The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, December 26, 1902, Page 3, Image 3

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Take off your
Hat to an Old Friend !
Its Year of Jubilee has come.
Sixty years of faithful service to Man and Beast entitles it teA
and the grateful respect of the millions who have found freedom from pain through its curative powers.
Your sires and grand sires used Mexican Mustang Liniment because it healed their hurts and cured the
ills of their domestic animals.
_ > . What Mexican Mustang Liniment did for mankind and brute kind 60 years ago it does to-day. It has
always cured and always will cure any and everything that a good , honest liniment can cure.
It Soaks Right Down Through The Muscles.
It goes quickly to the very core of the cause and stops the most deep-set , excruciating pains almost instantly.
flexican Mustang Liniment has stood the test of years.
People have unbounded faith in it all these years because it never disappoints.
The One Certain Cure for Hurts and Aches.
No liniment can cure unless it penetrates the fevered and swollen muscles right down to the roots of the
trouble. Mexican Mustang-Liniment penetrates more thoroughly than anything that was ever created in a
chemical laboratory. The deepest , most stubborn and most intense pain can be reached and routed by the
use of this good old time-tried liniment.
Cures the Hurts of Anything That Walks.
If your horse has a stiff joint , a harness sore , a cut or bruise Mexican Mustang Liniment will cure it.
If your cow has a hurt or a caked udder it will cure it and restore her to health and usefulness.
If your poultry has roup , frozen combs , rheumatism , leg weakness or any disease of the flesh or bones
Hexican Mustang Liniment will cure them if anything on earth can cure and save them. What it has done
in thousands upon thousands of instances justifies these claims.
If your Weak Point is a Weak Back
rub Hexican flustang Liniment over the sore spot after a hard day's work and your back will soon feel rested
V and free from pain. It is just what is needed when one is afflicted with lame back or lumbago or any other
deep-seated muscular misery. Rubbing works the liniment away in through the tired and sore muscles and
gets right down to where the pain begins. Just as soon as Hexican Mustang Liniment permeates the affected
parts the lameness disappears and the pain departs.
Inflammation is the Root of all Pain.
Wherever there's a painful hurt , sore or sprain , there is inflammation. Mexican flustang Liniment
quJLcklj7 cools and cures the inflamed parts where the real cause of pain is imbedded. The penetrating , sooth
ing and healing powers of this liniment are really wonderful.
THREE SIZES 2scts. , 50 cts. and $1.00. SOLD EVERYWHERE.
United States a Loser by Vene
zuelan Blockade.
Roosevelt Hat No Answer to Request
That Hague Arbitrate Formal Not
Suggesting American Executiva ai
Arbitrator Now on the Way.
Caracas , Dec. 23. The blockade U
proving prejudicial to American trade.
Fifteen Importing houses In Caracas
have stopped placing orders In tha
United States. Boulton & Co. are tha
only Importers of American Hour who
have declined to Increase the price ol
this article. The people benefit by
this firm's action. U Is estimated that
the food supply In Caracas will not
last much longer than a fortnight.
Two more Venezuelan gunboats
have been found and seized by the
blockading fleet on the gulf of Parla.
They were taken to the British island
of Trinidad by the English sloop of
war Alert.
The Venezuelan gunboat the Mlran
da , the best vessel In the fleet , is still
successful In escaping German pur
suit. She Is now In the most southern
part of Lake Marncalbo and beyond ,
the reach of the allies. The German i
cruiser Koike made an attempt to
cross the bar at Mnracalbo without a
pilot , but desisted In view of the dan.
ger. She Is now cruising outside tha
President Not Yet Asked to Act.
Washington , Dec. 23. President
Roosevelt has not accepted the posl
tion of arbitrator of the Venezuelan
controversy. In fact he has not re
celved formally or officially a request
from the European powers that ho act
ns arbitrator of the dispute. These
statements are rrmdo on tbo highest
authority. In an Informal manner tha
president has been notified that the
European powers Intimately concerned
In the present South American dlfll
culty desire that he should undertake
the responsibility of acting as arbi
trator of the points at Issue between
them and Venezuela. Thus far thtw
merely have been taking "soundings' ]
with a view , probably , of ascertaining I
how ho would receive a formal proffer i
to act as arbitrator. The president so
soon as bo received the first intimation
that he was desired to bo arbitrator
of the Venezuelan controversy ex
pressed emphatically his Judgment j
that the matters to be arbitrated
should be referred to The Hague tri
bunal. While It Is recognized by the
president's closest advisers and by
the president himself that some nn
pleasant possibilities might attend his
performance of the duties of arbitrator
of the Venezuelan difficulty , his friends
assort that he will shirk no responsi
bility that he may doom It his duty to
undertake , but will accept If the pow
ers should Insist on it , though he Is
vorr reluctant _ to _ do so.
