The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, December 12, 1902, Page 11, Image 11

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'Diamonds ,
Watches ,
Clocks ,
Jewelry ,
Silverware ,
Of every description , suitable for
found at
Reliable Goods , .Right Prices ,
Established 1870.
The Best Gift of All
that makes for life , long happiness. The
Elkhorn B , S. association will make
yon a loaa to build or buy on favorable
T. E. ODIORNE , Secretary.
Sweet ,
Dill Pickles.
of Bhooa for baby or the other children
is oil our shelves awaiting your call ,
which we hope will be made early , BO
that you may have ample time to select
and "try on" the little onep. Our shoes
have many merits hero are a few :
Good , honest , well tanned leather j at
tention as to style and sewing , which
guarantee good fit ; fair pricing accord
ing to quality. Our shoe service com-
mmds and deserves attention.
The Palaee Shoe Store
The Weather.
Forecast for Nebraska : Snow
tonight and Saturday. Probably heavy
and high northeast winds.
Miss Alice Barrett is quite sick with
Members of the Norfolk lodgd
Knights of Pythias , of which the late
G. Wi Hills of Warnorville was a mem
ber , joined the funeral cortege here and
oicorted it to Prospect Hill cemetery ,
where interment took place.
Fremont Tribune : Walt Reynolds ,
advertising manager of the Tribune ,
has just dispose 1 of his paper at Madi
son , the Chronicle , to Fred D. Wright ,
who has been operating it under a lease
contract for nearly a year past. Mr.
Wright was in the city yesterday and
the deal was closed up.
Manager Gco. II. Spear of the Audi
torium was remembering his friends
with fragrant HaviuiaH this morning because >
cause of the arrival nt his homo on
South Tenth street of a handsome baby
daughter yesterday afternoon , an at *
traction to him that , "A Thorough
bred Tramp" cannot hope to equal.
The regular mooting of Bouluh chap
ter No. 40 , order of Eastern Star , was
hold last night , and after the mooting
adjournment was taken to the Kaun"
maun restaurant whore an oyster sup
per was enjoyed. The supper was
given by the lodge as a fnrwoll to Mrs.
J. 0. Aid who will leave for Omaha
next week to make that olty her home ,
She has been active in the interests of
the ledge for a number of years and
her departure from the city is cause for
rjgrot to the members.
Elmer Walters' "A Thoroughbred
Tramp" is the attraction at the Audi-
torinm tonight , the company arriving
this afternoon from the south over the
Union Pacific. The company played at
the Boyd in Omaha Wednesday even
ing and from here goes to Sioux Oily ,
whore it 1ms an engagement at the
Grand. This is one of the companies on
his books that Manager Spear has
no hesitancy in recommending to the
people of Norfolk as a splendid
attraction. The play is one of the
kind that has always boon a , favorite
with the play-goers of Norfolk. T
Hash Thompson , P. B. , is a tramp who
is always present at interesting climax
es and makes his presence undesirable
to the villain at opportune moments ,
and there is an abundance of amusing
incidents worked in that keeps the aud
ience good natnrcd. The seat sale has
boon good and it is probable that there
will bo a good attendance.
Mr. and Mrs. N. A. llainbolt enter
tained a company of about 40 friends at
their handsome homo on Norfolk avo-
uuo last evening. When an entertain
ment is given at the Raiubolt home it
goes without saying that it is a success
in every detail , and the party last even
ing was no exception to the rule. The
reception rooms , where warmth , hospi
tality and comradship prevailed , were
prettily decorated with out flowers ,
while electric liglits shed a pleasing
brilliancy over the scene. Progressive
six-handed euchre occupied the atten
tion of the guests from 8:80 : to ll0 : ! ! ,
after which elaborate refreshments were
served in courses. When an accounting
of the score had been taken , it was
found that Mr. Darius Mathewbon had
progressed the greatest number of
times among the gentlemen , and Mrs.
Warrick had outdistanced the other
ladies. Both received appropriate
prizes as rewards for their skill.
