The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, October 31, 1902, Page 5, Image 5

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'Colombian ' Rebels Arc Defeated
i at Rio Frio.
General Marjarres , After a Hard
' ) Fight , Captures Men and Munitions
> ef Warv Both Sides Suffer Heavy
| Losses Rejoicing at Colon.
Panama , Oct. 23. The revolutionary
general , Urlbo-Urlbe , with ten cannon ,
2,500 rlflon , 200 rounds of ammunition ,
bus surrendered to General Marjarres
-At Rio Frlo , near Santa Marta.
The revolutionary forces under Gen-
ral Urlbo-Urlbo , consisting of 1,300
men , which were defeated Oct. 14 , at
ILa Clonnga , retreated to Rio Frlo and
'took up positions there. General Man
.jjarres , with 2,000 men , proceeded
against thorn from La Clcnaga , and
engaged the enemy two days ago. The
government general succeeded In sur
rounding the rebels and forcing them
to surrender. General Castillo was
with General Urlbo-Urlbe. The news
of this victory waa received hero by
General Pordoma and Governor Sala-
sar In a telegram from General Mar-
.jarres. Details of the engagements
are lacking , but heavy casualties on
"both sides are reported. The surren
der of Urlbe-Urlbe Is said to complete
the pacification of the departments
of Magdalcna and Bolivar. The revo
lutionists now occupy the isthmusonly.
Colon , Oct. 29 The government
gunboat General Plnzon arrived hero
yesterday afternoon from Savanllla.
She was especially sent from that port
ty the governor of the department of t
Bolivar to bring to the Isthmus news
of the defeat of the revolutionists un
der Uribe-Urlbo and Castillo at Rio
Frio. Both these generals were made
prisoners. There Is much rejoicing in
Colon and Panama over the success
of General Marjarres and especially
over the capture of Urlbe-Urlbe.
7" Confirm Defeat of Rebels.
Washington , Oct. 29. Confirmation
of the news of the surrender of Gen
eral Urlbe-Urlbe was received at the
Colombian legation here. The legation
officials declare that with the surren
der of Urlbe-Uribe the life of the re
bellion In the interior of Colombia
has received its death blow and com
plete pacification of that portion of
the country must Inevitably follow.
f Ho was the acknowledged leader of
tbo movfunent asralnst the Government
and by his energy and perseverance
Jn raising and equipping troops and
securing assistance from the outside
lias kept the revolution going for
eome years. General Castillo , who
surrendered with Urlbe-Uribe , Is about
fifty years of age , and previous to
Joining forces with Urlbe-Uribo , was
guerrilla general , who gave the gov
ernment a great deal of trouble.
.United States' Answer Deals With
Question of Sovereignty.
Washington , Oct. 29. It was
learned that a prompt answer has
been made by the state department to
the latest Colombian note respecting
the Panama canal treaty , which was
transmitted to the department Mon-
day. Its nature was not divulged , but
the presumption is that it deals almost
entirely with Colombia's representa
tions regarding the sovereignty of
the isthmus , which the Colombians
feel has been seriously invaded by the
acts of Commander McLean and Ad
miral Casey In preventing the prompt
movement of troops across the rail
road. This matter , as before stated ,
Is now the subject of negotiations be
tween the Colombian government and
Minister Hart at Bogota , and an early
adjustment Is looked for. The state
department is anxious that a speedy
settlement bo reacntm m m-uei vu m-
cilltate the completion of the Panama
canal treaty.
> Irish Question Dropped.
1 London , Oct. 29. Having gained
their end in forcing the discussion of
coercion , the Nationalist members of
the house of commons appear to have
abandoned any further parliamentary
campaign pending the return of John
Redmond , the Irish leader In the
house , from the United States. A
large number of Irish members have
left London for Ireland. Those re
maining did not enter the legislative
chamber , but contented themselves
with social Intercourse In the lobbies.
'All Irish questions and motions have
suddenly been dropped and the gov
ernment has been left to do us It
oleases without molestation.
I School In Officer's Hands.
St. Joseph , Oct. 29. The Stanberry
normal school Is In the hands of the
federal authorities. The property of
the Institution was taken yesterday
morning on an execution served by
United States Deputy Marshal Haskell
of Bt. Joseph. The claim against the
property Is made by John E. Fessler
ol Kansas City , Kan. , and Is for $2,000.
f To Submit to Arbitration.
