The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, January 02, 1903, Page 4, Image 5

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Cutout tlio 3 after tomorrow mid
write It I ) .
You don't need to nwoar off Just
filmply quit.
It IH to bo hoped tlmt PKK" will comedown
down within ronoh of the common
people by Kastor.
It am hnrdly bo a happy now year to
the man compelled tosoltlo flftO worth
of dobtn with n ton dollar bill ,
It IB anticipated thut the
ing nmrk of the bcKimiluR of the now
yonr will , ns uuunl , bo the bill collector.
It wlllboacouploof days yet before
the newspapers of this country can
publiHh moBHogos from Hawaii , hot oil'
the wlro.
The Fremont Tribune 1ms adopted n
rather yellow looking honrt style but
the mutter IB exempt from the imputii-
ttou given.
You might begin practicing now to
uncertain whether or not It IH worth
while to go to the trouble of HWoarlng
oil'on the first.
This IB the time of the year when it IH
easy to roBolvo tlmt next year you will
not Hpond BO much for OliriHtmiiH , and it
in jiwt iiHonny to break the resolution
when GhriHtmiiH comes again ,
Thin la the first winter In a number
of years that tko people of Nebraska
o in appreciate the full significance of a
January thaw ns it in uudorotood in the
oust if ouo should happen along.
It is presumed that perhaps Adlai
Stevenson might bo induced to come
nut of his retreat long enough to cam
paign on the democratic ticket for the
vlco presidency in 11)01 ) , and then retire
ugain for another four yearn.
The Lincoln Star in of the opinion
that If silver continues to drop In prlco
men will BOOH bo hoard to complain
that the loving cup they had purchased
for solid pewter was only silver , plated
with thu moro precious motal.
In view of Marconi's recent achieve
ment with wlrolohs telegraphy the
Fremont Tribune Is of the opinion that
Hdison'H deilnitlou of electricity as "a
eubtilo something of which wo know
nothing , " has received emphatic-on-
The republican surplus la not Balls-
factory to n great many democrats.
They long for the good old Cleveland
times when there were some splendid
deficits and stupendous bond issues to
keep in the treasury oven the required
gold rosorvo.
Au AhiHWorth young man of 100
pounds weight has married a girl who
tipped the beam at 800. She is bettor
tlmu his bettor half she is throe-
fourths if Bho is anything , and in the
future may convince him that she Is the
whole thing.
John L. Sullivan didn't wait for Now
Year's , but has signed a pledge , the
intent of which is that ho shall for
ever hereafter abstain from the xiso of
intoxicants. The people can but. hope
that ouo who has been so familiar with
old King Booze may succeed in. , absent
ing himself from his court.
These vostibulod trains may bo con
venient and comfortable for , , passengers
with tickets entitling them to seats in-
eldo , but to the follows who sometimes
go it "blind baggage" they are decidedly
inconvenient. The railroads , however ,
are not given to providing such travelers
with conveniences and luxuries.
The Iowa idea appears to bo as un
satisfactory iu Iowa as was the side
elap at the beet sugar industry in the
Nebraska platform of last year. Both
ooutimouts in both states will un
doubtedly be laid on the shelf when the
republicans of the rank and file have an
opportunity to express their sentiments.
It is reported from Lincoln that
the anti-Bryan democrats have designs
on one of the evening pupora in.thojcapl-
iul city and that the late loader iof the
democratic retreat may have opposition
right at'homo , with the intention of
swinging Nebraska into line for reor
ganized democracy when the proper
tinio arrives.
Perhaps one reason that Mr. Bryan is
echoiniug to help silver to a boost in
price in that ho fears that the silver
plate which should bo essential to the
furnishing of his now Lincoln rosidouco
may soon experience such a drop in
price that ho may never hope for a visit
from a burglar with designs on the
worthless stuff.
A Minneapolis paper publishes the
names of the poor people receiving
Christmus assistance in that city , which
is considered slightly iu excess of news
paper prerogative. Many people accept
assistance on such occasions who are
Heubitive but need the help and only
occupt it because they believe that the
public will never learn of their extrem
Senator Dietrich brings the glad holi
day intolllgonco to the people of his
homo town that ho lian succeeded In In
ducing the committee on appropriations
to gtvo llfHt coiiHldoratlon to the bill
that will in tlmu provide a public build
ing for HaHtlngH. It IB a holiday gift
that will bo appreciated , oven though It
IB not realized upon until some time
next fltnmnor.