Car Pennsylvania "Scrantou" hard
coal ( egg of furnace size ) on track at
House to rent corner Park avenue
and Fifth street. W. W. ROBERTS.
Rummage bale.
The Ladles guild of Trinity church
will have a rummage sale in the Stitt &
White plumbing shop , next door to the
Ahlman bicycle store , today and to-
tomorrow. Second hand furniture ,
clothing , and other goods at your own
THE NEW FAD. Shoestring belts , all
shades , at Davenport's.
Robert Utter has just received di
rect from the factory a carload of
wooden ware , consisting of hobby
horses , doll cabs , sleds , game boards ,
carts , etc. , which have been opened
up in the room in the Pacific block ,
first door east of the postofllco. All of
these goods will be sold at wholesale
prices. Wo have added a big line of
toys , fancy goods , novelties and lamps.
The publio is invited to call and see
them for bargains.
Foil REST. House in the Heights.
The Omaha Elevator company ship
ped a car of hogs to South Omaha Tues
Mrs. A. E. Quinn of Tremont , 111. , is
here looking after her farm north of
Mrs. F. A. Killmer , who has been
seriously ill for the past week is report
ed better.
Charlie Castlemon has recently trapped
pod three beavers in the Elkhorn river ,
the largest weighing GO pounds.
W. Clayton has leased the Jackson
farm three miles south of town and will
take possession about the first of Janu
Mr. and Mra. W. II. Speeco , who re
moved to Iowa teveral yooas ago , are
here renewing acquaintance with their
old neighbors.
If you wish to engage in a good paying -
ing business , call and see mo. Team
and wagon all the capital required.
109 South Tenth street.
Twenty Per Cent Discount
on sample line of cloth and hair brushes ,
at Ohrlstoph's.
Bids for State Printing.
Bids will be received by the State
Printing Board until Monday .December
22 , 1002 , at 12 o'clock noon nt the office
of Secretary of State for sundry and
miscellaneous printing , including the
housu and donate bills for the legislature
of 11)03. ) Samples of the work may bo
had by applying to the Soorotary of
3tnto. Bids miiNt bo accompanied by a
bond in double the amount of the prob-1
nblo cost of the work to bo performed.
The board reserves the right to reject' '
any or all bids.
Lincoln , Nebraska , December 10,1U02.
Notice or Removal.
Notice is given to my customers and
friends that I have removed my harness
shop to the corner of Norfolk nvonuo
and Third street , in the old Naoglo
building , whore I atri better prepared
than over to attend to their wants in the
harness and saddlery lino. Old and
now customers are cordially invited to
call. PAW * Noumviu.
Notice to Stockholders.
The regular annual mooting of the
shareholders of the Norfolk National
bank of Norfolk , Nebraska , for the
election of directors , will bo hold at its
banking IIOUBO , Tuesday , January lit
UK ) ! ) , between the hours of 10 o'clock
a. m. and ! o'clock p. in. of Paid day.
Norfolk , Nobr. , Doc. 12 , 11)02 )
W. II. BiTCiioi.President. .
Christmas trees at Sehorreggo's.
John Taunohill visited the school
Thti latest common cxprcH'ion is"You
may bo excused. "
High School Notes now has contri
butors in each class.
Wednesday was an exceptional day
only one pupil was bunt homo.
The laboratory was turned into n
kitchen and ( lining room Wednesday.
All pupils do not feel as badly over
being sent out of class as one of the
Dr. P. II. Salter , member of the board
of education , called Monday to note the
progress of the school.
Last Friday's program wan postponed
for two woekfi because MX of the fresh
men were unable to learn their pieces.
It is reported that a senior class party
will bo hoH in the near future at the
homo of Mitjs Nannie Stafford at the
The seniors have taken up n Htudy of
agriculture and it is alleged that they
are showing more aptitude for that than
any of their other studies.
Mr. McCoy has discovered n now spec
ies of insanity that caused by giggling.