Paris , Oct. 29. Foreign Minister
Dolcasse announced that Germany ,
Great Britain and France had agreed
With Japan to submit to The Hague
arbitration court the exact Interpreta
tion of existing treaties dealing with
the holding of perpetual leases of
property by foreigners In Japan.
Insurgents Use Dynamite.
Sofia , Oct. 29. Leading Macedoni
ans here assert that the Insurgents In
flicted severe losses on the Turkish
troops during the recent fighting in
tbo Presna pass by the use of dyna-
unite mines , The fightlnc In the pus
is still going ou.
' * " "
Cpcclat Crashes Into Caboose of a
Freight at Arena , Cole ,
Cripple Crook , Colo. , Oct. 29. The
Bryan opeclal crashed Into the ca-
tv > 03p of a freight train at Aruna , in
Brown canon , fifteen miles nbovo
Leadvilio. yesterday. The special re
mained on the track , but the caboose
was thrown from the trucks and thrco
people saved their lives by jumping.
They were : Mlnnlo McKolvoy ,
Lcadvllle , bruised about hands and
face by falling on rocks ; Charles Rob
erts , Turrett , brulsod about body by
being thrown from platform of ca-
booao ; J. L. Iszcoretch , Saltda , bruised
about head by falling on rocks.
The freight had pulled In on n siding
to lot the special pass. The caboose
had not cleared the main line , when
the special swept around a sharp
curve and crashed Into the cabooso.
The occupants of the caboose were
warned of their danger In tlrao to
save their.lives. Mr. Bryan was unin
The oobooso was demolished and
the track obstructed so that the spe
cial could not proceed. Mr. Bryan
find his party were put Into an empty
Swift refrigerator car and drawn by a
freight engine , taken to Nathrop ,
seven miles away. There a chair car
was taken from a siding and attached
to the engine and run to Buena Vista
and Lcadvllle.
Mr. Bryan spoke at Alamosa and
Sallda In the morning and nt Lead-
vlllo. Buena Vista. Canyon City and
Cripple Creek at night.
Visitor at Zoo So Badly Injured by
Beast That He Will Die.
Hot Springs , Ark. , OcL 29. At Happy -
py Hollow , a pleasure resort near hero
containing a zoo , Robert Tatum , aged
eight years , while passing closely to
where a large black bear was chained ,
was caught between the paws of the
animal , who dragged him close to hla
body , and , placing the youth's head in
his mouth , started to crush his skull.
The bear's keeper rushed to the scene ,
pried open the mouth of the animal and
rescued the boy , who was unconscious.
An examination revealed the fact that
the boy's skull had been fractured and
his legs torn. Physicians have no
hope for the boy's recovery.
Mexican Miners Entombed Alive.
Mexico City , Oct. 29. A shocking
accident occurred in a mine near
Santa Maria do la Paz on Saturday.
A number of miners were working at
the bottom of a shaft , when many
tons of earth caved in , choking the
shaft at some distance from the bet
tom. Sunday night a tapping noise ,
made by the minors , could bo heard
by the relief party at work in the
shaft. The wives and children of the
Imprisoned men were grouped around
the top of the shaft , waiting and weep
ing. At last accounts the men had not
been rescued , but it is considered
still possible that the men have not
all suffocated.
Seek to Avert Strikes.
Washington , Oct. 29. The National
Association of Builders convened hero
yesterday and discussed the subject
of co-operation between organized em
ployers and organized employes. The
sentiment of the association apparent
ly was In favor of wage agreements
and-the settlement of all labor dis
putes before the necessity of a strike
should arise , and for the appointment
In each community whore agreements
were reached of committees of both
parties to enforcj- the agreement on
terms of settlement.
Girl Found With Throat Cut.
Bloomington , 111. , Oct. 29. The dead
body of Ada Jones , the seventeen-year-
old daughter of Charles W. Jones , a
wealthy former residing near Waynes-
vlllo , was found with her throat cut
from ear to ear. It is thought to be a
case of suicide. The girl had been an
ardent student at Waynesvllle acad
emy , but came homo Monday com
plaining of sickness. Overstudy Is
thought to have caused the girl to
lose her reason.
