The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, November 07, 1902, Page 5, Image 5

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The dogs In the state of Minnesota
nro valued for the purposes of taxation
At $5 each.
The south Is fast becoming a big
.greenhouse to supply the north with
fresh vegetables during the winter sea
Kansas has produced sunflowers six
teen Inches lu diameter this year. It
iwell deserves the name of the Sunflower -
flower State.
Unusual rains have damaged the
buffalo grass on the ranges and pre
vented It from curing for winter feed
of the stock.
As a general rule It may be said that
any soil whereon grows the Bhellbark
hickory and the white oak Is good for
the apple orchard.
Wherever the winters are long nnd
old It is always safer to lay the rasp
berries and grapes down lu the fall and
cover them with earth.
The cold summer which matured the
Apple crop In the best shape possible
made It hard for the melon and corn
crops to pull through at all.
It takes a woman to have pity for a
hungry man who won't work , nnd be
cause women do this Is largely why we
have this breed of parasites with us.
Meats arc going to be cheaper before
long that Is , the common grades , such
as the common people cat. Fancy
beeves will continue to bring fancy
The west has n big fight on hand to
&eep down the prairie dog , whllo the
cast has almost as much trouble to
keep the dogs of civilization within de
cent limitations.
The prolific crops of the year are but
little affecting prices , nnd It goes with
cut saying that the farmers of tbu
country have nnother very prosperous
.year before them.
"When the cornfield hns to brave n
May frost , It will have little to fear
from n September freeze , nnd It is al
ways better for it to have the spring
frost than the fnll one.
The turkey crop is short , nnd the
cranberry crop Is short , and some of
us may have to celebrate Thanksgiv
ing nnd praise the Lord with roast
pork nnd npple snuce this year.
Chicago courts hnve ruled that where
a man buys a steak at a restaurant and
cannot ent the whole of It ho may car
ry the rest away with him If he wishes
to , thus robbing the restaurant proprle
tor of his soup stock.
There Is no way In which to mnke
money fnster on the farm today than
to grow hogs. The pigs are free from
disease nud selling , when fntted , at
prices which will return " 70 cents n
bushel for nil the corn fed them.
The buyer of fine stock now gets but
little aside from the name by buying in
Europe , for ns finely bred nuijnals us
there nre to be found nnywhero can be
secured In this country , and this , too , of
almost nny of the populnr breeds.
The winter whent fields of Oklaho
ma make the winter pastures for cat
tle kept in that country. It Is good for
the stock , which grows fat on such n
ration , nud good for the wheat , ns It
prevents too rank n growth of straw.
The water level , which It was once
claimed had gone down nearly n bun
dred feet during the dry years , Is once
more doing business nt the old stnml ,
as many a man who has had to have
his cellar drained this summer has
found out.
There has been a loss of Just about
83 per cent on nil oats thrashed out of
the shock this year Just In the matter
Of price , such oats selling for 10 or 12
cents per bushel less than they would
have done had the crop been stacked
as soon as cut
We have never known such n pro
lific second crop of clover nnd timothy
4ns the cool and wet Benson of 1002 hns
produced. Not only the clover hnd
headed out ns usual , but the timothy ns
; wcll , and in many places the second
crop Is ns good us the first one tnkcn
off In July last
The work of the "neater" or home
steader who Is locating on the hereto
fore monopolized range lands of the
, -\vest is doing much to break up the
cattle barons' Interests. If It were not
that the government stands back of the
homesteader , ho would never bo nl-
lowed to acquire any land rights In
those sections.
The bushel box In place of the barrel
holding two and n half bushels to com
ing much Into favor for the packing of
apples. It IH , ; lalmod that less of the
fruit Is bruised , It IH easier handled
and Is n more nccoptnble sized package
for the retailer to dispose of.
Michigan nlmont always comes to tlio
front with n crop of most luncloim
teaches , and thu present year Is no ex
ception. Those are nearly all produced
on Just n narrow strip adjoining Lnko
ittchlgnn , whuro climatic tfkl Is mwil
ed by the presence of the lake water.