Some of them are now trying to esti
mate the number of high Eohool girls
who are showing symptoms of mental
Written excuses are now required
from parents or guardians for all cases
of tardiness and it is rumored that the
school board may appoint guardiaiis
whoso duty it shall bo to take pupils
from and return them to school.
An entertainment will bo given Fri
day evening , December 19 , in the hiah
school room by the seventh grades.
The program will consist of mimic , n ci
tations and singing. In connection
with this will bo a very fine art uxilnt ,
part belongiug to the schools and some
loaned ; and a bazzor , where fancy
articles and candies will bo told , An
admittance fee of five cents to school
children and 10 cents to "grownups"
will bo charged. The proceeds are to be
applied on a school library. Don't for
get the date December 10.
Much criticism , just and unjust , hns
been directed at the freshmen , but they
certainly gave good cause for censure
Wednesday afternoon , when the school
became almost unmanageable. The in
structor in charge of the assembly room
had occassiou to leave it for n few
minutes and immediately disorder vt as
king. A teacher , noting the condition
of affairs , put the school on its honor to
refrain from such confusion. To thin
strong appeal the only one that should
bo necessary to ladies and gentleman
the upper classes responded to a certain
extent ; but the freshmen class the
kindergarten of the High school took
it as a license for greater disorder and
evidenced its inability to take part in
the self-government flohomo which has
been nudor consideration for some time ,
and the development of the school has
been retarded.
Present Free
With two or more dollars' worth of
goods purchased at Wm. B. Vail's , the
jeweler and optician.
Holiday goods nt Schorregge's.
To Insurance Agents.
Notice is hereby given to insurance
agents doing business in the city of Norfolk -
folk that under the state law you are re
quired to pay an insurance fee of ? f .00
per annum for the benefit of the fire department -
partment , therefore those who have not
paid this fee ara requested to do so at
once. Those who have not paid by Do-
conibor 17 will be called upon by a
W. L. KEIIN , President ,
II. W. WINTEU , Treasurer ,
Norfolk Fire Department.
Sturgeon is the mane man.
Holiday Excursion Rates.
One faro for the round trip between
nil stations on the Union Pacific within
a distance of 200 miles , minimum CO
Dates of sale : December 21,25 and
31 , 1002 , and January 1 , 1003
Return limit : January 2 , 1003.
I W. 0 Roland IIIIH ruturno.d from a
trip to Omaha.
j T. E. MoNull wont to Orolghton yoH
torday on business.
Mr. and Mnt , Warwick of Tildon worn
visitors In Norfolk yesterday.
Mr * . Bonodtot and Mlwn Balrd of Stan *
ton wore Norfolk visitors yesterday.
Mr. Donny of the telephone nlllco
went to Nollgh last night on bnMnoHH.
Hurt MnpcH and W. M , HoborlHOii
madothu round trip to Omaha yesterday.
Superintendent ] ) . C. O'Connor returned -
turned from a trip to Omaha hint night.
Mm. J A. Million and Mltm Altco
Mullen returned last night from n vinit
to Omaha.
Postmatitor Hays wan able to bo at the
ollluo a fihort time yesterday afternoon.
Manager Bnmllck of the sugar factory
was called to Omaha this morning on
Mrs. Will Hlgginbotham of EmorHon
In viHlting her parents , Mr. and Mrs
Perry of South Norfolk.
MikHOH Mollie Brldgo and Ruth Ulroh-
ard went to Omaha today to vinit over
Sunday with Ruth and Oarrio Harding.
Mrs. HohriiH , who has hmm viHitlng
relatives and friends here forwimo time ,
left yesterday noon for her homo in
Portland , Oregon.
MCH S E. Hull loft yesterday for
Hcoinor , whenf HIO ! will Hpend the bal
ance of the winter with her daughter ,
M . Win. Doutcher.
Deputy Stevenson , who IHIH boon
working in the intoroHlH of the Royiil
Highlanders here , left for his homo in
Madison yontonlay and from there will
leave for a now Hold of work.
