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About The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19?? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 31, 1902)
TltM NORFOLK NEWS : FRIDAY , OCTOBER 31,1902 , Thousands of Rejected Immi grants Enter United States. YOLD TO WALK ACROSS LINE. European Agents -Engaged In Sending Back People Who Have Been De ported Dcicrlbo Montreal an Border - dor City and Entrance Easy. Washington , Oct. 30. ComralflBlon. r Sargent nmdo public a report from Ilobort Watcborn , special Immigrant inspector , dated Paris , ou the Immi gration to the Unltod States by way of Canada. Mr. Watchorn says : "Europeans who are Ineligible to en ter the United States have boon d > - reeled by designing agcnta to Cana dian ports , so that they cross the In ternational boundary where olllclal inspection IB loss rigid. Intending Im migrants who bocaufio of some dis qualification are rejected by linen run ning to the Unltod States are turned over to lines running to Canada , and , with few axcoptions , are accepted without ( inostion. , Thousanda every year tuns find tnolr way to Canada ann thence to the United States. Every steamship acont alludes to the fact that the United States Immigration laws are now being strictly enforced nml In consequence the Canadian route IB ono where any one 1st accepted who IB capable of walking off the ship , n statement which Is Invariably coupled with a gratuitous lesson in Korth American geography , designed to Impress on the omlgrant'a mind the choprlng Information that Montreal is a 'border city , ' from which a walk Borons the border is a very easy mat ter , unattended by any Inconvenience ivhatover , thcro being no Inspection of Immigrants at the border. " PROGRESS OF MOLINEUX TRIAL. { Testimony of Two Witnesses to Be Excluded Prosecution Rests. New York , OcU 30. The prosecu tion in the Mollnoux cnso rested yes terday after the defense had secured an important advantage In the de cision by Justice Lambert that the reading of the testimony given at the first trial by Mamie Melando and Do- toctlvo Farroll. both of whom are be yond the Jurisdiction of the court , was Inadmissible1. The greater part of the session was devoted to the examina tion of a handwriting expert , who , llko all these who have preceded him , testified that ono hand wrote the col- eon package address and Burnett and Cornish letters and letters admittedly written by Mollncux. The presenta tion of the case for the defense IB ex pected to occupy not moro than two days , and Interest centers In the ques tion whether Mollnoux will testify in Ills own behalf. i Doukhobor Army at Yorkton. Winnipeg , Man. , Oct. 30. Tha Doukhobor fanatics nro camped In the Tlcluity of Yorkton. Nothing of n disorderly nature lias yet occurred. ! \VhUo the women of the party spent the night In the shed , the men sought the shelter of a bluff. The whole night was spent In religious exercises. { They seem determined to continue and expressed themselves thus to Agent 6peers , who pointedly told them that they would not bo allowed to wander in such largo numbers. There Is no danger of any trouble Even if they nro forced to go back to their villages they will go without resistance. Roosevelt to Visit South. . Washington , Oct. 30. President Roosevelt will make a trip through a part of the south next month , if ofll clal business should not make his presence in Washington necessary at that time. The primary object of the trip will bo to enable the president to nttend the reception to bo tendered by the citizens of Memphis to Genera : Luke Wright , vice governor of the Philippines. Subsequently , It Is ex pected , the president will accept an invitation to participate In n bear bunt In the canebrakes of Mississippi Gives Farms to Old Employes. Minneapolis , Oct. 30. Charles J Bwanson , a wealthy brick manufact urer , has presented to each of nine employes a deed to forty acres of farm land in Anoka county. The presenta tion was made at an elaborate func tlon In celebration of Mr. Swanson'E. silver wedding. The gifts came as a total surprise to the recipients , who have served Mr. Swanson for more than twenty years. None of the land is worth less than $15 an acre. Bought Salted Mine. Tacoma , Wash. , Oct. 30. Cuthbert J. Gad , a Now York mining man claims he has been swindled out 01 $26,000 by the sale to him of a saltet placer claim at Nome. Gad bought the property for $100,000 , paying $25- 000 down , R. J. McArthur and a part- per named Ray nro alleged to bo re sponsible. McArthur was arrested on a charge of obtaining money under false pretenses and was later re- Jeased on ball. ' Riots Occur In Porto Rico. 