The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, October 31, 1902, Page 6, Image 6
1 THE NORFOLK NEWS : FRIDAY , OCTOBER 31 , 1002 , The MOPoik fletas Klmcr Lunburg is now publisher if tbo Cm roll Index , ofvliioh tlto Into Arthur P. Chlldsis editor. The democrats who nro given to worry over thoiropublican party In Iowa night \ > o nblo to uncertain tlmt Riinllnr ; ondltiouH exist among the democrats in ill states If they would but put tholr jars to the ground. Stntomoutfl that the fusion ticket will bo olootcd by majorities ranging from 16,000 to 160,000 are nbont duo from the headquarters of thono parties. It cannot bo considered tlmt the campaign i IH oomplotoly and BUG- coiFsfnlly closed until nuoh statements have boou promulgated. A coal export ban found that there la coal enough iu the deposits of thiR country tn supply the people during the coming lr , > 00 yearn. This is very satisfactory - factory and indicates that the only'timo the people of this generation Bhonld worry is when the immediate supply la cut off by the moans of strikes or some other troubles that interfere with the immediate drawing on the deposit. Dr. .1. M > Alden will inako an ideal state senator during the approaching term of the logislatnro. Ho has the ability that will bo required with nf fairs of such vast importance to the Btnto and the tax-payers as the coming session will bring forth. HoIs , the sort of representative that this senatorial district will need and his election should bo by an overwhelming majority. The "World-Herald must bo in terrible straits for an issue. Its endeavors to inject Governor Savage and his opln ions on the Ponsylvauia coal strike into the state campaign would Indicate an much. Perhaps it will next bo intimat ing that Qrover Oloavland and tb < > social condition of the Fiji islands are paramount reasons why voters should east tholr ballots for the fusion ticket. The trusts ia a live issuobnt the dem ocrats are discounted by the republi cans who promieo to do as nmch or moro for the control of these combinations , na they and the pcoplo are well aware that what the republican party under takes to do it will do. It was not Grover - vor Cleveland , the democrat , but Theo dora Roosevelt , the republican , who has boon in evidence as guarding the interests of the people as opposed to the interests of the trusts. There is evidently a need for a Men's Christian Temperance Union in Eng land. In America , whore the men are the drinkers , the women are attempt ing to reform them. In England , ac cording to Lady Henry Somerset , there nro now three women to one man ar rested for drunkenness , and this should bo n condition for men to reform. Fif teen years ago there was an average of four men to ouo woman arrested for drunkenness in that country. Tom Johnson is certainly a good dis ciple of Mr. Bryan. Ho has adopted that gentleman's tactics of doing demo crats as well ns republicans to a rich , brown turn. It remains to bo soon whether ho is moro successful in winn ing support by the method than Mr. Bryan has been. Mr. Bryan undoubt edly drove away democrats who would have been ready to cotno back into the fold , and it is anticipated that Johnsons methods in Ohio will have the same ten dency. Democrats are quite bu y asserting that Populist John Powers will poll the fall democrat io vote this fall and that ho will not be knifed because ho is a pdpulist. They would do just as well to save their explanations until the re turns are in , then they might have abundant reason to set themselves right before the voters or especially the pop- nlists , All will believe the assertions of profound devotion of the democrats to their populist allies when they have the returns to back them up. In Colombia Jt takes 130 paper dollars of that government to purchase one gold dollar and the time is awaited when it will require a ton of fiat currency - rency to purchase a dollar of the stan dard money of other countries. That country should bo the ideal homo of groonbaokers , free silverites and others who think tlmt a government should bo able to make money without limit. Everybody there can have money , but itrtakcs lots-oHf to purchase anything , a 4 the CQU Is on * h ° "vBP a of fe'S&SffiS ' J8 " fiBaritr5 close. I boaLvbeer llting sHSLfecip ly by a nterest on the port of ( the jj ; cpoae. . s. is that" they haye uecidqd how Jjjey wll ( votb and dp not need the coaching of political speakers. If they were inclined to be dissatisfied with present conditions they would endeavor io ascertain the -reason for dissatisfac tion by attending political demoustra- ttons and hearing what the orators had to assign as the cause. It is reported from Omaha that the populist state committee has been un in Hccuring any