The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, December 26, 1902, Page 11, Image 11

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    THE NORFOLK NBWS : FRIDAY , Dl'X'KMHKK ' 2(5 ( , 11102 , II
Experimenting with cheap
spectacle fakirs nnd "would *
bo" opticians , suppofio you
coino and pay UB our price for
a pair of lenses thnt will fit
your oycs nud give you satis-
Our prlco IB not high , but
just high enough to give yon
first-class lenses and frames
nud first-class attention.
Dr. Marquardt
The Best Gift of All
that makes for life , long happiness. The
Elkhorn B. & < S. association will make
you a loan to bnild or buy ou favorable
T. E. ODIOENE , Secretary.
We are showing a very
fine line of
Balduffs ,
Allegrette ,
ill plain and fancy boxes of all
sixes and description. No where
else can you find so complete a
line selected with BO much care.
Also a large stock of bulk goods
mixed candy. School and Sunday
School committees are iiivited to
inspect ,
Holly and Christmas Greens.
Leave orders early
The New Year's
Creates * Gift
is a perfect shoe , and this i what wo
are offering. A shoo that combines the
highest degree of elegance iu shape and
style , of superior finish , durability and
power to retain iW shape and sold at
a most moderate prico.
The Palace Shoe Store
The Weather.
Conditions of the weather as recorded
for the 24 houra ending at 8 a. m. today -
day :
Maximum temperature 1
Minimum temperature -17
Tnoipitiitlou ° °
Total snow , inches 13 " 0
Total precipitation for month 1 CO
narometor 8021
Forecast for Nebraska : Generally -
-ally fair tonight and Saturday. Rising
The entertainment given by the
Seventh grade in the High school room
.Friday of last week netted them f 15.00
which will go toward their library
A now little daughter arrived nt the
homo of Mr and Mrs. Irving Oorocko ,
on Madison avenue , Christmas cvo , uiii ]
will undoubtedly remain for the holi
W. 0. Hall has sold his harbor shop
to O. .T. Rood of Munkato , Kansas. Mr.
Rood took charge of the bnslnesa Wed
nesday. Mr. Hall has not yet deotdud
what ho will do for the future.
Horrmauu , tlio Great , entertained
good andiouooa at Sioux City yoatorday
afternoon , and evening. The papers
giro him credit for his feats at palm
ing , at which ho was very olovor.
Herrmann the Croat , arrived from
Slonx City this morning having enter'
taluod at the Qraiid.GhriBtmas afternoon
and evening , and will present a pro
gram in logordomalu at the Norfolli
Aunltorlntn touignt.
Tire that did no damage in the Qnoon
City hotel this morning called out the
department at 10:110. : The heat fromn
Btovo caught the kitchen door , there war
a bltv/.o for a moment and an alarm
wont in. A bucket of water stopped the
Damascus Commandory , No. 20 ,
Knights Templar , hold Us annual
Christmas observance at the lodge rooms
yesterday morning at 11 o'clock. Judge
J. B. Barnes presided as toastmautor , and
there were the customary toasts to the
most eminent grand master , Henry Bates
Stoddard , aud to the absent members nf
the lodge.
Christmas weather rather wont to
extremes in this vicinity. The minimum
temperature on Christmas eve was 10
below zero. Yesterday , after a hard
struggle , the mercury managed to show
a maximum tomperatnro of 1 above ,
and this morning the government ther
mometer registered at 17 below as the
minimum , which Is the record for the
season. The barometer was high yesterday -
torday , showing ! 10.2i. (
Welch Lowroy , the Stanton young
man who abducted Anna Bilawa from
the homo of W. S. Bordnor on the 14th
of September , and compelled her to
accompany him to the sand hills south
of town , was arrested by Sheriff King
at Omaha Monday and was brought
back to Stautou to stand trial. Ho hus
been followed by dotevtives for some
time and they at last succeeded in get
ting him to come to Omaha , whore he
was arrested. There was a reward of
$500 , $200 of which was conditioned on
his conviction. Following his crime
Lowroy was followed by a posse and
bloodhounds were put on his track , the
search being continued for a week or
more iu the vicinity whore it was
alleged the crime had been committed ,
but the fugitive managed to make his
escape into Iowa and has enjoyed his
liberty until Monday.
LOST Somewhere on the streets of
NorfolkMonday , n rod [ memorandum
book , containing receipts , addresses ,
etc. Finder will receive a suitable re
ward by returning to mo.
