The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, December 19, 1902, Page 4, Image 4

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The Norfolk flcuifi
A girl should accept no oxcuno from
her follow who now neglects to tixko her
The thought thnt tmow Is considered
n Rood fortilteor In Rood thought to
think na it continues to noomnulnto.
Mrs. Ulysses S. Gn\nt , widow of
President Qrixnt , is dond nt lior
liomo in Washington , nt the ngo of
75 years. _
If Santa Glium doRon't UBO Ids reindeers -
doors nud sleigh this winter there nro
ninny youngsters who will foci justified
In believing the old follow ft myth.
A. A. Lognn hns retired Irom the
Grolghtan Conrinr and thnt imports now
innod by , T. S. Kelley , who 1ms boon
manager of the paper for tbo past seven
If the introduction of bills on the
trust , question will settle the matter
there is no iinustiou but that the tnwts
have received stunning blow from
The Monroe dootrino stands for n good
many things , but it evidently does not
support small American republics in
attempting to ovndo their obligations to
foreign countries.
It is not "tho beautiful" to the follow
compelled to wield the shovel and broom
and compelled to tie stglugs around his
pnuts log to keep It from getting too
familiar with his lower parson.
Pat Orowo has been Bilont BO long
that ho fears that the people have for
gotten him and therefore writes , prom
ising to return and glvo himself up to
the oflloerri. Ho alleges that ho is in
South Africa.
Have patiouco. There arc only about
three more weeks to wait until the legislature
islaturo is in session at Lincoln , when
27 democrats will endeavor to prevent
100 republicans from doing jvs they
blame pleaso.
A St. Louis woman slept for six days
rtnd her family employed every method
taarouso her. The husband should
have been satisfied to leave well enough
filouo. Ho may receive n onrtnlu loo-
turo for his pains.
"Why didn't soinoono consult n'wish-
bone or the corn husks aud warn the
people that n severe winter was [ duo.
The coal strike and consequent riso'lu
price of anthracite was the only warn *
ing the people had.
There is certainly a prospect that
drouth stricken Nebraska will bo well
watered next season , if the snow con-
tiunos to fall , nud it will scon bo safe to
begin assorting that the corn crop is as
sured. Stand up for Nebraska.
The winter shift of the weather bu
reau should bn informed that they do
not need to work overtime. In faot n
popular vote would undoubtedly rovonl
that the majority of the people are in
favor of granting them n long vacation.
Governor Savage is in Colorado climb
ing mountains and is porhapa reconciled
to the faot ho must soon vacate the ex
ecutive chair to Governor-elect Mickey.
The people of the state have been more
than reconciled to the change for some
Governor-elect Mickey has announced
that A. D. Beeuior of Ouuiiug county
would be warden of the penitentiary
under his regime and thnt Superinten
dent Stewart of the Omaha deaf aud
dumb asylnmn would be retained in
this present capacity.
Modern battles do not appear to be as
'destructive of life as in 'the good old
days. Following Dewey's almost bloodless -
less victory in Manilla bay , the fortress
of Puerto Oabollo has been put out of
business by the English and German
allies without injuring anyone.
* The Verdigre Citizen is among the
papers.that have recently been impressed
with the < doctrlno of the socialists
and it will not bo surprising if it is one
of the first to espouse the cause of that
party. The Citizen has been popnllstio ,
and the change will be easy.
A great deal is being said concerning
Senator Clark's million-dollar grandson.
The matter is too common to deserve all
the attention being given. There are
millions of milliou-dollar-bables at
least their parents would not part with
them for amount.
Uncle Sam will soon be able to con
verse with Hawaii with promptness
aud dispatch. The shore.end of the
new telegraph cable was spliced Sunday
and christened to the memory of the
late John W. Maokay , aud the cable
laying steamer is now steaming toward
Hawaii at a seven-knot speed.
Franco and Italy also have bills
against the republic of Venezuela which
they would be glad to collect. England
aud Germany should have invited the
co-operation of these governments also
and would have encountered less liabil
ity of being wiped off the face of the
earth by the Venezuelans. Four great
jpowera united against the small repub-
llo could have presented an argument
that would have boon almost hopelessly
unanswerable for the Boutli American
The house judiciary committee has
drcldod that polygamy idionld bo no bare
o holding ofllcn , giving the man with n
uporllulty of wives cnnso for jubl-
atlon , nnd If Solomon could return to
urth ho would tie doubt IKJ treated with
ho cotiRldcrutton duo his rank. The
men of the conn try may not object to
his , but wiil the women ?