Wo noticed the other day n small boy
lot over twelve years old driving four
ilg grade Pcrchenm horses on n gang
> lo\v and turning over the soil nt the
rnto of live acres a day. It gave the
Ittlo fellow about nil ho could do to
rnlso the plow by the lover when ho
came to the end of the field.
It Is now about time to think about
irotcctlng the strawberry bed. After
he ground Is frozen put on n covering
.wo Inches thick of slough hay or clean
straw , the object of such covering be
ing not to prevent the plants from
freezing , but to prevent them from
freezing and thawing during thu win
Wo nro naked whether n mnn can
make a business of trading horses , bo
straight and honest and still make
money. Wo have never come across
this pleasing combination. The honest
mnn who goes Into the horse trading
business soon , hns n lot of experience ,
and the other fellow has the horses
and money.
Now Inventions always beget new
risks. Men have for centuries hauled
out manure from the yard Into the
field , and wo never heard of an acci
dent , but here comes this newfangled
manure spreader , and lu some manner
the tcauiHter managed to get run
through It and was punched full of
tioles in less than two seconds.
As nn explanation of how eastern
dulrymen nre ublo to keep cows on a
high priced dnlry ration we note that
the dairymen of New Jersey have late
ly contracted their milk to the condens
ing factory at nn average price of $1.82
per 100 pounds , or 3 % cents per quart ,
equivalent to 37 cents per pound for
what butter fat the milk contains.
The coming farmer will know how to
judge stock nnd feed It , will under
stand all nbout a balanced ration and
the proper rotation of crops nnd know
enough of practical mechanics BO that
ho can handle tbo mnchlncry ho will
bo obliged to use lu his farm opera
tions , and the average boy should bo
given n stnrt nlong these lines ns part
of his education.
In the August crop reports on corn
of the department of agriculture the
state of Missouri made the best show
ing of nny of the states , 102 , closely
followed by Nebraska , with 101. As
the crop matured In both of thcso
states these figures will not be altered
much In the final roundup. The crop
was n failure in both of these states
last year owing to the drought.
In order to keep the corn of a large
area of the corn country this year It
will be absolutely necessary to put the
grnin in narrow well ventilated cribs.
The old cribs ten feet wide or even
eight should be split lengthwise by a
four Inch partition and nlr space. An
other thing , the soft cars should bo
separated ns far ns possible from the
sound ones nt the time of husking the
In the mntter of corn there Is a great
denl of Importance in properly adaptIng -
Ing varieties to cllumtc nnd latitude.
We lately saw samples of White Dent
corn raised In central Minnesota which
wns better matured than the same sort
of corn raised 400 miles fnrthcr south.
The northern grown corn was not so
largo as that grown south , but plenty
big enough to make It a very profitable
crop to raise.
Those handsomely labeled cans of
"potted chicken" which are In favor
for high toned society luncheons nud
picnic parties nro quite likely to be the
only evidence of n fnrrn tragedy where
a nice little dny old calf wns by the
hnnd of science , aided by fraud ,
chnngcd from n prospective bond of
the herd Into boiled rooster. Managed
Just right It would bo hard to detect
the fraud.
Most men do not llko to bother with
fnll pigs , but a friend of ours hnd forty
each pigs last fall , nnd , letting them
wiggle through the winter ns best they
could , he turned them on to clover nnd
rape last spring nnd fattened them dur
ing July nnd August , making them
weigh 2-15 pounds each by early Sep
tember , nnd sold them nt $7 per bun
dredwclght. lie made good money on
those pigs.
It Is Impossible to keep some men
down and equally Impossible to lift
some men up. When a fellow once gets
the corner grocery and dry goods box
habit and his wife takes In washing to
support the family , you have got a hard
proposition. It would be a good thing
If all such men could bo drafted into
tlio army , for they are of no use whqt-
over to cither their families or the com
munity at large.
Millet Is n crop which may bo raised
In the north country where corn vrll
not grow nnd mature. It Is almost a
sure crop and produces an abundance
of valuable seed. This seed has niosi
of the fattening properties of corn , nni
the stockmen of that country nre find
lug out that In millet they have n val
unble food to finish off their cattle ns
first class beef. It Is fed as a men
combined with barley or onto.
