The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, October 31, 1902, Page 3, Image 3

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'Whit ' Ills Old Neighbors Hive to Say ol the Re.
pnbllcan Candidate ( or Governor Ills
Honesty , Integrity , Charily , Told ol
by the Men Who Know Him
Osccola. Neb. , October 20 , 1902.
Around the public nqtmro In Osccola ,
the llttlo red brick courthouse
In the center , there Is a lot of
Tjuoy men , who , In their thrift and en-
* Tgy , seem very much \n \ harmony with
Ihf llfo and character of John H.
Mickey , republican candidate for gov
ernor , whoso homo IB out there on a
farm right up against the suburbs of
the town. Mr. Mickey commenced
here when thq town commenced. Ho
wan hero when It was born. He built
the first dwelling house that was hult |
in Osccola , and has lived hero ever
With a strong body and a clear
: "hraln , ho was equipped for a trcmon-
"dous amount of work , and when the
lotplo of Polk county look back for
Iwenty-nve years and realize what has
. l > ecn accomplished In the upbuilding
of this community , they can sec every
where the helpful influence of John
Ittlckey , whose courage never failed and
wLose energy never relaxed.
"Look around here , " said the hotel
'keeper , the flist man you meet In Osco-
ola , "Look around bore , and what-
cver you see that's good , John Mlckoy
ban been in It right from the start , and
bos helped more than any other man
to make 1ft what It Is. If Mr. Mickey
Is elected governor , the people will
find him the most practical man they
' ever put Into that office. "
The history of John Mickey Is the
history of the beginning of things In
this county. Ho made the first homo-
etead entry that was made In the
United States land office at Lincoln.
He was one of the first two settlers In
the county. He helped to organize the
county and was Us first treasurer ,
serving continuously for ten years.
He was the first assessor In the < ounty.
He helped to organize the first school
district , district No. 1 , and was its
first treasurer. He was one of the orJ
ganlzers of the first church society in
the county. In a good many of these
enterprises Mr. Mickey seems to have
been not only one of the organizers ,
tut the one who thought out and
worked out the proposition from the
beginning. Mr. Mickey started the first
bank in the county and Is still Its presi
dent He was one of the organizers
of the County Fair association. Ho
has given the use of the grounds which
this association has occupied during
the last twenty years , and was one"of
the chief contributors toward the erec
tion of the buildings which the asso-
elation has used. He contributed $5,000
to the ? 12,000 Methodist church here.
Although an ardent Methodist , he was
broader than that , and his liberal con
tributions have gone Into nearly every
church structure In the county. It is
given out here on the best authority
that his church and school donations
In the last ten years amount to over
, $20,000. This item , when it is con
sidered that Mr. Mickey is not particu
larly wealthy over many others who
are well-to-do In this county , shows
something of the chief characteristics
of the r ; j to put himself and a part of
what hf ' as accumulated into what
ever is good for the people.
Mr. Mickey was one of the or
ganizers of the town of Osceola. The
"World-Herald has charged that the
town was located on a tract of railroad
land through his manipulation , but the
facts aa that it Is situated on section
16 , which is school land. On the school
board for many years , his influence has
been potent for everything that was
most progressive and practical In edu
cation. Mr. Mickey was one of the or
ganizers of the first O. A. R. post in
this county. His tender regard for
this organization aud his helpfulness
to the old comrades brings from these
old soldiers , as will appear later , many
Icind expressions toward him , and some
f'\S that are not so kind toward the World-
Herald , whose representative , writing
from here recently , tried to show that
Mr. Mickey had been neglectful as a
member of the G. A. R. to the interests
of that order. His attention to all
the ceremonies of the G. A. R. and his
many kind acts toward needy veterans
has been recognized by the post hero
at Osceola , and for many years ho has
been the one chosen to stand at the
bead of the grave when the old soldier
wao being lowered Into his final resting
"He knows the ceremony by heart , "
eald Judge SaundcnJ , a prominent" -
, eran of Osceola , "and we always know
that we can depend on him. He is al
ways ready to do whatever there la to
do , no matter how difficult or how
easy the task. If anyone is sick , Mr.
