The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, December 05, 1902, Page 2, Image 2

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W , N. UUBK. rnbllBhor.
Kfttnblliliml , tW.
Httri ilny ic ul Bmulny. H carrier lint
iek , 15 e ul . lly nmll jior yeixr , tfl.OO.
xbiN KiitiiDit ii ii , mi.
Th Jonrnnl , e li\lllnlioil IS17
Kwy Fr litnr. "r mdll i > or jnnr , $ lt.O.
RnUr il Rl tlio Poitotllco nt Norfolk , Neb. , iti
itcoml cUii mutlor.
Ttliplinuem Kdllnrlnl lni > rtmmit , No. Ml
liotlnfii OillcB niul Job Room * , No. SZS.
The Mississippi Is i naln lirouhliiR lt
bonds In Louisiana , iiiul inhabitants of
the lowlands lm\o boon warned to ( lee
for safety. Why don't thtwo people
como to Nobrtinkii where It is planned
to bnlld dams to Itoop the water in in-
Btontl of ont and where Htorios of
innnndntlou are HO lnfrciuont na to bo
almoflt nnknowu. Stand up for Ne
County Suporlntoudont Ornni roliiton
511 instance where parents , or the father
nnyway , complained of the inoflloionoy
of the schools and the teacher , statinfc
tlmt JilH child hnd not boon loumlng. A
previous Investigation by the ( wporiu-
tondont hnd ( Unclosed tlio foot that the
child In question had boon in attend-
nnco but about a third of the time filuoo
Bohool opened , and ho waa prepared to
hoar just about such a complaint from
the father , who WIXH moro at fault than
the toaohor , or the eohool system. Thin
in a condition that prevails quite | ? on-
orally. Tlio poraon who buys Httlo
meat is the first and strongoflt , and
loudest to complain of the sorvioo of the
moat man ; the ono who seldom ridoa
on a railroad is the ouo to strenuously
obioot to the accommodations they
nfToro ; the man who never employed a
certain physician or listened to a mlu-
istor Is the first and last tooritiolxo their
conduct , and the person who never ad
vertises in or subscribes for u news
paper is usually the first to offer Hug-
Kostlons as to how it should bo con
ducted and generously criticises the
policy pursued , so it is with other busi
ness and industry. The Rood and
Btoady patron is not the severest critic
and when ho criticises there is usually
causoforhls objection. The moral is
plain : First bo absolutely certain that
you are in a position to criticise from
your own knowledge and then bo cor-
talu that your criticism is accurately
based on a good foundation.
I'nrlor MatolioH Munt Go.
Now York has a government of much
wonder to the smaller cities and muni-
olptvUtloa of the country. It appears to
bo a government as stupendous as the
ordinary state or a small country. The
fact that people living iu the metrop
olis are compelled to use hard coal and
nbjnro bituminous was brought ont
during the recent crisis iu the anthra
cite field. It has recently boon given
out that the parlor match must bo dis
pensed with likewise , and there is a
sentiment against the use of gasoline
and kerosene that may result in those
stable articles being prohibited. All of
this is somewhat astonishing to the
Httlo brothers and Bisters of the big
metropolis , where it is sometimes difll-
cult to enforce a very ordinary law , but
it is recognized that there is reason in
gome of the action taken , mndo espe
cially pertinent by the density of popu
lation in Now York. Sometimes that
which is demo by the big cities is copied
by those of smaller population and those
reforms will undoubtedly have an effect
on the entire country. Speaking of the
scheme of doing away with parlor
matches , the Western Fireman , pub
lished in Ohlcago , says :
"After the first of January next
carrying parlor' matches or keeping
them in ouo's house in the city of Now
York is to bo prohibited. Any flrui
storing , soiling , or giving them away
will bo subject to arrest. Parlor
matches como under the classification of
dangerous combustibles , the nso of
which has long boon a violation of law
as sot forth in the city charter , but a
provision of the charter allows the fire
department to regulate the use and Halo
of combustibles. The department here
tofore bos issued permits for the sale of
matches. Now the flro commission has
discovered that more than 1,300 fires
wore caused last year by parlor matches
and has declined to issue permits for
the sale or manufacture of them after
January 1. The use only of the old-
fashioned sulphur matches , whinh will
ignite only when btrnck on the box ,
will be allowed in this city hereafter.
