The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, November 07, 1902, Image 1

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, , , .
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Table Damask.
72-inch Fine White Double Satin Damask , price per ( M Q1
yard , for this sale UlliU I
72-inch Fine White Double Satin Damask , price per
yard for this sale
64-inch Fine Cream Double Satin Damask , price per ( M f7 |
yard for this sale IDliU/ /
70-inch Fine Cream Double Satin Damask , price per
yard for this sale
72-inch Fine White Double Satin Damask , price per
yard for this sate . _
' 6'4-irich White Damask , price per yard for this
' sale. . . . * . . , . .
r 60-irich White Damask , price per yard for this
sale ;
68-inch Cream Damask price per yard for this
56-inch sale Cream Damask , price per yard for this Ik
46-inch sale Cream Damask , price per yard for this 14C
48-inch Cream Damask , red border , price per yard Ik
for this sale
60-inch Cream Damask , price per yard for this
60-inch Guaranteed Red Damask , price for this
Now is the time to buy your Thanksgiving Linens. We have marked ;
down the prices for this sale on all
Table Linens , Napkins , Crashes and Towels !
H Napkins , worth $ IJ.50 per deFer / .
3 Nankins , worth $1.87 per do/ . _ ( ? 1 7fj
3 Napkins , worth $190 per do/ ( ? 1 7fl
t ] Napkins , worth $2.00 per deFer / .
3 Napkins , worth $2.50 per deFer / . (
2 Napkins , worth $1.70 per deFer / .
$ Napkins , worth $1.20 per deFer / .
2 Napkins , worth $1.40 per doz. ( M 0/J /
19-42 Linen Towels , Fancy Borders 22o
19-40 Linen Towels , Hemstitched , Fancy Borders. . . 29o
22-45 Linen Fringe Towels 24c
21-44 Linen Fringe Towels 24c
19-33 Linen Hemmed Towels 19c
15-33 Linen Fringe Towels 9c
18-36 Linen Fringe Towels 15c
22-4(5 ( Cotton Fringe Towels lOc
18-50 Turkish Towels He
Wo are agents for the Celebrated
W. M. Erect Form Corsets. Those Cor
sets were the only ones endorsed and
recommended by the National Dress
makers Association , when convened in
Chicago , Sept. 15 to 22 , this year. Call
for the following W. U. lOrect Form
styles : 992 , 989 , 975) ) , 990 and 90.
989 W. B. Erect Form is the popular
long hip model. Comes in white , drab
and black. Sirto' ' 18 to 86 , and is our
newest $1.00 leader.
992 W. B. Erect Form is the same as
989 but is made of French Catil and is
nicely trimmed , a'nd is glove Hitting.
998 W. B. Erect Form will suit the average figure and
sold at popular price , $1.00.
990 W. B. Erect Form is the style for slender figures ;
low bust. Price only $1.00.
Hod need prices on Dresser Scarfs , Tray Cloths and
i i K I T I k
f- < I H I H I I H
1 i J I .1 . J -
Figures un House of Representa
tives 3low 207 Republic
ans , 178 Democrats.
According to the Statement or Secre
tary Ovcrstrect Contest Threut-
( ued in California.
Now York , Nov. 7. Dispatches re
ceived up 'to noon show that the Re
publicans Tinve elected 207 mjembers of
congress and the Democrats'178 , with
one California district In doubt Con
gressman Overstreet , secretary of the
Republican congressional committee ,
announced In the afternoon that 200
Republican n embers had been elected
beyond all doubt ; that the Democrats
had elected 170 , and that there were
ten district where because of Incom
plete returns the result was doubtful.
TJie Doubtful District * .
These districts are the First Califor
nia , Twenty-Kourth Illinois , Fifth Min
nesota , Eighth and Fifteenth North
Carolina , .Seventh Alabama , Seventh
Nevada , Ninth Virginia and Thirteenth
and Sixteenth Missouri. The first live
are rerpesentcd in congn ss by Repub
licans , and tUe last live by Democrats. .
The Republican candidates In both the
doubtful North Carolina districts , Mr.
Overstreet said , had telegraphed that
they were elected. The Republican
nominee in Hie Twenty-fourth Illinois
has done likewise. This left seven dis
tricts In doubt With 200 members In
congress the Republicans would have
a majority of twenty-six.
