The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, November 28, 1902, Page 2, Image 2

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    THE MJBJOIK M/NS : IIUPAT , KOVliMBEK 28 , 1902.
The Hotff oik fieuus
W. N. IlUUlt , I'ubllHhor.
Kttnbllihoil , 1S81.
Kve ilnT eionpt Hmulny , llr currier per
i k , Is otuti , llr nintl per yenr , fA.oo ,
XbfNtwi.tiUnlUtiml , IHSI ,
The Jnnrnnl , ei tub ! tali ml 1S77
' Prldnjr , lly mnll per year , $1.00.
Knttrttl nt tlio I'nitnlllco nt Norfolk , Not ) , , ni
lieond clnti matter ,
Ttlitilimifn : Kdltorlnl lloimrtmsiit , No. 15 1
IIoilnMi Olllei nuil Job ftoon\i. No , S2Z.
Mrs. Nntlon'H Intent niovo In to mm
Mnmt llnlMond for Itbol. The publlo
opinion IH tliut if tuiyono him Ubolotl
Mm. Nation it IB Mm. Nation ,
A TonnoBRiio editor Blurted to boom
his olronlntlon by Riving nwuy ft quart
of whlnkoy to onoh pntd up mibnoribor ,
Ills olrouliUlon JWIIB booming Hlco a
frontier mining town until tlio Kovorn-
nioiit nuthoritloii Htoppod in and out ont
the liquor deal ,
The plnco of honor ut Pnwtdont
HoosovoU'a TlmulcBRlvlnR spread wa
oooupiod by a ! l'J-pouiulohostuut-f | od tur
koy.'tho Klftorallh ] ] < > do Islnnil mau.Jwho
Ima regularly supplied the president's
board with line Atnorloan blrdw for the
past quarter of a cent ury.
It is said that eoiuo ihmnolor will endeavor -
doavor to corner the potato 'crop and
those who have stored bushels of the
fruit in the collar at a time when they
appeared to bo scarcely worth picking
np'inay yet have oauno to bo thankful
because they gathered thorn in.
, T. "Ham" Lewis believes that either
Ilill , Olnoy or JphUHoa will load the
democratic forces iigalnst ProstdoTit
lloosovolt's support in 11)01. ) , It is per
haps necessary to have eomoono take
the load , but it Is a doubtful honor that
the mon mentioned may bo oxpootod to
dodge when it is offered thorn.
It is reported from lloumania that the
treatment ] of the llobrowa of that
country has reached the aomo of cruelty
and has not boon approached sluoo the
persecution of fttho Huguenots * ' under
Louis XVII. The Roumanians , like the
Turks , must bo shown * that this sort of
treatment will not bo tolerated in this
civilized ago.
Many of the turilTJ reformers concerto
that there have boon "wonders wrought
under the system nt protection and yet
they continue to ndvocnto a olmnga in
that system. That their line of reason
ing is illogical is perhaps ix matter of
oversight or indifl\rouoo to them. A
system that has boon as beneficial as the
American protective tariff 1 rcystoui
should certainly , at the moat , bo revised
very cautiously.
The coal operators dooldod they could
settle their differences with thojmluors
without the interference of the arbitra
tion board. They afterwards decided
they could not , as ouo of the 'conditions
of Hnch settlement would bo the recog
nition of the minors' union and they
could not bring themselves to the point
of conceding that the minorshad a
right to organize. They probably prefer
that the board should mako'E uou con
cession , then they will bo in a position
to object to the dcoislou.
Everyone has had some cause to bo
thankful if they will but recall the fact.
