10 NORFOLK , NEBRASKA , FRIDAY , DECEMBERS , 1902. THE TRYST.An An Indian Idyl. From The Book of Remembrance. Translated from the Original By lu , J. II. MAOKAY , M. 1) . , Norfolk , Nob. KXl'IiANATOHY NOTIC. "While on a visit to my old homo In the summer of 1800,1 piokod up a quaint old book printed in the Guollo language in Edlnburg in the your 1MII mid tin- tltlod"Leablmlr 'im Mhulutlruoh/'Hook of Komombranoos. Under the hondliiKi Calb. XLXtls the following exquisite Indian idyl which I have translated us faithfully us the dilVoronoo in idioms and construction of nn old language , dating buck many thousands of yearn , mid n modern ono will permit. There are other tntoroflting chapters in the book Anglo-Indian tales , HoiiRfl and loRoudH , HtorieH of KulllrH and Hotten tots , talon of Htrouuoufl wars ou the con tinent nud picturesque details of con flicts with Aniurioan Indiuna , which I may find tlmo Homo fnturo day to trans late. late.Tho The history of the book is worthy of a passing notloo. It was the property of my grandfather who had nerved George Third and his. predecessor in many capacities and many lands as soldier and emissary for twonty-llvo ywnrs. Ho hud undoubtedly received it from his father who had either written the various tales or hud gathered them together and printed them under his own name of Donald Ban , Dounld the blond or fair. Doubtless the old man must have boon n man who had acquired considerable education aitd possessed unusual opportunities , for there wore few books outside of the Bible printed in the language at that date , and ho must have felt u doslro that his own people should read or have rend to thorn , which was moro usual thou , in their own language stirring tales of foreign lauds. It is interesting to uoto that the surname was not in geueral use < it that time. Of course Donald the blond had the clan uamo of Kai orlvayoorMaokai , sou of Kai , as it. afterwards became , but at that date it was little used. In the chapter in which 'occurs the Indian Idyl there is a passage that would scorn to refer to Nebraska and to our own locality via. , the forks of the Elkhorn. In the ovout that the state historical society may become interested iu this passage , I shall give the passage in the original and they can have it translated more accurately perhaps than that which I shall app6ud. The passage referred to is as follows : "Agus 'ua dhoigh dh'iiuioh ml ris nn nmhuiuu mor , salach , ohnnnaio luiso an shluaigh moran dhaoino dhoun nig au robh h-oichalbh aca , agus dh'fhouch aigh dhomh auihuinu olio Bollloir agns fhlor-ghlau mar d'thaiuig's Kan oar. Agus bha air gach taobh d'ou nmhuinn craobhaibh agus araidh four glas , agus blm aca 'n amhulun da ciouu nig au robh inoran madraidh-dhouu agns nui'lraidh-alluldh agus bhoath- uiohibh inor. " Translated it reads. "And as I departed - parted from the largo , filthy river I saw n largo company of brown niou who had horses and they showed mo another river clear and pure clean as wo catno from the cast. And ou either side of the river there were trees aud high , green grass , aud the river had two heads ou which wore many browu dogs ( beaver ) wild dogs ( wolves ) , and largo boasts ( buffalo ) . " The writer bewails the unseasonable weather iu late November that prevented trapping aud the killing of winter moat but adds that the party * made good use of the line weather to build winter quarters nud study the habits of the natives which ho describes ns a pootio aud chivalrous people. Following is the Tryst or Idyl : THE TKYbT. Gently the twilight comes creeping down the valley , as the sun sink beneath the horizon in a blaze of criui sou and gold a suusot such us is seen nowhere else except on these unbouudec plains. The shadows from the elm nud white-woods lengthen , aud softly with a sweet hushful whisper of res and repose the evening wind steal through the tall grass aud canebrakes and lovingly with fond caresses gather ing the leaves of .tho dying summer ii clustering windrows passes down by the river where the brown uiou's pyr amid homos scattered are aud dies away with sobbing cadences. The star come out in glowing clusters , aud th haze of autumn , that hangs like a vei over these plains , fades away in th west and leaves the atmosphere clear as the skies of Italy. To the southland great flocks of birds that darkened th heavens have been passing day by day and now save for \ho dispirited squaw of borne belated migrant down amen the tules of the marshes all have passe < an and the world is wrapped in pro foamiest silence. All the sweet bios ROins thut have made the prairies fairies' bower , all the fragrance an beauty that have niado summer u delight light , have passed away. Gouo too or the myriad hobts of creeping and winge things in the insect world that uightl serenaded un so shrilly all through the warm summer. The creatures of the river