The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, November 28, 1902, Page 7, Image 7

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O Copyright , 1001 , by A. 8. Rlchnnloon O
How long Bones , the vagabond , had
liecn n country tramp before ho reach
ed London could only be guessed nt by
the butchers and fishmongers of Apple-
gate markiet , where he took up his
headquarters. lie was n man of flfty
when he Drat hung about , and he hud
the appearance of being "seasoned. "
No one ever asked Hones any ques
tions , and ho volunteered no Informa
Some one called him Bones the first
day he appeared , and the name stuck
to him. IIu accepted it without re
mark. What Is the odds to n vaga
bond whether he Is called Bones or
Jones ?
It may seem curious that no one ever
became sulllclently interested in Bones
to draw him out or that some day
when he longed for human sympathy
lie dtd not volunteer his story ; but , as
n mutter of fact , he was only one of i
hundreds of vagabonds slouching along j
the streets of London. Why should
any one of higher station care who he i
was or whence he came ? And If he i
had related his history It might have !
been thnt of scores of others und would
have brought neither sympathy nor
Bones was Inoffensive. lie was also
passably honest , and when kicked out
of the way he took It as n matter of
course. lie was content with the shab
biest raiment and had not too hearty
an appetite , so it cnmc nbout that
he was allowed to hang about the mar
ket without complaint. Ills lodgings
were in vacant buildings , conlyards or
doorways , nnd the only time ho got full
meals and a decent bed was when the
police pulled him In and he was sent
to the workjiousc.
He had put in ten years in London ,
and there was no appreciable change in
hliri. He was gray haired , stoop shoul
dered , ragged and red nosed , but he
had been that on his arrival. Nor hud
there been any change in his plans.
He had come to London to live out the
remainder of his days , and he was doIng -
Ing It. If it ever occurred to him that
some day he must land in the almshouse -
house , die and be burled ns a pauper ,
he said nothing about It and was not
One day Bones was slouching along
David street. He was not begging or
sightseeing or looking after coal to
be put in. He was simply vagabondiz
ing and letting his feet take his body
where they would. If a policeman had
made an arrest , Bones would have had
no curiosity. If the lire engines hud
come rattling up , he would not have
halted and become n spectator. lie had
iwitnessed dogfights , street rows , fires
and arrests so often that they no lon
ger held any interest.
One who saw him dragging along
with his eyes on the ground would have
said that nothing but a kick from a
truck horse could have aroused him ,
and yet a mere trifle did the business.
Of n sudden a pet poodle pursued by u
gang of boys ran up to Bones as If to
ask for protection. lie picked up the
dog and carried it nlong , nnd , though
threatened by the hoodlums , he clung
to the cnnine. After walking two
blocks he came upon a carriage con
taining n girl about ten years old. The
poodle hud escaped from the carriage
as it was driving through Willow place ,
and the little one was crying pitcously
over her loss.
Bones walked directly to the vehicle
and placed the dog In her arms , and
the overjoyed girl reached out for his
hand and exclaimed :
"Oh , you good , good man ! You look
ragged , but I know you're not bad. I'll
glVe you some money , and if you'll
come and see papa I know he'll find n
place for you and help you along. My
name is Minnie , and it was so good of
you , and"
But the driver shook his whip at the
vagabond nnd started up his horses.
For the rest of that day Bones was
only outwardly Bones. He had been
kindly addressed by a human being.
He had been told thnt some one .might
help him upward. Ills hand had been
shaken in gratitude , and he had been
called a good man. Thpre was faoine-
thing new here to hold his thoughts
and turn over In his mind , and he was
so preoccupied that he crept to bis bed
in a coalyard without having begged
the usual crust.
"It must be that I am a human be
ing af tec all. If 1 huduTbeen , the girl
wouldn/t / have spoken ns she did. To
have some one shake hands with me ,
to call me a good man , to thank me
for a service I can't make it out. But
it's come too late. I'm too old to
change. Npthlng could lift me up now ,
nothing give me back what I have
lost. There's only one thing 1 can do ,
nnd that's to pray God I may die like
a man like the man I once was. "
A week , later , though Bones heard
nothing of It , all London thrilled with
excitement nnd indignation over a case
of kidnaping. A little girl , the daugh
ter of a banker , had been caught up
nt her father's very gate In the dusk
of evening nnd carried off in n carriage.
