The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, January 16, 1903, Page 10, Image 10

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    10 , THE N011FOLK NEWS : PRJDAY , JANUARY 16 , 1903.
The flottf o
W. N. UUB1C. I'ubllaiior.
llUtnblUhtil , 1 S7.
? * n day * ioAit Hniulftjr , Ilr currier | > r
* tk , It e nti , Hr mall ir year , 10.00.
Tb N wtMlnnlUhiMl , 1NM.
Tim Jonrnnl , eaUblUliod 1871
'Kttrj Frldoii Hr mall per rear , $1.W.
Sntir l nt tin I'oitollloe at Norfolk , Neb , , at
-ttooml elan matter ,
TaltphonMi KtlUnrlnl DenartmNit , No. SJ |
! ' UniloMi Ollloi and Job fioomi , No. SU ,
The wind is tempered to the conllcsH
stove. .
It is now disclosed that n considerable
quantity of coal has boon placed in oars
ami Inbolod wheat to escape the vigilance
of citizens having coal bins with nn ex.
prcflsivo void.
It lnquio ! the fad in the cast for
courts to dlHolwrgo prisoners who are
licensed of stealing coal. It Is probable
that if the situation remains the same
for n time there will bo such n plou as
"jtiHtillablo stealing" inaugurated.
If only Komo of the hot editorials
directed agalnnt the coal monopoly
could bo available instead of coal the
situation would bo somewhat rollovod ,
but the trouble in that they nro Intended
to make the people hot who have nn
nbundanco of fuel. Perhaps they become -
como BO warm that they 'think tbo
people do not need ftiol.
Sliico HOBS Hammond has severed
connections with Uncle Sum's post-
oflleo department , "Iliuulom Shots"
are again appearing regularly in the
Fremont Trlbnno , and are undoubtedly
welcomed back by the readers of that
paper , as they deserve to bo. After n
"rest" of several years , they are more
accurately aimed toward the bull's eye
than ever.
Fremont has nbont deckled that the
water consumers of that city , of all
kinds mid callings , shall USD wntor ac
cordingly to the motor rnto. It is the
fairoHt sort of proposition it is pOBBibh
to make between the city and its wntor
customers. In that way the pcoplo pay
for what they got and got what they
pay for , which is very reasonable to all
Hayomoyor , the sugar refining trust
mngunto , criticises President KooHovolt
on hi uttltudo regarding the trust ques
tion , which is just the sort of criticism
tlmtjvvill bind the people moro closely to
their president. Ho war not elected to
servo the trusts and tbo voters will bo
glad to know that ho has docitlod to
prefer the enmity of sorno of the trust
magnates in preference to that of the
The Gorman govoinuiout oilloially
douioH tlmt it is anxious to control n
canal across the American isthmus.
All governments that will bouotlt by
tbo construction of such u canal are
anxiously awaiting the action of this
government , to which is ooucodod all
the rights and privileges of the
undertaking , unless it bo the small
countries immediately adjoining the
Perhaps no subject has furnished a
greater amount of eormou , lecture and
moral than "gossip. " Yet will people
continue to discuss tholr "friends" and
neighbors frequently with ignorance
and malice regardless of what they
know the results of their conversations
may bo. Straugo as it may appear ,
BOUIO of the people who pretend to
greater goodness and charity than many
of their brothers and sisters , aroafllioted
with this habit ovornbnndantly and do
not attempt to correct the evil.
The Atohison Glebe Bays : "If you
thiuk it easy to run a newspaper ask
the first 20 men you moot if they know
anything now. " Not only that , bul
continue to make the same sort of in
quiry , day after day , for years and
ynars , and if you are successful in
gathering something really now each
dt y for say ft period of five years
you may consider that you nro fit to
enter the newspaper field and run a llvo
A Michigan farmer has issnod 1,000
tickets and proposes to rafllo himself off
as n hut-baud to the lady holding the
unlucky number , at 25 couts a chance
Ho has probably read in the comio
papers that unmarried women are so
nnxions to become married that they
will resort to almost any device to at
tend their desiro. Ho will perhaps
learn that there is a point to the joke
when his tickets go bogging for cus
tomers , as it is presumed they will
Then ) are many men who are convinced
the that woman are not anxious to as
sumocan s and duties of a household , a
least as far as their experienced goos.
