The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, January 23, 1903, Page 3, Image 3

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There is no test like the test of
time. Cures everything that can
be cured by a Perfect , Penetrating
Liniment. Good for Han or Beast.
One small bottle of Mexican Tlus-
tang Liniment will effect a cure when
a gallon of the watery compounds
sold as liniment would have no result
It is money thrown away to buy them
German Warships Bombard
Venezuelan Fort.
Venezuelan Gunners Reply With Great
, Rapidity Till Village Catches Alight
i From German Shells Engagement
Lasts for Three Hours.
Maracaibo , Venezuela , Jan. 22.
.Three German warships , supposed to
lie the Panther , Vlnota and Falko , un
der command of Commodore Scheder ,
began shelling the fort of San Carlos at
10:30 : o'clock yesterday morning. The
fort returned the fire. The engage
ment was In progress at 1 o'clock In
the afternoon.
The correspondent of the Associated
Press , In a rowboat , approached to
within three miles of the fort at noon.
The roar of thp guns was terrific. The
f >
Panther appeared to be not more than
GOO yards from the fort. Her guns
were being fired every minute. The
fort could not be seen for the clouds of
nmoke , but It was plain that the Vene-
Euelan gunners w.ere answering the
Gorman flro splendidly and with great
At 1 o'clock In the afternoon an ex
plosion occurred , apparently in the
fort , and a cloud of smoke covered a
part of the ramparts. A number of
Indian fishermen were intercepted ,
fleeing from the direction of the fort
in their canoes. They reported that
the smoke seen was from the burning
Tillage of San Carlos , which had been
shelled by the German ships and was
In flnmpR.
The shelling of San Carlos has cre
ated much excitement among the Ger
man residents of this port , who have
protested against the action of the
Rebels Repulsed at Coro.
Caracas , Jan. 22. The revolutionary
force under General Rlera , which at
tacked Core Monday , was obliged to
retreat , leaving thirty men killed and
115 wounded behind , as well as many
prisoners and a considerable amount
of arms and baggage In the hands of
the government forces. General Rlera ,
who showed great personal bravery , Is
reported wounded In the leg. He Is
now fleeing In the direction of Para-
cuayana and will probably embark for
Curacao. The government lost ten
men killed. The houses In Core are
a riddled with bullets. The victory of
the government at Core Is held up here
as proof that the revolution is far
from as successful as It Is reported
from Wlllemstad , where the revolu
tionary headquarters are.
National League Magnates Finally
Adopt Agreement.
Cincinnati , Jan. 22. The Joint peace
agreement was unanimously agreed to
by the National Baseball league at 2
o'clock this morning.
When the meeting adjourned , It
was announced that both the majority
and minority reports had been dis
posed of and copies of the same
placed on file. The following , offered
by Mr. Roblson , and seconded by Mr.
Herrman , was unanimously adopted :
"Resolved , That the agreement
heretofore entered Into between a
committee of this league and a com
mittee of the American league , which
Is commonly known as the peace
agreement , and which agreement Is
herewith attached , be and the same la
hereby ratified and adopted and or
dered spread upon the minutes of this
moetine. "
Trial of Colonel Arthur Lynch Begins
In English Court.
London , Jun. 22. Tim trial of Col
onel Arthur Lynch , member of parlia
ment for Qnlway , on the charge of
treaBon , by aiding and abetting ( lic
king's and the late quocn'H enemies
during the war In South Africa , accordIng -
Ing to one unique sentence of the ar
raignment , "being moved and seduced
thereto by the Instigation of the dev
il. " commenced yesterday before Lord
Chief Justice Lord Alvorstone , and two
other justices. The prisoner pleaded
not guilty.
Upwards of sixty years have elapsed
since a treason trial has been held in
London. Unusual interest Is talccn In
the present case. The court room was
crowded , many women , including Mrs.
Lynch , being among those present.
Colonel Lynch was present and care
worn , but he stood in the dock com
posedly listening to the lengthy in
dictment , which occupied nearly an
hour in reading.
