The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, November 28, 1902, Page 6, Image 6

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Th Nottf oik Neuas
If thq turkey goes up out of sight for
TlmnkHglvlng ho muy bo compelled to
return bcforo Christmas and No\v
Years. _
Had ' 'NUllo" Thoiupnon boon elected
wo proiiuiuo that Kd Kry would Imvq
boon matin a here by a number of re.
formers Madison Star.
Governor Ynton considers that the
people of IllliiolR should bo above taking
pleasure in bullfights and him forbidden
nu exhibition of that "sport" in the
atntu of which ho is ohiof executive.
The Colorado republicans haven't such
n pull in that state that they con nfford
to light among themselves. Ex-Senator
Wolcottnnd State Chairman Fatrloy
should kiss and miike up.
Congressman-elect KlnUaid says that
ho found Roosevelt's name a successful
talisman during hid campaign in the
Sixth district. It appealed to demo
crats and populists as well as to republi
The hardest slam yet is from the Mad
ison Chronicle , which has taken to
publishing "Pointers from the Suburbs , "
and gives items from Norfolk under the
heading along with those from St. Glair
and Wamorvlllo.
Bocaubo several Omahii children have
boon kidnaped there is no occasion for
nil the parents of that city to bo
alarmed. There are an unnumbered
quantity of kids in Omaha that no ono
would lilco to bo caught iu the act of
Ilerr Krupp is , credited with being the
richest man iu Germany , with a fortune
approximating $125,000,000. , Some
American millionaires , if reports con
cerning their wealth are true , would un
doubtedly consider Herr Krnpp's wealth
us a generous allowance for pin money.
It is now alleged that David Bennett
Hill does not asplro to make the race for
the presidency iu 1901. Ho is perhaps
awaiting a moro favorable opportunity
to realize his ambitions , and is willing
to permit same other follow to.rnn up
against President Roosevelt's popular
Hastings has a boy here , I ) years of
ago , who saved his little sister 7 years
old , whoso dross had caught iu a bonfire ,
by putting out the flames with his
hands. Hastings should bo proud of
that llttlo follow and ho will un
doubtedly receive full praise for his
eluvro in the transaction.
A Beatrice youth of 07 summers and
a blushing young lady of 80 were re
cently married. The report docs not
eay whether or not they had their
parents' consent. The World-Herald
considers that it is n result of the Ne
braska ozone which longev
ity and youthful oxhiliratiou. Stand
up for Nebraska.
A competing stool trust has been
organized at Pittsburg , Pa. , and be
tween the two combinations it is prob-
rvblo that the people will secure moro or
less justice until the one gobbles the
other. By that time another mar bo
formed agaiuto | contribute to the advan
tage of the people. There is additional
reason to be thankful next week.
A youth of Ann Arbor , Michigan ,
jealous because another youth had
token his girl homo , shot her iu thq
arm and then killed himself. There ,
was more method in his madness than
is usual in such cases. Quito frcquoutly
the girl is killed , but in this case she
was only wounded. If he had inisseq"
her entirely ho would bo deserving of
the uonnrs accorded a hero.
In Indiana the law provides that
when a prisoner is lynched , the sheriff
under whoso care he was , shall lose h
office. This happened to the officer of
Sullivan county from whom a negro
was taken recently and lynched. Such
n law in the south might have a tend
onoy to prevent the frequent violations
of the law by Judge Lynch , but it is
probable that such a measure could not
be passed there.
An Omaha woman watched a burglar
at work in her bedroom for half an hour
nud her liege lord slept peacefully
through the entire time. She would
have wakened him but was too frightened
enod to move or speak. If this becomes
generally known some men may adopt
the burglar expedient of silencing their
wives. Think of a woman being awake
for half an hour aud not speaking 1
Some of them couldn't
be asleep and ac
complish that feat 1
Carrie Nation decided to go to the
enemy's country also and appeared at a
big horse show in New York where she
told the women and men some things that
they were not particularly anxious to
know or admit. She w'as quieted
quite effectually , but not until after she
had said her say , The New Yorkers
will now probably agree with the Kan-
ens saloon keepers that Carrie should be
kept in a cage , whether it was gilded or
The fusion press and politicians have
Jiad their attention attracted by the vote
fqr the nominees of the socialist party
through the country and they urn un
doubtedly anticipating that the party
will in the not far dlntant future bo
something worth fusing with. The
sodallRtH , however , realize what
happened to tlm populists as a result of
fuMon with the democrats nnd are qtiito
likely to object to that sohumo of wip
ing them off the political map.