Congressman McCarthy linn np <
mretitly started In right , the first np
; ) olntnmnt for which ho is responsible
going to newspaper man , Editor J. 0.
Jlllott of the West Point Republican ,
who gotB the postofilco of his homo
own. Editors may not deserve it nil ,
nt an odltor cannot fall to admire an
fllolal who glvos them n first ohauco.
Nobraoka's capital city has boon vis-
ted by a stranger , Bupposod to bo n
Now York attorney , who announces
hat ho will spend $25,000 there before
eavlng the olty. If ho has any money
oft after getting through with Lincoln ,
Norfolk would be pleased to entertain
ilm for a few days , nnd not bo too im
pertinent with questions as to who iio is
or whore he got his money.
Now that the football season isover
the newspapers have started on their
annual campaign for nnd against the
game. 81.1110 designate it na brutal nnd
others , remembering that another sea
son l.s coming on , stand up in support of
ho contests. Whether It Is brutal or
not , it Is likely tb bo played as long as
there is demand for the strenuous sport
on the part of the people.
The democrats are evidently groom
ing the fubioulnts whom that party can
not absorb to become members of the
socialist pnrtygthat has recently shown
n spurt of strength attracting the ntton
tlon of the democrats , They have the
hope that in the future the socialists
may bo drawn on to fill the void that
will bo loft by the withdrawal of the
opulists from tlo | combine.
The seizure of a conplo of barrels con
tainiug more than DOO quails by the
game wardens nt Fremont recently , i
additional evidence thnt they bollov
the game law was made to enforce aud
these who take the birds illegally may
rather expect to put up a good round
price for their sport. It is snfo way to
flgnro. Yet quails at $5 npleco may bo
considered rather prohibitive.
If the democrats must insist that the
tariff is the mother of trusts they mnst
also concede that the tariff is the mother
of prosperity , for without prosperity for
capital it would have been imposiblo to
organize , trusts. A man who is not
prosperous cannot readily add to MR
biitiiuoss interests. Therefore if the
lowering or removal of the tariff will
kill off the trusts it may also bo depend
ed on to eliminate prosperity.
Gouoral Fitzhugh Lee has expressed his
opinion thnt it was young officers left
in the Havana arsenal by General
Weylor who planted the inino nud blow
np thoMuiuo , audthat General Blanco
was not responsible for the disaster. Ii
is of interest , of course , to learn who ac
complished the crime , bnt the results
can never bo undone , though the guilty
persons nud the motive wore fully
An exchange figures that if the tariff
is protecting any monopoly it is protect
ing none more than that of Amqrioan
labor and skill. It is the plan of the
tariff thnt the prices shall bo high
enough to prevent cheap European
labor from coming into competition
with the labor of America. Therefore
if the labor unions of America can be
called trusts , the tariff may bo guilty of
affording such a trust protection and
The Rod Man nnd Helper , published
at the Carlisle Indian school in Penn
sylvania is savagely after the Wichita
liar who 1ms sent out reports tending to
show that the educated Indian , is no
whit , hotter than his untutored brother.
If it is true that this prejudice against
the education of Indians cropping out
frequently , is the result of the manipu
lations of the "Wichita liar" it is about
time ho was suppressed.
The governor-elect and lieutenant
governor-elect of Kansas nro undoubted
ly convinced that they no longer have ,
an excuse to remain single. The form
er has received 1,000 proposals from
women in the United States and Canada
and the former has received half that
many offers to take up matrimony , both
having agreed to become married if
elected. This is a remarkable record , es
pecially considering that leap year bus
not yet arrived.
Those who would object to England
nnd Germany collecting indemnities
from Venezuela weald perhaps have
had a small fit if European countries
had prevented the United States from
sending to the door of the "unspeakable
Turk" a warship to enforce the collec
tion of that which was due from the
sultan's government to this. That war
vessel went to the Turk's door prepared
to do business if necessary , and those of
England and Germany came across the
pond to thin fildo with the same purpose ,
and decided to Unlit.
