The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, October 31, 1902, Page 8, Image 8

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Tickets for Coming ; Election
Being : Made.
The Finished Product Is n Lonrtl Y
Document The News Is Doing tlto
Work for Six Counties , 50,000
Ballots Going Required.
Tin : KKWH force Is busy just now
\vlth its luiuunl niHh of ballot printing
that CUIIIOH OH at this season of the
yonr. The job mulortnkon this fall in
to mipply six counties with the noccm
Blxry oflloinl niul sample bullets for the
comiiiK election , the number required
being about 50,000 , onoh ] ) rootnot in the
Blx counties requiring a change of form
BO Unit it moans considerable compos !
tlou an well as press work. The ballotH
this fall are about as lengthy OH any
that hivvo yet boon printed under the
MOW law. Some of thorn attain
length of14 iuohcu and tax the capacity
of the largo press of the ollloo to accom
There are four parties represented on
tbo state- ticket , throe on the oongrcH
elonnl and two parties generally on mm-
ntorial , roprosoutativo , county and pro
clnot. In addition to this there are the
four circles nt the head of the ticket fern
n straight party vote , and at the end ol
the ballot is the form by moans of
which voters may resistor their prefer
ence for or against the proponed amend-
xnont to the constitution of the stato.
The candidates and the parties they
roprobont , of interest to the voters of
Madison county , are as follows , being
.tho order in which thoyaro printed or
' the ballot :
For governor John II. Miokoy , republican
publican ; William II. Thompson , fu
Bion ; Samuel T. Davlos , prohibition
George T. Hlgolow , socialist.
For lieutenant governor Edmund Q
McGllton , ropublioau j Edward A. Gil
foort , fusion ; Isaiah Llghtunr , prohibi
tion ; Andrew D. Pongh , socialist.
For secretary of state George W
Marsh , republican ; John II. Powers
fusion ; D. D. Norton , prohibition ; J
Phipps line , socialist.
For treasurer Peter Mortonson , republican
publican ; John N. Lynuxn , fusion
Wesley II. Mmldox , prohibition ; Wm
Stolloy , socialist.
For auditor of public accounts
Olmrles Weston , republican ; Qharlei
Q. DeFranco , fusion ; John Dale , pro
hlbitiou ; T. P. Lipponcott , socialist.
For attorney general Frank N
Prout , republican ; Jefferson II. Uroady
fusion ; W. Burt Olark , prohibition ;
Jaiuofl U. Burloigh , socialist.
For commissioner of public lands and
buildings George D. Folhuor , repub
lican ; .lames 0. Brennan , fusion ; James
M. Dihvorth , prohibition ; \V. E
Adam * ; , Hocialist.
For superintendent of public instruct
ion William K. Fowler , republican ;
Olautl Smith , fusion ; 11. 13. Howard ,
prohibition ; George II. Spencer , social
' For congressmanThird district J. J.
McCarthy , republican ; John S. Robin-
Bon , fusion ; Charles 0. Bovoridgo , pro
For senator , Eleventh district J. M.
Aldou , republican ; D. J. Koonigsteiu ,
Following this comes the represen
tative , county and precinct tickets , the
ballot being completed with the con-
Btitutioual amendment propo llion ,
Loaded :
"Coustitutiounl Amendment Vote
For' or 'Against' .
"For amendment to the constitution ,
rebating to the manner of submitting
mul adopting amendments to the con
stitution of the state of Nebraska. "
"Against amendment to the consti
tution , relating to the uiauuor of sub
mitting and adopting amendments to
the constitution of the state of Ne
braska. "
Circle for Straight Vote Will Appear
Five Times.
lrrom Monday's Daily.