Bones never read the newspapers , nnd
it wus seldom that ho was in the com
pany of one. who did. Had he read or
heard nil about the case , however , It
would only have been of passing Inter
est Just another crime to lengthen the
dally list.
One day he slouched along David
street again. He had been driven out
of his lodgings in the coalyard , and as
winter was coming on he was looking
for a vacant house to turn Into o'
nights. Between Great fJoorgo und
Canterbury streets he discovered a ter
race of four houses wh'cli ' were for
rent One of them cornered on nn al-
loy , and after careful rcronnolBMinco
Bonco decided timt an entrance might
be effected after dark. He would have
neither bed nor fire , but the poorest
of the roonw would bo comfortable for
a vagabond.
When night came , Bones was on
hand. It was not the tlrst vacant
house by a hundred in which ho had
taken up temporary quurt rH , and ho
knew the trick of prying open collar
windows. Once In the cellar , the light
of a match showed him the way upstairs -
stairs , and as he reached the kltcheii
he was surprised to find n bit of fire
in the range and the remains of n meal
on a shelf. Before giving the matter
any thought he ate up all the food be
fore him and hugged the range until
he bad ceased to shiver. Some one had
been ahead of him. It was not n vag
abond like himself , because there wore
the food and the lire , and thieves and
burglars would have no call to enter
empty bouses. A half consumed can
dle showed that the tenant had bcon
there for a night or two , and it was
likely ho had a key to one of the doors.
Bones was somewhat mystified , but
not frightened. With a lighted candle in
his 1mml he set out to explore a little
and decide which room to slcop in.
After a look Into the three or four
rooms downstairs he mounted to the
second story and hud hardly reached
the landing when he heard men's
volcos from one of the bedrooms , to
gether with what seemed the sobbing
of a child. Out went his candle , and
he got down on hands and knees and
crept along to listen at the door. There
were two men and n child in that room ,
and the child was weeping and plead
No one will ever know what Bones
thought or planned to do , as the door
was suddenly opened by one of the
men , and he was found crouching
there. He did not run away. One
look Into the lighted room showed him
an old table , two or three chairs , n bed
of blankets and on the bed the little
girl of the lost dog. He leaped into
the room as the man started back , and
as the girl recognized him and cried
out the two kidnapers cursed.
There was half a minute when no
one moved. Then one of the men
rushed to the door and shut It , and
both drew knives and advanced upon
the vagabond. All her life the little
girl will remember how his Impassive
face lighted up , how he suddenly grew
straight and tall , how his eyes glis
tened as he seized one of the heavy
chairs and began the battle. They
were a pair of burly ruffians , and they
had long , keen knives , but It was n
fight lasting many long minutes. As
they stabbed and thrust he beat them
to their knees. They wounded him
again and again , and he left a trail of
blood ns he shifted his position , but
one of them was dying and the other
had n broken arm before the old vaga
bond tottered and fell , with the bro
ken chair still clutched in his fingers.
The child saw it nil with bated breath
and wide open eyes , and , though she
did not know of his hope , she saw that
he died like a man aye , like the brav
est of men !
With Jils broken bones and bruised
body and with fear of the police In his
heart the surviving rullian made his
way out of the house , and the child
was left the long night with the dead.
When morning came , she bent upon a
window until attention was attracted
and men broko. In the door and rescued
her. It was not the police who found
the kidnapers , but old Bones. It was
not a public olilcer who had eagerly
sought a battle with the ruflians and
yielded up his life after a heroic fight ,
but simply an old vagabond of Apple-
gate market. And his eulogy and'his
epitaph were the words of the child
who saw him do battle for her :
"He was old and dirty and ragged ,
but he was a man ! "
Tlie Politician on an Actor.
