The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, November 07, 1902, Page 2, Image 2

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W. N , HU01C. PubllHhor.
Katablliliml. IXK7 ,
Rrtrr day irnpt Hnmlar. H carrier pot
W9k , 13 etui * , llr mail t < r rear , H.W ,
Xh N w , tiUnlltliel , 1KHI ,
The Jonrnftl , AitnblUlinJ 1877
Ktirj Friday , Ily mall per jaur , ll.M.
BnUrxl ni tlio I'ostoDloa at Norfolk , Nab , , ai
ptoouil elai * matter.
t Uplion al IMItorlnl Pniwrtmrnit , No. B |
UnilntM Olllo * atul Job Itoomi. No , 3Z.
No niunlor or store rohhory ban boon
reported In Norfolk ulnoo olootlon.
For the next two yonrn , nt the very
least , OoiiKrosfliimn McCarthy will Rrnco
Mr. Hobliiflon'H plnoo In Washington.
Wo can novrrtovoto our attention to
the dlsouBBloit of that Important prob
lem , "Why do turnips not Rrow In
winter ? "
Even the powerful login of 15x-
Senator Allen could not cotnbiuo with
that of Kx-CougroBsnmu Bryou to fltoni
the tide.
The up-country vote did the
In New York nnd Nobrafllca. The
fnrmors Jworo willing to 'stand pat"
though all the rout llunkod.
The editor of the World-Herald In one
of the few democrats who can look upon
the returns of the late election with
complacency , it not exultation.
Those who have watched the troml of
ovonta are HOtJsnprlsodJttlmt a ropublt
can congressman was elected from the
Third district. It.was the logical con
Governor Savage may now take tlmo
from hia arduous duties to imuio that
Iwlatod Thanksgiving proclamation
If ho has nothing to bo thankful for
other people have.
With the showing that the reorganized
democracy has made in Now York It
can bo imagined that Mr. Bryan will
not bo the dictator of the next demo
cratio national convention.
Congressman Hitchcock's politics will
feel very lonesome in the Nebraska dole-
Ration , but ho may find oongonlo'
spirits onltho other slrto of the house
from Texas and other states.
The people oflOhlo where MaKiuloy
was the ideal politician , didn't static !
for a campaign of demagogy , not for a
moment , and Tom Johnson's ' 1001 as
pirations were laid on the sholf.omphat
A Wisconsin man has found a now
use for wooloy dogs. Ho used his as a
ohimiioy swoop , but the * example of the
man is not likoy to bo followed ox
fouslvoly. Ho was arrested for cruelty
to dumb animals.
Editor Hitchcock of the World-Horali
1ms issued a card of thanks to his friend
who assisted In his election. He coult
have reached the point moro quickly by
devoting about two-thirds of the card t <
Ins' friend the enemy , otherwise tin
An Indiana woman has adopted a now
style of committing suicide , but it ii
believed that her method 'will not become
come popular enough to bo dosorvin
of a copyright or a patent. She dran
n quart ot-gasolino and then touched
mixto'i to her breath.
Some democrat had intimated Ponn-
Bylvania might bo going democratic
Komo day. If ho was able to get his
head out from under the suowfall in
that state last Tuesday ho would prob
ably consent to take it back. A person
may as safely bet on Pennsylvania for
republicanism as Texas for democracy.
The republicans have not ] * lost any
thing in congress by reason of the re
cent election. They still have a major
ity of 40 in the house of representatives.
The gains from the west have overc9ine
the losses in the east and the people
have said that they did not want an
other do-nothiug congress as was the
case some years ago.
The libel suit agaiust the publishers
of the Fremont Tribune by Mrs. Martha
West-Daniels has been withdrawn by
the plaintiff , who pays the costs of the
action. While the Hammond Brothers
have never doubted that the outcome of
the action would result in their favor ,
they will undoubtedly eat their Thanks
giving turkey with additional relish because
cause of the utter inability of the plain
tiff to sustain her case.
