The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, October 31, 1902, Page 2, Image 2

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\V. N , UOaifl. I'ubllnUor.
KilAblUhiul , 1HS7 ,
t r dnj xcupl Bmiilnr. "r
tk , ft t nli. Ity mull par ji r , (4.00.
, IBM ,
The Jonniftl , eiUMIihfiil 1871
Kttrr PrliUj. 11 } mall i > er je rI.M.
. Bnt r d t Hie Poitonioe l Norfolk , Neb , , i
InoontleUii matter ,
iihonitil IMUorlM DM > nrlm n } , No. M |
UniluMi Ofllce nil Job ftoomi. Nut.8U.
State ,
For Governor
For Lieutenant Oomnor
B.G. MtOu/rcm . . . . .Donglat
PKTSR MORTKNRON . . . . . .ValUj
For Secretary of Btal
Q. A. HARSH . Hlchardion
For Auditor WKRTON. . . . , . . .BlieriiUn
of 1'nlillo Initrnctlon
For B\u > rlutoiHlent
WILLIAM K. 1'owi.KR . Wellington
For Attorney General
F ANKN. I'ROUT . -Inge
For Lund Commlnloncr
For CoiiitreiBinnii , Tlilnlllntrct !
JOHN J. MiCAimiT . .
For Hlnta Senator , KloTonth Dlntrlct
Dn. J. M. At.tir.N . Pierce
For Com ty Attorney
For Hoprffontatlvo Twenty-third DUtrlot
F. I' . FUTSKI JolTorinu
For Comnilliloucr , Flrit District
CIIKIH. BcnuiTT . . . . .Green Garden
For aittfsor H , 0 , HIIUKOOKMANN
For justice of the peace to (111 ( vacancy. . . .
For ronJ ovtnrer , dlitilct No. 1
For roailuvorioor dletrlct No. 8
The weekly newspapers are closing rp
the campaign. The daillus have HOVOH 1
clays inoro In which to present argu
ments to iho votore.
The republican ticket is deserving of
support from top to bottom ami there
should bo no hesitancy on the part of
party workers to auk the voters to give
it their approval.
Quo cross in the llrat circle nt the
head of the ballot will vote for nil ro-
pnblican candidates , etato , congrosslon-
nl , legislative , county and precinct. It
is so simple that nil can undorstaud ant
no mistake need bo made.
To vote the republican ticket nil that
is nccosMiry is to nmko ouo cross in the
circla nt the top of the ballot and the
vote is complete. It is very simple nnd
cau bo quickly nnd onslly accomplished
nud the ictmlt desired by ix majority of
the people will hnvo boon attained.
Ohris Schmitt , cnudidnto for com
missioner in the Firbt district is before
the pcop o of that district for nu on-
ilorsoinout. Ho has given thorn faith
ful Borvico nnd satisfactory to the people
of the entire county nnd deserves re
flection. His election should bo by n
good , ronnd'innjority.
F. L. Putney , republican candidate
for representative , has had previous
legislative expreienoe that should prove
of value at the coming session of the
legislature , nnd will well represent the
people to the county. Ho has a large
following in JoiTerson precinct who are
supporting him with vigor and would
feel it au honor if their candidate is
given the support of the republicans of
the county.
Dr. J. M. Aldcn of Pierce will give
the people of the Eleventh senatorial
district the kind of representation in
the legislative halls of the state that is
desired nnd his majority should bo largo
He is an old resident of the district
thoroughly qualified from n business
standpoint and has the respect nnd es
teem of his neighbors. There is no
question but that the coming legislature
la to bo republican and Iho Eleventh dis
trict should have n represeutntive from
the mnjority party.