J. Piorpnnt Morgan IIPH boon miod by
ono of his tenants bccntifl'o ho failed to
provide coal to keep the IIOURO warm
and the Bald tenant was allllotod by n
Bovero and digressing cold bocauno of
such negligence. It IB n small affair
for fluoh a great financial king to bo
mixed up in , but indicates that ho has
his small troubles as well as those who
are not BO wealthy.
Statistics have It that n healthy man
with a good nppotito and moderate
thirst will consume In TO years Oil's ' , tons
of Holld and liquid food. In view of
those figure * IB it any wonder that HOMIU
men are unable to accumuliite'anything
during a lifetime ? A good economical
Now Year's resolution would bo for
people to quit the expensive habit of
eating and drinking ,
The idea of President MoKinloy , which
can bo recommended to the present ad
ministration as a guide in dealing
with Cuban reciprocity , was : "Now
inarkotH for the produotH of our country
by granting concoRHioiw to the products
of other lands that wo uood and cannot
produce ourselves , and which do not
involve any loss of labor to our own
people , but tend to increase- their em
ployment. "
It is possible that there were not a
few who celebrated Christmas that did
not glvo a Biuglo thought to the real
significance of the day. They saw iu it
an opportunity to got drunk or have a
good time in ether ways , according to
their idea of what a good tlrno IB , with
out a thought an to whether they were
celebrating the birthday of the Christ or
the wedding anniversary of his majesty
of the lower regions.
Wo can BOO no good reason why
northeast Nebraska should not have a
state iuHtitntion , nud as there must bo
nn insane asylum built , there is no ex
cuse for putting it anywhere but at.Nor-
folk. It would bo a great saving on ac
count of the largo amount of material
on the grounds there and the whole
north part of the fitato should unite and
stand together In the demand that the
asylum bo rebuilt at Norfolk. Wiusido
As iu the case of Spain and Cuba ,
many of the democrats would take de
light in crowding the administration on
to a war with England and Gormauy
over the Venezuelan difficulty , and then
for years afterward sit around and find
fault with the conduct of the war and
the results accruing. It appears ns
though President lloosovolt would suc
ceed in settling the dispute between the
nations concerned without a war and
thus silence the criticisms of the opposi
tion party.
Friends of the sugar trust are alter
nately oppressed and joyous regard
ing the prospect for the passage
of the reciprocity treaty during the
present session of congress. Ono day
the news is gladly spread from Wash
ington that the treaty Is certain to be
ratified nud the next day it Is as em
phatically denied. Friends of American
industries will continue to believe it
diflloult for congress to injure the beet
industry until final notion has boon
taken on the question.
The now battleship Maine , raised by a
patriotic nation to take the place of the
one blown up in Havana harbor Jnearly
flvo years ago is now in commission and
the people will bo unanimous iu desir
ing that uo such fate awaits it as over
took its predecessor. It is believed that
the destruction of the old Maine was so
thoroughly avenged that uo enemy of
the country will dnro treat the new
floating fortress with like contempt.
If they should the country is just as
ready to mote out the lesson that was
glveu the Spaniards.
Since Christmas Is over the politicians
of Nebraska can devote moro attention
to the spoakorshlp contest and other
matters of importance with which the
coming legislative session will have to
deal. Reports from Lincoln indicate
that John H. Mookott of Lancaster
county and W. T. Thompson of Merrick
county are rather iu the lead for the
spoakorship and that ether candidates
are Sears of Burt county , Delesderuior
of Cass , Perry of Fnruas nud Swoezoy
of Webster. Other candidates are quite
likely to appear in the field before the
legislature gets action.
The advertisement of the Rev. Irl
Hicks of St. Louis , calling attention to
his almanac and weather forecasts for
the coming year has developed the
usual adverse criticism to the Rev. Irl's
method of making the people believe
that ho has power to foretell the weather
conditions n year or so in advance. As
long as people will believe what other
almanacs say about the weather it is
perhaps to bo expected that the St.
Louis gentleman's prognostications
should bo received with some credence.
The surest way to tell what the weather
will bo is to wait until it coinos. The
government forecast * of 84 honrn In advance -
vance are produced by a system that
should , In all fatrnoBB , bring accuracy ,
hut oven this method has its defects and
the true conditions nro frequently miHsod
In n manner tlmt is far from fatisfactory
to those doniring knowledge of the
wrnthor conditions for the ensuing day.