protnlso from ho demnoratlo candidate for governor to appoint mumlH'rs of thnir patty to olllulal poHltion should they bo in- Htrumental in assisting at his election. AH a ooiiHequonco there is said to bo a oolnofm in popullNt. headquarters that only the wight of good generous slices of pie on the plo counter can overcome. They do not like the idea of upending tholr time and money and then having nil the plo dealt out to their allies of the democratic faith , Whllo democrats have been busily an- sorting that Mr. Mickey , republican candidate for governor , is president of the Anti-Saloon league , their own prominent party organ , tbo Omaha World-Herald , comet * out with a double column , slugged statement to the ofleet that the president of the loagno is Dr. II. O. Rowlands , pastor of n prominent Baptist church at Lincoln. When the fuslonists have real good cause to suppose that they have an issue of paramount importance the World- Herald shows mighty poor judgment in giving it a body blow of that character. The Filipino people are anxious that the archipelago bo given a stable cur rency and have sent an ommissary to this country to see what can bo douo iu the matter. They nro decidedly weary of anything so closely approach ing free silver at 1(1 ( to 1 as that with which they have had experience. Gold and silver are too awfully out of bal lance to suit and the balance keeps shifting every once in n while. The gentleman who took the trip to this country says that ho was compelled to pay $1)50 ) in silver for $400 in gold before leaving on his journey. It will thus bo seen that they have moro"oheap"mouoy than is desired. The registration at Omaha indicates that there will bo a light vote in that city unless the last day makes up for what was lost during tbo first two days , which shows n deficit o * fully 5,000 votes as compared with the registra tion of the same two days iu 1000. The situation in Omaha is undoubtedly as it is throughout the state and it will bo very doubtful if the workers will bo nblo to get out nuything like n full vote Each party , however , will undertake to HOO that as many as possible of their upportors bo induced to take enough iterost in the olectiou to vote on oloc- lou day. The reporters who are "doing" the lampaigu in eastern states indicate that hero is much moro excitement in that lection of the country than there is in the vast. The meetings are attended by rowds and the efforts of the politicians TO vigorous and continuous. It is vidout that a fraction of the reason is ho objection of the consumers of tho' ' iast to pay the prices being received by iho producers of the west. They may iavo some reason to bo dissatisfied with conditions , hut it is certain that the iieoplo of the west should vote to in-1 ; licato their approval of conditions ns hey exist. An increased republican oto iu the west is confidently expected. The democrats are objecting to the American protective tariff as the mother of trusts. They should particularly object to the duty ou political parties. Ouo of the greatest modern trusts is the combinati9ii of political parties to con- rol the offices , especially of Nebraska. If the tariff was removed parties might bo imported without limit and this night operate to break up the political trust , with its combination of principles and amalgamation of voters. In speci fying the evils for which the tariff maybe bo to blarno this should by no means be overlooked. If one trust is based upon the tariff , all other trusts must likewise have thesamo foundation aud this gigan tic combination should not be ignored. Voters remembering the record of that staunch "reformer" and tireless worker for the fusion cause which be ing interpreted means the interests of self Constantine J. Smythe , will bo interested to know that he is again active in the cause of "reform" and is campaigning the state in the interests of the fusion ticket. Ho should devote a largo part of his time in tolling the people how he and his associates fixed the railroads in the freight cases by al most exhausting their stock of passes. After this ho might urge the voters to got out and whoop 'or up for the present fusion ticket and then retire to his homo aud contemplate the defeat which his prominence in the campaign has pro duced , or helped to produce. The fusiouists ouco had ample oppor tunity to adjust the railroad assessments iu Nebraska , They were in power and controlled every department of the state. Did they exercise that power to raise the railroad assessments and make other reforms that the people placed them in office to acccomplish ? Ask Edgar Howard or any other leading fnsionist who is not afraid to speak out in meeting. Look up the records. Search the state over for any such re