Drawing , quartering and beheading
accompanied the death penalty for
treason until 1870 , wl\cn this was abel
ished. The death penalty , however ,
The attorney general , Sir Robert
Flnlay , opened the case , reciting the
alleged treasonable acts as fully re
ported at the preliminary hearing.
Witnesses Say That is the Reason
Why the Natives Were Killed.
Manila , Jan. 22. In the Major Glenn
court-martial Frank Remar and Harry
Prescott , the civilian scouts , who
commanded the detachment which
killed the native guides In Samar , tcs
tifled. The witnesses said that the
guides tried to escape and that thej
ordered them to be killed. Washing
ton Corn , a scout , corroborated Re-
mar's evidence. All the witnesses
testified that Major Glenn did nol
order the execution of the guides.
The prosecution showed that the
testimony of Corn and Remar conflict
ed with that given before the inspect
or general. The testimony closed to
day and the arguments will be heard
In Plague-Stricken Mazatlan.
Mexico City , Jan. 22. Reports re
ceived here say the life of the pooi
people of Mazatlan presents many her
rlblo features. Unable to leave the
city and without employment , they
dailv throne the streets and watch
patients being carried to the hos
pital. Nightly crowds of panic-stricken
men and women gather In the streets
to watch the burning of houses in
which cases of plague have occurred.
The official bulletin reports for yes
terday shows six deaths and six new
Uses"the Formaline Cure.
St. Louis , Jan. 22. As a last resort
In an effort to save the life of Mrs.
Clara Garrett , Dr. Walter Dorsey last
night began the use of formaline for
the stopping of blood poisoning , re
cently successfully applied by Dr. C.
C. Barrows of Bellevue hospital. A
marked improvement Is noted in the
condition of Mrs. Garrett , who was
near death's door. . ' . . .
* r . . " " " " > " Til. HIT'
President Bryan Installed.
Bloomlngton , Ind. , Jan. 22. William
Lowe Bryan Ph. D. , was yesterday aft
ernoon installed as president of In
diana university. An address wan de
livered by W. H. P. Faunco , president
of Brown university. Then followed
the Installation of President Bryan by
Chief Justice Hadley of the Indiana
supreme court.
Steamer Damaged by Fire.
Havre , Jan. 22. The French line
steamer La Touraine , which arrived
at Havre from New York , is on flro.
It is hoped that the bulk of the cargo
will be saved. The fire , which broke
out at 12:30 : , raged with great fierce
ness , destroying the cabins and spread
to the holds beforexit was gotten un
der control.
Explosion Shakes a Town.
Whitman , Mass. , Jan. 22. Two fls-
Bures In the earth about three feet
deep And a few Inches wide and run *
nlng for a distance of a quarter of a
mile , are the only evidence of a mys
terious explosion which shook tlila
town just before daybreak. An ex
planation of the explosion Is lacking
Only Democrats Attend Joint
Session in Colorado.
Teller Gets Forty-five Votes for Sena
tor , Six Less Than Number Needed
to Elect Republicans In Both
Houses Stay Out.
Denver Jan. 22. A joint session of
the two branches of the general assem
bly for the election of a United States
senator was held yesterday , but only
DomoniUlc members participated ,
and there was no election. After con
curring In adjournment of the house
until Friday , the Democratic represen
tatives proceeded to the senate cham
ber , where the joint session was
called to order by Senator Adams ,
president pro torn , of the senate.
There were present twenty-six sena
tors and twenty-five representatives , a
total of fifty-one , which Is the numbei
required to elect a senator. Three
Republican senators were In the cham
ber during the session , but withdrew
before a ballot was taken. Senator
McGuire , a Democrat , also retired
after the joint session had refused to
excuse him from voting , leaving only
fifty members present. Several mem
bers objected to the proceedings on
the ground that the joint session was
irregular , and five Democrats , bcsldo
McGuire , refused to vote for senator.