It is announced from Washington
that the gold dollars to bo struck in
commemoration of the centennial cole
liration of the Louisiana purchase by n
world's fair at St. Louis in 1901 , will bo
ready in December of this year , Two
designs will bo used , on one the head o
Jefferson , who negotiated the grea
purchase , the other the head of McKiu
ley who issued the proclamation of th
world's fair. The number will bo lim
ited to 250,000. They will bo placed on
sale by the treasurer of the world's fair ,
the act of congress which authorized
the issue permitting this to be done
under the proper bond. They will bo
told at n premium.
It has not Jxtou learned that any of
lie miloons of the state have been olos-
nj ? up tholr doors u 'oatuo Mickey was
looted govonor , even though they did
mdcavor to oroato the impression that
noli would bo the result. Mickey maybe
bo a prohibitionist , but that him not boon
adopted as n principle of the republi
can party in Nebraska , nnd until It is
hero need bo no fear that a prohibitory
aw will bo enforced. The republicans
juito generally bollovo in decency , how
ever , and if any element exceeds that
which is right the governor and other
republicans may take n hand in cor
recting the evils.
The olootlon of Hon. J , J , McCarthy
to congress Is about an pleasant to the
republicans of the Third district as any
result of the olootlon. For six ' long
years the district has not had ropubll-
an representation in the halls of the
national legislature. With the fusion
of the two opposition parties they secured -
cured control of this district , and have
kept it Hluoo , though with constantly
iooroaslng pluralities. The tide began
to turn almost as soon as fusion was no
oompliahod and the district has now
swung back , it is believed for many long
years. With the retiring of the fusion
! ongrossmou about the last of the com
blue is noted.
IlrltUU Pornlgn Olllco Furloiii Over Ito-
| > ortod Intorvlow vlth King
ICiltvard VII.
Manchester , Nov. 7. The Dispatch
says the foreign ofllco Is furious over
a loiter reported to have ueou written
by Sir Thomas Llpton to General Cor
bin , In which the Irish sportsman says
ho had an Intorvlow with King Ed
ward , who hud Indicated to him his In
tuntlun of appointing n commission to
the St. Louis exposition. The paper
says :
"For one who n few years ngo was
a grocer's assistant to be paraded before -
fore the world us the adviser of the
kiiitf on Anglo-American relations Is nn
affront which old-fashloiuxl olllclaldom
cannot understand. The king , 'it Is
bolng said , never harms his own dig
nity , lint allows his Indiscreet friends
to discount It for him. Upton's BO
clal prostlgo Is such that It Is bound
to suffer through his singular appear
ance us the king's conlldence-kceper. "
Fntnl Tall of un IStovntor.
Chicago , Nov. 7. A passenger eleva
tor In the now retail store of Marshall
Fold ft Co. fell from the ninth floor to
the basement. The car was reduced to
ruins and one man was killed. A
second victim was badly Injured. The
dead man was named Thomas Byrne ,
the conductor of the elevator.
Clmroil with StvnUng 930,000.
Toronto , Out. , Nov. 7. Alfred Me-
Pongall , barrister , for many years col
lector of succession dues for the On
tario government , has been arrested
for the aliened theft of $23,000 from
the government.
Attorney Convicted of rrniul.
1'oston , Nov. " . In the superior
criminal court F. L. Burton of Du-
ntont , Col. , an attorney , who war
charged with obtaining ? 2t > 00 from the
New York Central railroad under false
pretenses , was found guilty.
Chicago Grain.
Chicago. Nov. .
on the
Board of. Trade today :
Wheat Open. HlKh. Low. Close
J .1:1 : : : : : 1 1 : 1 : ?
May . 41 % .42 % .41 %
May . 30 % .31V4 .30 % .31
January . 15.50 15.55 15.45 15.45
May . . . . . . . . .14.67 % 14.67 % 14.55 14.55
December . . . 9.87 % 10.00 9.87i 10.00
Clinrt llh l
January 830 8.30 8.22 8.22 %
May 7.83 7.85 7.50 7.80
Chicago Live Stock.
Chicago. Nov. 6.
Hoes Estimated receipts for the day.
21.000 : sales ratiKed at $ S.10fJ6.50 ( foil
plus. JG.16ii6.75 ( for llRht. $6.15 < ft6.40 for
rough packing. $6.2oCT6.'J5 for mixed ,
nnd JC.ISJTG.OS for heavy packing and
ohlpplnK lots , with the bulk of the
trndliiK at J0.55ffG75.
