THE NOUFOLK NEWS : FRIDAY , NOVEMBER 28 , 1902 , SATURDAY SIFTINGS. J. S. McOlnry is visiting iu Omaha. Miss Manio Harrison is on the sick liet. Orion Porter of Fairfax , S. D. , is in the city today on business. Mr. and Mrs. Will McCnno of Wayne arc visiting nt the homo of Mr. nml Mrs. W. A. King. Spencer Buttorflold of Norflohl , MiaB. , is n guest at the homo of his brother , W. H. Buttorflold. Miss Ncllio Dlngman paid her regular weekly visit to Fremont today to receive instructions in music. Mrs. L. J. Abbott of Lincoln is the guest of Mrs. S. W. Hayes. The two ladies are old-time friends. J. W. Hyatt of Fremont was in the city this morning , the guest of his sister Mrs. J. T. Payne. Ho was on his way homo from Randolph. Fred Roberts returned yesterday from . Rocky Ford , Ool. , where ho has held a responsible position in the beet sugar factory for several campaigns. State Manager Morgan of the Singer ' , Manufacturing company , was in the ' city yesterday on business , leaving on k the west bound train for Rnshvlllo in 1 \ the evening. At the regular meeting of Norfolk lodge , No. 058 , B. P. O. E. , to bo held thisjeveuing there will be initiatory work and a good attendance of members is clu Hired. The family of W. S. Haden , assistant x manager nt the Singer sowing machine cilice in this city arrived yesterday from Fremont and will go to housekeeping iu ' a house on south Fifth street. The quarantine on the Atlantic hotel was made to include the entire building this morning , having heretofore been confined to the room occupied by McKeever , the smallpox patient. The Norfolk merchants are already receiving and displaying generous stocks of holiday goods. The initial display bears promise that the stocks on hand will bo unusually largo and complete , this season. r" * The boys of Norfolk have mistaken the season and are playing marbles ae < i > though the happy springtime had or rived. It is to be hoped that tkey will leave a frazzled end of the spirit and a few pairs of whole stockings for the proper time. / i Joe Phipps was before the police court ' . again this morning with a complaint of "drunk and disorderly" standing over against his name. The court has been somewhat bored by his visits and placed the fine , with the costs , at a few cents ' * more than $15. * i i A Nebraska City youth entered a hog \ pen the other day and was almost eaten alive by the animals it contained. A younger brother distracted the attention of the animals and the young man made his escape from the pen , fainting dead away on the outside. He was seriously bitten. The annual display or nantt pamtea china and decorated ware , which will be shown by Mrs. Weatherby next week , is unusually fine this year. Many people wait for these annual events with interest and they will be more than pleased when they inspect the display of art work at her home next week. Blake Alden , American manager for Signer Estefano Franco , who lec tures orPPhilippino Independence at the M. E. church tonight , and G. P. Luitt boy tenor singer , came in from Madison at noon. They carry a powerful stereopticon - opticon and will also entertain the aud ience with views , illustrated songs and moving pictures. A bowling league game between the Professional Men and the Colts was the feature last night at the Wilkins' bowl ing alley. The first game resulted Professional Men 755. Colts 788 ; second game , Professional Men 797 , Colts 791 third game , Professional Men 720 , Colts G80. The Professional Men won the ser ies with a total of 2 272 to the Colts 2,265 , or seven pins the advantage. The high score of the evening was made by Clyde Edwards , 201. On a recent day the sugar factory pu 450 tons of beets through the initia processes of turning them into sugar It was a fine run , and , if not a recort breaker , at least crowded the record very closely. The campaign is pro gressiug finely along all lines and premises isos to be moro than usually snccessfn to the factory management , and satis factory to the farmers who are wel pleased with the generous tonnage pro dnced during the past season. The doctors are not exactly fiudinj fault with the situation , claiming to have all the work they care to do , bu they have discovered that this is an un usually healthy fall , even in healthy Nebraska. It is certain that the people appreciate the situation , whether the true conditions have been noted by them or not. Nearly everyone is feel ing good , eating three square meals a day and adding to their avoirdupois It is a desirable condition and those who best realize it are standing up for Nebraska , and particularly Norfolk