8 TUB NORFOLK NEWS : FJRIDAY , DECEMBER o , 1902 Shelly Lcnticum Drowned This Afternoon While Skating- , DOY ABOUT I4J YEARS OLD Wns in the Cold Wntor About Hnlf an Hour nncl When Iho Dody wns Recovered Life Had | boconio Ex tinct Son of Alf Lontlcum. I'rom 9ntnnlii ) > Dnllyt Shelley Lontioum , HOU of Alf JLLonti- cum , n boy about. 1 1 yontH o ( ago , wns drowned in the Northfork rlvor this afternoon about 11 o'oloolc , whllo nknt- With u number af compnnloiiH of about his own ago , [ Iw WIIH ] ulcat- ing on the bayou on the oiint sldo of tlio Notthfork , nouth of the M. & O. liridgo. Thn ii'o on the bnyou won not thlclc unit toward the rlvor it thlnnod perceptibly until , where the outotT joined the river , there \vaH no ice at nil and the river was not fro/.un , The boyn were engaged in a gnmu of tlnro , ono trying to see how much nearer the river ho oould go tlmu an other without falling hi. With n "wntoh mo , boys" young Loutloum took the longest dnro and broke through the thin cdgo of ice , going into about HX foot of wntor. Ills couipauiouH at ouoo rau for help , tmuunoniug the men at the Sugar Oity Goroal mills. Four of thorn wont up , James Lough and Warrou House going to the Bcono of the acoidont in n boat. They prosecuted the search \vith vigor and were successful in loca ting tbo boy's body a f ow mlnutOH after their arrival. It in judged that ho was in tlio wntor about half au hour. The body wns oarrlod up the M , & 0. track to the Seller livery barn , where olTorts at resuscitation were made by lre. Frank Snltor and A. Boar , but without success and the body wan taken to the undertaking rooniH of Sotmions & Boll , where it now awaits the action of the family of the boy. Nouo of the companions of the boy were certain ns to his uamo and it was Bomo tiiiio after the accident that identification of the remains WOH made by the boy's father. First reports had it that his llrst name wns Ohnrllo butJJ iiouo seemed to Icuow what his loot uamo was. Later it wns given out that his iinmo was Will llartmnu , sou of Kruost Hnrtmnu. Idoutlllcatlon wns complete - ploto about 4 o'clock by Mr. Loutlonm'fl idtiutiilcation. The family of the unfortunate boy hnvo made this city their homo fo about two years , at present residing in tlio western part of town , about tw blocks south of Main on Thirtoontl street. The boy has boon attouiug the pub lie school , going in Miss Mullen's room , in the Grant building. It is a sad blow to the parents and they have the sympathy of the comun- ity in their sad nflllotiou. The parents were grief stricken and the acoidont wns a shock to the commnnity.occasiou ing much excitement. Desires No Beauty Doctoring. Thouo who hnvo had the pleasure of meeting Editor A. F. Enos of the Stanton - ton Picket will fully appreciate the following pcrsounl remarks regarding the said editor and a beauty doctor token from the last issue of his paper , "Some time ago n friend who is nphy- Elcinu nnd in whose skill wo repose a good deal of confidence proposed to im prove our facial appearance by inserting a few bridge timbers or some sort of manufactured preparation into our face where the nose is supposed to moot the forehead nud by which operation the pug appendage which wns our chief personal annoyance as a boy and young m&u could be elevated so ns to grace- folly slant from tip to forehead. The temptation to at ouco place au order fern n , Sew bubhels of the new compound was great , but was heroically withstood , yet not without an occasional thought for what might bo done in the future in case we over wnntod to enter the show zing agniust a field of thoroughbreds with Roman nasal appendages. But now is published nu nccouut of how a Miss Deacon , n beautiful young lady of Homowhero iu the east , tried the same plan of improving upon what nature bad done for her nud now is going to lose her nose nud perhaps her life iu consequence. Wo ouco saw a mau without n nose on his face and ho didn't look right. Iu our judgment most any old nose is better than uo nose at all and car M. U. friend will please excuse us. We prefer to keep what nose we have putTftther than outer into any game of toss up. " Good goods at your own prices at the rummage sale to bo given iu the Keen- igstoiu block December 12 and 13 by the ladles guild of Trinity church. ANOTHER PIERCE SENSATION , Wilson Hnll , n Retired Farmer Charged Wild n Serious Crime. The report oomon down from 1'Iorco that tlio city on the north has another noiiHatlon , nluiost equalling that of the Nolgonllnd murder In brutality. Willnoii Hnll , nrotlrod farmer , with n wife nnd ROVOII children among the mostly highly respected momborH of Mint community , was arrested Thurmlny for attempted rnpo. County Attorney II. S. Unrnhnrt brings the cnso , charg ing that the attempted nmmult wan com * milled on his daughter , Mnry Burn- hart , ngcd n yonrfl , Hull liaH a Iwd reputation for trying to enter IIOIIICH when tlio men are away and ho has upon numerous occasions escaped from criminal prosecution beef - of his highly ostnomod family. Ho has , however , boon so persistent in liln indiscretions that now ho must niiHwor to the courts. It is believed the will bo pushed vigorously , T LAST. Good News lor All Who Suffer With Rheumatism Free. To nil who sulTor with rheumatism I will gladly send free tlio wonderful Htory of how my mother woo cured after yearn of suffering , together with the most elaborate treatise on rheuma tism over published , No matter what your form of rheu matism is , whether nouto , ohrouio , muscular , inflammatory , doforuiant , solatia , neuralgia , gout , lumbago , oto no matter how ninny no-called "sure cures" yon hnvo tried I want you to write to mo and lot mo toll you how mother wns cured. I am neither n doctor nor n professor simply n plain man of business but I have n onro for rheumatism , nud I wnnt to toll everyone who suffers with rheumatism all about it. I wish to bo clearly understood , nnd trust that all who arc suffering with this torrlblo disease , however , apparently beyond the roach of cure , will write to mo this day and I will send you by return mail this work of iniiio. I appeal especially to the "chronically ill" who are wearied and discouraged with "doctoring" and to those who have boon cast aside ns "iuonrnblo. " All you hnvo thought about rheumatism may bo wroug , Lot mo toll you our experience. Surely , if you hnvo a suffering friend , it will pay yon to Investigate uiy offer , anyway , iiud prove for yourself these claims I make. Send me your address today n postal card will do and I will mail yon this wonderful story. If you have any friends suffering with rheumatism no matter where located , send mo their address , aud I will mail them n copy. My address is Victor , Rniubolt\ Bloomfield - field , Ind. Howe-Law. From Tuesday's Dully. It was a very pretty wedding that took place at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Law on South Eighth street this morning when Mr. Robert E. ' Howe of Randolph nud Miss Anna Q. Law were united in wedlock. Promptly at 11 o'clock the bride nud groom , accom panied by Mr. Dyer Harper of Plain- view and Miss Pearl Kothlodgo of Col- oridgo took their places and the mar riage service was read by Rov. J. F. Pouohor of the Methodist ohnroh. The ring ceremony was used. After receiv ing the congratulations of the relatives nud friends present , nu elaborate wed ding luncheon was served. The bride and groom left ou the 1 o'clock train for Randolph , their future homo. Mr. Howe is the sou of Mr. nud Mrs. Howe of the Queen Oity hotel nud is n young man of excellent oharnoter nnd promise. Miss Law has been the long distance telephone operator hero for some time and has n host of friends who will wish the newly wedded couple rt happy life. Many beautiful presents were received , aud among them wns n bonutiful parlor stand , the remembrance branco of Miss Law's associates at the telephone ofllce. Only the relatives aud a few friends were present. Half Rates Plus JT.2.00 Ono Way or Round Trip via Wabash Railroad. Tickets sold ou 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each mouth to many points south nud southeast. Aside from 'this , tickets are ou sale to all the wiuter resorts of the south at greatly reduced rates. The Wabash is the shortest , quickest aud best line for St. Louis aud all poiuts south nud southeast. Ask your nearest ; icket agent to route you via the Wabnsh. For rates , folders and all information call at Wabash corner , 1801 Farnnin St. or address HAUHY E. MOORE , General agent passenger department , Omiha , Nebr. Nebr.Card Card of Thanks. The many kind acts of neighbors and friends during the sickness aud