The Wayne Democrat man has an expressive
prossive way of indicating that he has
space to sell , and has eschewed the olc
Biyle of calling attention to vacan
cles. In a three column space at the
top of his sheet last week , this sentence
was given prominence : "Nothing
doing ; merchant's dead , " In nnothor
three-column space nt the foot of the
page was : "H 1 , same thing down
hero. " If the merchant * of that town
bare any doubt about there being space
o lot III the Homocmt nftor thin exhibit ,
hey onii probably l > o fully informed by
calling nt the olllco or telephoning.
The Trlbnno rcgrotH to find itnolf the
victim of onvlnufl nhnfta of nnillco ,
inrlod nt It by ignorant hando. It In
luted among 11 nuinbur of ether Rtntu
mporfl nn having filed n ilollolonoy claim
vlth the IpgUlatnro for 91,700 , for the
) ubllcatlon of oonRtitntlonal runcnd *
munta in IBM ) , and the argument ID
undo tlmt it in ono of n would-lo ; gang
of lootorH of n wizened and depleted
) uullotronnury ; , The Trtbnuo confesses
t would bo greatly plonvod to have a
ogitlnmto clolm of f 1,700 ngalust the
Into for the norvioo nainod , bat it
mHti't. It has fllod ono for abont f 100 ,
vhioh the atato onght to pay and doubt *
cos will pay , as it paid n hundred ether
Nebraska papers two years ngo. It IB
o bo hoped the legislature in its bantu
ind gonoroRlty will uotitiBifit on giving
ho Tribune $1,700 , when it nsha for
only n Kovontocnth of that nmouut.
Fremont Trlbnno.
Vlrnl In ( lie Dark , It Itijurcil Three
Men Half n Mill * Awny.
"One of the best and most rcmnrkn *
lilo HhutH miido during tlio war with
Spain , " Bald 11 gentleman who miide an
effort to get Into the thick of the
tight , " \VIIH , In my judgment , iniidu at
Miami , and the man who llrcd the nhot
wnH a ] , oiilHliiiia boy and a mumbcr of
my company. lie \VIIH doing duty IIH a
provost guard at the time. It WMH Into
it night when the BoldliTH were roused
y the quick , clear crack of a Krag-
Torgt'iiHt'ii on the outHklrtH of the camp.
No imrtlciriar attention win paid to
the matter at , IIH only one Hliot
WIIH tired. Hut with u couple of olll-
cers we went out to where the guard
waH Htatloned In order to llnd out Just
why It WIIH that ho had tired at that
line of night. Ho explained that he
wen a man Hllpplng through the
Home distance away and had
called on him to halt. He failed to
obey the command , and the guard
iluzed away at him , more to frighten
him Into a stop than anything clue.
Of course , the fellow never halted. Ho
was probably too badly frightened to
stop at that time.
"While wo were talking to the guard
wo heard a fearful nolno at leiiHt half u
mlle from the guard's station , and wo
nado a break for the place to BCC what
the matter was. Wo heard several
teople screaming as If In great agony.
Down the road wo went at full speed ,
ind In a short while we came upon a
little cabin which stood on the road
side. The noise was In this cabin , and
L never heard such groaning and wallIng -
Ing In my life. Wo found three men In
the house. They were In great agony ,
and we asked them what was the mat
ter. 'Wo have been shot , ' they said ,
and sure enough they had been shot.
"Ono was shot In the right arm , an
other In the back and the third In the
hip. They had all boon wounded by
the same bullet. The man who was
wounded In the arm was lying on his
right side. The ball passed through
hlH arm. Next to him ono of his com
panions was sprawling out on his back ,
and the bullet split the hide on this
part of his anatomy as smoothly as a
knife. Then It passed through the
lleshy part of the third man's' hip and
spoil on.