Losr. A small packngo containing
saveral small sterling silver articles , be
tween the Star clothing store and the
southwestern part of the city. Finder
please leave at NEWS oilice and receive
FOUND. A fur collarette. Owner
may got property from Chief of Police
Fine ice cream at Kauffinau's bakery.
Save gas bill's by getting an Ideal
steam cooker for sale at Degner's.
Prominent People.
Among the people supporting Dainty
May Sargent , late leading woman with
Margaret Mather and MadamoModjeska
companies , who may play an engage
ment hero soon in "Other People's
Money , " are well known and prominent
artists. Conspicuous among them are ,
David Maruell , the well-known cor- -
dian ; Eva Thatcher , a metr/-1 .
'te r ° ml >
favorite ; Zeliah Covington
* n * '
" "
nent "juvenile" man :
-do the PlaJ' Paf :
son , the man who -
York nud
" * tlllk of Now
adite Alley ,
poston r Hazel Kilday , the popular and
'weet little ingenue , etc. , etc.
Miss Sargent bears striking resem
blance to America's famous Maude
Adams and it is said that her gowns are
The giving of presents at W. B.
Vail's jewelry store will continue until
after the holidays. A souvenir will lo
given with every purchase amounting
to $2 or more.
Notice to Stockholders.
The regular annual meeting of the
shareholders of the Norfolk National
bank of Norfolk , Nebraska , for the
election of directors , will bo held at its
banking house , Tuesday , January 18
1003 , between the hours of 10 o'clock
a. m. and 4 o'clock o. in. of said day.
Norfolk , Nobr. , DPO. 12 , 1002.
SV. H. BremenPresident. .
If the person who took the pocketbook -
book off the table in the express olllco
will return it with the papers , they may
keep the money , and no questions will
bo asked. Fr.itN MoDoNAf.u.
Notice to Stockholders.
The regular aunual meeting of the
stockholders of the Citizens National
bank of Norfolk , Neb. , will bo held In
its banking rooms on January Hi , 100 ! !
between the hours 0 o'clock a. m. and ' ;
p. m. for the election of directors.
Norfolk , Nebr. , December 15 , 1002.
G. A. LUIKAHT , President.
Happiness and Pleasure in Nor
folk for a Day.
Sunday School Children Enjoy Tree
nnd Treats the Eve Doforo Christ
mas and Services Were Hold Yesterday
torday Other Christmas Events.
Christmas , 100'J , has como nnd gone.
Today the world of llttlo folk is ro
joloiug ever gifts , good housewives ar
putting . .disordered homos into fihap
again , nud merchants , with tholr tmop
empty , rnoro or loss , are counting n ]
the sales of the season.
Norfolk observed Christmas in earn
est. Throughout the city there wa
merry making and joy from the tluu
the uhuroh trees were brought on
Wednesday evening until the earl <
hours of this morning , when the musii
stopped for the several dances ever town
nnd the revellers called it n day.
Yesterday was a complete holiday ii
every HOUSO. Early , very early , in thi
morning , a thousand llttlo tots crop
down stairs to got n look at their stock
ings , then thuro wore messengers hur
rying about in all directions to dolivei
the packages ; a little later cauio tut
Christmas dinners and dozens of Nor
folk people entertained yesterday ant
after thut it was a few hours of do us
you-liko , until , tired with the day's ex
cltomont , a happy little crowd was pul
to bed , another bat down to finish in
Bards , aud still a livelier lot went t (
the danco.
Business houses were closed , as usual
The only places that had a bigger rusli
than on any other day during the yeui
were the postollk-o , which was swamped
with heavy mails , and the express oilleo ,
whoso wagons wore kept on the run all
lay long with their loads of bundles.
Merchants in the city seem , as a gen-
anil rule , to have enjoyed a good trade.
1'ho cold snap on Wednesday cut down
the sales to a great extent , and bonic
complain of the lack of putronago , but
for the most part the commercial end ol
the Christmas season is very satisfactory ,
"South Norfolk had a great day oi
it , " said Matt Schuil'er this morning ,
"Trade was good , and even the window
lisplays wore sold out. "
Services were hold in the following
churches :
At the M E. church a program con *
listing of music and recitations wut
liold , after which the children of tin
Sunday school were given a treat in th (
way of candies and nuts.