TUB Niws this morning commenced
on the ballots for Madison county , the
copy for them having boon retained un
til today by County Clerk Winter because -
cause of rumors of changes. The eight
days allowed for any such changes con
templated closed with today and there is
110 longer an opportunity to change the
{ personnel of the ticket should such
change be desired. There has been
some question about the form of the bal
lot at the head whore the circles are pro-
videdjfor o straight party vote. The sam
ple sent out by the secretary of state
provided for but one circle for the two
fusion parties. It was shown that in
Borne counties where there was no fus
ion it would be impossible for either of
the parties to use the circle to indicate a
Btraight party vote as it could not bo
told whether the voter desired to reg
ister for the democratic or peoples independent -
dependent ticket. The secretary of
Eteto compromised the matter by leaving
it in the discretion of the county clerks.
Mr. Winter desired that the ballots
for Madison county be printed with the
two circles , one after the democratic
nud one after the peoples independent
jparty at the head of the ticket. Al
though there is very complete fusion
here , there are ROIIIO candidates In the
county whoso vote might bo nffuotod by
he tine of but one olrulo and to take no
chances Mr. Winter ordered that the
wo circles be used ,
There has boon no ohango in the rep
resentative ticket Hlnco the convention.
L. Putney's munu appears us the
republican candidate , and the name of
T. K. Mommtngor , who wan nominated
> y the democrats and populists , appears
n that capacity. D. J. Koonigsteln's
name Is on as the fusion candidate for
Htato sonitor , and that of II. 3. Daniel
ippoars In the place of Mr , KoonlKstoin
is fusion candidate for county attorney
The balance of the ticket Is the sixmo
an doomed by the various conventions
with the possible exception of a few
minor precinct offices ,
Son-ln-Lnw of Lev ! Boomer In Precarious -
carious Condition.
Mrs. Edward Milluor , daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Lovl Boomer of tills city ,
loft this morning for Denver , Col.
whore she goes to care for her husbaud
who bai been giving hypnotic exhibi
tions under the name of Prof. Moxie
Ho lies in n Denver hospital in n dan
gerous condition from wounds received
at a town west of Colorado's ohlof city
It will bo remembered that an oxhibl
tion was glvou by him in Norfolk some
time ago. The story of how ho received
his injuries is told by n special under
date of September 28 :
"Prof. Moxie , the hypnotist , was she
and fatally wounded last night in Hurry
Downs' gambling rooms by a man by
the name of Harry Gates of Sioux
City , Iowa. It seems that Gates made
some remarks In regard to Prof
Moxlo's wife , who It is claimed b ,
Moxie , Is at Ft. Washlklo , Wyo ,
Moxie slapped Gates' faoo than drawing
a knife told Gates that ho was going t
kill him If ho did not take back hi
words. Gates apologi/.ed and loft the
room but returned in a few minute
and fired two shots at Moxie , one taking
ell'eot in his loft shoulder and the secant
through his hip. Little hope is outer
tniuod of his recovery. Gates has fie
and has not yet boon captured. Prof
Moxie seems to bo a perfect goutlomau
Neither of the men wore _ under the in
lluonco of liquor. "
Itsooms that'Mrs. Millnor has bu
just learned of the condition of her bus
hand , who it is feared cannot live long
and took this morning's train to bo iv
his bedside , doing what she can for h
who defended her at his own loss.
Homo of Mrs. Box Robbed.
Some housebreaker must have senu
Mrs. George W. Box , of 1)01) ) Jackson
street , put $13.75 on a shelf of her cup
board Wednesday night for when Mrs
Box wont to got the money yesterday i
was gone.
The screen door had boon torn opei
md the kitchen door had been forced
Uesidos that the kitchen girl had soei
suspicious persons about the house tin
night before.
" 1 have little doubt , " said Mrs. Bo :
yesterday , "that when I put that money
away I was observed by burglars. Th
curtains were up and persons on th
outside could have soon uio easily. On
of the boarders had just paid 1110 tin
money. It is very evident that they
know whore the money was for they dis
turbed nothing else in the house. "
When Mrs. Box returned home about
1) ) o'olcck Wednesday night Miss Keith ,
who bos a room above the kitchen , told
her of two men whom she had soon in
the alley acting suspiciously and when
Mrs. Box opened the house at 0 o'clock
in the morning she found the screen
door and kitohou door in the suspicions
condition stated. She did not discover
her loss , however , until the butcher
came about 8 o'clock. When she went
for the money to pay him she found it
The theft was reported to the police at
once. Sioux City Journal.