There is the bald headed man who can
take some satisfaction from the fact
that the files are no lougor using his
bald spots as a scene of high carnival ;
the small boy should be happy that there
are no weeds to pull or potatoes to dig ;
the close farmer can go to sloop with
confidence that there will bo no melons
surreptitiously swiped "from his melon
patch ; the house wife has reason to be
glad that she is no lougor bothered ! by
nuts , moth millers , and perhaps , bugs ;
nnd there are countless other reasons
why everyone should rejoice midbb
The Vorwaorts , the socialist Gorman
organ that is charged with being responsible -
sponsible for the death of Herr Krupp ,
the millionaire gun maker , through its
attacks on his character , charges , since
his death , that ho sold'SJniokol-stoel
armorl plates * , to the United States tfor
$100 per ton less than gwas charged the
German government for thoKsntno ma-
terial. This may bo taken as n counter
charge to the statement of democratic
papers of the United States that Ameri
can manufacturers have been guilty of
selling their products to foreign
countries for loss prices than are charg
ing at home. Providing both charges
are rue there has been an ovoniug up ,
apparently , on that score.
There has been availing off of $100 , .
000 000 in the internal revenues of the
Unito'd States. Largo reductions in this
tax have been made owing to the de
mands of the people. Now1 a great
many of them are demanding reductions
in receipts from the protective tariff
reveune8and the time may come , if
they keep whittling away at Uncle
Sam's income , that the fine showing of
the treasury will bo reversed and the
country may be transformed from a
nation of wealth to one of indifferent
financial conditions. It is hoped that
the powers that be will not allow n re
duction so great that the income of the
country will bo loss than the oxpoimos
of the government. When that tlmo
arrives it may bo expected that the
HimnoloH of the people will begin tea
a like ( mowing.
Attorney 13 , O , Krotsingor , represent
ing the Holiool board in the now famouH
HI bio case in whioh Daniel Freeman is
plaintiff , has filed a motion for the ro *
hearing of the oano and the Hupromo
court has granted him permission to
Hiihmita brief. It may bo probable
that the supreme court will reverse
itself in this matter , In which event a
decision that gave the court fame
throughout the country may bo retired
from circulation , There are pnrhapn
not a largo number of people who care
particularly one way or the oilier how
the case may terminate , it being inter
esting largely because of the points of
law Involved and because of the nice
point for discussion raised. are n
few cranks who would object to the
reading of the IJlblo any tlmo and any
plaoo , and there are others who believe
that its not being road is a certain sign
of increasing depravity on the part of
the people.
Ask President to Call Them Artisans
and So Shut Out Foreigners.
N w York , Nov. 18. ! Tlio MuBlclans'
Protective union , UiroiiKh Its presi
dent , A. nrunior , IIIIH appealed to
Pnwliloiil Roosevelt for a "fair and
just Interpretation of the alien con
tract labor law , an applied to the Im
portation of foreign munlclana. " In a
long letter the union complains that
the doclHlon of Secretary of the Treas
ury Wlndom , classing nil musicians
as "ortlstH , " made In 1890 , and upheld
by all subsequent secretaries , has ad
mitted to this country thousands of
foreign musicians , who have kept
American musicians from obtaining
work. The union holds that orchestra
musicians should bo classed as "ar
tisans. "
Igleolas In New Orleans.
Now Orleans , Nov. 28. Former
President Don Rafael Iglcslas arrived
from Costa Rica yesterday. He denies
that his departure was secret , saying
there Is n law preventing an ox-proEtt-
dent from leaving the country after
one year without permission , and this
permission congress granted him. Ho
Is visiting his brother hero and will
go to Now York before returning to
Costa Rica.
No Caime For Woe.
Stokes SpeuUlng of mourning , If
your rich undo were to die , should you
put on bluck ?
Blckors-Certuhily not. If ho left
mo Homethlng handsome , why should
I bo Much a hypocrite as to don the
garb of woo ? On the other hand , if
ho left mo out of his will , how could I
consistently put on mourning for such
a curmudgeon ? Hoston Transcript.
lien SlKun Indicate n Severe Winter.
A long , cold winter Is at hand , ac
cording to the beekeepers. They are
positive of It because the astute pro
vider for the months ahead Is putting
away stores upon stored of honey In
the food boxen and totally Ignoring the
surplus boxes above , nays tbo Denver
Times. The honey crop this year , all
tlirough Colorado especially , Is very
Alger Goes to Washington.