The children of the First Cougrega
tonal took part in a program of music
md recitations , aud afterward enjoyer
i beautiful tree , ever which Santa Olauf
presided in person.
A short song service was hold at tlu
Trinity Episcopal followed by a trei
uid gitts for the little ones. There wai
Use service yesterday morning.
Santa Glaus managed a tree at the
3hrist Lutheran. Services were holt
festorday morning and today. Ileurj
spuiring , who is homo from college foi
; ho holidays , preached this morning.
St. Paul's Lutheran had a Christumc
srorgam , a tree and a Santa Clans ,
Services were hold yesterday aud this
The Second Congregational observed
he dav with an entertainment Christ-
mas eve for the children. .
At St. Mary's there were
terdny morning. flndny gchool
The Presbyter in the Bhnpe of
children were - Qf Mr > nud Mrfl > J §
a tree at -
OQ Norfoik avenue.
iho Baptists treated their Sunday
ichool people to a special program , n
; reo and gifts.
Jouaunes Lutheran hold services yes-
; erday morning.
The German Evangelical hold special
The Oxnard hotel had a tree Wednes-
lay night
Christmas Dances.
The Firemen's ball , which took place
at Marqnardt's hall , was not attended
by as largo a crowd as the firemen had
hoped for. A largo number of tickets
had been sold previously , however , so
that in spite of the cold night , the
financial end of the affair did not Buffer
materially. The firemen all report n
jolly , good Christmas night , nud the
dancing lasted until far into the morn
ing.A dance was given at Mast hall lasl
night by the N. O. R. club. Aboul
thirty five couples were present and
enjoyed a good time until the muaie
stopped , in the wee small hours.
A hop was a Christmas feature foi
the colored element at the Eisely hall
last night.
Herrmann the Great.
The Auditorium , next Friday , will b <
taxed to its utmost capacity , when tin
wonderful prostidigitateur , Herrmani
the Great , gives his truly marvelous en
tertainment. The art of the prestidlgi
tateur is always new , for it is preteen ii
its nature. Of the prograrno oiferet
by Herrmann thl season , every tricl
and illusion is novel and mystifying
and is presented to local theatre-goer
for the first time. It is positively i
bran new , up-to-date , magical entertain
inont , in < > 'o myhtmtous , moro
and mint ) niitortauilng than any olhoi
maglual porformunco ever given in thli
city. It will cruato moro wonderment
moro talk and pir//.lo moro people thai
any of llerrmann'H provioun cITorts , and
local thimtro-goorH have u nonltlvo trval
In Htoro for them. Of the now illusion !
of big showy triukn , may bo mentioned
"I'rinoosB Mahomoda , " an aortal inyn
tory , "Tho Enohantod Cabinet" and tlu
sensation of I'okln entitled "Yoyago In <
stautauoouH , " whlah have oreatod r
furore wherever prouonted. Herrmann
will bo accompanied by the "Muoloa
UoolmauH , " a highly artlntio musical
Dr. F. G. Walters , succeeds to the
practice of Dr , F. W. Kiosau. Ofllui
Cotton block.
Farms routed for nonrosidontn. Col-
lootlouH made. Insurance written by
Gardner & Boiler
A. F. Tannohlll In on the nick list.
Mrs. A. N. MoGinnis in slok with tlui
typhoid fovor.
Nell Moloi\th has sold his houmi'iuid
lots to J. G.Oulpln.
Conrad Wheeler wont to IMnttmmnitli
Wednesday to visit his mm , Frank.
E/.ra Culpin wont to Alnsworth Mon
day In spend Christmas with his mother
Mrs Bowlsby returned to her home
in Silver City Monday , after a ton
days' visit with her sister , Mrs. Clara
The members of the Modern Wood
man ledge will give a iiuiHquo ball in
their lodge room WednoHday evening ,
Ducember ill , to which the public IH in
Some mighty mean cuss hroko Into
the coal house in school district No. 2/i / ,
Friday night , and stole a wagon load of
folk at once to prepnro for positions in
the Government Service. Apply to
Inter-State Corres. Inst. , Cedar Rapids ,
H. II. Fundnm has boon sick for
about two weeks.
A son was born to Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Stollo Saturday.
Mrs. G. W. Day of Jefferson , Iowa ,
is spending the holidays with her son.
George Zimmerman is building a now
ice honso ou the creek bank , north of
Henry Massman was operated ou for
throat trouble Sunday and is now recov
August Wendt was a passenger for
Fremont Tuesday to consult n doctor of
that city.