It IB prolmblo that the advance in the
price of oil and goBolluo is significant
of the overcoming of opposition to the
Standard company from the LouiBliiua
and Texas floldc , The Rockefeller
company linn now gained n foothold
there and it is probable that the people
will bo compelled to niako up for the
capital required in making the move , in
very short ordor. The people had hopes
that the southern fluids might develop
oppoHitlon to the monopoly that would
provo beneficial , but it now appears that
this prospect of cheap fuel and cheap
lights lias gene glimmering.
In wooded countilos the winter work
of tlin farmers IB to prepare and plnco
convenient a supply of wood to bo used
[ luring the Hummer and the winter fol
lowing. In prairie countries there is
little of Btich work to be done and It has
boon wisely Riiggcstod that the time
might bo profitably put iu by some of
the farmers whoso land JB favorably
Bltnatodiu constructing dauisaud buildIng -
Ing ponds to conserve the water supply
and provide for irrigation and the water
ing of Htock , the dams to aot in the
capacity of oistorus to store the water
that flows from the hills. It would
likewise servo iu many Instances to
prevent the soil from being washed
from the farms. If every farmer having
a gulch or draw on his farm would
convert n few acres Into a pond or , res
ervoir It would not take many years to
arrange for holding a supply of moist
ure that would bo valuable In inoro
ways than ouo.
The Albion News issued n holiday
edition last week that was by far the
most creditable that has yet coma this
way. In It the News gives substantial
cause for the haudsomo appearance of
the paper by publishing a picture of the
building it now occupies , oreoted this
Hummer , and giving n summary of the
facilities for line printing the uew build
ing contains. The now stractnro is of
brick , -14 feet square , two stories high
with abasement and contains all the
couvieucos for thov work of printing
suggested by 25 years experience of the
publisher , A. W. Ladd. Editor Ladd
boasts of n Babcock cylinder press of
high grade , two jobbers , a paper cutter ,
wlro stitcher , perforator , stabber , load
aud rule cutter , book binding outfit ,
and a complete equipment of ether
modern necessities for doing artistic
work. The News is enterprising and
is deserving of the prosperity that soeniR
to bo coming its way.
The Evangelical Alliance of Now
York city has sent out Invitations to
the pastors and churches of the country
to join in a week of united , world-wide
prayer between the dates of January 4
and January 11. This arrangement
has been made iu accord with the
British Evangelical Alliance nud the
Alliances of ether lauds. The Alliance
outlines a program of appropriate
suggestions for services and sermons
for the week and it is desired that every
church in the laud shall observe the
week in accord with the program laid
out or any other appropriate program
that may bo chosen. If prayer is
ofllcacicns it should bo much moro HO
if given unitedly. With all Christian
people praying for the bettormout of the
world and backing their petitions with
faith and action there should unques
tionably be results for good apparent
following the week ending Jannary 11
Even the scoffer and the infidel will
respect n movement of this kind and
many of them will wish the churches
unqualified success , dowu deep iu their
The policy of Nebraska towards state
institutions should bo ouo of stability-
stability iu matters of location as well
as iu business management. It is diffi
cult to see what benefit could result
from removal after the ground has been
secured and enormous sums expended
iu erecting buildings. Doubtless It is
possible by adding wings and incurring
similar expenses to close an asylum or
hospital for a time and care for its usual
Inmates nt some other similar institu
tion. The advocates of this plan have
much to say concerning its economy ,
but that it really is economical does not
BO clearly oppeor. It is only n ques
tion of time when Nebraska will bo iu
absolute need of all its buildings. If
abandoned now there will be the usual
deterioration of deserted property with
the consequent bill for costly repairs
when reoccupiod. That the consolida
tion plan would produce any actual
saving iu operating expenses is seriously
questioned , aud even if it would , tlmt
saving for mauy years could not equal
the loss on buildings allowed to run
down. Patients certainly cannot be
cared for any better nt the mammoth
institution , and in truth they probably
would not receive as good caro. Under
the present arrangement , or rather , the
arrangement before thoflroat Norfolk ,
it was comparatively easy to visit n
friend or relative at a homo or hospital.
