The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, November 28, 1902, Page 3, Image 3

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wo Men Killed and Eighty-
k Two Wounded.
{ Other Trades Cease Work to Sup
port Striking Cigar Makers Mayor
Accused of Aiding Trouble Palma
[ Threatens to Send Troops to Scene.
jf Havana , Nov. 25. As the result of
( Conflicts of a serious nature between
Itho police and the men on strike here ,
Iwo strikers are dead and eighty-two
Other persons are wounded. Flvo ol
'Itho wounded , one a lieutenant of po-
tlce whose throat was cut by a striker ,
bavo very severe Injuries. Eight
bluer policemen are wounded. The
police have the rioters w611 under con
trol , but every precaution Is being
taken to prevent a further outbreak
C-f disorder , and all the police and
rural guards In the suburbs have been
summoned to concentrate in Havana.
1 The strike , which at first only conCerned -
Corned the cigar makers , became gen
eral yesterday by the calling out of
.611 trades In sympathy with the cigar-
makers. All the tradespeople closed
their doors yesterday morning , clerks ,
cooks and every class of workmen
feavlrig obeyed the command of the
Union , except the motornicn and con
ductors of the electric cars , who refused
-fused to join the general strike.
Mob Stones Street Cars.
* Trouble began early by the holdlnc
up of the electric cars by the strikers ,
jwhose wrath naturally was directed
against the street railroad employes.
.Several ' cars wore held up and stoned
In the 'outskirts of the city and the
passengers were compelled to walk
into Havana , among these being the
( British and German ministers. Sev-
ral cars were wrecked and some
anotormen and conductors were in-
tlured during the rioting. The car-
inen , however , continued running their
cars until 10 o'clock , when Superin
tendent Greenwood ordered a suspen
sion of traffic. The employes were
twilling to remain at work , but the offi
cers of the company , In order to pro
tect the property , deemed It wise to
Suspend the service. Mr. Greenwood
bad asked for protection from the
Blvil governor , but the authorities
, ffrere unable to protect the public
nrehlclos. A inob of strikers drove
the men on the Western railroad
Brom the trains during the morning.
| The mayor of Havana and the sec
retary of government had during the
past week openly sympathized with
the strikers and had given orders to
the police not to use force In dispers
ing the crowds , and under these con-
Iflltlons the police were unable to cope
( With the strikers ,
Palma Takes a Hand.
1 The situation was approaching a
.Critical point at noon , serious disor
ders having taken place In front of
the palace itself , in which a police offi
cer named Maso and a number of po
licemen and strikers received Injuries ,
when President Palma sent word
to the mayor that unless the city au
thorities could preserve order and pro
tect the railroad company , the state
would Intervene. The mayor then
took drastic measures and Issued an
dlct prohibiting crowds from gatherIng -
Ing In the streets and authorizing the
chief of police to kill , If such action
ehould be necessary , to preserve order.
A similar show of force early In the
morning undoubtedly would have pre
vented the trouble , but now the strik
ers had become emboldened and fre
quent clashes between them and the
police occurred In all parts of the
city. The police were .obliged to
charge a mo'b of rioters at the slaugh
ter house and several among the lat
ter were Injured. The vigorous atti-
' of the police now made itself felt
and traffic on the car lines , which had
only'bee'ri suspended for a brief period ,
was resumed and was continued from
this time forth , with only occasional
' t\
Interruptions. Most of the injuries
Sustained by the strikers were caused
by the policemen's clubs.
i The Central Veterans' union , headed
by General Gomez , held a meeting in
the afternoon and sent word to the
labor union that if the disorders con
tinued the veterans would offer their
ervices to President Palma to preserve -
servo order. No broad or me&t was on
Bale yesterday and a continuance of
the strike will cause much suffering
to the poor.
Bull Fight Is Prohibited.