Mickey is one of th first to flnd It
out , and If you take pains to Inquire
you will flnd that his assistance is al
ways practical. "
' Up to the time that Mr. Mickey was
named as the republican candidate for
governor , his high standing among the
people of his own county had never
' been questioned. Ho had been hero
over thirty years , a very busy man ,
having more or le a to do with nearly
everything that was going on , and hla
clean llfo and high character stood
out conspicuously among the people ot
Polk county. It was those thirty years' '
of life In Polk county , and what they ]
had been , that singled him out and
made him attractive to republicans all
over the state. When ho was finally1
nominated , this thing , hid llfo In Polki
county , was the most attractive feature - '
turo of his public personality. To
break down n much as possible this
part of hla strength as a candidate , the
World-Herald sent a representative
hero who traveled over the county for
several days , finally publishing In the
World-Herald what purported to bo In- ]
torvlows from nlnn alleged republicans
who would not support Mr. Mickey , j
As a sample of the World-IIorald'sj
reckless work In Its efforts to Injure ,
Mr. Mickey , the following statement
from George W. Dcobo , a Polk county
farmer , and one of the men whom the !
WorldHerald"pretended to Interview !
against Mr. Mickey , speaks for Itself. '
This la what Mr. Dcebc says In a signed
statement : |
"I never saw the World-Herald re-1
porter when he was here , nor at any ,
other time. I never gave out any In
terview or made any statement to tho.
World-Horald , or any other newspa
per. I was surprised and Indignant
when I heard that my name was In the
paper. I have been a republican here ,
through all these years , when 1 was
the only republican In my neighbor
hood. I have been to town several
times this season trying to hire men
to help mo at my farm work , but people
ple are so busy that it Is Impossible to
get help. If I want men to be Idle and
help to be plenty , I would vote the
democratic ticket. I Intend to vote for
John Mickey. I want to see him elect
ed and I believe ho will be. I think
the the World-Her
course pursued by -
ald In misrepresenting people here will
Increase the majority for the repub
lican ticket In this county. ( Signed , )
"G. W. T1EEBE. "
Mr. Beebe , In conversation with re
publican friends , said some things that
were a little too hot to print.
Now let us take the business men
around the public square hero In Os
ceola and see what they say of Mr.
"You may commence with me , " said
Mr. Pratt , the hotel man. "Put it
down for me that I have known John
Mickey a long time and I have known
him well. He Is as straight as a die ,
and one of the most competent men I
ever know Now , go Into the drug
store next door and then go right
around the square and see what the
others say. "
D. H. Kunklo , druggist : "I have
known Mr. Mickey twenty-eight years.
He is as prompt as a clock In every
thing , and keeps his work right to the
letter. Mickey is a very thorough
man. Ho works hard. He has made
lots of money and he has given lots of
It away. He ho helped things along
here ever since the town started. If ho
Is elected he will be governor. They
can't monkey with him. The Inter
views that went out from here through
the World-Herald didn't hurt Mickey
here. "
In this drug store was Mr. G. W.
Gregg , a nurseryman. He said : "I
have been living right along side of
Mr. Mickey for eighteen years. I have
had thousands of dollars worth of
business with him. He Is very thor
ough in his business methods. He
makes everybody come right up to the
scratch if they can. But if a man is
in trouble and Is honest he can always
find a friend in Mr. Mickey. I have
been in the G. A. R. post with Mickey
for twenty years. He is the most ac
tive and best all around worker In the
post. He has brri rw re rommander
of our post here and has been its most
liberal and helpful member. I hope
he will be elected. "
H. A. Scott , general store : "I have
been here twenty-three years. I have
known Mickey all the time. He Is as
honest as a man can be. The reporter
of the World-Herald , who was hero
recently , misrepresented him entirely.
It makes the people Indignant. That's
no way to treat a decent man. It will
make Mr. Mickey a lot of votes that
ho would not otherwise have got in
this county. He has been a good citi
zen here. We think he will be a good
governor. "
Q. W. West , merchant : "I have been
doing business with Mr. Mickey for
twenty-three years. We do not agree
politically , but I am bound to bo fair
with him now. He is a clean , high-
minded man. Mr. Thompson , the fu
sion candidate for governor , is a per
sonal friend of mine and a good man.
I am not trying to help elect Mr.
Mickey , but I will not mlnrepresent
him. He's square. He will do Just
what he agrees to do , and ho will do It
well. "
James Mathews , dry goods : "I have
known John Mickey twenty-six years.