"Wo could not find the ball. It had
passed through the side of the house ,
wounded the three men In the way In
dicated , bored through the wall on the
opposite side and kept on going. Now ,
that cabin was fully half a mile from
the point where the guard was sta
tioned , and yet the shot ho fired bad
wrought all the havoc wo found. "
Now Orleans Times-Democrat
A MlKhty Man.
Topbiun , the prince of English strong
men , had knots of muscles where the
armpits are In the ordinary man. Ho
could take a bar of Iron 1 Inches In
diameter and 5 feet long , place the
middle of It over the back of his neck
and then force the ends forward until
they met before his face. On one occa
sion ho called upon a village blacksmith -
smith and made of him an everlasting
enemy by picking up a number of
horseshoes and snapping them In two
as easily as If they had been pine
A Smitten Conscience.
Dr. Fourthly I believe my sermon
on sincerity this morning sank deep
into some hearts and did good.
Parishioner Yes ; as Foley and his
wife went home ho vsplalned to people
ple on the street car that his wife's
hulr and teeth were false.
Ouuil Scheme.
"To what do yon attribute the cura
tive properties of your springs ? " asked
a visitor at a health resort.
"Well , " answered the proprietor
thoughtfully , "I guess the advertising
I've done has had something to do with
It. "
I'eriinpn DutU.
"I haven't seen your cashier for SOT-
eral days past"
"No ; he's gone out of town. "
"AhI Gone for a rest , eh ? "
"We haven't found out yet whether
he's gone for a rest or to escape It. "
Donble Illumination.
Knlppo Docs your wife keep a light ,
burning for you when you are out late
at night ?
Tucque Oh. yes , and language too
Syracuse Herald.
air. Hixby That's my ace , partner.
It's our trick.
Mrs. Hlxby-Oh. how lovely ! I'll
trump and make sure of It ! New York
Takes Up Measure Creating
Department of Commerce.
Democrats In Opposition to the Moat *
urc Senator Tlllman Arraigns At
torney General for Not Fighting
Trusts Cuban Treaty Reported.
Washington , Jan. 1C. The house
yesterday passed the army appropria
tion bill and began conuldcratlon of
the department of commerce hill , un
der a special rule making It a contin
uing order until disposed of. The op
position to the mcasuTa came entirely
from the Democratic sld and was
based chiefly on the ground that the
transfer of the bureau of labor to tbo
now department would subordinate
that bureau to a department which
would represent capitalistic Interests.
The friends of the bill tlonlod the as
sumption that the head of the now do-
partmcnt would not bo helpful to la
bor , They maintained that the bill
would Increase the dignity of the bu
reau of labor by giving the head of the
department a scat In the cabinet.
Those who participated In the debate
were Mann (111. ( ) , Corliss ( Mich. ) ,
Adamson ( da , ) , Scott ( Kan. ) and Hop-
burn ( la. ) , In favor of the measure ,
and Rlohardson ( Ala. ) , Galnes
( Tenn. ) , Davis ( Fla. ) , Clayton ( Ala. ) ,
Shuckluford ( Mo. ) , Cochran ( Mo. ) and
Woolen ( Tox. ) , against It.
In the senate Tlllman continued his
arraignment of trusts and monopolies
and again charged that the attorney
general was responsible primarily for
lack of action against trusts. The
statehood bill was under discussion
'or ' a short time , Foraker urging the
right of Oklahoma , Arizona and New
vlexlco to bo admitted Into the Union.
ttcLaurln called attention to charges
hat the pcoplo of Indlanola , Miss. ,
md been guilty of threats and Intimi
dation against the postmaster , and de
clared them to bo untrue.
Committee on Foreign Relation * Re
ports Amended Measure.
Washington , Jan. 1C. The senate
committee on foreign relations yester
day reported the Cuban reciprocity
treaty to the senate , with two amend
ments. The first of these Is the guar
anty against a further reduction of the
sugar tariff , and the other makes a re
duction of 40 per cent In the duties
on American cattle exported to Cuba
Instead of 20 per cent , as provided In
Lho treaty as it was originally trans-
mjtted to the senate , .
