The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, December 05, 1902, Page 12, Image 12

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12 THE It Oil FOLK NEWS : HUUAY , DECEMBER 5 , 1902.
| k T _ f fl ( w. n. nucnoi.7. rroii.iont.
1 % / " \ < * T/fc I I/ " J AMCXANUKIMIKAH , McePnulden
1 lOl ILPI1\ ( K.W/.UTX , Cnsliler.
National Bank.
Capital , $100,000.00
Surplus , $20,000.00
Does a General Banking ( Business
Buys and Sells Eiolmn o.
Intercut Paid on Tlmo Deposits.
Drafta nnd Money Orders Bold on any Point In Bnrotp.
A General Steamship and Foreign PaaaaKO lUiHlncaa Trnnanoted/
Get What You Ask for at
ALL ORDERS arc filled promptly and with caro.
Our goods are FIRST-CLASS in every particular.
Wo know precisely what is wanted by our custom
Wo aim to Give you the Best Value
for Your Money.
South sldo Mutti St. , botwoou 3d tmd Od. Tolophouo 41.
Hayes Jewelry and
I Music House
Wo have placed iu our window a box which contains $20.
jf T Wo will give a KEY To Tins Box Fnuu with every
cash purchase of f'J.OO.
Only 11 keys will unlock the box your key may bo ono
of them. Yon can try your keys on the 15th of January.
The 1st key to unlock tlio box takes $10.00
The 3d key to unlock the box takes G.OO
The lid key to unlock the box takes 4 00
Yon are entitled to the contents without reserve it
is yours. Don't lose the tag , ns no key will bo tried unless
tag is attached. No employe allowed to have n koy.
Wo do not know which key opens the box.
; | C. S. HAYES , Mana0cr. NORFOLK , INEB. |
A dollar of service for every
dollar of cost. That Is the
record. Illustrated book free.
: The
IS ! * WO ! Smith Premier Typewriter Co.
Cor. 17th and Paruam , Sts. Oinaha.JNeb.
The Citizens National Bank.
Capital , $50,600. Surplus , (10,000. ' >
Bay and sell exchange on this country and aUJparts of Europe , ( Farm Loans.
Otrtctore.-CUiu , ASMCS , W H. Jonxnox , due. S. BEIDOK. 0. W. BBAABOH , C. M.
The Many Adventures of
Including all tha merry picture * con
tained In the two volumes , entitled
"Adventures of Foxy Qrandpa"nud
"Further Advcntnrea ot Foxy Grand-
pa. "
IIr. Schultze Bald to me one day at
lunch : "What do you thlnV of a cerles
of comic drawings dealing with a grand *
father and his two grandsons ! "
"Let the grandfather bo the clever ono
of the Irio. In most of tha other cases
the young folk have beeu smarter than
the old people upon whom they played
their jokes. Let's reverse It. "
The next morning he came to my of
fice with sketches for half a dozen
serfe * , and ith the name "Foxy Grand
pa" in hit h ad
The i > uccc 4 of the series in the New
York Ueruld was * Instantaneous , for
who has not heard of "Foxy Grandpa"
and "BnnnrI"
Tb jolly old gentleman , dear to
grown people a * well as children , might
almost be called the Mr. Pickwick of
comic pictures.EDWAHD
To Grandfathers Who Are And
To'hoca Who Are To Bo ,
I Merrily Dedicate This Hook.
fie't postage paid on receipt of ONC
DOLLAlt iu currency or postal order ;
uocln'C.i received.
49 Wall Street , New York.
8s ) .
For Steam FOGCS
IWiDg , Pitting , ,
Wind Mills
And all work io this line call OQ
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
First door West of Ablman's Bicjele Shop.
_ Leave orders at Telephone B 281 ,
Steam and
Hot Water
First door South of News Office.
. .ana Sale'
Bnuuch Avenue ' DUAllC
Fatal Blaze in the Lincoln
Hotel at Chicago.
Little Damage U Done to Hotel , but
Tenants Loec Their Lives In Smoke
and by Leaping From the Windows.
Iowa Men Injured.
Chicago , Dec. C. Fourteen men
met death by miffocatlon yesterday
morning In "r which occurred &t
G o'clock In the Lincoln hotel , 170 Mad.
inon street. Thirteen of these vrho
lost their HTGO were Btiflod while lying
In their beds. Ono was taken from
the building before Ufa was oztlnet ,
tnit died In the ambulance on the vray
to the nearest hospital.