Catttlc Estimated receipts for the
day , 8.000 : quotations ranged at $7.60 J
CTS.23 choice to extra steers. J6.507.2d
Kood to choice ao. . $5.70 < ff6.20 fair to
coed do. . ll.DOifO ( & for common to me
dium do. $ UO < ff&10 butchera1 steers ,
JG25i77J for few western steers. J2..a
© 5.15 slockers and feeders. Il.SOWu.OQ
co\\s. $2.COir6.25 Infers , J2.7B4.7jfl
bulls and oxen. $1.00 < H > 1.7G stnr . $3.i6 ©
G.25 Texas steers. N.OOiJG.B'1 ' ass west
erns , and J1.G007.75 veal . es.
Sheet ) and Lambs Estl.uo.led receipts
for the day. 18.000 ; quotations ranKCd
at $3.0004.10 westerns. $3.000H.15 na
tives , J4.DO < ir5.50 western lambs , ana
$1.50425.60 natlv elambs.
Eut Buffalo Llvo Stock.
Easte Buffalo. N. Y. . Nov. 6.
Dunning & Stevens. Live Stock Com
mission Mrchonts. East Buffalo. N. Y. ,
quote as follows : Cattle No fresh ar
rivals ; 5 cars of holdovers ; market
dull and unchanged prices. HOR- .
Forty cars ; market active ; Yorkers ,
16.3006.40 ; plsrs. J6.4006.G5 : heavy. 6.6S
06.75 ; mediums. I6.6506.60 ; roujrhs ,
C6.0006.10. Sheep and Lambs ecelptes.
15 cars : markt slow ; best lambs , J5.10 ®
t.15 : fair to Kood. J4.9005.05 ; culls , com
mon. $4.0004.75 ; mixed sheep. $3.403.60
wethers and yearllmjs. * 1 > 22orui ! anii
bucks. $2.0002.75 ; calves , JS.2508.EO.
Mlltrankoo Oruln.
Milwaukee. Nov. 6.
Wheat Steady : No. 1 northern. 73J4c ;
No. 2 northern. 71072V4o ; Decernbi ,
71Uc. Rye Steady ; No. 1 , 51 0. Bar
ley Steady ; No. 2. 66c : sample. So@
68c. Oats Steady : standard. 3233c.
Corn December , f.0c.
Toledo Grnlu.
Toledo. Nov. C.
Wheat Dull and lower : : cash. 75c :
December. 76c ; May. 77Vic. Corn
A.ctlve and steady ; December.
May. S2o. Rye No. 2 , WV o bid.
Henatnr Ifniina him been Initiated nt
Cleveland IIH n member of the Loyul \
x-Klon of Ohio.
At n dinner Kiwi at Paris by For-
> lKii Minister DelciiHHo to King Charles
of I'orttiKiili Mrs. Porter , wife of the
Anu-rlcnn nmbiiBsador , occupied the
ilnco of honor.
Fred Peiinlngtnii of Htlllwntcr , Minn. ,
n pioneer luinlwrnian , IB dcnd at North
Vaklnin , Wash.
Oerlnird Uorchcrfl , n farmer who
lived near Humphreys , Neb. , was Hhot
nml killed and IIH ! hotly cremated by
! IH ! three boyB , bccntiao they aald he
had treated them unkindly.
The Vernon cotton mill at Stockport ,
WBH destroyed by lire. Ono op
erative wan killed by a fall.
The Minnesota Harvester company ,
with a capital of $5,000,000 , him been
Incorporated nt St. Paul. Itfl object Is
believed to bo to Unlit the big harvester
combine. ,
Uov. ( JcorKo Don no O'Neill , chancel
lor and secretary of the , Hainan Cath
olic diocese of Newark , N. J. , IH dead
at St. Anthony's sanitarium , Denver.
City Marshal Jordan , Tony Jonea
nnd Jeff Chenault were killed In a
BllOOtlllK affr' v " * Hrnnixx TOT
Who is Inside of This Shirt ?
would bo hard to gnoss , but if it is ono
of our patrons you can bo sure that it is
a man who is well satisfied when ho
gets it on. The iimn thnt gets behind n
shirt front laundered hero always beams
with sntisfactiou when ho sees the ox-
qnieito color niid finish that we have laic
upon it. Our work is the acme of per
fection on shirts , collars nud cuffs , run
you can't match it anywhere.
