The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, October 31, 1902, Page 9, Image 9

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Miss Edna Mason of Pierce visited in
Norfolk today.
Dr. Pheasant is in town today from
Pierce on business.
Dr. nud Mrs. Win. Person of Stnntoii
wore city visitors yesterday.
Mrs. Fnuik Russell loft yesterday fern
n visit with her parents at Exeter.
Harry MoMlllan of Wayne is In the
city to visit friends for ft fevr days.
A company of young people enjoyed
n social dance nt Marqnardt's hall hint
Mr. and Mrs. F. L. McCoy of Lincoln
nro guostB of Mr. and Mrs. P. 0. McCoy
of this oity.
County Clerk F. A. Putnam of Boyd
county , is in the oity from Butte on
on oflicial business.
Miss Lizzie Mueller is expected homo
this evening from Omaha , where she
has been visiting for some time.
Mrs. F. W. Kooiber returned yester
day from Wisner , where she has been
visiting her mother , Mrs. Dugnn.
Mrs. O. A. Harshmau returned yes
terday from Omaha , where she has
been vibitiug for the past few days.
H. S. Strickland , formerly of Tilden ,
but who is opening a meat market at
Hoskins , was trading iu Norfolk yester
Mrs. P. F. Sprecher entertained ft
small company of ladies at lunch yes-
toiday in honor of Miss Ruth Daniel of
Mrs. Andrew Dryden left today for
her homo in Missouri Valley , after ft
four weeks' visit with her sister , Mrs.
F. E. Weitz.
F. L. Estnbrook returned last night
from Nebraska City , where he has been
for the past three weeks , buying and
pocking apples.
H. G. Brueggemann is moving his
family into his new house recently
completed on Philip avenue , between
Fourth and Fifth streets.
Mrs. A. J. Dnrland and children are
expected homo tomorrow from Washington -
ington , lown , where they have been
guests of Mrs. Darland's sister , Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. James Reynolds , who
have been visiting for the past three
weeks at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G.
H. Marqnardt , left last night for their
home iu Hot Springs , S. D.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Buckingham and
daughter , who have been guests at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Priestly ou
South Eight , street for several days , will
return to their home atDodgeville Wis.
Monday. Mr. Buckingham and Mrs.
Priestly are brother and sister.
Mr. and Mrs. P. Grotty have issued
invitations to the marriage of their
daughter , Miss Vina , to Mr. John F.
McGrano , which is to take place nt the
Catholic church at 0 o'clock Thursday
morning , November 0. A reception
swill follow at 1204 South Third.
Michael Enders is placing three
cement crossings which will be made
n test of the quality and endurance of
that kind of work and if satisfactory the
city conucil may order more crossings
of that material in the future. He is
nt present placing one of the crossings
nt the juncture of North Eighth street
nnd Norfolk avenue.
E. S. Gilmonr of Ewing , county
clerk of Holt county , is here on business
connected with his official position.
He reports that prospects for republican
success in that county this fall is flat
tering , and expresses the opinion that
Judge M. P. Kinkaid of O'Neill will be
elected to congress from the Sixth dis
trict , without a doubt.
Mrs. Otto Tappert nnd Mrs. H. A.
Carpenter made a handsome sofa pillow
on which tickets were sold , the draw
ing taking place at the meeting of the
Ladies guild held with Mra. Tappert
yesterday afternoon nnd the proceeds
from the disposal of the pillow , $15 ,
were presented to the guild. Mrs. J.
B. Barnes held the lucky number , 110 ,
that drew the pillow.
It has been nine days since George
Hodges had his throat cut and he con
tinues to hold his own , with prospects
that he will yet recover and.prevent any
charge of murder being lodged against
the men who nro responsible for his con
dition. Yesterday morning his coudi-
tlonlwas not ns favorable as it had been ,
but it showed improvement during the
day , and it now seems likely that ho
will fully recover.