Reason for the Alarm.
The fire company is as often called for
imaginary dangers as real ones. A
bucket of water often extinguishes the
fire before their arrival. Their duty to
bo at the fire is never questioned.
To those in front of the bla/.o on the
hill Thursday at the time the alarm
was turned in the danger seemed im
minent. The roaring of the ( lames , the
smoke , and the wind coming with such
a velocity as to give the appearance of
the fire being in the cornfield directly
adjoining the barns. Had it boon
there the time spent in "ascertaining the
cause" would have been fatal to the
barns and horses.
The property owners thank the fire
company for the prompt response and
assure them that under the same cir
cumstances they would receive another
cell notwithstanding the "cost ot the
city. " W. H. JOHNSON.
Card of Thanks.
I wish to extend my sincere thanks to
the neighbors and friends who were
generous in their expressions of sym
pathy and their kindly nets during the
sickness of my mother , Mrs. Christiana
Schroth , and the last sad rites following ,
also I wish to especially thank those
who sent ( lowers.
Get y ° nr bng , y tops repaired and up
holstering done at Nordwig's harness
Joe Phipps' Jugular Has a
Close Call.
Man Who Did the Cutting Was a
Stranger and Disappeared Soon
After the Affray Stranger's Hand
Also Cut.
What came very oloso to being a BOO-
md edition of the sensation of ton days
igo when George Ilodgos , colored had
its throat out from oar to ear , took place
.11 the city Saturday night , and Joe
'hlpps , the colored hostler , was the vie
1m , Ills assailant being n stranger who
ms boon working on the gas line ex
cavations , who claimed Battle Crook as
its homo. Phipps' throat was out and
the knife used to do the cutting barely
nissod severing his jugular \oiti.
The trouble grow out of a game of
cards in which three were engaged. It
s said that Phipps won some of the
stranger's money and that the stranger
then asked him to sot up the drinks.
This Phipps' refused to do and his ro
fmal drew some hot words from the
stranger , for which ho was struck by
Phipps , The stranger thou drew
kulfo and In the scrimmage the colored
man's throat was out and the hand of
ho stranger also sustained n severe out.
Thinking that ho had out Phipps fatally
the stranger gathered up his personal
belongings and loft the city by the
shortest possible routo.
Phipps Mod freely from his wound ,
but after having it dressed by a physi
clan is in a fair way to recover unless
blood poisoning sots in. Ho was able to
bo about as usual this morning and np
poarod to bo very well fixed financially
as a now suit of clothes and a now hat
adorned his person. His physician
suys that if the out had boon a quarter
of an inch deeper , Phipps' jugular vein
would have boon severed and ho might
have bled to death.
No arrests have yet boon made In con
nection with the trouble. Both parties
to the fight are probably very willing
that it should bo allowed to go by de
Norfolk Players Defeat Tilden in
the Afternoon.
From Tnosdiiy'a Dully.
Yesterday was a day for the bowlers
and during the aftoruoou and evening
a large number of the enthusiasts were
entertained nt the Wilkins' alloys
During the afternoon a contest was
pulled off between a team of Tildoi
players and a local team , the Norfolk
team winning by a score of 4,070 to
. ' 1,507 , the Tildeu team winning but one
game in the series of five. In the evening
ing n Junction team contested with t
team ol up-town players , the latter
winning by a score of 2,280 to 2,15)3 ) , the
up-towu team winning two of th
games in a series of three.