Coroner Trnogur , after Inspecting
the bulldlnc , united irlth Flro Chief
Miishnm In declaring that tbo build-
WHS a veritable fire trap and should
never havw hoen used for hotel pur-
PORCB. Chief Muuliam declared that
there wor such wldo cracks in the
floor that the smoke poured through
the building In clouds , rendering CB-
capa extremely difficult.
There was no fire escape on the
front af the building , although ono
wan in process of construction. The
ttcaffoldlng was tip and from it dan-
clod several ropes , down which a num
ber of people slid to the pavement
after oil escape by the stairway had
been cut off.
The dead : I. 0. Yocum , fire Insur
ance agent , prominent in "Davenport ,
la. , and son , Samuel ; A. B. Coon , law-
ycr , Marengo , 111. ; I < \ L. Ewlng , mail
clerk , Marietta , O. ; B. P. Boswoll , Chicago
cage ; T. V. Slocum , machine dealer ,
Wauc'onda , 111. ; H. K. Woods , Lebanon ,
Ind. ; Edward Toner , printer , Milwau
kee ; F. W. Corey , a railway postal
clerk ; Ward Lowrey , postal clerk ; M.
M. Hardy , traveling salesman , Janes
villo , WIs. ; C. P. Cowan , collector on
Wabash railroad , St. Louis ; George B.
Graves , compositor , Chicago.
The following were Injured : W. G.
Thomas , Cedar- Rapids , la. , badly cut
and burned ; William M. Snydcr ,
Loom City , la. , bruised by falling down
stairs ; Mrs. Juno Shepherd , Chicago ,
back sprained , arms and hands cut
and bruised ; Invln Westerland , Chicago
cage , fcct , burned.
Several of the victims were visitors
to the stock show.
The hotel was four stories in height
and contained an unusual number o'f
rooms for a hotel of its size.
Night Clerk Gives the Alarm.
F. A. Smith , proprietor of the hotel ,
declared that there were 125 people
in the hotel. It was in fact filled to
its utmost capacity. Night Clerk
Weber discovered the smoke pouring
through the halls shortly before G
o'clock and did his best to alarm the
guests , but the smolco was so dense
and increased in volume so rapidly
that he was unable to get around to
nil of them , and was compelled to
grope his way to the street to avoli
suffocation. The guests came pour
Ing down the one stairway of the build
ing In all stages of undress , and BOV >
cral leaped from the windows of the
second story to the sidewalk below
and escaped without serious injury.
The firemen , who arrived with greai
promptitude , saved many lives by car
rying people down the ladders from
the windows. The smoke on the in
etdo of the building was so thick and
so pungent that the firemen were un
able to do moro than to take the people
ple from the windows , Those who
were not able to reach the windows in
a few minutes after the fire broke ou
vrcro suffocated. The fire in itsel
amounted to very little. As soon a
thq smoke permitted the firemen t <
live inside the building , a carefu ,
search was made of all the rooms
with the result that thirteen men
were found to hare been stifled befor
they were able to leave their beds.
The building was some time agi
condemned by the city building In
spcctors as unsafe for hotel purpose
and the owners were three weeks ag ; o
ordered to place a stairway In th
rear and a fire escape on the front
Beyond the preliminary work , nothin
bad been done.
Two Children Burned to Death.
Saglnaw , Mich. , Dec. 5. Two chl 11- !
dren of Mrs. Alnsley Powers wer 6
burned to death yesterday afternoo :
when their mother left them alone I
the house for a few minutes. On
child , a girl , was six years old an
the other an Infant of , two months. I
is supposed the .llttlo . girl sot Ore t
eomo papers with which she wa :
playing. The two dead bodies lay o
the floor when the flro department re
sponded to an alarm. The house wa
only slightly damaged.
Big Dlaze at Cleveland.
Cleveland , Dec. 5. The flve-story
building occupied jointly by Likely &
Rocket , trunk manufacturers , and the
Bardon & Oliver , lathe turret manu
facturers , was destroyed by fire uat
midnight. The loss is probably | 100 , .
000 , with no accurate estimate of in
surance. The building occupied half
an acre of ground and Is an entire
Killed by Falling Walls.
Gilmer , Tex. , Dec. 6. The walls of
a brick building , which was gutted by
Orecollapsed yesterday. A. Lyle was
killed outright , John Hill fatally In-
jnr d and two others were slightly In
jured. The flro destroyed a business
block. The damage Is estimated at
130,000 , half Inaured.
