The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, January 09, 1903, Page 1, Image 1

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'Venezuela Yields to Demands of
I European Allies.
r * .
'United ' States Minister Bowen Author
ized to Act for Venezuela Trouble
May Go to The Hague Tribunal
for Adjustment.
Caracas ) , Jan. 9. After two stormy
meetings of the cabinet all the condi
tions act forth In the replies of the
powers to President Castro's last pro
posals In the matter of settling the
jVenozuelan dispute through arbltra-
'tlon have been accepted by the Vene
zuelan government. The government
considers the conditions to be unjust ,
but declares It is obliged to yield to
forco. The Venezuelan answer was
delivered at the United States lega
tion here at noon. The condltlona of
the powers cover cash payments to
the allies and guarantees for the pay
ment of the balance of their claims.
It can bo said on good authority that
the question of raising the existing
blockade will not be considered. It
Tvas learned that by the terms of the
notes of the foreign powers handed to
President Castro by Minister Bowcn
Wednesday and of the Venezuelan answer
at the American
swer to them , delivered
ican legation yesterday , a compromise
'In the matter of arbitration has been
Bowen to Leave for Washington.
Minister Bovyen has received orders
-to leave Venezuela tomorrow for
Washington , where he will present the
Venezuelan case to the British-Ger
man commission. A warship will wait
for Mr. Bowen at LaGuayra. The war
office hero Is working day and night
on the preparation of documents in
order that the Venezuelan case may
be ready for presentation.
Minister Bowen will bo clothed
with authority to represent Venezuela
for the adjustment of all her clalms
out of hand , or if this be found impos
sible he is authorized to act for Vene
4 in settling all points open to
controversy so far as possible and fn
drafting the terms on which a ilnnl
and conclusive arbitration shall be
made by the International court at The
Hague. The proceedings in the mat
ter will take place at Washington , pre
sumably a few days after his arrival
there. The commissioners on the part
of the allies , It Is understood , will bo
'their leading diplomatic agents in
. Washington.
Foreign business houses In Vene
zuela are suffering exceedingly from
the effects of the continued blockade.
The revolutionary movement under
General Mates is losing popularity
dally because of the assistance It Is
alleged the German blockading ves
sels are giving it in permitting the
landing of arms for the revolutionists.
Replies to Boers.
-y \ ' , |
4 I Pretoria , Transvaal , Jan. 9. Mr.
4i [ Chamberlain , replying to the address
of the burghers for various measures
of relief , said the terms already grant
ed were decidedly generous and that
there was no prospect of a general
amnesty. He declared the government
purposed abiding by the terms of the
iVereentglng agreement , with which
the Boor leaders at the time of surrender -
render had complied. The cases of
-the burghers now In Europe would be
considered individually on their mer
its , said Mr. Chamberlain , and these
burghers should prove their loyalty by
accounting for the gold taken to Eu-
rope. The secretary said that the an
nexation of the Vryheld and Utrecht
districts to Natal was convf rtablo and
that the natives would be compelled to
observe their obligations. Ho declared -
clared that he would have been better
pleased had the address of the burghers -
ers , Instead of consisting merely of
demands , contained some recognition
of what his majesty's government had
already done for the Boers.
Rebellion In China Spreads.
Victoria , B. C. , Jan. 9. The Empress -
press of Japan brought news from
China that Kan Hofu , who leads the
insurrection In Shing Kaing , is now
the leader of 100,000 men and has ob
tained possession of the most import
ant points in the neighborhood of
Monkdel. He has proclaimed himself
A sovereign. The rebellion in Kwang
SI grows. Advices from Hong Kong
state that one-half the province of
Kwang SI has fallen into the hands
of the rebels. General Ma has been
killed and the capital , Kwellln , la In
Imminent peril.
Names Baron von Sternburg.