Following is the score of the Tildeu-
Norfolk game :
1 2 8 4 B
Warren 1 7 100 141 152 115 705
Bush 120 Ii2 ! 121) ) 159 158 098
Kuuimorfoldt. 185 119 121 155 220-750
Stubbs 121 190 181 148 128 700
Avery 87 141 120 100 184 048
Totals 000 742 095 775 755-8507
Mapos 203 179 195 158 171 900
Munson 179 202 140 101 183 703
Koenigstoln . . .150 191 117 140 147 745
Barns 185 147 190 180 133 777
Stitt 151 172 18G 107 173 871
Totals 708 891 834 773 807-4072
Following is the score of the Junction
and up-town game :
Anderson 139 130 137 100
Wilkinson 177 125 119-421
Perry 170 185 188 443
Frazier 138 180 123 897
Boohnor 157 140 128 425
Totals 781 0(10 ( 015-2192
Marquardt 159 190 147 10(5 (
Korth 148 1C4 138 43- )
Howe 127 138 151 419
Carson 188 174 172 534
Robertson 110 145 125 J10
Totals 764 801 721-2280
Slayer of Anna Broyorand Her Father
Is Before Court.
From Tuesday's Dally ,
The trial of Gottlieb Niegenfiud , the
Pierce murderer , is on at Pierce before
District Judge J. F. Boyd of Nellgh
and much interest is being taken in the
caso. The trial was called for 1:30
yesterday afternoon and the time up to
the last reports was consumed in select
ing a jury.
The panel of 24 jurymen has been
exhausted , BIX of thorn being discharged
because they were opposed to capital
punishment. The judge has issued an
order for the sheriff to summon n veil-
ire of 48 men to servo as jurymen. It
la considered tLat it will bo very difll-
cult to secure a jury as almost everyone
In the vicinity of Pierce has formed an
opinion regarding the case.
Judge N. D. Jackson of Noligh is
prosecuting , assisted by County Attor-
oy II , F. Barnhardt of Piorco. The
ofoiiHo will bo conducted by J. II.
Jerryman of Crolghtou and Goo. T.
lolloy of Plaiuviow. '
Nolgouflnd made quite a stir in court
when ho appeared. Ho shows no effect
f the wounds ho received during his
aptnro and has lost the limp that was
ausod by one of the wounds. Ho ap-
team quite unconcerned regarding the
utcomo of the trial and seems to fool
onfldont of his acquittal.
It Is considered that it will bo several
days before the interesting phase of the
jose is reached.
A Modern Ursus.
A dispatch from Fremont says :
Frank Uohlliig , sou of Louis Uohllpg , a
, voll known farmer residing in Logan
township , in this county , has equalled
the feat performed by Ursus , as related
u "Quo Vodis. "
Young Uohllug and his two brothers
were driving a number of bulls along
the road , when one of the animals broke
ute a cornfield.
Uohltug pursued the bnll and became
separated from his brothers. After run
iilng some distance , the angry animal
Huddonly turned and charged upon the
young man.
Uohllug had no weapons and there
was no time to run. He grasped the
bull by the horns and an exciting struggle
glo took placo.
When his two brothers came running
to the scouo , they found that Frank had
sucoeodod in throwing the bull and was
sitting on the nock of the prostrate aui
mal , awaiting their arrival.
The bnll was not injured , although it
was evidently much surprised.
Brace Up , Norfolk.
Norfolk is doing a great injustice to
itself and the neighboring towns by
allowing gamblers and prostitutes the
privilege of remaining undisturbed in
that city. There is seldom a robbery
committed unless the thieves can bo
trac d to that town. Stantou and
Pilger have had several robberies of
late and two men who were living in
Norfolk nro now in the penitentiary ,
sent there by the courts and keen-eyed
officials of this county. It was a great
expense , but our people must stand it
because our sister city entertains liberal
( ? ) views regarding vice.
The safo-blowers that worked at Pilger
wore traced to Norfolk. Clean out the
gamblers and thugs , Norfolk. Common
decency demands it. Stauton Register.
Letter List.
List of letters remaining uncalled for
at the postoflico October , 28 1902.
Wm. Anderson , Mr. B. Ayres , How
ard Burns , Mr. A. L. Burdoine , P. P.
Browne , Mattie Bsruhnrdt. W. H. Cul
ver , Mr. Herbert Cook , Mablo Colemnn
Mr. John Dexter , Mr. F. King , Moore
Harless ( Layers ) , Mr. Eugene Perry
Mr. Frank Redden.
If not called for in 15 days will be
sent to the dead letter oflice.