am vioiulty , almost constantly. John Smith whom the court deslg nates as junior , having had one John Smith earlier in the month was before Police Judge Hayes this morning to nswor to charge of dlsordprly can not and was given the usual fine for noli cases made and provided. John vas at the Auditorium lost night and its funny Bpot was struck BO hard by ho antics of "Suagga" and his boy Grimes" that ho couldn't stop laugh- ug. Ho laughed BO loud and BO long hat there v os danger of jarring the mlcony down. His neighbors wanted lira to stop and the ushers forbade him ho right to laugh nil the time : oven 'Grimes" grow sober , bnt ho couldn't ot up. Fiii In ally the officers appeared and led him gently bnt firmly from the Boone and ho missed n number of good angliB by not being able to harness his risibilities at the proper tiino. The court who had soon funny plays him self , decided that his broach of the loaco was not largo and lot htm off with a light fine and n promise to leuvo the city. Hoyt's "Bunch of Keys" was pre sented to a full house at the Auditorium ast night by Gus. Bothnor's company , and perhaps there was moro enjoyment and satisfaction on the part of the people attending than on the occasion of any previous farce-comedy presented since the Auditorium was opened. The scenery and stage arrangement was ap proprlato and iutorostiugaud the special ties were entertaining , in foot several of the artists wore enthusiastically recalled called several times. There was no plot , and but a slight thread of connec tiou botwoou incidents was attempted to hold the interest of the auditors. There were no sticks iu the cast , bnt those who assumed the characters of " " "Grimes" and " " "Teddy , "Snags" wore particularly deserving of mention and were favorites with the audience. The snap with which the scheme of the production was carried through was a feature of the "Grimes" company , es pecially oxcercising unwonted energy A farce comedy would scarcely bo a farce comedy without suggestiveness but Manager Bothner was successful in toning this feature down to a minimum. It is an old production , bnt new to most people of Norfolk , and therefore well appreciated. The next ; attraction will be the " Prince" "Beggar Opera company on Monday night , followed by n special Thanksgiving attraction Thursday night , "Elmdale Farm , " presented by a company of 25 people. MONDAY MENTION. J. E. Nichol of Noligh was a Norfolk visitor Saturday and Sunday. Max Lonser of Tilden spent Sunday at the.home of his parents in this city. W. E. Powers and wife came down from Neligh at noon to visit until even ing. ing.Mrs. Mrs. Henry Kennedy is able to be about again , -after a sickness of two weeks. Mrs. J. 0. Morey and Mrs. A. Hitch cock were city visitors today * from Pierce. Dr. Agnes Eicholberger of Sioux City is a iriipsf nt thn hnmn of Mr. nml Mrs A.'J. Durland. Miss Christine Ilauseu of Tildeu spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. Pilger on South Fifth street. H. A. Pasewalk left this morning for Racine , Wis , where he got-s to attend a convention of implement dealers. H. E. Hardy yesterday received the first shipment of Pennsylvania hard coa he has been able to get since the begin ning of the strike last May. James Nellin , who has been in the employ of the Norfolk laundry , is very sick with rheumatism in his rooms at the corner of Madison avenue and Thin street. Mrs. W. H. Cooley and Mrs. Bessie Newell came down from Lynch this morning. Mrs. Newell is on her way to Wisconsin to BOO n neice who is very sick. sick.The The Elks are arranging to give a memorial service on the first Sunday in December. The details of the service have been placed in the hands of the officers. The "Begger Prince" opera company arrived in this city today and will entertain tortain at the Anditorinm tonight. The advance seat sale gives promise tha the attendance will be large , The revival meetings at the Baptis church will continue through the week. Services each afternoon at 8 o'clock and each evening at 7:80. : The Rov. J. H. Clay is doing the preaching. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Whitney came up from Omaha Saturday evening to visit Judge and Mrs. Powers. Mr. Whitney returned yesterday and Mrs. Whitney will go home tomorrow. Judge Powers , who was quite sick a few days ago , is now very much im proved , and ho and Mrs. Powers are planning to go to Omaha tomorrow for for a visit with their daughter , Mrs. Whitney. Wm. Ahlman hns commenced the erection of a now house on the back end of his lot at the corner of Fifth street and Philip avenue. The fouuda tion has been laid and work on the frame will bo undertaken at once , Engineraan A. Teal who for fyears has had a run on the main line of the P. E. & M. V. between Norfolk and Missouri Valley , has been transferred to the run between this city and Bono- steel , S. D. The Norfolk friends of Mr. Teal Will bo pleased to know that his low run will not affect his residence In his city , and that thU will continue to > o hie homo , The Elks will give n social Bosslon at ho club room next Friday evening , the utortalumouts consulting Of games , lancing and refreshments. Elks and heir ladles and adnlt mornbcrn of their amillos will participate in the festivl- ics. ics.Elks Elks lodge , No. 051 ] , Is planning an on- ortaiuinout for some time in Janu ary , the proceeds to bo for the benefit of ho charity fund. At the meeting of ho lodge Saturday night , n committee was appointed to report upon the kind and nature of the entertainment , con- istlng of Messrs. Maylard , Mayor , Bnudick , Huso and Reynolds. George D. Follmor , commissioner of pnblio lauds and bnlldinga , was in the city yesterday investigating the condi tion of the property of the Norfolk lOspltalYor the insane. Ho told ox- Steward Walker that ho should inako a report favorable to the rebuilding of the ustltutlou , as ho found too much prop erty iu good condition to bo abandoned by the state. Tildou Citizen : O. E. Burnimm re turned from Omaha on Tnosdnyr Ho romovi'd his brother Clyde from Rock well City , lown , expecting a surgical operation to bo performed. The Omaha doctors , however , pronounced Clyde to bo aflliotod with cancer of the liver and declined to use surgery in the CUHO Mrs. 0. L. Buruham went down to Omaha on Saturday and is still staying with her sick sou. Mr. and Mrs Frank II. Beols arrived in the city today from Colorado Springs Col. , where they have boon for some tlmo. hoping for benefit ro Mrs. Heels' lioalth. They would have arrived in the city yesterday , but wcro delayed by the wreck at Warnorville. Mrs. Buels was not benefited to the extent that liad boon hoped for from the Colorado climate and recently the high altitude was having a bad effact on her heart no it was decided to bring her back to her homo in Nebraska. There was a good attendance at the entertainment given at the M. E. church Saturday night under the auspices of the Epworth league. The lecture of Siguor Estofano Franco on "Philippine Independence" was the loading feature of the evening. While Signer Franco's command of the English language is not of the best ho was successful in holding the close attention of the audience dar ing his talk. The trend of his discourse was that the people of the Philippines should either be given their independence denco or representation in the United Statos'govornmont. Ho gave n couple of songs in his native tongue that wore quite interesting , especially the tune part , and played his own accompauia- ment. The illustrated songs by Gor don Lintt , the boy tenor , wore well rendered and entertaining. Wayne Democrat : Mrs. Jones had hired two men to help with her house- cleaning. "Those picture frames , ' she told them , "shonldbo cleaned. " "Yes" answered ono of the men , "if yon could got us some whiskey , why , it is the finest thing to clean them with. " "Oh , " she answered "if whiskey will clean them , I will send down a bottle of it I have up stairs and yon may try it. " The men washed the frames with soap and water , and of course , drank the whiskey. When Mrs. Jones saw the frames bright and glistening , she remarked : "And so whibkey cleaned those frames ? " "Yes" said one of the men , "it was whiskey that did it. " "And just to think , " remarked the woman , "I came very near throwing that whiskey away. I bathed poor Fide with it before ho died , yon know. " TUESDAY TOPICS. G. R. Seller has gone to Winside on business. Mrs. Mallory was a city visitor from Pierce yesterday. Phil Hanak and W. H. Moore were here from Omaha yesterday. Mrs. Oldenberg of Hoskins was a visitor in the city yesterday. Roy Carter of Creighton visited with his parents hero over Sunday. Mrs. R. R. Smith returned last night from a visit with Howells friends. Editor Will Warneko of the Sorlbner News visited his mother over night. Mrs. L. R. Pritchard of Mearlow Grove is the guest of Norfolk friendu. Mrs. Fairbanks and Mrs. Hedrick re turned from a visit in Omaha yester day. day.Mrs. Mrs. J. O. Spellman went to Fremont today to spend Thanksgiving at the homo of her parents. G. B. Jackson of Fairfax , S. D. , eon of Ex-Governor Jackson of Iowa , was in the city on business this morning. Dan Murphy was in the city over night from