Governor Yates Has Typhoid.
Springfield , 111. , Oct. 29. Governor
Yates Is suffering with typhoid fever.
This fact practically Is admitted by
Dr. L. C. Taylor , his attending physi
cian. It will bo a day or two before an
accurate diagnosis of the case can bo
made , but the physician has found
symptoms of the disease and thus far
has not been able to check the raging
fever with which the patient is suffer
Engine Spark Starts Costly Blaze.
Laporte , Tex. , Oct. 29. An engine
spark started a small prairie fire. A
freight train following fanned the
blaze and cotton on a flat car ignited.
The entire train , with the exception
of the engine and one car of cotton ,
was burned. Loss amounts to J100-
000. No Insurance.
Ends Life With Chloroform.
Sheridan , Wyo. , Oct. 29. H. S. Boal ,
eon-in-law of William F. Cody ( Buffalo
Bill ) , committed suicide with chloro
form In his apartments hero. He left
several notes , but gave no causa ( or
tbo act. Boal loaves a widow and two
Doctor la Victim or ucrmo.
Philadelphia , Oct. 29. Dr. Daniel E.
Hughes , chief resident physician of
the Philadelphia almshouse , died of
tubercular peritonitis , the germs of
which disease ho Is believed to have
contracted from a patient In the hos
Dickinson Will Take Charge Monday.
Kansas City , Oct. 29. Edward Dickinson -
inson , lately general manager of the
Union Pacific , will take charge of the
office of general manager of the Kan
sas City , Mexico and Orient railroad
nest Monday.
Hold Up Prairie City Bank and
Escape With Booty.
Covered With Rifle and Kept Cornered
for Three Hours While Thieves
Work on Safe Posse and Blood
hounds on Trail of Robbers.
Prairie City , la. , Oct. 29. The bold
est bank robbery occurring In Iowa la
recent years took place here yustor-
day. The robbers dynamited the uafu
of the Iowa State Savings bank and
secured an amount approximating
$4,000. They exchanged a fusillade of
shots with local officers and GHcnpcd.
Night Watchman Ersklno discov
ered four men approaching the bank
at 1 o'clock. Ono of the mm cor
nered him and kept him covered with
a rlllo for three hours , whllu another
broke open the bank door and worked
on the safe. The other two men pa
trolled the street and by a system of
signals were able to hold nt liny a den
tist , a physician and two or three oth
er citizens who were attracted to the
scene. Five dynamite shots were fired
by the man in the bank before he BUO-
coeded In getting at the cash box. The
sum secured was mostly , silver , al
though it Included a quantity of cur
rency. At 4 o'clock the four men left
the bank and disappeared through the
east outskirts of the town , after firing
n number of shots to terrify those who
had scon them and shooting through
a door In an effort to hit Erskino , who
had opened fire.
A general alarm was Riven and a
posse quickly formed , which Is now on
the trail. Bloodhounds were dis
patched to the scone.
Fraudulent Land Entries.
Duluth , Oct. 29. Special inspoctoro
of the government land otllcu have
discovered that many persons now
holding lands are now doing so upon
perjured aflldavits. Immediate steps
will bo taken to cancel such entries ,
take away the property from the hold
ers and prosecute them on a charge of
perjury. Numbers of these pretended
homesteads are being contested on
grounds of nonrcsldenco and noncultl
vation , principally In the counties of
Itasca and Boltrami.
Farmers and Linemen Fight
Rochester , N. Y. , Got. 29. The sher
iff of Monroe county , with five depu
ties , was called to Mumford to quell
a fight between farmers and a gang
of telegraph llnamon. The telegraph
men set poles in the center of a side
path. The superintendent of Bide
paths ordered them to desist and was
maltreated. The farmers took a hand
and a fierce encounter ensued , In
which ten farmers were hurt. Thirty-
three linemen were subsequently ar
Pavoy Acquitted on Insanity Plea.
Salem , Ind. , Oct. 29. Samuel Pavey ,
who has been on trial nearly a week
for the murder of John Davis , was
yesterday acquitted of the charge.
The jury returned a verdict finding
Pavey not guilty , because It was be
lieved ho was Insane at the tlmo ho
killed Davis. The court then appoint
ed a commission to investigate the in
sanity charge. After an examination ,
Pavey was declared to be sane , and
ho was dismissed from custody.