death of our beloved daughter and sister will ever bo held in grateful remembrance. The expression of our appreciation , is likewise due these who sent flowers. Mu. AND MRS. WM. AIILMAN AND FAM ILY. FOR SALE 2 tracts of 10 acres each in edge of towu. GAUDNER & SHILER. Stops the Cough and Works off the Cold. Laxative Brome Quinine Tablets euro a cold iu ono day. No cure , no pay. Price 25 conta. Fred Karo's Cash Register Tapped Thursday Night. ROBBER GOT THREE DOLLARS. Entered Collar Window by Removing Iron Bars Mr. Knro Has Suspic ions as to the Guilty Person Was Looking for Turkey Money. The meat market of Fred Kara woo again visited by burglars , the last visit taking plaoo between sunset of Thanks giving day nnd the morning of the day following. Kutranco was gained by prying loose ono of the bars across the back collar windows. The thief evi dently was well acquainted with the moat market bocnuso ho proceeded with his Investigations with n system nnd acouraoy that would only hnvo boon possible to ono knowing every nook nud corner of the building. There wns BORIC wntor standing on the floor of the back collar nnd the tracks of the thief were not difficult to follow. From the cellar ho proceeded to the collar stops and scoured entrance to the market without difficulty. There ho leisurely tapped the cash register , scouring about $11 in change for his trouble. In open ing the register ho used the 30-cout key , that amount being the last register , and Mr. Knro is of the opinion that ho felt like thirty cents when ho counted up his booty. There is uo evidence that any moats or tools were taken , the thief being in the business only for the money. Mr. Knro is oouvincod that ho knows who the burglar was but ho ns yet lacks the evidence that would provo it before n court of law nud until this is secured ho will bo unable to proseouto the case. It is just ohanco that the burglar did not soonro greater returns. Ordinarily ou n holiday it has boon Mr. Knro's cus tom to leave the money from the day's sale iu the register becnnso the banks nro not open. Ou Thanksgiving , however , his sales were unusually largo duriug the forenoon and ho dooldod not to leave it iu the register nud will not bo likely to do so again hereafter. The thief prob ably counted ou this to make quite n haul , but mot with disappointment. TEMPERANCE RALLY. Addresses by Supt. O'Connor and Rov. J. F. Poucher. From Monday's Dullv : Under the direction of the ladies of the W. 0. T. U. tomperono rally day was generally nud fittingly obsrved yostordny in Norfolk. In the afternoon at 3 o'clock the various Sunday schools of the city mot at the Baptist church , the building being incapable of holding j the children aud others who desired to nttoiid the service. A number of good rocitntious were given nnd nppropriato inusio was provided. Responsive exor cises by Mrs. McMillan and the Congre gational Sunday school , being quota tions from famous personages on the temperance question , was au interesting feature. Superintendent D. 0. O'Con nor of the public schools gave n splendid address oji temperance , crediting the W. 0. T. U. with work of inestimable value to the oanso. He pnid pnrticular at toutiou to their work with the children and considered their scientific research es with referouco to the effect of alcohol nud narcotics [ on children of special valno.3 Ho emphasized the need of n public rending room iu . .Norfolk where boys nud young men may meet and spent their ovouiugs with out being iu the way of temptation , nnd considered that about half the money received from the traf fic aud applied to the public schools in Norfolk could well bo used in establish ing and maiutaiug such n room. Mrs 0. A. Alexander and Mrs. M. A. Mc Millan presided at the mooting. ID the evening there wore union ser vices nt the Congregatiounl church thnt were largely nttoudod by the temper ance workers and others of the city. The nddress wns by Rev. J. F. Ponohor , pastor of the Methodist church , who discussed "The Economical View of the Liquor Traffic. " His arguments were logical and convincing and ho presented figures on the subject that were aston ishingly large. Eloquence nud power distinguished his nddress aud many flattering comments were given by these who heard him. THE FIRST BLIZZARD. Storm of Yesterday and Today Un usually Severe for the