Chief Musham of Chicago indorses the
statement that the parlor match is a
frequent case of fire and admits that an
order forbidding their sale in the west
ern metropolis would be exceedingly
practical. 'There are other kinds of
Blow burning matches,1 ho said , 'thai
do as well without the danger that goes
with the flashing parlor match. Wo
wonld not have to go bock to the olc
sulphur tipped article that was so dis
agreeable and deliberate. What is
needed is a match that ignites without
the suddenness of the ono and without
the unpleasant features of the other
1 believe this can be obtained , and if a
Jaw was passed prohibiting the use o :
the parlor match , a substitute woulc
appear quickly. I liavo known a
woman to be burned to death by step
ping on one of J those Jparlor matches
HnrMdrlH caught fire junt from that
Httlo ( lame. A frrquont cauHO of llro Is
the Hying off of the head of a match
when a person trios to Btriko a light.
Children play with the dangerous
article , and at u touch , before anyone
can know what is happening , Mamos
itirst out from those iiiHtantanooim
matches' . While tlio danger Is chiefly
11 homes , I have known at least ono
MHO where a bla/.o started In a down
town warehouse by ratH gnawing the
loads of matohon. It was only a small
Ire , that was gotten at quickly , and wo
found the nest of the animals , with
Hatches In It and around it. It wonld
jo Impossible to say how many fires
may be assigned to this cause , but they
are many and their loss is enormous. "
Havana Conorest Causes Hitch In
Reciprocity Negotiations.
Havana , Dec. 5. The reciprocity
negotiations between Qunoral Tanker
rtllHn and the Cuban Hocrctarloo , Zaltlo
and MontcH , in practically at a Bland-
ntlll , the latter desiring to await the
outcome of the bill Introduced in the
IIOIIHO of roproBontatlvoB providing for
the appointment of u committee to
draw up a bill dollnlnc the limits of
the concessions which the Cuban gov
ernment can offer foreign countries In
nogotlntliiR reciprocity treaties. A
cununlttoo of the house began the
Htudy of the question today. It IB
known that Secretaries Zaldo and
Moutos have reached n satisfactory
agreement with Qonoral nilss and that
practically all that Is loft to bo dona
In the slgnliiK of the acrootnont , but
thsy do not vrlsa to assume any re
sponsibility , especially slnco the re
cent cabinet crisis and In vlow of the
apparent determination on the part of
the nationalist party to oppoio the
Mosquitoes Held Responsible for
Yellow Fever Ravages ,
Wellington , Doc. E. Tlio sanitary
conference of American republics
which has been In session huro ulnco
Tucmlay , came to an end last night
Santiago do Chile was selected aa the
place of next mooting , which will oc
cur March 15 , 1901. The mosquito
eamo In for a good share of attcntloi
during the closing session and sovora
resolutions bearing on the subject o
Infection wore adopted. Ono of these
offered by Dr. Arthur Reynolds of Chi
cnco , urged the different governnior *
to ntudy In tholr respective torrltfl. Fraw-
the geographical distribution cftcs ; Miss
mosquito In order that it majiplno hurt ,
practical application in euhfi J. J. Fey ,
conventions. A resolution offilam KU
Dr. Qultoras of Cuba is of IftKlrlcT
scope and In a measure makes" " the
Btatomont that the insect Is the ono
factor In the communication of the
yellow fever gonna.
Government Crop Estimate Leaks Out
Before Publication.
Now York , Dec. G. The Journal ol
Commerce say : "There have In recent
years been many reports that the agrl
cultural bureau cotton report has
leaked out , In other words that its
general condition lias become known
to a favored few before Its ofllclul pub
lication , but never lias the report boon
more fully believed by the cotton
trade than In the instance of the report
Issued by the department on Wednes
day. The greatest evidence that the
Information was dishonestly clrcu
latod was contained In the action of
the market itself , and there are many
responsible members of the Now York
cotton trade who bollovo the 'leak1
occurred not on Wednesday morning ,
but some time on Tuesday , as there
Is every evidence that both the Now
York and Liverpool markets wera
forced up to a selling basis. "
Anarchist la Closely Held.