Ho attends to his business. Ho never
gossips nor meddles. Ho does lots of
good as a citizen. The Interviews of
the World-Herald did not hurt him In
thla county. "
L. W. Gurshco , merchant : "I have
known John Mickey twenty-eight
years. I bought land , of him when I
first came here. I paid taxes to htm
as county treasurer. There is no bet
tor man around hero. When the Odd
l'ello\VB ' worn building hero , I wont to
Mr. Mickey expecting a $2t > subscrip
tion , for ho was not an Odd Pel low , '
but ho gave mo a hundred. Wo don't
pay any attention hero to those Inter
flows In the World-Herald. " I
Mr. Chas. Uurkhlrt , a Gorman and
eld soldier , In Mr. Gursheo's store , said : ,
"When I came hero Mickey won one of
the first men I moL Ho wa < < nctlvo In
the G. A. R. and befriended mo. It
was n slmmo to misrepresent him an
the World-Horald did , but he's got1
plenty of friends hero. I will vote fen
lilrn myself. " j
H. T. Arnold , banker : "John II. ,
Mickey Is a lovol-hcaded , conservative , ]
hardworking , earnest , conscientious )
man. In my Judgment ho will make a
good executive. " '
H. F. Henderson , hardware : "I votcdj
for Bryan both times , but I have very
high respect for Mr. Mlckoy. IIo Is a
very capable man. Ho knows what toj
do and how to do H. He will get the
warm support of thin county. "
P. L. Dunn , hardware : "Mr. Mlckoy.
stands high hero. The World-Horald
Interviews arc treated only with con
tempt. "
Oliver Wcstbcrg , traveling man : "I
have known Mickey twcnty-nlno years ,
He Is a first-class business man. Ho
will know what Is going on In the state
Institutions i ( ho Is governor. I hope
ho will bo elected. "
Dr. L. N. Shaw : "Havo known
Mickey twenty-throe years. There has
never been a cleaner or more compe
tent man In the governor's office. "
Otto Kuminer , farmer : "Mickey will
run well In my precinct. My father
helped nominate him for county treas
urer In ' 71. His record Is clean. "
E. L. King , attorney : "The people
who were Interviewed by the World-
Herald misrepresented Mr. Mickey and
his standing In this county. The re
action against such methods will only
make more votes for Mickey. Ho Is
without question one of the best men
over nominated for the governor's of
fice In this state. "
Mr. O. H. Munn , W. F. Shank , George
Carmine , Joseph Karrcr , W. F. Miller ,
W. B. Carson , John F. Anderson , S. J.
Harless , S. G. Phmsant , Judge F. H.
Saunders , W. O. Cox , and others , all
old settlers In Osceola , spoke of Mr.
Mickey in the highest terms.
At Stromsburg , the endorsement of
Mr. Mickey by the business men was
as positive as at Osceola. Stromsburg
used to be one of the strongholds of
populism , but the whole situation 1ms
changed In the last year or two , and
the sentiment for Mr. Mickey's election
Is now the most conspicuous political
demonstration here. Mr. P. T. Buck
ley , one of the old timers , and a promi
nent business man , said :
"I went down to Mickey's home
stead In ' 71 to get him to show me how ,
to make my homestead papers. IIo
wcs then a sort o a general counselor
to the settlers. He knew how to do
everything. When there was any new
thing to bo done , Mickey always dug
right Into It , looked up the law , and
found out all about It. His whole llfo
since then has been right along that ,
line. He has helped more people In
this county than any other man who
has ever lived In it. "
Mr. John B. Buckley , president of
one of the banks here , and a large
property owner , said :
"I have lived hero thirty-nine years
and have known John Mickey all this
time. I know his record as a public
official , as a business man and as a
citizen , and I know no cleaner record
and no better man. The pops spent
J2.500 of the county's money trying to
find something against him while ho ,
was county treasurer , and I tell you ,
populism never recovered from the re-i
bound of that Investigation. " t
J. A. Tarble , a farmer at Shelby , be-i
Ing in Stromsburg , said : "I have !
known Mr. Mickey ever since I home-l
steaded twenty-nine years ago. I'm an
old soldier and It makes mo Indignant' '
to think that the World-Herald would ,
misrepresent him and his relation to ,
the old soldiers. Why , John Mickey'
has been the most practical friend the
old soldiers have had In this county.
I remember some years ago when the/ /
winter was cold and everybody was
hard up , we had a meeting of the post
to consider the needs of some of the
old veterans. Some of them needed
money and the post had no money.