1VIQ WOULD 1CI5KP 'fltn FAtlM ,
II y WIIR a rutlri-d fanner , nnd when
wo talked with him thu oilier day hu
wns trying to solve the prohlom of
whether lie hnd bettor nocopl nn offer
of $00 per hero for bin HU ) aero farm or
keep It Ho Raid thu farm would bring
him In n amh rout of $550 , out of
which he hnd to pay taxes. $00 ; Insur
ance , $10 , nnd n repair account of
nbout $00 per year , leaving him n net
Income of $420 , or 2.0 per co t per nn-
mini upon $14,400. If ho sold the plnco
nnd put the money nt Intercut , ho
would hnve dlftlculty In getting It Into
n Rnfo 0 per cent security ; but annum-
tig that he wns nblu tu do thin , It
would figure this way : Ills Interest Income -
como would be $720. As ho lived In a
ountry town where school nnd muni
cipal taxes were heavy , the tax rnto
> olng ( I per cent on one-fourth of the
actual valuation of property1 nssoHsoxl ,
10 would have $210 to pay us taxes ,
which deducted from his Interest Income -
como would leave him $501 not. Whllo
hla showing Is In favor of Helling the
nrm , there should not bo overlooked
ho risk tnkon In Investing the money
nnd the clmnco that purt of the Umo
ils capital might not bo In use. Ho
could easily Increase tbo Income from
ho farm by getting the right mnn to
work It on shares nnd keeping good
stock from $550 to nearly $1,000. But
oven If he could not do this wo would
still hnng on to the farm , for this sort
of an Investment Is absolutely snfc.
We have nlwnys thought that If the
dcnl location for n homo could bo cho-
BOH In this country , It would bo some
valley farm or ranch in northern Cnll-
fornla or southern Oregon , where the
rainfall would bo ample to umturo
crops , where the winter would be n
eng drawn out , mild nnd beautiful
'all , where fruits and flowers of the rare
nnd tender sorts would find unham
pered development , where nature would
jo kind nnd reliable , not given to
cranky fits of storm , cyclone , lightning
nnd blizzard ; where the choice foods
of the sea would bo easily obtainable ,
with trout in the valley strenm , phons-
intH in the clearings of the foothills
nu4 n deer to bo hnd up on the moun
tains ; n place not too far from UK
mighty Pacific , where one could some
times gaze on the ocean's calm or it
fury ; not far from some ever snow
crowned mountain peak , taking fron
valley , mountain and ocean those Inspl
radons nlwnys denied to the dweller on
the level plain countries. But. then
may be no such Elysium , after all.
There is no progress being made In
nny line which is more noticeable thun
that being mndo In agriculture. Tlio
old slipshod , lilt und go miss , back
breaking type of farming Is rapidly
giving wny before the newer nnd bet
ter wny of doing things. There Is n
demand for scientific information on
soils , crops , breeding , feeding , in
awakening to the vnluo of the 1m
proved breeds of stock of nil kinds , n
rcmnrknblo Interest in the farm Insti
tute work nud n growing appreciation
of the fnct that agriculture offers as
wide n Held nnd ns rich returns for n
man with brains and education ns nny
of the HO called professions. Invention
hns robbed the farm of most of Its pltl
ful drudgery and made it possible to
do farm work with dispatch , economy
and pleasure.
The old Baying , "Plow deep whllo
sluggards sleep nnd you shall hnve
corn both to sell nnd to keep , " Is proved
by careful experiment to be only half
n truth. So much depends upon the
character of the subsoil , the season of
the year when the plowing Is done , the
crop to bo planted and the previous
working of the field. Dtep plowing litho
the spring on most soils Is n positive
damage instead of n benefit nnd nl
most ruinous if the crop consists of nny
of the cereals. If wo could start the
plow in the stubble field enrly In Au
gust , we would set It down ns deep ns
three horses could pull It nnd only
then. There Is more chance for the ex
erclso of good judgment in this mat
ter than most men think.