Senator Cullom , who reported the
treaty gave notice that ho would call
It up Monday next and would endeavor
to secure action upon It at the earliest
possible day. This notice was In ac
cordance with the general understand
ing among Republican senators. The
agreement also Includes an under
standing to the oftoct that the state
hood bill will not bo urged to prevent
consideration of the treaty. It Is
understood that there will be consid
erable debate on the treaty and that
some time will elapse before it can bo
acted upon.
Mulcted for Cruelty to Animals Whlla
Killing Diseased Cattle.
Washington , Jan. 16. In the cam
paign of the bureau of animal industry
against the epidemic of foot and
mouth disease in Massachusetts , new
and unlocked for obstruction bos de
veloped and threatens considerable
trouble , if persisted in by the author
ities. The department of agriculture
has been Informed that Dr. Thomp
son , one of the federal Inspectors , has
been fined $15 by a local court for al
leged cruelty to animals. The report
to the department says that the inspector
specter was having a herd killed and
two of the cows had to bo struck
moro than once in order to kill them
"If the experts of the department , '
said Secretary Wilson , "aro to be
criminally prosecuted In Massuchu
setts they may have to abandon the
undertaking altogether , In which case
the state of Massachusetts will be
quarantined and permitted to eradi
cate tbo disease within her borders
herself. "
Anti-Trust BUI Not Ready.
Washington , Jan. 16. The following
statement was given out by the sub
committee of the house Judiciary com
taltteo , which is charged with the
preparation of an anti-trust bill : "Wo
hare had a conference with the attorney
noy general and we have been Inform
ally considering , among other things
his suggestions , as well as discussing
the general form of the legislation
No definite action has been taken by
the subcommittee and we shall not be
prepared to report to the full commit
tee before the early part of nex
week. "
Urge New Currency Law.
Washington , Jan. 1C. H. H. Hanna
of Indiana , chairman of the monetary
commission , and Postmaster Genera
Payne yesterday conferred with PresI
dent Roosevelt regarding currency
legislation In congress. The presiden
expressed himself in favor of leglsla
tlon along the lines of the Fowler
Revenue Revision Up.
Lincoln , Jan. 16. Revemu revision
in the legislature came prominently
to the front yesterday and will boh
the boards again today. A number
of Important ravonue measures were
introduced proposing changes in th
present laws.
Gunners Make Good Showing ,
Manila , Jan , 16. The nunners of
ha United Sto > w battleship Kentucky
iavo exceeded Oi records of the
Jnltod States navy for sieed and ac
curacy with thirteen , eight nd flvo
nch EUIIB. The new loading maclrrso
ins Increased the speed with which
chargcB can be handled. The gunnery
lorcentngcs are not yet completed ,
nit It Is known that out of ono string
of twenty-one shots , thirteen hit the
Favor Indeterminate Sentences.
Lincoln , Jan. 1C. At the state mock
ng of county prosecuting attorneys a
oHoltitlon wan presented , which was
adopted , requiring the present leglsla-
ure to so amend the law as to per
mit indeterminate sentences for per-
ons convicted of a felony.
A general Jail delivery was frus-
rated at Dllllngs , Mont , by the wlfa
of Sheriff Hubbard and n servant girl ,
who held the prisoners at bay with a
pistol until help arrived. Walter Cox ,
wanted at Red Lodfo and Sheridan ,
iVyo , for forg * < m ped.
To Drliitf Him to Term * .
"Yea , " said young Mrs. Solo , "Henry
and I had some words this morning ,
and I can't deny that ho got the best
of it"
"That will never do , " returned the
experienced neighbor. "You can't af
ford to start In married llfo that way. "
"I know it , " answered the young
wife. "I've thought it all over , and
when ho comes homo tonight I'm going
o bring him to terms so quick tlmt he'll
mrdlly know what's happened. "
"That's right , my dear. Show some
spirit What are you going to do ? "
"I'm going to bring up the subject
again and then cry. "
Moon Influence * .
Many superstitious beliefs as to the
'Influence" of the moon still remain'
n some localities It Is believed to be
mlucky to be empty handed when ono
( Irst beholds the new moon , and among
he same people Having silver In the
muds or gold In the pockets Is n "good
sign. " If ono Is about entering upon
an Important undertaking , he had best
lefcr proceedings until the moon is
'fulling" that Is , until some time be-
ween "new" and "full" moon.