All Agree to Roosevelt ,
Home. Dec. 23. The reply of the
Italian government concerning the pro
posal that President Roosevelt arbi
trate the Venezuelan Issues will bo
handed to Ambassador Meyer today.
The Italian communication will express -
press views identical with those held
by Great Britain and Gormuny. formally -
ly Inviting President Roosevelt to act
as arbitrator.
Mental Cure Doctors Convicted.
Detroit. Hoc. 23. Drs. James M.
Peebles. Walter T. Hobo and Charles
M. Green of the People's Institute pf
Health , Battle Creek , were convicted
by a jury hero of violating the postal
laws. It was charged that advertise
ments of their mental "euro" by mall
for all sorts of Ills constituted an at
tempt to obtain money by fraud. Dur
ing the trial Dr. I3obo testified that he
bolleved Dr. Peebles had a healing
power like that of Jesus , only that the
doctor's power was smaller. Dr. Hobo
admitted that the cure would not bo
effective If the patient had not paid
the fee of $1. The Institute had been
doing a flourishing business.
Single Statehood Convention Called.
Oklahoma City , OVla. , Dec. 2S. Tha
single statehood committee of Okla
homa and Indian territory met here |
yesterday and Issued a call for a con
vention , to bo composed of 1.000 dele
gates. 500 from each territory , to meet
at Oklahoma City on Jan. C. The con
vention will be nonpartlsan In charac
ter and will represent sentiment In
both territories favoring the passage
of the N'olson bill , recently Introduced
In the senate , to unite the two terri
tories In one statn
Judge McPhcrson Decides in
Favor of Express Company.
Fedaral Court Holds Sending Spirits
C. O. D , Does Not Make the Carrier
Dealer Reverses Judgment En
tered by Iowa Supreme Court.
ICeokuk. In. , Dec. 23.-.ludgo Me-
Phoruon of the federal court luuidnd
down nn opinion lit Ibo OIIHO of thn
United HtnloB VH , the Adunui ISxpresn
company , In which th corporation
wity IndlcUd for cttrrylnR on the busl-
nuns of n rotnll liquor dcalar without
having paid wpoclal tux , mi required
by law. Thu fcdutul court holdti Hint
the exprohtt company U only mi agent
of the vendors In carrying Iho liquor
nnd collecting and returning money.
The court In this opinion hau over-
ildden the decision of the supremn
court of Iowa.
The packages of liquor weie Bout
by it liquor house nt Diilhui , 111. , to
pHttles at Ulnnlnghiun , C. O. D. Thu
nxptusH company WUH Indicted , tlm
government claiming that title Vviin
transferred to Iho company when It
recelvwd C. O. D. packaged. Judgn
McPherson , In his opinion , sayn-
"Thu only question to ho considered In
the cane Is whore * and by whom I lie
liquor WUH sold. If In Illinois , the
court Is without jurisdiction. If by
thu Dallas company In Iowa , then the
grand jury IIUH erred In naming the de
fendant In the Indictmont. Did the
Adams ISxpniim company carry an thn
biinlnom ! of liquor dealer In Iowa ?
The duclnlon Krauts a common cnrrlcf
may exact carrying charges In ad
vance , or It may waive prepayment of
such chHricnH , In which event It him
and lotaltiR a lion on mich mercban-
dlso for carrying ehorxeH. payment of
which by coiislgnru removen the lien
In minli case the carrier baa no Inter
est nor profit In the transaction , other
than ns a carrier. It rnrHveH no com
mission for the mile of liquor. "
Judge 'Mfl'herunn lioldn that the tl-
tlo to the llquorn piissod from the Dal
las rnmpnnv to the coiiHlgneeH when
they wore deposited In the express
office at Dallas.
Louise of Saxony Dcoerts Family ,
Leaving No Trace.
