The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, December 19, 1902, Page 12, Image 12

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    12 THE NORFOLK NEWS : FRIDAY , JKJEMJM3Il ( 10 , 1902 ,
The Many Adventures of
InrliiiltiiK all tlmmcm
tnliiiHl In tholxui Milmnon , oiiUllixl
"Ailviniluro * of Foxy Urniiilpn" nml
"Kurtlior AihiniUircBOf Koxy draiul *
l > n. "
Mr. Sclmlt Knl'1 to iimonn ' > nt
ImiclilVlint do you llilnk ( if n Merion
of comlo ilr iiwhiK * tlmilliiK w It" " ( irnna-
fnllinr niul liU two KrniiilmiiiRT '
"Lot ( lie Krntidfnllmr Ixi Din olovor ono
of Ihn trio. In uiont of tlifl ollinr onnoi
llio JOUIIB folk Imvo boon immrlor limn
Uio oltl tinopln IHMIIIlinni tlioy | im > oil
tlinlrjokoN. Idil'y rovorun It. "
11m unit inornliiR Im citron to my of-
lion \\llli nkoleliim for linlf n ( loum
W riarloo , niul wltli tlio ti mo"Koxy drnml-
im" In liln lioiul. . , . , , .
Tlio micoi-Kn of tlio. lorlon In tlio Now
York HoraMM H ItmliiiiUlinoui , for
wlmlmmiot Imnrdof " 1'oxy Unuiilim
itml "Hiiimyl" , , , , .
Tli Jolly olil Koiitlomnii , ilnnr lo
urown iHicniln ti" won nn clillilrnn , ntlftlil
nlmiMt Im cnllotl tlui Mr. I'lokwlok of
0011110 |
To ( IrniidfntlioriiVlio Are And
To I IIOM ) Wlio Are To Ho ,
1 Moirlly Pmllciito This Hook.
" 11UNNY. "
Snut ixwURO tmld on recall * of ONK
IX ) L UAH In rurrinicy or uoatnl onlor ;
no oliookt rooolvoil. _
40 Wall Street , Now York.
Go to. . .
The Jeweler
and Optician
nud receive n line present with $ ' \00 or
more worth of goods purchased , on
Doc U ) , and continuing until all presents
nre gone.
L. L. RERflBE ,
Steam and
Hot Water
First door South of News Office.
Who is Insife of This Shin ?
would bo hard to guess , but if it is one
of our patrons you can be sure that it is
a man who is well satisfied when he
gets it on. The man that gets behind a
ehirt front laundered here always beams
with satisfaction when ho sees the ex
quisite color and finish t lint wo have laid
upon it. Our work is the acme of per
faction on shirts , collars and cuffs , and
you can't match it anywhere.
Phone 83 Norfolk Steam laundry ,
MlHi Kiln Unrrott In vlsltlug in
Omaha ,
Mrs , W. A. King vliltod In Madison a
louplo of days thin wuolc.
Mrs. Oldonborg of HoHkliiH wimn vlsl-
or in Norfolk yoatordiiy ,
, T , U. Stuart of Tildun trammeled
mHltiCHH In Norfolk yesterday.
Mrs. M , A. MoMllllnti has returned
from her visit with friends at" West
Minn Kdlth Altsohnlor is uxpoctod
lomo from Omaha tomorrow to spend
Jennie Waddell of Iloflkins was doing
Homo OliriHtmivs shopping in Norfolk
Mrs W. V. Ktlon onmo down from
Fairfax , 3. I ) . , this morning to do some
Christmas shopping.
Minn Emma Miller has returned from
Omaha where utio had a poaltiou in the
IJonnott department storo.
Mrs. Walter Ilraanoh was over from
MadlHon yesterday , visiting her pnrontH ,
Mr. and Mrs. W. A , King.
Dr. I'otor Hcliwonk , who has boon
visiting in Norfolk several days , ru
turned to his homo in Fromout on the
noon train.
Mrs. Helen Hovlon of Tildou was vis
itlng nor sister , Mrs. M. O. Boomer ,
yentorday , and while hero purchased the
Ucckor property on South First street.
Dr. H. A. Mittlo.HtiKlt , doutlst , Bishop
block. Tolophouo 147 A.
Henry Halsoy was down from Tildou
All our churches will have beautiful
Ohristmas troos.
Win. Olaaoy drove down to Norfolk on
business Tuesday.
A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs.
August Mann Friday.