'Phone ' 83 Norfolk Steam Liundry
Wide Awake
All Kinds of Gents'
. . . .StrctlyUp-to-Date ! ;
Steam and
Hot Water
First door South of NewsrOfflee.
Is Still Cutting Prices !
word for it , come in and see for yourself. The Bee Hive is at the front \
with the Best Goods at the Lowest Prices. Stay with the crowd and :
do your trading at the Bee Hive. *
A grand line of the best Furs on the
market. Wo will cut the prices so every
body can afford to have a good set of
Children's Union Suits.
Wo have a full Hue of Children's
Ribbed Union Suits , worth 25c and 35c ,
at ISc. This is like finding them.
One line Misses' and Children's White
Ribbed Underwear , worth 25c and 30c ,
at ISc.
We have one line Boys' and Men's
Sweaters that sold at 75c and $1.00 , will
go at 45c. Also a big line of All Wool
Sweaters. Prices accordingly.
Yours for Business ,
. . ,
JACI Economical I
Whatever fuel In moit economical , most conve
nient to your lioUKO , can bo used in a Hound Oak
Furnace chunkR of wood , soft coal , hard conl ,
coke anything that flro will consume. What
ever you put la It will gtvo most heat , because
Houiul Oak Furnaces waste no fuel ; burn all the
fuel , UiognxcH , and most of the smoke ; keopflro
12 hours with wood , 21 hours with coal. The
Round Oak
Is solidly constructed nnd Is airtight ( the
only alrtlRlit - -
furuncc ) , nnd la
reason ill ) lo In
price. All of the
heat goes Into tlio
house no wnsto
throiiKh Hues out-
ney or In collar.
If you uaut n furnace ,
\\rfto for the ItounilOak
Furnace book full of
fuel facie , lilntn on fur-
imco regulation , etc.
Eitate of
Downelnc , Mich.
aJleri o ( Bfekuith't Round
OaH , the moil fanoui
itove In the tvorM.
Ttound Oak Furtiao * *
Ttuuud Onk Kurn oM r fbr i > l > In with outer cailnK removal
NOI folk John Friday .igant.
A dollar of sen-Ice for every
dollar of cost. That is the
record. Illustrated book free.
The :
Smith Premier Typewriter Co.
Cor. 17th aud Faruam , Sts. Omnha , Neb.
We also have left some of our Sam- 1 1 Y
pie All Wool Shirts , worth $1.50 , $1.75
and $2.00 , all go at 75c.
The cold wave is coming and we are
prepared for it. We have a full line of
Ladies' Felt and Fleece Lined Shoos.
Also a full line of Arctics and Overshoes
of all kinds for Men , Women and Chil
dren , and can save you from 20 to 25 per
We haven't room to quote you prices
on everything , but if you will come in we
will show you the goods and the prices
we sell them at.
Wo have a first-class Grocery De
partment , and pay highest prices for But
ter and Eggs.
Get What You Ask for at
ALL ORDERS are filled promptly and with care.
Our goods are FIRST-CLASS in every particular.
We know precisely what is wanted by our custom
We aim to Give you the Best Value
for Your Money.
South side Main St. , between 2d and 3d. Telephone 41.
O COAL ! o
Sweetwater Rock Spring.
Scranton Hard Goal , r
. . .
Are Not Cheap , and Cheap'Goods'Aro Not Good ,
but there is a happy medium between the two
'extremes , and we claim to have found it in our
New Fall Line. Price considered , we are fur
nishing better goods for the money than we over
did before. And then remember , if what you
buy of us isn't right , we make it right.
We are exclusive agents for
Ehvcll Kitchen Cabinet.
Per PlainliiDg , Steam Fitting , Pumps , T&oVi
And all work ID thle line call on
BbUifactlon Guaranteed.
Flrtt door West of Ahlmaa'i lilcyclo Shop ,
Leave order * at Telephone Ii 281 ,
Piano Moving a Specialty.
Phone 58. Galls Promptly Answered.