00 Commit ( donors' pay and mile age 2,50000 Bounty on wild animals 1,000 00 Jailors'foes 1,200 00 Janitors' salary nnd assistants to county officers 3,500 00 District court and jurors. . . / . 8,500 00 Insane fund 1,500 00 Rlprapping on streams 2,000 00 Aid to agricultural society. . . . 700 00 Furniture and ropnira on court house , insurance on county jail nnd court build ings 1,50000 Interest qn court house bonds between Madison and Union pit oincts 600 00 Sinking fund for same 400 00 Battle Creek village jail bonds and interest 15000 EHIL WHITER , County Olork. M. E. SPAULDING , DEALER IN TELEPHONE : : NO. 33 L. L. REMBE , PLUMBER. Steam and Hot Water Heating. First door''South of Hews Office. THE W. 0. HALL BARBER SHOP 330 NORFOLK AVENUE. Having purchased the W. O. Hall barber shop , I am hero to stay and will endeavor to treat people so that Ivl \ merit their patronage. We will do first- class work and run a clean , up to date shop , Among the inducements that brought mo to Norfolk was a letter from Mr. Hall , under date of Deo. 21 , which l < rPlilH alirm IB wnrMi rrmrA tlnm I ask yon for it , I want to quit the business. I wouldn't sell at all f I was going to htay in the business. " With this nssnrance that I was buying and paying fur the good will of thn business as well as the fixtures , any fair minded man will agree that I am en titled to hia trade if I can please them. C. J. REED. i may be leased by private parties at any , time for reasonable prices. Ladies wel come at any time. N. E. WILKINSON & SON. AUDITORIUM A. B. BEALL , Owner. GEO. H. SPEAR , Resident Manager. FRIDAY. . . | f | . . .JANUARY UU THE BEST OP SWEDISH DIALECT COMEDIANS BEN HENDRiCKS And an Excellent Company of Players Including the Famous Original SWEDISH LADIES QUARTETTE Direct From Stockholm , Sweden , In the Time Tried and Ever Popular COMEDY DRAMA OLE OLSON Filled to the Brim with Roaring Com edy Sceus. Touches of Heart In- terest. Brilliant Specialties. Prices , 35c , 50c and 75a I. A. LU1KAUT , PBCSIDRNT. W , H , JOHNHON , OAHIUBB. I11AO. B. imiUOK , VICB PRWIDBHT. LEO I'ASKWALK , ABB'T CABBIB * The Citizens National Bank. Capital , $50,000. Surplus , 810,000. Boy and sell eichaniro on this country and all part * of Europe , Farm Loani. . A. LUIHABT. T. P MHMMINORB. * L. SESSIONS. ' ' Railroad and Business Directory. H b C * * H- Hc o o COz COI 0) . R. TIMETABLE. Fremont , Elkhorn & Mo. Valley . - . JU.8TV , DMA T. Omaha Paaioiwor , etflam Chicago RzpreM .12:10 : pro ABT. ABB1TK. Chlon/fo Kxprons 7:30 p m Omaha Paiaunger 12:40 p m WEST. mu-AttT. Dlaolc Uillo n'lpreen 7SOpm Vordlgro I'aaaongor. . . 12:40p tn Vordluro Accommodation 8:30nm WBST. ABB1TB. Dlaolc llllls Exprcee IZrtOp m Vortllgro Paaiongor 6:08 a m Vordlgro Accommodation 7:10pm : The Chicago and Black Hilla KxprfiM arrivoe and departs from Junction depot. Tbo Omaha nnd Vordlgro train * arrive and depart from cltjr depot. U. U. MATBAD , Agent. Union Pacific. BOOTH. DEPART. Colnmbns Accommodation S.OOpm Omaha , Donrorand PaclfloUoa t..llOOa m NORTH. ABBITB Oolnmbaa Accommodation . . .11:45am : Omaha , Wcnyerand Pacificcoaat 9:00 pm Connect * at Norfolk with F. , E A M. V. going west and north , and with the 0. Bt. P. II , & O. for points north and eait. J , B. KLBEFTBB , Agent. Chicago , St. Paul , Minneapolis & Omaha. BABT. DKPABT. Sloni City and Omaha Paaiengor. . . . 0:30 am Bionz OHyPasaongor ItOOpm WBST. ABRIVB. Slonx Olty PaMdnger lOr&Oatn Bioux City and Omaha Passenger./ . . . . 