Berlin , Jan. 9. Baron Speck von
Bternburg , the German consul general
at Calcutta , has been appointed charge
at Washington during the absence of
Dr. von Hollcben on sick leave , Chan
cellor von Buelow regarding the busi
ness at Washington as so Important at
present as to require a special substi
tute for the ambassador. The Infer
ence naturally la that Baron Stern-
burg will succeed Dr. von Holleben aa
ambassador , should the lattcr's health
. prevent hla return.
Confidence Restored at Fez.
Tangier , Morocco , Jan. 9 , A courier
who arrived hero from Fez Is the bear
er of a letter , dated Jan. 3 , from a com'
mcrclal firm there saying that confl-
lence lias neon restored and request-
ng the dispatch of goods which were
> olng detained bore. The letter de
clares it Is not true that Mulal Mo
hammed has been appointed com-
niancler-ln-chlof of the Imperial forces.
The sultan Is sanguine , but It Is not
Ikelr ho will assume the offensive.
vllisourl Democrats Nominate Former
Governor for Senator.
Jefferson City , Mo. , Jan. 9. The
3amocrats of the Missouri legislature
n joint caucus last night nominated
lormer Governor W. J. Stone of St.
Louis for United States senator to
uccood Senator Vost. The nomina
tion was made by acclamation after
William H. Wallace of Kansas City ,
who was a candidate , withdrew from
the race In support of Stone. It was
apparent that Wallace had no chance
except that some Democrats romaln
away from the caucus and unite with
; he Republicans on him , but the nom-
nation Wednesday night of R. C.
Kerens by the Republicans shattered
the possibility. Stone had a largo
majority In the caucim.
Heyburn Is Nominated.
Bolae , Ida. , Jan. 9. W. B. Hcyburn
was last night nominated by the Joint
Republican caucus for United States
senator. The field combined against
W. B. Borah In favor of Judge Hoy-
burn. The successful candidate Is a
native of Delaware county , Pennsylva
nia , and Is about forty-eight years of
ago. He Is a successful attorney and
IB a resident of Wallace Shoshone
county , where he has a largo nilnlne
Jury Does Not Consider Him Respon
sible for Killing His Stepfather.
Columbus , Jan. 9. Herman Borch-
ers , the fourteen-year-old boy who has
been on trial charged with the murder
of his stepfather , Gerhard Borchers ,
at their farm near Humphrey , last
October , has been declared not guilty.
After six hours' deliberation the jury
came In with a verdict for acquittal ,
While there is no doubt the boy did
the killing , the verdict was returned
In accordance with the court's In
structions regarding the legal respon
slblllty and the age of the boy.
Pralrlc Chickens Costly.
Sioux City , Jan. 9. Deputy Game
Warden C. B. Kuhl yesterday secured
a search warrant and acting upon its
authority discovered 206 prairie
chickens in the basement of the Pot
ter meat market. An information will
be filed _ charging Potter with keeping
prairie chickens In his possession con
trary to tho. lawt As the fine In such
case is $10 for each bird and an ad
ditional mulct of $5 for the prosecut
ing attorney and J5 for the Informer
for each bird , Potter , if found guilty ,
will bo subject to a fine of $4,120.
Two Women Try to End Troubles.
Omaha , Jan. 9. Mrs. C. J. Benson ,
despondent over divorce proceedings
begun by her husband , tried to take
her own life In a room at the Mlllard
hotel yesterday by shooting herself In
the right breast. Miss Louise Cohen ,
who resides at Eleventh street and
Capitol avenue , because of unrequited
love , took a dose of poison. Both will
recover. H. S. Hlbbard , son of Frank
Hibbard , residing near Irvlngton ,
committed sulcldo yesterday by blow
ing his head nearly off with a shotgun.
Louisville , Neb. , Bank Is Robbed.
Louisville , Neb. , Jan. 9. The Com
mercial bank of Louisville , owned by
Tom E. Parmolo of Plattsmouth , was
entered and robbed of $4,000 Wednes
day night. The robbers gained an
entrance through the postofflco , which
is in the same building , by making a
hole about twenty Inches square in
the brick and cement partition which
opened directly into the vault. So far
nothing has been found missing from
the postofflce.