Senator Dietrich hopoH that the com
ing legislative HOBslou of Nebraska may
BOO fit to establish an experimental farm
In the western part of the state whore it
in arid , the agricultural department of
the government having given assur-
aucoa that it will co-operate in such n
movement. It is probable that not only
agriculture bnt arboriculture would bo
conducted on such n farm and the bone *
fits to the irrigation movement nnd con
sequent development of the arid regions
of the country would rocolvo a valuable
aid ; If the finances of the state would
afford the establishment of such n farm
it should bo considered nt the coming
session of the leglHlnturo.
The ministers of fonr churches nt
TocnuiBoh exchanged pulpits Sunday ,
the idea being to promote closer ac
quaintance between pastors nnd ohnroh
going people. It Is n Christian idea.
If different congregations nud preachers
oonld glvo up petty differences , ceafio
quarrelling and become loss jealous , ouo
of the most frnltful sources of criti
ctsm for the scoffer , the Idolater and the
hyprocrite will have boon removed , aud
when churches , ministers nnd church
members dwell in harmony together ,
there will bo stronger inducement to
mluglo with nnd become one of thorn.
Then there might bo companionship ,
affiliation nnd finally amalgamation of
ohnroh societies in towns where denom
inational divisions have been n weak
ness to the causo.
Ex-Speaker Rood loft a fortune of
about $200,000 to his family , this having
boon accumulated since retiring from
congress. His law practice brought
him about $60,000 n year and the bnl-
unco was acquired by judicious invest
ments on thn stock market. It is prob
able that if Mr. Rood had remained in
congress ho would have died a poor
man. This and other reports of like
character from men holding office in
the national legislature is convincing
that the arguments of n certain clans
that congressmen and senators nro there
to Hue their pockets with wealth is a
mistake. Moat of thoni retire , poor in
fortune aim in health , having given the
best service of their lives to their
country. They are deserving of greater
respect aud consideration than is gen
erally given thorn.
Dr. W. A. Thomasstato veterinarian
has placed his disapproval nn an alleged
remedy for the "corn stalk" disease
that is being manufactured nud placed
on the market by an Omaha company.
The company asks $10 for a sack of the
stuff , and nn analysis of the compound
made by J. M. Nelson , chemist of the
state food commission , shows that it is
composed of very ordinary ingredients
and that 25 pounds of the stuff , for
which the manufacturer requires $10.
could probably bo compounded for about
1U cents. Tno state veterinarian gives
away the formula and the directions for
giving the medicine and If any farmers
or stock raisers are right anxious for a
trial of the remedy they can mix it
themselves and save about f'J.51 , that ,
these who have patronized the Oaham
man have been contributing to his
The Tildon Citizen has on one of its
periodical spells and has directed its
venom nt Norfolk and Norfolk people.
It has overshot the mark in this instance ,
its criticism being so full of vituper
ation that it does not hurt , but is laugh
able. People are more hurt when they are
justly and strongly criticised than when
called "thieves , malefactors and human
blisters , " knowing that if true charges ,
the law would not bo slow in meeting
out punishment merited by the crimes
The Citizen places all Norfolk people in
the same class , whereas , like Tildon ,
the town is inhabited by people both
good and bad. A town afllictod with
chicken thieves , poker players , that
supports three saloons to 550 people , and
that permits a boy of tender years to be
come so drunk that the services of a
doctor are necessary to pump the alco
hol ont of his system , bos no license to
call a neighboring town an "immoral
Btiukholo" .
A pamphlet recently issued by the
passenger department of the Union
Pacific gives some interesting figures
comparing the "north Plat'e" and
"sonth Platto" divisions of the state
There are those who have believed that
the north Platte country didn't amount
to much , either in population , or any
thing else , aud some of them have boon
inclined to leave this section out of
their political calculations , especially If
they happened to be located on the south
side of the dividing river. To rnnko its
figures easy to understand the Union
Pacific has divided them into three
sections , the third section having refer
ence to the counties split by the Platte ,
The counties divided by the Plat to
river have a population of 45,417 ; those
sonth of the river have 502,894 , and
north of the river the figures are 520,728 ,
thus giving the north Platte country the
larger population. The other flgnies
refer to the school statistics : On both
sides of the river there are 410 schools ,
509 teachers and 15,986 pupils. North
of the Platte there are 8,179 schools ,
4,441 teachers aud 179,434 pupils. In
the south Platte section of the stnto
there are 3,184 schools , 4,520 teachers
aud 181,659 pupils.