Hon. Norris Brown , who is to ad
dress the voters or this vicinity on Fri
day , October 30 , conies very highly rec
ommoudcd as an entertaining platform
speaker aud it is promised that those
who attend the meeting will bo liberally
compensated for the interest they have
taken. Mr. Brown is at present deputy
nttoruoy general of the stale nud is
prominent in his section. The commit
tee having the speaker in charge espeo
ially invite the attendance of ladies at
the meetiug.
" 'just because a newspaper man drifts
about with a tough crowd and writes
'em up , " protests n Missouri newspaper ,
"is no sign the writer is tough. Wo go
to n whole lot of places for news we
would not think of going as a matter of
choice. Because we write up n wedding
is uo sign that we nro in the market.
If we happvi to bo with n crowd of
drunks it is 110 sign tlmt wo arm full of
boer. If wo are scon with n lot of hogs
the inference is not to bo drawn that
wo hnvo bristles on our buck. "
L. L. Kombo has received a letter
from hid Ron , Hurry L. Kombo , who in
now in Manitoba where ho has n posi
tion as bookkeeper for ft firm of elovn-
tor contractors. Ho speaks highly of
the country. They had no frost there
up to the time the letter was dated and
flowers wore in bloom out of doors us
though it wns mid on minor. One draw
back to the country is the high prices
that prevail for articles of ordinary use ,
Borne of them costing three times as
much ns they do iu this part of the
Ohiof of Police Kauo says that on and
after Monday night ho wi'l ' begin n
rigid enforcement of the curfew ordi
nance , because of the fact that too many
children have formed the habit of being
out on the streets at night. Monday
night the ouofew boll will ring again
and those children who are out on the
streets iu violation of the ordinance -
nancovill bo arrested and placed in
jail The ordinance provides that all
children , under 17 years of ago , must bo
oil the streets after S ) o'clock at night
unless they are accompanied by a parent
or guardian , or are out on an errand for
a parent , guardian or employer. Child
ren and parents will undoubtedly take
iced of the warning and see to it
hat the ofllcers are given no oppor
tunity to place violators under arrest.
Ira Hull was up from Boomer to spend
Sunday at homo.
W. M. Roinbolt made a business trip
to Osmond today.
J. K. Baker of Boomer visited Nor
folk friends yesterday.
Henry Kassabaum of ' Wisner is in
Norfolk today on business. ]
Fred Bitney and Gns Olair of Noligh
were city visitors Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Rome Miller of Omaha
are visiting Norfolk friends.
Chas. Ulrica and Thomas Ohilvors of
Pierce were in the city today.
F. M. Housh of Neligh is in the city
today on his way to Hartington.
John'Decker of the Madison star vis
ited Norfolk friends over Sunday.
W. H. Strain of Oreightou was a guest
at the home of W. W. Roberts Satur
County Clerk Einil "Winter was over
from Madison today on oflicial busi-
Mrs. M. J. Romig left Saturday even
ing for a few days' visit at her homo in
Mrs. C. D. Jenkins returned Saturday
night from a visit with her [ mother at
Joplin , Mo.
J. B. Fitzgerald of the Citizens Na
tional bank is enjoying a visit from
his brother Tom , of Clinton Iowa.
Miss Maggie Barnes was up from
Madison to spend Sunday at the home
of her parents Mr. and Mrs. P. Barnes.
Deputy Treasurer Arthur P. Pilger
was over from Madison visiting with
Norfolk relatives and friends over Sun
J. W. Edwards went to Humphrey
Saturday night to visit relatives and
make arrangements for the care of
several head of his horses during the
H. A. Austin , private secretary for
Congressman Robinson was in the city
today to meet his chief , who came in
over the M. & O. and left at noon for
Mrs. H. McBride entertained a small
company of friends at a 1 o'clock
luuchon Saturday in honor of the
Misses Reynolds.
There will be n meeting of the Demo
cratio club at the city hall Thursday
evening at 8:30. : All democratic voters
are invited to bo present.
Sol. Q. Mayer went to Lincoln on the
noon train yesterday Mrs. Mayer and
the baby who have been visiting in
Lincoln for the past six weeks , will re
turn with him tonight.