Lane Dispute * the Kloctlon of Fardeo
, Republican , forGoxcrnor.
San Francisco , Nov. 7. The latest
election returns Indicate the success of
Dr. Parxlce , the Republican candidate
for governor by a plurality of about 3-
COO. His opponent , P. K. Lane , has
stated that ho will contest the an
nounced result. The count of the vote
for congressional nominees , so far as
are completed , Indicates that flvo Re
publicans , two labor union Democrats
and ono straight Democrat will rep
resent California In the lower house of
The Republicans elected thirteen
etato senators , according to the re
turns so far received. The Democrats
have returned flvo and there Is one
Democrat and one union labor nominee
elected. Charles M. Shortrldge Is
elected as an Independent Republican
from a Santa Clara district. With
nineteen hold-over senators and Short-
ridge , the Republicans have 33 out of
40 members of the senate. With 58
Republicans In the assembly the party
will have on Joint ballot for the elec
tion of United States senator 91 mem
bers out of a total of 120.
Programme to Illoclc the Election of a
Successor to Senator Teller.
Denver , Nov. 7. Nearly complete ro-
.turns show that the Republicans have
elected their entire state ticket , with
the possible exception of superinten
dent of schools and two of the three
congressmen , and that the Democrats
will have a majority of 10 to 18 on
joint ballot in the legislature unless
the Republicans obtain control of the
lower house and unseat the entire Arapahoe -
pahoe county delegation.
The Republican leaders frankly an
nounce that they will carry out that
programme If It bo In their power. In
mich an event the senate , consisting of
25 Democrats and 10 Republicans prob
ably will refuse to organize the legi %
lature with the house , and thus will
block the election of a sucessor of
United States Senator Teller. On the
face of the returns the house member
ship appears to bo 33 Democrats and 32
Republicans , but the Republicans claim
that the official count will reverse
these flgures.
"Little TJallot" AVIni In Illinois.
Chicago , Nov. 7. The "little ballot"
won all along the line on Tuesday.
The proposition favoring the election
of United States senators by direct
vote and a constitutional imcndmcnt
providing for the Inltlitrtre and refer
endum In nil matters of state legisla
tion received practically the same ma
jorities. The voters , however , seemed
to have more confidence In their city
council than In their state legislature ,
as the provision for the Initiative and
referendum In matters of local legisla
tion received the fewest votes.
Mormon for the Senate.
Salt Lake , Utah , Nov. 7. Apostle
Reed Smoot , candidate of the Mormon
church for u seat In the United States
senate , and accused of being a polyg-
amlst , has won his fight at the polls. .
He has announced that he would bravo"
any possible opposition like that which
kept Brlgham II. Roberts out of con
gress , and would demand his seat In
the senate. Plans already are being
laid by ministers of Salt Lake City
and others to oppose his admission to
the senate.
Latent from Nohrnitka.
Omaha , Nov. 7. Returns rccelvrd
from the Third and Fifth congression
al districts , with but few precincts
missing , Indicate that the Republicans
have elected their men In both dis
tricts. In the Fifth Norrls has about
250 plurality , with six precincts miss
ing , and In the Third McCarthy , Re
publican , defeats Robinson , fuslouist ,
by a majority of from 150 to 300.
Rhode Island Legislature.
Providence , R. I. , Nov. 7. A re
count In the city of Woonsocket has
displaced three Democratic members
of the general assembly originally an
nounced as elected and substituted the
Republican candidates. This gives tha
Republicans a plurality of four In the
house , which now stands 38 Republic
ans and 34 Democrats. The senate Is
Republican by 28 members , out of 37.
Death of a Successful Candidate.
JopIIn , Mo. , Nov. 7. Judge F. M.
Redburn , aged G5 years , who Tuesday
was elected circuit Judge of Jasper
county , is dead from overrcxcrtlon dur
ing the campaign. He was prominent
In state politics for twcnty-flve years.
Late Election Mote * .
LaFoIlotte's majority In Wisconsin
probably will exceed 50,000.
Iowa's plurality for the Republican
ticket Is placed at 70,000.
Indiana returns confirm estimates of
a Republican plurality of 35,000 to 38-
000 ,
Rhode Island returns give L. F. 0.