If you feel 111 and nfccd n pill
Why not purchase the best ?
ftoWitt'fl Early JUsors
Are little surpriBers ,
Take one they do the rest.
W. II , Ilowell , Houston , Tex. , writes
I jiavo used Little Early Illser Pills iu
my family for constipation , , sick head.
aolin. utc. To their UBO I am indebted
for tlio health of my family.
Hoport from tlio Heforin School.
J , Q. Gluolt , Suporiuttndont , Pruuty-
town , W. Vn. , writoa : "Aftor trying
nil of tlio advertised cough medicines
wo Imvo decided to use Foloy's Honey
nnd Tar exclusively iu the West Vir
ginia Reform Bcjiool. I And it the
most effective nud absolutely harm ,
loss. "
A kidney or bladder trouble can al
ways bo cured by using Foley's Kldnoy
Cure in time.
Coughs , Colds , anil Constipation ,
Few people realize when taking cough
medicines other tlmu Foloy'n Honey and
Tar , that they contain opinion which nro
coufltipatiug besides being nnsnfo , par *
ticularly for children. Foloy's Honey
and Tar contains no opiates , is safe and
euro and will not constipate.
The 1'rldo of Heroes.
Many soldiers in the last war wrote
to say that for scratches , bruises , cuts ,
wounds , corns , sore feet and stiff joints ,
Buoklou's Arnica salvo is the bent in
the world. Bauio for hums , scalds ,
boils , ulcers , skin eruptions and piles.
It cures or no pay. Only 25 cents at
Saved nt Qnivo'a flrliilc.
"I know I would long ago Imvo boon
in my grave , " writes Mrs. S. II. Now-
som , of Decatnr , Ala. , "if it had not
boon for Electric Bitters. For three
years 1 suffered nntold agony from the
worst forms of indigestion , watorbrash ,
stomach and bowel dyspepsia. But
this excellent medicine did me a world
of good. Since noing it I can oat
heartily and have gained 85 pounds. "
For indigestion , loss of : appetite , stomach
ach , liver and kidney troubles Electric
Bitters are a positive , guaranteed cuio.
Only DO cents nt the Kicsan drug store.
A Cold Wave.
The forecast of sudden changes in the
weather serves notice that hoarse
voice and a heavy cough may invade
the sanctity of health in your own
homo. Cautious people have n bottle of
One Minute Oongh Cure always at
hand. E , H. Wise , Madison , Ga. ,
writes : "I am indebted to Ono Minute
Cough Cure for my present good health ,
and probably my life. " It cures coughs ,
colds , lagrippe , bronchitis , puenmouia
and all throat and Inng troubles , One
Minute Cough Cure outs the > phlegm ,
draws out the inilammation , heals nr.d
soothes the mucous membranes nnd
strengthens the lungs. The Kiesan
Drug Co.
A Paris dispatch says , "M. Rosey has
just discovered the secret of perpetual
youth. " Too late , we've had it for
years. Madison Medicine Go's. Rocky
Mountain Tea. A. H. Kiesnu.
A Timely Topic.
At this season of coughs and colds it is
well to know that Foley's Honey and
Tar is the greatest throat and lung rem
edy. It cures quickly nnd prevents ser
ious results from n cold.
A Million Voices
Could hardly express the thanks of
Homer Hall , of West Point , la. Listen
why : A severe cold had settled on his
lungs , causing a most obstinate cough.
Several physicians said ho had consump
tion , but could not help him. When
all thought ho was doomed he began to
use Dr. Kings' Now Discovery for con
sumption and writes "it completely
cured me and saved my life. I now
weigh 227 pounds. " It's positively
gnaranted for coughs , colds and lung
troubles. Price 50 cents and $1.00.
Trial bottles free at Kiesan drug store.
The Madison Medicine Co. owns the
exclusive right to manufacture Rocky
Mountain Tea. Tea sold which is not
made by us is a deception. Never sold
in bnlk. Always packages at' 35 cents.
A , H. Kiesan.
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure
digests all classes of food , tones and
strengthens the stomach and digestive
organs. Cures dyspepsia , indigestion ,
stomach troubles and mokes rich red
blood , health and strength. Kodol
rebuilds without tissues , purifies ,
strengthens and sweetens the stomach.
Gov. G. W. Atkinson , of W. Va. , says :
I have used a number of bottles of
Kodol and have found it to bo , a very
effective nnd , indeed , a powerful
remedy for stomach ailments , I roc
comond it to my friends. The Kiesaa
Drug Co.
Boy's life naved from Membranous Cronp.