Under the proponed scheme such visits
would iu mauy casjB bo impossible a
resnll workiug a great hardship for
many people and removing ono of the
best uieaiiB of securing proper manage
ment. Inour huinblo oplutpu the
people of Nobranka will make n great
mistake if they do not retain tlio iuHano
asylum at Norfolk and the soldloni'
homo at Grand Island. Madison Chron
icle , _ _
Testifies to Messages Sent Prior to
Canadian Wreck Disaster.
Wyoming , Ont. , Doc. 30. When the
principal witnesses In the Inquest to
place the rcBponutblllty of the awful
wreck on the Grand Trunk atVun -
stead had given their testimony , a
chain of mlnhapB was unfolded , the ab
sence of any ono of which would have
tended to have prevented A'O awful
occno of death. The principal wltueirj
WUH J. 0. Kerr , the London dispatcher ,
who up to this time has boon sllunt
Ho said : "No. 5 arrived at London
one hour lato. I ordered them to Wat
ford for further orders. I know the
freight was coming. To Carson , at
Watford , I wired to have No. 5 wait
at Wanatead , and added , 'Walt a min
ute , may bunt. ' I then started to send
a regular order to Carson at Watford
to have No. D watch for the freight at
Wanstoad Biding. Ho told mo No. 5
had gono. I then wired Wyoming to
stop the freight , but ho also replied
that it had gone. I then tried King's
Court , and Carson Bald No. G had just
gene by. I then told the chief dis
patcher that I was afraid No. G would
meet with trouble. Then came the
news of the wreck at Wanstcad and n
request from Assistant Superintendent
Costello to send an auxiliary. 1 said
'I may bust , ' but did not and continued
with a regular order to have No. E
watch for the freight train at Wan
stead. "
William Carson , the Watford operat
or , said : " 1 received a message to have
No. 5 watch for the freight at Wan
Btead , but Kerr said , 'Walt a minute ,
and then 'bust , ' which meant to de
stroy the order. In the meantime No
5 came In and the conductor asked fo
orders. I replied , 'I had orders , but
they have been busted. ' He then
asked for a clearance , which I gave
him. Then Kerr called for a signal
to his oruer , but I Bald it had been
busted. He said , 'No. ' I told him No
5 had gone. I heard him calling
King's Court , to stop No. 6. I opened
a commercial wlro and tried to get
King's Court , but could not. I heard
King's Court say later * that No. 5 haO
passed. "
Noted Persons Arrive In Paris at an
Early Hour.
Paris , Dec. SO.--Tho ' members of the
Humbert family , recently arrested In
Madrid In connection with the great
safe frauds in tills city , arrived at
Orleans railroad station hero at 7:40 :
a. m. There was no demonstration.
The prisoners were conducted to the
The public had doubted the sincer
ity of the government in over attempt
ing to bring back the fugitives , owing
to the political and social shock which
was sure to follow , but the arrival of
the prisoners Is now generally ac
cepted as showing the purpose of the
authorities to spare no means for the
prosecution and punishment of the
accused. The plans for the prosecu
tion of the Humberts have not yet
been announced.
Louis Burton of Louisville , Ky. , the
returned Philippine soldier who killed
a negro , Frank Walker , in Kansas
City Saturday night , was released Mon
day , the coroner's jury finding that
Burton acted in self defense.
Robert B. Armstrong , private secre
tary to the secretary of the treasury ,
will be appointed as assistant treas
urer on the reassembling of congress ,
to succeed General Spauldlng , whoso
resignation has been in the hands of
Secretary Shaw for some timo.
Discuss Moroccan Crisis. ,
Madrid , Dec. 30. King Alfonso last
night discussed the Moroccan crisis
with General Woylor , minister of war ,
and the Duke of Veragua , minister oJ
marine. In addition to the cruiser In
fanta Isabel , which has already gone
to Tangier , other vessels are to beheld
hold in readiness at Malaga and Al-
geclras to take reinforcements to
Ceuta and Melllla. The government
has asked its ambassadors at Paris
and London to ascertain the views of
the British and French governments
concerning the Moroccan situation. It
Booms to be feared In political circles
here that some foreign power will In
tervene in Morocco. The latest news
to roach Madrid confirms the previous
reports that Fez has been invested by
the rebels.
Foreigners Safe at Fez.