National Board of Trade.
Washington , Jan. 9. The thirty-
third annual convention of the Na
tional Board of Trade will be held at
the Shorelmm hotel in this city , com
menclng Jan. 13 , and will continue
three or four days. The executive
committee will meet here Monday
next. The membership of the Nationa
Board embraces more than fifty of
the leading boards of trade and com
merclal organizations throughout the
Banquet of Horsemeat ,
Berlin , Jan. 9. Six hundred people
sat down last night to the most re
markable banquet that ever has been
given In Berlin. The dishes conslstei
entirely of horsemeat , and were served
in various'forms. The society for the
prevention of cruelty to animals is
sued the Invitations to the dinner
which was given for the purpose o
demonstrating the nourishing and
palatable qualities of horscmeat.
Want Postofflce Reopened.
Washington , Jan. 9. Senator Me
Laurln of Mississippi called on Post
master General Payne yesterday am
urged him to reopen the Indlanola
( Miss. ) postoflice. Mr. Payne tolt
him that the qase now rested will
President Roosevelt , who was giving
the question careful consideration.
Curzon Reviews Troops.
Delhi , India , Jan. 9. The review
yesterday by the viceroy of India , Lord
Curzon , of 30,000 British and native
troops , led by Lord Kitchener , wa
the last Important event of the coronation
nation durbar.
Blict Sugar Association Takes-
Action on Reciprocity.
National Association Urges Guaranty
That Duty Shall Be Fixed for Five
Years Reduction of Philippine
Tariff Is Condemned.
Washington , Jan. 9. The American
Beet Sugar itBsocliitlon held Its annual
mooting hero yesterday and passed
resolutions withdrawing any opposi
tion to the ratlllcallon of the Cuban
reciprocity treaty and recommending
Unit the treaty bo so amended as to
express In precise IIIIICIIUKO what IB
ntundcd to bo seemed by It to the
cot sugar manufactuiors of the Unit
d States , viz : During the period of
flro years covered by the treaty no
ugar exported from Cuba shall be
dmltted to the United States at a re-
nctlon of duty gieater than 20 per
cut of the rates of duty thereon ns
irovltlod by the tariff act of July 24.
897. The association also adopted n
solution protecting against the un
leecHsmry stimulation of the migftr
and tobacco Industries of the Philip-
) lne islands by means of further tariff
eductions , thus , as the resolution
tated , encouraging the people of
hoHO Islands , where the labor IB but
a few cents per day , to produce those
hlngs which this country can produce
ather than such commodities as they
are liable to produce.
The action of the association was
not unanimous , the vote on the pas
sage of the resolution standing 3 to 2 ,
although Henry T. Oxnard , the presl
dent of the association , said ho hud
enough proxies with him to make the
vote 12 to 2. Tha opponents of the
resolution claim there are thirty or
more factories In the association anil
that the representation at the moot-
ng docs not comprise half of the fac
tories In the association. None of the
sixteen factories In Michigan were rep
resented In the meeting , excepting
that Julius Stroh of Detroit , the trotis
urer of the association , wab present
There were five companies repre
sented at the meeting of the associa
tion when the Cuban and Philippine
resolutions were adopted. These
were the American Beet Sugar com
pany , represented by Henry T. Ox
nard ; the Utah Sugar company , J. R.
Cutler ; the Wisconsin Sugar com
pany , R. G. Wagner ; the National
Sugar company , F. K. Carey , and the
Los Aliinitos Sugar company , J. Ross
Clark. Messrs. Wagner and Clark
strongly opposed the Cuban resolu
tion , declaring that the present gath
ering was not a representative one of
Industry of
the sugar beet growing
( TTe entire
the country , Inasmuch as
rote , including the proxies held by
Mr. Oxnard , did not amount to one-
half of the sugar beet factories in the
United States. After the meeting had
adjourned they said .that they would
withdraw from further connection
with the association , as It had out
lived its usefulness and was dominated
by a one-man power.
