THE NORFOLK NEWS : FIUDAY , OOTOltEU 31 1002. THE j ® & ATTACHE Dy P. Y. BLACK Copyright , 1001 , by P' Y. niock Cnnnbn nnd Powers rose nml bowled With Joy when their ntrlker brought In tbo cnrd , n most official card "Mr. KIdo Mnbuchl , the Japanese Legation , Washington , D. C. " In the big school In Massachusetts where Mnbuchl as a boy hud studied the mysteries of An- Jean civilization , with Cannon and Powers as his chief Instructors , he had struggled through a course of foot ball , lie now required all the power of muscular resistance thus gained to withstand the onslaught of these friends of his school days. "You monsters ! You dragons of America ! " ho cried , falling backward Into the only armchair the youngsters' bare quarters possessed , "lias West Point , then , not reformed you ? " "Shut up , you lovely little brute , nnd come to my bosom again ! Ain't he Bwcct , Powers ? Observe his little tan tootslcums. The dude has been built In London and Paris. Ktdo , oh , Kldo , Is this n grateful return for all the re publican simplicity you Imbibed at Halton ? " They sat down , one on either side of Mabuchl. Their tall , bony , wire woven frames far overtopped that of the graceful oriental. "Well , tell me , then. " said Mabuchl , smiling. "Tell you ? It's you who've got to do the telling , Kldo ! " they cried together. "We've nothing to tell , " Cannon added. "When you left for the war , we got through West Point somehow and are existing among cowboys and Indians on these broad , unlovely plains. It . was good of you to come to see us , ns we could not come to Washington , but you always were a decent little speci men of foreign brlc-a-brac. Now tell us about yourself. " "It Is not much to tell. When my country went to war with China , I ; was ordered home , you know. Then I served with the army , and the honor able general spoke well of me In dispatches and I was promoted. The ; war ended , and my government sent me to travel. . I was everywhere Lon don , St. Petersburg , Berlin , Vienna and Paris. " | "How I should have liked to do Paris [ with you ! There's a French count , an ex-ofllcer , here stopping with the cole nel. I suppoRe you met heaps of them in P rls ? He's studying America too. Count Count what's his name Count" T "Count Dlceandbass ! " cried the strik er , opening the door of the young officers' sitting room to usher In an elderly , wax mustacuod Frenchman. Powers and Cannon advanced to greet the new visitor. Kldo Mabuchl rose slowly , his yellow brown face turning gray. "Count d'EIsenbas , " Powers said , "we are honored. Let mo Introduce to you Mr. Kibo Mabuchl of the Jap anese legation and an old school friend of ours. Wo were just telling him itras curious that you and he , both studying us savages for the benefit of your governments , should meet at such mi out of the way hole as Fort Drake. " The count made a rush of effusive 'greeting ' at the Japanese , who coolly .took . his hand. I "Mon Dleu , gentlemen ! You afford to me surprises the most welcome. " t "You know each other , then ? " said Powers. I "Know ! " cried D'EIsenbas. "We are ( comrades since long time ! " ! "Yes , " said Kldo , nnd the laugh -was 'gone from the eyes which had sparkled on his old friends , "we met in Paris. " ! "And are ravished to meet in Amer ica ! " cried the count with n hand on [ either of Mabuchl's shoulders. f Cannon and Powers looked at each btlier in amazement. It was impossible not to note the dearth of delight in iKido's face. I "On this hot afternoon , -when I had nothing to do , I remembered our lost game at pokair , gentlemen , and I said : 'Ha ! I shall go and have my r-revnncho from the youthful giants , Messrs. Can non and Powuir. ' May I ? For Mabuchl nt baccarat , ecarto and the games of Paris. I know , but pokair" "I pray excuse me , " said Mabuchl gravely. "I ho longer play cards. " "Ah ! Since Paris ? " cried d'EIsen bas , with a shooting glance. I "Since Paris , " Kldo assented calmly. ! "Pshaw , Kldo , " cried Cannon , "you'll simply have to play poker In Washing ton. Count , let mo offer you some thing cooling. Kldo why your glass is full yet ! " " ' " said Ma- "I don't touch anything , I , uchl gravely , i "Since Paris ? " again the Frenchman asked and mocked. "Since Paris , " said Mabuchl. "Ah , I see , you want not to play po- lialr. You have much to talk. Au revolr , my American giants. We shall meet at the colonel's. Mabuchl , shall twe meet ? " \ "We shall meet , " said Kldo , rising nnd bowing with grave oriental cere mony. I The school chums stared on Kldo. "What the devil happened to you In Paris ? " Cannon cried again. "Why did that Frenchman grin In that meas ly'way ' , as If-as if ho owned you ? Speak , you little lump of bronze. What mischief did you have the nerve to get into without Powers and me to haul you out again ? " In the corner of the colonel's broad veranda that night Count d'EIsenbas spoke In French brlelly and coldly to the little Japanese. "I cornered you hero on purpose , " ho Bald. " 1 luivo glvon you a year , and you not ready. Well , tomorrow you must make good your promlHo or I shall hand these notes In my breast pocket to your chlof. " Kldo Mabuchl went homo to his bunk , hastily llttt-d up In Cannon'H room , but slept not at all. „ In the morning when his clnuun came In from stables and early company drills they found the attache sealing letters on which ho had been very busy nnd which he now put In his pocket. He was very amiable , scry cheerful nnd very calm. It Is something to have had ancestors of oriental blood and oriental faith ; It Is something to be able to say when the hour has come : "Is It , then , time ? Good. Just n min ute , and I shall be ready , " to llnlsh the cigarette calmly , to nod to friends n Binlllng adieu and then to perform the haraklrl decently and with regard to other people's sensibilities. The hour before sundown Is admira ble for target shooting. The four went down to the range late In the after noon. The count had been bragging a little of his skill with a rlllo , and Can non and Powers had coaxed the Jap anese Into making a match with him. D'Elsenbas mocked at that. He seemed to have n great contempt for the at tache. "Mais Mnbuchl ? " ho laughed. "I shall beat him at the r-range , as I beat him nrecarte In Paris. What nr the en Anglais stakes ? " Kldo'a eyes Involuntarily flashed on the Frenchman's breast pockets , and the count grinned In n way which Can non and Powers resented , but could not understand. Powers and D'Elscnbaa were to mark for Kldo , nnd Cannon and Ma- buchi for D'EIsenbas. "It Is very simple , " said Cannon for the count's benefit. "While you mark , Count d'Elsenbas , bullseye , four , thrco whatever the shot is , the targets re volve , and Powers will paste the hole on the lower one. Remember , be care ful to wiggle wngglo the danger flag distinctly if you want to examine close ly. " Then Kldo saw the gates open before him and was content. This matter of suicide might be very simply nrrnnged. Powers would be In the pit with him , stooping down with his pasters nt the lowered target. The count was a fair shot at least. At 300 yards he could hardly miss. What BO simple ns to leap up In the nick of time and receive the bullet ? It was not the haraklrl , to be sure , but In matters of sulcldo ono should accommodate oneself to place and other circumstances. D'EIsenbas won the tosn and elected to have Kldo shoot first. He and Pow- ersxwent to the butt to mark. Kldo began to shoot at 300 yards mechan ically , and , behold , the gates closed ! Fate laughs at schemes. The plan of Kldo was shattered. D'EIsenbas , wrathful at the Jap's good shots , for getting where he was , forgetting the danger signal , leaped up with an oath to challenge a bullseyo nnd fell back again in the pit , shot through his plot ting brain. Kldo rushed Into Cannon's arms with Btrangc , mad eyes. "It Is the gods ! " ho screeched. "It was no murder. I meant It the other way because I could not perform hara- kiri on myself in your honorable room. Look , then , look ! " Cannon clutched the letter Kldo hud written in the morning. In It the at tache told his tale the untold talc of many another in the clutches of the "secret service" of unscrupulous Euro pean governments. D'EIsenbas had. failed to corrupt the secretary by brlbo or promise , but in Paris ho had intro duced him to