and woods are building their vlntor homes and the wild boasts of the lains have gathered together in mighty lords to combat the vicissitudes of vlntor. And yet lovingly , with u fond , tigering touch the ghost of summer bides for still another day as if it had no supreme mission to perform before losing these hazy , delicious autumn ays with the wind and rattling fllout tat always seem to speak to our hearts u accents sad aud melancholy , "It is nlshod. " Oat from the shadows of the painted unhos a girl , tall , willowy and uiodita- vo stealthily emerges. She hesitates or au instant and glances timidly round , but scarcely has nho resumed lor composure when firm , quick foot- tops announce the approach of her over. In earnest , impulsive tones , soft ud musical , ho utters ono word and akos lior hand. "Swoothoartl" that word must have boon. Her response is ml a murmur low and all but inaudible. Jonoath the stars with the rustling eaves underfoot they present a picture of beauty and grace such as Eden might have BOOH ere the thirst for blood aud 10 greed for gold had entered men's loarts. Now ho is talking rapidly iu lose limpid monosyllables , lightly , aud with ripples of merriment aud cadences f earnest passion ho is tolling of his eve aud the bravo deeds iu war or base her love will inspire. The tones often aud grow moro toudor aud ubduod. The witchery of nature's lood is abroad , the subtle ossouco of lie perfect night scorns to permeate HOBO lovers. Unconsciously she cans on his shoulder and his rut is around hor. A star shoots rom the zoiiith. It IB a good omen or his voice IB pleasant and plead- ng as ho iiotos the falling star aud utters an exclamation. "Toll mo , " she mat have answered with that trem ulous voice. "That yon might love mo" mist have boon the rospouso for she is ( lout and her head droops low on his breast aud her breath comes iu mothered sighs. "Sweetheart , I loyo 'ou , " ho must bo saying iu these earnest ouiotioual tones. Still there is no ro- pouso , only a tightening of her baud on his arm aud n little gasp of the breath. Suddenly the moon , round aud nil , rises and throws a Hood of mellow ight down the valley lighting up the onturos of the lovers iu a halo of ra- lianco. Now ho has ceased to talk and 10 is holding her face up to the moon- ight. Ah , what grace aud beauty are disclosed hero iu the hush of nnturo , in n mrrou wilderness ! The shapely , plump arms , Innocent of gowns , the maguifi- cent shoulders aud nock aud the per fectly chiseled face with the limped , browu eyes aud a woalfh of glossy , smooth , dark hair. Ho looks loug aud earnestly into the depths of these mild , inohanging brown eyes and his scrutiny Rooms to bring to him a great content- uiout , for ho clasps her unrosistiug form u a tender , loviug embrace and thus they i cumin silent aud statuesque for many long moments. Like shadows they separate , the tall form of the girl gliding noiselessly into the covert of the painted bushes , while her lover steals away through the tall grass aud disappears. An iustaut aud the hush of nature , the moon's unchanglug light aud the motionless shadows alone fill the mind's perspective. WANTED. Faithful person to travel for well established house in a few counties , calling ou retail merchants and agouts. Local territory. Salary $1034 a year and expenses , payable $10.70 a week In cash aud expenses advauced. Position poruiauout. Business success ful aud rushing. Standard House , 834 Dearborn St. , Chicago. When Iho Chimney. is choked with soot , the fire languishes and goes out. When the bronchial tubes are clogged with phlegm , the ilanio of life flickers. Intelligent treat ment with Allen's Lung Balsam brings up the phlegm , allays inflammation , stops the oough aud pain in the chest and , iu a word , overcomes these terri- able colds which if neglected soon be come consumption. A Wretched Millionaire , The story is told of the owner of several railroads who was unable to buy relief from the nerve-twisting agony of neuralgia. It is au unlikely tale. The sick man must have known that Ferry Davis * Painkiller would help him at ouce , as it has helped so many thousand of sufferers in the past sixty years There isbntouepaiukillorPerry Davis' . Special one-way homoseekers excur sions via Union Pacific November 4 and 18 , December 2 aud 15 to many points iu Kansas , Nebraska , and Eastern Colorado rado oue-half ono regular faro plus 12.00 , Full information cheerfully furnished on application to J. B. ELSEsrer. AQKXT. WEDNESDAY WRINKLES , M. D , Tyler made u buninoiM trip to Blair yoHtorday. H , II , Smith , the furniture man , la transacting business in Omaha , Mrs. II. A , Carpenter has returned from a visit with frluiuli lii Lincoln. W. A. Hayes of Salt LakoOity , Utah , IH n gunst at the homo of J. S , MoOlary , Mr , Harper , who was hero to attend the IIowo-Law wedding , returned