Mr. Oxnard , when seen , contended
that the yearly output of the compa
nies which he represented and of
those for whom he held provles was
vastly greater many times than the
output of the companies whose repre
sentatives had opposed the resolution.
The Michigan beet sugar Interests
have not yet passed on the resolutions.
Before adjourning the Beet Sugar
association last night elected the fol
lowing officers : President , Henry T.
Oxnard ; vice president , F. K. Carey
of Baltimore ; secretary , Truman G
Palmer ; treasurer , Julius Stroh of De
Claims Abrogation ofTariff Would
Not Help People.
Washington , Jan. 9. The senate
again discussed the Vest resolution
requesting the financial committee to
report a bill to remove the duty on
anthracite coal , and Aldrlch replied to
some of the criticisms of Vest , made
last Tuesday. Aldrlch insisted that
the resolution would not accomplish
the result sought and that it infringed
the constitutional rights of the house
in respect to revenue bills. Aldrlch
said that a Democratic senate voted
to put a duty of 45 cents on coal In
1894 and that they favored free coa
except on the day when they couli
have voted for free aoal In the tariff
bill. Vest , In reply , said that the
duty on coal was the result of a "hold
up" by a few Democratic senators. To
confirm his assertion , that Dingloy
had made the statement that the Ding
ley rates were placed high in order to
negotiate reciprocity treaties , Vos
read from a letter addressed to him
by the editor of the Philadelphia Bui
letln , In which tae writer declared
that DlngU-y made the statement to
one of his Washington correspondents
Halo expressed his disbelief In tha
statement and feelingly referred to
Dlnglcy's services to his state am
country and paid a high tribute to his
character. The Dlngley bill he re
" runarnUUiPnt am
ganlcd ns a
munificent gift to the Am r'cnn ' pee
pie In the cause of pro'entrm nnd pros
porlty. ' ' The resolution tlnn'ly won
' " the next le | pl'v'l\o day.
No'son continued Hi remark
the omnibus bill. . . ' * - ihnr "
ulnor bills wore passed uiul the sej-
nto adjoinlU'd until Monday.
The hoiiiio punned the Philippine
constabulary bill an It WIIH reported
'rotu ' the committee , except for an
amendment limiting the number of
assistant chiefs to four.
Provide for Punishment of Both Par-
lias to Rebate or Dlocrlmlnatlon.
Wellington , Jan. S ) . Two autt-lnmt
tills prepared by Attorney ( Umunil
Cnox woia Introduced In the houms
) y Rejiiortuntatlvo Jenkins , chairman
of the Judiciary committee. Tuexn
> llls arc said to lopruHunt the vlowtt
of the lulinlnlHtration on tliu quotation.
Ouo of the bills aiuundH the Hhtumun
antl-tiust law to utreiiKlheii and per
fect It to moot the vlowa of the uttor-
icy gcwonil , the chief foalurcH being
a provision that It Bliall bo unlawful
for any person to offer , uollclt or ac
cept any rebate , concession or sorv-
ce In respect to the InuiHpurtiitlon of
any property In Interstate or foielgu
conunerctt whereby such property IB
transported at a lesB rate than that
mined In the published tariff of the
carrier , n fine of $5,000 being pro- ,
vldod , and that the clicutt couitw of
.ho United States are Invented with
jurisdiction to prevent and reslinln H
such rubatuu. The aecoud bill pio-
vldofl for the appointment of a com
mission to carry out the provlnlonn of
.ho Sherman net , an It IB proposed to
lave It amended. The bill eonfern on
.ho commission powcrn aomuwhat nlm-
lar , though much ntrongor , than thono
possessed by the Interstate commerce
Liens on Gould's Castle.