Hard Lnck.
A Texas man's cotton was cntcn by
the boll weevil and his corn destroyed
by the draught. Ills only daughter
eloped with a vagabond and his son
followed the circus. On top of this bis
wife gave birth to triplets. Ho com
mitted suicide by the rope and rafter
route , and tbo coroner very properly re
turned a verdict of Justifiable homi
cide. Ilulletsvlllo Herald.
Bobby was seven. He was examin
ing with critical eye the new arrival
in the family and showing some signs
of displeasure with the shiny head and
toothless gums.
"Well , Bobby , " asked the nurse ,
"how do you like your new brother ? "
"Pretty well , " was the answer , "but
bo's not finished yet" Brooklyn Life.
Wllllnir to Walt.
"What are you going to do when you
get to be a man ? " asked the visitor.
The little fellow's face assumed nn
expression of earnest gravity as he
responded , with a voice which was evi
dently shaken by sad memories of the
past , "Whip papa. "
The Genial Alderman.
The story is told of a London alder
man who , sitting in state to bear some
schoolboy's Greek orations , bowed
whenever he heard the Greek word
for "nothing" ( ouden ) pronounced , because -
cause it sounded like his own name.
Their Friendly Way.
One of the worst things about fall
ing into n hole is the number of people
who gather on the bank to point out
the routes you could have taken to
avoid falling In. Atchlson Globe.
Knowledge bumbleth the great man ,
astonishes the common man and puffs
up the little man.
Health brings wealth more often than
wealth brings health. Saturday EvenIng -
Ing Post.
State of Ohio. City of Toledo , Lucas
county. ss : Frank J Ohenoy m kes
oath that MO is sonio partner of ih
firm of F. J Cheney &Co. , doing br si-
ness in the oity of Toledo , conntv nnr
state aforesaid , and that said firm will
pay the sum of $100 for each and every
case of catnrrah that cannot be oared by
the use of Hall's Catarrah euro.
Sworn to before mo and subscribed in
ray presence , this Cth day of December
A. D18SG. . A. W. GLKARON.
[ BEAL ] Notary Public.
Hall's Oatorrnl' euro is taken internally -
nally , and acts directly on the blood
and mucus surfaces of the system
Send for testimonials , free.
F. J. OIIENKY & Co ,
ToroHo , Ohio
Sold by all druggists , 75 cents.
Hall's Family pills are the best.
To Cure n Cold In One Dny.
Take Laxative B o Quinine Tab-
Thissipnature on
every box , 25 cents.
Wide Awake
, . .
All Kinds of Gents'
- = 3-
. . . .Strlctly.Up-to-Date
The Citizens National Bank.
Capital , $50,000. Surplus , (10,000.
Bay nnd soil oxehanxa on this country ami all parts of Knropo. Farm Leant ,
Olrecton.-CiBL , Anucs , W 11. JOIINBOH , CniB. S. BBIDQK. F. McGiVESiN , U. M-
Railroad and Business Directory.
< u
Fremont , Elkborn & Mo. Valley
Omnlm Paaiongor 0:03am :
Chicago Uxprois 12IOpm :
Chlcnuo Rxprcas 7:30 : p m
Omnlm I'nseonnor 12:40 : p m
Illnok Hills azproes 7SO pm
Verdlgro Pnescnftor 12:40p : m
VonllKro Accommodation 8:30am :
lllack Hill * Express 12:20 : p m
Vonlluro I'ftBcnnKor 0:03 am
Vonligro Accommodation 7:10pm
Tlio Chicago and Black HillB Express arrives
and departs from Junction depot. The Omaha
and Vordlgre trains arrive and depart from city
depot. II. U. MATBAC , Agent ,
Union Pacific.
Columbus Accommodation 3:00 p m
Omaha , Denver and Padua Coast 11:00 : a m
ColnmbuB Accommodation 11:45 : a m
Omaha , Denver and Paclllc coast 9:00 pin
Connect * at Norfolk with F. , E A M. V. going
west and north , and with the G. Bt. P. M. & O.
for points north and oant.