Soldiers' Orphans' Home Inquiry.
Bloomington , 111. , Oct. 29. An all
day Investigation of the charges of
cruelty to inmates of the soldiers' or
phans' home was concluded last night
as far as local testimony is concerned.
The trustees will probably draw up
their report on Thursday. Many pa
rents and guardians and children from
various points of the state who have
children in the institution wore pres
ent at the investigation.
Telephone Service for Farmers.
St. Joseph , Mo. , Oct. 29. Represent
atives of all the independent tele
phone companies throughout Missouri ,
Kansas , Iowa and Nebraska will meet
In this city tomorrow In nn effort to
form an organization that will estab
lish a toll service , connecting several
thousand farmers with all the Import
ant cities and towns of these states.
Fifty companies nro said to be inter
ested In the 'project.
Murdered by Lone Bandit.
Butte , Mont. , Oct. 29. A special
from Bear Mouth says : James Conn ,
n wealthy rancher on Willow creek ,
was found shot to death In his homo
yesterday. His mother lay upon the
floor with her skull crushed In and
cannot live. The murderer Is believed
to bo the lone bandit who held up the
Northern Pacific limited Sunday morn-
Robbers Bind a Watchman.
IrwJn , Pa.v Oct. 29. After binding ,
gagging and badly maltreating the
Bight watchman , Joe Hamburg , at the
Westmoreland Coal company's office
In West Irwln , four masked men en
tered the building and blew open the
safe in the big vault and secured all
the money that It contained , about
Mrs. Vallle Acquitted.
Fair Play , Colo. , Oct. 29 The Jury
in the case of Mrs. Uplide Vallle ,
charged with complicity in the murder
of her husband , yesterday brought in
a verdict of not guilty.
Steamer Capital City Sinks ,
Tacoma , Wash. , Oct. 29. Steamer
Capital City sunk off Brown's Point , at
the entrance to Taconm harbor , about
8 o'clock last night. The passengers
were saved.
won : < o ? THE MARINE COP.PG.
Valuable Aid ts the Ooldlcra In the
Philippine Islands.
Washington , Oct 20. Major Gen
eral UlmrluH Hoywood commandant of
the United States nmrlno curpn , In hln
nnnual report to the nucrutary of the
navy , Huyu It Is bin policy to keep the
olllcers and men of hla command In
the Philippines only two yearn and n
half , returning them after such Horvlco
In thlfl country. Ho hopes to reduce
this term of fiorvlcu to a long us It IB
advisable to liuop thorn In thut cli
mate ,
During the last year , while there
Imvn been practically no demonstra
tions In the Philippines by organized
InmirBonta , the marines , nuyti Gcnarnl
Hoywood , have done excellent work
In ridding the lalnndB of roving bandit
of Indrones.
The report presents In detail the
operation ! ) of Major Waller and hln
courageous band of marines on the
conn ! of mint horn Sarnnr. Major Wal
ler Is quoted as saying that the expe
ditions early In last November In So-
lioton district were the niont Import
ant of the campaign , so far as their
effect on the Insurgents was con
A graphic account Is given of the
operations of ( lie main expedition In
the Sohoton district. The attack wn
on the fortified cliffs and caves In the
mountains , which has been reported to
bo practically Impregnable , but were
easily taken.
Frightful Ravage of Disease Reported
In tno Philippines.
Washington , Oct. 2'J. ' The fearful
ravages ol plague and cholera In the
old world are net forth In mall advlcuu
received by the marine houpllal ser
From Manila Chief Quarantine OUl
cer Perry makeu a cuimcrvatlvu esti
mate that the cases ol chuloiu that
have actually occurred In the Philip
jilue Islands since March 20 lust ag
gregate 75,000 , with a mortality of
75 pur cent. Ho says , uuder date of
Sept. ID , that the dlsoaao lmn prae
tluully disappeared from those provinces
incos first Intected , hut those inuBt re
cently affected are Buffering severely.
In Japan the latent advices show
that there have been 4,329 cases and
1,050 deaths from cholera.
The cholera situation In China Is
summed up as lollows : Nanking , 40-
000 deaths ; Shuu Ynaghulen , 3,000
cases per day.