Now York , Jan. 9. Six llenn , aggro-
rating nearly $80,000 , have been Illod
at Humpstead , L. I. , against Catitla
Gould , the country seat that Howaid
Gould IB building ixt Sundu Point. Thn
contractors who filed the liens refuse
o explain their reasons until the case
Is brought up In the NUHHIUI county
court. Mr. Gould had trouble with
workmen last autumn and had deputy
sheriffs to keep walking dologatoB off
tils promises.
No Tidings of Overdue Liner.
Victoria , B. C. , Jan. 9. The Btciim.
er ISmpreaa of Japun reached port yes
terday from Yokohama , having no
news of the overdue liner PTuiadon ,
which la now about thirty-six days
out from Yokohama for Puget nound
The headwinds which the KniproBa
encountered would favor the passage
of the overdue steamer rather than
retard her and officers of the ISiupresu
flay she must have broken down.
Evening Reception at White House.
Washington , Jan. 9. President
Roosevelt last night held the first of
his four annual evening receptions.
The event was ono of the most bril
liant ever held In the white house.
The president looked the picture of
health as he escorted Mrs. Roosevelt.
Miss Alice Roosevelt was escorted by
Secretary Moody. The diplomatic
corpti , In whoso honor the reception
was Riven , was out In full force.
Hearing at Havana Closed.
Havann , Jan. 9. The senate com
mittee on foreign affairs , which has
been holding conferences on the reci
procity treaty with representatives of
different economic societies , brought
Its hearings to a close yesterday. It
la believed hero that the committee
on foreign affairs will undoubtedly re
port in favor of accepting the treaty
and that It will be approved by both
Boy Counterfeiters Arrested.
Great Falls , Mont. , Jan. 9. Patrick
Groghan , aged sixteen years , has been
arrested for passing counterfeit
nickels , mostly into slot machines
He ban confessed to the existence ol
headed by n
a gang of counterfeiters ,
seventeen-year-old boy , and has dl
reeled the police to a complete plant
for making bad money. Other arrests
will _ _ _
Arguments In Tlngley Libel Case.
San Diego , Cal. , Jan. 9. Testimony
was closed In the Tlngloy-Tlmes libc
case yesterday and the Jury argu
ments begun. Frederick R. Kellogg
of New York made the opening argument
mont for the plaintiff , speaking fo
two hours. Eugene Dane of San Dlcgo
began the opening addresa for the de
fendant and had spoken an hour when
court adjourned.
Schwab Recovers Health.
New York , Jan. 9. Joseph F
Schwab , who returned recently from
a visit abroad , announced that his
brother , Charles M. Schwab , preslden
of the United States Steel corporation
haa fully recovered from the recent II
health , and that ho returns to the
United States early in March and wll
resume his duties at the head of the
stetl company.
Chaffee Makes Denial.
New York , Jan. 9. Major General
Adna R. Chaltee made a denial of the
cable report that any act or order or
any Instruction of hla while In the
Philippines could bo construed Into an
authorization of the application of the
water cure for the purpose of extract
ing information from the natives.
Governor Mickey Inaugurated.
Lincoln , Jan , 9. Both houses ad
journed before noon yesterday after
brief routine sessions , to convene in
joint session at 2 o'clock , w'jen the
farewell address of Governor Savaco
and the Inaugural message of Govern
or Mickey were delivered and tbe cen-
aral Inaugural ctromoute * cairled out.
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The Oldest Established Bank In Northeast Nebraska ,
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Does a General Banking Business ,
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Draft H uiul Money Urilern Hold on any l.'olnl In Kuropi *
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COAL' ' o
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'PHONE 01.
A H , HHALIj , Owner
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Magnificent Production as Played f > : ! 2 Timon in Now York City and JOO TluioM In
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for I'lnmVing. ' Steam Filling. 1'unpj ' , TanVi
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Aud Hit work In tbll lln oil on
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Pint door \Yoat of Ahlman'iBloel |
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