forms for which the fusionists are re sponsible. Yon will not find evidence to bring forth a siugls reason why you should vote tholr ticket in a desire for reform. They broke the record for pass grabbing and other similiar action that bad been deplored before election. The records absolutely refuse to sustain hem ana "reforming" party and the luoplo cannot now bo Induced to support heir candidates on any utioh issue. A Lincoln correspondent nays : "Tho exposure of W. H. Thompson and his railroad passes has created somewhat of n sensation hero , and has filled the populists with consternation. Some of them actually believed that tholr can didate was un anti-corporation man. They had heard with much pleasure the news that ho was not n railroad lawyer , that ho did no legal business for. , the companies. Now it develops that ho has boon iu the political employ of all the principal companies for years , and that his pooketB are full of passes , and the proof of his fnlso pretense of nntt- niouopolyism has given his candidacy n decided set-back. The exposure is n good joke on the pretender , and has disgusted many of his followers. " The people who take the Boo ex olnslvolv as an index to the Mercer sit uation in the Second district may find that it is not absolutely accurate. It so proved before the primaries. Appear an cos wore that the paper had the congressman grossman defeated but the returns proved different. Of course it has fewer votes to overcome to defeat Mr. Mercer at the polls but the evidence is that n largo number of republicans who op posed him in the primary will support his election. Other Omaha papers are supporting Mr. Mercer aud the fight there is given the character of Mercer against the machine , with evidence that ho may bo able to pull through despite the opposition of the Boo aud World Herald. The latter paper has lately taken np the opposition with vigor , indi eating that the fusion candidate is not altogether satisfied with the results of the opposition of the Boo. The voters of state are intensely interested in the out come there , but it is moro than likely that the true situation is notrealizdo. Some prominent fnsionist has said "A pass is n bribe. " The Stnto Journa of Sunday shows thnt W. H. Thompson democratic onndidatn for crnvnrnnr nl Nebraska has throe such bribes , one over the Burlington & Missouri River , ono issued by the Fremont , Elkhoru & Missouri Valley and the other bearing the slguituro of President Burt aud good over the lines of the Union Pacific. The pasteboards nro published in fac simile aud are convincing testimony liat the fusiouists have not reformed uce last they wore before the people n tho'platform that they were to see iat the railroads wore to bo dealt with iy n strong hand , the result being of ioh a farcical nature that the voters ave not yet recovered from the indig- ity. Regarding Mr. Thompson's pass ccord the Journal says : "W. H J houipsou , the democratic candidate or governor , is not at present using his iiilroad passes. About three weeks ago o wont to Omaha with n Lincoln poll toian and remained at n hotel while ho politician visited the railroad head uartcrs and secured mileage books for Jr. Thompson to use during the rest of ho campaign. The passes have been n Mr. Thompson's possession since the .rft of the year. As he declares that ho s not aud has not been n railroad at- orney , considerable curiosity has boon manifested as to the reason of the be towal of this decided mark of friend- hip by the railroad companies , a curi- isity that ho has not as yet seen fit to atisfy. " On the bottom of the ballots being iriuted this year there are two extra iqnares moro than those needed to dos- gnate the candidates for whom it is wished to voto. These squares for the purpose of voting for or against the Amendment to the constitution. Ono of ho paragraphs reads : "For amend ment to the constitution , relating to the manner of submitting aud adopting imondmonts to the constitution of the he state of Nebraska. " Opposite this is a square in which those who desire to rote for the proposed amendment wil make their mark. The other paragraph reads : "Against amendment to the constitution , relating to the manner of submitting and adopting amendments o the constitution of the state of No brnska. " Those opposed to the amend ucut will place their mark in the square opposite this paragraph. Voters should bo careful not to overlook this portioi of the ballot , as it will bo found of importance portanco in making future changes tc the constitution. As it now is a major ity of all the voters'takiug part iu th election must cast their votes for an amendment or it will not carry. Tin intention of the amendment is that in the future a majority of those voting