Wo have not noted uny recent sales
of Belgian hares of n rich rufous color
nnd of regul llncago nt $250 each
neither do we note that hare meat hns.
como into nny general use clthc
among the epicures or the commor
people ; in fnct , It would be very dlfil
cult to get nn order filled for rons
hare at nny rentaurnut In the country
The scheme to thus supply the pool
people with meat was n failure , nnd
this class will have to depend upot
salt pork , soup bones nnd liver ns here
tofore. Then we have nn Iden thnt ever
If hare meat had been made plentlfu
and cheap the poor , like the Israelites
of old , would have soon gngged 01
their rations , ns did the Hebrews on
their qunil nnd manna.
To ent heartily nnd to sleep Bound
ly are two Important compensation
for Bomo of the dlnngreenblo fca-
turcs of fnrm life. 1'ou go to you
homo at ovcntlda after your day's work
afield and , whllo your name may b
unknown outside of your own count ;
and whllo you may have neither stock
nor bonds to your credit In the banli
and though you often feel that you
not fill a very largo plnco in the grea
world , know that your lot Is one of th
most favored on enrth nnd thnt ninny n
millionaire would give nil his gold fo :
your stomach , many n statesman nl
his popularity for your pence of mind
many n great man nil his fnino for your
quiet nnd approving conscience.
Says Reciprocity Will Doubtless
Be Arranged With America ,
Proaldont Delivers Hlo Message , In
Which Ho Takea an Optlmlotlo
View of the Future of the Republic.
Sanitary Condltlonn Improving.
Huvauo , Nov. 4. Thu Cuban con.
ross , which adjourned Oct. 20 , re-
ouvoned yesterday. President Palma -
ma , lu hln m fluago to congresu , talioa
.u optimistic view ot the future of
ho republic. Ho rofora to the remark-
bio good order that has bweu pro-
erved throughout the Uland , which ,
e RAyu , la proof of the ptucoful ua-
uro of the Cuban poopla. The prenl-
out says also that the sanitary oondl-
ion of Cuba today Is oven batter than
1 wan during the period of Aiuarlcan
"Our relations wltk the United
BUten , " oontlnuoo the tuonaagc , "aro
specially cordial. Proof of thin In
bund In the negotiations batweea
Cuba and the United Stated for a
ouimorclal treaty on the tmals ot
mutual tariff concessions. The special
bjeot of' ' this treaty Is to obtain spo-
lal reductions for our productn , par-
Icularly nilRar. It can bo hoped from
h * sympathy with which the Amer-
lean pcoplo regard us and from the
manlfcit Interest which Pronld nt
Roosevelt ontortolni In the prosper
ty of Cuba that a roanonable arrangement
mont by means of this treaty can bo
arrived at. "
D. C , Montgomery of Lexington , Neb. ,
Killed In Philippines.
Manila , Nov. < . D C. Montgomery ,
uporlntendont of schooln In Oriental
Negros , was murdered Friday by la-
drones , three miles from Bacolod.
Mr. Montgomery was going to
colod for a consultation with the re-
Irlng superintendent and to assume
control of the division. Ho hnd a largo
sum of money with him. Six natives
armed with bolos and spears attacked
.ho superintendent , quickly killed him
and then mutilated and robbed him.
The constabulary have offered a re
ward for Mr. MontEomory'n murder
ers and It is thought they will bo cap
tured. Robbery IB understood to have
boon the motive for the deed.
This Is the first Instance ot n teach
er In the Phlllpplno Islands being
harmed while In dlRchargo of his du
ties. Mr. Montgomery was formerly
a resident of Lexington , Neb. , and
leaves n widow , who Is a teacher In
the Island of Negros.
Two Oklahoma Outlaws Killed.
Guthrle , Okla. , Nov. 4. Bert Casey ,
an outlaw , and Jim Sims , ono of hla
lieutenants , trapped by two deputy
sheriffs in a rendezvous near Glen
Springs , In Woodft county , were shot
and killed. They put tip a strong fight ,
firing several volleys , but none of the
deputies were hit. Two deputies In
dlagulno had secured the confidence
of the outlaws and , being with them
at the time , gave the signal to their
fellow ofllcors that started the fight.