Kansas City , Nov. 25. Chief of Po
lice Hayes announced that the bull
fight scheduled to take place in Con-
"e'ntlon hall on Thanksgiving evening
would not be permitted. The tan bark
ring has been placed In the hail , bull's
and matadors from , Mexlpo a e In the
city , and everything as ready for the
fight when the promoters were In
formed that the stern hand of law
would not permit It. The , bull fight
was made the subject ot discussion in
a majority of the pulpits of Kansas
City Sunday , which aroused public
sentiment. ,
VJctlm1 of Pollcernan , Dejad.
Chicago , Nov. 25. Jam9s MgBrlde ,
one of the best known stockmen In
this section , who was shot by'Pol'ce-
man Hayden a few nights ago , died
yesterday , several hours , afterti" >
physicians had amputated his leg.
McBrlde , in going through an alley ,
met the officer and taking him for o
footpad , started to run. Ills flight
4\ \ aroused the policeman's suspicions ,
who opened fire , the first shot hitting
Arrested Within n Stone's Throw of a
Police Station In New York.
Now York , Nov. 25. AH the outcome
of the arrest of two Italians , fighting
fiercely In the street , the police of
the Oak street station In this city be
lieve they have discovered an anarch
ist meeting plaro within a stone's
throw of the station.
The prisoners gave their names as
Dominie Santo and Tony Monz , San
to had a big revolver , with which ho
was trying to shoot Monz. The latter
carried a dangerous looking knife.
When loarchod fifteen cartridges worn
found In Santo's pockets , Hesldus
there was an unopened letter from
Cannatolll , Italy.
Mons had a rough map of Paris
and the department of the Seine , with
about a dozen of the largest public
buildings numbered consecutively and
marked , lie also hud a billhead from
the Carlton hotel , London , and ad
mitted that ho cnmo tothis country
three weeks ago.
According to the ppllqe , the fight
started In a. hall la Roosevelt struct ,
whore a meeting \ In session , San
to was charged i lth having revealed
secrets and the fight in the street fol
lowed , resulting In their" arrest. Monz
is said to have admitted that he la an
Exploding Boiler Destroys Locomo
tive In Pennsylvania , *
Altoona , Pa. , Nov. 25.Uy the blowing -
ing up of a locomotive at Mineral
Point , thirty-two miles west of here ,
yesterday , two men were killed nnd
three Injured. The dead : Scott
Seese , flagman ; David Prlnglo , engi
The Injured : Samuel Davis , con
ductor ; A. W. Snyder , brakeman ;
George Miller , , fireman.
The locomotive was In the rear of a
freight train , helping push it up the
western slope of the Allegheny mountains -
tains , when without warning the boil
er exploded.
Prlngle and bis flreman , Miller ,
were blown out of the cab. Prlngle's
skull was fractured and ho died soon
after the accident. Miller went over
a thirty-foot embankment , escaping
serious Injury. Seeso was killed by
the collapse of a cabin car on the end
of the freight.
Offer Leads to the Arrest of Two Men
In Chicago.
Chicago , Nov. 25. Two men who
registered at the Wyoming hotel as
E. H. and F. B. Fuller of Memphis ,
were arrested last evenlnK and nro
said to be wanted In connection with
a big stamp robbery.
Whether or not they were Inplicated
in the $74,000 Chicago postofllce rob
bery of last year is not known. E. H.
Fuller , said at one time to have been
in the employ of a prominent firm tn
this city , approached a member of that
firm , It Is alleged , and sought to dis
pose of $1,560 worth of stamps.
Suspicion was aroused and letters
and telegrams were Intercepted at the
hotel In which mention was made of
the disposition of "swag. " The men
were apparently about to leave the ho
tel hurriedly when arrested.
Arkansan Kills His Murderer Just as
He la About to Pass Away.
Memphis , Tenn. , Nov. 25. The body
of Fred Gerald , lale manager of tha
Wllllford plantation at Plncknoyvllle ,
Ark. , was burled yesterday in Elmwood -
wood cemetery , this city. Gerald was
one of the victims of a double tragedy
enacted at Plnckneyvllle on Saturday.