On the joint ballot forty-five votes
were cast , all being for Henry M. Tel
There were rumors of war and
plenty of warlike preparations at the
state house last night. The story
gained currency that a body of armed
men was hidden somewhere in the
state house with the purpose of seiz
ing the chamber of the house of rep
resentatives and holding it In the In
terest of one of the senatorial candi
Stanley and Boweraock Withdraw
From Kansas Senatorial Race.
Topeka , Kan. , Jan. 22. The Repub
lican legislative caucus took three
ballots on United States senator last
night without result. Following la
the vote : Long , 44 ; Curtis , 30 ; Stanley -
ley , 29 ; Calderhead , 12 ; Boweraock , G.
After the caucus ex-Governor W. 13.
Stanley withdrew from the senatorial
contest. Following the withdrawal
of ex-Governor Stanley developments
came thick and fast , and the outcome
probably means the election of Con
gressman C. I. Long as senator. As
soon as the news of Stanley's with
drawal was known , Congressman Bow-
ersock immediately got out of the
race , letting his supporters go where
they would. Then twenty-nine of the
Stanley men got together and pledged
themselves to vote for Long. This
gTves Long seventy-five votes In the
Republican caucus , or ten more than
enough to cloct.
Assets Consist of Ten Cents.
Jacksonville , Tex. , Jan. 22. United
States Marshal Eason yesterday came
here and took charge of the Fleager &
Son's bank , which has suspended pay-
ment. He stated that the cash assets
found consist of 10 cents. There was
no negotiable paper left in the safe.
A number of notes which have been
oent here for collection are alleged by
the men whose names appear thereon
to be forgeries.
Big Elevator Burns.
McGregor , la. , Jan. 22. Fire here
yesterday destroyed the fine elevator
of the Spencer Grain company of Mln-
neapolls and the Hutting & Gllchrlst
grain warehouse , with 92,700 bushels
of grain. Foreman Davidson was se
riously and probably fatally Injured by
the explosion of the boiler In the ele
vator. The estimated loss is $100,000 ,
nearly covered by Insurance.
Steamer Seaboard on the Rocks.
Newport , R. I. , Jan. 22. The steamer -
er Seaboard of the Joy line put Into
Dutch Island harbor yesterday owing
to thick and heavy weather and In try.
ing to make an anchorage ran upon
the rack * on the south end of the island -
and , The steamer was so badly dam-
Bged that she will probably bo a total
Kenyan T < Is Interstate Commission
Chicago Is Aided by Railroads.
Chicago , .Ian. 22. Representatives
of live Htock IntoruHtH of Omaha , St.
Jonopli and Sioux City took turns yes-
tnnlay In tolling the Interstate com
merce commission how , In their opin
ion , Chicago Is favored In rates and
In train service over thcso cities.
W. J. C. Kenyan , manager of the
South Omahii stock yaids , testified
that If stock trains maintained the
same rntn of speed used from Cumber
land to Omaha In going from Omaha
to Chicago , tliu time between the lat
ter point H would ho thirty-eight hours ,
Instead of twenty-three , as at present.
Shippers to Omaha were further
hampered by trains arriving In that
city In the afternoon Instead of In the
favored hours of the morning. Mr.
Kenyan stated that figures showed
that shipments to Chicago had not dc
creased and he knew of no conditions
which required a change of the former
relative ra.tes between live stock and
the manufactured goods.
If the hearing results in a decision
that thnro should bo a reduction In
the rates on live stock from Missouri
river territory to Chicago , the rail
roads may be compelled to meet a num
ber of claims for the difference be
tween the rate as decided upon and
that which baa been charged. These
claims , If they are ( lied by all of the
shippers who have paid or may here
after pay the higher rate , will amount
to millions of dollars. _ _
Ankeny In the Lead.
Olympla , Wash. , Jan. 22. Lovl An-
kcny gained two votes on the ballot
for United States senator yesterday ,
but he still Is nineteen votes short
of an election. Harold Preston. An-
kcny's closest competitor , gained one
vote yesterday , though thcso slight
gains were expected , and consequently
have but little significance.