Garvln ( Dcm.'i for governor about 7-
000 plurality.
Allckey ( Rep. ) Is elected governor of
Nebraska by about 2,000 , running be
hind the rest of the ticket
Tennessee Republicans made gains
In the legislature , but that body will
remain Democratic.
Van Sant probably will have 05,000
majority In Minnesota , where Repub
licans also have the legislature and all
the congressmen but one.
6tnrt for Homes and Work Will lie Car
ried on by Recorder Wright Until
Soilona Are Resumed.
Mahanoy City'Pa. , Nov. 7. After a
good night's rest the members of the
arbitration committee left hero for
their homes. Commissioner Walking ,
who lives ot Scranton , and Bishop
Spadlng } left for that city early In the
morning. The bishop will bo the guest
of Bishop llolmn while he Is In Scran-
ton. The other commissioners went to
Pottsvlllo on their special train. A
stop of a couple of hours was made
there , after which the special left for
Washington via Wiltiulnlnlila.
Mr. Clark left the party at Reading
and went direct to Chicago by way of
Harrlsburg. Commissioner Parker
went to New York from Philadelphia ,
Chairman Gray dropped off at hlH
home In Wilmington , Del. , and General
Wilson , Recorder Wright , Assistant
Recorders Moscley and Nelll and the
stenographers wont to Washington.
At the national capital Colonel
Wright will carry on the business of
the commission. He will there receive
the statements of the anthracite coal
companies in reply to that of President
Mlchell , representing the miners.
Experiment ! on Italian Cruiser Off Nova
Scotia Establish Complete Suc
cess of Marconi System.
Sydney , N. S. , Nov. 7. The success
of wireless telegraphy as a means of
trans-Atlantle communication Is now
practically Assured , according to the
statement of Commander Martin of the
Italian cruiser Carlos Alberto , on
which Marconi Is making his experi
ments. Commander Martin said that
a wireless message was received off
Sunney Harbor on board the warship
from the station at Cornwall , Bng.
This message Is by far the longest
yet transmitted by wireless telegraphy.
The distance from the harbor , to Corn
wall Is greater than that from Table-
head to Cornwall , where the station
Is being built On board the warship
are several messages received from the
Cornwall station on the way , most of
them being messages of congratula
tion to Marconi from the czar of Rus
sia and King Humbert The Carlos
Aberto can herid messages 150 miles ,
but receives at any distance. The mes
sages were all received In the Morse
code and without exception were com
pletely taken.
Tells of Secret Marriage While Dying.
Oshkosh , Wls. , Nov. 7. Harry Baus- *
fcld , a drug clerk , 21 years of age , who
died hero of typhoid fever , Informed
his parents on his deathbed that ho
was the husband of Mtes Clara Yoos of
this city , whom he had secretly mar
ried last June. The widow Is employed
In a store and the couple had decided
lo keep their wedding secret until they
f lt able to commence keeping house.
Senator Quay Goei South.
Phlladol&la , Nov. 7. United States
Senator Qual has started with n party
o friends for his winter homo at St
Lucle , Flo. , where ho will remain until
congress meets. The party travels In
a private car and Included United
States Senator Penrose , Insurance
Commissioner Durham , Congressmen
ljurk and Focreder and several city
[ W. II. nUCHOLProaMenl. .
Norfolk AL.KXAN JKIMIKAH , Mco Preslelon
K. W. Kim , Caelilor.
National Bank.
Capital , $100,000.00
Surplus , $20,000.00
Does a General Banking Business ,
Buya and Sclla
Interest Paid on Time Deposits.
Drafts and Money Orders Sold on any Point In Enrot e.
A General Steamship and Foreign Passage Business Transacted'
The Citizens National Bank.
Capital , $50,000. Surplus ,
Bay and Bell exchange on this country and nlljpnrta of Europe. | Parm Loana ,
nir.ctori.-CAw , . . , ABMUS , W II. Jon soi , CHAB. S. BWDOB. 0 , W. Hudson. 0. II ,
We Knock Out
Wo are enlarging our
manufacturing department < >
and want your old gold and silver. Highest price paid < [
for same. All kinds of jewelry , rings , etc. , made on " ;
short notice. Wedding rings a specialty. Only firsts J >
class watch and clock repairing done.
Hayes Jemelfy afta fUasie floase.