Parties calling for any of the above
please say advertised.
Jonx R. HAYS , P. M.
Northern WlttcoiiHlii ICullway Fiirin Lime' '
.Fur Sale.
The Chicago , St. Paul , Minneapolis
& Omaha railway has for sale in North
era Wisconsin , nt low prices and easj
terms of payment , about 350,000 acre
of choice farm lands.
Early buyers will secure the advai
tago of locations on the many beautiful
streams and lakes , which abound with
fish and furnish a never ending and
most excellent water supply , both fo :
family use and for stock.
Land is generally well timbered , thi
soil fertile and easy of cultivation and
this is rapidly developing into one of
the greatest sheep and cattle raising
regions in the northwest.
Chicago , Milwaukee , St. Paul , Minn
eapolis , Duluth , Superior , Ashland and
other towns on "Tho Northwestern
Lino" furnish good markets for stock
and farm produce.
For further particulars address :
Land Commissioner , Hudson Wis. , or
, Asst. Geu'lPass.Ag't.St. Paul , Minn.
The newest , the leading , the besj.
commercial school is the Omaha Busi
ness University , Omaha , Nebraska.
Every young man a ad young woman
who desires a business education should
attend this school. Write for full in
Don't be Afruld
to look the facts squarely in the faoo.
That cough , racking and persistent , ac
companied by tightness in the chest and
spitting of sticky mucus , is a sign of
consumption. Common sense indicates
the use of Aliens' Lung Balsam , an
honest remedy since it contains no
opium ; an efficient remedy , since it
heals the irritated , inflamed throat and
lungs , and so prevents a deep-seated
cold from running into incurable forms
of consumption.
The value of Expert Treatment.
Everyone who is afflicted with
ohronio disease experiences great dif
ficulty in having their case intelligently
treated by the average physician. These
diseases can only bo cured by a special
1st who understands them thoroughly.
Dr. J. Newton Hathaway of Sioux City ,
Iowa , is acknowledged the most skillful
and successful specialist in the United
States. Write him for his expert opin
ion of yonr case , for which ho makes no
TAKEN UP. One calf , atthe yards of
Philbrick & Greenwood nt the factory.
Owner is repuestod to call , pay charges
and take said ostray away ,
Reports of a Man Seriously In
jured Sunday Night.
Officers Have Boon Investigating , but
Could Learn Nothing Either a
Hoax or the Injured Man Is Care
fully Hidden by His Friends.
It has boon persistently rumored that
lomo man had received serious injuries
between here and the Junction some-
imo during Sunday night , but the case ,
f there is one , is shrouded in mystery.
Officers were informed that a man had
been sovorly injured in the yards at the
Oroighton depot and an investigation
was umdo at 2 o'clock yesterday morn-
ng but the injured man was not found
lor were there any clew to his where
Later it was reported that a man ,
badly out and unconscious , was lying in
ho Dawson barn in the outer edge of
South Norfolk. Officers and a physi
tan at once wont to the place indicated
but the man had disappeared. One
story in that he recovered his souses and
proceeded down toward the rlvor and
another is that ho was removed by com
paulons or those responsible for his con
ilition. A doctor could not bo found
who had attended such a case , and the
conclusion is either that the officers and
others interested are victims of a
iioax or that the injured man has been
skilfully concealed.
It is also stated that a doliverynian for
one of the grocery houses has knowledge
of the case ; that ho assisted in carrying
the wounded person into a house and
stated that ho was horribly mangled but
the identity of the deliveryman is a sub
ject for conjecture ,
The case is on a par with one at Sil
ver Crook , where a man was fatally shot
hrough the body below the shoulder
but could not be induced to say any
thing about himself or who might have
boon responsible for his condition. He
was soon earlinr in the day with another
young man who was arrested at Colum
bus , but he also is as mum as an oyster
and the officers will have difficulty in
probing into the case if they continue
to maintain silence. The Norfolk offic
ers haven't even this much of a clew ,
but something may bo developed later.
Stops the Cough and Works off the
Laxative Brome Quinine Tablets cure
a cold in one day. No cure , no pay
Price 25 cents.