Mr. and Mrs. Wollman of Lebanon ,
Wis. , and Gustavo Wagoner and dangh
tcr of Oconomowoo , the same state , are
visiting at the homes of , Wm. Wagner
and Wm. Moldeuhauer.
The revival meetings being conducted
by Miss Mae Phillips at the Methodist
church are attracting a largo number of
people and it is considered that they
will result in a revival of religious in
terest in the city.
George Davenport and wife and John
Davenport of Sioux City ore expected
tonight for a short visit with their
mother , Mrs. Mary Davenport , who
with her daughter Mattie , expects to
leave soon for Spokane , Wash. , to spend
jtho winter.
The amount of broken glass usually
to bo found on the streets would indicate
that someone has serious designs on
the tires of bicycles used by the people
of the city. Why bottles should be
thrown out on Main street in the busi
ness part of town is not understood.
Mr. Otto Selliuo and Miss Metta
Finch were united in marriage at St.
Paul Lutheran church yesterday at
noon by the pastor , Rev. Wm. Hooltzel ,
iu the presence of a largo number of
friends. Both of the contracting
parties are well known hero and will
umko this their homo. Mr. Selllno is
in the employ of O , W. Sohwonk , the
ice man.
The Kara herd of wild western cattle
were finally rounded up Saturday and
driven to thuir destination at Madison.
The cattle broke nway from the drivers
while being driven over , Thurmlay , and
scattered in the timber Imyoud the
river bridge , the lost one not being re
covered until Saturday.
Rev. 11. A. Wheeler , n prominent
Methodist dlvino , will give n temper-
nnoo nddrcBH nt the Firnt Congrega
tional church Wednesday evening at 8
o'clock. Concerning his ability the
Now York Sun said : "For original
discourses there is no pulpit orator who
excolls Rev. A. J. Wheeler. His sermon
yesterday was a masterly effort and ho
hold his immense congregation almost
spellbound for an hour. "
A change of weather oamo on Satur
day night and the temperature has
since been coufildonably lower , although
It has not been cold enough to rob the
conditions of their best qnalitl'm.
Flashes of lightning about the horizon
marked the change and there was every
indication that a thunder storm would
bo the result , but it did not develop.
This morning the weather is not un
satisfactory and the prospects are that it
will continue favorable for some time.
Stauton Picket : The Picket is in re-
oeipt of a lengthy communication from
Welch Lnwry , asking for its publica
tion. After duo consideration wo have
decided not to comply with the request.
The matter is not one to bo tried
through the newspaper * ) . If Welch is
innocent as ho claims in the letter to
bo , he should come out from hiding ,
give himself up , stand trial and make
his defense in open court. The letter
is dated Omaha , October 10 , and is
mailed at the same place October 17 , at
12:80 : p.m.
There was a closely contested football
game on the homo grounds Saturday
afternoon between a team captained by
Walter McFarland and one of which
Dick Larnners was the organizer , the
score resulting C to 0 in favor of the
McFarland team. The one touchdown
was made iu the first half by Will Hayward -
ward , the second half bearing no results.
Earl Perry was refoyue and Graham
Humphrey time keeper. The contest
was before quite a crowd of young folks
and there was much excitement.
J. M. Collamer , formerly n well
known and highly respected resident of
Norfolk , died last evening at (5 ( o'clock
at his homo ! )10 ) Pierce street , in Sioux
City , Iowa , aged GO years , and the fu
neral will bo held from the family resi
dence iu Sioux City tomorrow morning
at 10:80. : Mr. Collamer has been an
invalid for the past ten years and his
death is no doubt a welcome relief from
his sufferings. The deceased was en
gaged iu the grocery business hero for a
number of years and had a large circle
of friends hero who will bo pained
to learn of his decease. Ho came to
Norfolk iu 1883 and moved to Sioux
City in 1899 , having made this city his
homo for 17 years , his residence being
at the corner of Madison avenue and
Eleventh street , while ho conducted
business in the building at present occu
pied by John Freythalor. He leaves a
wife and daughter to mourn his loss.