Win. M. Wheeler , odltor of the Fairfield -
field Herald , in candidate for secretary
of the Bonatn nt the coming session of
the legislature. Mr. Wheeler 1ms had
considerable experience in legislative
matters , having tor the last two sessions
boon connected with the house , first as
assistant clerk nnd then as chief of the
ongroHHlng and enrolling department.
Mr. Wheeler is painstaking , carefulnnd ,
obliging , nud if ho is elected to the po
sition of flccrotary of the senate ho will
make an olllcor whoso records will never
bo questioned.
Nebraska Olty registers n protest
against some of the reports that have
gone out concerning the water situa-
tlo.n there. While it is admitted that
the fioklo Missouri has abandoned that
fair town to some extent , the people
there allege that the water situation boa
never boon serious and that now the
difficulty has been romodiod. The idea
that n river had deserted n Nebraska
city appears to have boon taken for free
license by the sensational reporters , and
the insurance companies threatened to
raise the rates of insurance bccauso of
their untamed reports.
It ia assorted that Colonel Bryan con
tributed to tbo democratic committee
$600 during the recent campaign aud
that to the populist state committee he
gave $750 , evidence not only that Mr.
Bryan loves the populists a llttlo more
than the democrats , bnt that prosperity
has BO added to his finances that ho has
boon able to make some very handsome
gifts. Mr. Bryan is to bo congratulated
on showing n spirit of reciprocity. The
two parties named have given him n
standing that has made it possible for
him to accumulate wealth and bo of
right should assist them with n share of
the proceeds.
A iiefceiid of the Ilvd Men Kxplnlnn
( he Strnnite Cuntoni.
Once an old Apncho Indian when
naked the question why his people
painted their faces told this little leg
end :
"Long ago when men were weak nnd
animals were big nnd strong a chief of
the red men who lived In thcso moun
tains went out to get a deer , for his
people were hungry.
"After walking all day he saw n deer
and shot at It , but the arrow was
turned aside and wounded a mountain
lion , which was also after the deer.
When the lion felt the sting of the ar
row , he jumped up nnd bounded after
the man , who ran for his life.
"Ho was almost exhausted , and
when he felt his strength giving way
he fell to the ground , calling on the big
bear , who , you know , is the grandfa
ther of men , to save him.
"The big bear heard the call and saw
that to save the man he had to act
quickly , so he scratched his foot nnd
sprinkled his blood over the man.
"Now , you must know thnt no ani
mal will eat of the bear or taste of his
blood. So when the lion reached the
man he smelled the blood nnd turned
away , but as he did so his foot scraped
the face of the man , leaving the marks
of his claws on the blood smeared face.
"When the man found thnt he was
uninjured , he was so thankful that he
left the blood to dry on his face and
never washed it at all , but left It until
it peeled off.
"Where the claws of the lion scraped
It off there were marks that turned
brown In the sun , nnd where the
blood stayed on It was lighter. Now
all men paint their faces thnt way
with blood nnd scrape It off in streaks
when they hunt or go to war. "
Fierce Snv Ke "Who Have Dropped
Their Man Bating Ways.
A recent colonial report on the Carlbs
of Dominica is Interesting. Very mys
terious Is the origin of the fierce sav
ages , now almost extinct , who were in
possession of the smaller West Indian
islands when the first white man burst
"into that silent sen. " They showed n
distinct Mongolian character , nnd it
would be hard to distinguish a Cnrlb In
fant from a Chinese child. Some twen
ty years ngo a Chinaman who had
drifted to Dominica declared the Carlbs
to be his own people and married a
pure bred Carib woman. The resultant
child showed no deviation from the ua
tlve type.
Today they have dropped their man
eating ways , but in the sixteenth cen
tury they scoured the Spanish main In
search of human food , and from Porto
Rico alone nre said to have taken more
than 5,000 men to be eaten. Though
Spaniards , Frenchmen , Dutchmen , ne
groes , or Arrownks , were all meat to
them , yet these Caribs seem to have
shown preference for certain national
itles. Davis , for instance , in his "Ills
tory of the Carlbby Islands , " tells us
that "the Cnrlbbeans have tested of all
the nations that frequented them nnd
affirm that the French nre the most
delicate nnd the Spaniards nre hardest
of digestion. " Laborde also , In one of
his Jaunts In St. Vincent , appears to
have overtaken on the road n com
municative Cnrlb who was beguiling
the tedium of his Journey by gnawing
at the remains of n boiled human foot.