cards and women , and the women had got from the lad a few of Japan's plans for fortification nnd nrmy organization. Threatened with disclosure by the spy , who also held over his head notes of hand for "debts of honor , " Kldo saw but one way to escape disclosure and disgrace. But the gods had forbidden it. The count instead was dead. "I shot him , " he said over nnd over again , "but It was not murder. I meant him to shoot me. " "We understand , " said his chums. "It's all right , and the gods have moro horse sense today than usual. We'll take these papers from his pockets and destroy them and report the circum stances sad accident prominent men you know. " "And he's really dead ? " "Sure dead , " said Powers. "But try to look decently regretful , Kldo. " The Abliot of Fool * . The abbot of fools , who waa nlso known in different parts as the arch bishop or bishop of fools , the abbot of misrule , the lord of misrule , the mas ter of unreason nnd L'Abbe dc Liesse , was the person who used to superin tend the saturnalia , which were com mon in different parts of Europe from the fifth to the sixteenth century. The feast of fools was an Imitation of the heathen saturnalia and , like this , was celebrated in December ; hence the con fusion of ideas which has arisen In mixing this feast with the ordinary Christmas revels. The chief celebra tion of the feast of fools fell upon In nocent's day , but the whole revels lasted from Christmas to the last day of Epiphany. The young people gen- crally elected a lender , who went by ono of the names quoted , nnd ho was consecrated with many grotesque and ridiculous ceremonies. England , Scotland , France and Ger many all practiced these wild saturna lia , and it was with great difficulty that they were finally abolished. The nbbot was not responsible for any trick or practical Joke played on the rest of the community by his orders , and the victims had simply to "grin and bear it. " In the temple ( law headquarters , London ) the office of the lord of mis rule Booms to have been n coveted one , for wo rend that It was only given to young men of good family. PRESERVED P > Y WAX FOUR HISTORIC PAINTINGS IN THE NATIONAL CAPITOL. They Weri * Trrnleil I.onir After Coin- liIHIou niul AVHoii Thpy Already ShiMml HIiriiN f Illimoltitlou An ArtlHt'it Curlon * It In tiller. It Is n curious fact that the ennio combination of chemicals which pre served In n perfect state for over COO years the remains nnd shrouds of King Edward I. of England linvo also been used to preserve four of the great his torical paintings perpetuating BCCIICH in the foundation nnd establishment of this government. These four paintings occupy perhaps the most conspicuous place for obser vation In the nation. They nro the work of Colonel John Trumbull and hang on the eastern wall of the rotun da of the capital. The paintings were put In place In 1824 under the supervision of the nrtlfct himself , but not without much hesita tion nnd objections on his part because of the dampness of the walls nnd nlr in the rotunda at that time. The fears of the nrtlst were proved to bo well founded , for four years later the changes on the surface of the paintings became BO apparent that congress passed a resolution authorizing their removal from the walls of the rotunda by Colonel Trumbull for Inspection and remedy If possible. It was at this point that Colonel Trumbull's knowl edge of the preservative chemical com pound was drawn on. In n letter to congress , dated Dec. 0 , 1828 , Colonel Trumbull explains In de tail his treatment of the paintings nt that time , and an inspection now of these four pictures shows that they nro in a perfect state of preservation both as to brightness of color nnd con dltlon of canvas. In the letter referred to Colonel Trumbull says : "All of the paintings were taken down , removed from their frames , taken olt from the panels over which they were strained , removed to n dry , warm room nnd there separately - ly nnd carefully examined. The mate rial which forms the basis of the paint ings Is a linen cloth whoso strength nnd texture arc very similar to these In the topgallant bails of a ship of war. The substances employed In