Mickey got up and said : 'Send them'
to mo and I will take care of them ,
somehow. ' Ho was always Just llko1
that He has done moro kind acts to
the old veterans than any other man
In this county , and the papers ought ,
to be ashamed to try and take that ,
credit away from him , but he's got ,
friends enough to elect him all right"
M. P. Llndberg spoke of the organi
zation of the Swedish-American league
that was going on In Stromsburg. It's
a republican organization. Of
Mickey ho said :
"Tho republicans could not have
named a man that would run better In !
this locality than John Mickey. " |
J. P. Smith , old settler and old sol
dier : "I took a homestead thlrty-ono
years ago , and live on It yet right hereby
by this town. I have known Mr.
Mickey nil these years. Ho Is consid
ered a very straight man In this coun
ty. Ho is considerate In his dealings
with poor men , but If a man can pay ,
Mickey tnnUofl them como right dp to
the icrntch , Ho will bo a good biuil-
ncnn governor. "
M. A. Mnkrovor , nttornoyt "I Imvo
boon personally acquainted with John
II. Mlckoy for eleven yearn. I have nU1
ways voted the democratic tlukot ,
mil OUR I change my mind , I Intnml to
vote for John II , Mickey thlH year. "
I * H. Henderson , merchant : "I havo'
been hero twenty-four years. I have
known Mr. Mickey all the time. The
World-Herald Interview ! will help htm
in thin county. I never heard of a re-
llahlq man accusing John Mluhcy of
anything dishonorable. I voted the
pop ticket till two years ago. I found
It watt no uno. It couldn't ' do any
good. I voted for Bryan the first lima
and would have stayed with the popn.
lint they couldn't ilA anything. The
pop huslncBH don't amount to any
thing. I'm for Mickey now , and you
will find n lot ot us In line for him
election day. "
A. 11. Hoadbloom , merchant : "I have
been hero twonty-flvo yearn. Yes , I
know Mr. Mickey. Ills reputation In
llrat-clasH. Ho will get many ftiHlon
votes. "
G. W. PrcsHnn , merchant : "I have
known John Mickey over alnco I cunio
here. Hu stnndH high In tlilH town
anil community. There are four votes
In this store. Mlckoy will got them
all. "
E. G. Gold , merchant : "I never met
Mr. Mickey , but 1 have heard of him.
Ho stands well. I hope ho will bo
elected. "
13. Haas , dry goods : "I know Mr.
Mickey well. Used to live In Ouccola
and did business with him. Parties
who gave out Interviews to the World-
Herald don't stand well. Mlckoy Is a
good , broad-minded man and ho will
make a good executive. "
M. T. Barber , old soldier and old
settler : "I settled here In the fall of
' 72 , and Btlll llvo on the sanio farm.
Mli-key has been a ulanch friend to tbo
old soldlorn. I'm ono of them myself ,
and I know what hln record Is hero In
that line. He Is a helper. IIo IH a
practical man. He always gets rlfht
at this practical point and wants to do
the thing that will do the most good.
Pop commissioners paid out $2r > 00 to
have his record examined HH county
treasurer and they couldn't find a thing
against him. The people who guve out
intervlowH against Mr. Mickey to the
World-Herald arc ashamed of It now
and they ought to be. They arc claimIng -
Ing now that what they sulil to the
World-IIernld reported was exagger
ated , but they ought to be ashamed
to be talking at all against a man like
John Mickey. If he ain't a good man ,
then there arc no Kood men In this
county. "
At Shelby , a small town In the east
ern part of Polk county , Mr. Isaac
Paisley , an old Boldior , Bald : "Yes , I
settled hero thirty years ago and I
have got the homestead yet. I ciiine
from the same county in Iowa that
Mickey came from. I didn't know him
there , but I knew his folks. They were
well-to-do people of high standing.
John Mickey Is a strong and forceful
man In any place where there's work
to do that requires judgment and ac
curacy. I never knew of his honesty
being questioned until they got out
something In the paper against him. I
don't think anyone around here be
lieves a word of that stuff I haven't
seen a man who believed a word of It. "
John Fox , old settler and old soldier ,
talked of his long acquaintance with
Mr. Mickey : "I settled on a home
stead just a mile from Mickey's home
stead , In ' 71. Mickey got the con
fidence of the people right from the
start because he seemed to know how
to do everything , and he has held their
confidence ever since. I always worked
for him In every election when he was
running for county treasurer , and I
have never regretted It. We'll stay by
him in this county. Don't worry about
that. Maybe they can beat him for
governor , but he has done more good
deeds than any other man In the coun
ty and they can't beat him out of that"
George M. McMillan , farmer , from
Hnckberry precinct , was In Shelby on
business. Mr. McMillan owns a two
hundred acre farm adjoining the
Mickey homestead. Speaking of Mr.