'San Juan , P. R. , Oct. 30. Registra tion for elections in Porto Rico was finished yesterday. In splto of the strictest precautions serious riots took place in a few towns. Five po licemen and several citizens were killed in San Lorenzo. It is reported that several persons were killed in Pallltas. Further trouble Is expected. Bryan Is on His Way Home. Denver , Oct. 30. William J. Bryan' completed his Colorado trip , on which ho had delivered moro than twenty speeches , and left for his homo. " BLOW OPEN A BANK SAFE. " Six Robboro nt Gardner , Illinois , Se cure Several Thousand Dollars. Gardner , 111. , Oct. 30 Six mon blow ope * the vault of the Exchange No * lomU hank hero and took several hounaud dollorn. They seized Town Marshal EdmondBon at the engine louse , tlcd him with ropes , took him to the bank nnd Bet him In a chair. The marshal Is the only policeman nnd everybody else In the town was asleep. The vault wan blown open with dy- immlt and the Inside of the bank wrecked. The robborfl are Bupposcd to have Rflcurod $3,000 or $4,000. After leaving the bank they tool : ho niaroliRl to the school IIOUBO and tied him to a chair and put a rope around IIB ! neck. The chair waB placed nt the head of A ntalrway BO that If ho struggled to roloaflo himself ho would 'all downstairs and hang himself. The robbers took a train for Chicago. Confesses to Killing Latlmer. Now York , Oct. 30. A young man , who described himself nfl William G. Johnson of 1664 North Eighth Btroet , Philadelphia , entered the Groonpolnt lolleo station lant night and said ho loslrod to surrender himself as the murderer of Albert C. Lntlmer , who was Bhot , apparently by a burglar , at ils homo In Hancock street , Brooklyn , on the night of July 2 last. The man nald ho surrendered because ho waB Btrftkon with remorse nnd was weary of wandering about the country. Ho was locked up and will bo arraigned Lhla morning. Wife Murder and Suicide. Indopondcnco , Kan , Oct. 30. C. W. Hooper yesterday shot and killed his wife , Lulotta Hooper , and then killed himself. When found , the woman clutched a divorce decree , which awarded her the custody of their four children. The shooting occurred In the hallway nbovo the postoffico. The couple had Just emerged from a law yer's office when Hooper fired three ehots at his wlfo , all of which took ef fect , and then turned the weapon on himself. Hooper was forty-six year old nnd his wife about twenty-nine. Killed by Falling Cornice. Kansas City , Oct. 30. John V. Liv ers , a prominent building contractor of this city , was killed , William H. Ennls , a carpenter , was badly injured , and John Taylor , a negro , was pain fully bruised yesterday by D. brick cornice , weighing a ton , which fell from the seventh floor of the Rock Island Implement company's building in the west bottoms. The cornlco had Just been finished nnd put In place to repair the damage done bya recent flro. Swift Justice for Murder. Altken , Minn. , Oct. 30. Swift Jus tlco has been meted out to O. G. Ol son , who killed his daughter with a butcherknlfo , Oct. 21. Ho was placed ou trial yesterday. The case was given to the Jury at 6 o'clock and at 0:30 they returned a verdict of inur dor In the first degree. Ho will be sentenced today. Olson killed his daughter hccauso she was golug to marry against his will. Fatally Hurt by Cornhusker. St. Joseph , Mo. . Oct. 30. William Wright , n prominent resident of An drew county , whllo superintending the operation of a new cornhuskor , the Invention of a friend , accidentally permitted his coat sleeve to come In contact with the cogs of the machin ery , and before the power could bo shut off , his arm was shredded. Ho will dto as ft result of the accident. Shot by His Brother-ln-Law. Piano , Tex. , Oct. 30. Jacob Holmes ws shot and killed last night by Riley Hauseaght , aged twenty , who surren dered. Holmes was married to Hauscaght's sister yesterday and re turned to the homo of his wife's mother. His brother-in-law , who had opposed the marriage shot him three times , causing Instant