Detroit , Nov. 28. Former Secretary
of War R. A. Alger left for Washington -
ton last night to bo sworn In as Unit
ed States senator when congress
meets , ho having been appointed by
Governor Bliss to the vacancy caused
by the death of the late Senator Mc
Football Captain Fatally Hurt.
Coshocton , O. , Nov. 28. Webster
Ylngllng , captain and half-back of the
Nowcomerstown Athletic club , was fa
tally Injured in a football game here
yesterday with the Coshocton team.
Prince Chun Appointed. ,
Peking , Nov. 28. The dowager em
press has decided to appoint Prince I
Chun as the principal representative
of China at the St. Louis exposition.
Snow Falls In the South.
Birmingham , Ala. , Nov. 28. Snow ,
the first of the season , began falling
hero early today. It Is melting as rapIdly -
Idly as it falls.
The gold standard scheme for Slam
has become a law and the mints have
been closed to the frco coinage ol
Francis Reuben Bryan , an Ameri
can , has been found in his room at
Paris , shot through the heart , pre
sumably by himself.
Eniperor William In his farewell
audience with Ambassador White pre
sented him with the gold modal of the
empire for science and art.
In Hancock county , In the moun
tains of upper east Tennessee , Rldh-
ard Qreeu probably fatally shot his
wife and daughter and then shot and
killed himself.
Qoldmer Ham , aged eighteen , iras
found guilty of the murder of William
Lyons of Nortonvllle , 111. , a year ago.
The verdict fixed the penalty at twen
ty-five years In the penitentiary.
Three additional German cruliors ,
Nlobe , Ariadne and Amazone , have
been ordered to leave Kiel and pro
ceed to Venezuela. Tboy will sail as
soon as they can bo made ready for
sea ,
According to plans awaiting the ap
proval of Gcorgo Gould , the Missouri
Pacific and Iron Mountain roads , will
enter Springfield , Mo. , and there come
into direct competition with the 'Fris
co road.
Philippine Constabulary Pursues an
ActlVe Campaign In Leyte ,
Manila , Nov. 28. The constabulary
nro carrying out an aRgrcsHlvo cam
paign against the ladroneu and fanat
ICH In the northern part of the Island
of Loyto and In the Island of Hill run ,
Inspector Crockett , with a force 0 }
coiiHtabulary , engaged the liulronoa
nix tlmos near tlio village of Ormoo
and kljlod thirty-nine of them. Cor.
poral Monlaguo , at the head of an
other detachment of coiiHtabulary , de
feated a hnn * of Indronoa near Tail-
bang , killing thirteen and capturlrfg
thirty-six of them. The constabulary
has mifiered no casualties.
Two Die of Injuries at Havana.
Havana , Nov. 28. Two of the men
who wore wounded Thursday whllo on
n street car by shots fired from a neigh
boring hoimc , died today. There hava
boon no further disturbances. Tha
Bpoclal judge In charge of the rlotlnH
cases has ordered the arrest of Ar-
imnto Cervantes , the editor of tha
Roconccntrado , on charged of sodltloa
Eiuleuvoi-H are being made to settle
the differences between the clgarmak-
crs and their employers. It Is rumored
that another general otrlko will bo de
clared Hhould tlicsa endeavors fall ,
though It Is stated that not all tha
unions would join In the movement
Uproar In Reichstag.
Berlin , Nov. 28. Scenes of croal
uproar and disorder resulted in tha
relclmtag yesterday from a motion In
troduced by the leaders of the center ,
national liberal and the two conserva
tive parties , providing for taking a
vote on the tariff as a whole. Baron
Kardorff offered the motion , whlcli
wan greeted with laughter by the so
cialists and radicals. Debate on th
admlsBtblllty of the motion will bo re
sumed today.
British Cruiser Sails for Venezuela.
Halifax , N. S. , Nov. 28-The Brltlsli
cruiser Clmrybdls sailed last nlghl
under scaled orders. Though her des
tination is unknown here , the general
impression prevails that she is going
to Venezuela. Extra supplies worn
rushed on hourd at short notice. When
Btcam was ujp the cruiser loft the har
bor. The Warship was scheduled to
sail for Bermuda and join the fleet
there early In December.