on future amendments will be sufficient A great many voters have iu the pas not expressed their preference ouo wa ; or the other ou such questions and th supreme court has ruled that their ueg lect to do so should be counted against or for a proposition of the kind. The proposed amendment is a step in the direction of the highest ideal in popular government and it should bo carried be yond a doubt. It Is no party question and no one is opposing its adoption , but the law makes it necessary for a 'nil vote to bo cast on the question. Make your mark in the square opposite the first paragraph under the head "Con stitutional Amendment , " aud yon will be doing your full duty ns the maker of a good law. Bryan lias equalled Rnosevolt in one particular. Ho has escaped with his life from a wreck that threatened dis aster. The battle will bo over n week from today and Mr. Bryan can take his trusty ion in hand and write it up , giving rea sons for the results. It will bo Interesting to see Mr. Thompson uncover those passes to the ondnctor ns soon ns ho is defeated for governor next week. It would bo the same if ho wore elected. The campaign promises to end np with a lively week and those who are not enough interested iu politics to vote by the time it is ended may well bo couufod hopelessly dispassionate regard ing the outcome. If the fnsionlsts cnu win out in tholr questionable nttaoks on the republican nomineoB it will bo against the people of the state who have lately very emphat ically expressed their disapproval ofany- thing but highly honorable campaign methods. The coal commission has begun its work of inquiry into the troubles in the anthracite coal fields and it will prob ably bo days and weeks before a do oislon is reached , meanwhile it is prob able that the situation will receive a thorough canvass. Daring bunk robberies are now the feature in criminal circles and some largo hauls are being made , What np pears to bo needed daring enforce mout of the law. Iowa , Illinois and Now York have each had an ex perience in this lino. The World-Herald has commenced the publication of cartoons of Mercer. Perhaps his chances for election are not BO bad , after all the fuss. If a World- Herald cartoon will not operate to the advantage of the person cartooned , he has few chances left. There is an itching on the part of the people of the state to take n hand in the contest in the Second district. With two of the leading newspapers of the itato against a nominee , sympathy is easily with the man who won sach a ; olling victory at the primary. A war of the financial giants of the lountry is in prospect , with the Rocke- 'oiler interests in opposition to the Morgan crowd. The battle promises to bo a hot ouo and there will bo much in- ; erost in the outcome. Financial su premacy of the country nnd the world s understood to bo the stake. If the fusiouists wore only able to use their diversified principles aud opinions on all leading questions , they might then be in position to ask the voters for support. But why should heir candidates be supported when the voters have no means of knowing where they will stand or how they will vote if elected ? Now Mexico is talking of getting its finances on' a gold basis. That foun dation has been tested by the country's arge and progressive neighbor on the north aud it has found it to bo a good thing , therefore countries not thus blessed will proceed with all speed to acquire the necessary laws for them selves. HH The Pender Times , democratic , re- ently said : "The Times believes that the present state superintendent of public instruction , Mr. William K. Fowler yes , a republican is the right man m the right place. Ho is a thoiough school man aud seems to have the ability to fill the responsible position he holds as did none of his immediate predecessors. " Go clear to the end of the ticket and vote on the proposed constitutional amendment. A mark in the ] straight party vote circle will not vote on this question. Make your mark for or against. It is no partisan question aud in the opinion of nenrly everyone the amendment should be carried , but under the present law it will require n ma jority vote of nil voting at that election President Roosevelt has issued the annual Thanksgiving proclamation calling on tho. people of the country to observe Thursday , November 27 as n day of general thanksgiving. Some may think that the sentence "Rarely has any people enjoyed greater prosperity than wo are now enjoying , " is n partisan statement but it is true and proven and is beyond a partisan basis. The day will undoubtedly bo generally observed. The fact that Hon. J. J. McCarthy has repeatedly carried his homo county by good majorities although that county has been strongly fusion