death. Tragedy at Little Rock. Little Rock , Oct. 30 Miss Florence Shlllcut , nineteen years old , was mur dered near this city yesterday. She spent the forenoon visiting her un cle's family and started homo about 11 o'clock. Her body was discovered two hours later. Her skull was crushed nnd the body was dragged several yards Into the underbrush in a field. Ono suspect has been arrested. Robbed of a Largo Sum. Appleton , Wls. , Oct. 30. Martin Cornelius , a wealthy saloonkeeper of this city , was held up and robbed of $8,000 last night Cornelius was in Oshkosh yesterday where ho intended purchasing some real estate , nnd this accounts for his having such a largo sum of money nt the tlrno of the rob bery. Volunteers of America 'Meet. Chicago , Oct. 28. Delegates from all parts of the country gathered at the Auditorium last night to celebrate the sixth anniversary of the Volun teers of America. The celebration . was in charge of Brigadier General Edward Fielding. Senator Mason pre sided. General Balllngton Booth made the principal address of the evening. LeMars Hotel Is Burned. LeMars , la. , Oct. 30. The Windsor hotel , n three-story frame building , was completely gutted by fire. The flro broke out at 2:80 a. m. and the Inmates escaped with nothing but their wearing apparel and several had to Jump from windows. Loss , $10,000 ; Insurance , $4,300. Bear Sentenced to Hang , Sioux Falls , S. D. , Oct. 30. George Bear , an Indian , who was found guilty > of the murder of his stepson , John Shaw , and C. Edward Taylor , a white man , was yesterday sentenced to be hanged In this city Dec. 5. General Suspension of Work In Anthracite Region. UNION LABOR OUT ON PARADE. Ten Thousand Mine Workers March the Streets of Wllkesbarre , After Which They Listen to Speech by Their Leader. Wllkcsbarro , Oct. 30. Mitchell day was celebrated In all the principal towns of the anthracite coal region yesterday and in order that all the mine workers might have an opportu nity to participate in the exorcises the mines were closed down. The principal demonstration was hold in this city and 1'rcaldunt Mitchell took part. Everybody were a John Mitchell badge. The procession started short ly before noon and was nearly ono hour in passing a given point. It is estimated , that there were 10,000 men in j lino. President Mitchell was given an ovation all along the line , and whenever his carriage stopped , the crowd ( pressed around and Insisted on shaking ( hands. After the parade a big mass meeting was hold at Y M. C. A. park , Presi dent Mitchell was the last speaker. Ho said in part : "Language IB Inadequate to express the gratitude for the great reception I have received at the hands of the anthracite miners and I feel that the victory is not duo to myself , but to the men , women nnd children who nmdo so many sacrifices. I hope that there will never again bo a strike in the coal fields of Pennsylvania. I want the union miners to prove that they are better workmen than the non union men. I desire the men and operators - orators to meet. I do not want to make enemies of the operators. In closing , I wish to impress upon you that membership in the union is the only safeguard. The operators nro not going to pay the bill of the strike. They will make the workers pay it if they can , but if not they will make the publlo pay it. It behooves the mlno workers to BOO to It that they are not made the victims , and I hope that you will bo true to yoursolvcs and to ono another , and that you will BPO to It that the cost of the greatest labor struggle that nas ever occurred Is not placed on your hacks. Stick by the union nnd the union will stick by you. " ARBITRATORS INSPECT MINES. Members of Strike Commission Begin Their Work In Coal Region. Scranton , Pa , Oct. 30. The anthra clto coal strike commissioners , who will make an Inspection of the mines nnd the homes of the mlno workers , arrived hero last night. The commis sion's headquarters are at the Hotel Jormyn , where the party occupies fourteen rooms. Today will bo spent In the hard coal region north of this city. All of the big mining companies will bo represented during the Inspec tion by general managers or superin tendents. District President NIcholls of the miners' union will bo the principal representative of the minors Prcsl dent Mitchell will not comoto % this city unless sent for. At Forest