Wilson Oloyd shipped a carload of
cattle last Wednesday.
Mrs. August StofTon and Miss Lena
Glaus wore on the sick list this wok. )
OhnrloH and August Wolsko wore
shelling now corn for Henry Massumn
Win. Lntlwig sold the north eighty
acres of his pasture to Win. Pratt for
$ : I3.GO per nuro.
John Kent and Arthur Qardols have
established a flour mid food store east of
Ingoldaby's saloon.
01ms. Ikown arrived Monday from
Onuilm to look af tor his business inter
ests in town and vicinity.
M. L , Thomson had now shingles put
on the addition of his house on IJopot
street , occupied by Ilichard Hodman.
0. M. Betts of St. Louis , Mo. , bought
a carload of fancy horses in this com-
infinity last week and shipped the same
to North Carolina Friday.
.T. II. Dutphoy and Joseph Osborn
shipped a carload of cattle each and T.
Osborn niul Yarloy Warden a carload
of cattle together Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Broohlor and two
children wont to Wisconsin Wednesday
to spend Ohristmas with relatives at
Boscobol and Fonuiuioro.
Peter Zimmerman and Olios. Lambert
have sold their well and pump business
to Fred Soherogor. Mr. Zimmerman
expects to move to Alcoster , S. D ,
Win. E. Harvey of Newman Grove
was hero Thursday looking after his
farm interest south of town , and ship
ped a carload of cattle to Omaha.
John Maguer had two little frame
buildings from James Hughes' farm ,
four miles northwest , moved to town
onto his place in Highland park , Satur
Leo Low , who is running n rico plan
tation in Louisiana , is visiting hero with
relatives and friends. Ho is still owner
of a good half section farm north of
Lovelace fc Probst , iinplinients , have
dissolved partnership. Mr. Lovelace re
tires aud may move onto his farm in the
spring , and Mr. Probstwill continue
the business.
Mr. aud Mrs. W. I. Bloom aud two
children arrived hero Saturday from
Oregon with intention to locate. Mrs ,
Bloom is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Thos. U Ouras.
Olms. Carr sold his blacksmith shop
corner of Fourth Jand Main streets , to
Belser Werner. Mr. Carr intends to
move to the Pacific coast aud Mr. Wer
ner intends to run a tank manufactory.
John Wnrtzel , who is selling San-
horn's Standard stock food , sold his resi-
louco on Depot street Monday to Balzer
Werner. Mr. Wurtzel and family will
roiuovo to Wnhoo , Neb. , Monday of next
John Ilodgers has quit his bakery ,
claiming that it does not pay here in the
winter season , aud has changed his
front rooms into a billiard hall. Some
of our grocery stores have fresh bread
shipped now from Norfolk bakeries.
A holiday program was given in the
high school room this afternoon.
Some time in the future the pupils
may bo compelled to be satisfied with a
half-holiday on Christmas.
The seventh grades will entertain in
the high school room tonight and the
entertainment should bo well attended.
The holiday vacation will bo from
SVodnusday to the first Monday in Jan-
niry , which In the fith , and will tliorc-
ore bo a wovk and a half in length ,
There was an explosion of n hydrogen
generator in the chemistry class ono
lay last wmik that created some oxolto-
nont and confusion for a short time ,
Next WednoHtlaay closes the first
somoHtor , which , with ono or two ox-
ccptloiiH , lias boon one of the host half
years over known In the high school ,
u general rosultn.
The Bonlor class , with the exception
of ono , remained away from school
Thursday afternoon and it wan rumored
hat they were to bo expelled , but every
thing wa % satisfactorily settled.
Ohristmas examinations began yes
terday and will continue until next
Tuesday. Very few wore excused from
taking thorn. The conditions permit
ting pupils to pass the examinations are
that they must have above DO in study ,
aud an average of 85 in deportment.
Penmanship aud neatness also count in
the grades.
M. B. A. of Warnervillc.
At the mooting of Waruorvlllo lodge
No. (101 ( , M. B. A. , Saturday evening ,
the following oflloors were elected for
the ensuing year : President , Mrs.
Mary A. Haunoy ; vlao-prosldout , Q.
