THE NOKFOLK NEWS : Fill DAY. DEOMAlMtt 20. 1932. * AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA * A DOG IN THE PROFESSION By Lovctt DC Wolfe , Id" , 1 > U 7' . C1. Mflltnt 'TTTTTYTVTTYTTVTVTTTrTYTT ' The call of lUtopii m I mi IPX lnul boon Riven UiiiK IIRO , anil .Ilinmy nninl lie tied up. Tlio fjli'l who was Kolnjj to lie nn aclrcHs looked doulit fully about the ftmnll drosHliiK room InicHt ] of an Im movable jileoo of furniture Jimmy had an Impetuous tllHUHltlon | which liad not yet adapted Itwlf to tlio Iliultn- HOUR of the Kliipe , and the lrl felt that therein existed a bond of Mytnpiithy be. tween them. She lnul reculvcd her name of ( he "Klrl who \VIIH going to be nn actress" from tlio leading man. It \vafl flotiiewliiit Hurprlnlng , coming from htm , for ( he title wns llntteHng and pounded clever , mill the leading man , being a decided KcnltiH , WIIH emphat ically the reverse of clever. The girl dually concluded ( hut the water faucet was the only Ihlng In the room to which Hhe could xafcly attach the dog'H chain , and Hhe plclfcd .llmmy up In her arum to explain the mutter to him. She wan Invariably courteoiiH In her dcallngH with anlmata and the prompter , though at ( linen offhand with oUieix. "I'm afraid you won't like It , .llmmy , dear , " Hho m\hl. "You never do like being tied , for Home reiiHon or other , nnd the wornt of It Is that If you Jump nnd pull , an you Kdierally do , you will turn on the water , and that will worry i'ou , because you won't underHtaml It. In many wiiyn , .llmmy , you are a very human dog , you nee. " Hhe put him clown gently mui rasiencd me ciuuii iu lilH collar , while he licked her Imtid. "But I shan't be ROMP long , .llmmy , dear. This IH a short net , mid you can enjoy yourself thinking of how glad you'll be when I conic back. " The girl fastened the other end of the chain to the fnucet , nnd IIH she did HO came the call of "Orchestra ! " Glanc ing at herself In the gliiss , Hhe laughed. "I worship you , Jimmy , but T can't con scientiously say that you're a help when one's making up. " Jimmy stared up nt her In wrapt ado ration ns she gave her chin a suuey touch with the powder puff. This ac complished , bho stooped and kissed him on the nose. Then she hurried out of the dressing room , forgetting with proper artistic negligence to pull the door to. The lending mnn was surveying the Louse through nn eyehole in the cur tain. My and by ho came over to her. HlullV'idl'ig man wns Jimmy's owner , * * 1 it the rospon- most . . . „ She looked up at hlfn. Slu . . . . " „ , for the rising of the cm tain and . . „ , Bitting In the approved Ingenue fashion on n footstool In f''ont of an electric light tire. "Quite safe , " she answered , "sinceho is tied to the water faucet. Hut he Is probably In n btnto of active rebellion by this time , having been nlone fully live minutes. " The lending man nodded like Hamlet nt the skull , "Jimmy's n social belug. " Then the orchestra began the curtain raiser , nnd he slipped into the wings. Ills entrance was not until later. The girl begnii to think of her llrst lines , for she opened the act. She also opened the next and was always afraid she iTvould begin the play at the second. As the girl wns standing on the plain deal bide of a purling fountain during the second scene , listening for her cue , the villain came up to her. She knew the cue would be given In a moment nml therefore did not wish to engage In conversation , so she smiled at him vaguely and not encouragingly. But It was no use , because he was not u pol ished villain , but a villain of the deep est dye. "I'll tell you a joke , " he whis pered. "Jimmy's loose ! " The girl lis tened for her cue no more. "What ? " The villain nodded. "Be funny , won't It , If he follows rentleld on at his next entrance ? It's that trugle one of his. " The villain laughed a wicked laugh , twirled his black mustnchlos and etalked away , his own entrance being from the other side. The girl looked around. There wns no one near to search for Jimmy or \ get word to the leading mnn. The hitter - I ter was on the stnge , happily uncon scious of the Impending canine- anti climax Suddenly she- realized that her cue was bi-ing piven. She pulled herself together uioiitijlly nnd went on. During the scene lior mind worked double The only person she hnd tenet net with was the villain , ami she Knew It