There are multitudinous small things
which , as n little man , one would sup
pose must press heavily upon an emi
nent politician. He must be civil to
nil men clvllcr perhaps to the fools
than to any. The fools he has always
with him always. The eminent poli
tician must serve ns the especial butt
to n vast and wonderful array of bores.
How he must despise the large major
ity of ills so called followers ! With
what scorn he must regard them in his
heart ! And yet how he has to go outer
or his way to solicit thn favor of their
vote and Interest ! How he has some
times to palter with a He ho must
have ! How he must be all things to
all men !
H6 Is an actor as much as any actor
that ever trod the mlinlc stage1 , anil bo
he sick or sad he has to give satisfac
tion to the audience in front if ho
would keep his situation. He has to
struggle and strive to keep in his hands
the ends of fifty different strings which
are being pulled in fifty different direc
tions and preserve his balance and his
head amid them all.
And what Is the end of it ? What is
the reward of the eminent politician ?
It is when one considers this question
that one is amazed to think that any
man should think it worth his while
to pay the penalty of political great
ness. All the Year Round.
On the 10th of February , 17CO , died
a Miss Basnctt at the age of twenty-
three , who was buried in the church
yard of old St. Tancreas and upon
whose tomb the following Hues wer
placed :
Oo , spotless honor and unsully'd truth ;
Go , smiling Innocence and blooming
youth ;
Go , female sweetness joined with manly
ecnse ;
Co , winning wit that never gave offense ;
Go , soft humanity that blessed the poor ;
Go , saint eyed patience from affection' *
door ;
Go , modesty that never wore a frown ;
Go , virtue and receive thy hcavenlj
crown ,
Not from a stranger came this heartfcjj
verso ;
The friend Insrrlb'd thy tomb whose tea
bcdew'd thy
I > ii tliiur nil n Ntoiuncli Cure unit nn
AM to llritlfli ,
Worry la but one of the many forms
of fear , so that worry tends to the
production of Indigestion. Indigestion
tqnds to put the body of the subject In
n condition that favoiH worry. Them
is thus established a vlcloua clrelu
which tends to perpetuate Itself , ouch
clement augmenting the other.
It Is nocoHKury to tecure a cheerful ,
wholesome atmosphere for the dys
peptic. Ho should eat his meals at a
table where there la oed fejtoWHhlp
and where funny stories arc told. Ho
should himself make n great effort to
contribute bin nburo of this at the table ,
even If It bo necessary , us It was In onu
case umlqr my care , for him to solemn
ly and seriously collect funny para
graphs from the press , and at first In
terject them spasmodically during lulls
in the conversation at the table. The
very efforts and determination of the
man to correct his own silent habits at
table , to correct his feelings of dis
couragement and worry , were in them
selves n propilso of success. The ef
fort made was adequate to the obsta
cles to be overcome. IIu succeeded , and
the spectacle of Hint man trying to
bo funny at table when bo felt thor
oughly dlscourugcd and blue Is one we
Blmll never forget.
Laughing IB in itself also n useful
exercise from the standpoint of dlKes-
tlon. It stirs up all the abdominal
organs , it Increases the circulation of
the blood , It Increases peristalsis , It In
creases tlie secretion of gastric juices.
Flvo minutes' deliberate laughing after
each meal would be an excellent pre
scription for some people. Family Doe-
CnrlmiN 1/rneinl of HieCrrulloii
Hitmlrd Down by the .J up 1111 < > . < .