7:25 p m Connects at Norfolk with F. , B. A U. V. going west and north , and with the D. F. for point * aonth. J. B. BLBBTTBB , Agent. Daily ozoept Bandar. NOW BEADY1 The Many Advontureslof FOXY GRANDPA Including all the merry pictures con tained in the two volumes , entitled "Adventures of Foxy Grandpa" and "FurtherAdventures ot Foxy Grand- pa. " Mr. SchnltZQimtd ( to me one day at lunch : ' 'What do yon think of a-eerles of comic drawings dealing w.th a grand father and hie tuoRrnnd < oiiB ? " "Lot tbo Brfludfatl'orbo ' the clover ono of the trio. In most of the other cases the young folk have boon smarter than the old people noon whom they played thnir jokes. Lot's reverse it. " The next morning he came to my of- flco with sketches for half a dozen series , and with the name "Foxy Grand- pa" inhishoad. The success of the series in the New York Herald was instantaneous , for who h'jft not hoard ot "Foxy Grandpa" and "Uunny ? " The jolly old prentleman , dear to grown people ns wollaa children , might almost bo called the Mr. Pickwick of cornio pictures. pictures.EDWARD MARSHALL. To Grandfathers Who Are And To 'I hoc o Who Are To Be. I Merrily Dedicate This look. ) "BUNNY. " Sent postage paid on receipt of ONE DULLAU in currency or postal orders nocheoxs received. L. E. HAMERSLEY CO. 40 Wall Street , New York. T H Hi -fatern Line F. E.&M.V. R. R. is the best to and from the great SUGAR BEETj FIELDS of North Nebraska. Proper Study of Man kind is Man. " The proper way to secure cus tomers is to talk directly to them. We are looking for new customers ( or our advertising space. It is what we have to sell. We know it is good. It Is worth all that we ask for It and more If there Is any per son in this community who has anything to sell , who has any need that isn't suppl'ed.we ' want him to use these columns. Tell the story here. Tell it simply and directly. Hun dreds will see It and read It If your goods are salable and your wants reasonable your communication will receive attention. J.B.HERMANN , lootfaetop and Builder H7FMrth Street. . M. E. SPAULDINQ , Flour and Feed 411 Norfolk Avonne. Cheapest and Best. Norfolk Avenue J.W.EDWARDS ALL \VOBK GUABANTBKD. k > r. Braasob ate and 1th 8t , jThe CALIFORNIA with'its lovely seaside resorts , orange groves , beautiful gardens dons and quaint old mission towns id visited every year by thousands of tourists who travel over the Union Pacific , because it is the best and quickest - est route and the ONLY LINK runninpTimouan TRAINS from OMAHA to CALIFORNIA. It is alsotho oulyliue running four personally conducted excnrtions to Oalif ornia from Missouri River every week. These Excursions can be joined at any point en route . . . Full information cheerfully fur nished on application to J.sB. ELSEPFER , Agent. I Wide Awake. . . . . I , BUGHHDLX 4 BO , All Kinds of 'Gents' Furnishings - = = , - . . . . Strictly Up-to-Date PRICES RIGHT GIVE JJ3 A CALL. JR. N. J. HOAGLAND , Oiteopathlc Physician. Dis ases both acnta and chronic soooeeafoll * treated without u5 of drn * or knife/ Phone No. P 84. Offlcejat residence , 109 NorthflOth Street , Norfolt . . . Nebraska &BELL , Undertakers nnd Embalmers , Seeiiont Blk. , Norfolk Ave. Norfolk. . Nebraska [ ) R. BERTHA AHLMAtf , PHYSICIAN Phone 107. for Ladies and Children Per Plumbing , Steam Fittine , Poops , Ta'nh Wind Jlills And all work in thle line call oa STITT & WHITE. ] Satisfaction Qnaranteed. v * Pint door West of Ahlman'a DleyolecBhop. ( > ae orders at Telenhonn n Ml. V Sale Hart Miller OSTEOPflTHlC PHYSICIfljl. 1 Graduate of American School of Oateo- t pathy , under founder of the Boionoe. Residence and office , 807 Madison Ave. Hours irom 0 a.m to 4 p. m. MILLARD GREEN , DRBY and TRBNSFER LINE Piano Moving a Specialty. Phone 58. Calls Promptly Answers ! .