wns useless to appeal to him. Her one hope lay In finding Jimmy during n 1 five minutes' exit she hnd later , when she would reappear In hat and cent Her scene with the villain never Bcemed > o long , and she made her exit with a , more exuberant sense of relief than even on the opening night , when every scene finished was bliss unspeak able. She came off on the left and rushed over to the lending -mini's dressing room , which was on the stage , hut on the right side. The door was njiir. and the girl whistled. Then she called. "Jimmy , Jimmy , darling , " she mur mured begulllngly , but there followed no impetuous rush of little paws , so flue knew ho was not there. She r..n back across the stage , searching mix lously for the dog. nnd then npstnlrs to her own dressing room. She finntched up the hat nnd cape which she was to weur , nnd ns she put the Imt on nnd run the hatpin through her lialr continued to look about for Jim- my. No , h TTIIH not there , hut the chain wns. The girl clinched her tenth itugilly Some one hnd unfastened him. She ran down again nml stopped nt her entrnneo dour , nnd while she Us-1 toned to see how fur off her cue WIIH she looked for the basket which she WIIH to curry on , Yen , there wnn the basket , and her cue WIIH easily tluee mluutCH awny. The leading man had not yet begun his famous business of walking up ( ho singe In slli'iiee , fling ing open the center doors ami holding that position for the applause which nlwnys followed his plcluiosipio calls * thenle effort. After thin ho would de liver n Hontlmental speech preparatory to the girl's entrance. Hhe ran nerosa behind the Hinge again. Jimmy might liavo wandered Into the properly room , 1'ropa being u particular friend of IIH ! , The property room , however , held nothing more In teresting than Props himself , who WIIH smoking a peaceful pipe , with his feet elevated ngnlnst the Hlgn , "No Hmolc- ing Hero. " I'ropH hnd a snrdonlc scnso of humor nnd no respect for the man ager of the hoiiHo , who hnd hnd the sign placed there. On her way back the girl slopped for a hist despairing Illtlo whistle at the leading man's door and ns she did so noticed that all wns still on the stngo. The lending man mtiHt lie--yea , Jtmt nt that moment the doors were Hung open , nnd she could see him standing before the opening , his shoulders heaving with the agitation of high class melo dramatic emotion. The girl caught her hreiith In alarm , As the npplnuse came she started to cross behind the "rond drop , " which backed the open doors. She would JtiHt have lime to reach her entrance , hut ns she turned Hhe Haw tlmt another admirer of the lending mnn hnd seen him nml thai the grand catastrophe WIIH at hand , for Jimmy wan trolling from the other di rection Btralghl toward the actor and the Rcnllmontal speech wns jusl begin- Tlio girl wan back across the Blago behind the "road drop" In a ( lash. The ' leading man was pathetically declaim ing that life was not worth living and that he would seek death In a foreign clime by the very next steamer. Jimmy was nheady coming down the little passage formed by the drop and the lwek of the set before the big doors were reached. She knew Hhe could not call , for to do so effectively she would be obliged to pitch her voice above the actor'H. There was but one way , and If Hhe missed the dogl She made a step Into the passage and. setting down the basket , throw herself ns quietly as possible at full length on the ground. She hod not missed. She clutched Jimmy as his nose was with in four Inches of the door. And the next moment she rcall/.ed what she , had entirely forgotton-that the npeech was the last before her en trance and that her cue was near. With Jimmy locked In tightest am orous embrace she picked heiself up nnd got round to her entrnnrt ? . Al- jthough she did not express her holies In A iage , she had a conviction that dro | * .Q had selected some one to now that Ntuv.jomia nnj , take Jimmy , him. She Kllppf'-gloriously captured arm and looked rouilti Ml { < ] ; t.t on her she did so observed that ovivj. nml as on the stage but herself. Surelyyas ly some stray scene shifter woutt > - And then she heard her cue being glv on. The girl who was going to be an actress lifted the lid of her basket , thrust Jimmy in and walked on. The leading man saw her liberal" Jimmy after the act , and so she had to tell him the