M. Oarloton j soorotary , 0. A. Sleeper j
treasurer , I. S. Carter ; chaplain , Mrs.
lola Sleeper ; conductor , Mrs. Minnie
Madsou ; watchman , S. E. Madsou ;
sentry , Neil McBoath ; trustee , Frank
. Rood. At the same mooting the fol
lowing resolutions were adopted :
Whereas , It has pleased a merciful
nud all-wise Father to call from our
midst our beloved brother , G. W. Hills ;
Whereas , In his death Waruorvillo
ledge loses ouo of its most valuable aud
exemplary members ; therefore bo it
Rocolvod , That to his sorrowing and
stricken relatives wo tender our deepest
sympathy in their great aud sudden bo-
Resolved , That those resolutions bo
spread upon the records of this lodge ,
aud a copy of same presented to the rela
tives of the deceased , aud n copy sent to
our ledge paper for publication , and
that our charter bo draped in mourning
for 80 days , as indicative of the great
loss our order has sustained in his death.
of the Supervising Architect , Washing
ton , D. 0. , November 29 , 1002.
SEALED PROPOSALS will bo received
at tins olllco until 3 o clock p. in. on
the loth day of January , 1001) ) , and then
opened , for the construction ( except
"loatlng apparatus , oleotrio wiring and
conduits ) , of the U. S. Postollico at
Norfolk , Nebraska , in accordance with
the drawings and specification , copies
of which may bo had at this olllco , or nt
the ofllco of the Postmaster at Norfolk ,
Nebraska , at the discretion of the
Supervising Architect. JAMIS KNOX
TAYLOU , Supervising Architect.
Two houses forront. | Ouo In Heights ,
"Durland's add. " Ono at Norfolk
Excursion Rates.
The F. E. & M. V. ( The Northwest
era Line ) , announces the following
rates for the holidays and the mooting
of the state teachers' association :
For Christmas and New Year's , holi
day excursion tickets will bo sold at
ouo faro for the round trip to points on
the F. E. & M. V. railroad within a
distance of 200 miles , on December 24 ,
35 , 31 nud January 1 , good returning
January 3,1003.
For the state teachers' association at
Lincoln excursion tickets will bo sold
on December ! 30 and 31 at ouo faro for
the rouud trin. ( rood returning .Tannarv
3 , 1903. H. 0. MATRAU.
Ranch of 3,000 acres , deeded laud , 15
miles southeast of Long Pino. 300 head
white face cattlo. Plenty of hay and
water , aud controls 10,000 acres of pas
ture. Price $10 per aero for deeded land.
Wo also have other rauches for sale.
"Uncle Josh Spruceby. "
The realistic sawmill scene in "Undo
Josh Spruceby , " tun down east ploy ,
conies nearer to the genuine article than
any of the mnuy stage effects now before -
fore the public. In fact , so real is the
30 inch buzi saw , that one of the actors
of the play had his right hand cut off at
the wrist duri ug a performance last
season in Illinois. No play now-a-days
is complete without something iu the
way of mechanical effects. "Uncle
Josh Spruceby" lays claim to ouo of the
most novel scenes of any piece on the
road this season. A full and entirely
practical saw-mill is placed upon the
stage nud appropriate scenery is used to
rnako a superior stage picture. When
the heroine is rescued from her perilous
position at the climax of the act the
hearty applause gives evidence of the
appreciation of this acme of stage real
Farms rented for nonresidents. Col
lections made. Insurance written by
Gardner & Soilor.
Holiday Excursion Rates ,
Ouo faro for the round trip between
all btatious on the Union Pacific within
a distance of 200 miles , minimum 60
Dates of sale : December 21,25 aud
31 , 190:3 : , and Jauuary 1 , 1903.
Return limit : January 2 , 1903.
King Edward In His Message Refero
to Venezuelan Affair.
London , Dec. 19. Parliament wan
prorogued by the loyal commission
until Koh. 17.
Tlio Vlnfi'n Hpcpch wan an unusually
lenctliy recapitulation of public oventn
elnco January , Including the action
taken In connection with Venezuela ,
regarding which the speech Bald ;
"I regret that the constant com
plaints which mr Kovcrunient found It
neccBBBry to address to the govern
ment f Venezuela in regard to tin-
juntlflabln and arbitrary nets against
British nubjecta and property during
the lant two years have been persist-
ontljr disregarded , and that It baa bo-
COBIO noceisary for my government ,
acting In concert with that of bin
majesty , the German emperor , which
han also Rarloun cause for complaint
agalnat the republic , to Inslit on rnnat
ures of redress. "
The appoch refern to the conclusion
of the South African war , and adds :
"There Beams to be every reason to
hope that material prosperity , greater
than any the Trans ran I and Orange
River Colonloa have yet experienced ,
may visit theao regions and that all
noctlonn of the population may live to-
gather In friendship for each other
and loyalty to the crown. "
Parasraphd deal with the pontponed
coronation , the colonial conference
and Secretary Chamberlain's tour ,
which together are expected to bo of
the "utmost Taluc , both In respect to
their Immediate effect and os prece
dents In the future. "
Pretender Gaining Ground.