Oiimlm visiting Norfolk friends and looking after business in torests. Mr. and Mrs. 0. P. Parish returnee last night from a week's visit witl friends at Jefferson and Des Moines , Iowa. Mrs. M. Mihllls was called to Ohio Sat urday by a message announcing the death of her daughter , Mr. Mihills was already thoro. A message has been received from Eureka , Gal. , by Norfolk relatives an nonnolng I h < > arrival of a baby daughter lufit Bundiiy at tliu homo of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. MadHon of that city. Harry Lou Velio , with the "Hugger Prince" company , and Mrs. J , W. Humphrey are old tlmo friends mid wore fiohool mutes together. Their fathers were particularly warm frloiuln. The Union Pauillo wrecking train that has been engaged nt clearing away the debris and repairing the track this side of Warnervillo wan in Norfolk over night , leaving for the south this morning. The meat markets and grocers of Norfolk are receiving generous sup plies of the ( loliunoloi of the season pre paratory to the demand that will bo made on them for suoh goods because of ThankBglviug , The school children of several of the rooms in the pnblio schools are preparing - paring entertaining Thanksgiving pro grams which will bo given by them to morrow afternoon , and the schools will bo dismissed until next Monday morn- ing. ing.Mr Mr , and Mrs. August Lou/ celebrated their tin wedding minivormuy liiHt night at thuir homo HouthoiiHt of the city. A nnmber of their friends from the city were prcHont and the evening was enjoyably passed by a largo number of friends and neighbors. Fremont Tribune : George Ilyol and Yurun Cook wore married by Justice Diunu at hit ) olllco this morning , and this afternoon they loft for Norfolk to m ko their homo. Mrs. Mary RoHobury and Mrs. W. M. Case , slater of the groom , wore present from Norfolk at. the wedding ceremony. T. F. Mcmiinitiftor of Madison has been summoned to his old homo in Wheeling , West Virginia , by news an nouncing the death of his father , and left yesterday to attend the sad sum- uioiiH. Ho was accompanied on the trip by his son , Charles. This is the fitst death in the family of Mr. Mommingor for many years. Last night was the coldest of the sea son , the minimum temperature being re gistered at bnt 14 degrees above zero. While the weather forecast received this morning is for fair , the barometer has been falling quite rapidloy during the poet four days and there is every probability that ovou though there is no storm within the next 21 hours the weather clerk is preparing to deliver some strenuous Thanksgiving weather that will cause a good , fat , well-done turkey to have nn additional relish. John M. Whitman , fourth vice prosl- lent of the Northwestern system , E. O. Carter , chief engineer of the system , Superintendent C. O. Hughes and Gen eral manager Goo. F. Bidwoll of the Elkhorn road , passed through the city yesterday for a trip to Bonosteol , S , D. , ; o inspect the now line just turned over to the control of the road by the contractors , preparatory to its ; orinal acceptance by the company. The first two officials came in a special iar from Chicago and the last two from Dmaha In their car. Superintendent [ leynolds joined the party hero and ac companied them to Bonostcol. The high school football team will play a return game with Columbus nt that city on Thanksgiving , and hope to turn the trick on the team. The Col umbus team hasn't won n game since it won on the occasion of its visit to this city. Since then the team has lost some of its best players. The Norfolk team has protested in advance against the coupling of the team together by the belt trick and if their protest stands and other conditions are favorable they hope to retnrn with the scalps of the Colum bus team dangling at their belts. There will undoubtedly bo a number of enthusiasts thusiasts who will accompany the Nor folk team to that city. The "Beggor Prince" company entertained tertained a rather light audience at the Auditorium last night with comic opera of a most pleasing quality. The com pany is somewhat lacking as to chorn characters bnt the members of the cast mnko up in quality what they lack in quantity and there was not a poor part in the production. They have good voices and their singing wa highly entertaining. It is doubtful i other companies visiting Norfolk have over given better satisfaction and the announcement that t ey are to presen "Girofio-Glrofln , or the Wedding of the Twins , " another comio opera in three acts , at the Auditorium tonight wil undoubtedly result in giving a mncl bettor attendance than they