This gentleman only ate Arrowaks.
"Christians , " he eald. "give me the
bellyache. "
MIMnke In the Programme.
"She married him to reform him. "
"And what was the result ? "
"She wishes she had reformed him
to marry him. " Chicago Post.
Nobody likes nn overture very well ,
but band nnd orchestra leaders contin
ue to play them because it is custom-
nry. Atchlsou Globe.
% Vvnk In Biielllnff. 1
The young woman was writing to a
masculine friend to thiink him for n
tiny Maltese kitten he had sent her the
day before * "I am glad to pay It llkca
mo already , " she wrote , "for at this ,
moment It Is sitting on my knee , n big
l > lnk bow around Its neck and Its paws
folded prettily under It. "
"Kut the bow isn't pink , " objected
the friend who was looking over her
"I know It Isn't , " responded the writ
er as oho scribbled her name , "but I
couldn't upcll lavender to save my life ,
nnd what's in a color to a man ? "
Another young woman was endeavor
ing recently to tell her mother some
thing by telephone. "I'm going to study
' ' " all that could bo understood
'b-r-r-r-r , was
stood of the communication.
"Spell HI" finally commanded the
elder woman when the Important word
was still indistinct after much repeat
"I don't know how , " came back the
answer faintly. "Send some one else
to the phone. " And the some one else
discovered that the unspcllablc thing
the young woman was going to study
was stenography. Baltimore News.
Hurled on Illn Home.
Lord Dacre , who died fighting for the
Lancastrians at Towton , England , In
1401 , directed thnt if ho were killed in
the battle his favorite war horse should
be burled in'the same grave with him.
According to his wishes , when his in
terment took place in Saxon church
yard after the battle a tremendous
grave was dug , and in it the warrior
was burled , seated upright on his
horse. For centuries reflections were
cast upon the accuracy of this tradi
tion , but n few years ago while exca
vations were being made close by the
reputed burial place of Lord Dacre the
pick of a digger struck into n great
bone , nnd upon further search being
made the skull of a big horse was
brought to the surface. Aa this \vaa
found almost at the very spot tinder
which the body of Lord Dncre wa'a
said to lie , it was accepted as confirma
tion of the tradition , particularly as the
skull waa found to be standing verti
cally in the soil. The skull wna re
placed carefully in ita original position
nnd the excavation filled up.
Ilnln In Manila.
"When It rains In Manila , " says a
man who has been there , "you think
the first time you see the spectacle
that the end of the world hna come
Why , one day in September that I was
there It rained thirteen Inches. Think
of that , will you more than n foot o :
water 1 Yon would think that wouk
weary the elements for some time , bu
it didn't. The next day It rained hal
a foot , the day after that seven inches
Thnt month wo had fifty-seven inches
of rain. "
"Where does all the water go to ? "
"Right back where it came from , '
waa the prompt reply. "After a down
pour the sun will come out hotter than
ever , nnd you can fairly see everything
steam. And yet there are a gren
many people thnt wouldn't live any
where else except In Manila. "
The Milk "VVn * Too nine.
A certain wise youngster of my nc
qunintnnce was presented on bla sev
cnth birthday with a beautiful blue
glass goblet , whereupon said goble
straightway became the indispensable
meal companion of said youngster. One
evening when George had received hi
usual allowance of milk in the blue
goblet his mother became aware tha
ho "was gazing in deeply contemplative
fashion nt the contents of the glass
What he saw can best be imagined , fo
he raised his eyes suddenly nnd sale
wonderingly :
"Why , mother , this cow couldn't have
been ripe ! " Current Literature.
The Thorn and the Iloic.
Mrs. Ternperton I've got the deares
old darling of a husband that ever hap
pen I. lie has an awful temper , am
about once n month he gets mad and
teara up my best hat.
Miss Singleton And you call him a
dear old darling after that ? How can
you ?
Mrs. Temperton Well , you see , h
alwaya has a fit of remorse next day
and buys me n better one. Chicago
Crnda Logic.
It is told of an East Indian law ehi
dent that he once threw his examiners
into confusion by declaring matrimony
to bo nn Illegal state. "How BO ? Hovv
so ? " he waa asked by the perturbed
examiners , many of them married men
The student smiled bentiflcnlly. "Mar
riage , " quoth he , "is a lottery , and lot
terles are forbidden by law. "
Her necomincndntlon.