Weaver Holmes , a negro engineer , , on
the plantation , was beating his wife ,
when Gerald , Interfered. Holmes , who
was intoxicated , drew a revolver and
shot Gerald twice. Miss Corlrine Ger
ald , daughter of the manager , was
standing by and as her father fell , she
caught him in her arms. With his
last breath Gerald drew a revolver
and shot the negro , killing him in
stantly. Gerald died in a few minutes.
Patrick Wants New Trial.
Now York , Nov. 25. Argument
made on the motion made a few days
ago for a new trial for Albert T. Pat
rick was adjourned until tomorrow
because of the absence from the city
of Assistant District Attorney Gar-
vln , who has charge of the prosecu
tion's side of the case. Patrick was
convicted of the murder of William
M. Rice.
Jackson I. Case , the well known Im
plement manufacturer , is reported to
be dying at his librae in Racine.
Thomas O. Planche , a prominent
young lawyer of Marksvllle , La. , shot
andt killed Rlzmore L. Barbln at that
place Monday. The men had quar
William Low anc ) George Hawley
were Instantly killed and John Haley
fatallyscalded , by the explosion of a
boiler in a grist mill at Clearmont ,
Tex. , Monday.
George Campbell , a section hand ,
died of smallpox onday In Argentine ,
Kan. This makes the thirteenth death
caused by smallpox since the con
tagion broke out , a few weeks ago.
Duaton Sarvls , a telegraph operator ,
was shot and instantly killed at Nich
ols , 8. C. Miss Jody Burns was se
verely wounded. Miss Burns states
that Sarvls shot her and then turned
the revolver on hlmself.
As a result of violence , resulting
from the strike at the ConKoy Print
ing plant at Hammond , Ind. , the W. B.
Conkey & Co. was Indicted on the
charge of Importing men Into Indiana
for the purpose of doing police duty ,
Strike Settlement Negotiations
Shifted to Washington ,
Will Hold a Conference at the Nation
al Capital Independent Operators
Will Talk With Railway President !
In New York.
Scranton , Pa. , Nov. 25. The Hcenos
of the strike settlement negotiations
bavo been suddenly shifted from this
city to Washington and New York.
Today the commission of nluo of the
Independent operators oxpout to hold
a conference with the presidents of
the coal carrying roadH regarding the
position of thu individual companion
and at thu same tltno n meeting be
tween Wayne MacVoagh and possibly
other attorneys representing the coal
roads and President Mitchell and his
attorneys will be licjd in the national
The Independents have gone to New
York to find out what the largo com
panies can do for them In the way of
freight rates In case an Increase In
wages Is decided upon , The mine
workers' representatives wont , to
Washington to find out what the large
companies had to otter , Both , ardent
ly wish for success , but It was not
within their power to say what will
bo the outcome. Although the miners'
representatives did not know why they
wore summoned to Washington , they
bollevo the companies bavo some
thing to offer.
President of Union Faces Charges of
Defeating Loud for Congress.
Washington , Nov. 25. The United
States civil service commission hua
started an Investigation Into the rela
tions of J. C. Keller , presldpnt of the
National Association of Letter Car
riers , to the defeat for re-election to
congress of Hpn , Eugene F. , oud of
California , chairman of the house com-
inittoo on postofllcoa and pqut roads.
The charge has boon made that Mr.
Loud was defeated through the efforts
of the letter carriers , assisted by the
rural free delivery sorvlcq employes ,
and that the efforts of the carriers to
ward tlje defeat of Mr. Loud wore
made because the California represen
tative opposed an Increase In pay for
letter carriers and the men engaged
in the rural free delivery service.
Girl Quarrels With Her Lover and
Takes Extended Nap.
Centralla , 111. , Nov. 25. Dora Meek ,
who , after a quarrel with her lever
flfty-alx days ago , immediately re
lapsed fnto a smnolent trance , has
not In that time evinced distinct con
sciousness or spoken a word. Restor
atives In the hands of physicians have
failed to arouse her. Once , when
forced to breathe ammonia fumes , she
coughed , half rose from bed , mum
bled Incoherently a moment , and then
relapsed. The further use of am
monia was desisted from for fear of
suffocation. She eats a little each
day , yet apparently does It Instinctive
ly. Every effort Is being made to re
store her to consciousness , but appar
ently to no effect.