had las night. Their specialties and jokes ar now and good and those who enjoy a first class entertainment and a hearty laugh cannot afford to miss seeing them Rummage Sale. The Ladies guild of Trinity church will hold a rnmmago sale in the Kooii igsteiu store room next door to th postoifico on the afternoon of Friday and Saturday , December 12 and 18 They will have on sale many BCCOIK hand articles , almost as good as new which you may buy at your own prices The articles will include furniture , al kinds of clothing , shoes , dishes and many other articles of everyday us that people should bo glad to got cheaply especially that the winter season i opening , Couio early and get n good bargain before all of them are taken. WEDNESDAY WRINKLES. Mr. and Mrs. Metidonhall of Pit-roe wtiro city vUltors yesterday. Nov. ,1. J , Parker of Wnkodeld IH lulling liln mm and Norfolk friends , George Ingllfl of Bloux City will Bpond 'ImnkHKlving at the homo of L , M. loolor. L Til it NKWH will observe itii uminl 'liankHglving miMoni by not limning a taper tomorrow. MNH ( Gertrude Spencer of Neligh In In lioolty for n oonplo of weeks' visit with lerslHter , Mrs. W. O , Hull. .TulliiHloKiier | jr. , of Winner , visited IH ! parontH and other relatives and rlundH in Norfolk n few days this week. Rev , W , 12. Moor of Omaha , who hits > eon a guest of Rov. J. O. B , Wollls a ouplo of days , returned to his homo 'BHtorduy. W. B. Colby IH In the city from Omaha taking note of the progressmmlo ovvnrd the establishment of a glut fuel and light system hore. Mr. anil Mrs. 0. R. Idler of Lincoln uo expected in the oity tonight to upend Thanksgiving with Miu Ellor's parents , Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Matrau. G. D. Butterllold and Spencer went o Omaha yonturday to moot Mrs. Jnttorfiold , who is returning from a two- nontlm' vlwlt ut Davenport , Iowa. Sioux Oity Journal , 25 : It is 1111- lounced that Ilonry M. Shulkln , of the irm ot Shulkin Bros. , and Miss Dora Myor , of Norfolk , Neb. , will bo married oon. The postolnco hours tomorrow will ho rom 7 to 12 o'clock in the forenoon and rom 0 : ! ) ( ) to I ) o'clock in the evening. DmnkHgiving will bo observed by the orco ( luring the afternoon. Hurry Brown is very Hluk at the homo of his mother in South Norfolk. Yes- orday an operation was performed for ho removal of an abscess in his side ind ho appears to have withstood the ordeal very satisfactorily , with hopes of in early recovery. It is reported from Chicago that Mm. I. Niininor , wife of the teacher at St. 'uul parochial school , who wont to hat oity hist Wednesday to submit to in operation , is not recovering as rap- dly as was hoped for. Prof. Nlmmor s with her and will not return until he H.IIOWB some indications of improve ment. Quo of the Uovfl. Morrlll , evangelists , Iroppod dead of heart failure on the troot in Tokaniuh yesterday afternoon. The Merrill twins were in Norfolk vbout throe weeks ago , appearing in the Baptist church three evenings. They were pastors of the Gospel Ship church of Chicago and had been making a tour of Nebraska. They carried a flue store- opticoii and phonograph with them. Last night was the regular mooting light of Norfolk ledge No. 97 , A. O. U. W. , and after the busineHs of the moot- ng was transacted the members decided that It was about the right kind of an evening to enjoy a good oyster stow and accordingly took the necessary stops ownrd attaining such a treat and ono nf the restaurants did the rest. There were several Workmen from other edges in attendance and the oyster supper was much enjoyed by all pres ent at the meeting. Morning lodge No. 20 , Knights of Pythias , elected oilicers at the regular meeting of tbo order held last night. The following were chosen to servo the ledge iu the several capacities during the ensuing term : Charles Madsen , 0. 0. ; Frank Sommors , V. O. ; H. J. Oaulfiold , prelate ; L. L. Rembe , M , W. ; John Friday , M. E. ; George E. Chris- toph , M. F. ; Julius Hnlff , K. of R. and S. After the business of the meet ing had been transacted the members enjoyed an oyster supper at ono of the restaurants. If Thanksgiving was intended for anything , it is for the purpose of return * ing thanks to Him who.bestowB all good and desirable gifts. The feasting and enjoyments of the day are merely minor considerations and perhaps those origin ating the holiday had little thought for that sort of observance , anyway people can well afford to devote an hour or two in praise and thanksgiving. The union services at the Methodist church and the services in other churches nf ford all an ample opportunity for