Mickey , he said :
"I have been dealing with John
Mickey more or less for seventeen
years. I will vote for him with a good
deal of satisfaction. He will get near
ly all the votes In Hackberry precinct
this year. "
Peter Wise , old settler and and old
soldier : "I knew John Mickey In
Louisa county. Iowa , when ho was a
boy and have known him ever since. I
homesteaded near him in ' 71. I drove
through from Iowa by team. When I
got here Mickey was the first man I
met. Ho was mighty poor then used
to work In the field bare-footed. I
have done lots of business with him
since that time. Some of the men ho
helped when they couldn't get money
anywhere else came out In the papers
against him , but they have done him
moro good than they Intended to. "
Lcvl Cunningham , old settler : "I
came hero In ' 71. John Mickey was a
good friend to the settlers here In the
early times and he has never changed
a bit I was laid up and my folks
sent mo a box from home. I wasn't
asking for aid. My folks were helping
mo , that was all. When the box came
there was $17 freight. I didn't havt
no $17 , and I wont to Mr. Mlckoy. I
didn't have anything hardly and could
not give security , but ho Just handed
me a twenty-dollar bill. I told him 1
couldn't make the change , for I didn't
have a cent. 'That's all right , ' said
Mlckoy. 'You Just take It with you
and hand It to me when you get it. '
Ho didn't charge mo any Interest then.
I have borrowed money of him since
and paid him Interest. Ho was the
one who cut the Interest down In this
ounty to 10 per cent when It had boon
2 per cent a month. Everybody In this
ounty known that , anil It meant a
rood deal to the poopln In those 11 in en
when they wore liorroworn I Kiiewi
we'll take euro of Mlckoy all right
lorn when election day coinen , "
I ) . E , Hinlth. formerly a hanker horn
n Shelby , but now Homowhat of n
'armor by proxy , ownlnii fil0 ! acres of
'arm land out from town , tipoko of Mr.
Mickey. Ho wan qulto novcro In bin
lonunclatloii of tl-oiin who had given
Hit Interview ! ) In the Worhl-Hernlili
Said ho didn't bollovo they had voted
the straight republican ticket for ten
yearn they had Krlovanocii nKiilmit
Mickey and want.-d to get ovon. "I
knew John Mickey In Iowa when ho
wau n young man and I wan a llttlo
lioy , " Haiti Mr. Hinlth. "I havn known
lilm over tilnco I canui here. I farmed
near him In Hackherry precinct. I
rented a farm onro from him for thrco
yciii-M. He never came near the farm
to examine or meanure the crop. I
Hold the erop and KIIVO him bin nharo
of the proceeds In money. I will bo
mistaken If ho don't get a mighty big
vote from thin county. "
W. 13. ICennny , furniture dealer : "I
havn been doing bnidnenn with Mr ,
Mickey for twenty-llvo yearn. Always
found him not only a man of bin word
In the ntrlctent sense , but a Jtmt man.
Hln dealing have extended to nearly
everything In thin county. His ntand-
Ing hern Is high. I hope ho will bo
elected. "
IX It. Leard , druggist : "I know Mr.
Mickey well. He Is a man who does u
great deal of work. Hln eharltlen aru
extensive. He helps anyone In need ,
I would like lo nee htm governor. I
would have confidence In anything that
Mickey would do an a public man. "
J. Q. Hathhurn was buny erecting anew
now brick ntore. He ntoppod n moment
to miy that he had known Mr. Mlekoy
twenty-nine yearn , had very high re-
npect for him and hoped lo see him
J. O. Mercer , hardware merchant ,
Raid ho had known Mr. Mickey seven
teen years , had found him u hlgh-mlnd-
ed and honorable man.
John Bennett mild he had been a
farmer here near Shelby thirty vearn
and knew Mr. Mickey well. Hull. unlit
Mr. Mickey would get a good many
imp votes In thin county.