Dresden , Saxony , Doc. 23. Thu
crown prlncuut ) of Saxony lied from
bur homo on the night of Due. 11. Tliei
Drusdunur Journal Hays : "Tho prlu
CCSH , in a Htutu of Intcnso mental ex
citement , suddenly dcsurtod nor fam
ily at Salzburg and wont abroad. The
Saxon court functions for the winter
have been cancelled. "
The foregoing paragraph In yester
day's official jounml , which wau In
serted by order of the king and
crown prlncu of Saxony , has turned
into truth what for several days past
has boon legardcd as an lucrudlbla
tale. The crown princess of Kuxony ,
sunoundod by her ladlim In waiting
and Humorous a.ttonUnits ( and serv
ants , has vanlHhiid so utterly that tha
police of every kingdom In Europe
have for ton days been unable to tiuc
her. The official announcement wan
made In order to obtain the aid of the
general public In Undine bar , and be
cause the court lid Ion that she prr
ferrod to remain In retlramunt at Salz
burg rather than to return to bur uus
band and children at Dresden cannot
longer be maintained.
The dlgappuarance of the princess
doubtless will cause the circulation of
many storloH It Is already related
that she eloped , but inquiries made
here have brought ont nothing to sub
stantiate or support this statement.
It is officially explained that the
princess' disappearance Is due to men
tal derangement. There Is little doubt
that It was caused by domestic dls
cord , growing out of her husband's re
lations with an actress of the Dresden
court theater. It Is asserted hero that
the princess frequently threatened
flight on this account. It Is rumored
here that the princess was accompa
nled by the French tutor of her chil
King Congratulates Marconi.
Glace Day , N. S. , Dec. 23. To hi !
wireless message , transmitted frorr
Canada to King Edward VII , Marconi
has received the following reply ,
signed by Lord Knollys , the king's
private secretary : "I have had the
honor of submitting your tel iram to
the kins and I am commanded to con
gratulate you sincerely on the success
ful Issue of your endeavors to develop
your most Important Invention. The
king has been much Interested in your
experiments , as he remembered that
the initial ones were commenced by
you on the royal yacht Osbornc in
1898. "
Bubonic Plague at Mazatlan.
Mexico City , Dec. 23. Advices from
Mazatlan , the western seaport , where
R disease supposed to bo the bubonic
plague has broken out , show that there
wore three deaths on Saturday and
nine on Sunday from this malady. A
pcsthouse has been established and
quarantine regulations are belnff rig *
Idly enforced. Weather conditions
along the west coast arc favorable to
the spreading of the plague.
Vanderbllt Still Improves.
New York , Doc. 28. Although no
r.utnorituuvc statement could ue oD-
laired as to the conditlou of Cornelius
Vandorbllt , It was said fit the houue
that the encouraging symptoms of the
Mat two days had continued and that
iop was strong ftr Mr. Vanderbllt'a
Preliminary Examination of Olflclaln
Ucrjlns at San Junn , /
HHII Juan , I' . U. , Dec. 23. IKilicrt
( llk-M , a r.ovi'ininnnt toad contractor ,
has been in rested In connection with
thu timuggllng ciiMfH , Ho IUIH boon
arraigned , rhaiicud with iimugglltu ; ,
and pleaded not guilty. Thu prelim
inary examination before United
HtuteH Cuiiimlxulniiei' Anderson of Hu-
imrvluor of Electloim llenjamln Hut *
Inr , Commander 0. W. Mcntz , In
clung" of Iho Country club , and lUili-
urt Olios , chargud with iimiiKKlliig two
lots of wines nnd llquorn from Ht.
ThomnM , on th Uiillod HtateH Htrumor
Unciis and thu HghthoiiHu tender
Laurel , bonan hero ytmturdiiy.
Cnnmmudcr Muni * wan liciud first
iind HOVGII wltnoNHOfi tuiitlfled before
thn court adjourned. Commander
Montwiui In command of the Laurel
on her 11 Ip ID HI. Thomas , when ; from
thirty to thirty flvo cancn of llquoin
wera purchased. Home of theiot catten
TVMIO put off nt Ctilohni , but fourteen
AVOIO brought to Huu Juun. Of Iho hitter -
tor , six wcru innrUitil , "lloberl ( lllen , "
while othurH were addrcHned to Cap-
tnln Andrew Diuilap , comiiiHiulnr of
th * naval utiitlim hete. One of thu
nltnuniKni , the explain of a launch ,
toiitlllml that Captuln Dunlap ordered
him In go on board thn I.auiel and get
certain uumri , ( hut hu did HO and de
llwu'rtd them to Captitln Dunlap. A
cuntomn Inspector ncl/.ed anil
spoiled the ciincH of liquor marked
"Robert Glloa. "
Order of Secretary Wilson , So Far ai
It Affects Connecticut , Is Recalled.