The Chicago thief who drove off ono
of Undo Gain's mail wagons during the
absence of the driver for a minute or
two , and rifled the contents of two val
unblo socks of mall , deserves to bo
classed with the most daring of daring
thieves. Ho is almost entitled to a
place along nldo of Pat Crowe in the
rogues' gallery. Perhaps , however it
will bo demonstrated that Chicago is a
safer place in which to steal that ) would
bo the ease in HOIUO country village.
Editor D. F. Wright of the Charles
City , Iowa , Press and Advocate form
erly democratic , has become tired of
supporting a party BO sadly in the min
ority as in Iowa , and has aunouced his
intention of supporting President Roosevelt -
volt for re-elect ion , ( hus getting on the
popular sldo of public sentiment. There
are likely to bo many others like him
before the campaign of 1004 rolls aronnd
and ho is to be congratulated on being
iu the forefront of the movement.
Wo hear the same old talk about es
tablishing a newspaper iu Omaha for
the purpose of making it warm for the
Boo. The only trouble is that the
fellows engaged in the vouturo would
have to do business in an atmosphere
with a llttlo higher touiporaturo than
they could possibly create for the other
fellow. Bucking an old , established
newspaper is a good deal like kicking
the stump on which yon stubbed your
too. It hurts yon worse than it docs
the stump Bixby iu State Journal.
The Norfolk Press is the name of anew
now weekly paper that made its appear
ance in this city last Saturday , with P.
F. Sproohor's name as publisher. It is
a six-column quarto with four pag os of
homo print. Mr. Sprechor is ono of the
oldest in experience newspaper men
iu this Footlon of the state , nnd if ho is
convinced that there la a demand for
another paper in Norfolk his judgment
will not bo questioned , and his friends
will hope that ho may find qvou a better
patronage than a superficial view of the
situation would disclose.
The decision of the Nebraska supreme
court regarding the use of the Bible in
the public schools will bo a fruitful
theme for discussion in religions gather
ings for some time to come. The people
who are now the severest in their
criticisms might bo expected to bo the
first to favor a decision ruling out readings
ings or teachings from the Mohammedan
or Mormon books , of Mrs. Eddy's
Science aud Health. And yet
thoroughly impartial decision would
glvo any of these works the same privilege
lego as would bo given the Bible , if it
was desired.
All is not one smooth slide for the big
corporations aud companies. A case
has boon started iu an Iowa court for a
judgment of $3,500 against the Western
Union .Telegraph company by a firm
that sold a bunch of cattle to a man on
a worthless cheek because the man bad
represented himself as speaking for a
bank to a telegraph operator who acted
accordingly and was the moans of clos
ing the sale without making inquiries.
If the suit is won it will devolve upon
the telegraph company not only to
have reliable employes , but operators of
a character that will use the diplomacy
of a Oladtouo before they will accept
and deliver messages.
It is evident that the people are will
ing to trust a republican state treasurer
in spite of the fact that the party no-
cldently inflicted them with Bartloy.
Peter Mortensou's plurality for the
office was the largest of any of the suc
cessful candidates , receiving 16,012
over his opponent , J. N. Lyinan. In
spite of the fact that the present treas
nrer , William Steuffor , has been
roundly criticised for some of his transactions -
actions , it is but fair to concede that
the fine majority this year for the re
publican candidate is due largely to his
conduct of the affairs of that ofllce dnr
ing his two years' term. Now if Joe
Bartley would put it back it is but
reasonable to suppose that the people
would have none other but republican
treasurers hereafter.