Vote for Hon. J. J. McOrathy nnd in
dicnte to President Roosevelt your ap
proval of his policies since ho wa
placed in the presidential chair. The
president is a uinn whom the peopl
cau trust. His entire lifo is full of iuci
dents showing his love for his fellow
meu ns ngninst monopoly , oppression
And corruption. Mr. McCarthy is to bo
depended upon to work in his support
Outside of the consideration that ho is n
worthy mnu to represent the district
the voters , should support him if for nether
other reason than that ho is a republl
When Mr. Mickey is termed the rail
road candidate , the accuser Jnsults th
iutdligeiico of the delegates who nt
tended ( he republican state convention
which , it is conceded was one of th
most representative conventions helc
in the state by any party in recent years
A large bhnre of those delegates wer
from thn north Plntte country nnd 1
were from Madison county. Th
process by which ho was nominated i
well known here , Mr. Robertson of thi
city httviug been n leading compatito
or the honor lie IH not u mllroml
inidldnto lint the nuiilldnju of the ro *
Hibllunn party , chosen by the doU-gntufl
> f the Ktntu Font to Lincoln.
The republican prcclot ticket is n
worthy ono nnd nhonld bo accorded the
lonrthy support of the people , H. O.
IruogRiuimtiM for aiwoHHor gnvo a gooc' ,
qultnblo nnnoHBinont last your nnd his
orvlcofl entitle him to the endorsement
t the votorm 8. W. HnycH , for justice
f the peace , him porhnpa had inoro ox-
icrlonco in that capacity thnn nny man
n town nnd will glvo the people seek-
ng the justice of his court the oonsld-
ration that their cases deserve. For
end overseer in district 1 nnd H respect-
voly Martin Krnbakor nnd William
Innsoh nro before the people nnd their
rlonds will expect for thorn n good gen-
rona vote
Even the World-Herald , usnnlly
cry ready with effective nrgnmont ,
whether conforming closely to the truth
r not , does not even attempt to deny
lint W.H. Thompson , the democratic
nndidnto for governor , hns been the ro-
Iplont of passes ever the thruo loading
nllroad systems of Nebraska. Ho him
rnvolod on those pauses this year nnd
or several years pant , but when the
ampnign came on ho retired his passes
or n Unto , nnd did ho then pay his faro
s the "common people" are compelled
ode ? Oh , ; ho wont to the
nllrondB , or had nn emissary go , nnd
lold thorn up for free mlloago books , on
which ho could nmko his campaign
vithout displaying the pasteboards or
laying his money. Does ho deny It ?
) OOB the World-Herald or nny other
launch fusion paper attempt to deny it ?
Not by n considerable. They know that
ho charge can be proven. And this is
ho man whom tho-people nro advised to
rust ; who wns to do such great things
ngnlust the railroads if elected. Cau
ho people believe that ho who accepts
bribes" nnd then attempts to cover it
up while ho is before the people nnd ask-
ug for their suffrage is the man tb trust
to accomplish their aims hud objects ?
It is not generally believed that the
voters will endorse such methods.
Charred Remains of Three Persona
Found In Ruins of Burned Home.
Palmyra , Wls. , Oct. 31. The homo
of William WlckliiKaon , near hero ,
burned to the ground yesterday and it
is thought the three occupants of the
house wore- robbed and murdorod. The
nuincB of thoao whoso charred re
mains were found in the ruins are :
William Wlcklugson , aged forty-two
yourn ; Albert WlckluRBou , aged forty
years , nnd Julia Wicklugson , aced
thirty-nix years.
Evidence secured points to' murder.
In the search of the ruins , William
Wlcklngson's body was found face
downward , with anna outstretched
nnd near the charred bones of the
right hand was found n revolver nnd
$3G5 In gold. A tin box was also
found containing burned fragments
supposed to bo bills amounting to
nearly $1,000 From evidence secured
It Is thought William Wlcklngson died
while fighting with his revolver am'
that his brother was stnick by his
assailant whllo hoas In the hallway
Blaze at Minneapolis Entails Property
Loss of $250,000.
Minneapolis , Oct. 31. Six firemen
were injured at midnight in a flro that
entailed a damn go estimated at | 250 ,
000. The slxstory building occupied
by the Minneapolis Paper company
was guttod.