Casey and Sims were planning the re
lease of George Moran , another of
their number , now on trial at Lawton
for murder.
Money Package Stolen.
DCS Molnes , Nov. 4. Officers of the
Des Motnes National bank made pub
lie today the loss of $2,000 shipped by
American Express to the Bank of IP
win , la. , on Oct. 20. When tbo package <
ago was opened at Irwin the next day
it contained brown paper. One seal
had been removed from the package
without breaking it and replaced by
the use of mucilage after the package
had been closed again. It Is claimed
the mucilage was still soft when the
package was opened , thus indicating
that the contents of the package had
not been removed many hours.
Woman Shoota Former Lover.
Minneapolis , Nov. 4. May Smith
after shooting the man who failed to
keep his promise of marriage , routed
a score of pursuers by firing twice Into
their midst. The shooting occurred in
the Palisade flour mill , whore Roy
Williams , the wounded man , is em
ployed as a clerk. His fellow cm
ployos witnessed the shooting and
score of them pursued the woman
She turned and fired twlco at them
but neither shot took effect. The
woman was afterward arrested by de
tectivcs nnd expressed regret that she
had not killed Williams.
Submarine Boat a Success.
San Francisco , Nov. 4. The IIol
land submarine boat Grampus had he
first surface trial trip yesterday and
BO far as the test went , proved a sue
coas. She made nine knots , a kno
more speed than the contract calls fo
and so far as the steering gear and
diving machinery are concerned ,
every satisfaction.
May Settle Out of Court.
Bedford , la. , Nov. 4. The prelim
inary hearing of the Sharpsburg ban ]
cnso has again been postponed untl
next Monday with a view ot settlin
the matter out of court. In the mean
time Chrlitensen and Glann are in
Jail here , whllo Lawyer Martin is ou
on bond of $5,000.
Engineer and Fireman Killed.
Moyersdalo , Pa. , Nov. 4. In a col
llslon on the Baltimore and Ohio be
tween fast frolsht wait and two holpo
engines , Engineer Clifton D. Curtis o
Moyoradale and Fireman N. Nlcholso
were klllod. Qoorgo D. Ingrams o
Conncllavlllo waa fatally hurt.
Ct.nlrmnn Aldnn nnys the
will bo very ulono , but Republican on
joint J ballot. Democratic fllnln Chairman
man Holliwoll claims ( ho nlntn by ,1 ( ) , <
000 plurality nnd n majority of thirty
0f I the IflMlnlaturfl. IIo uliio cluluitt
fifteen out of the nlxtcon congren-
nlonal dlntrlctfl. A ntroug fight nan
been I mndn ou Butlur ( Dom. ) In the
Twelfth ( St. LoulH ) district , hut the
Indications I ntrongly point to hla elec
tion , TnklnR the Innt vote an n bunlii ,
the Elevnnth la tbo only doubtful din-
trlct , fourtuon bnlnir Democratic and
ono Republican.
Denver , Nov. 4. The oloctlon In
Colorado In bnlng hotly contoatod.
Both Domocratlc and Republican
chairmen claim victory , the former
by 18,000 to 20,000 plurality nnd thn
latter by 10,000 to 16,000 on the hnnd
of the etato tlokct. The other four
tlokotn nro not expected to poll morn
than 80,000 votea out of u probable to
tal ot 220,000. Three oonirciaincii
are to bo alioson , and both Domooratu
and Rnpublicnna are claiming ull
thcnp. It In generally conceded that
the Dcmorrutfl will fiecuro a majority
In the leclnlaturo nnd will ra-clcct
UnlUd Stntct Senator Tailor.
Claim Addloko la Beaten.
Dover , Dol. , Nov. 4. Kstlmatcu from
various sources Indicate that J. Bd-
ward Addlcku will bo unable to von
irol the next lealnlatnro. William
Mlchnol Byrne , the Union ( Addloks )
Republican 'nomtneo for connreaa , pro.
dlcto a combined Ropubllcnn majority
In tbo legislature , with a deadlock on
the nenatorshlp , but with the ultimata
election ot two United Stntcn narmtoru ,
The regular Republican chairman dis
putes this claim.