According to a report of the direct
or geneinl of the Egyptian department
of health the cholera epidemic contin
ue.s to claim a largo number of vic
tims. The number of infected places
increased to 1,557.
Alaska Prospectors Discover Them In
Location Mentioned by the Treaty.
Seattle , Wush. , Oct. 29. Advices
were received from Juncau , on the
Bteamer Dolphin , that the missing
Russian boundary monuments , which
have been so cnorgutlcally searched
for by Lieutenant ISmmons for the
last two seasons , had been discovered
by a prospector of the Porcupine dis
Through his friendship with the
Chllkat Indians the prospector gained
Information which gave him a clue to
the position of the first monument.
From this start ho followed along and
discovered Boverul more of the old
land marks , put up years ago by the
czar's followers. The line marked by
these monuments Is about five miles
inland from Pleasant Camp , which Is
seventeen miles from Klukwon. The
latter is flvo miles from tidewater on
the ChllUat river. This makes the
Russian survey line approximately
twenty-seven miles Inland to the sum
mit , loss than one marine league and
just where it was expected to bo from
the language used in the Anglo-Rus
sian treaty of 1825. The Rainy Hoi-
low district is within American terri
Banquet for Ottumwa Officials.
Ottumwa , la. , Oct. 29. Pursuant tea
a promise that if Ottumwa won in the
Iowa supreme court Its fight for the
right to construct waterworks , Mayor
Huston of Cedar Rapids Invited every
Ottumwa city official to a banquet at
the former place. A decision just
handed down by the supreme court
gives Ottumwa authority to Issue
bonds for waterworks Improvements.
The decision applies in a parallel case
affecting Cedar Rapids.
Dig Up Mecozolc Oysters.
Omaha , Oct. 29. Some valuable rel
ics of the mesozolc ago have just been
unearthed near Button , Neb. Among
the specimens were a largo number of
cretaceous oysters , which were found
at a depth of 450 feet. The specimens
have been carefully boxed and will bo
shipped to the state museum at Lin
coln. A largo party from the Univer
sity of Nebraska will leave at once
for the scene of those finds and con
duct further exploration.
Champagne Vintage a Failure.
London , Oct. 29. Heldicck & Co. of
Rhelms. France , report that the 1903
vintage of champagne has been an
absolute failure and will rank as one
of the blackest vintages In the experi
ence of champagne growers. The vin
tage of 1903 also promises to be poor.
Farmer Ends His Life.
Wichita , Kan. , Oct. 29. L. L. Hazen ,
sixty years old , a prominent farmer ,
formerly af What Cheer , la. , commit
ted suicide. His body was found in a
haystack yesterday.
Valuable Diamonds Taken.
Davenport , la. , Oct. 29. Burglars
last night entered the residence of M.
J. Eagal and secured diamonds and
jewelry valued at $2,000.
Starving Doukhobora Wander
Through Western Canada.
Refuse Proffered Shelter for Women
and Children Special Officers Arc
Sworn In to Protect Citizens From
Invndero From Rural Districts.
Winnipeg , Man. , Oct. 29. With
caunt faces and eyes lifted heaven
ward , nn army of fanatlcH , chanting
wlerd rollcloim hyinnn , entered York-
ton , Amiltmliola , yuHlorduy , filling the
Inhabitants with fanr nnd pity. Tim
pllgrlmti form \n\\\ \ \ of the colony of
Doukhnhom , or Rutmlnii r.tMilotn , who
located In the Canadian northwout
two yearn HK < > , which IIUH tunu on the
inarch , leaving crops half harvoutod
and deserting their horiu'H nnd cattle.
Sixteen hundred men , women and
children entered YorUton yesterday ,
carrying their Infanta ami ulck on
The body marched to the Immigra
tion BhodH , whore agents of the gov
ernment met and Interviewed them.
Through Interpreter ! ) thu DouUhohora
told thu olIlrlalH they did not know
where they were going or what they
expected to do , their only mission wan
to convert people and llnd "JoBuu. "
The male momhors of the party re
fused proffered nhcltor for the woman
nnd children and the Hick , hut after
much persuasion were Induced to
leave the weaker onus bnhlnd while
they continued their march through
the city. The men and woman are
living on woods and raw pntntoen and
look emaciated after their long tramp
from the villager Four hundred morn
DoukhohorH are now just outside of
the town , and GOO nro leaving their
villages. A child died last evening
whllu they were on the march.