Woman Confesses to Murder.
Butte , Mont. , Nov. 25. Mrs. Hank
Marling , who is believed to be dement-
cd and who is being held In the prison
hospital at Phillipsburg on suspicion
of. .being the murderess of Mrs. Pa-
tjencc and James Conn , has made a
confession. She declared she killed
Mrs. , Conn with a hammer and then
phot the man. She made her homo
with the Conns and twenty-five years
aBO.whlo ! In a rage , shot and killed
her husband , but was cleared on the
ground of insanity.
Train Crashes Into Boarding Cars.
Denison , Tex. , Nov. 25. The open
ing of a switch in the Sealoy ( I. T. )
yards of the 'Frisco road while a
northbound extra train was passing
Jast night caused the latter half of the
extra to leave the track. The de
railed cars plunged across the yard
and ploughed into a string of boardIng -
Ing cars on the siding , where seventy-
five 'Frisco laborers wore quartered.
Two were killed and fifteen Injured.
The dead are Dan Lynch and James
Charged With Embezzlement.
Marshalltown , , la. , Nov. 25. H. A.
Carmean , president of the Rhodei-
Carmean Buggy company , recently a -
slgned for the benefit of creditors ,
was arrested yesterday on charges ol
embezzlement and larceny , It Is al
leged thai Carmean appropriated
money sent to apply on notes at a
time when he knew the company wai
, Elgin Creameries Are Sold.
Madison , Wis. , Nov. 25. One nun-
dred and thirty creameries owned by
the defunct Elgin Creamery company
were Bold , by order of Judge Bunn of
the federal court to Cobo & McGlb-
bon qf Chicago , the highest bidders ,
for $45,000. It (8 ( said the purchase
Is made for a new creamery organlza
tlon to be effected soon.
Iowa's Official Vote.
DCS Molnes , Nov. 25. The oxecu
tlve council'announced the following
as the official vote of Iowa In the lasl
election for secretary of state : Mar
tin ( Rep. ) , 220,225 ; Burke ( Dem. )
150,011 ; Howard ( Pro. ) , 9,816 ; Jacobs
( Soc. ) , 6,360.
Prisoner Goee Through Ordeal With
out Wnverlng From HI * Story.
Paris , Nov. 2G. Thu Gore tragedy
was ptuuuntud In iv dramatic uiipoet
yesterday , when the French ollleliilrt
took Do llydzumikl ( u the uuune uf
Llio ocuifrrunco and cnmiuillud him to
re-enact every detail of the affair , thl
being done under thu practice of thu
French law , which iiuiulrmi the recon
struction of the tragedy In the prett-
enco of oIllclulH umlur exactly the
niimo condltluim nn u Was originally
auactud. The chamber was arranuod
an on U'o ' night of the fatality and tlm
HHIIIU weapon wan placed In Do Ryd-
Konskl's hand to act out bin version.
AH far as known , the prlmjuoryimt
through the ordeal without wavorlng
from his flntt story of the nccldonta.1
tall of the revolver. At thq tmtnu ( Into
the case linn auHUtned an International
anpoct by the action of Conmil ( iunorul
Gowdy , In folio wine out the Intitrnc-
tlonu of the ulato dupnrtincut at Wnuh-
Ington and appointing a commlmuon ,
composed of , four American doclorn ro
Hiding In Paris , to conduct an Inde
pendent post mortem examination.
New Lord Lieutenant Sounds Note ol
London , Nov. 25. Spoochen which
were delivered yesterday by the Earl
of Dudlay , the now lord lieutenant for
Ireland , and by John Redmond , thu
Irish leader , have aroused much com
uient as striking u note of conciliation
In the Irish qilestlon. The ICarl ol
Dudley suggested that a sort of round
tahlo conference of roprosontntlvoii ol
the landlords , tenants nnd other Inter
ests In Ireland should bo hold to endeavor
doavor to arrive at a mutual under-
Negro Colonists for Liberia.
Savannah , Ga. , Nov. 25. D. J.