Mrs L. J. Abbott , who IIIIH been a
guest at the McOlnry homo for the past
three weekH , loft for her homo in Lin
coln on the noon train. She oxpoots to
luavo soon for Georgia , to spend the
winter with a daughter. .
S. A. Barnes , who has been working
on the railroad here during the season ,
will leave for IIH ! homo in AHhland ,
Oregon , tomorrow. Mr. Barnes is developing >
voloping a peach orchard nonr AKhland ,
which ho believes will yield him good
profits in a few years. His family ro-
nmlnod in Oregon during the summer.
Dr. R. A. MittloHtadt , dentist , Bishop
block. Telephone 147 A.
Dr. F. G. Walters. Ofllce over Damn
Hros. ' store. Ofllco telephone 18 Resi
dence 175
Farms rented for nonresidents. Col
lections made. Insurance written by
Gardner & Seller
Ranch of 2,000 acres , deeded Inml , Ifi
miles southeast of Long Pino. ! )00 ) head
white face cattle Plenty of hay and
water , and controls 10,000 acres of p H-
tnro. Price $10 per aero for deeded laud.
Wo also have other ranches for sale.
WANTED. A trustworthy gentleman
or lady in each county to manage busi
ness for an old established house of solid
financial standing. A straight , bona
fldo weekly Milnry of $18.00 paid by
check each Wednesday with all expen
ses direct from headquarters. Money
advanced for expenses Manager , .150
Caxton BidK. , Chicago.
Mrs. L L. Suell of Tildou visited hero
last week
Gus. Diels of Fremont visited P. H.
Ingoldsi > y Tuesday.
Mrs. Frank Huddle has been sick for
the past three weeks.
Mrs. L Carrabine has had her prop
erty on Depot street neatly fenced.
E II. Luikart came over from South
Sioux City on business , returning Tues
The Catholics held services here Mon
day , Rev Thos Walsh of Norfolk offic
The two banks each received a nice
little machine Monday which they call
a check protector.
The creamery plnntfat Emerick is being -
ing moved to Meadow Grove , where it
will bo run next spring.
Miss Knyl of Norfolk visited Sun
day with her Bister , who is teaching
school four miles west of town.
Gottlieb Hnnseloit is very sick at his
homo west of town and it is understood
that he hns few chances for recovery.
Mr. and Mrs. Maher and children
wont to Tilden Tuesday for a visit at
the homo of Mrs. Maher's brother , Wm.
James Walton has moved from Emar-
ick onto the Dl > ks' place three miles
south of Battle Creek , owned by Wm.
John S. Braishcr is Felling out his
harness stock and ho and his wife will
go along with J. S. Knosel and family
to California.
On Saturday afternoon n fair will beheld
held by the Baptist union. Christinas
presents , candies , etc , will bo on sale
and in the evening an interesting pro
gram will bo given.
Some of the sidewalks have been in
bjd shnpo for about a week on account
of the snow. Our old mail carrier
Franz Rhynn , wan compelled to take o
shovel along one day to force his way
through to the trains.
Monday Fred Schereger and Warner
Daniel shipped n carload of cattle each.
i'uoflday Floyd Wnrrlok nhlppml near-
oiid of cattle , L H , Uakor a oar of hogi )
[ ' 'rod Eyl a car of cattle , Howard Miller
mo of hogfl , Sprlckot Onborn ono of
oattlunnd F , J ll-ilo a car of hogH to
L Briuin him moved into Iho Knitaol
iroporly in Highland park , that ho
recently purolniHod , and J. \i. \ Knuiiol
IIIH moved to the Uriuin rimldoneo on
ilorman struct until ho and ,1. H.
llratshor nro ready to emigrate to the
Paolflo coimt. Afterward the IIOUHO
will bo occupied by J R. Martin , Mr.
noHol'n soil-In law.