When word was brought In of Mich
proximity a meeting of the council waa
railed nnd several ftpoclal constable ; ]
were sworn In. While the original
inlsBlnn of the Ooukhoborn wan of a
peaceful nature , some apprehension
Is felt that they will ho driven to act ?
of violence by sheer necessity.
Mountain In Southern Mexico Con
tlnucs In Violent Eruption.
Mexico City , Oct. 29. The latest
news from thu southern part of the re
public is that the people are less
alarmed over the showers of ashes
than when the Rim woo obscured. In
Eomo cases rain has come and clearcil
the atmosphere. Subterranean nolsea
are heard at Tuxtla and this phenomenon
onon apnjjars to bo general in the dla
trlct where ashes fell. There have
been forty-five distinct shocks ol
earthquakes at San Cristobal. Pal
cnquo advices nro that no change
can bo observed from there In tha
Bhapc of San Juan mountain , but loud
nnd prolonged explosions are frequent
Ashes foil all day yesterday. Scientific
men sny the force required to prcclp
Itato such nn Immense quantity oi
nshcs over BO extensive n territory
must have been terrific. It Is report/
cd that Ilio mountain called Hulstopcc
Is in eruption.
Indians to Erect Monument.
Omaha , Oct 29. Local monumcn
dealers have just closed a contrac
whereby they are to erect for tha
Cheyenne nnd Ogalalla Sioux Indiana
a monument to bo placed on the bat
tlefield of Wounded Knee In South
Dakota. The Indian survivors of tha
battle , as well as the relatives of the
Indian men , women and children
killed there , insist upon regarding 1
as a massacre , and it Is for the pur
pose of commemorating the event
thev have decided upon a monument
Stratton Executors Sustained.
Colorado Springs , Colo. , Oct. 29.
District Judge Seeds handed down a
decision overruling the action of the
county court in appointing three ad
mlnlstrators and sustaining In every
point the executors who were namet
in the will of the late W. S. Stratton
Judge Orr of the county court has ap
pointed Tyson S. Dines , Dr. D. H. Rica
and A. Q. Sharp as administrators
The bond of the new executors Is
fixed at $8.000,000 and It Is signed by
surety companies.
Breaks Record Across Pacific.
San Francisco , Oct. 29. The Pacific
Mall company's new steamer Korea or
rived at noon from Yokohama , break
Ing the record across the Pacific. The
steamer inndo no stop between the
coast of Japan and her homo port , and
came flying through the water at tha
average rate of 470 miles a day.
Killed by the Clover Leaf.
Covlngton , Ind. , Oct. 29. Davl <
Hutts , county councilman , and A
Smith were instantly killed late las
night by a westbound Clover Lea
passenger train at a crossing. The
two men were on their way homo In a
light buggy. Both bodies vrero badly
Pacific Cable Nearlng Completion.
Victoria , B. C. , Oct. 29. It is ex
pected the cable will be completed by
Saturday. The Anglla , which is lay
ing the 2,100 miles from Fanning to
Suava , left Fanning Island Oct. IS
earlier than was expected. That sec
tion will complete the lino.
Cousins Under Surgeon's Knife.
Chicago , Oct. 29. Congressman
Robert G. Cousins of Iowa arrived a
Chicago yesterday and went at once
to the Chicago hospital , where he was
operated on for a pelvic abscess. Ho
is free from pain and resting comfort
" "
Twalve Arrested at Chicago for Vli
latlng Injunction.
Chicago. Oct. 29. Twelve Htrlkln
Ltllx | > sterH and their iiympathlzet
wore arnmlnil yonterday for vlolatln
& restraining order Innuud by Judg
CbytniUH. All day lung the streets I
the vicinity of the American Poiitln ,
Borvlco ollli'o wore crowded with at
gry men. ISvory attempt at vlolunc <
mot with a rush from the police am
If caught , thu culprit wail taken Inti
ctiHtody. Toanmturn who trlod ti
jlookndo thn utrcotii were pulled fron
heir wagons and hustled Into patro
wagons. Bach arront WAH follower
> y n volley of Htonon and mud , but tin
police found llttlo dlMlculty In coplnf
with the num. When arruHtud the
non scoffed and jeered at thu liijunc
.Ion. All were released on lioiidn
ulgnod by the unlon'n attorney , llunl
HH Agent P. J. Murphy and Patrick
Oottllel ) were charged with Inciting
rlotn , assault and disorderly conduct
Thu others wore uccuuutt of contempt
of court.