George A. Bennett of Hacltlicrry pre
cinct , said he thought Mr. Mickey
would get twenty populist votes In old
George 13. Blnglmtn said he settled
on a homestead here twenty-seven
years a o. "He will get my vote and
all that 1 can do for him hodden. "
Dr. Inks : "I travel a good deal In
the country round here. I hear the
people talk. There's a good deal of In
dignation among them over what the
World-Herald published. People hero
like to BOO some falrnens In politics.
Some of the men they pretended to
Interview , they never Haw at nil. There
was George Beebe In town today , and
ho would like to et a night of the re
porter who pretended to nee him. That's
no way to conduct a campaign. Mickey
will get a big vote In thin county. "
Joe Gnlmen , Block dealer : "I have
known John Mickey for ten yearn. I
used to be a democrat voted for Bryan
the first time , but didn't repeat the of
fense. One wan enough. They said the
country would K < > to pot If McKlnley
got elected. Well , I just watched to
see and I have Been. I turned In with
the republicans after that and I'm glad
of It. There were poven brothers of us ,
all populists , but 1 K < ) t olt HO I could
take a good square look at the fimlon-
Ists. Every calamity howler in the
country was In that gang , and I Just
said I would quit them. I buy mules
and horses and cattle , anything that's
got money In It. and there's money In
nearly everything now. John Mickey
Is all right. There's no foolishness in
him. There am lots of men like mo
who will vote for Mickey for his busi
ness sense. One of them ducks that
got interviewed against Mr. Mickey
owes his bank $000 right now , but It
has been charged off the books be
cause It's a worthless account. The fu-
slonlsls never did know how to cam
paign anyway. I'm glad I cut loose
from 'em. "
W. M. Ingalls , buggy dealer : " 1
have known Mickey twenty-five years.
I never heard a word against him until
'this World-Herald man snooped around
over tht ) county and found some men
who wanted to get their names In the
paper. Mickey Is all right. Nobody
believes In the World-Herald. "
H. C. Beebe , attorney : "I have
known Mickey ever since I was eli
enough to remember. IIo Is as squara
nn honest man as I over knew. He has
fine executive ability. I would llko
to see him elected. "
Fred Bralthwalt , blacksmith : "I
don't know Mr. Mickey very well per
sonally , but I know what the people
round hero say about him , and from
that I should judge him to bo about
the best man In the county. Ho stands
mighty well. "
E. L. Anderson , banker : "I'm not
much In politics. I will leave that for
older men. but I'm for Mickey thla
election , and I hope he will win. "
W. T. Mawhar. postmaster : "John
Mickey was one of the first men I me
when I came here seven years ago. Ho
Is the foremost man In the county. I
don't know where you will flnd a bet
ter all round man. "
J. D. Ixjckhard. farmer : "I voted for
Bryan the first time. Ho told us here
In Shelby , right in front of this very
building , right out there In the street ,
'that ' the government was llko a teeter
board. When money went up , produce
went down. He said when McKln
'ley was elected money would go up
and everything else would go down.
Well I thought I would try It Just once
I got enough the first time. I'm awfu
glad that that fool vote of mine dldn'
elect Bryan. Yes , John Mickey Is al
right for me. I have got enough sons
to vote for him , and there's lot o
others. Some of the corn hero will go
CO bushels to the acre. We're all rlgh
up here. "
, J. 0. Hotchklss. farmer , was building
a now 10-room house on his farm ii
the suburbs of Shelby. Ho said : "
know John Mickey very well. Ho Is a
good man anywhere you put him. "
Mr. Do Witt , a carpenter , said : "
slept In a haystack between hero an <
Lincoln with John Mickey ono nigh
In the early days when there wore no
houses to sleep In. I'm with hln yet ,
There are lots of us old-timers up lion
and we'll take care of him when elec
tlon comes. "
* - * * * *
Ifl Captured by
BrnclflolcTs Regulator.
Thousands of ynuiif , ' women uron waking
o thu fuel that inherited comlltiR.iH ha *
iccil utolcn , mid instead of plowing
cheeks iiiul bright eyes , thu tulUtnlu
vrinklca of pain have taken their place.