More Trouble In Santo Domingo.
San Domingo , Republic of Santo Do
mingo , Nov. 28. The political altua
tlon in Santo Domingo has been com
plicated by revolutionary disturb
ances , which have broken out in the
northern part of the republic. Tha
government 1ms taken severe meas
ures to suppress the movement. Many
arrests have already been made.
Chinese Sink Dutch Barge.
The Hague , Nov. 28. A dlspatcli
from Acljln , Sumatra , announces that
Lieutenant Dckok and forty-five
Dutch troops on board a barge on n
river In tbo Interior were recently at
tacked by a band of Chinese with tha
result that the barge sank and tha
lieutenant and 20 men wcro drowned.
How's This ?
Wo offer ouo hundred dollars reward
for any case of catarrh that cannot bo
cured by Hall's Catarrh cure.
F. J. Onr.NKY & Co. , Props. , Toledo , O.
Wo the undersigned , have known P.
J. Cheney for the last 15 years , and believe
liovo him perfectly honorable in all bus
iness transactions and financially able to
carry ont any obligations made by their
West & Trnax , wholesale druggists ,
Toledo , O.
Waldiug , Kinuau and Marvin , whole
sale druggists , Toledo , O.
Hall's Catarrh euro is taken intern
ally , acting directly upon the blood and
mucous surfaces of the system. Price
76 cents per bottle. Sold by all drug
gists. Testimonials free.
Hall's Family pills are the best.
Citizens National Bank
At Norfolk , in the state of Nebraska
at the close of business ,
November 25 , 1003.
Loans niul ( lincoinils $211.74223
Otonlrufti ) , Eucurotl nnil misocured . . 19 2ti
XI , S. HoiulH to eocura circulation . . . 2. " > ,000 00
llnnkiiiR-liouEo , furniture und fixturca 11,675 00
Otlior real ostnto owncvl 3,32300
Duo f rum National Dunks ( not
RoRorvo Agents ) $ 1,797 70
Dno from atnto Dunks and
Hankers 22160
Duo from approved reserve
agents 24,600 87
Checks and other cash items 1,81500
Notes of other National
Hanks 1,115 00
Fractional paper currency ,
nickels unit cents 1800.
DANK , viz :
Specie 10,16200
Letjnl-tomlor notes 5,500 00
45,560 26
Redemption fund with U. S.
Treasurer (5 ( per cent of
circulation ) 1,350 00
Total $300,747 IB
Capitol stock imid in $ . ' .0,000 00
Surplus fund 10,00000
Undivided profits , loss expenses and
taxes paid 5,66395
National Hank notes outstanding. . . . . 23,000 00
Duo to other National Hanks 888 19
Duo to State Hunks nnd
Bankers 9,707 28
Individual deposits subject
to check 97,29674
Demand certificates of deposit -
posit . . . . 13.061 47
Time certificates of deitoslt 83,731 12
210,081 M )
Total $1100,747 7fl
Stiito of Nebraska , county of Madison , es ;
1 , Q. A , Luikart , president of the ulxivo-
nuiiiod bunk , do solemnly swear that the nboro
statement is true to the best of my knowledge
and bulief. 0. A. LUIKAET ,
Subscribed nnd sworn to Ixsfore mo this 24th
day of November , 1902.
Notary I'ubllc.
COUBUCT Attest : '
L. Sna.Hioxg ,
C'lUB. OfliBimiE ,
* -QV Till' -
At Norfolk in the State of Nebraska ,
at tlio cloHo of HiiHinesH ,
November 2/5 / , 1003.