Mon Observe "Mitchell Day" In Honor
of Union President.
Wllkofllmrra , Pa. , Oct. 29. In order
that Mitchell day mrvy be properly ob
served today , there will he a general
mispoiiblon of mining. The operator * !
would rather thu men would work ,
hut under the circumstances they are
liolplosn In the matter. The superin
tendents of many of tha collieries
were notified that the employer ) would
not report for work. Many visitors
nro here to witness the demonstration
In the city. There will ,00 a great parade -
rado and mass meotlngu In nearly all
the towns In the coal region.
Ocean Steamers for Harrlman Lines.
Chicago , Oct. 29. The Record Her
ald says : The matiuK mont of the
llarrlmun lines IB preparing to make
a vigorous campaign for Increased
Oriental trallln through Portland.
With thin end In view orders will ho
given for the conutrucllnn of four
mammoth ocean-going steamers to ply
between Portland nnd Asiatic ports.
The cost of the steamers will bo be
tween f2.000.000 and ? 3,000.000 each
nnd their tonnage will probably ho as
largo an those which are building for
the 11111 llncs.
Burlington Painters Quit Work.
Burlington , la. , Oct. 28. Kecauso
nonunion carpenters helped to build
a residence In Burlington , the union
painters refused to paint It. The master -
tor painters pronounced tills action
uncalled for nnd donned their aprons
anil painted the residence themselves.
The painters' union then ordered
every painter In the city to quit work ,
nnd the houses are going without
tin I n t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Shnw and Allison Speak.
MarHhalltown , la. , Oct. 29. The
largest meetings of the Iowa cam
paign were held hero yesterday after
noon nnd evening. Senator Allison de
livered the principal addrcs In the
afternoon nnd Secretary Shnw also
Rpoko briefly , covering Ills vlewa of
the tariff revision nnd the "Iowa idea. "
Root Wins From Carter.
Chicago , Oct. 28. Jack Hoot of Chicago
cage wan given the decision over
"Kid" Carter of Brooklyn at the end
of the sixth round last night. The
fight was one of the fastest between
big men that IIUH tnkcn place In this
city , ln several years.
Conductor is Fatally Hurt.
Ottumwa , Oct. 28. Conductor El
mer Forest of Kldora was la ' "Uv In
jured and six other trainmen painfully ;
hurt In a head-on collision u iwuc-u
two freight trains yesterday on tha
Rock Island near Brighton.
Prince Alert Wins.
Memphis , Oct. 28. In the special
match race between Sir Albert S. and
Prince Alert , at one-half mile , one
heat , Prince Alert won by threa
lengths. Time , 0:51 : % , beating thf
world's record 1V4 seconds.
Michigan Students Strike.
Lansing , Mich. , Oct. 28. The stu
dents of the Michigan agricultural
college , numbering about 1,000 , went
on a strike yesterday owing to the
suspension of seventeen of their num
ber for participating In a freshman-
eophomore rush ten days ago. No
classes were held.
Grave Robbers Indicted.
Indianapolis. Oct. 27. The grand
jury returned twenty-five Indictments
In the local grave robbery scandal.
Flvo doctors have been Indicted. All
the ghouls now under arrest have been
King Leopold to Visit St. Louis.
London , Oct. 28. "King Leopold , "
says the Brussels correspondent of the
Dally Press , "has promised Commis
sioner Walsh to visit the St. Louis
exposition. "
Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what you eat *
This preparation contains all of tha
dlgestanta and digests all kinds ol
food. It gives Instant relief and never
falls to cure. It allows you to cat all
the food you want , Tbo most sensitive
stomachs can take it. By its use many
thousands of dyspeptics have been
cured after every thing else fulled. 18
unequalled for the stomach. Child *
ren with weak stomachs thrive on iu
Cures all stomach troubles
Prepared only by K. O. rEWirr&Co.vOhlcnBO
Hvo U. UoUlocoutalnsSVi tltaca tLoSOC. filao.