The following Is the curious legend
of the creation ns It Is told in Japan :
Clouds formed the bridge on lileu
once god Yznnaghl and bis tpoubo
Vzanunm stood pondering on the rid
dle of existence , whether the begin
nings of worlds and the beginnings of
life lay slumbering In that * sea of
chaos. Yznnnghl , apparently more en-
tcrprlsfng than philosophically In-
dined , seized his shimmering spear
and plunged it Into the black and
| I ( Bcctblng flood. Pulling It up again , he
discovered seven salt drops on Its diamond
mend point , which , dropping , con
densed and formed the Island of Cuso-
Thereupon Yzanughl and his spouse
selected the spot of earth which bad
thus been created as their permanent
dwelling place and peopled It with In
numerable genii of animal and plant
life anjl spirits of the elements. And
around this "palace of Immortality"
rose eight other Islands Awadsl , the
island of foam ; the mountainous Oho ,
Yamato , blessed with fruit ; Yyo , un
surpassed In Its beauty ; the quinqunn-
gulnr Tslkousl , Sudo , rich in copper
and gold ; Ykl , one of the pillars of
heaven , and Oko , surrounded by three
Such was the birth of Japan , of that
curious land of Fuslyamu , with Its
amiable population of artist artisans ,
its graceful teahouses , its glistening
Bilks , Its grotesque dwarf trees , Its
white cranes and dreamy lotus ponds.
Harper's Magazine.
A Bnfe ARC.
The insuring of one's life is one of
theme things which one Is most apt to
put off. There are few , however , who
postpone what ought to be the Inevita
ble until so late a period in life as did
the tough old smack owner of Grlmsby.
When he presented himself at the in-
Burance office , he was naturally asked
his age. Ills reply was , "Ninety-four1. "
"Why , my good man , we cannot In
sure you , " said the company. "Why
not ? " be demanded. "Why , you are
ninety-four years of age. " "What of
that ? " the old man cried. "Look at
statistics , and they will tell you that
fewer men die at ninety-four than at
any other age. " London Business Il
Their Dranclt of Service.
"To what branch of the military
service do captains of industry be
long ? " asked the recognized yet sur
viving joker of the party.
"I give It up,1' replied bis victim
"To the artillery , because they're nil
big guns. ' See ? Ha , ha , ho , ho ! "
Syracuse Herald.
Cool Treei.
It Is not shade alone that makes it
cooler under a tree In the summer. The
coolness of the tree Itself helps , for
Its temperature la about 45 degrees F.
at all times , as that of the human body
Is a fraction more than 98 degrees. Sea
a clump of trees cools the air as a .
piece of ice cools the water In n pitch- i
Barber How's the razor , sir ?
Customer Didn't know 1 was being
Barber ( flattered ) Very glad , I'm
sure , sir.
Customer I thought 1 was being
sandpapered. Pick' Me Up.
Happily Mnrrlcd.
"I hope you have found happiness in
marriage , dear. "
"Oh , yes. I can do lots of things I
didn't dare do when I was a girl. "
New York Press.
Perseverance not only goes far to
Insure success , but also obtains hon
ors for those who , although the less
fortunate , have been the most dili
Somehow whenever we hear a man
called an Adonis we long to hunt him
up nnd smash his pretty nose. Atchison -
son Globe.
T'nrl of llrrtlty ,
TUP SpiiuuiiH went ( llMtlilgiilHhcd for
( he brovltv uml conolfionCMri of their
Np\'och. \ On one oooilHlon during a ter
rible famine tlie InbiibltiintH of an INland -
land In the Aim-nil HOU cent an einbiiH-
Nndor to Sparta , who made a Npeeeb
Imploring Its aid. Ho bud hardly llu-
lulled before thu Mpurtaiw neiit him
Imck themwordH , "U'e did not under-
Htund tlie end ( ifour , speech and huvti
forgotten the beginning. "
The poor , Htai'vlng ' people ohoHo an
other spokesman and ImprcHMcd upon
him to make his request IIH brief an
Ho therefore took with him u ( [ linn
tlty of NiiekH , opened one before the an-
Bomhly and said nlinply , "It IH empty ;
(111 ( It. "
The sack was filled UH well UH the
others , but the chief of the UHwmbly
Halt ! UH he dlmnlHHcd the ombuHHUdor ,
loaded with moul ! ' 'It wuHn't ncccHHary
to Inform Us that the tmck WUH empty.
Wo HIUV It ourHolvoM. Neither was It
necessary to request UH to fill It. Wo
should liuvo done It on our own ac
count. Be IOHH long winded next time. "
Christian Hndouvor World.