to his homo in Plaiuviow this morning. The "Stars" and the "Colts" nro billed for a matched bowling game at the Wilklus alloy this evening. The work of erecting a comfortable now homo for H. W. Mills and family on South Fourth street has boon coin- moncod , but iu now interrupted becuuHo of the prevailing weather. Thd Ladies Aid society of the M. E. church will meet in the ladies' parlor at 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon. The Ladies society of the First Con- gregatloual ohuroh will moot with Mrs. MoMlllan tomorrow afternoon at a :80. : MosdumoB A. , T. Durloud , 0. B. Dur- laud , II. MoBrldo aud 0. H. Reynolds wont to Madison today to attend an afternoon party given by Mrs. Willis MoBrldo. Ferdinand Iluaso has just completed the sulo of his farm a mlle and a half south east of the city to a gontloniau from Wisconsin named Folbor. The farm consists of 15(5 ( acres aud was sold for $57 an acre. Norfolk Is to have auothor clothing store. H. Krasno of Fullerton has routed the Uoos building on the north side of Norfolk avenue , between Third aud Fourth streets , and will put in n stock of clothing within the next few woolen. Mr. Krasno is a brother-in-law of S. M. Uosouthal. The Btoro room in the Koonigstoin block , next door to the post office is be ing placed in readiness by the ladies of Trinity guild for their annual sale of fancy articles and the serving of dinner and supper tomorro jv. Au are light has boon placed in the room by thojoloc- trio light i company and other arrange ments for the event are being completed today. The members of the West Side whist club braved the elements lust evening to attend the mooting at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. D. Bantu. Outside the wind whistled and the snow drifted , but insldo was congenial company , while the games wore iutorostlug , and all these who wore present felt well repaid for the otTorts of wading through the drifts. It is denied by the family that the cause of Miss Elsie Ahlman's death was duo to blood poisoning , the primal oauso being erysipelas. The false im pression is willingly corrected. A mis- statomout in regard to the place of In terment was also made by this paper. She was buried In Prospect Hill , beside the grave of her sister , and not in the now Lutheran coniotory as stated. The coudition of Harry Brown , the 17-year-old son of Mrs. J. II. .Brown of South Norfolk , is far from satisfactory. Yesterday it was decided that ho would bo compelled to undergo auother oper ation forjtho removal of an abscess iu his side where the trouble had its ori gin , but today the doctors concluded that In his weakened condition he could not survive another operation , so the plan was abaudouod. W. N. Coatea of Stuart aud J. R. Horrou of Orchard , representatives- elect from Holt and Antelope counties , were In the city yesterday. In company with the custodian of the institution , they drove out and inspected the Nor folk hospital for the insane. ' They ex pressed surprise that so much of the property remains intact , as they had supposed that it was nearly all destroyed by fire , aud they seem much pleasec with the slightly location and good con dition of the Boil and other surround ings. ings.Miss Miss Dora Tossman , who has boon visiting Miss May Harshman , returned to her homo iu O'Neill last evening Miss Tessman is a neico of Senator Kerns of Utah , who In an early day was a resident of O'Neill. When in Sal Lake City a few years ago the writer hoard Senator Kerns say that when ho left O'Neill ho had less than $80 iu money and ho was obliged to walk from O'Neill to Fremont. There ho invested his moiioy in transportation to Zion where ho arrived without a son. Toda ; ho is ouo of the richest men in Utah being at the head of the largest mining company in that state , besides having many other interests. He has a palatia homo in Salt Lake City and now repre souts Utah In the United States senate Such are among the ups and downs of life In the west. THURSDAY TIDINGS. Rev. Thos. Walsh Is in Omaha. Mrs. Arthur Hazon wont to Omaha this morning. E. P. Weatherby paid a business trip to Omaha today. W. II. Johnson went to SiouxjOity to day on business. Born , to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sprecher of South Norfolk , a baby boy. A. M. Morrisoy of Valentine was in the city yesterday on business. Herbert Daniel is in the city from Omaha ou business and to visit with 'riouds. Mrs. J. B , Millikon wont to Missouri Vulloy , Iowa , today to visit friendo. Dr. J. II. Gain of the experiment station at Lincoln , IH in the city , on his way west to attend u farmers' insti tute. tute.Misi Misi Rath Daniel , Jwho has boon the guest of Norfolk friends for several weeks , loft today noon for her homo In Omaha. Ira Hull , who wont to Boomer to take a position in a drug store , has returned uul is now employed in the depot at ; ho Junction , Paul Nordwlg is arranging to move ils harness shop across the street into the Beels building at the corner of Third aud Main streets , aud will do so as soon as the now room can bo cleared. Late reports from Mrs. Henry Nim- mor who has boon iu a Chicago hospital 'or ' treatment are that she IB improving slowly , but it is believed that It will bo some time before she is able to return. Elks Memorial day , next Sunday , will bo observed by Norfolk lodge , No. 1511 , by a sacred session in the ledge oem at ! ! o'clock In the afternoon , hold u memory of Allen C. Powell of Stuart , aud Ludwig Uosouthal of West Jolut , momborg of the ledge who have died during the yoar. It is oxpeotod that the ledge of Elks at Fremont , that has boon forming , will bo Instituted on Saturday of next week. froniont being centrally located bo- woou the various Elks lodges of the tuto it is probable that there will bo a urge attendance at the institution ceremonies aud a high time , moro or OSS. OSS.E. E. B. Kenyan catno in from Minne apolis this morning. After ho sold the Wide Awake clothing store here , ho wont to southern California and from .hero . to Minneapolis. Now ho is on his vay back to Los Angeles. Mrs. Konyon s visiting friends iu Blair while ho closes up some business matters hero and at Plaiuviow , where ho has a farm , and the last of the week will start for the coast. The funeral of Shelly Lontionin , the joy who was drowned in the Northfork ast Saturday afternoon , was held from the family homo iu the western part of the city this afternoon at 2 o'clock , sor- viccs.boiug in charge of Rev. J. F. Pouohor of the M. E. church aud inter ment was iu Prospect Hill cemetery. The funeral was quite largely attended aud a number of his little school mate * from Miss Mullen's room were present. At the meeting of the Norfolk firemen ; ho other night it was decided that a jail should bo given to raise money to help defray the oxpousos of the Norfolk delegation to the mooting of the state firemen's association in January , aud the date chosen for such ball was the coming Christmas night. A committee consisting of J. W. Edwards , O. F. Liormau and Rudolph Ohrischilles was chosen to make the necessary arrange ments for such event. School News : The program of the State Teachers' association is out. It is ono of.the best for several years aud never has the association secured so strong a corps of lecturers from abroad. The Norfolk teachers have beau Madi son county's ouly representatives , with ono or two exceptions , for several years. Madison has not had a representative there for four years except the county superintendent. It is worth all it costs to attend the state meeting. You moot live teachers. You get a broader view of lifo and the teachers' part therein. Dr. Salter's thermometer last night recorded the astonishingly low mini mum temperature of 13 degrees below zero. People well realized that It was cold , but few had the Idea that wluter was to assert itself in such a positive manner on the occasion of the first cold snap and the way the mercury receded toward the bulb was surprising. That degree of temperature would bo lowjonough for Christmas weather , butte to have it to take place this early in December is out of the common aud un doubtedly caught soiuo people unpro- paired for the demonstration. The Ladies guild of Trinity church enjoyed a lively patronage today at their sale of holiday fancy articles in the Koenigsteiu store room next door to the postoftlco. A fine line of goods was on display and found ready purchasers An excellent dinuer was served at noon to a largo number of patrons and it is expected that there will bo a goodly number served with supper this even ing. This annual sale is an event which Christmas shoppers have boon aeons tomed to look forward to with ex pectanoy and ktho articles offered thi year have boon moro than usually beautiful and the selection large. John McAllister aud Sarah , his wife were before Justice of the Peace 0. F Elseloy yesterday , the former having been charged by the latter with mnkin a family jar because dinner was no served on the table hot about thro hours after the regular dinner time McAllister has boon up once or twic before ou a similar charge and hi honor was about to double the fiu against him when it was counter charged that Sarah was somewhat a fault herself and the Una and fees wer remitted and the case dismissed. Saral and John were advised to return to In each pound package of from now until Christmas will be found a free game , amusing1 and instructive-50 different kinds. Get Lion Coffee and a Free Game at Your Grocers. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT DOCTOR C. M. HEADRICK OIT OMA.HA. Will Visit This City On the day and dates given below. We are in no sense "traveling doctors. " We arc established in Omaha and Uavc occupied the same location since 1891. We have patients in all parts of Nebraska , who can not visit our Omaha Office. To accommodate these we visit a few central points , thus saving our patients a long expensive trip to Omaha , and at the same time giving them the great benefit of a personal examination and .consultation. We will be prepared at this visit to make examination by Electrical Illumination. We can refer you to a number of cured patients in your own locality. IIOMU OFFICK : auo N. r. MFK HLDQ. © ar Practice is Limited to Chronic Diseases We give Special Attention to DISEASES OF THE EAR , NOSE , THROAT AND ALL CATARRHAL DISEASES. We suggest that you call as early in the day as possible , enabling1 us to give you more time for an examination and consultation , which will be ABSOLUTELY FREE. C. M. HEADRICK , M. D. DR. C. M. HEADRICH will be at the OXNARD HOTEL , NORFOLK , TWO DAYS ONLY , FRIDAY and SATURDAY , DECEMBER 12 and 13. Remember the Day and Date. * heir homes and make it up between ; hem aud they left court , but for how eng is an unknown question. The Norfolk ledge , Woodmen of the World , mot last night in regular session n the Rudat hall , with state deputy Walbh of Omaha present. Four new uembers wore initiated , as follows : Geo. B. Ohristoph , Dr. H. O. Munson , John T. Payne , F. E. Sommers and A. T. MoCan. Following the initiation there was election and installation of officers for the ensuing year , as follows : Council commander , F. E. Sominers ; advisory nontenant , John Fetter ; banker , Geo. A. Staponhorst ; clerk Geo. B. Ohristoph ; escort , J. T. Payne ; watchman , F. T. Eiseley ; sentry , H. Winkler ; physician , O. D. Munson ; managers ono year J. H. Sanford ; two years , H. P. Froeland ; three years , G. W. Green. The members of the order had a rousing good time and after being dormant for some time feel that they have boon .fully awakened and hope to add to their membership during the coming year. Meetings will hereafter be held on the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month. At the close of the meeting the members who attended the meeting proceeded to the Star restaurant , where an oyster supper was enjoyed. HIGH SCHOOL NOTES. A little baseball amused some of the seniors for a time yesterday afternoon. It is rumored that a high school paper is to bo started by ono of the soph- mores. Hugh Gardner returned to school Monday after a four weeks' absence on account of sickuoss. The football season is over and was finished up without any serious casualty having been suffered vby Norfolk devo tees of the pig-skin. A bulletin board in the lower hall on which announcements could be made would prove a convenience that might bo provided at small expense. It is undersood that oiio of the fresh men haa perfected a gum-chewing device of rubber that may be so at tached to the jaw that it is only noces- sary to push ono way. There is said tea a livelybo demand for the attachment. Seine of the pupils required about throe days of schooling before they were able to settle down to work again after the Thanksgiving vacation. Somosof the boys of the high school have organized a bowling team to take part in the games of the Norfolk league. ' The team won the first game played. The seniors entertained the north row t of juniors at a luncheon yesterday | J afternoon at 2:30. : All present had a thoroughly enjoyable time and the seniors were said to be capital hosts. School News : The pictures of Presi dent MoKinley and Admirals Dewey and Sampson have been hung on the wall of the schoolhouse in No. 43 by the teacher , Miss Stafford. A small boy mistook the picture of Sampson for that of Superintendent Cruin. The joke is > on Sampson. After the finish of the Columbus-Nor folk football game on Thanksgiving day Boy Carpenter discovered that ho had two ribs broken during the play. Ho JL ftll during the scrimmage and is of the opinion that ho was kicked in the side by a member of the opposing team. He felt some pain at the time , but con tinued in the game until it was finished learning finally that ho had suffered the fracture of a couple of ribs as the result of the contest. The game at Columbus was perhaps the most serious the Norfolk boya ex perienced during the season in the matter - tor of rough playing and hurts. It is the general belief on the part of mem- bora of the Norfolk team that the Col umbus players had designs on their phy. sical condition and exerted themselves to put their opponents out of the game. Key Carpenter and several other players have reason to believe that attempts w6 11"101 ° injure th0mhy kicking , striking and stomping on thorn when they were down in a scrimmage. They " ' feel "sore m moro thai ways ono because - cause of the game. See the special announcement in to day's paper of Dr. O. M. Headrlok'a visit to Norfolk Friday and Saturday , December 12 and 13 at the Oxnard * \ hotel.