Spears Defeats Ryle.
Minneapolis , Jan. 22. George
Spears of this city last evening de
feated William Rylo of Kansas City
in a billiard match for a purse of
fl.OOO. At no stage of the play wag
Rylo able to cope with the Minneap
olis man.
A hcadon collision occurred betweet
two Santa Fo freight trains near Sai
Bernardino , Cal. , Wednesday. Con
ductor Stewart and Fireman Docket
were killed. '
It Is announced that the Orient Rail
road company will complete Its brldgo
over the Salt Fork river , In western
Oklahoma , and run trains Into Chero
kee , Okla. , by Feb. 15.
Dr. J. M. B. Ward of Philadelphia
assistant quarantine physician , fel
through an open hatchway and was
killed Wednesday on board the Danish
steamer Euxlnla , which he was in
Judge Augustus C. Baldwlh , who
represented the old Fifth Michigan
district In the thirty-eighth congress
1863-04 , died at his home In Pontlac
Wednesday. Ho was eighty-seven
years of age.
Joe Goddard , the pugilist , who was
shot at the Republican primaries In
Camden county. New Jersey , July last
died Wednesday. Goddard , it is al
legcd , was In charge of a gang of Phil
adelphla repeaters.
The residence of Archbishop Elder
at Cincinnati was entered by burglars
Wednesday and a quantity of clothing
and $300 worth of silver wore stolen
They failed to reach a safe containing
considerable money.
The executive council of the Amer
lean Federation of Labor Tuesday au
thorlzed President Gompers to proceed
to Porto Rico to Investigate labor con
ditlons In the Island and aid the wage
workers In organizing.
Matthew A. Cleary , city clerk , and
Richard Buckley , a blacksmith
fought a pistol duel In front 01
Clcary's saloon at East St. Louis Wed
ncsday night and both were fatally
wounded. Cleary and Buckley had
quarreled several times.
The jury In the case of Rov. Marlon
Lane , also known as Jean Skylcs
charged with bigamy , returned a ver
dict of guilty Wednesday. Ho was
one of the most learned thcologtclans
and eloquent orators in Mississippi
It was brought out at the trial at Port
Gibson that Skylea had beou married
seven times.
For two generations Mexican MusJ J
tang Liniment (1:15 ( been the standby
the one Sure Remedy of farmers
and stockmen. The more people
know about it the more they swear
by it. It goes to the very core of
pain and drives it. out of the body.
The public believes in it for its posi
tive healing powers. Sold everywhere
t * L i * i i tt Infill..ii * .u liy i * .iu I..nil
The OhlcaKO , St. Paul , Mlimi'upollH
t Omahii railway has for Halo In North-
irn WiHooiiHlu , at low priooH and coxy
terms of payment , about 1150,000 aoroH
of ohoico farm lands.
Early Imyorn will noouro the utlvan
ugo of locations on the many Ixututlf ul
streams and Inlcos , whloh abound with
IHI ! and fnrnlHh a never ending and
uoat excellent wntor supply , both for
family UHO and for Htook.
Land in Konomlly well timbered , the
Hell fertile and easy of cultivation and
his in rapidly developing Into one of
ho groatoHt flhoup and cattle ruining
regions In the north wont.
Chicago , Milwaukee , St. Paul , Minn-
oupollf ) , Diilnth , Superior , AHhlimd mill
olhor towiiN on "Tho NarthwoHtorn
Lino" furnish good markets for Htook
and farm product ) .
For further pitrtiouliirH addrcRH :
Quo. W. HUM , ,
Land ComininHlonor , HuilHon WiH. , or
AHst. Oon'lPixHH. Ag't.Bt. Paul. Minn.
The Pc-ru-na Almanac.