O. W. Lynch , a prominent citizen of
Winchester , Ind. , writes"Mylittlo boy
had a severe attack of membranous
oronp , and only got relief after taking
Foley's Honey and Tar. He go relief
after ono doee and I feel that it saved
the life of my boy. " Refuse substi
tutes ,
' Drying preparations simply devel
op dry catarrh ; they dry tip the secretions ,
which adhere to the membrane and decani'
pose , causing a far moro serious trouble than
the ordinary f orni of catarrh. Avoid all dry.
ing inhalant * , fumes , smokes and EnulTa
nud use that which cleanses , soothes nnd
heals. Ely's Cream Balm is such a remedy
ami will euro catarrh or cold in the Lend
easily nnd pleasantly. A trial eire Mill bo
mailed for 10 cents. All druggists sell the
50c. uizo. Ely Brothers , CO Warren St. , N.Y.
The Balm cures without pain , does not
irritate or cunso snoozing. It spreads itself
over an irritated mil ftUgry surface , reliev
ing imuiixUatcly thopMifful inflammation.
AVIlh I.lj'a C'rcnm. lUxltn you nro armed
URains Catarrh and Buy Fever.
A Thousand Dollars Worth of Good ,
A. H. Thnrnes , n well known ooul
operator of Buffalo , O. , writes , " ! have
bnen aiUicted with kidney and bladder
trouble for years , passing gravel or
Htones with excruciating pain. I got
Foley's Kjdney Care , then the result
was surprising A few doses started
the brick dnst like flue stones and now I
have no pain across my kidneys and I
feel like a now man. It done mo a f 1000
worth of good. "
What's In a Name ?
Everything is In the name when it
comes to Witob Hoael salve. E. 0.
DoWItt & Co. of Chicago , discovered ,
some years ago , how to mnko n salvo
from Witnh Hazel that is a specific for
piles. For blind , bleeding , itching and
protruding piles oxzemn , outs , burns ,
brnisos and all skin diseases Do Witt's
salvo has no equal. This has glvou
rise ! to numerous worthless counterfeits.
Ask for DdWitt's the genuine. Tlio
Kicsan Drug Co.
rolls n Deadly Attack.
"My wife was so ill that good physi
cians were unable to help her , " writes
M. M. Austin , of Winchester , Ind. ,
"bnt was completely ourod by Dr.
King's Now Lift ) Pills. " They work
wonders in stomach nnd liver troubles.
Onro constipation , sick headache. 25
cents nt Kiosqu drug store.
A novel fooling of leaping , bounding
impulses goes through yonr body. Yon
fool young , net young and nro yonug
after taking Rocky Mountain Tea. 85
conts. A , H , Kiesan.
Road Notice.
To All Whom It May Concern :
The commissioner appointed to view
and locate a road , commencing at the
east end of the half section line between
the southeast quarter and the northeast -
east quarter , of section twenty-nine ,
in * ' township twenty-four , range three
west , running thence west ono mile to
where the said half section line inter-
soots with the section line running
north and sonth botwoou section
twenty-nine and thirty in said town
ship and range , all in Madison county ,
Nobraskn , has reported in favor of the
establishment thereof , nud all ob
jections thereto , or claims for damages ,
must bo filed in the county clerk's office
on or before noon of the 12th day of
January'A. D. 1003 , or such road will
bo established without reference
Dated at Madison , Nebraska , the 12th
day of November , A. D. 1002.
County Clerk.
Osteopathlc Physician.
licenses both ncnte and chronic sncceesfallt
treated without use of drags or knife.
'hono ' No. F 54. Office at residence ,
- - 109 North 10th Street ,
Norfolk - - . Nebraska
Agent for Glove Fitting Dress System.
128 Sonth 4th Street ,
Second door north of Madison Ave.
Undertakers-and EmbalmerB ,
Sessions Bit , , Norfolk Ave ,
Norfolk , . . . Nebraska
. J. OOLE ,
Offlcs over Citizen's National Bank. Recldenoi
one block north of Congregational church.
Norfolk , Nebraska
Phone 107. for Ladies and Children
Graduate of , Amerioan School of.Osteo
pathy , nnder founder of the science.
Residence and office , 807 Madison Ave
Hours Irom 0 a. m to 4 p. m.
Sioux City Florist.
Awarded first premium on
Funeral Designs.
Handsome noses , Carnations , falms , Fern
Flowers snipped in fresh condition.