City , the party will bo lowered Into ono ol the Erie company's mines. As a pre caution against accident , a suporln tendent , flro boss or a practical miner will accompany each member of the party through the workings. A coa breaker will bo visited at Carbondale nnd a stop will bo made at Olyphant six miles north of Scranton , for the purpose of visiting other collieries and to look at the homes and sur roundlngs of the mlno workers. Montreal Dock Strike. Montreal , Oct. 80. Two thousand dock laborers went on a strike yester day , completely tlelng up the business of the port. The mon have been work ing all season on a flat scale of 20 cents an hour , day or night work , ant they now demand payment ar. the rate of 30 cents per hour for day work am 35 cents per hour for night work. The demand was refused. The demand is based on the great increase in the cost of living. With twenty steamers In port wait ing cargo and as many still duo , the situation is serious. The shipping agents decided. In view of the urgency of the situation , to offer the men 25 cents an hour for day labor and 30 cents for night work. Railroads Will Grant Increase. Chicago , Oct. 30. Demands of the Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen for an Increase In wages will bo replied to by the railroads entering Chicago before the end of the week. The crews of the locals met and reported. All agreed tyu they would probably settle with the roads before the first of the month. It is expected the increase - crease granted will bo In the neighbor hood of 12 cents , which will bo prob ably accepted. Jay Cooke Is Better. Put-in-Bay , O. , Oct. 30. Banker Jay Cooke of Philadelphia , who has been seriously 111 hero of congestion of the brain , has recovered sufficiently to un dertake the trip homo. Accompanied by his son and daughter and a trained nurse , Mr. Cooke left yesterday for the east. Dank President and Cash Missing. Sharpsburg , la. , Oct. 30. H. E. Chrlstcnsen , president of the Farm ers' and Merchants' bank of this place , is missing , and the funds of the bunk are Bald to bo short a sum estimated at from $35,000 to $50,000. -IAMED DAY OF THANKSGIVING. resident Issues a Proclamation Deslg- natlng Thursday , Nov. 27. Washington , Oct. -President Roosevelt Issued his proclamation loslgnatlng Thurflday , Nov. 27 , as a lay of thanksgiving. The proclama- Ion says : "Tha ya r that has Just closed has ) ocn ono of peace and of overflowing ) Ionty. Rarely has any people cn- eyed greater prosperity than wo are now enjoying. For this wo render icartfelt and solemn thanks to the liver of Good , nnd wo seek to praise Ilm not by words only , but by deeds , jy the way in which wo do dur duty o ourselves nnd to our fellow mon. " MESSAGE FROM KING EDWARD. Special Bearer Arrives In New York With Important Documents. Now York , Oct. 30. Oliver A. Borth- wick , a special messenger from King Edward Vfi , bearing documents of 1m- * portanco sent either * to President floosevelt or to the British embassy at Washington , has arrived hero. To the customl officials ha was obliged to disclose his identity. Ho stated only that his mission was ono of great Importance and produced a parchment which , In language savor ing of the past , proclaimed him the king's messenger or courier and stated that ho mnst not bo detained when in the land of a friendly power. Politician Ends Hlo Life. Norfolk , Vn. , Oct. 30. John A. Mor gan , a leader of the "straight out" Democratic party in Norfolk county , which faction has been fighting the organization of fuslonlsta for several years , blew out his brains yesterday. On a table was a note which stated that It had been said that his death would smooth the waters of county' politics and if such was the case , it could bo shown now. Bowling Record Broken. Cleveland , Oct. 30. A world's rec ord was broken last night upon the Calumet alleys , when the Calumets reached the 1,000 mark in each of their three games taken from the Centuries. Never before was such bowling witnessed. The first game the Calumets rolled 1,061 , In the second end 1,079 , while In tno third they made 1,064 , a total of 3,204 for the three. Truce In Baseball War. ' New York , Oct. 30. After another session yesterday , the national board of arbitration gave 'up the task for the time being , of trying to settle the western baseball war. The board ad