J. n. HLBF.FFEK , Agont.
Chicago , St. Paul , Minneapolis
& Omaha.
* Slonz City and Omaha Passenger. . . . 6:30 : am
Blonx ( HtrPossonger l:00pm :
Slonx City Passenger 10SOam :
Biocx City and Omahii Passenger 7:25pm :
Connects at Norfolk with F. , E. & M. V , going
west and north , and with the U. P. for points
south. J. B. ELSEFFEB , Agnnt.
* Daily except Sunday.
Per Plumbing , Steam Fitting , Pomps. Tanki
Wind Mills
And all work in this Una call on
Satisfaction Guaranteed ,
First door West of Ahlman'slBlcycletShop ,
Lonvs orders at Telephone B ? M.
Osteopathlc Physician.
Diseases both acute and chronic sncceesfoll )
treated without use of drugs or knife.
Phone No. F 64. Offlcolat residence ,
109 NorthllOth Street ,
Norfolk - - . Nebraska
Undertakers nnd.EnibalmerB ,
Sessions Blk. , Norfolk Ave.
Norfolk , - - - Nebraska
Phone 107. for Ludics and Children
Piano Moving a Specialty.
Phone 58. Calls Promptly Answered.
Is Half
ed. "
If you are in business and don't '
advertise you are In danger.
This is a warning.
See your mistake in time
and avert it.
A poor publisher , the pro
prietor of a struggling magazine ,
sent a half inch advertisement
to the New York Herald. The
ad man made it a half page.
The bill was bigger than the
publisher's entire possessions.
He thought he was ruined.
It was the turning point. The
magazine sold. It was good
and people liked it Other
half page ads followed.
Result : fortunefamehonor.
Advertising Is Just as potent a
lever now as it was then.
This paper reaches
the homes of this
Contractor and Builder
117 Fourth Street.
Flour and Feed
411 Norfolk Avenue.
Cheapest and Heat.
Norfolk Avenue
Cor , Brnaech nvo and 4th St.
The Norfolk Horseshoe
I have' bought the White
Oil Wagon and the good will
of the business , and hope for
a continuance of the patron
age given Mr. White. I must
pay cash for oil , and as my
capital is limited must neces
sarily do a cash business.
Graduate of American Schoorof Osteo
pathy , under founder of tho'science
Residence and oflleo , 807 Madison Ave.
Hours irom 9 a.rn to 4 p. m.
The ManyAdvcnturesofn : :
"Including all the
merry pictures con-
i. .1 n "le two volumes , entitled
Adventures of Poxy Grnndpn" and
Further . Adventures of Foxy Grand.
lunch : C"WbZa ° t clo yo SSk r eerlSi
° f comio drawings dealing with
n grand-
fn.Vrer.a.11 hl" two Brandsonsl"
. . Kfnd'utborbe the clover ono
f .1.1
of the trio. In most of the other cases
tue yonnff folk have boon smarter than
It ° Pe ° P1 whom
their r ? npon they played
jokes. Letrs reverse it. "
The next morning he came to my of.
flcq withsketches , for half a dozen
1 ' 'Foxy Grand-
° ' * * le , ierleB in the New
Vnrt ? w Tf
S SJ fSKj5 , Jn.tnntaneous , . for
The jolly old gentleman
, dear to
almost grown people bo called as \ ? ! 1 os , * ildnsn A
comio plctnres.
To Grandfathers Who Are And
To 1 hose Who Are To Bo.
I Merrily Dedicate This Book.
imr P ? 8tago pald on receipt of ONE
nch rk. JLl.MS2nC3r ° r P ° Btnl ordori
49 Wall Street , New York.
with its lovely seaside rosorJs.
orange groves , boautifnl car-
dens and quaint old mission
towns id visited every
year by thousands of
tourists who travel
Pacific , because
it is the best
aud quickest -
est route and
alsothe onlyliue running
four personally conducted
excursions to California from
Missouri River every week.
Those Excursions
can bo joined at any
point en route . . .
Fall information cheerfully furnished -
nished on application to