Mrs. E. H. Tracy is n niece and M. H.
Collamer a nephew of the deceased ,
the latter having clerked for him dur
ing the greater part of the time ho was
in business here.
Wm. Baker of Rorebud agency was in
the city yesterday.
Lafo Barkdoll was n Norfolk visitor
yesterday from Tilden.
Hon. J. J. McCarthy was in the city
at noon on his way to Stauton.
Miss Lizzie Mueller retnrno last night
from a visit with Omaha friends.
Miss Mary Horiskey will return to
night from her visit from Omaha.
Commissioner H. W. Winter made a
business trip to Pierce tlm afternoon.
Miss Tanel of Tildeu and Miss Chaino
of Oakdale were in Norfolk yesterday.
W. H. Bucholz and M. D. Tyler had
business in Battle Creek this afternoon.
Mrs. F. E. Drew and Mrs. F. Me-
Quarter were down from Pierce yester
Mrs. McDonald and Mrs. Diltz of
Pierce were shopping in Norfolk yoster
Rev. Franklin Baker is in the city
from Wisuer the guest of Norfolk
The Wednesday club will meet to
morrow afternoon at 2:30 : with Mrs. W.
Mrs. 0. E. Staloyand Mrs. Wm
Stevens were Norfolk visitors yesterday
from Pierce.
Geo. D. Butterfleld left yesterday for
a trip to Chicago and n visit to Davou
port , Iowa.
Judge Fales is visltjng with his fam
ily at Ponca and expects to return to
Norfolk tonight.
P. F. Sprecher and L. Sessions go to
Wausa tomorrow to attending a miu
ing directors meeting.
Miss Jobannah Peterson returned this
morning from Plaiuviow , whore she visited
itod her parents over Sunday.
Miss Ruth Daniel went to Madison
this morning for a visit at the homo of
OongrofiHiuau John S. ItobltiMon.
Deputy County Clerk ,1 , L. Daniel
uid wife ot Madison welcomed a bounc
ing baby boy to their homo in that city
on the Kith.
W. M. Hall , manager of the Singer
sowing machine ollloo of this city , re
turned yesterday from n visit with
'rlonds nt Bloomfleld.
W , H. Hagornmn nnd daughters , Anile -
ilo nnd Frances , loft on the noon train
'or Ilayward , Wls. , whore they will
visit for several weeks ,
Norfolk ledge No. 1)7 ) , A. O. U. W. ,
will moot iu regular Hesslon tonight at
Odd Follows hall and n good attend
ance of members la desired.
A Beatrice boy wns run over by n
Rwltch engine in the railroad yard there
nud not even hurt. It is the general
opinion thathe will make a good foot-
mil player.
F. F. Miller , deputy of the A. O. U.
W > is homo for a short visit with IIIH
'nuiily , Ills duties have required his
ittoudancu in the southern part of the
Htato during the past several weeks.
The Sugar City Cereal mill company
s arranging to raise the dlko on each
side of the mill race Hovoral inches to
irovont the water from overflowing
ute the feed yards that surround the
Last night was perhaps the coldest of
the Benson , the temperature going down
o 18 degrees , M below the freezing
point. It appears to have put the finish-
ng tocchcs on such vegetation as has
sui vived the lighter frostn preceding.
After a silence of some months , the
curfew boll was rung again last night ,
warning the children under 17 years of
ago that they would not bo permitted to
remain on the BtrootH nuloBs accom
panied by parents or guardians or had n
reasonable excuse.
Secretary of the United States Treas
ury Leslie M. Shaw nddrossod n largo
nudionco nt Wnyno Saturday night ,
.ho . "opera hous not being largo enough
o accommodate nil who wished to hear
; he spenking. Hon. J. "J. McCnrtby ,
candidate for congress , also spoke.