Season , prom Wednoedaj'i Daily. A storm of unusual severity struck this section of the country yesterdny nfternoou nud continued in evidence duriugjtoday. Its characteristics were unusually blizzard-like nud its effects have undoubtedly been far-reaching. The storm opened yesterday about 8 o'clock with a veering of the wind to the north , and this soon brought n fnll of moist snow thnt clung to the build ings with pertinacity. The wind in creased iu vigor about nightfall and the mercury in the thermometer showed an inclination to retreat into the bulb , until it had reached a poiut but one degree above zero , whore it remained for some hours. This morning the snowfall had ceased , but the wind continued to rage to the j discomfort of these whoso duties called hem away from the warm fireside. The snow was piled up in drifts of con siderable depth and extent nnd the sconowas decidedly wiutorlsh during ; oday , Trains , with the oxocoption of these joining iu at the union depot , were de layed several hours. About two inches of snow fell during ho storm. The storm was foretold by ho barometer , which has boon falling several dnys , but is npnlu rising. No loss of life or stock in this section tins yet been reported. A Smooth Grafter From Tuoailny'i Dnlly , There was n coru doctor In town Yes terday who , for genuine nerve tuu\ effrontery , was easily nhond of nuy thing thnt has couio to our notice iu months. He would go into A tow or office nnd wnit until the proprietor w nt loisnro. When unrolling a suiwll tin box filled with salvo ho would offer to sell it for $1. This proposition WAS laughed at which was just what the grafter wautod. Ho then asked how many corns the mau hnd. Being told , ho said that he would lonvo the medi cine with him nud take his note payable in ono year. Ho was to receive fS for oaoh corn that was permanently cured aud not a cent for these ho failed to eradicate. From the bunch of agree ments ho had , it is evident that the stock of suckers iu Nebraska Oity is not all dead yet. Speaking of this cnso to ouo of the physicians of the otty last ovenlug , the reporter learned that tbo man's graft wns almost sure. The in structions thnt go with the medicine nro such thnt if carefully followed the corns will disappear. About the first of December , 11)03 ) , there will bo some people hero who will wish that they had paid'n local doctor for the advica aud saved many dollars. Nebraska Oity Tribnuo. Death of Miss Elsie Ahlman. Miss Elsie Ahlman , ouly daughter of Mr. nud Mrs. Win. Ahlinnu , who has been suffering from blood poisoning for some time , passed away Saturday night about 13 o'clock nt the homo of her parents nt the corner of Philip nvonup nnd Fifth street. The fuuoral wns held this nfteruoou nt 1 o'clock from the house , Rov. J. P. Mueller of Ohrist Lutheran church having charge of the services. Interment was in the now cemetery of Christ church north of the oity. The services were attended by a Inrgo number of friends ot the family nnd a long procession followed the re mains to their Inst resting place on the hill. Many offerings of beautiful flowers were received by the .family , nnd deep sympathy for their sad nfllic- tiou was expressed. Miss Ahlman was born in Norfolk and was approaching her 21st birthday. Be- sides her parents , throe brothers , Wil liam , Arthur nud OhnrloH , survive. She wns a good girl , kind hearted aud gen erous aud her loss will bo keenly felt by the nfllioted family , who hnvo the heart felt sympathy of all their acquaint ances. Attend the rummage sale December 12 nnd 13. Northern Wisconsin Ilnllwny Farm Lund Fnr Sale. The Ohicngo , St. Paul , Minneapolis & Omaha railway has for sale in North ern Wiscousiu , at low prices and easy terms of payment , about 350,000 acres of choice farm lauds. Early buyers will secure the advantage tago of locations on the many beautiful streams and lakes , which abound with fish and furnish a never ending nud most excellent wntor supply , both for family use and for stock. Laud is generally well timbered , the soil fertile and easy of cultivation and this is rapidly developing into one of the greatest sheep nud cattle raising regions in the northwest. OhicBgo , Milwaukee , St. Paul , Minneapolis oapolis , Dnluth , Superior , Ashland nud other towns on "Tho Northwestern Line" furnish good markets for