Rtory. Ho was furious with wrath of elaborate eloquence Next night ho came to her again when she was sitting on her stool before the electric light lire and made the solemn announcement : "I've given Jimmy away. " The girl had loved Jimmy , but per haps It was for the best. "Poor little Jimmy ! " she said .softly. "Pin afraid a dog Is out of place In the profession. " "Perhaps because there are so many of them there already , " said the lead ing man. his eyes shooting lightning In the direction of the villain. And the girl nodded. The curtain raiser was beginning. The leading man slipped Into the wings , and the girl who was going to be an ac tress began to think of her opening lines. . thIrcturpr. . In a certain village schoolroom last winter a lecturer from a neighboring town was holding forth on matters as- tronomlcal. Ills audience was Inclined to bo skep tical , and there was quite a flutter when the lecturer spoke of the distance between the earth and the moon. "That feller's a fide , " whispered the village wiseacre to his next door neigh bor , "and Aw'll prove It when Vs done spouting ! " Accordingly , when the lecture came to an end , the old villager rose to his feet and declared his Intention of "ax- Ing u question. " "Very well , tire away ! " smiled the locurer. "Wot Aw wants to know Is , how far , la It frae here to N. ? " mentioning the name of another little village at some distance. "Heally , " gapped the lecturer , " 1 couldn't tell you. I've never been to N. " "Just sea ! " came the triumphant re tort. "Then hoe mony tolmes has ta been to the moon ? " London Tit-Bits. Ill-other MllUnpot ( o IIInme. Sister Durham Well , you've read the list of conference appointments. How do you think you like Brother Mlllsap , the young man that Is to preach for your church the coming year ? Sister Mtddlcton I've got nothing against Brother Mlllsap , but I don't like ( he bishop for sending hm | to ua. -Detroit Tree Pre&s. THE QUEENOF SHOES _ CINNAMON , DELICIOUS AND SUGARY , AROMATIC AND PUNGENT. The nincovory of lln Vnluulilo I'rop- rrilrN Aiid'iliitCK Hrrnrilfil Illnlory , HonirlliliiK ( II'im nml Ihr AViiy In Which I < In I'roilucp.l. Cinnamon IH In Itself unquestionably the most delicious of all Rplccs , being migury riH well an aromatic and pun gent. Many thouHimdn of pounds are commuted annually In every civilized country , and It IH also highly appreci ated by even scmldvlllzwl nnd bar barous nations where culinary art and medicine have as yet made little prog- roan. Itfl uses In sweet cookery arc Innu merable. There are very few fruits which arc not Improved In preserves , pickles and paHtrlcH by the addition of more or ICHH of thin delicate bark. It IH an essential flavoring In all spice cakes and In many varieties of plcn and pud- dlngrt. In chocolate , confectionery , candles , cordials and HquourH cinnamon contributes an Incomparable flavor. HH medicinal value la well known as nn antlKpaHinodlc nnd carminative nnd tonic. Its use Is recommended as a preventive and remedy for cholera , nnd In seasons when stomach troubles prevail cinnamon drops are recom mended as the most wholesome form of candy for children. The discovery of the valuable prop erties of cinnamon antedates recorded history , as It IH mentioned In the Bible , In the book of Kxodtis , as one of the Ingredients of the sacred oil with which the priests were anointed. So highly was the nwect bark esteemed by the ancients that even n small piece was considered n lit gift for a king. It Is always mentioned as an especially choice substance by Greek writers pre vious to the Christian era. It is said that the Arab traders , who first brought It to Egypt and western Asia , surrounded Its history nnd production with special tales of mystery nnd magic. The clnnnamon tree Is n member of the laurel family , which In the tropics Is represented by a largo number of aromatic and medicinal trees nnd shrubs. There are several closely allied cin namon trees , but the finest bark Is pro cured from a species native ( o the Is land of Ceylon , distinguished by botanists nists ns Clnnnmonlum zcylanlcnm. In a ntato of nature this grows to be n tree from twenty to thirty feet In height , with rather large , oval , entire margined leaves and yellowish flowers succeeded by small , brown drupes re- Bcmbllng acorns In shape. The grayish brown bark Is internally of nn orange