Madrid , Doc. G. Perez Pulgar , the
anarculst. arrested recently at Oreua
and who sakl ho Intended to kill King
Alfonso , is hold In close confinement.
It Is learned that In spite of his claim
to bo a citizen of Argentine bo Is a
Spaniard , twenty-two years old. The
police are searching for his accom
pllccs and it is thought the invcstlga
tlon will result In unearthing an im
portant plot. The officials believe
that Pulgar Is feigning Insanity.
Outbreak Among Russian Students.
Odessa. Russia , Dec. 5. A serloua
outbreak has occurred among the stu
dents of the ecclesiastical seminary
hero , resulting In the arrest of fifty
students and the rustication of 300
others. As an outcome of the trouble
the holy synod lias ordered tbo instl
tutlon to be closed. Such a revolu
tlonary movement among religious
students is without precedent and has
caused the authorities great anxiety
Reese Not a Candidate.
Ottumwa , la. , Dec. 5. John P
Reese , former president of district 13
of the mine workers , has sent out an
open letter declaring himself not to
be a candidate for vice president o
the United Mlno Workers of America
Three Thousand Are Dead.
San Francisco , Dec. 5. From th
Guatemalan coast the Pacific Mai
steamer City of Sydney brings tb
news that the deaths resulting from
the recent eruption of Santa Marl
volcano number about 3.000.
Murderer to Follow Victim.
Philadelphia , Dec. 6. "Harry
Johnstonc , the actor who on Monday
night shot and killed Miss Kate Has
sett , leading woman at Keith's theater
and then attempted suicide , is rapldl
growing weaker. The hospital phys
clans say there Is absolutely no hop
of his recovery.
Tell Their Story of Conditions
in Coal Fields.
Companies Violated Agreement by Refusing -
fusing to Reinstate Union Men.
Mine Inspectora Will De Called to
Tell of How Their Duties Are Done.
Scranton , Pa. , Dec. 6. At ycstor-
day'ii suasions of the strike commis
sion the raprosontatlvea of the mlno
workers continued to call witnesses ,
mostly practical minors , who told
tholr atory of conditions as they exist
In the Hazloton coal fields. The min
ers trlod to show by those witnesses
tUat the Coxo and other companies
had violated the agreement entered
Into by. both sides when the commis
sion was appointed , that tbo strikers
nhould return to work and bo given
tholr old places back where they had
not already boon filled. Some of the
witnesses testified that they were not
given back their old places and main
tained tbat men promlnunt In the
union In tbo various localities during
the strike were discriminated against.
The commission has decided to in-
vlto tbo mlno Inspoctora to appear before -
fore them , bocuuse tbo minors claim
tbat the workmen fear to Inform tbo
mlno Inspectors of dangerous or un
healthy places iu the mines bccauao
the Inspectors are usually accompa
nied by sonio representative of tbo
company , who may cause the man's
dismissal This la a now point before
the commission.
Rumors of possible negotiations
looking to a settlement outside of the
commission continue to bo hoard.
Lawyers admit that they have hoard
Bucb rumors , but say they know noth
ing about a possible settlement. What
ever Is done will first bo decided upon
In Now York where those In author
ity to act are located. Special attor
neys of the coal companies have re
turned to tbo metropolis. Whether or
not It Is In connection with pcaco ne
gotiations cannot bo learned hero.
The opinion still prevails bore , and
rather strongly too , that the operators
and the minors will agree on most
points before the commission con
cludes Its bearings.