this sort of observance and such meetings should bo largely attended. The "Beggar Prince" comio opera company presented "Giolo-Girofla ( , or the Wedding of the Twins , " to a small audience at the Auditorium last evening , closing their engagement in this city , and left this morning for Schnyler. The company did not receive coivo the patronage from thn people of Norolk they deserved. The company is composed of good actors and they did their best to entertain the people who patronized the entertainments given. Their voices are fiuo and the singing delighted all who heard it. The next attraction will be "Elmdalo Farm , " to bo presented tomorrow night by a oompruy of 25 people , with their own bund and orchestra. Joe West was convicted of petit Iar cony in Juetice Elsoley's court yesterday day , fined $5 00 and costs , amounting > to | 23.iX ) , and ordered to restore the stolen pnuip to its owner , B. 0. Walter. When West was arrested he protested his innocence of the charge and pro- IOHIM ) to light the case to the blttor end , lo domiindml trlul by n jury of his loom , Introduced n lot nf wltiiotmefl to irovo that ho didn't tnlto the pump IIH hargml , ono witness In her ontlitiHlium o oloiir the immo nf defendant from the out ohargo even making oath that nho aw Walter pluoo the pump In Wost'tt vngon. But even in the fuco of this Ind of evidence , HX ! good men and true ecldod that ho wax guilty of petit lur- ony , nflor deliberating but a very few nlnntcH. Second hand furnltnro , clothing , hot'H and othur articles of necessity , vlll bo Hold at the ruiminiKo nulo to bo oii by the Indies of Trinity ohtiroh In ho KoonlgHtoln block Duoonibnr 12 and II. II."I "I lirul read , " mild tint colonel nn ho TVIIH rclntlMK Homo of | IH ! experienced n Olilmi , "Unit If n person fell Into .be wnter no ono could pull him out , loldhiK Unit lilH full I UK InVIIH n decrco if Providence1 Unit must not bo Inter fered with. One tiny , on ono of the minis , I Httinilileil unil went overboard , uul , nlllmiiKh Micro \vcrc twelve bout- non , not one of ( hem would extend mo liniiil. After n close Hhiive , IIH I ciin lot tnvliii. I ( 'o ( nhonnl iiK'iln ' , mill an BOOII IIH I recovered my breath I yelled it ( lit ; IIOSH boatman : Yon Infernal Hcounilrcl , but wby lldn't . \on help me ( inlV "Mt WIIH jour fate to fall In , ' lie calmly replied. Anil It'H your fate to tnko a good I Hiild IIH I went for him anil kicked and cuffed him about. When I uid finished him off , I took another , and I WIIH JtiHt polishing olT my llftli victim when the . nl.Uh man halted mete to Miy : " 'There wenm to be a mlHlnko hero. Wo are taught that If a person rallH nto the water he nms ( HIIVO himself or Irowii , but wn arc not ( might ( hat 1C 10 docH HIIVO himself ho IH at liberty to Ick half of China In revenue. ' "I thought Ills point well tnken , " unshed the colonel , "and I Htopped my He-ore nt live and went down to chungo nto dry ( 'lollies. " woman IH not real old fashioned ! who makes a salvo for neighbor- ioMl imo for cuts , bruises and burns. ' Atchlfion Ulobo. Get your bugi.y tops repaired and up- lolHtoring done at Nordwig'H harncHH hop. ILLINOIS CENTRAL EXCURSIONS. JackFonvillo , Fla $ 52.50 Thomasvillo , Ga -18.80 Now Orleans , La -13.00 Vioksburg , Miss , 38.00 Hammond , La ' 411.00 Duytonu , Fla 59.10 Tampa.Fla 05 20 Palm Beach , Fla 71.50 Havana , Cuba 100.70 Jackson , Miss 38.00 St. Augustine , Fla 55.40 Mt. Clements , Mich 81.10 French Lick Springs , Ind. . . . ! iO 90 Chicago , III M.75 Above rates are for round trip ticketH from Omaha , Nebraska. Cclnmn (1) ( ) , tickets on sale dally ; re turn limit Juno 1 , 1903. Column (2) ( ) , tickets on sale dally ; re turn limit 00 days. Column (8) ( ) , tickets on sale November 30 , December 1 and 2 ; return limit Do- combur 8. Round trip tickets on mile tJj nearly all points in the south and southeast. Stopovers allowed both going and re turning. Nashville , Chattanooga , Look out Mountain , Atlanta and Macon to Jacksonville , Fla. Homoseekors tickets , at rate of ouo faro plus $2.00 , on sale first and third Tuesdays of each mouth , to points iu Tennessee , Kentucky , Mississippi , Louisiana , Georgia , Alabama , etc. Correspondence invited and information mation cheerfully given. Get a copy of our beautiful illustrated booklet , covering points of interest in the sunny south , at 1403 Faniam street , 0 inaha Nob. or write W. H. BUILL , District passenger agent , Illinois Cen tral railroad , Omalm.Nebruska. ICA. akes short roads. AXLE JL 5fcud light loads. GREASE oed for everything that runs on wheels , Everywhere. % M d. by STANDAIID OIL CO.