( i. Little Trick That , It IM Snltl , Will
Start Him Every Time.
For the benefit of those who have
been caused n great deal of anxiety by
a balky horse , lost trains as well as
tempers and sometimes even ruined
the horse , the next time they have the
experience to run across a balky horse ,
no mutter how bad he Is , let me tell
you how to start him ninety-nine times
out of a hundred.
Of course it may fall one time in a
hundred. When a horse balks , no mat
ter how badly he sulks or how ugly he
is , do not beat him. Don't throw sand
In his cars , don't use n rope on his
fore legs or even burn straw under
him. Quietly go and pat him on the
head a moment Take a hammer or
even pick up a stone In the street ,
tell the driver to sit still , take his lines ,
hold them quietly while you lift up
either front foot , give each nail n light
tap and a good smart top on the frog ,
drop the foot quickly and then chirp
to him to go. In ninety-nine cases out
of a hundred the horse will go right on
about bis business , but the driver
must keep his lines taut and not puller
or jerk htm back.
If I have tried this once , I have tried
It GOO times , and every time I have
Suggested It people have laughed and
even bet $5 and bottles of wine that I
couiu not cio it BO rar i nave won ev
ery bet This may make you smile , but
a horse has more common sense than
most people are willing to give him
credit for. The secret of this little trick
la simply diversion. I am a firm believ
er that with kindness and proper treat
ment a horse can bo driven with a
Btring. Horse Sboers' Journal.
Another Plnnio.
A man who had lost bis much-be
loved wife consulted a stone mnson In
regard to the erection of a tombstone
with a suitable epitaph. After having
n number of lines suggested , be finally
selected the following : "The light of
my life has gone out. "
A short time afterward the widower
fell in love with a very charming girl ,
to whom he became engaged. He im
mediately felt concerned nhput the
epitaph upon the tombstone of his for
mer wife , and again consulted the
stone mason , to whom ho explained
the circumstances , and stated that the
epitaph would have to be changed. He
Intended to leave town , returning on
the day of the wedding , and Implored
th mnson to take the matter in hand
nnd alter tbo epitaph so that tbo feel
ings of his prospective wife would not
bo hurt This the mason promised to
do , and when the widower returned ho
visited the grave at once , finding that
the mason hnd been true to his word ,
the epitaph now appearing : "Tho light
of my life has gone out , bit I have an
other match. " Philadelphia Times.
\Vliy Prrilillo Scniilril.
Guest Why do you scowl nt mo BO ,
Freddie ?
Freddie Cause you hove eat all the
cake and haven't married cither of my
Bisters yet Llpplucott's. _
i , , c i , . „ ,
Corner 17th and Farnain sts. ,
On Kovember 5th , and 10th , and
December 3rd , and 17th , the Missouri
Pacific Railway will sell tickets to cer
tain points in the S ( uth , Southeast , and
Southwest , at the rate of one fare for
the round trip , plus * 2 00. Final re
turn limit 21 days from date of sale.
Fast Time and Superior Through Ser
vice. Reclining Chair Oars ( seats free ) .
Pullman Buffet Sleeping Cars.
( J For further information or land pam
phlets , address , W. O. BARNES
T. P. A.Oumha , Neb.
G. P. & T. A. A. O. P. & T A.
St. Louis , Mo. Kansas City , Mo.
To Chicago , Milwaukee , Racine ,
Rockford , Lacrosse , Dubnquo , Elgin ,
Freeport , Madison , Jauesville
and other important points East , North
east and Southeast , via
An Electric Light in Every Berth.
The Milwaukee is the only Electric
Lighted Train that runs in and out of
Omaha. All cars are supplied with in
candescent lights.
Palace Sleepers nnd the finest Dining
Oars in the world are run on the 0. M.
& St. P. Ry. Write and got full in
F. A. NASH ,
General Western Agent ,
H. W. HOWELL , 1504Farnam St. ,
Trav. Frt. & Pass. Agt. Omaha.
. . . .TRY. . . .