It is stated that there will bo an effort
made at the coming session of the legts
latnre to have the Norfolk hospital for
the insane relocated. It iauot only prob
able but certain that there are people
in Nebraska who would abandon the
property on the hill and favor building
a new institution in another part of the
state , but the people of Norfolk will not
believe that there are any number who
would favor such an extravagant aud
unfair move ou the part of the legisla
ture. Extravagant because of the value
of the property to be abandoned and un
fair because Norfolk coutributod liber
ally to have the institution located hero
aud its offices were acceptable to the
members of the legislature and officials
who originally located the hospital.
Presdent Roosevelt , it is , alleged will
ercommend in his message that cougrees
undertake to regnluto trusts in regard to
over capitalization , lack of ptibllotj , dis
crimination In prices to destroy compe
tition , insufficient personal responsibil
ity of office nnd directors and tend
ency to monopoly and disregard of the
people. All this should bo done with *
out endangering the Industries that the
the trusttt control , It is a hard task
that the president has sot for congress
to perform , but it is the buHlnoHS-liko
plan to adjust a difficult proposition aiid
it is to bo hoped that the congressman
nud senators will go about the work in a
ninnuor that will insure nnccoBs. It
may bo mirmtiiod that the trusto will en
doftvor to prevent action detrimental to
their interests , but if they cannot exist
on n fair business basis , it is but just
that they should bo ruled out of the
business world.
While it Is a fad with reformers of all
typos nnd classes to fight the railroads
it is certain that the railroads have at
tained n development iu industry that is
astonishing to contemplate. It is also
certain that with no railroads the people
of the country would scarcely know how
to exist. Some estimation of what the
railroads of the country are able to ac
complish may bo approximated from the
report of ono day's work by the roads
entering Plttsbarg , PH. , and these are
but n small share of the roads of the
country. Speaking of what was done
at Pittsburg on Sunday a telegraph re
port says : "It is estimated that during
twenty-four hours , 030 trains , consist
ing of 40,225 cars wore moved in and
out of Plttsburg as follows : Pennsyl
vania , 1291 trains , 1-1,700 cars ; Fort
Wnvuo , ISO trains , 0,000 cars ; Panhandle -
handle , 215 trains , 12,205 cars ; Balti
more & Ohio , ninety trains , 4,500 cars ;
Pittsburg & Lake Erie , 120 trains , 0,000
cars. The estimated tonnage is 1,750 ,
550 , " Just fpr the sake of comparison
some man smart at figures , might show
how long it would have taken a number
of wagons , teams nnd men to do the
same work , or how many of them it
would require to do the same work in
the same length of timo.
Governor-elect Bally of Kansas is an
other who has learned that it is foolish to
make pro-election promises aud then fail
to keep them. Mr. Baily is a bachelor
but promised to become a benedict and
provide the now executive mansion at
Topeka with a mistress" . The widows ,
old maids and little girls donned their
fighting clothes nud wont after a fine
majority for Mr. Batly. They got it ,
and now ouo of them expects to draw
the prize promised but Mr. Baily is at
tempting to "crawfish. " The men are
seconding the women and the governor-
oleot is hi hot water with indications
that he must whether ho will or no.
His first excuse was tnat ho was unable
to find a woman who was willing to as
sume the responsibilities of the position ,
but h ° 1m8 recently boon enlightened on
that score by the Carrie Nations and
others , and really if Kansas was inca
pable of furnishing a bride it is not far
to the homes of those beautiful No
bratkans of whom bo has undoubtedly
road. That excuse was silly. Ho real
izes it now , nnd endeavors to plead a
previous and unrequited affection.
This will not avail. There are hundreds
of marriageable women who could con
vince him in a short time that such af
fection was merely a boyish affair of no
depth whatever. He is to be pitied if
he does not take the final step before
the day set for his { inauguration , else he
will bo unable to move because of the
crush of female loveliness at the event
Ho had best resort to a lottery scheme
or a guessing contest to decide the ques
tion before it is too late.
The agitation for a new law govern
ing the liquor traffic in Nebraska is re
ceiving considerable attention in vari
ous parts of the state and it is beginning
to appear as though such a bill would be
presented to the coming legislature.