Captain George Smith of engine
company No. 16 was leading a squad
of men up a ladder on au adjoining
structure on First avenue , when the
ladder broke , precipitating six men
to the ground. Those who had climbed
highest were worst Injured. Captain
Smith suffered internal injuries that
may j > rove fatal. Fireman George
Clionoy and Fireman Frank Hesslk
were also badly hurt. The other three
firemen were able to reach the city
hospital without assistance. Several
adjoining buildings wcro ignited , hut
the efforts of the entire fire depart
ment of Minneapolis succeeded In con
fining practically all of the damage to
the Oswald building.
Structure at Grant City , Missouri , Col
lapses. Killing One Man.
St. Joaoph , Mo. , Oct. 31. The brick
store of Smith Bios , at Grant City ,
Mo. , collapsed early yesterday mornIng -
Ing , causing n loss ot $15,000.
A man named Showaltor was killed
outright. C. W. Brown was fatally in
jured. The latter can live hut a short
timo. Dr. Ewlng nnd wife , who occu
pied rooms ever the store , escaped
with slight Injuries.
The collapse of the building came
without warning , the outer walls cav >
ins in. It is a complete loss. The
man killed had a room in the rear
part of the structure , and it was there
that the greater part of the damage
was done. Smith Bros , operated a
gon9ral store and a considerable part
of the slock of goods is ruined.
Selling Stamps Too Cheap ,
Helena , Mont. , Oct. 31. Postofflco
Inspector Beatty made at Kallspoll
last night what Is bolloved to be an
Important nrrost , when he captured
.Louis Peterson and James Bourkc ,
Who are supposed to be the leaders of
a gang of robbers operating in Mon
tana and North Dakota. The men
were offering to sell stamps ut a dis
count and when arrested had over
S.OOO in their possession.
The free passes carrlisd by W < HJ Thompson for years , and which he baa
la his pocket at the prosqut moment a'how how Insincere and ridiculous
'arc his claims , that ho. fsttfa'o "anti-rnliVoa'd" canaidate.
There are two classes of naBB-noldcrn. The employes or attorneys
for a company legitimately ca'r'ry free transportation. The political "plug-
, ? or" or "capper" is In th'o other class. Mr. Thompson deriles that he is a
railroad attorney or that ho tiae in recent years transacted any legal busi
ness for them. Then ho has no legal or legitimate right to a pass , and
stands condemned aa a mere political "capper" for the railroads.
When Mr. Thompson takes the platform and delivers his anti-corpora
tion speeches ho has In his pockotb the three annual passes represented
above , and also four free mileage books. Ho dare not deny It. He is try-
< ng to rldo into office under false pretenses.
PopullBt farmes , what do you think of this man ? IB it your idea of
eform to put into oflico a double-dealing. paoB-gfrabbins , smootihrtpntetysti'
lolltlcal lawyer ? How much could you depend on him ?
Compel the democratic campaigners to stand up and explain if they
Sharpsburg , Iowa , Bank President Ar
rested at Maryvllle , Mo.
Maryvlllo , Mo. , Oct. 31. H. C.
ChrlBtonaon , president of the Sharps-
burg , la. , hank , was arrested at the
depot platform here yesterday after
noon on the ohargo of embezzling the
bank's funds. The amount which
Chrlstcnson Is alleged to be short is
not made public , but it is said to bo
$25,000. The doors of the bank closed
last Monday and at that time it was
stated that there was a shortage. At
the saino time the president of the in
stitution disappeared. Sheriff McGln-
nls of Taylor county , Iowa , had boon
at Maryrllle for two d ays watching
fo.r Christensen , for It was believed
that he would come hero to see rela
tives. Chrlstcnson says ho has prop
erty enough to make the shortage good.
Another Confession Increases Number
of Grave Robbers at Indianapolis.
