The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, December 05, 1902, Image 1

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The Largest Stock of Holiday Goods We Have Ever Shown.
| | /CAREFULLY Prepared Bargain Sale in Dry Goods throughout our store. We can't tell much in an Add , but shop in our store. Large buying | j :
* * * and large selling enables us to give Prices Incomparable. FOR THE CHILDREN'S GIFT MAKING We can't begin to enumerate the scores | -
of Toys. They must be seen. Watch our prices closely. * *
Dolls Are Always Important.
Direct Importation Kid Body Dolls. , Twelve doz.
Kestncr , very bust kid body , movable eyes , natural
hair , special loader , 25 cents.
500 DollH , the finest array of dolls you have overseen
soon , kid body , 25 cents to $ ( ! .DO each.
Dressed Dolls 25 cunts to $2 GO , uow on sale.
\Vo discarded all trashy dolls this season and Imvo
bought only tlio best , holidly nmdo. This is a fea
ture worth remembering.
A doll must ride in a Oar-
riago. Doll Buggies , 85c , 50c ,
i $1.00 , $1.00 , $2.00 and $ ! i.OO.
> 1
See Our Assortment of Bas
Not so cheap but substan
tially made , and the hand
somest we have ever shown.
Etc. , Etc.
A new feature and an ornament to every parlor. 50c to $3.00 each
Beautiful Japanese Vases , 880 to $2.50 each.
Berry Spoons , Salad Spoons , Gravy Ladels , Meat Perks , etc. Ask to
see them.
Ohiuaware 12 doz. highly decorated cups and saucers , special , 15o
each. Plates , So to $1 00. Cups and saucers , ICc to 75o. Salad and fruit
dishes. Fancy ware of all kinds. Our prices will surprise you.
Albums , 25c to $5 00. Games and a wonderlana 0f Toys , etc.
Ladies' Dressing Sacques.
Ladies' Dressing Sacques , tastefully appliquedanda useful and pleas
ing Xmas present.
Souvenir Day. . .
, , rlcnn luiHl-
Wo will be pleased to see you and the sottvenir
Now garments constantly uddcd. Our
Olonlc StooU IH tlw prldn of our mom. A tro-
mondoiiH big iiHHortnifliit' in all ( ho iinnuliir
styles mill at prliiOH incomparable \vlth tlm
Htoro of Hiniill buying. You mui't ull'onl not
looking in our Uloulc Department.
Furs | ! Furs !
An endless array of the Popular Stylml
Furs. JaeUetH , Danes , SourfH , Oollnrcltim ,
oto. , $ ( to .fno.oo.
Boo our Now White WalHllngH , ( ho inral
popular fad of the WIVHOII , lifto , ! lfo , fiOo and 75o
per yard.
Select UtnbrolluH for Xmas tradn.
Now Arthortuiutit Latest Pillow Topti.
Down Pillowfl.
Our reputation for Holiday Handkerchief Bulling HurpiiHxod thin season.
50 doLadies' Pure Li mm , nice initial , unlaundered Handkerchief ,
actual worth 2fic if laundered , milo price lf > o.
25 doz. Ladies' Pure Linen Hemstitched Handkerchief , special at lUo.
Ladies' Japanese Silk Embroidered Handkerchief , can't ho matched
at 25i , while they last 15a each.
10 do'Gents' Pure Linen Hemstitched Handkerchiefs , actual value
! )5o ) , special while they last , lllo ,
25 doz. Gouts' Cream Japanese Silk Handkerchiefs , largo , handsome
silk initial , I8c.
10 doz. Gents' Pure Linen ITiuidkorohlofM , JOe each.
Great variety Swiss and Linen Embroidered , from lOo to $1.50 each ,
The Handsomest Golf-Glovo wo have hud this season , regular 50o
glove , special for 1) doz , ! ilo ) each ,
; rcut cO RUGS.
lUHllH'HH ,
i " ' *
Uy I
vuiriiiirKftu'r'/ { ' ' Vial nRH3UHt received , $2.00 , $2.GO , $ U.BO and .15.00.
irwiHod im'i > v' I'nvn4tonllug , 15.00.
iced. fOn , , . . . ° /
J impo a < '
" > n.y/C0"/nr7 / , ALL AND SHE our new swell Neckwear for Xmaa I
Jl'lip ' , dressy , new style Vest luillors you have over Y ]
) , nlovcr ,
; Condition of Former Speaker
Reported as Critical.
Complications Set In and Physicians
Hold Lengthy Consultation Issue
Reassuring Bulletin , but State Ver-
V. bally It Does Not Tell All.
Washington , Dec. 5. The condition
of ex-Spwaker Thomas B. Reed , who
lias been ill b re since Tuesday even
ing , is < reported to bo critical.
Dr. Gardner , one of the attending
\ < I , , ' physicians , handed the following bul-
1 ,1 , letin to the press :
"Mr. Reed suffered from some de
gree of ura mlc coma yesterday , hut
his mind Is again clear. His appendl-
clal symptoms are rapidly subsidingg
and his appendicitis is not an import-
act factor in his condition. "
Dr. Gardner made two visits to his
patlont during the evening. Later he
, and Drs. Goodnow and McDonald
came and remained at the hotel for
nearly two hours , some of the , time
with Mr. Reed and the remainder of
the time in consultation over his case.
Dr. Goodnow is a Philadelphlan and
was called into the case as "expert
consultant. " Dr. Gardner was not dis
posed to talk about the case or to add
anything to the bulletin , saying that
It contained an exact statement of Mr.
Reed's condition. He did say , how
ever , that Mr. Reed's condition was
critical. In some respects , Mr. RecU ,
ho added , was better than last night
and In some respects was worse. He
was better so far as the appendicitis
symptoms wore concerned , but the
. uraomlc features gave the case a
graver aspect
Flood Waters Drive Negroes From
Lowlands at Shreveport.