Flummor , agent of the Llborlau Col
onlzatlon society of Birmingham , la
hero arranging for the sailing from
this port on Jan. 20 next of 300 nugra
colonists for Liberia. The BtoaiiiHlilp
Donnald of Now York , ho says , has
boon chartered. He said that all ar-
rang9tnonts had been completed and
nothing remains but to bring tha
ship hero and congregate the passon
Chirm's Slayers In Lexington Jail.
Lexington , Ky. , Nov. 25. Earl Whitney
noy and Claude O'Brien , the youthful
burglars , who confessed to rnurdorliig
Merchant A. B. Chlnn In his bed on
the night of Oct. ll , and seriously
wounding his son , Asa , who rushed to
his assistance , are again In prison
hero. They wore secretly removed to
Lou'lsvlllo on the nlffhf nfinr Will I *
noy's confession to prevent lynching
at the hands of enraged citizens
Should Teach Venezuela Lesson.
Cologne , Nov , 25 , In an evidently
inspired note the Cologne Gazette
says : England should certainly tcacli
Venezuela a sharp lesson , since Pros !
dent Castro refuses to recognize the
demands of justice nnd equity. Ger
many and other states have also scrl
ous grounds for complaint and It U
tlmo the relations of Venezuela towart
foreign powers should be defined.
Working on His Message.
Washington , Nov. 25 , President
Roosevelt will put the finishing
touches on his annual message to congress
gross today. The document Is prac
tlcally completed now , but It Is J.hc
president's desire finally to consul
several of the leaders In both branches
of congress as to ano or two features
of the message before he commits i
to the hands of the printer.
Dillon Is Improving.
Chicago , Nov. 25. John Dillon , who
was stricken with the grip and unable
to plead the Irish cause at the Man
Chester martyrs' memorial , for which
purpose he came to Chicago , is report
cd to bo improving and with prospects
of being able to leave his room withlr
a day or two.
In Honor of the Princess.
Rome , Nov. 25. King Victor Em
manucl has signalized the birth o
Princess Mafalda , who was born Nov
19 , by giving $20,000 to the foundling
hospital and $20,000 to free hospitals
The president has appointed Albor
R. Morawctz of Arizona to be consu
at Nogales , Mex.
Matt L. Berry , the well known the
atrical manager , Is fatally 111 with
blood poisoning at the Aloxlan Broth
era' hospital , Chicago ,
Several hundred business men , rep
relenting the commercial bodies o
San Francisco , Monday tendered a re
ceptlon to W.u Ting Fang , the retiring
minister from China.
A large audience listened to a de
bate between General Grosvcnor o
Ohio and Hon. Champ Clark of Mus
Bourl at Dunkirk , N. Y. , Monday night
The speakers discussed political prob
The Ministerial Alliance of Sal
Lake adopted resolutions strongly op
posing the proposed election to th
United States senate of Reed Bmoot
one of the twelve apostles of the Mor
mon church.
John McGe&ry , who killed Superintendent
tendent John Evans of the Washo
smelter , Anaconda , Mont. , last July
was sentenced to twelve years In th
penitentiary , the verdict being murdo
in the second degree.
A serious flood exists In the Wash
ita and Blue valleys In the Chlcka
saw nation , the country for miles
around being under water , In som
sections it has rained continuously fo
fourteen days , causing the rivers t
Lion Coffee
Kdwatd , King of England ; Alphonso , Kitu ; of Spain ;
Liqn , King of Coffees ,
Fit for any king ; fit for you. Not glazed with any
cheap , noxloua coating ; never sold in bulk.
Uniform quallir antl froiluinii are liuuroil lillie tvitlod puck nan.
Hallways May Combine to Throttle
Train nobbing an an Industry.
Chicago , Nov. 25. Train robbery
an an Iniluntry In ( o bo throlllud
through coiuwtod action of rullroml
and oxprumt companion operating from
headquarters ucatturud throughout the
ulddlu west.