New York , Doc. 19. A dispatch to
the Times from Fez , by way of Lon
don , lays that the pretender to the
throne has complete possession ot
Tesa and the neighboring district.
Th pretender has appointed viziers
and other officials and has set up a
court with OTery symbol of royalty.
The tribes cast of Fez almost without
exception acknowledge the pretender
as the sultan. Hoary rains impede
the progress of the Imperial troops.
French Steamer on the Rocks.
Toulon , Franco , Dec. 19. The
teamer Modoc collided with the
French cruiser Trevlllo as she was
leaving port last evening In a storm.
She grounded on the rocks at tha
Mourlllou arsenal and now lies In a
dangerous position. On board tha
Modoc are the malls , 223 passengers
for the East Indies and a number of
sailors Intended for the French war
ships on the China station.
Eccentric Man Is Wealthy.
Toronto , Dec. 19. Ely Hyman , n
Jew who begged for admission to the
general hospital here yesterday , la
dead. An examination of his clothing
resulted In finding scrip worth $31,000.
Other papers showed him to bo worth
probably $100,000. For twenty yeara
ho has slept in sheds and stables. Ha
sold papers and begged. Ills heirs arc
his wlfo and daughter , living , it la
thought , in San Francisco.
Rev. Michael Abbott Dead.
Bloomlngton , 111. , Doc. 19. Rev.
Michael Abbott , pastor of the Catholic
church at Farmer City , died yester
day after a three weeks' illness with
typhoid fever , aged thirty-eight. Ha
was counted one of the most brilliant
divines of that faith' In this section
of the state and had been stationed
here for ten years.
Shipwrecked Crew Reach Port.
Philadelphia , Dec. 19. Suffering se
verely from exposure and piivatlon ,
seven shipwrecked men and one wom
an arrived bore on the British steam
er Mlra from Newcastle. The vic
tims Included C. H. Clements , owner
of the British schooner J. N. Wylde ;
Captain Dunphy , his wife and five sea
men. They were rescued from the
dismantled and sinking schooner by
the craw of the Mlrn.
Grain Drill Combine.
Springfield , 0. , Dec. 18. The head
quarters of the grain drill combina
tion , which has a stock of $20,000,000 ,
will bo In this city , in which are the
two largest factories In the United
States , those of the Superior Drill
company and P. P. Mast & Co. The
final details of the merger will be con
cluded within the next two weeks.
Now York capitalists are financing the
new company.
Iowa Man Found Dead In Idaho.
Cedar Rapids , la. , Dec. 19. Ed
ward Dlttlc , whose body was found
near Mountain Home , Ida. , left hero
May 27 to buy land. He was known
to have left the train at Granger ,
Wyo. , which was the last heard of him.
Ho was a wealthy young farmer , living
at Lisbon , eighteen miles east of
Cedar Rapld .
Dr. Fotenhauer Chosen President.
St. Paul , Dec. 19. Rev. H. II. Foten
hauer of Hamburg , Minn. , president
of the Minnesota and Dakota synod of
the German Lutheran church , waa
chosen president of Concordla college
at Fort Wayne , Ind. Dr. Fotenhauer
Is ono of the most widely known
Lutheran pastors In the United States
Iowa Postmaster Arrested ,
Pcoria , Dec. 19. Nols C. Matson
postmaster at MIddlotown , la. , who
has been wanted since May for embez
zling of postofllce money order funds
to the extent of $300 , was arrested in
Pckin yesterday. Ho acknowledged
his guilt and was remanded to the
county Jail.
United Friends Insolvent.
Albany , N. Y. , Dec. 19. J. S. Frost
referee In the affairs of the Imperla
council , Order of United Friends , has
reported to the supreme court that h <
finds the corporation Is completely in
solvent , and recommends its dlsiolu
tlon. An order to this effect will b
Hoy' * 11011 veil from Mnnliruniiun Ornnp
0 , W. Lynch , n prominent citizen of
Winchester , Ind , wrltos"My little boy
had a severe attack of membranous
croup , and only got relief after taking
Foloy's Honey and Tar. Ho go relief
after ono dowo and I fool that it saved
the Hfo of my boy. " RefuHo substi
What's In a Name ?