Washington , Doc. 23.- The quaran
tluo agaliml. Connecticut on account
of the upldrmlc of foot und mouth din
satto In Nmv England wan removed
formally yesterday by un eider IHHUOI !
by Soerutary Wllaon. The order takoj
Immcdlato efToct und pnrmltH cattlu
uhonp and olh r llvo ntock to ho
shlppud out of the Htrtln. A inoHl
rigid InvcHtlgritlon by n corps of ex
perts ban fulled to reveal th oxlHl ,
enco of a single case of thu dlncumi In
Connecticut. Quaruntlno remaliiH In
full course an to the other slaten pro
serlhod In the order of Nov. 27 last
The adrlci'H r < 'ci'lved by the depart
mnnt of Hrrlciilturo show that up In
dale , r,51 cuttle huvx been killed on
account of the epidemic. Great prow
rnss toward the eiudlcotlon of ( lie
dluvRHo will bo made now that gooil
weather prevails In the states Infected
( JnrrrliiK 11 Illxnl.
"If you'\e got a rival In the Hweet-
heart ImslneHH , " remarked the Freckled
Fanatic , "you never want to knock
him. What you want to do IK to boom ,
boost and keep on boosting until Hho
tjets HO tired of hearing you Hlug hla
that Nhu hates hlni.-lnUlanan-
She Has Cured Thousands
( liven up to Dio.
'radioing Aloopsilhy , ' .Home
opathy , Electric/ and Cen- !
eral Medicine.
Will , by ru'innnt , visit profoeiiintiiilly
returning every fnnrweeki. Consult her while
the opportunity is ut Imiul ,
DH. CALDWKLL limits her procfca to tl.a
triociul trout meat of iliHcnfes of the e > , < yir ,
nose , throat , longs , fomnlo ilUoasoti , illsenf i > 8 of
chilclrnii and nil chronic , nonous ntiil Musical
ilUmung of it curnblo nature Knrly rcmeump *
tlon , bronchitis , hroachml ciiturrh , ilirnuic
catarrh , hoadnoho. conitijmtlot , eiomiicli unit
bovvol tronblflg. rhoumiititm uoiirtilKiH , eel-
alien , Hrl ht'n clieeiiMi.Uilnoy dittoneoB.dueaeua
of tlio llvor mill liNddor. dlzzmo i > , nortoiiBiiotB ,
iiiillKU'tlnn , oboftity , Intnrruptod i n ritlnn ,
Mow growth In children , and nil wnatiiiK Alt-
oiitoa In adults , tlnformitioB. cloMaol curva-
xuro of the pi no , illtonBoa of the hriiln , paraly
sis , heart dlteato , dropsy , twolllnif of thn limbs ,
stricture , npou cores , pain In the Ixmeo. Rniuu-
lar ouIarKementB and nil loog-atnndiuR dis-
eates propnrly treated ,
lllixxl mid fekln Dlneaiie * ,
Pimples , b'otchoH , eruptions , HrorBpots , fall *
iiiK of the hair , bail complexion , eczemu , throat
ulcers , bone iwitiB , hladdur tumbles , \\uak
back , burnluK nrino , parsiuit nrlne too oftej
The ollectg of constitutional Bicknces or the
taking of too much injurlouH tnodlclua receive *
saarchluK treatment , prompt relief ami a cure
for life ,
Diseases of women , irregular menstruation ,
falling of the womb , bearing down pains ,
tomato itliplaceinenta , lack of sexual toun.
l.oncorrhen. sterility or barrenness , consult
lr Caldwell and he will iliow them the causa
of their trouble aud the \vuy to become ccred ,
Canrer * , ( loiter , PUtula , I'llus
and enlarged glands treated with the subcu
taneous lujpcf on method , absolutely without
pain and withnnt the lota nf a drop of blood ,
In one of her own discoveries aud In really the
most scientific method of this advanced nge
Dr. Caldwell has practiced her rrofestlou H
Kmieof the larKeet hospitals throughout the
country. She hat no superior In the truntliiR
and ( llnKiiosins dlsinitoa , deformities , e o. She
nan lately opened un olllco in Omaha Nebraska ,
where she will ipoud a | x > rtlon of each wpnk
trentlrK hnr many patients. No incurable
cases accepted for treatment. Consultation ,
examination and advice , one dollar to thoto In.
tornstnd. Du. UKA C.D \ \ \ e.i.i. i Co.
Omaha , Neb , Chicago 111.