These arc the warning fccllni'Hl weak
and tired in the morning ; , no life to enter
ipon their former pleasures , irritable ,
rose , dull hendachci , fjcnctal dispirited
'eeling , HlceplcHS nights , cold feet , "bear-
n L' down" pains. All these iiymptonw
mliciitc ilenuiijed and weakened or atm ,
mil oxhuustiMl energies follow the weak-
uned condition of tliu female organs a.i
surely as night follows day. Save your
self from worse tesiillM by Inking
The most Invigorating menstrual regulator
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icrvonsness , headaches , etcelem , Ileauty
of face anil symmetry of form are the re-
lulls of its use OfilniL'L'Istsfi Our book ,
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'She' Has Cured Thousands'
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1'rsicl.ioiiitf Aloopathy , Home
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Will , by rnitiost | , visit profesnlomilly
ruturnliiK nvnrj fnurweokn I'onenlt tier vvldlo lit hiiinl
IH. rALDWKM. , limits her pr ct en to tl.o
Bpochd treatment of dlsraBOB of the njo , our.
mien , ihrimt , liniK" , fomalc dUoiteoH , ilinpiisoi ol
clillilrun Mini nllcliroulr. nurxonn mill hurKlcal
illKOUBBS of ii ciiniblo iiHtiini Karly coiiHumii-
tlnn , hroticliltiu , bronchial catarrh , chronic
catarrh , lii.'iulaolio , citintlmtlOi. | , eioniacli and
bowel tronliloH. rlioninatiuin nouiali/lii ,
atlcii , llrluht'H dlBaiiHo.klilnoy ( lUiiaHiiH.ditoHBoa
of the Ilvoruml lilnddor , cli/.zuioM ) , uo MHIBIIOIB ,
inII i ) tlin , olwalty , Intnrrnptixl u rltlnn ,
HOW ! Krowth In children , nnil all \viihtliiK ilia-
uiuna In aclnlte , ilnformltini clnh.foet curva-
inro of the * | ilno , dUoaHos of the brain , paraly
HB , hoartilleeabi ) , dropny , hwollltid < > ' the llnihfl ,
Btrictnrn , upon nure , pain In the bouo . granu
lar oularKomontH anil all louK-BtauilIiiK die-
oaeos properly troatoil ,
Illnoil Hiiil Hkln
I'lmplee. b'oteboH ' , eruptions , llvor npotn , fall-
IHK of tun hair , bad complexion , ecz um , throat
ulcere , houo piilus , bladder tiouhlre , weak
back , burning nrino. pn BUK ! nrino 'on often.
The elloctH ot constitutional elckno B or the
taliinif of too much Injurious mudicino rucolvos
sonrchliiB treatment , prompt relief aud a euro
DlBeaBOB of women , irregular monbtriixtlon ,
falling of the womb , bearing down pains ,
fotralo rtleplacomeiits , lack of Boxunl tone.
l.ono'irrhoa. ' etorilltr or barrenness , consult
Dr Cahlwoll anil the will ( how thorn the caune
of tlioir trouble aud thu way to bocomu cured ,
Cannerx , Goltnr , FlntiiU , J'llo *
mil enlarged g anils treated with the Ruben-
titnoous Inject on methoii. absolutely without
jiain and without the lots of a drop of blood ,
is one of her own discoveries and It inally the
most ( scientific method of this advanced age
Dr , Caldwsll has practiced tier protection la
some of the largest hospitals throughout the
country. She Inn no superior In tbo treating
nnd diagnosing dlmiucB , deformities , o o. She
has lately opened nn olllco inOnmhn Nebraska ,
whore ho will ppand a portion of each week
troatirg her many patients. No incurable
CHBOB accepted for treatment. Consultation ,
examination and advice , one dollar t thoto in
terested. UK. OKA C.\ia > 1:1 : 1. .V 'o .
Omaha , Neb , Chicngo 111 ,
Free to You
If you are not well and want to know the
truth about your
trouble , send for ray-
free booklets and self
examination blanks.
No. 1 , Nervous Debili
ty ( Sexual Weakness ) ,
No. 2. Varicncele , No.
S.Strlcturo. No.4. Kid
ney and llladder Com
plaints , No. 5 , Disease
of Women , No. fl. The
Poison King ( Blood
Poison ) , No. 7 , Ca
tarrh. These books
should be In the hands
of every pereon aflllct-
ed , as Dr. Hnthuway ,
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nized as the best au
thority and expert In
the United States on
riu. HATHAWAY. these diseases. Write
or send for the book you want to-day , and it
will be aent you free , sealed. Address J. New
ton Hathaway , M.I ) ,
54 Commercial block , Fourth nnd No-
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This signature Is on every box of ( bo genuine
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