for the past ten years , is a strong and telling statement. No one but a man who stands well in the estimation of those who know him best would be able to show such a rec ord. If the people of his county , of all parties , can thus endorse Mr. Mc Carthy there is every reason to believe that the voters of the Third district can afford to honor him by sending him to congress. There are four state tickets on the year's ballot : Republican , democrat- peoples independent , prohibitionist and Racialist. Ono of the first two named is certain to bo chosen and while there will bo votes raat for either of the other two parties it will bo done largely by those who realize that they are throw ing awny their votes nnd but vote that way to sustain the principle that re sulted in the naming of the two extra tickets. Voters who desire to have n nay ou the leading issues of the day will vote either the fusion or the republican tickets. The farmers of Nebraska can cer tainly afford to tnko nu hour off ou election day and indicate by their votes that they are satisfied with conditions as they have been under a republican administration by voting the republican ticket , especially byjouding a republi can to congress to extend their greet ings to President Roosevelt whose short term in the presidential chair has. been marked by his interest in the welfare - ' faro of the people as opposed to monop oly. By remaining at homo they may permit the disciples of calamity aud depression to got the upper hand nnd then they will bo sorry without re course when they nro compelled to thrust their products on the falling markets consequent. ' It ia hardly to be expected that the fnsionists would cheerfully acquiesce iu the showing that W. H. Thompson , their candidate for governor , is the recipient of passes issued by the three leading railroad systems of Nebraska , and while they have attempted to evade the insinuation that their candidate has accepted these "bribes" none of them have yet taken it upon themselves to deny that such passes have been issued and used by the fusion candidate. They would deny the assertion promptly enough if they wore able to sustain such denial. It is left for the people to judge whether a man who has been thus favored by the railroads will give the said railroads the treatment promised by some of the fusion politicians and newspapers. It is absurd to believe that he would bo harsh in his dealings with corporations that have be friended him by giving these favors , which sorno reformer has designated ns "bribes. " It is easy to understand that it is hoped to elect Mr. Thompson governor under false pretenses bnt the people will be fully conversant with the true situation before election day and will give them the lesson that they de serve. A Safe , Conservative Man. The statement of Hon. John H. Mickey in his Fremont address a few nights ago that he had not made n single pledge to obtnin the nomination for governor nnd that he has made ab solutely none siuco , is an important fact to be born iu mind by the voters of Nebraska. Since Mr. Mickey's nomination strong efforts have been made by the opposi tion to prejudice his canvass by claim ing his nomination was produced by the railroads nnd if elected he will do the bidding of these corporations. Therefore Mr , Mickey's denial covers an important point. It harmonizes ex actly with the facts , as any person might have known them. The editor . of the Tribune believes he was in a position to know the real process of s'Mr. ' Mickey's nomination. The rail roads undoubtedly had their favorites. The Union Pacific and Elkhorn had a preference. The Burlington had an other. Neither could be nominated. The convention was controlled by no railroad. It was unmistakably one of the most representative conventions ever held in Nebraska. It was a republican convention without respect to railroads. When the latter dis covered they could not land one of their favorites all finally turned to Mickey. They did so because nil believed him to be n safe , conservative man , one in whose hands all interests would be duly nnd impartially protected. They knew him to be n good business man who will run the state on business prin ciples. This is the secret of Mr. Mickey's nomination. It is well understood by the voters and he will bo elected. Fre mont Tribune. Prophecies that Failed. In view of the fact that Mr. Bryans is making some speeches during this cam paign , and in view of the further fact that it is ntxt to impossible for him to make speeches without attempting to forecast the future , it might not be inap propriate to remind voters of some of the prognostications made by the fu sion leader during preceding campaigns. At Kansas City in 1890 Mr. Bryan said : "Somo of our