Everything is in the name when it
comes to Witch Ilnzol salvo. E. O.
DoWltt & Co. of Chicago , disaovorod ,
some years ago , how to uiako a salvo
from Witnh Hazel that is n specific for
piles. For blind , blooding , itching nud
protruding piles oxzouin , outs , burns ,
bruises and all skin diseases DoWitt's
salvo has no equal. This has given
rise to numerous worthless counterfeits.
Ask for DoWitt's the genuine. The
Kiesan Drug Co.
Do fcot l > o Afriild.
to look the facts squarely In the face.
That cough , racking and presistont , ac
companied by tightness iu the chest aud
spitting of sticky mucus , is a sign of
consumption. Common souse dictates
the UBO of Allen's Lung Balsam , nn
honest remedy , since it contains no
opium ; an oilloiout rouiody , since it
heals .tho irritated , inflamed throat
and lungs , aud BO prevents a deep
seated cold from running into incurable
forms of consumption.
A kidney or bladder trouble can al
ways bo cured by using Foloy's Kidney
Cure in tinio.
A Alllll an Voices
Could hardly express the thanks of
Homer Hall , of West Point , la. Listen
why : A severe cold had settled on his
lungs , causiug a most obstiuato cough ,
Several physicians said ho had consump
tion , but could not help him. When
all thought ho was doomed ho began to
use Dr. Kings' Now Discovery for con
sumption and writes "it completely
cured mo and saved my life. I now
weigh 227 pounds. " It's positively
guarautod for coughs , colds aud lung
troubles. Price 50 cents and $1.00.
Trial bottles free at Kiesau drug store.
If you feel ill and need a pill
Why not purchase the best ?
Do Witt's Early Risers
Are little surprisors ,
Take ouo they do the rest.
W. H. Howell , Houston , Tex. , writes
I have used Little Early Riser Pills in
my family for constipation , sick head
ache , oto. To their UBO I am indebted
for the health of my family.
The 1'rldo of Heroes.
Many soldiers in the last war wrote
to say that for scratches , bruises , cuts ,
wounds , corns , sere foot and stiff joints ,
Buoklon's Arnica salvo is the best in
the world. Same for burns , scalds ,
boils , ulcers , Bkin eruptions and piles.
It cures or no pay. Only 25 cents at
Kiesau drug storo.
' Drying preparations simply devel
op dry catarrh ; they dry up the secretions ,
which adhere to the membrauo and decom
pose , causing nfnr raoro sorioua trouble than
the ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all dry
ing inhalants , fumes , smokes and snuffa
and use that which cleanses , soothes and
heals. Ely's Urenra .Halm is sucii a remedy
and will euro cntrxrrh or cold in the lend
easily nud pleasantly. A trinl Bio will bo
mailed for 10 cents. All druggists sell the
COc. size. Elylirothors , fili Warren St. , N.Y.
The Balm cures without pain , does not
irrituto or cnnso sneezing. It spreads itself
over nn irritated and angry surface , roliov-
hip immediately the painful inflammation.
With Ely's Cream Ualm you tire armed
against Nasal Catarrh nud Hay Fever.
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure
digests all classes of food , tones and
strengthens the stomach and digestive
organs. Cures dyspepsia , indigestion ,
stomach troubles and makes rich red
blood , health and strength. Kodol
rebuilds without tissues , purifies ,
strengthens and sweetens the stomach.
Gov. G. W. Atkinson , of W. Va. , says :
I have used a number of bottles of
Kodol and have found it to bo a very
effective and , indeed , a powerful
remedy for stomach ailments. I rec-
comend it to my friends. The Kiesau
Drug Co.
A Cold Wave.
The forecast of sudden changes in the
weather serves notice that hoarse
voice and a heavy cough may invade
the sanctity of health in your own
homo. Cautions people have a bottle of
Ono Minute Cough Cure always at
hand. E , H. Wise , Madison , Ga. ,
writes : "I am indebted to Ono Minute
Cough Ouro for my present good health ,
and probably my life. " It cures coughs ,
colds , lagrippo , bronchitis , pneumonia
and all throat and lung troubles , One
Minute Cough Cure cuts the phlegm ,
draws out the inflammation , heals a ml
soothes the mucous membranes and
strengthens the lungs. The Kiosau
Drug Co.
with its lovely seaside resorts ,
orange groves , beautiful gar
dens and quaint old mission
towns id visited every
year by thousands of
tourists who travel
over the Union
Pacific , because
it is the best
* and quick
est route and
alsotho oulyline running
four personally conducted
excursions to California from
Missouri River every week.