A Son red Corpir.
"It was. I think , at the Hiiymarkot
that one of the innHt ninunlng of tinrc
hearsed IncldcntH occuned , " HiiyH a
writer In M. A. P. "Tho play was
'Uomco and Juliet. ' Mrs. Seott Sid-
( loimVIIH the Juliet of the occasion.
All went well uiiUl tliu final sceno.
1'urln was duly Hluln , und Juliet lay
stretched upon her bier. Jimt then
Rome of the scenery cuugltt alight
HoiiH'liow , but some men from behind
NOOII \tliigiilHbed It. Juliet , with com
mendable presence of mind , dtd not
move tin o ; olid , but the corjwp of Purls
WUH nervous. IIu raised himself to a
ulttlng poHture , then got upon IIH ! feet
and lied from the Htuge. The danger
being removed , bin courage relumed ,
und the audience WUH afforded the
pleasing spectacle of a corpse crawling
along the stage from the wlilgH to take
up thc'proper position for the final cur
tain. It WUH ton tremendous an null-
cllmaxto the tragedy of the play , and
the house was simply convulsed. "
Floivrr * anil I'olnoim.
Ever Hlnce the days of that floral
abomination , the green carnation , wo
have known that ( lowers are suscepti
ble to the influence of drugs nnd can
be made to change their colors by prop
er , or , rather , improper , treatment.
ThlH branch of floriculture has been
pursued further by Inquiring people ,
and It seems that plants aru UB liable
to the cffoctH of poisons IIH are human
beings. If you give n ( lower too much
chloroform , It will not agree with It.
In the words of the operator , "It droops
nnd dk'H. " It Is dlllleult to KCO what IH
the advantage of thlH particular study.
Every one knows that ( lowerH can be
killed far too easily. If some sclentlf
ic person would find a way of causing
them to bloom all the your round In
our climate , that would be something
of n discovery less scientific , perhaps ,
but much more acceptable. London
At a muHlcalo where a priest was a
guest u young woman with a robust
soprano voice did most of the enter
taining. She was very proud of her
accomplishments and her musical ed
ucatlon. She sang songs In German ,
Italian , French and English. When
bhe appeared to have exhausted her
repertory and the company present
were wishing for a change In the pro
gramme , the clergyman paid her home
compliments nnd added :
"Why , Miss Jones , I think you could
slug ad iiiiliiltum. "
"I really don't know It , " responded
the obliging young woman , "but if the
music Is here I'll try It. " New York
( rowing- Walking Cane * .
Few men who use walking canes are
nwaro that the growing of walking
stalks is a special industry and that
certain kinds of canes arc not merely
collected ns they may be found grow
ing in forests. One may find at any
store where the sticks ore sold many
canes of almost precisely the same
length , weight , shape and material.
Cones having n tangle of roots at the
handle , for instance , arc much sold in
England. They are grown by a "farm
er" who makes It a specialty to trim
and shape young ash plants.
Marie nncl the TelrKrnpb Opernlor.
Immediately after the successful
completion of the first transatlantic
cable nnd the consequent celebrations ,
in which of course Cyrus W. Field
bore a prominent part , Professor Morse
had occasion to send n telegram from
a small town In Ohio to his hpme In
Now York. He wrote out his message ,
presented It to the operator , who rapidly -
idly checked it off with his pencil nnd
curtly demanded a dollar.
"But , " said the venerable inventor ,
"I never pay for messages , " and , see
ing an inquiring look in the operator's
eyes , added , "I am , in fact , the father
of the telegraph. "
"Then , " wild the operator , firmly con
vlnced that he was being imposed up
on , "why don't you sign your own
name , Cyrus W , Field ? "
Professor Aiorfao when telling the
story used to say that be was too hu
miliated to answer.
TVo Ciiil For I.eUure.
"What , you back to work , Pete ?
When I saw you fall off the building
yesterday , 1 never expected to see you
work again. "
"I fought dat too , boss , but mah
wife done let mah accident assurance
explah lust week. " Indiana polls News.