Friday IB Hallowe'en and Bomo of the
young folks will probably undertake to
celebrate if they are able to evade Chief
of Police Kane's promised enforcement
of thocuifew ore iuatco. There willjan-
donbtedly bo n force of olllcers on hand
o see that there is uo damage done to
property. Harmless fun may bo per
mitted but thoEO who would do other
wise had best regard the ofllcors vigil
Harvey Lillie , who was shot by a
burglar at his home in David City a few
nights ago wae a brother of W. W. Lil
le , the traveling man who died in this
city some years ago. The funeral of
Mr. Lillie was held Sunday afternoon
it David City. Investigations as to who
is responsible for his death is still under
wnyjnnd it is thought that the crime
may be fastened on some person living
in David City.
The Norfolk Highlanders are expect
ing n big lot of enthusiasm nnd a largo
number of visitors at their meeting to
morrow night when a hrgo class of
candidates are to be received into the
order. The event has been extensively
advertised and reduced rates have been
offered to out of town members of the
order who will attend. The Bonnie Doon
degree team of Lincoln will be here to
dojthe flcor work and will give an ex
hibition drill on the street tomorrow
night nt 8 o'clock.
A farmer living in the vicinity of
Norfolk was solicited to buy some nurs
ery stock some time ago by on agent.
Among the stock ho claimed to sell was
vineless grape vines nnd peach prunes
The farmer took some of these , along
with an order for other stock. When
the stock arrived the roots were dry nnd
the trees refused to grow. The pur
chaser refused to pay for the order nnd
suit has been started in a local court to
attempt to compell payment. The
farmer has written to other nursery
firms and has learned that there is no
such thing as viueless grapes and peach
George Hodges Is getting along very
nicely and the prospects are that ho
will soon be able to bo up nud nbont.
The fever has left him entirely nnd the
ugly wound across his neck is healing
rapidly. Yesterday ho was nblo to sit
up nnd was allowed to take his first
chow of tobacco since the cutting at
fray. Ho experienced considerable
satisfaction from the tobacco nud re
marked that it wns "like recoiviega letter
tor from homo. " His physician is
pleased with his progress nnd hopes to
have him able to appear nt the prelim
iuary hearing of his assailants in a few
days. Ho appears to be gradually re
covering his voice nud the hope is expressed -
pressed that with the complete healing
of the wound ho will bo sound in every
particular. He has had a long straggle
nnd n close call , but his physical condit
ion , combined with the care that has
been bestowed on him by his physician
appears to bo having the desired result
in effecting his recovery.
The football game on the local flelt !
next Saturday promises to bo intensely
interestingly and closely contested. The
Randolph team is composed of good nm
energetic players and the Norfolk tenu
will endeavor to hold them level. There
will bo a big inducement for a large
nrnwd and IIH the tuam IHM ! need of good
reeelptH , bolng a largo ixponno , it IH
Hilled that < voryouo will attend. Tin
[ irieo of admlHHlou will bo Hiniill com
mred with college games whom they
tlmrgn | l , f > 0 or $ ! ) 00. The game will IK
lioroughly entertaining an n oollegi
game , though may be lacking in HOIIIO
of the line point H of tmoh games which
ire only understood by thowi thoroughly
'amlllar ' with the pomtH of the play.
Air those who are not export the com-
ng game will bo IIH exciting UN a game
vhoro professionals are engaged , The
IUUCH do not depend on fair weather
and the crowd rhould bo there regard-
OKH of the comlltiotiH of the temperature
or other Inclemencies. The Norfolk
earn linn arranged for a game at Mndl
ion a week from Saturday.
Mrs. K. A. Hitchcock IH veiling in
; Morco today.
MJKH Emma Kuhn of Pierce was in
; lui city yesterday.
Mrs. 1' ] . II , Jacobs of Oakdalo IH visit-
ng Norfolk friends.
MrH. George Kuder of Meadow Grove
H the guest of Mrs. O. C. Hall.
Jack Weills linn accepted n posit ion in
Itimphroy'H clothing store-
Mrn. Thorp and daughter of Stanton
were viHitorH in Norfolk yesterday.
Goo. N. Bcels , 0 , S. B. metaphysician ,
linplays a bran new sign in front of hiH
ofllco ,
Mrs.'Mabol Priolmrd-Hartlott of St.