These Excursions
can be joined at any
point en route . . .
Full information cheerfully fur
nished on application to
Cold * , nliil Conitli | tlon ,
Few people realize when taking cough
medicines ether than Foloy'a Honey and
Tar , that they contain opiates which are
constipating besides being unsafe , par *
tlcularly for children. Foloy's Houoy
and Tar contains no opiates , is safe nud
sure and will not constipate.
Snvod nt Ornto'fl llrluk.
"I know I would long ago have boon
in my grave , " writes Mrs. S. II Now
Rom , of Dccatnr , Ala. , "if it had not
boon for Eleotrlo Hitters. For throe
years I suffered untold agony from the
worst fonus of iudigostion , watorbrash ,
stomach and bowel dyspepsia. But
this excellent medicine did mo a world
of good. Siuco ucing it I can oat
heartily nud have gained ! )5 ) pounds.1'
For indigestion , loss of appetite , stomach
ach , liver and kidney troubles Electric
Bitters are a positive , guaranteed cure.
Only 50 cents nt the Kiesau drug storo.
Foils n Deadly Attack.
"My wife was so ill that good physi
cians were unable to help her , " writes
M. M. Austin , of Winchester , Ind. ,
"but was completely cured by Dr.
King's1 Now Lifo Pills. " They work
wonders in stomach and liver troubles.
Ouro constipation , sick hoadaoho. 25
cents at Kiosau drug storo.
Keep up H ItrlsU Attack
upon that bad cold , and do not wait for
it to "wear itself out. " Perry Davis'
Painkiller is a powerful ally. Use it
internally , with warm sweetened water.
Rub it well into the hi flamed throat aud
sere chest , and when the fee has taken
flight you will understand why time
aud spasmodic competition make no
difference in the popularity of the one
Painkiller Perry Davis' .
A Thousand Dollars Worth of Good. '
A. H. Thnrnes , a well known coal
operator of Buffalo , O. , writes , " ! have
been afflicted with kidney and bladder
trouble for years , passing gravel or
stones with excruciating pain. I got
Foloy'e Kidney Ouro , then the result
was surprising. A few doses started
the brick dust like line stones and now I
have no pain across my kidneys and I
feel like a now man. It done mo a $1000
worth of good. "
Ileport from the Iteform School.
J. G. Glnck , Superintendent , Prnnty-
town , W. Va. , writes : "After trying
all of the advertised cough medicines
we have decided to UHO Foley's Honey
and Tar exclusively in the West Vir
ginia Reform School. I find it the
most effective and absolutely harm
less. "
One may dwell beneath proverty's
lowly roof , or live in mansions of brick.
They'll find a friend in Rocky Mountain
Tea. It rids life of its burdens. A H.
A Timely Topic.
At this season of coughs and colds it is
well to know that Foley's Honey and
Tar is the greatest throat and lung rem
edy. It cures quickly and prevents ser
ious results from a cold.
There is a pretty girl in an alpine hat ,
A sweeter girl in a sailor brim ,
But the handsomest girl you'll ever see ,
Is the sensible girl who uses Rocky
Mountain Tea. A. H. Kiesau.
Don't be persuaded into taking some
thing said to be "just as good" as Madi
son Medicine Go's. Rocky Mountain
Tea. There is nothing like it. 85
cents , no more no less. A. H. Kiesau.
are the most fatal of all
Guaranteed Ron
or money refunded. Conta
remedies recognized by e
nent physicians as the best
Kidney and Bladder troub
PRICE SOc. and $1.00.
Made a
Well Man
.of Me.
produces the nbovo results In 30 days. It tctl
powerfully and quickly. Cures when all others fall
Young men will regain their lost manhood , and o3 !
men will recover their youthful vigor by mint
HE VIVO. It iralckly and surely restores Nervou *
n BB , Lett Vitality , Iinpotoucy. NlcUtly Emission * .
Lost Power , Falling Memoir , Wanting Diseases , and
all effects of cell abuse or cicersAnd indiscretion
which unfits ono for BtuJy , bv.nintsn or marriage. II
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