Mrs. II. Morey of Pierce visited the
first of the week at the homo of Post
master F. H. L. WilhH.
Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Snell who have been
living in Tildon for six months , have
returned to Battle Creek.
Owen Wade is homo from DOS Moincf
Iowa , where ho has been attending
college , to spend his vacation.
The public school closed Friday and
tlio German school Tuesday for tin
holidays. They will reopen Jauuajnj ,
Thomas Wade , who has bee 'mouths ,
in the southern states forspend Christ-
arrived homo Saturd'-
mUS > .j , clerk in the Battle Creek
, wont to Norfolk Wodnes-
to spend Christmas with his
J. E. Halo , who is invoicor for the
Edwards & Bradford Lumber company ,
camohoine Sunday to spend his Christ
mas vacation. .
While loading his dray Tuesday
morning Peter Neuwerk slipped from
the wagon and fell , cutting a bad gash
in his head.
Clans Neuwerk , who has been em
ployed in the beet syrup factory at
South Sioux City , arrived homo Friday
for an extended visit.
Mrs. II. R. Lymau and little daughter
returned Friday from Cedar Rapids ,
Iowa , where Mrs. Lyraan has been re
ceiving treatment for some time iu n
Miss Minnie Heuerman , who has been
employed as nurse in the Lutheran
hospital at St. Louis for about two yean
and a half , is visiting her parents. She
expecto to go to Portland , Oregon , tc
take a similar position after the holi
Mildred Montross is an unlucky little
girl. It will bo remembered that she
was badly burned in a bonfire lasi
spring , and Sunday afternoon while re
turning from church she slipped or
some ice and foil , breaking her loft am
near the elbow.
The following teachers are speudinj
their holiday vacations at their home ,
in Battle Greek : Miss Elsie Simmon
from Tilden , Miss Mattie Ingoldsb ;
from Nowmau Grove , Miss Mattii
Simmons from Fullortou , Miss Emmi
Palmer from Emerson aud Miss Nelh
Palmer from Winside.
Dr. F. G. Walters. Office over Baun
'Bros.'store. Olllco telephone 18 Resi
deuce ITS.
Sturgeon is the mane man.
Two houses for rent One in Heights
"Dnrland's add. " One at Norfoll
MIHH Luirn Kldder is home from Km
mont to npend the holldayx.
Miss Louise Muthowmm has gene d
\Vakollold to upend ClirlHtniuH.
H W. Wilson wont to NortliJ 1'lntti
to npend ChriNttmiHtth hln family ,
Dale Krotmmn IN homo from Omahi
to vlfllt his pure-nth until'after Nov
Rov. and Mrs. J. F , Pouohor Hpeni
Christmas with Mm. I'oiioliir'H paronli
at Tokuiimh.
Mr. Fomylho , of Yellow Stonn Park
In visiting at the Riehtorhomo on Boutl :
Fifteenth Htreet.
Charley NOHOW is hero to npond the
holidays nt the homo of his mother on
South Sixth htreet.
Dr. and Mrs. 0. S. Parker Imvo gone
to Wakefleld to upend a few days at tlu
homo of Rov. J. J. Parker.
Mr. and Mrs. Corl Jenkins came uj
from the farm to spend OlirlHtnuiH wltli
Mr. and Mrs. 0. I ) . Jenkins.
Mm. C. H. Bniko nnd son , Paul ,
went to llawarden , Iowa , yesterday tc
spend the holldayHwith friends.
T. J. Morrow came homo from a four
months' trip through Colorado , to
Hpend Christ IIIIIH with liln family.
Hov. J. H Clay , who IIIIH been hold
ing revival services at Randolph , spent
OhriHtmiiH with his family in this city.
Miss Fannie Notion came up from
Omaha lo Hpend the holidays , and IH 11
giumt at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. 1 * F
Mr. and Mrs. K. A. Hullork , and mm ,
Clyde , are spending the holldajH at. the
homo of Mr Bullock's parents in Iliirlen ,
Will Ruokendorf was down from
Fairfax , S I ) , where ho IH operator , to
jpond Chrisman ! at the homo of IIH {
parents , Mr. and Mrs. L. Biiokondorf.
Mrs. F L. Hamilton left today for
Dreighton to join her husband and
make her homo. It is understood thnt
Mr. Hamilton will start a job printing
> lllco at that place.