'mil , this state , is visiting with Mrs.
J. W. Gibson.
The first mooting this fall of the Kaf-
oo Klatch won hold with Mrs. Jacob
Jaum yesterday afternoon.
Mlchal Kndros has commenced the
erection of n now brick cottage near his
lome on South Eighth street.
W. II. Bucholz , president of the Nor
folk National bank , wont to Omaha yes-
erday , instead of to Battle Creek.
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Maylard are ox-
icctod homo tonight from their vinlt
with relatives and friends at York.
Sig. Sclmvland of the Sohavland-Johu-
BOII Dry Goods company of Madison
trauHiotod business in Norfolk ycHter-
luy and nitt with friends.
Iho Ladies Society of the First Con
gregational church will incut iu the
church parlors tomorrow afternoon ut
i : ! JO. Plenty of woik to tlo.
If spiders grow as liugo generally as
hey do in the Ahlman bicycle shop ,
men as well as women would find
uuplo oxcuho for being afraid of the
Mrs. T. J. Morrow expects to leave
tomorrow for Sodro-Woolley , Wash , ,
where she will spend the winter with
ler daughter , Mrs. Seabury , of that
The Odd Follows Rebeknh Ledge will
a social entertainment at the hall
on Wednesday evening , November 12.
Public to all members of the order , their
families and lady frieiidn.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kutz , of Ilotkins ,
parents of Cashier E. W. XuU of the
Norfolk National bunk , returned last
night from a throe-mouths' vibit in
New York , Virginia and Wisconsin.
The high Kchool building at Arapahoe -
hoe , valued at $20,000 , was burned to
the ground Tuesday evening , the build
ing being a total loss , not even the walls
remaining intact. The origin of the
fire is a mystery. The building was in
sured for $8,000 in two companies
Martin Slawter has as guests Mr. and
Mrs. W. H. True of Lincoln , Mrs , Mary
Niel of Miugo , Iowa , Mrs. Mattie May
berry and daughter of Portland , Oregon ,
and Mrs. Orpha Camion of Kuox
county , the four married ladles being
Bisters of Mr. Slawter.
The temperance lecture at the First
Congregational church tonight by Rev.
A. J. Wheeler will undoubtedly bo
largely attended. Mr. Wheeler comes
with splendid endorsments as an enter
taining platform speaker and wil
thoroughly entertain and instruct those
who turnout to hear him.
The Norfolk Electric Light and Power
company commenced last night to fur
nish patrons of that system with an all
night service which will bo continued
during the winter. It is a move tlm
will bo much appreciated by patrons
and thoho who are compelled to bo 01
the streets at all hours of the night or
the early .morning.
Martin Slawter , who has boon in the
employ of C. E. Hartford for the pas
nine years , has decided to go into th <
barber business for himself and hai
gone into partnership with Wm. Hink
ley in the barber shop iu the Holahat
building , iu the room just east of tin
American express office , which has
been fitted up nicely for a shop.
Mrs. Davenport and daughter , Mattie
loft this morning for Spokane , Washing
ton , where they will spend the winter
with Mr. and Mr * . Geo. A. Latimer
They go by way of Sioux City and John
Davenport , accompanied them back to
that place. George returned to Sioux
City yesterday , but his wife romainet
hero and will visit Norfolk relatives and
friends for n few days. Miss Fanni
will stay with her sister Mrs. T. E. Odi
orue and Mrs. Julia Reckard , mother o
Mrs. Davenport , will bo oared for at thi
homo of Mrs. Mlhills.
Norfolk caatlo , No.14 , Royal High
' Sick Headache ?
Food doesn't digest well ?
Appetite poor ? Bowels
constipated ? Tongue coated ?
It's your liver 1 Aycr's Pills
arc liver pills ; they cure dys-
pcpsia , biliousness.