journed to meet In Chicago Nor. 15. Meantime a truce has been declared 'between ' the Western League and the American association with regard to taking each other's players. Commoner Sold for $41,000. Nashville , Tenn. , Oct. 30 The pick of the Belle Meade stud , the Com-1 moner , by Hanover-Margerlno , was sold yesterday for $41,000 , the pur chaser of record appearing as E. S. Gardner for W. H. Jackson , Jr. , who , It Is said , will maintain the Belle Mcadc stud , becoming Its manager. Bryan In Colorado. Durango , Colo. , Oct. 28. W. J. Bry. an began his tour through Colorado at Grand Junction yesterday after noon. Ho was accompanied by Sena tor T. M. Patterson , Congressman J. C. Bell and other prominent Demo crats of the state. He spoke at Delta , Montroae , Rldgeway , Tellurlde , Rlco > , Maucos and Durango. At all points , except Durango , Mr. Bryan limited his remarks to fifteen minutes' time , but hero he spoke at considerable length. After Mr. Bryan had been speaking for an hour and a quarter an alarm of flro was given and It was found that' the building beneath the hall in which ho was speaking was in flames. The meeting adjourned and the audience loft the building without accident. The fire department saved the build ing. t Homeseekers Go West. Chicago , Oct. 28. The Record-Her- aid says : Between 40,000 and 50,000 i colonists have gone into the far west ern , northwestern and southwestern i states during the months of Septem- her and October. The movement of ! homeseekers nnd settlers has never before been so great In the history of ! western railroads. During the pros-1 cut week , which is the last of the $33 I rate to the Pacific coast , the railroads i will carry fully 20,000 colonists out of Chicago , St. Paul , St. Louis and other largo cities in the middle west. Alleged Ghouls Give Bonds. Indianapolis , Oct. 28. As a result of the investigation by the grand Jury of the wholesale robbery of graves , in cemeteries in Indianapolis , four in dicted physicians , Dr. J. C. Alexander , Dr. W. E. Holt , Dr. F. M. Wright and I Dr. J. C. Wilson , gave bonds In the , sheriff's office yesterday for their ap pearance for trial. Six of the negro ghouls wore arraigned in court and I entered pleas of not guilty , and the case of Dr. J. C. Alexander was set down for trial Nov. 17. Stevenson Talks In New York. New York , Oct. 28. At a Democrat ic mass-meeting last night in Madison Square Gaixien , former Vice President Adlal E. Stevenson , ex-Senator Hill of Now York , Senator James K. Jones of Arkansas , Congressman Grlggs of Georgia , Bird S. Colcr , Democratic candidate for governor ; W. R. Hearst and Congressman Sulzer of New York were among the speakers. Senator Jones was the presiding officer. More Wages Demanded. Glasgow , Oct. 28. The Scotch rain- ers have demanded an increase of 12' , < ! cents in wages. About 70,000 miners are affected. Ex-President Says He Tried His Best to Avert War. BOER ANTIPATHY TOO STRONG. Declares Chamberlain Was Cecil Rhodes' Accomplice In the Jameson Raid , and That Mllner Acted aa Tool of Colonial Secretary. London , Oct. 30. It is understood that the "Krugor Memoirs , " of which a first installment of extracts has al ready been published in the Times , glvo a narrative of the ex-president's career , but do not go deeply into pollt leal or diplomatic aspects , or advise the Boers as to the best policy to bo pursued after Mr Kruger's death. A striking feature of the memoirs Is a revelation of the Jealousies which ex isted before the war between inhabi tants of the Transvaal and the Orange Free State and the Cap Colony Boers , which prevented anything llko a satis factory mutual understanding. Mr. Kruger takes pains to explain that ho did his best to smooth matters over and prevent the war but the Boers' inborn nnt.pathy to foreign Interfer ence proved to bo too strong for him. Mr. Kruger declares that Colonial Secretary Chamberlain was undoubt edly the late Cecil Rhodes' accom plice in the Jameson raid , and that Mr. Chamberlain appointed Lord Mil ncr British high commissioner of South Africa with the direct intention of driving matters to extremes. "This tool of Mr Chamberlain , " saya ) Mr. Kruger , "carried out his mission faithfully and turned South Africa Into a wilderness. " British policy in general , the former president sums up. in the following sentence : "Lies , treachery , intrigues , and secret investigations against the governments of the republics , these have always been the distinguishing marks of English politics. " Mr. Krugor closes his memoirs with those words : "I am convinced that the lord will not forsake his people , oven although it often appears so , and I acquiesce in the will of the lord , Icnowlnjj ho will not allow an afflicted i people to perish. " , j SANTA MARIA ACTIVE AGAIN. Villages and Plantations Near Volcano Abandoned by People. Guatemala City , Oct. 30. There have been serious earthquakes throughout Guatemala and the volcano of Santa Maria is still in great erup tion. The volcano has thrown a deep mantle of ashes upon the town of Quezaltenango , which has been partly rebuilt since the earth- i quakes of last April , and upon the town , of Mezantenango. The volcano is near both of these places. ' All ' towns , villages and plantations near I the volcano have been abandoned and the residents are fleeing to places ol safety. The entire republic Is In a disturbed condition owing to the seis mic waves. Guatemala City , although moro than 100 miles from Santa Maria , hears its continuous thunder ing. Four Hundred Rebels Slain. Colon , Colombia , Oct. 30. Further news has reached here of the engage 1 ment Oct. 24 at Rio Frlo , near La Glen 1 aga , which resulted in the surrender 1 of Generals Urlbe-Urlbe - and Gas tillo. Four hundred revolutionists are reported to have been killed. The ' ' dead were left unburled. According to the terms of capitulation , Genera ' Urlbe-Urlbe undertakes to bring about ' the surrender of all revolutionary bands now in the departments of Mag dalena and Bolivar. He goes to Bo gota to confer with the Colombian government to this end. Anti-Foreign Crusade In Morocco. Gibraltar , Oct. 30. A letter receivee from George C. Reed , a Kansas mis ' slonary at Moqulnez , with several oth er Americans , indicates that numerous interior tribes have broken out. The j roads , It is added , are infested with j i bandits and travel Is decidedly un safe , native sentiment taking the ! ; form of a general anil-foreign crusade j Fanatics have torn up the survey ! flags , marking the line of the sultan's railroad , claimjng they were emblems , of foreign suzerainty over Morocco. Carry Fight Into Commons. London , Oct. 30. The efforts o the promoters of the Morgan "tube' railway scheme to procure the re-es tabllshmcnt of the parliamentary stat us of their original franchise as a whole led to an hour's debate in th house of commons last night. Th only result was the withdrawal of th ' endeavor. The Morgans intend to as ] I later for the recommittal of the bil i granting rights for their proposed "tubo" and other lines. Still Fighting In Venezuela. Wlllemstadt , Oct. 30. News has been received hero that the town o Carupano , Venezuela , was attackei by revolutionary forces Sunday anc Monday of this week. After a ban flght with the government's soldiers in which the rebels lost one canner and had a number of men killed ant 1 wounded , they retreated. The govern ' ment accuses the revolutionists o ' having burned forty-threo houses in Carupano. Duty on Cattle and Sheep. Berlin , Oct. 30. In the rolchstag the tariff commjtteo's proposal to im pose a minimum duty of about $3,50 per double hundred weight on cattle was passed by 161 to 120 votes. A minimum duty of about $3.50 per double hundred weight on sheep was also paused. JUDGE RELEASED FROM JAIL. tl amuel C. Peden of St. Clalr County' ( s Finally Set Free. I Kansas City , Oct. 30. Samuel CM Pedou , cx-Judgo of the county court : . ' f St. Clalr county , Missouri , who has1 cen in Jail at Maryvillo slnco May , 901 , for contempt of court in refusine o order a tax levy to pay bonds lodged to the Tobo and Neosho raJl- > way in 1879 , was yesterday orderedte-f eased by Judge John F. Phillips of. be United States district court in this- , ity. After he had tired of Jail , , udgo Pedon , several months ago , sent Is resignation to Governor Docllery , ' . nd a successor was appointed. Judgo' 'hllllps declined to talk of the matter and It Is supposed that Judge Peden's. eleaso was n result of his resigna-- Ion. Judge Thomas Nevltt , presiding ; : udgo of the St. Clalr county court , la till in Jail , where many of his prede cessors , all having refused to respect bo United States court's commands to- ' order a tax levy for the payment or he bonds , had previously spent their orms of office , _ , w , Women Honor Dead Leader. DCS Molnos , Oct. 30. The Iowa.