Phoney66c. ity oll.ce ; Cor. 6th and Fierce
NorHestern Line
F. E.&M.V. R. R.
is the best to and from the great
of North Nebraska.
Of Contagious Blood Poison never exis
ted. It Is always bad , though sometimes ,
no external symptoms of the disease ap
pear for a long time.
Because the disease is slow in devel
oping does not indicate that the case is.
a tnlld one , for the poisonous virus at
work in the blood and system may be
spending its force upon some internal
vital organ while you are looking for ex
ternal signs. Contagious Blood Poison >
does not affect all alike. In most cases
the first little sore is quickly followed by
painful swellings in the groins , a red
eruption upon the body , sore * or ulcers
io the mouth and throat , unsightly copper
colored blotches , loss of hair and eye-
browa and other symptoms of this miser
able disease. When the poison is thus
fighting its way to the surface , exposing
the disease iu all its hideousness , we call
it a bad case ; but Contagious 'Blood Poi
son , whether working internally or exter
nally , is a dangerous , treacherous disease.
S. S. S. is the only remedy that cures
Contagious Blood Poison thoroughly and
permanently. It is an antidote for the
deadly virus that produces the awful T
eruptions , sores and ulcers , and destroys
the bones. Mercury and Potash dry up
the skin eruptions , but in so doing drive-
the poison further into the system , where
it slumbers for a time , but comes back
again with redoubled-fury.
S. S. S. is a vegetable remedy that has
been used successfully for years in treat-
cures it in all stages and
forms. If you have the
slightest symptom ; an
occasional sore mouth ,
or muscular and bone
pains , your blood is tainted and the disease
is liable to break out again at any time.
A course of S. S. S. will remove every
trace of poison and at the came time
buildup your general health.
Write for our Free Home Treatment
book. No charge for medical advice. fl
The Swift Spoolfio Co. , Atlanta , Go.
Who is InsiCe of This Shirt ?
wonld be hard to gness , but'if ' it is one
of onr patrons you can be sure that it is
a man who is well satisfied when he
gets it on. The man that gets behind a
hirtfront latmdered.hore always beams
with satisfaction when ho sees the ex
quisite color and finish that we have laid
ipon it. Our work is the acme of per-
ection on shirts , collars and caffs , and
rou can't match it anywhere.
Phone83 Norfolk Steam Laundry
are the most fatal of all dis
Guaranteed Remedy
or money refunded. Contains
remedies recognized by emt >
cent physicians as the best for
Kidney and Bladder trouble * ,
PRICE SOc/tnd $1.00. ' tv- ' ' '
Made a
Well Man
produces the above remits la SO days. It sett
power ! ally and quickly. Cured v.-lirij oil others felt
i'oung men tvlUrf sain lUftir manhood , and old
men will recover their youthful vigor by uelna
UEVIVO. It uuickly nulBuroly restores Tfarvoc *
noes. Lost Vitality , Impotency , MlKtitly Emissions.
Lost tower. Falling lltnnory , Vtlnz DlEiaseB , and
ill effects ol eelf-abur. ) cr exceed aud Indiscretion.
which unfits oca foreHi y , biintn ror marriage. II
not only cures by Btartlng at 'ho i i > at of disease , but
lo a great ncrv < > tone ! nud blood builder , bring
ing back the plDic.nlmr tn pulo checks and ra- >
ttoilng tha Uro'of . 1 '
yonfb. It wnrJs off Jnn&nlt
ana Ccn8impU9n. Iu3tU or. caving UEVIVO , nc
other. It can'be carrlid It veit vocltet. By mat !
81.0O per pacStRs. or els to * ao.oo , with a poav
tlvo written frnumntflR to care or , retnni
the money. BooknrrtirtiUo/rfcO. Address
For sale in Norfolk , Nebraska , by
Qeo. B. Ohristoph. druggist.
Ely's ' Cream Balm
Gives Relist at once.
It cleanses , eoothei and I
heals thedUemtvd mem- [
brane. It cures Cauirrh
and drlvr away a Cold
in the Head quickly. It L .
Is absorbed , llenls and Protects the Membrane.
Ke'tores the Senses of Taste and Smell. 1'uu Bi
" " . : at Drugclits or by mall.
' I. 68 Warren Btrwit , Neir York.
Talc the cciiulne , original
Mnde only by Mtdlson MedN
clno Co. . Mudlton. WIs. It
kctps you vpUi Our.jtmdo
murk cut on cadi packai * .
} 'ric , as ccnta , Never sold
In bull. .
Accept no * ubitl >
Aik > cur