stock and farm produce. For further particulars address : GKO. W. BELL , Laud Commissioner , Hudson Wis , , or G. H. MACRAE , Asst. Geu'lPass.Ag't.St. Paul. Minn. Lady agents wanted to handle our custom made walking nnd dress skirts. Large profits ; corset agents preferred. Ideal Garment Manufacturing Co. , Ann Arbor , Mich. Letter List. List of letters remaining uncalled for nt the postofflco December 2 , 1003. Alfred Allen , W. T. Beltz , Mrs. Allen Barley , 0. M. Brown , Mrs. Sophia Ben nett , Jack A. Gowlyn , B. D. Fuchs , John H. Gordon , Henry Hanson , T. J. Hanrihan , 0. M. Moore , J. J. Maolellau. Ernst Peterson , Mrs. J. B. Roece , Gust Stolt , Mrs. Mary Sennit/ , Miss Anna Wakeue. If not called for iu 15 days will bo sent to the dead letter office. Parties calling for any of the above please say advertised. JOHN R. HAYS , P. M. Half Rates to Canadian Points. The Wabash will sell tickets from Chicago to many points in Canada December 18 , 19 , 20 and 21 , good return ing until January 10 , 1003. For rates and all information call at Wabaeh office , 1601 Farnam street or address. HAKUY E. MOORES , G. A. P. D. , Omaha , Neb. I Johnson Dry Goods Company Enlarges and Improves. FLOOR SPACE OF 7,500 FEET. Departments Enlarged nnd Added. Other Faculties Increased Grow ing Mail Order Business Modern , Evenly HeatodWell Lighted Store. work ivf ( uvhrglng and romodol- ttw st < w svf ttw JiUm.ioa Dry Goods u w tvraptUvilly oomplotod , x\u\v uvy wo i > ( Jho hnudsom- wfc awl HUM ! v\uvum\lUms plnocs of biuiuww txuiwtivabits nud ll is probable ihat JhwU uo * another store iu the > vtMl iu a dljr ixf Norfolk's population ihnt cau tHjuiU it in lloor spnoo aud nr- iutlo aud eonvvntaut lurnugomeut. The old sUw room had Kvoiuo so crowded hat the company was brought to the point where they wvro either compelled to reduce the stock they had boon carry- ug or provide more room nud thnt was douo to provide inoro room. A review of the situation seemed to justify the enlarging of the room nud thnt was douo with the result thnt the company is now in position to carry n stock of goods adequate to the increased trade with which the company has been favored and which it justly earned by honest , lonsorvativo business methods. The new addition ndds one-third to the size of the store-room , and the com pany now has 7,500 square feet of floor space iu which to display the goods handled. This space has been divided up between the various departments of the business , giving them more room and greater convenience iu the display of goods and affording thorn better op portnulty for the conduct of the busi ness of the various departments. Sev eral now departments have been added to the business , made possible by the in creased capacity of the store room. The heating and the lighting features of the store , always good , have been altered nud improved. The hot nir heating system has been removed nud n modern steam heating plant has been installed with sufficient radiators to pro dnco adequate aud even warmth iu all portions of the building. The lights are brilliant nnd afford perfect illumin ationJit being the first store room in the oity to bo lighted by the gas maun faotnred by the Norfolk Light and Fuel company. The lights are strong and the Inrgo room is almost as light at ulght as during the day , being of beuo fit to these wishing to select goods at night. All the inside shelving of the store is lowered to give the room a modern nnd nt tractive appearance , removing the cluttered up aspect of storos.jwith the old method of shelving iu use. This with an array of the latest show cases iu the front part of the store , gives the room a splendid effect and admits of nice display of goods. The capacity of the shoe department has been doubled by extending the shelves from the floor to the ceiling and this is occupied by a complete stock of Intost styled footwenr. The carpet dopnrtmeut hns beeu enlarged ] nud re moved from connection with the shoo department , extending backjfrom thnt department to the office. The now part gives a floor space of 1,750 square feet for the display of ladle's cloaks , suits , and other ready-to- wear garments. This department is also supplied with shelf room so that the company may carry a more exten sive duplicate stock , that has been found especially necessary for the in creasing