- Equal Suffrage association honored. Ilizabcth Cady Stanton at Its opening ? meeting. A picture of the dead leador- heavily draped in black occupied a iromtnont position on the stage and. Mrs. Adelaide Balla/d , the president' of the association , spoke feelingly of the work of Mrs. Stanton. Mrs. Carrie - rio Chapman Catt , president of the national association , urged the assem- jled delegates to continuo the prose cution of the work without faltering , , adding that in time they would be cer- : aln to succeed in their undertaking. . The attendance IB small , only seventy- flvo delegates being present. Ask for Right to Appeal. Denver , Oct. 30. A. M. Stevenson : and D. C. Beeman , representing the Osgood faction in the Colorado Fuel and Iron company , have left for St. . Paul , where , it is sold , they will pres ent to Judge Sanborn of the United States circuit court of appeals a pe tition for permission to take an appeal from the order entered by Judge Caldwell - well , who , sitting as United States dis trict Judge In Denver last month , ap pointed a master In chancery to con duct the election of directors of the Colorado Fuel and Iron company and ordered the election to be held Dec. 1. Women Discuss Foreign Missions. Minneapolis. Oct. 30 The Woman's Foreign Missionary society of the Methodist Episcopal church formally opened Its thirty-fourth annual ses slon last evening at the Wesley- church. The day was spent by the secretaries of the society in executive session In consideration of expend itures , etc. It is expected that $500- 000 will bo appropriated this year by the secretaries. Central China was the territory discussed yesterday. Students Refuse to Yield. Lansing , Mich. , Oct. 30. The strik ing Michigan agricultural college stu dents held another mass meeting and decided that In case any paper appears from the faculty for students to sign it shall not bo signed until It has been brought up and passed on In mass meeting of the students. This only widens the breach between the stu dents and faculty. There are no signs of yielding on either side as yet. Work on White House Nearly Done. Washington , Oct. 30. The new executive offices of the whlto housa- are practically ready for occupation and the official quarters of the presi dent will be removed early next week from the temporary white house , on Jackson place , to the new building ad joining the white house. The re moval will take place during the ab sence of the president at Oyster Bay , , where ho will go to vote. Miss Teller Set Free. Valparaiso , Ind. , Oct. 30. Miss Stella Josephine Teller , cousin of Sen ator Teller of Colorado , and who for three months was held as an inmate of an asylum , was made a free woman yesterday. Judge Glllett decided that the asylum officials had no right to- Wdnap their former patient , whoso sanity is unquestioned in this city , and she was set at liberty. Three Killed In Train Wreck. Cincinnati , Oct. 30. A Cincinnati , Hamilton and Dayton passenger train ran Into a local freight two miles west of Oxford. Engineer Conn and two- unknown men were Instantly killed. Conductor Connor was badly hurt. The passengers were badly shaken up , but It Is not believed any of them was seriously Injured. The wreck Is burning. McEwen Awarded Prize. Chicago. Oct. 30. The N. W Har ris prize of $500 for the best picture- In the Art Institute exhibition painted' by an American artist within two- years preceding the exhibition , has been awarded to Walter McEwen , now In Paris , on a picture entitled "Tho Woman of the Empire. " TELEGRAMS JERSELY TOLD , j The Glue Corporation of Jersey City' was Incorporated Wednesday , with a' capital of $6,000,000. The funeral of the late Elizabeth' ; Cady Stanton was held Wednesday at her residence in New York. \ A total of 2,370 presidential .po3t > j masters were appointed last year , according - cording to the annual report of J. L. Brlstow , fourth assistant postmaster general. Mrs. Samuel Crowder wlfo , of a ne gro railroad laborer at Guthrlo , Okla. , locked their three children , two girls and a boy , aged live , eoven and ten years , in the house and wont out for the day. The children sot flro , to the place and were burned to death.