color , which changes upon drying to the characteristic brown which is the recognized name of a particular shade. Almost every part of the tree yields SQtne choice substance nnd Is especial ly rich In oil. The roots yield camphor nnd the leaves nu oil resembling the oil of cloves and often substituted for It , while from the fruit a substance called cinnamon suet Is manufactured , which Is highly fragrant and from which In former times candles for the exclusive use of the king were made. In the latter part .of the cighteentl century , while England was for a time jln possession of the spice Islands , cln in-ttQii plants were among the choice ous cfpi that were Imported into varl the West 4roplcal regions , Including several other * ! * , whore in Cuba nnd considerable article's It has become a dor cultivation It is flmmerce. Un grow Into n tree , as the rlchVpwcd to taken from shoots of from two fU'k Is years' growth. The young tree Is therefore , cut and shoots from the root are encouraged to grow. The majority of these are cut when about ten feet in height nnd the bark Is detached In ten or twelve Inch lengths. After lying In bundles for a few days the bark Is scraped by hand , both outside and In until reduced to a thin sheet. These sheets arc then mndo up Into compos ite "quills" by placing the narrower nnd shorter pieces Inside nnd rolling tightly , forming tlrmrods , which after further drying are made Into bundles weighing about eighty pounds and wrapped for shipping. Grocers divide , nssort and very neatly combine portions tions of these quills Into small packets for the convenience of their customers. The oil of cinnamon 'Is made by grinding the coarser pieces of the bark and soaking them for two or three days in sea water , followed by the process of distilling. Two oils , one heavier and the other lighter than wa ter , are the product , both possessing similar properties. The color varies from cherry red to pale yellow , the latter being preferred by most pur chasers. The work of distilling Is light , and nn oil equal to the best Ceylonese Is now produced In Trinidad and various other localities in Cuba and other West India Islands. As cinnamon commands n good price and Its uses arc continually multiply ing , there Is every Inducement for ex tending the area of Its cultivation , both In the eastern nnd western hemi spheres. St. Louis Republic. A CrliU Diet Hnlf AVny. There were strict orders In the Phil- Ipplnes regarding looting , nnd one day n lieutenant's suspicions were aroused by n prlvato whom he saw peering ea gerly under the piazza of a house on the outskirts of Manila , writes Dixie Wolcott In Harper's Magazine. "What are you doing there ? " he de manded In his gruffest tones. "Why , sir , " said the soldier , saluting , "I'm only trying to catch a chicken which I've Just bought" Lieutenant K. stooped and caught Eight of a fine pair of fowls. "Tbcre are two chickens under there. " he exclaimed excitedly. "I bought the other one. Catch 'em both. " norml I'lir it In Imnilt In China , A correspondent of the North China Iler/itd / writes this dissertation upon ronHt pig : "How little western writers understand the Chlnesol Who has not read and rejoiced over Lamb's 'Dissertation Upon Roast Pig ? ' It In not everybody who has tlio chance of fleeing Lamb's fascinating ntory worked out In real life. In the begin ning of the present Chinese year I panned through u busy market village where the people kept many pigs. In the middle of the night n flro broke out In the market village nnd de- BUoyed tlio whole place. No llvca had been lost , but most of the pigs hod been roasted , especially those too fat to run quickly. Ronnt ptgsl Burning houses ! Lninb'n ntory In real llfel Quite naturally I remarked that Borne folk must have had n splendid meal of roast pork In those days. To my sur prise the natives asked with disgust : "A Bplcndld mcall Who would ent that stinking , smoky stuff ? ' The palate of the Chinaman absolutely re jects Hinoky roast pork I All that mag nificent epicurean description culmi nating In the one word 'crackling' a delusion , n yarn , n lie ! I gloated over that yarn when i boy and grew ex cited as the story went from 0110 page to another. Now to flnd the whole thlnff go up In smoke ! " Solviuir It. Patrick , a thrifty tradesman In the neighborhood of the Dublin docks , was , the Htory goes , n man who never spent n penny more than ho needed to spend , but he was nevertheless ns good a man nt the making of nn Irish bull as any who lived between Bnntry and Bally- castle. Having one day occasion to fiend n letter to n place some distance , Patrick called a messenger nnd asked him his prlco for going such n dlstanc. "It ' 111 be n Bhlllln' , " said the man. "Twice too much ! " said Patrick. "Let t bo sixpence. " "Nlvver , " answered the messenger. "The way Is that lonely that I'd nlvver go It under a Bhlllln' . " "Lonely , Is It ? " said Patrick ; scratchIng - Ing his head. "Faith , nn' ye're right. Now , man , I'll toll ye what we'll do ; make It sixpence , nu' I'll go wld ye to knpe yo conipanyl" Ciirrnii Met III * Match. Curran , the famous Irish advocate , was n master of repartee , but ho did not always score , though ho enjoyed nn encounter none the less If ho was fairly beaten. One day , In a gay mood , ho stopped nnd chatted with n certain Father O'Lcnry. "Ah , father , " said the advocate , waiting for an opening , "how I wish when I die that you had the key to heaven ! " "Why ? " said the priest , for he guess ed a trap was laid. "Because you could lot mo In. " "Ah , " said Father O'Lcary , "It would bo better for vou If I had the key of the other place , for then I could let you out. " TJio Uoiie. Old as the history of the world Itself Is th't of tutqi.i'v n of flowers. The ancient Greeks nnd Romans reveled In roses. They were used lavishly at their feasts . In the time of the republic the people had their cups of falernlnn wine swimming with blooms , nnd the Spar tan soldiers , after the battle of Cirrhn , refused to drink any wine that was not perfumed with roses , while at the re gatta of Balro the whole surface of the Lucrine lake was fatrewu with flowers. It Muilillrtl Him. "It gets me , " confided the Intoxicated Individual who was gazing Into the window "It gets me ! I d'know llko' " & n chr'chr'chr'zannomum looks terrier iod'JC , terrier or wezzer a Skye But the pollc'fiL" chr-chr-lzzinnnlum.1' nnd the problem cMot "lm 'ust ' tllcn the time belng.-BaltiinS0 Kct ulm fo - _ A.inorlcan. , IlnfKiilii In Wnr. Edward III. hnd just announced bis intention of beginning the Hundred Yonrs' war. "But , " sobbed Queen Thillppa , "can't you reduce It to ninety-eight ? " Maddened , however , by this request for a bargain , he rushed out nt once and pawned their crowns to pay the troops. New York Tribune. Difference of Opinion. "How did that poem of yours turn outV" "Oh , " answered Ihe author , "there wns the difference of opinion that usually attends the production of n masterpiece. The postmaster Insisted that It wns first clnss matter nnd the editor Insisted thai II was not" Washington Star. * Scorched. Cannibal Chlcf-What was that I had for dinner ? Cannibal Cook He wns a bicycle rider , your excellency. ( . 'aunlbal Chief 1 thought I detected n burned taste. Cannibal Cook Yes. your excellen cy. He was scorching when we caught him : HU Salary. "Yqu told me last week that you would try to raise my salary , " said Brlggs. "Oh , yes , " replied his employer. "Well , I did. I raised It after some trouble. Believe me , I had n very hard time raising It this week. " It | s remarkable how virtuous and generously disposed every one Is at n play. We uniformly applaud what Is right nnd condemn what Is wrong when It costs us nothing but the senti ment Hazlitt An easy way to soften hard water delightfully is to throw orange peel into It Just before the water Is used ICO ncres throenud one half mlles from Norfolk , price JSCOO , ' cash. 820 acres 8 nulos from Norfolk , $23 per ncro , well improved. KiO acres 0 mlles from Norfolkbottom laud , well improved , f 10 per ncro. $ 100 buys honso and lot nt Junction. $5CO buys n lurgu lot with y-room house two blocks from government building. $250 bnyatwolotflon South 10th street three- blocks from Congregational chnrch. $850 buys 7-room house six blocks from business center of town. GAKDNKR & SEILEU. Holiday Excursion Rates. Quo fnro for the round trip between nil stations on the Union Pacific within n distance of 200 miles , minimum 50 cents. Dates of snlo : December 21 , S5 and ill , 11)03 ) , nnd January 1 , 1D01J. Return limit : Jnuunry 2 , 1003. A Tlioiiimncl Dollum Worth of Good. A. II. Thnruus , n well known coal operator of Buffalo , O. , writes , " ! have beou