Shreveport , La. , Doc. 6. Rod river
continues to rise at Shreveport and
points above. The bottom lands , Inhabited -
habited principally by negroes , are
rapidly filling with water. A number
, ° f families have bpen forced to leave
J V _ their homes , and as a further rise of
i a ' flvo feet is predicted , hundrodn are
preparing to move to higher points.
The gap in the levee at Belcher ,
twenty miles above. Shreveport , la re
sorted to bo widening. There appears
to be no immediate danger of loss of
life , through there will be considerable
suffering and heavy crop and live
stock losses. Relief measures are be
ing taken. Snow and rain continue
to swejl the waters.
Memorial Services for Dr. Parker Are
Held in London Temple.
London , "Dec. 5. A memorial service
for the late Dr. . Parker was held In the
City temple yesterday. It was an Im
pressive demonstration. The temple
was filled with flowers and crowded
with personal friends of ihe deceased
and representatives of a score of 're '
ligious organizations.
The streets outside the building
were filled with crowds who were un
able to enter and who waited In the
biting wind to , "see the comn carried
out for interment at Hampstcad.
Balk on Trust Contract.
Des Molnes , Dec. 5. Before ad
journment yesterday the Iowa Imple
ment Dealers' association elected O.
V. Eckert of Northwood president ,
John Sewers vice president and D. M.
Groves of Nevada secretary. A reso
lution was adopted pledging members
not to sign the contracts offered by
the International Harvester company ,
the so-called trust , In their present
form. The proposal to form a mutual
Insurance company was endorsed and
ono was organized after adjournment ,
with D. F. Fernoy of Marshalltown
president and D. M. Groves of Nevada
Shoots Himself In the Head.
Philadelphia , Dec. 6. Howard T.
Goodwin , the treasurer of the Colum
bia Mining company and confidential
clerk of the firm of J. G. Cassatt &
Co. , bankers and brokers , committed
sulcldo in the ofilce of that firm In
the Arcade building , Fifteenth and
Market streets , some time during last
night by shooting himself In the head.
Death of Minister Buck. .
Washington , Dec. 5. A cablegram
was received at the state department
from Mr. Ferguson , the second secre
tary of the legation at Toklo , saying
that it Is his painful duty to an
nounce the death of Minister Duck ,
who died Thursday , but making no
explanation of the conditions. .
Ends Life With Strychnine.
Hopkins , la. , Dec. 5. Mrs. John
Schmidt , living near here , committed
sulcldo yesterday afternoon by taking
strychnine , She waa .thjrty-flve years
ol ace. No cause for the deed is known.
Montana Posse Captures Three Men
Near Wyoming State Line.
Billings , Mont. , Dec. 5. News was
received here last night that Sheriff
Potter of Carbon county yesterday
captured three men believed to be the
robbers who held up the bank at
Brldger Monday and escaped with
$3,738. The report says that the rob
bers were overtaken at Fishtail creek ,
near the Wyoming state line. They
were In the cabin of Pat Murphy , n
rancher , who was also placed under
arrest. The suspects were taken to
Red Lodge and placed In jail. In their
wild ride to escape the posses who
were punulng them , the robbers near
ly completed a circle 100 miles in di
ameter. Cashier Trumbo of the
Bridger bank has started for Red
Ledge for the purpose of Identifying
the prisoners.
Employed to Take Places of Strikers
Through Misrepresentation.
Buffalo , Dec. 5. A special from
Suspension Bridge says that men are
being brought there to take the places
of a number of Michigan Central
freight clerks who are said to have re
signed their positions rather than give
up membership in their labor union.
Superintendent Morford of St.
Thomas Is at Susponslon Bridge. lie
brought with him eight men from De
troit , but when they learned the con
dition of affairs they refused to stay.
The clerks stated that they were giv
en to understand that there was a
blockade of freight and that their as
sistance was needed by the regular
force of clerks.
Companions Blow Up Man With Pneu
matic Air Pump , With Fatal Result.
Now York , Dec. 5. Harry Wright ,
an employe of a locomotive works In
Paterson , N. J. , yesterday died as a re
sult of a practical joke played on him
by flvo of his fellow workmen.
They were arrested charged with
causing his death. It Is alleged that
they "blow up" Wright with an air
pump to a pressure of 110 pounds to
the Inch. The young man's stomach
became greatly distended and after
several hours of great ngonyho died.
Sails Under Urgent Orders.
Now York , Dec. 6. Acting under
urgent orders , the British cruiser In-
dofatigahlo sailed for Venezuela , ac
cording to a Herald dispatch from
Port of Spain , Trinidad ,
LITTER has on display the largest assortment of
ROBERT GOODS he has ever shown in Norfolk-
Books , Dolls , Games , Toys , American Cut Glass , Fine
China , Bisque Goods , Mexican Hand-Carved Goods , Colored
and Plain Artotypes , Carbons , Etchings , Pastels ( no Medal
lions ) , Brass Goods , Metal Goods. The finest and best line of
Lamps made , direct from the factory , at wholesale prices ( see
them. ) Indeed , all the novelties to be found on the market or
kept in a first class book and stationery store , and nothing kept
in the dry goods or grocery line. We are not in this business
for a "few days only , " we are in this business the year around.
We don't want the earth. We have cut our prices to the
quick before Xmas when people want the goods , and don't
"take half price" after Holidays. We don't mark our goods to
admit of such slashing of prices.
Pictures framed on short notice and at low prices.
Eastman's agent will give a free demonstration with the
Daylight Developer , December 12 , from 2 to 5 p. m. , at our
store. Bring on your films and have them developad gratis.
A Real Santa Clause at the Bookstore.