" Fleet Will Try to Seize
They Av | n porto Rco | >
" ) cc. D. The navy do-
I Recently aado publlo the clo.
mcnfv y. * \ rc < naval search prob-
om oYim > 'r of l ) ° somblnod European ,
NorU -i niSbV South Atlantl °
fleets arT iiiiSYn work today In the
West IndicQp-i'ho rules which are to
govern in this mimic warfare are as
ollows : The white fleet includes ves
sels of commands of Rear Admirals
jinnner and Crownlnsblcld , combined
under the former. The blue fleet in
cludes vessels under Rear Admiral
ilgglnson. In tbo afternoon of Dec.
5 tbo blue fleet learns that one of Its
scouts sighted the white fleet Doc. 2
about 900 miles to tlio eastward of
3arbadocs. The white licet represents
an advanced detachment of an enemy ,
whoso object Is to secure a base In
: ho Porto Rlcan waters between
Mayaguez on the west and Great Har
bor , Culebra , on the cast ; also to
mlno the main ship channel of the
port seized before G p. m. Dec. 10 , at
which time the problem ends.
Nine Below at Sioux City.
Sioux City , Dec. 6. Yesterday was
be coldest of the season , nine degrees
jelow zero.
Forms routed for nonresidents. Col-
eotious made. Insurance written by
Gardner & Soilor.
$100 Howard , $100.
The readers of this paper will be
ileased to learn that there is at least
mo ( breaded disease that science has
) eeii able to euro in all its stages and
hat is catarrh. Hall's Catarrh euro is
; ho only positive euro now known to
the medical fraternity. Catarrh being
n constitutional disease , requires a con
stitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh
Cnro is taken internally , acting directly
upon the blood and mucous surfaces of
the system , thereby destroying the
foundation of the disease , and giving
the patient strength by building up tbo
constitution and assisting nature in
doing its work. The proprietors have
so much faith in its curative powers ,
that they offer one hundred dollars for
imy case that it falls to cure. Send for
list of testimonials. Address ,
P. J. CHENEY & Co. , Toledo , O.
Sold by druggist , 75 cents.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
Piano Moving a Specialty.
Phone 58. Calls Promptly Answered.
Hanks nro steadily reducing tholr
interest rate on deponits , but wo
can still let you have good
nt from
5 to 6 Per Cent
interest , payable sotnl-annually ,
and surest tbat you got farm
loan" ) while yon can at the present
GEO. II. SPEAR , Manager.
. . . December 6
Gillhooley's '
A farce comedy in Q acts , replete with
the latest and up-to-date specialties
and songs.
Funny Comedians , Pretty Girls ,
The Laughing Event of the Season
Prices Reduced to 35 and 50 Cents.
Children 25c.
Wide Awake
All Kinds of Gents'
. . . . '
i anil Loan
will build you a
on easy payments. Come and see us.
C. U. DURLAND , Secretary.
This is the Sign
of the
Walk-Over Shoe
It stands for
Best Quality Stock ,
Brainy Workmanship
and Latest Fashion
in Footwear.
Wo have a style to fit your foot at a price to fit your
$ 3 .50 AND $ 4
The Palace Shoe Store
Wo are the exclusive agents in this vicinity.
A Few
Snaps. . .
One Automatic Drop Head Domestic , new , regular
price $40.00 , now $29.00.
One Happy Home , new , regular price $15.00 , now
Twelve Hall Trees , duplicate patterns , account
mistake on part of factory. They say sell at any price
rather than return them.
Also our Stock of Ironstone China will be closed
out at half price to make room for new goods.
Three dozen quarter Oak polished , box seat , diners ,
best leather seats , $2.25 each. Same chair with cane
seat , $1.75.
G.W. O
COAL ! o
Sweet-water Rock Spring.
Scranton Hard Goal. r
'PHONE 61.
Underwear you can be comfortable in
during the autumn and winter days is the
subject in hand to-day. Middle-weights ,
heavy-weights ; for men of all weights and
sizes and pocket books.
We have an astonishingly good looking
lot of underwear to show you of nearly
every sort and style plain , fancy ; high-
priced , low-priced ; all of'it good as the
money will buy.
Cluett-Peabody shirts to go over it ; none better
'at any price ; none so good at the same price.
TAILOR AND FURNISHER , 304 Norfolk Avenue.