Willie II I.nnteil.
"What would you do If you woke up
Homo morning to find that you hud In
herited a million dollars ? "
"I'd turn over on tin * other side nnd
try to dream it again. " Chicago Koc-
EVery Drop , , t
Gund's Peerlessl
the "DEER ofgoodchior\ \
can be consumed withrcllih
and the knowledge that It in
pure nnd healthful , It Is
impossible ( or it beer to be
brewed of choicer materials
or In n more careful and
cleanly manner.
La Crosac , WIs.
Ni.ilfixriiYlnminnlii Itullunr I'm in I.iiiul
1 < W Nitln.
The Chicago , St. Paul , MlnneapollH
ifc Omiiliu railway IUIH for wulo In North
ern WiHOOiiHln , nt low prloeH and easy
toritm of payment , about JlCiO.OOO IICFOH
of choice farm liindH.
Early buyers will muuiro the ad van
tngo of localionrt on thn many beautiful
RtroaniH and lakim , which abound with
( | HI and furiiinh n mn'ur ending und
most nxcollcnt wntor supply , both for
family use and for stook.
Land IH generally well timbered , the
Hell fertile nnd onny of miltivution and
thin in rapidly developing into ono of
tin ) grontont sheep und cattle rnlHlng
rogioiiH In the northwest.
Ohlcago , Milwaukee , St. Paul , Minn
eapolis , Duhitli , Superior , AHhlnnd nnd
other towns on "Tho Northwestern
Lino" furnish good markets for Htooli
and farm produce.
For further particulars nddroHH :
Land Commissioner , IlmlHon Wis. , or
Aost. Gou'lPaes. Ag't.St. Panl.Mlnu.
The value of Expert Treatment.
Everyone who IH ulllic.tud with u
chronic dincnuo ( 'xpuricnccB great dif
ficulty in having their CUHO iutolllgently
treated by the average pliytiicinn. Thuno
diseases can only be cured by n Hpnclul-
1st who uudurHtundH them thoroughly.
Dr. J , Nuwton IJutlmwny of Sionx Oity ,
Iowa , is acknowledged the most skillful
and HuccoHHful spccinlint iti the United
States. Write him for Ills export opin
ion of yonr cnso , for which lie mokes no.
( Jornur 17th und Farnnm HtH. ,
Tbln nlgnnturo IH nn every box of clio ccnulno
Laxative Bromo-Quininc Tawou |
the ruiuodv I'll at rurrw it colil In ono day
Shorthand , Typewriting , English
A. C. ONO , A. M. , LL.B. , Pres , , Omaha.
Fall Term Opens Sept. 1.
Catalog Free.
lth and Douglas Sis.
Counea of Study Ktrntir Duilntn , Corabtiud , Preparatory , Nornul. Shorthand.
Telegraphy. Penminihlp , Pen-Art , Elocution , Orttorr and PhrUciil Cullura.
AdvtnUfe-ColUta Dand , Coller * Orcbeitra , Board or Trade. Printing Offlce , Lllerarr Soeletr ,
Lecture Conrae , Law School , Public Bmerlalnmtnti and Athletlca.
Work for Board Any atndent can work for board. Addrcia :
CAUloj Oar nw iUailrated free to any one. nOIinDOVGII BROS. . OMAHA. NED ,
That we are constantly crowing in the art of
making Fine Photos , and our products wilUil-
ways be found to embrace tlie .
and Newest Styles in Cards and Finish. We also
carry a fine line of Moldings suitable for all
kinds of framing.
Why Don't You ?
That's what we want to find out. "We've
been telling you for a number of weeks that
we want you to order some goods of us by
mail , and you haven't done it. Lots of your
neighbors have and they're pretty well satis
fied. We know there are other stores that
you can buy of , but there isn't a store on
earth where you can buy better goods , or
where you can do so well for your money.
Order the next thing you need to wear from
us and see how well you'll like your purchase.
If you have'nt our fall catalogue , wri4e for
( Pi
233B3 $