Some are advocating the dispensary law
iu force in South Carolina , while other
favor local option. While many are
provoked at the attitude of the liquor
men during the late election and would
bo pleased to rebuke them for the part
they took , it is but reasonable that the
other view of the situation should be
taken. It was emphatically denied by
the republicans that the success of their
tlck t meant any altering of the present
liquor law and the question was kept
under except where necessary to counteract -
act the influences of the liquor dealers
It was not a question of the campaign ,
aud it would be unfair for the legislature
to make a movement in that direction
without consulting the wishes of the
oeoplo. When it is desired to adopt n
radical measure , governing any class of
people or any business , it is but just that
e people should have same way of ex
pressing a preference. No mention of
changes in the liquor law was made
until after election , in fact any such in
tention was omphatcally denied , know
ing that even an intimation that Mr.
Mickey was a temperance man was
being used against him with effect. If ,
now that he aud a republican legislature
are elected , they should undertake to
revise or substitute a law that has not
received the attention of the people it
would be unfair and would result in an
agitation that would bo unfavorable to
temperance candidates iu the future.
It such a fight is to bo made it should be
open and fair , aud have the approval of
the voters.
Joe Cannon thinks it is now all over
but the shouting.
If you cau't bo thankful , you might
at least try to bo cheerful.
When yon get the bill for the turkey
perhaps you will not bo so thankful.
The best evidence that you are truly
grontful for bountiful blessings would
bo for you to endeavor to make some
one else thankful ,
The fact is being emphasized that a
person should outer a hog pen with the
same precaution that would bo taken in
entering n don of lions.
Some people are moro thankful for
fried liver and bacon than those whoso
table is loaded with a wealth of roast
turkey and other good things.
Herr Knipp might appropriately bo
buried iu an armor plate casket. It
would bo practically necessary if ho waste
to bo buried near Indianapolis.
The young boy with a good , generous
stopnnch-acho tomorrow afternoon may
begin to feel that , after all , ho hasn't
much to bo thankful for when iu trnth
ho has had too much.
Kearney is interested in a movement
ownrd turning its cotton factory into a
manufactory of strawboard and paper
boxes. It is to bo hoped that Kearney's
dream will bo realized. Stand up for
A Beatrice man has made three trips
to the Klondike gold fields and has just
decided that it is not an El Dorado. He
should know. Three is the mystic num
ber that should govern when trips to the
old wilds of Alaska are concerned.
Because a Hastings family was poi
soned by eating apple pie is not snill
oiept reason for lovers of that delicacy
to out it off their bills of fare. It will
take stronger evidence than that to
taboo apple pie in many homes of the
Ono more day to wait until you can
return thanks , but yon might begin to
practice now and perhaps you wouldn't
bo arrested and thrown into prison if
you should really be thankful before
the turkey , cranberry sauce and pump
kin pie are served.
Arizona , Oklahoma aud New Mexico
intend to knock at the door of Uncle
Samuel with more vigor than ever dur
ing the coming session of congress.
They are anxious to become states nnd
secure all the rights and privileges accru
ing from statehood.
The stealing of an express package
containing $40,000 from the Adams Ex
press company at Lincoln is an incen
tive for that determination of some of
the big corporations to place a price on
the heads of robbers. The amount taken
is enough to pay the reward on 40
robbers nt $1,000 a head.
Somnambulists should never hereafter
sleep with revolvers under their pil
lows. A follow iu Kentucky who was
in the habit of doing strange things iu
his sleep got hold of his revolver and
sliot himself while Ihe was asleep at
least so it is alleged by the reliable by
newspaper correspondent.
President Roosevelt has his annual
message to congress almost ready to
deliver to the printer , and the members
of the national body as wellas _ the
people in general will soon know the
views of the chief executive on matters
of public interest. That it will bo an
interesting aud fearless dooumeut there
are iew to doubt.
Some of Uncle Sam's soldiers are find
ing that there is moro danger to their
lives in the Preside at San Francisco
than there is in the Philippines. Two
of them were mysteriously assaulted
the other night and ono of them is dead
If this bad occurred in the Philippines it
would have been considere'd very much
worse by the American people.