Indianapolis , Oct. 31t Rufus Can-
troll will testify again before the
grand jury tomorrow and will impli
cate , ho says , fifteen additional physi
cians and undertakers of the city and
every ono of the Jocal medical and
dental colleges of the city that have
thus far escaped trjo grave robbing
scandal. Ho also makes the astound
ing statement that one or two women
embalmers will bo shown to bo guilty
of complicity in the purchase and con
cealment of the stolen bodies. Doc
tors connected with the medical col
leges of Fort Wayne , Louisville and
Cincinnati will bo implicated also in
this latest confession , Cantroll says.
Anxious to Hear From His Govern *
ment Concerning Canal Treaty.
Washington , Oct. 31. It developed
today that Senor Concha , the Colom
bian minister , is growing restive under -
dor the delay of his government in
giving him further instructions in an
swer to his dispatch regarding the
conditions which have arisen since the
forwarding of the letter directing him
to proceed with the negotiations fern
n treaty with the United States affectIng -
Ing the right-of-way for the Panama
Ho has sent several requests for this
information without avail. The lega
tion officials , however , are moved to
the belief that , the dispatch of Secre
tary Hay to Minister Hart , sent on
Tuesday , will have the effect of accel
erating matters , and that an early ad-
Juutment of the pending questions
which are delaying final action on the
treaty may bo looked for.
Much of the delay has been occa
sioned , so It is learned , by the atti
tude of Governor Salazar of Panama ,
who has been writing numerous let
ters to the legation here , and those
moro or less Influenced Mr. Concha In
postponing action on the instructions
t\proceed with the negotiation of the
Undertakers i nud Embalinors ,
Boeslone Blk. , Norfolk Ave.
Norfolk , Nebraska
Phone 107. for Ladies and Children
Osteopathic Physician.
Diseases both ncnto and chronlo sncceeBfallj
treated without neo of drags or knlfa ,
Phone No. F 54. Offlco at reeidenco ,
109 North 10th Street ,
Norfolk . . Nebraska
Office over Citizen's National Bank. Residence
ona block north of Congregational church.
Norfolk , Nebraska
Residence and office , 307 Madison Ave. ,
East. Hours from 0 . to 4 p. m.
Monday , Wednesday nnd Friday after
noons from 1 to 0 in Piorco.
Agent for Glove Fitting Dross System.
128 South 4th Street ,
Second door north of Madison Ave.
L. L. REMBE- ,
Steam and
Hot Water
First door South of News Office.
Wide Awake
All Kinds of Gents'
Furnishings = = r
. . . .Strlctly Up-to-Date
Arc Not Cheap , and Cheap GoodsAre ; Not 'Good ,
but there is u happy medium between the two
extremes , and we claim to have found it in our
Now Fall Line. Price considered , we are fur
nishing better goods for the money than wo over
did boforo. And then remember , if what you
buy of us isn't right , wo make it right.
We are exclusive agents for
Elwell Kitchen Cabinet.
We Knock Out I i.
Wo are enlarging our manufacturing department
and want your old gold and silver. Highest price paid
x for same. All kinds of jewelry , rings , etc. , made 6n
shott notice. Wedding rings a specialty. Only first-
class watch and clock repairing done.
Hayes Jewelry m jHasie
GEO. H. SPEAR , Manager.
Tuesday Evening , November 4.
Special Attraction
AH Returns by Special Wire An
nounced from the Stage.
and his Excellent Compa
ny , presenting
An Idyl of the Backwoods :
All Special Scenery
Wonderful Mechanical Effects
Appropriate Costumes
Davy's Motto : "Be sure you are right , then
go ahead. "
Prices , 25c , 35c , 50c , 75c. Seats on sale
at the Box Office , or 'Phone 255.
Piano Moving a Specialty.
Phone'58. Calls Promptly Answered.
For Plumbing , Steam Filling , Pomps , finki
And all work in thtt line call on
BhtUfactlon Guaranteed.
First door West of Ahlman'a Bicycle Shop ,
Leave orders at Tel ephono D 281.