South Carolina.
Charleston , Nov. 4 The result ol
the election In South Carolina today
wns decided beyond question by tha
Domocratlc primary on Aug. 2fl , Unit
ed Slates Senator McLaurln will bo
Buccocdod by Congressman Lattlmor
nnd Captain Dunqun Clinch Hoyward
will Biicrced M. B. McSweonoy nn gov
ernor. The Democrats will return n
nolld delegation to Washington.
South Dakota.
Sioux Falls , S. D. , Nov. 4. Thn
Democrats thin morning say they will
elect from twelve to fifteen of the 130
member * of the Htato legislature. Ro
publlrans concede them only about
six. Conservative ofttlmato places the
Socialist vote at 3,000 It Is cRtlmutod
that a total of 80.000 votes will bo
caat , a falling off of about 15,000 from
.wo years ago.
Villages Plunderad and Burned and
Inhabitante Massacred.
Victoria , B. C. , Nov. 4. Advlcnfl
wore received by tbo ntoauier MIowora
of a tribal war , which has resulted In
OBB of life , en Esplrltu Santo Island ,
the largest of the Now Hebrides
jroup. Coaat trlboa have been at-
ackcd by a powerful inland trlbo and
several villages were plundered and
jurned. LottwrH have been sent to thq
French authorities asking that a war
ship bo sent to prevent another massa-
The hark Timra of Sydney has been
burned at sea. She left for Welling
ton with a general cargo and was seen
off the Now Zealand const on fire. No
trace of her crew was se n afterwards.
Bribery Case Continued.
St. Louis , Nov. 4. The cases
against Otto Schumacher , Loula
Decker , John Helms , W. M. Tamblyn ,
H. A. Faulkner , Edmund Bersch , John
H. Schnottler and J. J. Hannlgan ,
former and present members of the
house of delegates , accused of bribery ,
came up yesterday and all were con
tinued to Nov. 19.
President at Oyster Bay.
Oyster Bay , N. Y. , Nov. 4. Presi
dent Roosevelt , after an absence of
many weeks , Is again at his country
homo on Sagamore Hill. Ho arrived
here on a special train last night and
was accorded an enthusiastic recep
tion by a thousand or more residents
of Oyster Bay and vicinity.
Helnrlch Rlckert Dead.
Berlin. Nov. 4. Helnrlch Rlckert ,
the Frelsinnego leader In the relcha
tag , died yesterday.
Judge Shelby has placed the
Southern Building and Loan associa
tion of Huntsvlllo , Ala. , In the hands
of Lawrence Cooper , as receiver.
The Wisconsin university football
team will makea trip to the Pacific
coast for games with Leland Stanford
nnd the University of California dur
ing the Christmas vacation.
Orders were received at the Annap
oils naval academy reducing the
course of midshipmen to three years ,
Instead of four. The change la made
by the pressing need for naval officers
Harry Forbes , the bantamweight
champion , met two men In the same
ring at Chicago Monday ulght and do
fcatod both. His opponents were
George Halllday and Billy Finucane
Rev. George Wilson , a widely known
Presbyterian and author , died at
Bloomlngton , 111. , Monday , aged eighty
five. Ho attracted much attention be
fore and during the civil war as
lecturer against slavery.
The annual report of William 8. .
Bhallenberger , assistant postmaster
general , recommends parcels post con
ventlons with various European governments
ornments and a test with other countries
trios of n universal postage stamp plan
The Santa Fe commenced work
en an Important extension from Rals
ton , O. T , , to Newklrk and will rush 1
to completion as it Is the gap in
the eastern Oklahoma llnoj joining
Kansas City and the gulf with a now
and shorter routo.
I A Bad Breath
A bad breath means a bad
stomach , a bad digestion , a
bad liver. Aycr's Pills arc
liver pills. They cure con
stipation , biliousness , dys
pepsia , sick headache.
2Sc. All drugglitt.
Wnnlyottr mniinUrlinnr boiiril u liotutlful
brown or rlnli liUrkT 1 linn nun
u eti. at Omiinim , n n p. mil A to NMH , , . , N n.