London , Dec. 30 A dispatch to the
Times from Tangier says a courier
from Fez reports that the Christians
there appear to bo safe. The mission
ary women are in the British consul
ate. The attack on the camp occurred
at night time. It is reported that
2,000 of the sultan's troops were killed
An absurd rumor Is current , continues
the correspondent , that the French
are supporting the rebels. As a mat
ter of fact the anti-Christian move
mcnt Is moro dangerous to the French
than to anybody else , as it threatens
them In Algeria. Tangier is quiet.
Expect Trouble In China.
Peking , Dec. 30. According to mes
sages received hero from the British
consul at Hankow , whose judgment Is
exceptionally trustworthy , the move
nicnts of Tung Fuh Slang gave reason
to expect trouble. Tung Fuh Slang Is
supposed to have 10,000 warriors under
dor his command In Kan Su province
Ho can easily dominate the provinces
of Kan Su and Shen Si , as the local 1m
porlal forces are very .lnferlor.
Preliminary Hearing Begins at
David City , Neb.
Court Room Is Crowded With Specta
tors When Hearing Commences.
Brother and Mother of Murdered
Man Attend Accused Wife.
David City , Neb. , Doc. 30. The dis
trict court room was packed to its ut
most capacity yesterday , when the
preliminary hearing of Mrs. Lena M.
Lllllo , charted with murdering her
husband on Oct. 24 , commenced. It
will probably occupy all wook.
Mrs. Llllle was accompanied by her
parents , also Bam Llllle , brother of the
murdered man , and his mother. All of
these believe Mrs. Lllllo wholly Inno
cent of the crime charged.
Harvey Lllllo was the agent of a
local elevator company. He was shot
in bed as ho lay beside his wife , and
killed Instantly. The defense will try
to provo that Lllllo was killed by a
burglar , but the prosecution , which
has been working on the case for some
time , will endeavor to show that the
bullet that killed Lillle was fired
from the wife's side of the bed. Evi
dence will be adduced to show that
Lllllo carried $8,000 life Insurance ,
$7,200 of which was In his wife's name.
A bucket shop operator at David City
is expected to testify that Mrs. Llllle
had been trading with him for several
years and that between Aug. 7 and
Oct. 4 of this year her losses amounted
to about $1,400.
The first witness , Dr. Stewart , was
examined by the state with the in
tention of showing that the murdered
man could not have moved Into the
position In which he was found after
being shot , because paralysis had set
n instantly. This Is a part of the
prosecution's effort to destroy Mrs.
Jllle's robbery story.
So many people have come to town
to witness the trial that David City
presents the appearance of a fair day.
The crowded court room presented the
'eature of not only containing the curi
ous people of the county , but many rel
atives of the dead man and the woman
on trial found representation.There
have been marriages among the dif
ferent branches of the two families
mill it seems to be a fact that nearly
every household in the town con
tains a relative of either the Lillies or
the Hills.
Animals Caught Without Food by Se
vere Blizzards.
Denver , Dec. 30. Authorities on
live stock say the loss of the last week
In eastern Colorado and western Ne
braska will not be less than 5,000
licad. More than ever this year the
humane society Is agitated by reports ,
from the cattle ranges and the suburbs
of the cities and towns of Colorado
where animals are left to starve and
When the cold weather set In some
time ago the range was poor , and
thousands of head of stock were stll !
there before the bad weather , their
owners falling to take them in and
supply winter feed. The first bliz
zard ran the death rate well up. Other
Btorms have come since then , and
vrhat starvation has not accomplished
exposure has.
Private Car Derailed.
Wynne , Ark. , Dec. 30. The private
car of General Superintendent A. J
Davidson of the 'Frisco , occupied by
Mr. Davidson and a party of St. Louis
and New York capitalists , was over
turned here last night. The car was
attached to the rear end of the Mem
phle-St. Louis Iron Mountain passen
ger train. In passing over a switch
It was thrown from the rails and be
gan to roll down the embankment. A
telegraph pole stopped it and the oc
cupants of the car esctved with
bruises and slight Injuries.
Loses a Letter of Credit
London , Dec. 30. Two Russians ,
Pinkevltz and Green , claiming to b
naturalized Americans , have been ar
rested in London , charged with being
in Illegal possession of a letter o
credit lor $25,000 , lost on the continen
by N. Groonbaum. Some of M. Green
baum's cards were also found on th
men arrested. They bear the address ,
"Hurst club , San Francisco. " Abou
$17.875 of the sum represented by th
letter of credit remain undrawn
Greenbaum lost his pocketbook a
Baden Baden Jan. 24. It contalne
$375 besides the letter of credit.