Ijonns and diicoutits . . $12.1,41001
Overdrafthccurod and unnncurod , . , . 1,7X3 CO
U , H , llomln In pnciiro circulation 50,00000 ,
Duo from National Dnnk ' M-
( not rusorra OKimla ) $ 5,53347 H
Dun from approved rusorio
ii iiiitn 43,1104.1
ChockB and ether cash Horn * &H3 4H
Notnn of otliur National
Dank * 1,63000
Fractional pa per currency ,
nlckols nnd routs 6192
LAW rut , MONKY Itsiiivi ( : :
IN DANK , viz ;
Hpoclo 17,02900
Iegal totulor noted 7.500 00
75 ' " 1H 0
Ilndnmptlon fund with U. 8. ' '
Treasurer (3 ( per cent of
circulation ) 2,00 00
Duo from U H. Troninror ,
other than 6 per cent re
demption fund , , . . . . . . . . . . 250
Total $55 , U O 71
Capital stock paid in $100,00000
Huriiliis fund 20,000 00
Undivided profits , loss oxpotmos nnd
taxes pnid 9,831 M5
Hnnorvoin real ontato account 8,00000
National Dank noluu outstanding. . . . . 50,000 00
Duo to state banks and bank-
ore 17,81955
Individual deposits subject
to chock 165,544 14
Demand certificates of de
posit 81,803 78
Time certificates of dox | > sit 152,429 39
367,504 80
Total $ un4oao 71
Stain of Nebraska , county of Madison , BB :
I , W , H. llucholzpresident of thonbovonnmod
bank , do solemnly nwoar that the tibovo state
ment la true to the best of my knowlodpo nnd
belief. W. U. Dticnoi.z , President.
Subscrllxid nnd sworn to before mo this 23th
day of November , 1W)2. ) 0 , C. Oow.
| HIAI : , ] Notary Public.
AI.EX. Di\n ,
8. S. COTTON ,
Directors ,
Two houses for rent. Ono in Heights ,
"Durlaud's add. " Ono nt Norfolk
i and Loan
will build von a
on easy payments. Come and see us.
C. U. DURLAND , Secretary.
lmJ. . COLE ,
Office over Cltlten'a National Bank. Retldenot
one block north of Congregational church ,
Norfolk , Ncbraskr
Phone 107. for Ladles and Children
Oiteopathlc Physician.
Diseases both acata and chronic snecessfnll )
treated without mo of drugs or knife.
Pbone No. F 54. Office at resldenca.
109 North 10th Btreut ,
Norfolk . . . Nebraska
Agent for Glove Fitting Dress System.
128 South 4th Street ,
Second door north of MadlsouJAvo.
Undertakers and Embalmera ,
Benloni Hlk , , Norfolk Aye ,
Norfolk , Nebraska
This is the Sign
of the
Walk-Over Shoe
It stands for
Best Quality Stock ,
' Brainy Workmanship
and Latest Fashion
in Footwear.
AVe have a style to fit your foot at a price to fit your
$ AND $ -oo
The Palace Shoe Store f
We are the exclusive agents in this vicinity.
A Few S
iaps. . .
One Automatic Drop Head Domestic , new , regular
price $40.00 , now $29.00.
One Happy Home , now , regular price $15.00 , now
Twelve Hall Trees , duplicate patterns , account
mistake on part of factory. They say sell at any price
rather than return them.
Also our Stock of Ironstone China will be closed
out at half price to make room for new goods.
Three dozen quarter Oak polished , box seat , diners ,
best leather seats , $2.25 each. Same chair with cane
seat , $1.75.
The Citizens National Bank.
Capital , $50,000. Surplus , (10,000.
Bay and soil exchange on this country ami alljparta of Enrope , ( Farm Loans ,
nirectori. , , . CARL Aauns , , . W H. JOHNBON . , . CUAS , S , HEDOE. . 0. W. BBAABOH , t M.
Sweetwater Bock Spring.
Scranton Hard Coal , r
'PHONE 61.
After Leaving ,
The Missouri River
Before You Reach
"The v verjand Limited , "
Runs Every Day in the Year.
For fall information call on or address
J. B. ELSEFFER , Agent.
For Plumbing , Steam Pitting , Pumps , Tank
And all work In thli line call on
BbtUfactlon Qaaraut ad.
Flret door Woet of Ablman'i Bicycle Shop.
Leave ordara at Telephone n 231 ,
Piano Moving a Specialty.
Phone 58. Calls Promptly Answered.