forming a proper surface for the artist , together with the colors , oils , etc. , form a suffi cient protection for the face of the can vas , but the back remains bare and ex posed to the deleterious effects of damp air. The effect of this Is first seen In the form of mildew. It was this which 1 dreaded , and the examination showed that mildew was already commenced nnd to an extent which rendered It manifest that the continuance of the same exposure for a few years longer would have accomplished the complete decomposition or rotting of the can vas nnd the consequent destruction of the paintings. " Colonel Trumbull then explained how he first thoroughly dried the canvases and prepared them for the preserva tive. On this point ho continues : "I had learned that n few years ago some of the eminent chemists of France had examined with great care some of the ancient mummies of Egypt with n view to ascertaining the nature of the substance employed by the embalmcrs which the lapse of so many ages had proved to possess the power of protect ing from decay a substance otherwise so perishable as the humnn body. This examination had proved that , after the application of liquid asphaltum to the cavities of the head and body , the whole had been wrapped carefully in many envelopes or bandages of linen prepared with wax. The committee of chemists decided further , after n care ful examination and analysis of the hleroglvphic paintings with which the , etc. , are covered , that the col ors fcmploycd and still retaining their vivid brightness had also been pre pared and applied with the same sub stance. "I also know that toward the close of the last century the Antiquarian Society of England had been permitted to open and examine4 the stone coffin deposited In one of 'the vaults of West minster abbey and said to contain the body of King Edward I. , who died In July , 1307. On removing the stone lid of the coffin Its contents were found to be closely enveloped In n strong lin en cloth , waxed. Within this envelope were found splendid robes of silk en , rlched with various ornaments coverIng - Ing the body , which wns found to bo entire nnd to have been wrapped care fully In all Its parts , even to each sep arate finger , In bandages of tine linen which had been dipped In melted wax , nnd not only wns the body not decom posed , but the various parts of the dress , such as n scarlet satlu manllo nnd n scarlet piece of sarsenet which was placed over the face , were In per fect preservation , oven In their colors/ * Colonel Trumbull then states that , with this knowledge , he melted com mon beeswax and mixed with nn equal quantity of oil of turpentine , which mixture wns npplled hot with brushes to the backs of the paintings and aft erward rubbed In with hot Irons until the cloth was perfectly saturated. The .niches In the walls were backed with cement and the paintings so placed to them that nlr could circulate behind the canvases. Spring doors were also ordered placed In the entrances to the rotunda by Colonel Trumbull. Since that treatment these paintings have bad nothing done to them , nnd from present appearances they need noth- tag. tag.Another Another peculiarity In ono of these pictures Is pointed out to persons being iliottn the capital under the care of n guide , nnd that Is In the scene of \Vashlngton resigning his commission. The two daughters of Charles Carroll , who Btnnd embracing each other , nro tlven five hniida.-Wnshlngtou Star. 'I'lii' crlNiy Thcrt'H ( tninrthln' In ( lilt erlHpy nlr tlmt'i ' 111(0 the lUUllo'H Houiul , When ycr fnrtnln1 for tlio niinilrllln nn' ycr Hwlni ? yiT nwenthrnrt rotiiuU "When you hour u Kind voleo call , "Come up , you fcllrrn , all , An' tmlitnco to ytr pnrtnorn till the tluncln' HlmlteH Uio hull I" While thcro'n loin of joy tu mttntner , whet the blrdtt Finn wild nn' free , There's nothlii' llko the winter , when tin flilil I e BlnRH to mo I The fire blur.ln' lirlnlit , The ilnncln' ever' nlnht , An' n feller's nwcrthrnrt sinllln' nn In swings tier loft an' rlKhtl Bo the crisp nlr nets mo thlnUIn' of till times n-coinln' MOIIR When llfe'Il meet the niUBlo of the halle- luln Hongl The Imppy time of fall , \Vhcn you hear the fiddler cull An' you Imluncu tu yrr pnrdnrra till the diuicln * shako * the hnllt _ _ Atlanta Constitution. Iloth Wrrr Hliorltril. Little Elulo wan u faithful attendant nt Sunday school nnd had listened ear nestly when plans for n coming Chris tian Endeavor convention were dis cussed , her Interest Increasing to en- thUHlamn over the mysterious affair when she learned that her auntie wits to attend IIH a delegate. Coming Into the library one day , auntie miw the little maid btmlly en gaged In writing n letter to a coimln with whom Hho kept up a Juvenllo cor- roHiKMidcncc. She Hcrawlcd industri ously for n moment ; then Htonped. There was a puzzled expression on her fat , Ink stained face fin Hho dangled her short legs and wriggled uncomfortably on her high perch. "Auntie , " she said , "how do you apcll 'devil ? ' " "Oh , Elsie , " said her auntie , "I am shocked ! Why nre you using Biich n word as that In your letter ? Nlco llttlo girls never nay such things. " It was Klnle'H turn to be Hliockotl. "Why , auntie , " she cried , "I'm only telling her about the Christian nnd devil convention ! " Harper's Mngu zinc. Editor' * Trouble * In Ilnimln. A correspondent tells the following story of methods of censorship In HUH Bin : I was nt nn evening party of the local press censor In a south Husslan town. About midnight I had strolled from the music room Into n cardroom nnd was watching n game of cards , one of the players bclug our host , the censor , when the hostess approached her husband and said : "I wluh , my dear , you would stop behind. There are three poor wretches there who have been waiting for you a couple of hours. I did not wish to disturb you sooner. " "They must wait a little Ion ger , " replied the censor. "I must finish my rubber. " Twenty minutes later our host absented himself for a quar ter of an hour. Meeting his wife nexl day , I asked her who were the "three poor wretches" referred to. "Editors of the three local journals , " she re plied. They had waited two and half hours In the censor's back kltchci with their manuscript nnd proof sheets for that morning's IHSUC , without whlcl they could not go to press. Pearson's lliulii't XTnfil Any ll > Ntrrln. A ccrtnln lady of title recovered fron n rather severe Illness. An adept will the' brush and a regular exhibitor o water colors In connection with the local art gallery , It was supposed sh had overworked herself. When the doctor was called In , ai old nurse who had been in the fainll many years bored the medical mm with her opinions as to the cause o the attack. "It's them long hours an * hard worl of the palutin' what's done It , " she re marked directly she saw him. The doctor wns preoccupied nnd scarcely heard the remark. "Ilns her ladyship exhibited any traces of hysteria ? " he suddenly demanded manded , turning to the talkative nurse "Oh , no , Kir , " was the unexpected re ply. "They was water colors , all on 'em real beauties too. " Milwaukee Wisconsin. Ccninrliin : Shnkemiicnrc. A masterpiece of censorship was once performed Ly the Turkish censor , Nlc chan Effendl , on the occasion of the production'of Shakespeare's "Othello1 nt Constantinople. He "corrected" the drama so thoroughly as to leave hard ly n trace of the original. Among oth er words , be expunged "Cyprus , " glv Ing ingenious reasons for this correc tion. "Cyprus , " he said , "Is n Turklsl Island. It would bo politically unwise to send Othello to Cyprus , because the territorial Integrity of Turkey Is guar nntced by treaties. Why not put , In stead of Cyprus , some Greek Island such as Corfu ? " And thus it came to pass that from respect to the treaty o Paris Othello had to go to Corfu. Xo llrcnth ( u "There Is something about the nt mosphero In the far north that makes men very quiet , " bald a man from up In the frozen region the other day. "The habit is acquired , I suppose , In tramping , when the altitude makes It necessary to use all your breath for breathing and leaves you none for talking. The result Is that the men talk very little. They become almost speechless and will sit about at night , each thinking his own thoughts and allowing Ills fellows to do the same. " An