23c. All
WMityiiiiriniiiiilftrlinnr Imnril n I'fuutlful
lirnwn or rlrli black ? 'limn inn
J00' . Ct I ) IIO(1HI , OH II V HllL A CO. , NIIHU , H.H.
andniH , expect n mooting tonight thafc
vill bo ii marker in their history IIH well
IH In the history of that order in thin
ertlonof the Htato. Bnnnio Doon de-
tree team of Lincoln will bo hero to
confer the degrooH on iv largo class of
iiindidivteH and will glvo an exhibition
kill on the HtreolH thin evening before
lie work in the ledge rooms begins.
Many out of town memborfl of the order
ire expected to attend and It IH expected
hat the meet ing will bo full of life and
There Hhould bo no dllllcully to fill
ho hull provided by the republican
ommltteo for the Hpcooh by lion ,
Morris Brown in thin oity tomorrow
light. The speaker IN wild to bo one of
be best on the list in the Htato thin
campaign and ho will hold the InteroHt
of UIOHO who come to hero him , The
vacant More room at the corner of Main
md Third HtreotH IIIIH been m-curod for
Hpoukliig and life willbo ; added to the
mooting by the Hinging of a inulo
Itiurtel of colored singers whoso ttorv-
eoH have been secured for the occaHlon.
VotorH of every party should not fail to
lear Mr , Brown ,
Pierce Call : L , Mason sold his flue
stock farm Monday to Reinhold Hoi-
tiers , the coiiHideration being $7fi per
ncro. The farm constats of 2(15 ( ncron
and IH eHpeolally adapted to stock niiH-
ng. AH the Elkhorn Valley Stock
Farm it him gained n reputation that
oxtendH Ixtyonnd the confluoH of the
itate. Mr. MUHOII'H flno hoard of Short-
lorim will bu Hold nixt April , IIH it in
he intention of the family to leave
'lerco and locate in the west. The
many friendH of Mr. Mason and bin '
istimablo family will learn of their
letormination to Icavo Pierce with re-
Kret and it in to bo sincerely hoped
hat they may eventually decide to re-
imin with old friends and neighbors
MrH. Lizzie Gordon , and George Colo-
nan and wife , loft this morning for
Sioux Falls. S. D. , where they expect to
nuke their future homo. Mrs. Gordon
xnd her family were , without , doubt ,
ho pioneer colored rcsidcntH of Nor-
'oik , having como from Fremont by
stage coach , before theVo were any rail-
roadH , in 1878. Her husband , George
Gordon , who served an company cook
luring the civil war , died hero and
wan buried in ProHpect Hill cemetery.
Uoth he and his wife were slaves in the
Honth previous to the war and for many
arH they were familiar character to
; ho early bottler of Norfolk. Aunt
Tauo , a daughter , and Bert , a HOD , will
continue to reside in Norfolk. Mrs.
olonmn in ulho a daughter.
District court at Pierce was adjourned
yesterday afternoon about : . ' 10 by Judge
Boyd owing to the fact that the jury
panel had been exhausted ami no jury
secured. Sheriff Jones was iu the
northern part of the county daring the
afternoon endeavoring to secure
men and had boon ordered to bring in
ID more men. It was hoped that ;
enough inou might bo secured by
him from whom to select at jury BO
that the business of the court could
proceed and the Niogenflnd case bo
tried. Up to the close of court yester
day 72 men had been examined and dis
charged by either th" prosecution or the
defense. The state had two more chal
lenges remaining and the defomo four.
A report from there this afternoon says
that they have finally been successful in
securing a jury and the trial of the coso
is now on. Dr. P. H. Suiter of this city ,
who was summoned to the Broyor homo
immediately artert ho tragedy , is now nt
Pierce , having been summoned to testify
before the oonrt. Dr. J. II. Mackny
was albo summoned today to give export
testimony on the case.
Estray Notice.
Taken up on my premises near Nor-
folk.Neb. , on the 29th of September , 1003 ,
a hornless red cow about two years old ,
white spot on both hind quarters ,
branded letter "T" on hip. D.itod Oct.
18th , 11)03. ) T. J. II.VKTEU.
akcs short roads.
JL Sbxiid light loads.
4 oed for everything
that runs ou wheels ,
Sold Everywhere.