A Jittle slip in the isthmian canal
negotiations with Colombia has given
the different supporters of the two
routes an opportunity to thntsh over tke
points in controversy and has built up
hopes in the hearts' of the people of
Nicaragua. Friends of the Nicaragnan
route are spreading arguments in its
favor , as it seems likely that there maybe
bo trouble over the Panama route.
Iu Oklahoma a Christian Scientist
was fined a $100-bill because ho refused
to permit the doctors to attend his
daughter who was suffering from
typhoid fever and died. Why shouldn't
the Scientists give the doctors a show ?
Surely if their faith is strong enough to
overcome disease it might be depended
ou to overcome the pernicious influence
of the nasty medicine administered by
the doctors.
There is a company iu Illinois that
promises n person who sends it $3 down
and $2 additional for six months , aud se
cures three men each mouth to do like
wise , and so on , that they would pay
not to exceed $100 at the end of the six
months. There are undoubtedly a largo
number of easy ones who would undertake -
take to gather in the amount promised
and for fear that tharo would be too
many "fish" in the country the United
States authorities huvo stopped in to
prevent the fool and hla money from
parting company.
Efforts to discover a workable ooal
mine in Nebraska having thus fur failed ,
attention is being diverted to deposits
of peat. There are are said to be bogs
in Dakota , Seward , Logan , Cedar ,
Dixou , Thomas and/ Platte counties.
In Logau thorp is a deposit six miles
long and fifteen feet thick. A com
pany may bo organized to work it but
wo fear the operators will not cut much
peat. Fremont Tribune.
President ] Mitchell has taken the
stand for fonr consecutive days before
the board of arbitration in defense of
the rights of the minors and ho has boon
compelled to keep his wits about him
during the entire time to answer the
pertinent and impertinent questions
flrod at him by those interested in the
other side of the controversy. It has
been a hard task and it is to bo doubted
if many of those ho represents would
undertake the same amount of work
aud strain In his behalf.
It is sometimes awkward to have n
common name. A family at Sac' City ,
Iowa , by the name of Miller had made
all preparations to bury the husband
aud father , whose initials were E. W.
After all preparations wore made the
right Mr. Miller walked in on them aud
gave them more of a surprise than he
had anticipated. He very satisfactorily
disturbed the preparation for his fu
neral , while the family of the real dead
E. W. Miller , must make preparations
for his burial.
Andrew Carnogiojls reported to be a
sick man and has been compelled
to postpone the date of his homeward
voyage from England. His American
friends will hope that the illness of the
great philanthropist may bo but tempo
rary and that ho may soon recover his
customary health. Mr. Carnegie has
been of too much value to his country
men for them to contemplate his pos-
stable demise with anything approach
ing indifference. It is to be hoped that
his great work may continue for many
It is intimated that several of the
Wall street moguls would not bo averse
to starting a little panic "to teach Roosevelt
velt to respect financial interests. " It
is hardly necessary. The president
does respect financial interests , but he
does not believe in giving said interests
an entire cinch on the government of
the country. The president will be
found standing up for labor and other
.nterests . quite frequently and all the
bluster of Wall street will not prevent
him from doing that which his excell
ent judgement.diotates as fair and right
to the people.
The Elkhorn road has discovered a
old rniuo , | or words to that effect , at
Belle Fonrche , S. D. , from which point
in the neighborhood of 100,030 range
cattle have been shipped during the
season just closing , and it is reported
that the range is in fine condition for a
start next season , with prospects that
the record will be exceeded next year.
It is believed thac Belle Fonrche is now
the largest cattle shipping point in the
west , aud there is no information avail
able to show that its record of the past
season has ever been exceeded. Those
who live in Elkhorn territory will be
pleased to know that there is a point on
that line of railway of such importance
to the cattle industry of the country.
The modern merchant is credited
with good business judgment who fig
ures on enough profits to re-imbnrso
him for bad account" , that he is almost
pertain to lose. With the increase in
the crime of stealing in recent years it
will bo almost necessary for business
men to add enough to their profits to
make up for the goods and profits they
lose through the operations of thieves.
The honest , trust-worthy people are
destined to bo the losers in both partic
ulars , and it is to their interest as much
as that of the merchant , to see that the
two practices are discouraged. A mer-
clmnt , to be successful , must have his
losses , and it will be to their advantage
to have such losses as small as possible.