Al. Hnrk of Tilden drove to Norfolk
Monday and on the way homo Haw a
jack rabbit thlH sldo the Elkhorn bridge
hat ho wanted , and got out of the
Imggy Riving thollneH to Ills companion
who likowiHo got to the ground. Wlion
ho gun went , oil' the toiun did also , pull
ing the Ilium out of tlio other follow'H
! iandn , his attention being attracted by
something olio. The men returned to
IJattlo Creole wlioro they Knout the
night , Mr. Hurlc hearing by 'phono that
IH loam had reached homo all right.
TwohoiiHOH for rent. Ono in IIoightH ,
'Diirland'H add. " Ono at Norfolk
1 uiiotIon. UAUIINKU & SICII.KU. -
Dr. F. G. WaltorH , Hiioceods to the
practice of Dr. F. W. KloHiui. Olllow
Cotton block.
> f the Supervising Atchitect , Wishing-
on , D O. November 21) ) , | | )02 )
SEALED PROPOSALS will bo received
it thlH ollloo until 2 o'clock p. m on
the Ifith day of January , liKKI , and then
) poncd , for tlio coimtzucUoii ( except
uniting apparatus , elentrio wiring and
ooiidultR ) , of the U. H PoHtollleo at
Norfolk , Nebraska , In accoidanco with
the driiwIngH and Hpcolfl'-ation , eopl H
of may bo Inul at thlH olllco , or at
ho ollloo of the PostmiiHtor at Noifolk ,
tfobranka , at the diHcrotinn of the
Juporvlftlng Architect. JAJII-K KNOX
TAVI.OH , Supervising Architect.
T.IM1I > 'l 5 Kmtl tUUl will U ibU U nt U > 1 | trtel n altUnw
rf II ID M . fl . t IL. MM vlik MM ul ml 1 | I * U.I. tonij ii
lit > uli .j. Miortul . . ; IfutbU U fl K ; . ; . < < ih < lliiu4
ihiuUbiulmnt.ll.utuiiMton , .
ri.wi. , . . , if it. uiut iMk . tnlbi.rnibmraottnfrom n.1 n > hftthtr , IIU iVrindlw mliw ?
IM Ibll | IM.M m B fe4. Tht I.IUH | ° U I. lETI kMAY * fl"t'"li
Best Quality Glasses Correctly Fitted.
12 Bishop Block , - - Nourouc.
Turkeys Wanted
will pay as follows for Turkeys :
Hen and Young Turkeys , per Ib. lOc
Old Tom Turkeys-per Ib. - - - 9c
Armour & Company ,
Clothing Store
Miulo of SilliH , Madras , Cliovlotn ,
VolvotH out Slnglo and Double
DroiiHtNoatiind Mrlght PatteniH.
Wo have iinlooiiHHortiiiunt from
the IniHt mnkorrt in tlio world of
made clothing , consequently our
VDNH ( fit. Fit In moHt itiHtancoH
bolt or than when small tnllorH
nilOo ( 'em
Prices arc Easy ,
$2 50 to $4.OO.
A look coslH nothing aril people
are not bored into buying at
Clothing Store
Our Optical
i always in cm red working
order Wo don't allow ourselves
solves to got bt'hlnd the tiineH
in any information pertaining
to the
Wo fool that wo owe il to
yon and to oumolvi-H , becaumi
any < UHPII | infliction you may
lmvu would injure our reputa
tion IIH the mo < 4 exact and
particular rufnictioniHt in IhlH
Dr. Marquardf ,
Oplithalmolo0ist ,
For the Holiday Baking
there iH no flour on the market that can
compare with that milled by the Sugar
City Geroal Mills. For your Christmas
cakes , broad and pastry it is unexcelled ,
and always gives the nttno < t satisfac
tion. Santn Glaus will sniilo nt the
feast whoso good cheer consists of
goodies made up from Bon Ton Hour.
Sugar City Cereal ] Hills.
You Save One-Fifth.
Most pastry recipes , in cook books ,
are made for flours containing much
less gluten than does
Pillsbury's Best.
Use one-fifth less of Pillsbury's Best
Flour than such recipes call for
For Sale at Fair Store.