Local oflk'luln of ootno of the rondo
llreutly lnlorentod , through liiolduntn
> f this elmracUir , which aru of rueiml
> rlgln , havu been spurred to dmtitlc
neaHuron. Thu Duvoniioit robbery ot
the ln.u\ \ Chicago , Hook Inland and I'd
clflc train wan the nraw ( that broku
ho camol'n back. The railroad coin
, > any , in conjunction with the United
jtatoa 1C x promt company , him tunned
a joint reward of $ D,000 for thu ur
rest and conviction of the men who
robbed their train Saturday. In addl
tlon , the Burlington oinclnln nu
noiinccd that a dead train rohbur
would bo worth $ 1,000 to any of Itn
"Wo have given all our trainmen to
undcratand , " iiald F. A. Deim ) ( > , ten ;
oral manager of the Burlington road ,
"and also thu oxpruiw iiiiuiuoiiKurti ,
.hut n dead train robber In worth $1 ,
000 to any of them. I am In favor ol
a concerted action on thq part of the
railway managements and express
companies which Khali have no leim
object than the hounding of train rob
beni to tlic ondH of the earth. "
OfflclalH of other roads coincided
with Mr. Delano's statement and de
clared that they would not henltate for
an Instant to bear llielr itliare of any
burden brought about by a concertud
movement to eradicate the evil.
Northern Portion of Lone Star State
IB Under Water.
Dallas , Tex. , Nov. 25 , Heavy rains
fell throughout north and northeast
Texas again ycsterduy and as a result
the situation Is more borlouu than
over. Rivera arc overflowing their
banks In many places and nearly all
railroads are heavy sufferers. The
Trinity river at Dallas In rising nt the
rate of , one foot per hour. The Texas
and Pacific tracks are washed out
both cast and west of Dallas , and the
Shrqvoport branch of the Missouri ,
Kansas and Texas ( n tied up. The
'Frisco Is washed out between Frisco
and Prosper. The ruin has been heav
ler in that district than for yearn. The
Red river , near Texarkana , is on n
rampage. Reports from Tyler say the
strawberry growing district has been
seriously damaged.
Fight for Control of C. F. I.
New York , Nov. 2G. The struggle
for control of the Colorado Fuel and
Iron company was marked by the Is
suing of circulars to the stockholders
by the rival Interests , represented by
George J. Gould and Messrs. Edwin
Hawlcy and E. II , Harrlmun. Mr
Gould , In hla circular , declares that
.the use , of his name In a circular dated
Nov. 10 , calling for proxies , was unau
thorized. In response to this , Messrs
Hawley and Harrlman issued a clr
cular in which they state that it hai
bepn distinctly understood that Mr
Gould should unite with them in an ap
peal for proxies.
Son Dies and He May Surrender In
Order to View Body.
8t. Louis , Nov. 25. Charles Kelly ,
the fugitive former member of the
house of delegates , wanted for months
as a witness in the bribery prosecu
tlons , may surrender himself to take
a last look at his twelve-year-old eon
who died yesterday of diphtheria. The
funeral services will be held today
but the body will be placed in a vauli
for several days. Mrs. Kelly sobbing
ly declared she had no idea where her
missing husband is. After next Frl
day , Nov. 28 , the three year statute
of limitations will have expired and
the parties whom Kelly is declared to
bo shielding cannot bo reached by law
Sharpsburg Banker Settles With De
positors and Gets Release.
Bedford , la. , Nov. 25. H. E. Chris
tcnsen , the Sharpsburg ( la. ) banker
was released from the county jail hero
lest night and at once drove across
the state line into Missouri. His re
lease was the result of a settlement o
his trouble with the depositors of the
insolvent bank. He opened a bank
with $16,000 capital about a year ago
At the time of the failure the bank's
liability for deposits was $26,000. In
settlement Chrlstensen has turned
over $13,000 , with the understanding
that ho will not be prosecuted ,
Blast Furnaces Forced to Close.