mail order business of the company for goods of this class. In the roar of the new portion of the store are rooms fitted out for dressmaking , which will hereafter bo a department of the company's business. In oonuectiou with this there is n Indies' toilet room for the exclusive use ofjlady clerks aud patrons. The gouts' furnishing goods depart meut has been moved from the dry goods side of the store nudjboen made a department of itself with n largely in crensod line of goods. The holidny goods , of which the company has a larger aud more complete stock than over of new and desirable goods , is located in the rear of the store and is nicely dlsplnyed. The decorators of the company , who have n reputation for putting the large show window to excellent advantage , have prepared an extra beautiful holi day window , that has been curtained from the public today by the mnnipn- Intlons of the frost king , but it is a dis play that is deserving of attention 'nnd when the frost coating is removed the people of Norfolk will be well repaid by studying the window. The mail orders of the company have increased rapidly since tbey commenced devoting their attention to this feature of the business and their teiritory is rapidly extending , the compnuy recelv lug many orders during the yenr ns fnr west as Wyoming nnd north into Dakota. The increased room affords bettor op portnnity to give such patrons quicker aud bettor service. It necessitates the carrying of n larger duplicate stock , but it has been found that this can well be afforded , nnd ns thnt portion of the business increases iu extent the facili ties will ho further enlarged to meet the demand. The store has boon handsomely dec orated and ono of the first things to attract the eye of the visitor is the broad expanse of steel coiling , decorated iu pleasing aud harmonious colors. The Johnson Dry Goods company is a business interest of which Norfolk may well bo proud nnd the people hero nay well afford to contribute to the joutinuod success of the compnuy. The proprietors nro gentlemanly fjnnd oblig- ug , enterprising nnd ibnsluoss-liko , nud ho employes of the store partake of the snmo desirable qualifications , making it nn exceedingly pleasant nud profitable [ tlaco to trade. The value of Expert Treatment. Everyone who is nfllioted with n ohronio disease experiences great dif ficulty in having their ease intelligently treated by the nvorngo physioinu. These diseases can only bo cured by n special ist who understands them thoroughly. Dr. J. Newton Hathaway of Sioux City , Iowa , is acknowledged the most skillful aud successful specialist iu the United States. Write him for his export opln- Ion of your cnso , for which ho makes no charge. Can You Imagine n spook of matter 1-150 of nn inch iu dl- nuiotor. Some of the air-cells in the luugs are uo bigger than that. When you have a cold , these tiny cells are clogged with mucus or phlegm. Allen's Lung Balsam , iu curing n cold , clears the tiuy air-passages of effete matter and heals the inflammation in the bron chial tubes. HERE'S A BABY Its Mother is 'Well. The baby is healthy because durinp the period of gestation its mother used the popular and purely vegetable liniment , Mother's Friend Mother's Friend is a soothing , softening , relaxing liniment , a muscle maker , invigorator - orator and freshener. It puts new powei into the back and hips of a coming mother. It is applied externally only , there ia no dosing and swallowing of nasty drugs , no inward treatment nt all. The state of the mother during gestation may influence the disposition and future of the child ; that is one reason why moth ers should watch their condition and avoid pain. Her health , that of the child nnd their lives , depend on keeping free from pain , worry and melancholy , Be o ! good cheer , strong of heart nnd peaceful mind. Mother's Friend can and will make you so. Hearing down pains , morn ing sickness , sore breast and insomnia are all relieved by this wonderful remedy. Of druggists at $ i oo per bottle. Send for our book "riotherliood" free. THE BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO. , ATLANTA , GA. WRITER REQUIRE MENT ; BUILT RIGHT- WORKS RIGHT. - USED BY , THE LEAD ING MANUFACTURERS MERCHANTS BECAUSE . , ufkiW , 'XV" PREMIEP TYPEWRITER COMPANY Corner 17th and Farnnm sts. , OMAHA , NEB.