The World Herald hns som how been
convinced that Mr. Rosewater is a man
pf great influence in the republican
party. It concedes him almost every
thing. It gives him credit for being
"practically the whole republican party
in Omaha and Douglas county , " Bays
that ho will have more influence in se
lecting the republican nominee for
judge of the supreme court next year
than any other power iu the state con
vention of the republican party nnd con
cedes that Mr. Rosewnter will not only
control the republican primaries iu
Omaha next spring but that his man
will be elected to the ofllce of mayor.
There is certainly evidence that the
Bee nnd World-Herald have formed an
alliance , offensive aud defensive , or
huvo become a f aaiou party of their
The rush of settlers to the western
provinces of Canada may bo justified
by the cheapness of the land and the
productiveness of the soil , but the long
and cold winter in that latitude is a
handicap that the new people are not
yet taking into account , The winter
Loss of Flesh
When you can't cat break
fast , take Scott's Emulsion.
When you can't eat bread1.
qn. < ) buterf { take Scout's ,
Emulsion. When you have
been living on a milk diet and
A'ant ' something a little mofc
lourishing , take Scott's
musipn. |
To get fat you must eat
at. Scott's Emulsion is a
great fattener , a great
strength giver.
Those who have lost flesjy '
want to increase all body
tissues , not only fat. Scott's
Emulsion increases them all ,
bone , flesh , blood and
For invalids , for convalescents , -
valescents , for consumptives ,
for weak children , for all
who need flesh ,'s
Emulsion is a rich and com
fortable food , and a natural
Scott's Emulsion for bone ,
, blood and nerve.
We will send you
a free sample.
Be sure ( hat this picture-
In the form of. a label Is on
tHe wrapper of every bottle ,
of Emulsion you buy.
scon & BOWNE.
409 Pearl St. , N.Y.
50c. and $11 all druggists .
is a Berions inconvenience at best in
that region , but more thtmthnt it is
costly in fuel , in clothing , in house con
struction and in feed for domestic-
animals. The tax it imposes is so great ;
hat thousands of settlers will flock
back to the more hospitable lands
south of the international line , where *
the soil will bring enough large re
wards to justify the higher price it
commands on the market. When all of
the lands of the United States are filled
it will be time for the hardy settlers to-
push north to fight the blasts from the
polar regions. State Journal.
The Burlington railway company has
taken a lea 1 toward making train rob
bery a very undesirable pastime , by-
placing a reward of $1000 on the heud
o ! every dead highwayman taken in
the act by the employes of that roadi
It is expected that other railway com
panies and the express companies will
follow suit and that the employes will
be armed and taught how to shoot in
order to [ gather in the rewards with
neatness and dispatch. If the cities ,
or counties , or states , or all of them ,
would likewise make it an object for
people o resist the exactions of this
class of criminals it should not be diffi
cult to make every form of outlawry-
unpopular. As it now is there are
many people who would rather lose
what little wealth they have around
the house or on their poison than risk
their lives in offering resistance to the-
law-breaker. The law now protects ,
such defensive measures , but the a-
tomshing increase in such crimes
would seem to warrant it to go further
and reward the man who well guards
his own interests or those of another.
Certainly if such a policy is good for
the corporations it is good for the pri
vate citizen. Moke it uncomfortable
for robbers , burglars and commqn
thieves and their number would soon
Rnmmnge tale iu the Koenigsteio.
block December 13 and 13.
"My wife had a deep-seated cough
for three years. I purchased two
bottles of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral ,
large size , and it cured her com
pletely. "
J. H. Burge , Macon , Col.
Probably you know of
cough medicines that re
lieve little coughs , all
coughs , except deep ones/
The medicine that has
been curing the worst of
deep coughs for sixty
years is Ayer's Cherry
Three iliti : Z5e.r SOe. , St. All druirltti.
Commit your doctor. If lie says take It ,
then do a. he 1171. If | io tell , you not
to take It. then don't take It. He * nowil
Leate It will ) him. We are willing.
J. C. AVKU CO. . Lowell , Mais.