Sharon , Pa. , Nov. 25. Charles Hart
district manager of the Republic Iroi
and Steel company's blast furnaces
salrWhut every furnace with the ex
con * * of the Mahonlng valley stack
at Youngstown is out of blast on ac
count of the Inability to secure coke
He said the prospects were anytuln
but encouraging for a general ro-
lletwoon Ot. Loula and Ktuisns City anil
And principal polntn In Toias nncl the Month-
Went. Thin train In now throaithout nnil In
mnilo up of the flntxit vqulmnunt , i > rovlilo4
with olootrlo nml nil otlmr mmlnra
rnvollntf convunlonooa. It runs via our now
Red River Division.
Hvory nppllnnoo known to modern car
julldliiK nnd rallromllug lina boon umployuil
u the nmko-up of thin norvloo , Including
Cafe Observation Cars ,
mlor the mnnnRonumk of Prod. Hnrrojr.
full Information nn to ratcii nnd nil dotulli ol
n trip via this now route will tm chourfullr
urnlHhod , upon application , by uny ropro-
untatlvo of the
She Has Cured Thousands
Given up to Die.
Practicing Aleopitthy , Home
opathy , Electric and Coii- !
eral Medicine.
Will , by rixiiioet , vlolt pmfoBnlormlly
returning every four woeVs. Consult her while
tuo opportunity IB at hand
Dlt. CALDW'E'.L llnilu her prcct ca to tl.a
ipoclal treatment of dlxrutee ot the 070 , ear ,
iioia , throat , tanas , femiilo dUentOB. tlUeusoi of
chllilrou and nil chroulc , norvoui aud Rnrnicnl
dUeaiat of a curable nature Earlj concumo-
tloiu bronchitis , hronchlal catarrh , throulc
catarrh , hoadniho , eunttlpntloi , etomach and
bowel troubled. rheumiitUm neuialgln , ecU
allca , Drlaht'e dlumeo.klduey dieoaeos.ditoaiei
of the liver and blxddar , dlzzlueti , uer > oUBoet > ,
imllKO tl < ni , oboilty. fntnrrupted ' mrltloa ,
Blow Krowth In clillclrennil all wiiBtlDK rtift-
eaio In adulti , ( lefo'mttloi clab-feet curva
ture of the plno , dlieases of the brain , paraly
all. heart dlieato , ilropujr , swelling of the limbs ,
etrlctnro , npen Boron , pain In the bone * . Kranu-
lar enlargements aud all loug-ttaudluK dls-
eatee proirarly treato-1.
lllood and Skin Disease * .
Pimples , blotches , eruptions , liver ppoto. fall *
lnft of the hair , bad complexion , eczema , throat
ulcen , bone inlns , bladder tioublea , weak
back , burning orlno. pn sing nrlne too often.
The effects of constitntlonal slckneis or tlio
taklnir of too much injurious medicine rurelves
learchtng treatment , prompt relief and a care
for life ,
Dlieaies of women , irregular menstruation ,
falling of the womb , bearing down pains ,
female rfliplacements , lack of sexual tone ,
l.oocorrhea. sterility or barrenness , cnninlt
Dr. Caldwell and she will show them the causa
of tbeir trouble nml the way to become cured.
Cttncem , Goiter , Fistula , 1'lles
nn1 enlarged'slands treated with the subcutaneous -
taneous injecfon method , absolutely without
tmln nud without tlie loss of a drop of blood ,
Is one of her own discoveries and is really tha
most scientific method of this advanced age
Dr. Caldwell has practiced her profession in
some of the largest hospitals throughout the
country. She lint no superior in the treating
and diagnosing diseases , de'ormltles , e'c. She
has lately opened an olllco in Omaha Nebraska ,
where she will spend a portion of each ueek
treatirK her many patients. No iticnrabln
cases accepted for treatment. Consultation ,
examination and advice , one dollar to thoie in *
terested , DB. ORA CAI.D\VEI.I. & Co .
Omaha , Neb , Chicago , HU
Every Drop Counts.
Remember when you nre rubbing
Pony Dftvla' Painkiller on a muscle
that lifts boon strained by overwork.
Down into the tiny pours of the in
Painkiller works Its war , soothing the
inflamed tissues and taking away the
ache. Ask your druggist what his
other customers say of this household
benefactor. There is but one painkiller ,
Perry Davis.