Mr. and Mrs. Willis MeHrido and
children of Madison Kpent ChriNtmas
ilay with Not folk relatives. Mrs.
MoBrido and the ohildien left this
morning for Ponca fora visit , and Mr.
MoBrido returned homo.
Dr. R. A. MitlloHtadt , dentist , Bishop
block. Telephone 147 A.
WANTII ) . A trustwoithy gentleman
or lady in ennh county to manage busi
ness for an old established hoimo of solid
financial standing. A straight , bona
lido weekly salary of $1800 paid by
check each Wednesday with all expen
ses direct from headquarters. Money
advanced for expenses. Manager , 'IM
Caxton Bldg. , Chicago.
Prevention and Cure of Colds.
For ton of the twelve years of his life
my son sullored from iniluoiua , whio )
no amount of precaution could weI0r >
and which , with or withon" * course ,
was often wet-Its in mho was about
at the end of wM oAt last I became
ready for tnat an over indulgence in
convi was one fertile canso , and many
box of taudy the gift of unwise
nornls was suppressed , and the colds
ccamo less frequent. On his tenth
irthday he began upon rising iu the
lorning a series of cold sponge baths ,
ollowed by friction with a course
Qwol. That year his colds were lirn-
ted to two. When the second began to
aako its appearance we determined to
ry heroic measures , and for thirty-six
tours ho wont without food with the
xception of a oupfnl of hot water and
the juice of an orange taken on the
morning of the first day'H fast. The
second morning ho awoke without a
vestige of cold , and a happier and moro
triumphant boy it would have been
hard to find. As many of my friends
and family have tried this with equal
success I do not hesitate to recommend
it. Woman's Homo'Companion.
Ranch of 2,000 acres , deeded land , 10
miles southeast of Long Pino. iJOO head
white face cattle. Plenty of hay and
water , and r.ontrols 10,000 acres of pas
ture. Price $10 per aero for deeded land.
Wo also have other ranches for sale.
of the Supervising Architect , Washing
ton , D. 0 , November 29 , 1002
SEALED PROPOSALS will bo received
at this olllco until 2 o'clock p. m. ou
the 15th day of January , 19011 , and then
opened , for the construction ( excepl
heating apparatus , electric wiring uui' '
conduits ) , of the U. S Postofllco at
Norfolk , Nebraska , in accordance with
the drawings and speciti-ation , copies
of which may be hud at this olllco , or at
the oillco of the Postmaster at Norfolk
Nebraska , at the discretion of the
Supervising Architect .TAJIKS Ksox
TAYLOR , Supervising Architect.
Have you thought how IIBO-
fulallilngagilpln'1'Mpiiiy ' mon
iiiitiiiliiirl ) | ally Hpoiulng , live
in their grips , Homo IOUHO
their Kiip mid ( | iiit , living
OlhoiH IIHII iliolr grlpH oeoii'
Hloniilly. Homo nuiu buy tholr
grlpH , HOIIIO Htl'lll tlll'll ) J OlllOrH
got tlioni , tlioy don't , know
how , hut , Hourly ovnry iniin
mid homo women need
Wo Imvo n nlaa iiBHortmont
of all tlio dliroront HiiapoH.
Mult CIIKOH , OohimliliiH , Oulil.
notH , OlubH Telescopes and
Fraternal. All si/on , from 10
to 110 Inulii'H long , I'rlccH from
Clothing Store
M-M-M M-I-M-M I-M M--H ! M-M- ;
nowadays keep their eyes open. A pair
ofpropnily flthd glanses will prove a
great help. You can get them of
1'2 Bishop Block , Nnuroi u
on want everything of the best , and if
'ou use tlio Hon Ton llonr you are sure
o have the whitest , lIphti'Ht and most
luliciouHbn-ad , tlio richest and lightest
lakes mid flakiest plon for yourXmaH
( inner. If you have never used the
Jon Ton llonr it will bo as welcome as a
3hrifltmas gift in the pleasure it will
; ivo yon in sivtisfaction and splendid.
oHults in your baking.
Sugar City Cereal ] Hills.
G. E.
Presents to his many
patrons the compli
ments of the season.
With sincere grati
tude for past patron
age ho cordially so
licits an increased
trade for 1908.
The Cheapest Flour
is the flour which makes the most
bread. A barrel of Pillsbur/s
Best Flour will make more loaves
of bread than will a barrel of
ordinary flour.
For Sale at Fair Store.