AmietlKcr. Gentleman ( nt restaurant ) I say , waiter , your customers nro n fearfully noisy lot ! "Yes , sir , nnd yet they nre BO par ticular , you would scarcely believe. Why , that same turbot you nro eating Just now no fewer than six of them refused before you canto ln ' Until Were There. Miss Mlllyun-One can be very hap py In this world with health and mon ey. ey.Deadbroke Then letjg be made one. I ImYO the health and you have the money ! Illustrated Bits. In Java Natives do not glare coffee with a cheap anil impute coaling , They , , have too high a regard for health a well as for the naturally delicious' flavor of their popular berry. The very American roasters who glaze their package coffcc.i do not t/iirt to touch or glaze their high . . Mocha and . ? iiik.ii iii u priced ifiir iiun mill Javati. Why I * never KJnzcd or Lion Coffee adulterated. It is JUST PURE Coffee. Tlin ri > lfd paring * limurMi uniform quality ted froilmfM. 'ore excellent quality of GUND'S PEERLESS is its freedom from ( -very element that causes licadndit1 or distrcst. t's the purity , the perfect brewing nnd proper ageing that make it so good. JOHN QUND URRWINU CO. , Ln Grouse , Win. YOU MUST NOT FORGET Thai wo arc constantly growing in iho urtjof making Kino Photos , and our products willjil- ways bo found to om brace the . and Newest Styles in Cards and Finish. Wo also carry a fine line of Moldings suitable for all kinds of framing. I. 3MC. What it Means. We guarantee everything wo neil to wear well. What ( loon that moan ? It certainly don't mean that a pair of nhoes will wear a year or two if yon put the nolcHof them on a hot utove. It don't mean thata hat will ho good after it ban blown oil' your head and been run over by a team and a load of wood. It don't mean that you can wear a suit of clotheH every day to do hard work in and have them keep on and be as good as they were the day you bought them for a year or two. It does mean good wear for a reasonable time moro wear for a longer time than you can get for your money of any body else. If you buy any thing of IIH and it don't wear well for the money it coHtn , AVO want to know it we'll make the wear part good. Order one of thene fine worsted suits wo show on page 8 of our now fall catalogue try us. Fall Term Opens Sept. f. Catalog Fnau ROHRBOUGH BROS , PROPRIETORS. 17th and Douglas Stj. Cotinei of Study R ril r Hattnen , Combined , Preparatory. Normal , Shorthand , Typewriting , Telegraphy. Penmaniblp , Pen-Art , Hlocnllon , Oratory and Ptmlcal Cnltoro. Advantages College Band , Collrre Orchealra , Board of Trade. Printing Office , Literary SocUtr. Lecture Coarse , Law School , Public Enterlalnmcnti and Athletlca. Work for Board Any itudent can work for board. Addrr't : Catalotf-Our new Illuitraied free to anyone. ROHRDOUGH BROS. . OMAHA. NEB. A NEW FAST TRAIN Between St. Louis and Kansas City and OKLAHOMA CITY , WICHITA , DEN1SON , SHERMAN , DALLAS , FORT WORTH And principal polnta In Texas and the South west. This train Is now throughout and la tnndo up of the finest equipment , provided with olectrlo lights and all other modern traveling conveniences. It runa via our now completed Red River Division. Every appliance known to modern cat building and railroading has boon employed In the wake-op of this service , including Cafe Observation Cars , tinder the management of Fred. Harvey. Full Information ns to rates and all details ol a trip via this now route will bo cheerfully furuiHhed , upon application , by any repro- bentatlvo of the FRISCO SYSTEM AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAt * * B "When Your Will Is Ready \our Feet Are Light. " The business men of this town can attract out-of-town trade as readily as the big establish ments of the cities attract It Jt Is simply a matter of advertising. This paper goes Into the homes not only of those who live In the thickly settled community but it is a welcome guest in almost every farm house for miles around It reaches the homes In all near-by villages and some that are far removed. It will draw trade from wherever It circulates if Its advertising columns are Intelligently used Have you tried tu Drop In and talk It over anyway.