"I don't think very much of you
reference. "
"I don't wonder , ma'am. My mis-1
tress was too busy to write It , ma'am ,
an1 so I got her maid to write It for
her , mn'nm , an' she's only been to'
night school one winter , ma'am , an'
the pen was a bad one. " Cleveland
Plain Dealer.
Well Answered.
A youthful member of parliament
was once advised by n bibulous mem
ber of one of his audiences to "go home
to his mother. " "I think , " the young
candidate said , "my friend might fol
low his own advice with advantage ,
for he does not seem to have outgrown
his affection for the bottle. "
It has been said that life is made up
of three things heredity , environment
nnd the will. If the heredity and en
vironment of the child are what they
should be , the will will choose tl)6 right
and do it
"I'm going to , " Isn't doing Jt.-Atch-
' '
' -v
The matter of feed is of
tremendous importance to the
farmer. Wrong feeding -is-
loss. Right feeding is profit.
The up-to-date farmer knows
what to feed his cows to get
the most milk , his pigs to get
the most pork , his hens to-
get the most eggs. Science.
But how about the children ? '
Are they fed according to-
science , a bone food if bones
are soft and undeveloped , a
flesh and muscle food if they v'
arc thin and weak and a blood ,
food if there is anemia ?
Scott's Emulsion is a mixed i
food ; the Cod Liver Oil in it * " *
makes flesh , blood and muscle ,
the Lime and Soda make bone s
.ind brain. It is the standard
cientific food for delicate
Send for free
He jure that thli picture In
the form of a label is on the
wrapper of every bottle of
Emulsion you buy.
1 Scott &Bowne
409 Pearl St. , N. Y.
The Tired Foot.
A lady was watching a potter at his
\vork whose ouo foot was kept with a
"never slackening speed turning his
swift wheel round" while the other
rested patiently on the ground. When
the lady said to him In sympathizing
tone , "How tired your foot must bel"
the man raised his eyes and said : "No ,
ina'ain ; It Isn't the foot that works
that's tired. It's the foot that stands.
That's it"
If you want to iieep your strength ,
use It If you want to get tired , do
nothing. As n matter of fact , we all
know that the last man to give a helpIng -
Ing hand to any new undertaking la
the man who has plenty of time on his
hands. It Is the man and woman who
nre doing the most who are always
willing to do n little more. " Philadel
phia Ledger.
The Mnn nnil the AVnve.
Once upon n time a man was telling :
a tale of woe that unveiled 'his matrl- '
iconlul experience.
"It was all on account of a llttlo
dainty handkerchief. " he said. "The
first time that I saw the girl nnd be
fore we had been Introduced she waved
that bit of lace at me , and I was car
ried away. It was a fall in love and
then matrimony. But , alas , that deli
cate handkerchief was no Index to the-
girl's nature , and I found myself
wrecked on the sea of matrimony. "
Moral. A man may be carried away
by a wave and wrecked without
near the water. New York Herald.
Wanted a Lovrer Key ,
Spatts My love , I wish you would
alter the key of your voice.
Mrs. Spatts What's the matter with
it ?
Spatts Oh , nothing ; only from the-
expression of Eliza Jane's face after
our recent argument I'm certain It
fits every keyhole in the house. Town
and Country.
Parson ( visiting prison ) Why are
you here , my misguided friend ?
Prisoner I'm the victim of the un
lucky No. 13.
Parson Indeed ! How's that ?
Prisoner Twelve Jurors and one
Judge. Chicago News.
Long Hair
"About a year ngo my hair was
coming out very fast , so I bought
> a bottle of Ayer's Hair Vigor. It
stopped the falling and made my
hair grow very rapidly , until now ft
is 45 inches in length. " Mrs. A.
Boydston , Atchison , Kans.
There's another hunger
than that of the stomach.
Hair hunger , for instance.
Hungry hairneeds food ,
needs hair vigor Ayer's.
This is why we say that
Ayer's Hair Vigor always
restores color , and makes
the hair grow long and
heavy. $1.09 torn. . Aiidnni ts.
If your cannot supply you ,
send us one dollar and wo wi ill express
you a bottle. He sure and give the name
of your nearest express ollice. Address ,
J. C. AYEK CO. , Lowell , Mass.