opponents tell us that we should open the mills instead of the mints. Of what use are mills un less people can buy what the mills pro - duce ? How can the mills be operated jiO long as those who produce the wealth of J the country are not nble to make enough out of their products to pay taxes and ; interest ? There is no more effective way to destroy the market for the prod uct of the mills than to lower the price of farmers' crops. " Bnt this is exactly what Mr. Bryan's party is now advocat ing , especially iu the east. * In his speech at Minneapolis the same speaker nttered this profound bit of wis ' dom : "The gold standard means dearer money ; dearer money means er property ; cheaper property as Every farmer knows that omc plants grow better than thers. Soil may be the same nd seed may seem the same ) ut some plants are weak and jthers strong. And thats the way. with children. They are like young" > lants. Same food , same home , ame care but some grow big ; ind strong while others stay imall and weak. Scott's Emulsion offers an jasy way out of the difficulty. Child weakness often means- itarvation , not because of lack if food , but because the food iocs not feed. Scott's Emulsion really feeds .nd gives the child growing" itrength. Whatever the cause of weak ness and failure to grow Scott's Emulsion seems to find , t and set the matter right. Send for free sample. ill & Itowne , Chemists , .109 Tenrl St. , NewYorlc i * r0 : nil ilnn.'fi U. arder times ; harder times means- more people out of work ; more people- nt of work moans more people desti tute , more people destitnte means more- irimo. " No commet is hero necessary. At Monmonth , 111. , he said : "I can not understand how a man living upon.- a farm can be deluded with the idea ; bat the gold standard has any thing but misery and suffering for him. " If he will take a birds-eye view of conditions- as they have existed since ho made the pooch and note the prosperity of the 'armors ' under the gold standard he may form some slight understanding of how they could and did. On another occasion Mr. Bryan said r If McKmley and the republican party nre successful and put in power for the next four years , wages will be decreased. Hard times will come upon ns over the aud. The price of wheat will go down , aud the price of gold will go np. Mort- ages on our homes will be foreclosed by the money lenders. Shops and fac- ; ories will close. We will export no goods aud we will import from foreign ands all the goods wo use. Thus will ruin , want nnd misery bo with us. " On another occasion it will bo rem embered that Mr. Bryan said something- to the effect that if the gold standard- was adopted prices would be as "certain o fall as a stone thrown into the air. " ' In view of all these and the evidence of the times it is difficult to understand why some will continue to support Mr. Bryan's policies nud be almost idola trous in their devotion to him. BATTLE CREEK. Sheriff J. J. Clements was over from Madison on official business Wednesday. Miss Ella Curns and Mrs. Doy Curas went to Madison Wednesday to visit their sister , Mrs. H. Hobbs , who is very- sick. Willard Brink , who has been visiting' his parents for a week , has returned to Belle Fourohe , S. D. , where he has a position in a hotel. Grandpa Beck , who has been very- sick for some time , came up from Nor folk Wednesday to visit relatives. He- was accompanied by his son-in-law , Thos. Taylor. Married , Wednesday evening , Mr. Munsey Hackler to Miss Mettie Phips , at the home of the bride's parents , Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Phips , one-half mile south of town , Rev. J. B. Leedora of the M. E. church officiating. The contracting parties nre well known in- this community , Mr. Hncklor being in terested in the restaurant business. They will live in town. Special one-way homeseekers excur sions via Union Pacific November 4 and 18 , December 2 nnd 15 to many points in Kansas , Nebraska , and Eastern Colorado rado one-half ono regular faro plus$2.00. Full information cheerfully furnished- on application to J. B. ELSErrer. ACIENT. Ajadjouqhs " I had a bad cough for six weeks and could find no relief until 1 tried Ayer's Cherry Pecto ral. Only one-fourth of the bottle cured me. " L. Hawn , Newington , Ont. Neglected colds always lead to something serious. _ They run into chronic < ' - - I bronchitis , pneumonia , I asthma , or consumption. I Don't wait > but take A ' Ayer's Cherry Pectoral just as soon asyourcough begins. A few doses will cure you then. Three iliti : Z5c.SOc. , Jl. Coniult your doctor. If lie i yi take It , then do . ai lie iayi. K lie telli to take It. tueu don't take It. He you knowi not , Leare It with him , We are willing. J. 0. AYElt CO. , Lowell , Mail.