The clrugglfitB hixvo already boon sup
plied with Parana almunacH. Thorn IH
sure to bo a great doinand for thoHO ixl-
manacH on account of the articles on
aotrology which they contain. The
subject of astrology in a very attractive
ono to most pooplo. The articles on
aHtrology in the I'ennia almamu' luivu
boon furnished by it very competentUH-
trologlst , and the mental olwrnctoristic
of oacli sign it * given , constituting al
most it complete horoscope. A list of
questions mid answers on astrology
sent free upon request. There wjll bu
a great rush for thuso hooka. Ask youi
druggist for ono early , before they arc
all gono.
WANTKD. Faithful ponton to travel
for well established house in a few
counties , calling on retail morohauts and
agents. Local territory. Salary $102- ;
a year and expenses , payable $19.70 r
week iu cash ; and expenses advanced
Position permanent. Business success
fal and running. Standard HOUBO , ! ! ! ! -
Dearborn St. , Chicago.
Itettttr Tlnin u I'lmtter.
A piece of ilunnol dampened will
Chamberlain's Pain Balm and bound 01
the affected parts , la hotter than t
plaster for a lame back and for pains ii
the side or chest. Pain , Balm has m
Huporior us a liniment for the relief ol
deep seated , muscular and rheumatic
pains. For sale by Kiesau Drug Co.
Dotwoon St. Louis anil Kaunas City and
And principal polntH InToxan and UioHnutli-
wtml. Thin train IH nuw throughout nnd lit
innilo tip of HID fluent tsqulmiiiint , provliliul
with oloetrlo llfthtn nnd all ether nindurn
traveling uonvouluuoos. It runs via our now
Red River Division.
Kvory nmillnnco known to moiliirn car
llilltiK anil railroading I" > H liui'ii mnploynil
In the nmko-up ot tliln oorvloo , Including
CaSe Observation Cars ,
umlcir the inimiiRomont of Krocl. Ilnrvujr.
I all Information MM to nil OH mid nil details nl
n trip vln tlilH now ronto will lie uliuurfiilly
furnmliiid , upon application , by tiny ropro-
suntatlvo of the
Anrnno Bonding a ekotrh and description may
quickly uncertain nur opinion free whether an
Invention In probably imloiitnhla. Communion-
tlariimlrlctlycnnUdoiitlHl. HANDBOOK on I'ntenti
tent frcn. Oldest ngencjr fur nocunnir patent * .
I'ateuts taken timiuxh Jlunu A Co. recelre
tptctat notice , without ctianio , lu the
Scientific Hmericam
A handsomely Illnntratcd weekly. Jjirecat cir
culation of any HClontldo journal. Terms , t3 a
ronr : four tuoiilua , < L Bold Lrall newsdealer * .
MUNN & Co.3"- - " ' " . New York
llranch orflco. OS V BU Washington. I ) , C.
Fall Term Opens Sept. I.
Catalog Free.
17th and Douglas Sts.
Ceiuiei of fltudy R rn1 r Bnttnm , Combined , Preparatory , Normal , Shorthand , Typewriting.
Telegraphy. Ptnmtnihlp , Pan-Act , Kloeillon , Oratory and Pbrilcal Cnllura.
Advantages College Band , Collere Orcheitra , Board of Trade. Printing Office , Literary Social *
Lecture Courn , Law School , Public BmerlalnmenU and Athletics.
Work for Board Any itndent can work for board. Addrrti :
Catalog Our new Illnttrated free to any on a. ROHRBOUGH BROS. . OMAHA.
That \ve are constantly growing in the art of
making Fine Photos , and our products will al
ways be found to embrace the
and Newest Styles in Cards and Finish. We also
carry a fine line of Moldings suitable for all
kinds of framing.
Arc n Positive Cure for Indigestion ,
Constipation , Fcnvcrs , Foul ntiilweak
Stomachs. A noted doctor of Chicngo
stated tlmt he believed n 50c. box of
Slocum's Worm Cake would give
more relief than $ .r > 0 worth of ordinary
doctor's fees. Price SOcts. by mail
ony- | R , v. SLOCUM
725 W. North Avenue , Chicago , III.