nflllctod with kidney nud bladder trouble for years , passing gravel or atonoB with excruciating pain. I got Foloy'a Kidney Cure , then the result wns surprising. A few doses started the brick dust like flue stories and now I have no pniii across my kidneys nud I fool like u now man. It done mo n $1000 worth of good. " Kojiort from the Iteform School. J. G. Gluck , Superintendent , Prnnty- town , W.Va. . writse : "After trying all of the advertised cough medicines wo have decldodto UBO Foloy's Honey and Tnr exclusively in the West Vir ginia Reform School. I flnd it the most effective nnd absolutely harm less. " Nnsnl Catarrh quickly yields to trout- mcut by Ely's Cronm Balm , which is agree ably nroumtio. It is received through the nostrils , cleanses and holds the whole eur- face over which it diffuses itself. Druggists sell the COo. size ; Trinl size by mail , 10 conts. Test it nnd you nro euro to continue the treatment. Announcement. To nccommodnto those who are pnrtial to the lisa of atomizers iu applying liquids into the unf > nl paasn on for eatarrhal troit- blct , the proprietors prepare Cream Balm iu liquid form , which will bo known ns Ely's Liquid Cicam Bnlin. Price including the praying tube is 75ceuls. Druggists or by mail. The liquid form embodies tlio med icinal properties of the Bolid preparation. Saved at Gntve'n llrluk. " 1 know I would long ago have boon in my grave. " writes Mrs. S. II Now- som , of Decntur , Ala. , "if it had not been for Electric Bitters. For three years 1 suffered untold ngony from the worst forms of indigestion , wnterbrnsh , stomach and bowel dyspepsia. But his excellent medicine did me n world of good. Since using it I can ent heartily nnd Imvo gained 35 pounds. " For indigestion , loss of appetite , stomach ach , liver and kidney troubles Electric Bitters nro n positive. Rnnranteed cure. Only 50 cents nt the Kiesan drug store. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests nil classes of food , tones and strengthens the Etomach and digestive organs. Cures dyspepsia , indigestion , stomach troubles and makes rich red blood , health nnd strength. Kodol rebuilds without tissues , purifies , strengthens and sweetens the stomach. Oov. G. W. Atkiusou , , of W. Vn , says : I have used n number of bottles of Kodol aud have found it to be n very effective and , indeed , n powerful remedy for stomach ailments. I reo- comond it to uiy friends. The Klesau Drug Co. A Cold Wave. The forecast of sr dden changes in the weather serves notice tlmt hoarse voice nud n heavy cough may invade the sanctity of health in your own homo. Cautious people have n bottle of Quo Minute Cough Ouro always nt hand. E , II. Wise , Mndisou , Ga. . writes : " 1 nm indebted to One Minute Cough Care for my present good health and probably my life. " It cures conghs colds , lugrippo , bronchitis , pneumonia and all throat and lung troubles , One Minute Cough Cure cuts the phlegm draws out the inflammation , heats n ud soothes the mucous membranes nnd l freugthons the Innga. The Kiesnu 11 w itWhat's in a Name ? nmn * . ? % UaZel BalV0' DeWitt & Co. of W ' discovered some years ego , how ro'nke n Balv from Witch Hazel tlmt is a mecino to piles. For blind , bleeding , itching nn protruding piles exzema , outs , bnrni , , braises aud all skin diseases DeWitt's salve has no equal. This has given rise to numerous worthless counterfeits. Ask for DeWitt's the genuine. Tne Kiesau Drug Co. A Timely Topic. At this Benson of conghs nud colds it is well to know that Foley's Honey nnd Tar is the greatest throat nnd lung rem edy. It cures ! qnickly and prevents ser ious results from n cold. Whence comes the mighty far-reach- injr power that enables Rocky Moun tain Tea to make such wonderful cores ? Try it nnd see. A. II. Kiesau , Cold * , nnd ConMlimtlun , Few people realize when taking cough medicines other than Foloy'u Honey and Tar , that they contain opiates which are constipating besides being unsafe , par ticularly for children. Foley's Honey nnd Tar contains no opiates , is safe nnd sure nud will not constipate. Rounds ont the hollow places ; smoothes out lines that creep about one's face : woos roses back to faded cheeks. That's what Rocky Mountain Tea does. 115 cents. A. H. Kiesnu. A Million Voices Could hardly express the thanks of Homer Hall , of West Point , la. Listen why : A severe cold had settled on his lungs , causing a most obstinate cough , Several physicians said ho had consump tion , but could not help him. When all thought he was doomed he began to use Dr. Kings' Now Discovery for con sumption and vmtes "it completely cured mo nud saved my life. I now weigh 237 pounds , " It's positively gnnrauted for coughs , colds and lung troubles. Price 50 cents and $1 00. Trial bottles free nt Kiesan drug store. Itoy'a llfn nveil from Alemhrnnoui Crou 0. W. Lynch , n prominent citizen o Winchester , Ind , writes , "My little boy had n severe attack of membranous croup , and only got relief after taking Foloy'o ' Houoy and Tar. He go relief After ono doHO and I f col that it saved the life of my boy. " Refuse nubati- A kidney or bladder trouble can nl- ways bo cured by using Foloy's Kidney Cure in time. If you feel 111 aud need n pill Why not puiolmflo the best ? Do Witt's Early Risers Are little surprlsors , Take one tboy do the rest. W. H. Howcll , Houston , Tex. , write * I hnvo used Lltilo Early Riser Pills in my family for couhtlpatiou , sick head ache , etc. To their use I am indebted for the health of in ; family. Foils Dondly Attack. "My wife was so ill that good physi cians wore nnablo to help her , " writes M. M. Austin , of Winchester , Ind. , "but was completely oared by Dr. King's Now Life Pills. " They work wonders in stomach and liver troubles. Ouro constipation , sick headache. 25 cents at Kiopau drug store. The 1'rlilo of Heroes. Many soldiers in the last war wrote to say that for scratches , bruises , cuts , wounds , corns , sore feet and stiff joints , Buoklen's Arnica salvo is the best iu the world. Same for barns , scalds , boils , uloers , skin eruptions and piles. It euros or no pay. Only 35 cents at Kiosan drug store. It's the well spring of joy. The cen ter around which happy homo life cen ters. Rocky Mountain Tea. That great family remedy that makes home happy. A. II. Kiesaa. CALIFORNIA with its lovely seaside resorts , orange groves , beautiful gardens - dons and quaint old mission towns id visited every year by thousands of tourists who travel over the Union Pacific , because it is the. best and quick est route nnd the ONLY LINK ruuningTimouan TRAINS from OMAIIA to CALIFORNIA. It is nlsotheoulyline running four personally conducted excursions to California from Missouri River every week. These Excursions can be joined nt any point en route . . . Foil information cheerfully fur nished on application to J. B. ELSEFFER , Agont. are the most fatal of all eases. KIDNEY CURE Guaranteed Rn or money refunded. Conta remedies recognized by e nent physicians as the vest Kidney and Bladder troub PRICE SOc. and $1.00. SOLD BY A. H. KIESAU. HEVIVO RESTORES VITALITY Made a Well Man t. of Me * produces the above rosaltH in 30 clayi. It tctt ooweriully and quickly Cures when all others fall Vuugnienvrtllregaln their lost inanbood.andold Hi > | ii recover their youthful vigor by usln HEVjvo. It gulckly aud surely rustorea Ncrvou * P06- 0 Vitality , Impotcncy , Nightly Emission * ali OWfl'I'alIln Memory. WiittlnK niEeasen.anil effects wif.ahuco or csct-fpend Indiscretion j.i > sn * . or marriage. II not only curcHU > Btartitv att lOs &t o disease , bul laacrcat | , , , , Uonti imUder , bring Inz back the plnk\nVT | to pal cheeks and r torln the flro of > , ) nth. It wirdo off Jnoanltj and Consumption. IDT-M on bsvtnr other. It can bo carried \ ] \ ett j > ocktt. Dy In ill CLOOperpackaae orelv : * rt)3RO ) , with * poll tlvo written frtmrnntca tonre -nre or retonf { lie money , nook and nilvUotrOd AiUIress ROYAL MEDICINE CO , , ' For sale in Norfolk , Nebraska , bj Goo. B. Ohristoph , druggist. Nasal It. all Its stages there eliuuld bo cleanliness. Ely's Cream linlm ccan ! es , nn thes and hcali itie ilmeaned membrnne. It ciiren catarrh and drh cs auny a cold In the head quickly. Cream Balm Is placed Into the nostrils , spreads aver the membrane and Is absorbed. Hellef Is Im mediate and a cure follow s. It Is not rtrylns-dos not j.roduco . anting. Urge Size , 50 cents at Drug. Kl ti or by mail ; Trial Size , 10 rents by mall. ELY 1WOTIJEUS. Sd Warren Street , New York , DOJM'T BE FOOLED ! Take the cctiulne , origin * ! ROCKY MOUNTAIN TE/ > Made only by Madison Medl clue Co. , Madison. VVIs. It kccp yuu well. Our trade mark cut on each package , I'rlce , .is ctnti. Nsvrr otj | In bulk. Accept no jrubstj. KO POI > TOI I tutu Alc