Schurmsn Starts on Western Trip.
Ithaca , N. Y. . Dec. 30. Preslden
Jacob Goold Schurman left Ithac
last night for an extended wester
trip. He will visit several of th
larger cities and will speak on poll
leal and educational topics. The citle
where ho is already scheduled to spca
include Omaha , St. Louis , Chlcng
and Lincoln , Neb. President Schurma
will speak In Lincoln Thursday o
"Our Philippine Problem "
Boers to Settle In Texas.
Monterey , Mox. , Doc. 30. General
Pearson , the Boer commander , Is in
Monterey as the agent of thousands of
his countrymen , who propose to estab
Hsu colonies in southwestern Texai
or Mexico. A committee of Boors U
expected to arrive at Now Orleans
Jan. 15.
Freight Wreck on the Alton.
Bloomington , 111. , Dec. 30. A freight
wreck on the Chicago and Alton rail
road at Macoupln last night tied up
traffic on the division be w.cen Bloom-
Salt pork is a famous old-
fashioned remedy for con
sumption. "Eat plenty of
pork , " was the advice to the
consumptive 50 and 100
years ago.
Salt pork is good if a man
can stomach it. The idea ,
behind it is that fat is the-
food the consumptive needs
ern method of feeding fat to
the consumptive. Pork is too
rough for sensitive stomachs. r's
Scott's Emulsion is the most
refined of fats , especially
prepared for easy digestion.
Feeding him fat in this /
way , which is often the only \
way , is half the battle , but \
Scott's Emulsion does more >
than that. There is something - |
thing about the combination \
of cod liver oil and hypophos-
phites in Scott's Emulsion t
that puts new life into the '
weak parts and has a special
action on the diseased lungs.
A sample will be |
sent free upon request. .
Be sure that this picture In
the form o ( a label is on the '
wrapper of every battle of [
Emulsion you buy. |
409 Pearl St. , N. Y. * .
500. and gl ; all druggists. .
Ington and St. Louis. The property
loss is large. All the members of th
crew escaped with bruises by jumping
Earthquake Shock Repeated.
Ashkabad , Russian Turkestan , Dec. J
30. Another violent earthquake i
shock occurred at 10 o'clock last night.
Passenger service on the Andijan
railroad , which was interrupted as a
result of the previous earthquake , has
been restored.
S. W. Tansill , the well known mil
lionaire cigar manufacturer , died at
Carlsbad , N. M. , Monday of heart fall-
The Santa Fe has decided to construct -
struct a line southwest from Guthrlo
through El Reno und Cement , Okla. ,
Into Texas.
Eugene Jones , a member of the
Hecker-Jones-Jewell Milling company ,
died at the Presbyterian hospital , New
York , Monday.
The Maine Cattle Commission com *
pany Monday issued a statement that
that state is free from the foot and
mouth disease.
A shooting affray between whites
and negroes at the Newbury phosphate
mines , near Willlston , Ala. , resulted
In the death of two negroes and the
wounding of two white men.
Fatma Sing Hpoo , reputed to be the
smallest adult in the world , died very
suddenly at Beaumont , Tex. , Monday.
She was twenty-two years old , weighed
fifteen pounds and stood twenty-eight - (
inches high.
John Brush , sixty-two years of ae ,
was arrested Monday for forging a
check on a New York bank. Brush
was convicted in 1887 of victimizing
the Garfleld National bank out of $12 , .
000 bv means of forced nan or.
Marconi Picks Station Site.
Rome , Dec. 30. It is Btated that-
Signer Marconi will shortly come to
Rome and begin the construction of a
great wireless telegraph station at
Monte Mario. It will be the most powerful -
erful station of the kind In the world ,
and here Marconi will endeavor to
solve the remaining problems In
etherography. Ho has asked Professor
Hair Falls
"I tried Ayer's Hair Vigor to
stop my hair from falling. One-
half a bottle cured me. "
J. C. Baxter , Braidwood , 111.
Ayer's Hair Vigor is
certainly the most eco
nomical preparation of its
kind on the market. A
little of it goes a long way.
It doesn't take much of
it to stop falling of the
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If your druggist cannot supply you ,
send us one dollar ami wo will express
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