March of Civilization Proven to Do
Too Fast a Pace for Them.
Hun Francisco , Nov. 4. ThoiiHandn
of iiiitlvoB of Hnrnchol Island and
along tlio Arctic coaiit uro dying from
monition. The nowo WIIH brought by
the whaling ateumor Jounotto. Cap.
tuln Nowth Bald : "At hmiit 25 pur
cent of tlio nntlven along tlio Arctlo
coant have died from nieuHlnii , They
nro dying off llko rabhltn find thnra
nooiim to bo nothing to chock tlio
death rato. The march of civilization
hati Inorcauod the death rate from
Nome north. Two yourn ago Ihu rtovns-
tatloa began , aud It , linn continued
over Hlnne. When the natives began
to wear clvlll/.od man'n clothing and
drink wlillo man'n whlnky , then began
tholr doollno. Dlseaooo nnhoard of at *
tucked thtjin , and , not knowing how to
care for thnmfiolvoa , the people dluil
rn-pldly. Piicumonln , rliniimatlHrn ,
trip , nnd every concnlvnblo malady
mndo tholr appearance among thnm
and apraad all along the coant with
appalling rouulta. "
Peer Convicted With Him Flees From
London to the Continent.
London , Nov. 4. The oxoltonifnt
over the ruported flight of u poor to
the continent was heightened by the
announcement that a. well known Lon
don Bocluty man , Bernard Kraaor , had
been sentunccd at the Norwich us-
sizes to tun years' penal servitude.
With him was also ncntcnced Arthur
Thai old , the turn of a clcrKymau connected -
nocted , un lu Frnzor , with ono of the
oldest and proudest families lu the
United Kingdom. The prisoners worn
charged with carrying on a regular
campaign to deprave the morals ot
youthn all over the country.
Schwab ID Not Really III.
I'arlH. Nov. 4. The Paris edition of
the New York Herald publishes a dis
patch from Its Gouoa correspondent
giving an Interview with Charles M.
Schwab. Mr. Schwab denies the sen-
national ntorlua regarding his condi
tion which have boon published In
American newspapers. Ho says ho la
merely exhausted from overwork , that
he is strictly obeying his doctor's orders -
dors , that ha does not know If ho is
any better , but that he certainly lane
no worse. The correspondent sayn
that , excepting for a tired look in lili :
eyes and a slight languor In his move
ment ! ) , there is nothing In Mr.
Schwab's uppearanco to suggest any
Bravo trouble
Swayne Recalled to England.
Aden , Arabia , Nov. 4. Colonel
Swayne has been tempoiarily recalled
to England , where ho will act as ad
visor to the foreign ofilie. General
Manning has assumed command of the
British Somallland expedition. Thrco
thousand men will begin to advance
against the Mullah about Nov. 27.
This delay is duo to the i'act that Gen
eral Manning is dispensing with tlia
Indian troops In the belief that the na-
tlvo levies are more effective. It la
rumored In native quarters that the
Mullah has raided an advance British
outpost in the vicinity of Bohotle ,
Somallland , capturing a largo camel
Croker Trial la Ended.
Now York , Nov. 4. The trial ot
Chief Edward F. Croker of the fire de
partment on various charges was
ended yesterday. A motion to dismiss
the charges was denied by the flro
commissioner and ho announced that
he would reserve his decision.
Texas Ready for Sea.
Norfolk , Va. , Nov. 4. The flag was
raised over the battleship Texas yes
terday and she Is ready for sea. The
Texas will sail for southern waters.
The Bancroft has already sailo'l south ,
and the Detroit put In for coal and am
munition , as did the Cincinnati.
Castellancs Entertain King Carlos.
Paris , Nov. 4. Count and Couiuesa
Bonl do Castellane entertained King
Carlos of Portugal at a shouting party
yesterday at the Chateau Marls , near
St. Choroh. On the return to the
chateau , actors and actresses from the
Capuclnes theater played in opera
bouffe. This entertainment was fol
lowed by a grand dinner.
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Digests what you eat.
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